Variety (April 1953)

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30 PSmJiSff Wednesday, April I, 1933 Hotel SI. W*&»f Y * ResaEmd! Ccuringht; dt S^*cj id Horace Dm: Ordfcs; $1.5® sna < seta«5 with a sentimental ^ "Let's (, Mjt Vie IEm R*^ -S - 1** Tcy Affft ji* -** Freni this point oni 15 ?, Bob WMtEcra, 1 cw she pitches a varied successien ef Smith. Trie; $5 minimum. items,, ail ef them selid- several of. — them exsepti-enal. Peggy Lee will wham *em and “ 7 ~ 7 . . u **, • x- ‘'Jingle- Beils'* parody, m ’em for three frames at Monte Rosalind Ccss tnght s is well received and- serves; prose^s |c.:e de vlvre eastsidery. anomaly—a stagesmrck gat wnois * natmal read into “Merrily,;. There's nothing. hut a bigtime aura enz Horace $2.50 ccrex which he sets a brisk band ea f East Frailer, Las Vefcsa “Old Man River." | Las Vegas, March 24 DeMattlazzis open the revue | juaiLym KartceU, IFooram & Mc-- with th«r sfloko _ imitation daffr,!^ Kirby Stone Quintet, Cktf dance. Although _by now their pay- [ Terre. Ren FitzeU. DaZere* b’j —, .. _ - . Ferre, Roy FitzeU, Dolores Free cf£ is kiwwn, it h^ds aiKhence m--Berty* Dancers terest through the m tight timing MiUer Orch T and doll-like sh uffli ng. * Sammi* Levis' Bob ifevoye and Betty Lorraine f ^ * ■ repeat their solo offerings in the 1 “ production number _ and Clare Leonard does an able job on cMrp- * i€p i 1 . Bcb 10 1 ;, produced tig cover ct n~ What started cat to be a tabshow “Panama Hattie" as vehicle for her own as _ — livers ail the way in sound pm-. fessional She is a g®cd \ i jff net with the victim. _ jected with warmth and Succeeding tune text includes a salesmanship. encompass meat-; fe e Hue selections. Fmft Cdle-} Panama name as verncie for her hands*. come- • man acquits frfmertf nobly in the} Marilyn Maxwell, turned out to be other nuancesjpro- s fcowbacMmg slot as well as bring-! * mildly threaded plot skein under felicitous jyjjcr the customers onto the floor; a new title, “Belle of New Orleans." Fetching silver blonde cafe-de- buted at the Co pa fProseris ex*; ing in between revues. former as she bespeaks^ with her| constantly new and improving: ? SG-agaIo.g5. Zdbe, 1 The Sammy Lewis package put te- | gether especially for this room is | not depending upon the name eon- ! cooties to bring in roomfuls, but taming, she is at ease ana no* oven- > tGnss . -Bake A Enehens" and “Siax-! grL, ^ Danny Thomas* vis- > Sarah Vaughan is in for a week; performance from a HoRywoodian garbed at the slick Maisonette; fa ^wg irgat." - an excerpt from j jL wb* s Singer ** This * following her European tour. She’ll I who displays savvy in her new Room of the StL Regis as rise ue- i. Americas In Paris." As a elos- \ ts&e: ^ &€ r vande and nit- ! gone by the time Billy Eekstme i metier. ^See New Actsk •spools a. warm opener^ i• er for the-vocals the thrush has- „ batting,■ for one of the most > moves in next door at the Bandbc-^ 1 Koonan & ilarriiall have come .a •♦ another click in a medley of the i - ct j Te Q % shew blzzers. ' ■ meanwhile, Biroland should [ Jong way since their first big i ~‘*—-e “T ba. break-in couple of years ago in Nethmg ' Nicer Than People _ result is a solid die* zn this big f romH Ltic impact, hut her msr ; league roenr. : terial is better tfc»w since her first . Otaie, Per usual, the ultra rialin-bar- ■ Xccal sedto and her accelerated; oKLfS-v 5 ^ Way Home" and cIoses_witfs | ^ts pay off. Noonan's great char- “r>_ * ^*fr ! “Pferdido.” Most of it was perfunc- j. aAterization in lamnoon of a British a Boss Colnm- ^ , - e. ■: acterizafeion in lampoon of a British for the laughs all (Qjjgma director is taps, yet not toning ef MSt Shaws basker-up-^ pacing is a credit to her adaptabR-: '■ MaEaefertfoes a fine piano aceomp, - j^aiR's solo is a warble of “Em- pering, and Horace Biaafs ILaSone-1 icy and basic entert ainmen t • and Wyatt Bather and Eugene; k rac€a hle You," while Noonan in- Irers make for seme ef the biesiri peaL : S 1 !SC r^f tFatsl Hear ^ Arrowed from, the; e&stzge lines of what a “society”’ dansapatiem in town. Per Music by the Bob Norris troupe •. J®. 011 capr “ Enroll Gamer Trio, blend in nicely; croorier flhm.fc* while purring for nsc-al. too. maitre d” August and : ^ tcus for both show and terping. i 1IQ£ - 1 m t,e€ea IL0 ' W - on bass and drums. ; the oonnlace. Lads set tm disLcz ftp* capable veteran staff knew. their catering pews and cues in a • manner that goes handiiy with t h i s | suave Pierre Bultirrck hotel op-: eiration. AbeL [ Ted. E. A. Los Angeles, March 25. McCarty, Eddie Oliver Hofei Hoosewelf* X. 0 New Orleans. March 27. Peter Healy„ T7- Grch <■ I5» : ; $2^0 mmirnwra. Before a ccstume change Miss Garner is the real star of this; ear H er f Gr Miss Maxwell's entrance Lee gives newer signific a n ce to - bill. His pianistics, supported by mu Ferre, but nothing spar- “My Heart Belongs to Daddy,® and Ruther and Heard, run the gamut: tlmi? emerees r = Bl AE Jt .»_T- — > <. r * £ £ O' then, in fluffy feathers, socks over 1 fro-En hard, driving jam to deftly r»if a.4* unlcads within Expert The uppers den derbies, and she uses home folks, plus cufe-of-. fee occasion to pay tribute to her Orcfo ('7 Joe Cgs£t& Oreft. { 4;; t&wners in large numbers here for . support. Leader is Jack Rowles at $2 CCVer ' ' T *x* ,T:ia:rT t?' et ' n ^ rsurrt^ jIiTsirir Vfpa.T'C STtd Z -.!-■> •■■■■. i-. Breadway^s “SmaEE Wander" giri, Mary McCarty., has grown into a rather- large headliner on the class conventions, gave Mary Healy and fe e piano, with other itic fr r vm rPTttsi hubSor Peter Lind Hayes a lavish; fern h»mg bass, trumpet doubling welcome at the opening^of their'. femr-week stand in' this plush ' si QEL They do nobly fey Miss Lee devotees. Pee Wee Marketfe does I ?SSf S£" Blue Saem. And the Mr. and Mrs. - fe providing tm.-mfIcaM ^ pradue- okay emceeing. Chan, \ spring a broken Eeg m an uto * the ballad category, he's tops with 1 . - . , ^ , *-7>,r: a r-4* Waji T3p Snriitg’’ and’ co m i n g m for several cuties—and started" P S i all in a frantie pace—unlimber Tito Puente oych. four brass and - six rhythm, supplies loud, driving ®fL ^f mambas far the numerous Latino <mrtailed his vocal tempts bistro time. After several starts i team, in turn, rewarded first-: tics facets. n • . *M» _ 4U1 _ r _TT*r X 1 r XLX SMt^. ^ _ M ti I .- _ a,. the singer} . her trademarked |. a gain by pictures and television. ' It's Miss_ He aly's first appearance \ "Manana" and sustains the dick, j There's a little hit ef three others j in her native ofiy as a name since: t fn a sharply contrasting mood, i ^ ■ ■ « * * u «i ii •'tT. fl-p i *n 'W— t _ ■. ® | dent a few months ago. Such _ „ j n I an impediment, however* hasn't JL<s iaironsei^ "<tns t seemed to slow him dews as spark Paris, March 24. f of fee combo. he TZnrmsa.veesmt* -CKff Ferre unltarEiers a mild sesh revise m three tablecis,. also eoises in for three-way g 2 b as gob on shipboard with Noonan & Marshall, and lyrical: r . » 7rr T* r * : —- ! with Noonan & iviarsnait. ana When she raises her veice in songL T of km and friends turned cot to : values. i teams with 3S>Iiss ifaxweR during there's a trace of Merman. Her - give her a big homecmnsngL - “Loveri* finale has Lee captur- - - > finaie for some tapistry. He gets wiMer maments cf come<$y coniure ; It took the capacity crowd a few*: feg La Yie with aH the stops out d, 5 ’ 5 ?' * T I a * T *\- “t-IrS . Jl" - credit for seme special lyrics up Martha Haye. In her Sights of j minutes to adjust themselves to the j an d encores with a partial re- - * 31; ^ ecGTf Auom, t aLaes, _cqs~ : tbrnaghout show. and there's na tougher audience |i alities and songs. __ After kieking anywhere—-lust about shoos her in r off with their lyrical trademark, far the rest of the sftn-nrL }■ "Getting To Know Yea." they There's a rich lode of versatility; wham over a series of characfi«iza- in this performer, who got her big break in the N. Y. stager, “SmaM Wonder." and went on from there to moderate success. As a singing remcdieime she must he rated in the first* IS but, in fairness, she has facets that most of the other don't have. Her pantomime is a deKght. she can mimic with the best of 'em and removes any offense from her impressions of a tipsy dame brush- tfens ftErafj spark thp - tempo ef the rest of their stint. Hayes' thespihg ability is MgMIghted in a routine of a souse carrying a torch, mesh- ing a combination of comedy and I fNew Acts'*. Yan Smith Trio op^} ^ JS52?' “-S*Dolores Ftaxzmi legging a rousing erates neatly for the lulls and Elysee^^sali homes j ca ^- ewa x^ having ensemble and Whalen's stint. Tram » & ^ st + cast forming bright pie for curtain. i show in town. Benefiting from Bob mSertas qpite a chore on the | “ji po<Han? witt maiiy cues sad scores. shaw sad talented v tim« r« pJwavs an eve-SEEinff and ne-r - _ ° ° tt-.-tt this is always an eye-filling and he^ {. gulling bill that draws the French i me * '— trade and makes it at! Will Palmer House* CM CEMPIEE ROOM) , Chicago, March 27. _ _ Kyle MacDoisinelt, Tippy & Co-} carriage *u«t waBra *** tragedy with sMIL Another MEari- j. hina, Skeets Minton, EkMattiazzi*'■ Ieast worth one visit for the tour-., Monteleone Hotel* N. 0. .cus bit is that of a well-heeled i (2>, Bab DeYaye &i Betty Lorraine, ’ Show can be enjoyed^ fey all. “ . • ■Texan returning aboard an ocean; Clare Leonard, Mevriel Ahhott [ though some of the wittier mo- : (SWAN ROD Mi ’ liner after touring Europe. ; Dancers W. Emil Coleman Orch ’ uients are reserved for those hep New Orleans. March 25. Miss Healy has transformed her-j {12.}; ?3^0 minimum, $1.10 cover. ■ to the Mngo. Club has regular Roberta Quinlan, Mickey West & self into a fine comedfeime and •! price level, and when caught was > Hemic Ross, Danny Deane Orch mg off the passes of her motel 1 mimic since her bat hing beauty This, overextended yaude show' SKO - - j t7>; $2.50 mirimuTTu csmpafuon. Hear panto off .a silent j days fct New Orleans and expertly needs a lot of juggling not in the ■ Show starts with a series of Im- { picture star e mo ti n g through a j,fits her sense of comedy into the ac $ hefty pruning.'- pressions of various towns as an i ; *yh e Swan Room continues its dramatic scene is high skill. Most cf her songs are coated with sgfhre, but she’s equally facile at serious rendition, with strong pipes and pleasant tonal quality. *?f*rrt<»> cf her TTtatwrial could stand overall pattern. A hig hs po fe cf the > '\YhiIe the are well re- • intro to the femme impersonators, j poUcy of u hew face" acts and it all act is their duel In which they | ceived, tl»» pa^fng tends to bog Solid costumes and jewelry and; adds up to an entertaining layout. J T> - ----- - hep individual numbers get this Latest is Roberta Quinlan, known off to* a good start. Second part! hereabouts fox her TV appearances has _a takeoff on various impres- j on fe e “Mohawk Showroom" and , carbon Ethel Merman and Russell [ down. There is just too much \ Nype. Sim draws enthusiastic | Kyle MacDonneil her applause ^fitb the Merman minnek- j midwest debut here »nd does a ing, Ot&er top tafeeeffs ar6 on i neat job, S6e worfced[ under' Ini- v sionist^ painters witfi the perform- \ g^est video appearances* ers bringing to life several famed-' tableaus. This leads to fine cos- * sharpening and her MRMEiy mnn- f Jeanette MacDonald and Nelson • proper conditions by a 1 her she can do without. Eddie 1 Eddy, and Mario Lanra and Judy [ wayw ard mitt-p . system. Pretty i Oliver's crew gives her a musician -1 * ----- ly backup and with Joe Castro 1 keeps the small floor alive with l toothy dancers, a TV addict's, v^ould have greater"effect if she : "winds- w ith a feoff and at times ^ t _____ “You Do «^Tne- Helm. I nightmare, with a recorded eom-1 freed herself from it ” wicked takeoff on femme thesps th£ zToM J" S a medlev of “111 mercial to end all commercials as j, Video star appears «t her best. and personalities in the public Be Seeias You" ‘‘Then I'll Be ^huffititg feet. FairvMMKf H«te! 9 S« F. HUdegarde, Bob Norris Orch HQ) ; $2 cover. There is a new welcome verve fa HiMegsrde's melange which stems from an enhanced pacing and cohesion. These, added to the chanfcoosie's always notable han- dling and shading of maigrraT, achieve new dimension for the star which is a desirable addition to her performance, especially for Attractive thrush, sets well in the . —. - , . , . . snot's intimate surroundings and HoMaF. .... . tttgnde has tte vocal wwipment to: tome moments acd a imsmgcan- mm s6e 5 eUcfc s tons brougbt lampconmg of, witlioat a pju system and act : ™» tte Laateec section SItow! -roap of tunes background twitia Hayes acting with.a medley of tunes from Mt' eye. and some uncanny imitations>T &nTO ^ u !®.i “Ort^ in, AwMIe. them out), and "Disk Jockey | shows, she's been associated with! Edith Piaf. Suzy Solidor nostalric bits done in t«n« Latter gives_ them oppor-^ and has a good piece of special; Josephine Baker. t'torchy style to her own accompani- to present nnpreshes cf; material about Surabelle Jones, a Some of the group like Zam : I Kcude Blues.' tunity The Talbots, a tall lissome Monde ; makes an equally rapid descent in- ’ extremely envious- Dances are; ri; . Good TWE^r* is Hard and her handsome male partner.'to obscurity.' ' j well arranged cn the small plat-i vSiS^he'dMs^as' an present a terp tum that is imagi-j Tippy & Cobrna are the realjfonn fey Roger Stefani, who also : natively conceived. His gravity -1 show-stoppers, the monkeys, cap-'does a snappy can-can. Y aides L defying spins are spontaneous I taring the aadjenee with their an-' plays the comic and satiric eharae-j Miss Quinlan does her stint _ in applause-getters. Their down-to- earth attitude infects patrons and enhances the act's value. longtime fans who are familiar j, Ted Weems and. crew* playing ... £-T _J.iT,-* P i,- _ - J. , . r, . with her wares. She stiff weaves that spell but the pacing makes for a more compact, faster-moving package Of entertainment, and her discontinuance of her rose purvey- ing and substitution of an "inter- view" with one guest (male when caughD is also a speeder-up aH to the good in the Venetian Room. Hildegarde, by thus cutting down cn the interlarding, is aMe to roll off an extensive repertoire in her SOHninute compote of song, piano and chatter.^ Garbed In a white satin accordion-pleated gown gar- nished with a transparent, feming red Coat, she breezes on with, a 'fcrarroer-cp “Relax" and then their fifth engagemen^Jn the poshy spot, repeat the favorable impres- sion made in previous appearances. The vet maestro has assembled a group that's equally strong on the vocal, novelty and musical sides, and'provides a generous portion of the show. Dancers flock to the [• floor during the dance sessions* Grabbing their share of the eve- ning's mitrings are Bonnie Ann | Shaw* thrush who also whistles; Glenn West, Ray SuElinger and Red Ingle, members of the crew who also make a‘solid enters ain- \ merit contribution to the show. | Weems emcees capably with mint- mum of chatter. t w tt i g. laic tfutueuw WJtbU tacii an- ywyi-a- Uic w*aut tuu a«ajtij>AV vjjuxx.dK-; , . - — _*. .. wSTrtfc tics. While the simians are pos- j ters with a flair and pacing that ! stmaa^—stgidin^ at the mig laxed and assured seated at the piano, and registers mure effective voeaEbr. West 5c Ross, a couple off zanies, lampoon everything from the flick- ers to TV commercials. They don't depend wholly on gags, but extract g uffaws from everyday situations. Consequently, their lines do not seem to have been ground o f the Joe Miller comeify mini ’Their turn is a conglomeration off what ope might see and hear, plus some buriesque impressions of * woepaa on a shopping spree and a sedate store fioorwalker. Danxre Deane and his crew back i the show an4 play for ankle-ac tion . TabSeboIdcrs like their rhythms* , Lius. sibly not members of the AFM,! make every appearance 2 fthere are looks of envy from some; He also does a batch of quick ‘ of the cardholders ■ in E*nfl Cole- i walkons with fantastic costumes man's band as the pair make* the [ and four-inch eyelashes always room jump with a maraens and! good for a yack. Zamfeella is the | bougodrum session. Running chit-: femgenaq off tlte show and no Dan- r chat with their trainers is a j ish doctor could tell Mm from a producer of hearty laughter, but j Folios chorine. He does an and the heavy applause-getter is the} participation number good for big playing of “People Will Say We're | miffing. in Love" by Tippy on the mini- {, Nothing tawdry or effirlevel about ature solovox. j this show. Sam Stinn orch plays Sheets Minton is an accom-j goad interim dance music for the [ pllshed ventriloquist who, in be- tween some lukewarm jokes, does, a fine manipulation job on his [ dummy. He has some sharp pop | singer takeoffs which don't have f the usual tinny sound of vectro!. 2 more '-[crooners; in fact, he has some sur-rterping I _ j. j- r ' 1-1 , patrons who hcof on the stage. Additionai music is in the disease vein and adequate. Same manage- ment also runs Chez Madame Ar- turs on Rue Des Martyrs which is ribald type of femme ro- tor those looking for this Ltuz; .Jpnringly good, deep tones tori kind of entertainment. Mosk.