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Variety (April 1953)

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xCvAntedar, ay™ -M ‘ XICHT <xm REVIEWS [rt^illildtiS ! Vi , U *I e VangMTfi, X. V. 1 sinjSng and playtaa the QmtrtrfSo F P *r —j * ----- - ’ - e > Anita Ellis, Incin Corev Pci ■ P ats tk* greatest weight oa roman-1 —’* ~ r rno* be appeal. I »53 rh -mleteers, twf«» « ■‘"-“'*“2 , J T tr Ttremmie— 2 { Boro ic Rogers nhr their hate New Ken» Beso, March 25. _, - ,. , ,. Helen O'Connell, The John* I itanes ° t Rolf, Golden Girts, _. ; ISS^Sl? Yoattp OrcftJ HO CffCCT 1 OT With the “Vanguard practically ■ dress smts and^ varying minimum. . . ^ J *u~- offering from fire vtaiins to j combination of roealirma. rfoKss. j He i en O'Connell returns in star rr. _ > position to the Golden. Among X 4 first to play the New Golden, she TMrT n.T*n^-» f ahmrts ” -continues br isk . Current show is; ^ 4 *{-*.*. r jmoc <•« ***»- *■*«=;»* wnucu, o—cr j™ a surprise more. B£3 Mdler; * ; largely holdover, with Anita Ellis ,[ n ? <y T? r ^ 11 ^' if* j was No. 2 cm bill last June with Al «Kvcened M? Rnriera | Startling risley and balancing f who appeared at W last fall, re-; one.where all tiTe gsn^iip, ^ox-^ran. Top billing this time is 5sfvi and installed spoCs first aH-j puts the two Amin Bros, in • turning as the neweomer to a taf- ! atM - tne same jaano, bat they | payoff fo r the fine reception she top category with tablers. One t ent-laden biEL ; it? 11 the line in the re-. mefU trick in particular has underman! Miss EUis is a thnmaehirr nm ’ SSPedreroe- Figuring he'd tare fefcance for 0* ^ t,.filled for the Easter WinCim's. late CT and Beachcomber sirat- ^ntice the bock-wary types arouim. j The Larry Steele unit played | xuc 1 j •* _ „ a 4 »l. ^ • Sa-Harem Dancers exhibit their f p,;. t0WTl three seasons back at the j usual lavish George Moro chorees, - ^r_t. —th* T.aHrg Ca-! prancing a delightful “ <at -« { —■« *- . t 1.1 M • *v You Were the Only Girl in the World'* is a bit too delicate for CCttjn Club, new the Latin Ca- [ prancing a delightful “Singing in sine. Basic pattern is same as last i the Ram t ,r a midway swing thing, t^e" out. but the emcee-producer- ■, and mad “Charieston' 1 finale. Gene writer has wisely blended^ in sev- [ Louis comes to the fore in “Rain,” eril seek acts to bnttoessthe over-* pins grabbing orbs- for his John, all fast-moving revue which, m i Held, Jr., racoon-coated outfit and her style, and her hamt of dutch- the main, keeps hearty aud re-1 terps in latter. Dewey Sisters are, hag at her dress is. distracting, action maintained. It is m nrs j spotted in the halfway line routine, own emceeing that ^Steele l^s} giving some rubbery acroflips for the pace, his long, wordy f added value. Johnny O'Brien meln- intres slowing matters. : dizes production numbers and car- Standcuts are Conrad & Estelle,) ries capable emcee load. Cee OLviette iliHer and the Earls. In I Davidson or-ch fills a topnotch slot Conrad & Estelle he's come up j on showbaekmg. WiTL with a brace of terpers who sock Golden, has had continuous big biz Miss O'Connell ar- established crowds. , such selections as “O Sole Mia” r AKe s P° t ™ L to them Tunes are, “G y psy Violin 1 ' while a fid- i 3 way. so with her usual brand of -m^*., 9t- _ l dler leaves the floor and weaves ; aEt ^ punctuates them with tricky vana-. ^ ^ amo ng the tables playing a i a trade. modulation and clever vos -[ sweet acwmpo and Xeaz£« over! Still the starry-eyed, dimpled, ?™f-J op f c to give gals the full bS^of the 1 Prosed little girl. Miss O'Cots- A Woman isSometime Thing | mU sie. For one selection. “La vie*n*H looks to be in her first party and a Spanish gypsy song. Two - Eq R 0Se . f " Mario himself leaves; dress. There's a feeling of watch- minor drawbacks: her choice of “If | ^ dance floor to ,<ang the ; * featured band vocalist, an tro- vrc-i bjllet-styled leaps and spins. Lad is a lithe, graceful prancer and keeps mitts mounting, with t : '5 c-armer joining m adding ex - » “Blues RaHet™ thal is 3Ixpes Skyraon, Be&o Reno, Siarch 25. schmaltzy’ chorus while strolling usual category in this era uf styl— tables not only at ringside but in! chanters- Perhaps she spends the bleacher locations, while the! ^ 0O much time on ballads, or at least rtms them together too often. Equally adept at ballad and up- beat. it's difficult to tell which scores best, although “You're The _ _ j. remainder of the troupe, on stage. Irwin Corey, hol ding over, rolls * famishes background music, them with his mala props, switch j There's lots of sh o w n^ -w^htp to in accents from British to Brook-. this aggregation, whose opening! _ . _ _ , . . . lynese and general disheveled ap-! night at the Statler brought an I ° Qe } Adore, bounced up, pearance. “The world’s ^ faremost j even more enthusiastic audience j seems to hit the belL authority...” has a solid bit of [reaction than did the teeoff of Los I Current pops, “Wish You Were business on the history of armies f Chavales in the same room last | Here” and “Keep it a Secret.’*’ are .i —a. > - Heir ' 1 - — — that's the mainstay of his turn. He j October. I soothing and medley csf J. Dorsey- encores with some nonsense with j Opening act. Dupre Trio, fol- 1 Eberte-O'Cormell collaborations the ringsiders and bows off - with s lows pretty much in the groove of i gets proper cognizance. ' ?c!!S. F i? aEa ! the Hamilton Trio in- the “Show I The .Johnstones have mixed Lester. Bimny Bishop ., from “Barber of Seville. tb a TT counding with her showman-; — ! | v "Vrr--na«;h and fingering skill; [ . Buddy Lester appeared A fr “;.: Te " i ass is handsomely * Truckee in a competitor's spot gowned. ’Snells out “Tve Got You! ipst five months ago with “The material is I up diversified offering; ence show amiftrinig mx.gir —obvious across j good, but routining is poor. She ■ ranging from a softshoe dance to, to everyone but the victim or sub- ith an excellent number »• a twirling number outlined by jeet. Most of routine looks like - a opens with called “Smile.” hut the* crowd bought big: A ira balancing • of from that; fluorescent costumes and a tap I “People Are Funny" production. * _ r _ * _*•_ rTTT- 5 — 4 .— I — « — J nt - _t_ _ n v —- » _t, V 4 , let cus- through Re- keeps the act moving. holds up. _ ! out. Some judicious catting, and ! der units for dansapation. Loire. the Two • Harry Richman rmpresh Is the' some switching of material would i L> another scorer. Hand-to- ! finale of a series of hat acts as he I show her off to far better advan- 1 ^ Wte ami arm-^mmages tnrough., a box and; tage. “ - 4 S ~v£Sed by harmonica hit ■ CP3 SS. ^ ^ ! Clarence Williams Trio does Sfe«1Bl. P SaM^SHd ! «*2*.?*»«* *««* ^ 'Jcrag Hotels N. O. New Orleans, March 26. t Jimmy Ray works hard | series of softer-than-soft 1 praneings. m a shoe action on a slick sliding in Gatimeaii^ Ottawa Ottawa. March 27. Louis _ , ... * more exposure. and^di^rsified three- - are worth iL ! act bill adds up to 60-minute sesn ; i of pleasing entertainment. While; seeing more and Girls. There's but the subjects Marc. deliriums. nove-iy oit. Lester s nonsensical stint is Three Chccotsteers also set well characterized fay complete “dis- i with tneir solo, duo and triple. gust” with a square aud. If the 1* h£l0 : er/ : ; and jokes themselves don't; Louis Armstrong- & All-Stars not "studded with names r there’s 2 ; 4 rou-m-ss. Ad of their stuff is laugh-. resister. Lester can usually salvage (7 /, Harry Pozy Orch 1 3 -; 75c u«f- ; nice mixture of talent like Gegi tB?Z ‘VWJffFJ* iraps distaste, mission, $1 Sat. i Grant, fresh young singing per- • Paris. March 24. with, most; 1 and dance times and the socko, duo. hims elf ^.o^erbeans & Susie ^re. throwing down standard with Steele's units and, “Geez.” T . . . standard vet vviders ma i n tai n the mood t comics latelv. " with the*'r patter, songs and eo-; Bunnv Bishop makes centrir dance. Botterbeans adds -^th initial song. “I “ to^ safes values, with some yock-learning On,” which se mains comedv outfits. It's tried '■ getting launched with and true stuff that comes off to! intro. Voice has a - k'rJj'j D ^ tK ^ 5 * .. . . . ’ flavor and could probably go sans; tional and improved iigbfting make ; titjion Room. Oddmsert m tne Imeopis gpnd; ^e. Blonde and dimpled. Miss {the Gat the handsome^ it's been: Miss Grant. tlirn' :■ Trwvti-c? Titn ft*T 7 * i 1 a— t »- — . * _ •_ — IsmS&r Tzk GiSovl ^ pfiable-^s-' . ^ Presents “Injus- New decor, new policies for show [ aged comic, and the Picierfes' dance 1 and th^ Francois* Bonn, Roger Saget, Songstress Agnes Capri has . y, . — — £ T 1 ULT. USQ UJ% y f . ... .... „ j W. ). ■ ■! I iKtlM ■ Tl . I.L I., T ^ g llOW r . - . . —' , — ^a Bommie. It s a fast turn • Bishop looks like a personality but fu ftg nearly quarter-century ex-; here is a sav v y songstress despite I turned her boite into a cabaret and ire torso-twister faiows her j display none, saying absolutely. istence. = her vouth. She captures her audl-; theatre. ^ In the tura-of-the-century o-rr. tue^t’oa is. will it go with; nothing between four songs. Al-j Armstrong and podners had j enre - by just standing and warbling. I de 5? r of ^ mtime club she has —.jrt-u* : c»*__ t Tstt — * irtil’T.FP^t the small staffe fnr a far— C * • .v Ui» i <2 .u ■ * ■ y 4 ^ attract^ Miner is seeking to ; though opening night probably j everything on hand for teeoff night, j She has pro qualities which project! ^tikzed tne small stage far a far- .. t .r . , . | contributed to flaws. “Don’t Let ( aging different routines for each • tlrmnghmrt her repertoire, plus a : • c “ ar - e ., ea ^ e ^ r^ 5 orc ^ ^jthe Stars Get In Your Eyes” goes: of three shows fswitch from two-; strong voice and sharp rhythmic' This- is primarily for L" * w ^ laz L a ^ r3E ^. e * . for DaUght. Perhaps a more stand- ‘ a-night;. Lazy, nonchalant opening t ‘ perception and a capacity for re-; the Gallic clientele with all ni?- brought off m the. ard repertoire would aid_ her. brings Armstrong and boys in front, straint that almost completely obvi-» fnces and sitire lost to t he t ourist. j; ra ditiOfii set by other; Jimmy Vey is doing Ms seventh \ of curtain with-**Sleepy Time Down : ates the need for showmanship. j However, fast-paced carryings-ca i4e r° G, * n< r v \ &7m & tbe tIu5 ; job on these beards. He taps vig-| South” and “Indiana” “Muskrat! BFunet thrush takes off on *T! a firnartet of good song arts ^ 2 '^ T: . r^' 51031 . more: arously. pounds the xylcphane. Ramble” comes after Satch voices - Feel a Song C.fvm itrg On,” a happy; ma k e this worth a look-see c ar al!. 'ntr 1 -,*rfLf, en ^ e ' r ^imnVo: snappily and. In a cond ensat ion. | “Boss to BmPd a Dream On” to ; choice for an opener, and she is- The theatrical bit is speedy but ,7 s ’'. .^Er 15 -V* 101 ? 35 nand-fes her '■ ^<jes both at the same time. salvos. Trumany Young, trombone, : well launched on her 20-pins mizs- j uneven in appeal. It concerns the ,J - a ''' laments m ape fasmon 1 Mn.Trr_ l soios with his solid “Margie” ar- 1 utes in the spotlight. She varies the j odyssey of a young country girt rangement and Marty Napoleon's ’ proceedings with “Because You’re who tries five roads of destiny be- keyboarding of “limehouse Blues” i Mine ” sung in fine, full voice, and fore deciding to marry her bucolic caiist tw Wir.;' -T re ,<j ved L^r.e ideriy” apt especially well an attractive one and works_ou*; chores in sprightlv man- ner. Steele has costumed them in co.jr.ul drsim with middle ntim- , Trio, Peter Be. _ 1 't .-stem idea that shows 1 cnTT.dr.iy Steele heads tro the' La R@nde f London London. March 27. The Harmonics (4L La Ronde brings mitting throughout. Barney Bigard an clarinet is slowed down compared to the others, but never- Daminaff Orch; $3 ■ theless gets his share of palms. then throws in the lilting “My; lover. They all lead to adventure. Wonderful _ One” and oldies Hke ’Love Is •‘Sweeping the Country” and “Rainbow Around My Sfaoul- Tr:\T.zez'' C Arvell Shaw's unique bass-slap-! der.” done in rhythmic style. Her ping of “Man I Love” catches ! work is first-rate, her voice highly Steels fr«*3cts rm fh(»' ^ , y. 77 -v . _ ; _ -wi Jt<ra i cduikuc* ; wwit li £ixsa-t<itc. act tutu; ■ n ' can ates tne xrrtro. 1 West End’s newest artery r tablesitters' fancy and kudos as; musical, and her sungalog comes et- n-ff ■pf/»«srflTtv rrrfvhaWv > rfrac fVw-tr F'ntTTt^inrrirfeciniflWr rt-IriTr 1 «*£T *af>c nn tc i-c * ,: L, > - an , e via just off Piccadilly, is probably the; does Cozy Cole's persistently okay! off tops. Effect on tablebolders is. “ i£ " 2 --^’3und. is a long and nn- Nearest approach London has to* ‘ “ ' ■ - ‘ ’ ‘ ’ ( long necessary addition to th/* show. Lenj. [the atmosphere so popular f across the channel in Paris. There Sahara, Lag Vegas Las Vegas, March 24. lie 3- Kay G'-:t Hsmj fewer than ICO covers, the [bring the rejoicing, pair huddhng decor has a "Gaelic charm, while (.the illuminated glass dance floor ■ provides an. fd?m 1 h L2 * v '* additional dash of -.can . QjjjQ^ n< j the below-average mini- Bssro S: drumming. But it's the Satch him- self, and Velma Middleton's vocal- izing and ponderous terping. that socko. Only a sound and solidly equipped comedian Tike Gilford could follow and her eventual demise in each episode. She decides to marry her bunrofcin. but he turns out to- be a drunkard wife-beater. The af- fair is nicely paced bat repe'etioas in spots. Though no longer daring in its potshots at convention, it benefits by appealing tfeesping on the part of a young troupe wirh the freshness and guile cf Fran- TWtg* Grant, and rubber-faced fun- j c-oise Borin a standout tNerv Acts*, far a socko “Baby lt's Cold Out- 1 ster comes through ail the way. Show winds with the folk chants side.” Armstrong beggedwith : Purveying a refreshing and original { Les G'.taramios '4* in an interest- ed Qr^dson OrZh ! Because of its limited gross po- or ; trr : ^ ° U2 * 710 c ° kreT , tential. La Ronde cannot contem- plate entering the bigLeagne eaba- E-*Vir __;t» „ - .. - ! ret talent field, but must content will make the large itsai£ mQ dest attractions 1 which, while not being a customer ajTy : * f It£re * win provide a pleasing drver- v ega ^ 1 f aTe _?f, 5 siom That is about the measure of . nas been loaned -- w * — —^ fa-'*^ -V ',1 ^ between boni-. turmony style and freely use some Qv i"\ V; spss was worked; ijitricate arrangements, hut this Is r^ 7 He, aa 2€ t which could be readily a^.-/ * e &as> several months; adapted to vaudeville where its Sa '-i.' S ’ L * , ,?s street from the’impact could be far stronger. Their Poeh-mstie Katie- 1 negative qualities as. cabaret do t-zip-re. 1 not imply criticism of their vocal to* ■ J: bo'isterousness is good • skiS. her n room, and with I As an embellishment, the niiery * r ; c: 7 Lane songalog. she: wham does a Spanish solo with J ' , '-Xeroits enthusiasm. Syl~' eastaiaets; decorative bat hardly ■r'^en cotnes in for some! justifying the expense. The Peter V sola on “Blueberry Hill” Every; brand of comedy, he keeps build-; j_n 2 rendition of South Arnerican appearance has feoff showmanship ! mg from hrs walkon. There’s his j folk sons accompanied bv their and cii-cko entertainment • appealing satire eft the fellow on guitars. Tsella Scheltcn has an ir- Haxry Posy's hand plays for, the subway car who falls, asleep j repressifcle comic mugging talent dancing and shows and Al Cast!, and passes up his station; his bur-; that pay.; off in vocks tNew Acts', is at the piano in the cocktail lesque of a symphony conductor as, and Francojstr Dorin a nice lounge except during shows. . the orchestra sees him* and a! interlude of s.orgs and patter. Gatineau's manager, Joe Saxe.. clasric takeoff oo the senfimental j A Capri does het usual cer- who a jwsh shoestore m, “You Always Hurt the Ctae You) ebraI fc . jt caprmictis song recital in , Love, including some bruising ‘ -w-faicli Tier crisp voice and eccen- tawn. has effectively enhanced the cafe's tabby with distinctive di^-: tactics. plays of shoes and handbags. Gorm, trie movements underline the off- . Ottiei' comedj higfrj;K> ts. afe , 6e , e^saae erf her songs about a ;slow-motion shots of sports at tte, ttnm)rt . tSe fein S wtra fcffl^ too. SSSSS*fSiw ™**T P«ote. and the Ettie fcosr HotelStatler. Wash. b?s LarS-j * *»«• ae ^ «* ^EMBASSY KGOM> ; rnallow-Itke face, one of his big-; p _. ' 3 ‘ . , „ Washington, March 24. ! gest assets. ■ ! Pn^es are m the S3 categcry far Quintetto Allegro (5h Dupre Tesng off show are the Pickerts.. i: | drink and show starts at Trio-, Steve Kistey Orch f S’. Ted 1 'who work as a team grid singly in^ wind* at 2 ajn. Alexander Quartet: ■$IJ}Q~$2 cover. * rapid tap arnrf. tee routine, and high-} 1 l ig h t torn witn grasp-railssng dance I. 9 tin StdMriAik Quintetto AHegro. now on a , on stilts that put then: heads near f. “ n* two-week stand in the Embassy: the ceiling. Novelty turn earns i isosron, Marcn £&. . «»««« uwtu, aaia wiuxt; iis an emoe t iE s o m em. tne jutecy t Room, mak e s its how m the east j solid applause. - } £ 4-1 The Sanford* fc2* Boh Ca e- i-*-?«««*» o»*titorf u? tSF&PgSkJZ'.*gg?£i&GUh 7 S?‘ 85 *£ irXS* The Garjlards irith Buddy Greco 3 ‘. Charlie Wo Ike Orch. $2 tin America and the Southwest' quality of Carlyle's band makes, it^{^xj! r±[ section, of the C. S. The five \ particularly effective and versatile. ■ ** Italians bear considerable resens-[Oew gets much apprecratian for, €r ' TEEff - mem. r asks. — — * z-a. _ _ rtf- . __ r. jk A— I’ •- ^ AAA xw a.*--.—* * —^—- . —Z— ^ " ” w \ JT *Jr . 1 T-‘ A V poodhng accomp-. Baminoff comb® does a fine job-blanee m ayeraR format Jo Los ; its. efforts and draws crpwfis tc { - fM-rtrTT-3'1 r^r=ir 3 ?.>cr Aa yifmaRa. But • flywiT far tn&*-crTim»_ •CTsrfvTp' al<w>* “ a * 1E - H a: * oEthe^dais aSSn^ing StetSpS^I Chavites de ESpant But whereas'• floor for tnec-fiction. Carlyle also* ^ jackpot was padding his session ;• music with tahSsSaadm^ } “The Kids’ emphasize precisicm.! scores with vocai impresaons in his ♦ VEa boakmg newcomer Normaa — . . —s - t speed and change of pace in their * contribution to show. Linz. 1 c lught, but bAg since been' TO. tContinued on page 88)