Variety (April 1953)

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12 !Tcxiit££cZsj 9 April 1, 1953 JOE l LEWIS UNIQUE IN SHOW BIZ; HIS PLAY AND VICE VERSA w By ABM, GREEN f. £s * shew taaaess ' basic tocrofSea appeal as fees talent, jjoore them foHbs—IbeyVe fust mafe-l; ritfwwtf ffra TuSacse wvrk, almost- NsjtaraBy* the last comes first—I! ins retakes for “Drums Along the:* SwwThM-** fee’s vfcaBt^MSe aEsa has lots cf firmnds test;; I&sse (XM PassMaaaie.E*** [j JSraSlv "b sajbc i®£M bssnea a smart :i *Bat when they love yoa up B J comes EaasrauMjy-. ^ _ •, ca a "satocs Soctf; But there;; tost's-reallly murder.” Lewis recalls ; ■•■ AEmsasS. a gyptSF.Sm realty, par®- 1 ; ^ ^ EasancsEEiE® Ms wide 'personal ;• in toe case cf a VIP* down-front:' dextestlEy tifee pice persarnafctty seme cf Bit almssl box- party at Cbteagu’s Chex Pareej) tint spdEs cat Joe ^EtoKrglatSes . ©a. a e-silSIL Ttewrift. Is that wfotefe kept punctuattliig Ms routine, jj (st,7e prefer to cam fchn StoErte*- n© wring, be vlt wito :■ iVe l©ve y©a Joe,” and loud asides, jj fef'i Lewis ss aft fezzns to aim ttfee press ct pandits. ^ In re-rtaln ; j fc He"$ tenrafir, ain't he? a Not only jj gsyer rallies cf Amoi-s®. and «sfi5d j^y cSlfes as as S®^ ©f;! were they eaftltmsnastce bent genu- ;| virteaMy cam cf toezm ££&■..^ ^ pesrssmall, cr customers" Inely ‘“rotee folks who weren't?j ixme iff fee S3) dfcaasss. HSs fearm-es- w >i® feel they have am aTim ^ per-1; sharpies; this was Jfitear way of away ffirem fcssaae are wfeal dissi- j^aultossMp wittfe barn- ;; expressing fraternal apprectetticn, 0 |i pst-s ^l^^jOseaA. Hie Esces- _ “ ^ ^ to & w £© 5^55 'wtoi.”’ s ^” s *^ e fact ®at & « ! ! sidy to casufl ssassffiaE®, ssse pjrie, **y<asa 'ta drifflt areBiard = E®«astog ase nap never occomed to ^ fiSes. SsnaSbr sy J* “J»*« IMs ee Cite esgagtog vagaTbesi- s^ t 9 \s& 2 m tl&e iaiScit ftsiMs alt 3:30 : ' s u gnp aJ fl BD g for uje spotllgnt j; a®e ft fra* cEEStctotes Lewis. And. cr *4 I £3331 ESie to wamder over to ■' cm ^- e 'a means to get; ( so toe i(L ,'ITtoail's ttlbe way fee waDHs fit. Lacey’s or Toofis” and sat aaroaaidairos tfee i^ea tbey were becoming ii Pefeaps ttlbe store-iroo^a of C&e ajtd Ke some cere wiCto wfeotoereir C!n a BC b ™® c ^P® s ® re » E©to3 Wajraiife, to New Ycrfc. wfeea : l Smew.™ I 1 cspeEse, tons dndm*t panase toe:. fee p2ays toHt asm^aB i^oiartex-cf-a-.- i.iu &r cf 'Jauabaa?' ; ; feeartty feast lao beMowea at MSj; yeaar lnsss alt CopaEafeaioau. ■ P®c3y, *“S3 arcd op ffoUfcs. we re 3iav-., m'pgfcff ft® regjEnfed as a feose- base • Tfifce sfeow feto pfeenomestoa pfesse . img oor plctmunes tofeeni” Tbat was!! ftsr fefe^memcDiiinllEa. fens voEoato- ■ sCems ffirgaa ^feas s eeanto g E y Ilaefe- ‘ toe ecd-_ vY j ' rA-** press *Brc , a?r>'fl dfeg Drtk ff* fesntt sdaESBTaE aftltiiltGC'ie afeoGt » iic^ a H CegS ■ nYfens Is sonod han g of a refatively ; ctoersiise JJgw K. pEedgss °auH!e- ^ wMsfe ESoaBDy occupy a perform-, new and poisonous tecSsmqoe wMefe ;: gjiame to wfest fee caUGs Edes PGt*- et's noost eGmssEistog ment a l proc-a couple of tfee HoUIywood singin g i; scnaQ B'todr yvpwpwffess^s. SqeIL Lewis never worries:: babes are accused of ptac facing a i .to toe ffiftejEOozu toe isewspap^jcs. afeosiC feiillitog cx adverttistog—feennig =■ espe g- aa llll y wfeen. so ice new face or ; Its' rmafiTi amifl a sunziCcfe sfeeeJ. toe draw fee rfgbtHy assormes toe newcomer Co CSro*s or the Mo- ‘“When* eise toeef to sfeztw fa ^ir^c EssaEageiEeEJt is not getog to sceak'.: casmbo looks" especialiy good and!: CffloEd I Bse eE^UTtog aCT? fifesse airy '• eeCo Ckweil ISdoney maftttess are Cfereaftens to get H!oMywood atten* ttr+u» fosfiw^e-m 3:3® assd 5 to toe2e2tt to Sam Brassssom of toe Wii- ' icon. Use gais” asides eff <w TMs : : afiferrffiG 3 ) n and rasi “gs *© w^rrk" i Utom Msmris ©fiSco, wfeo personallily gnrtt is wonderfnL® and ‘“How ,• yirr.iflTi s o'tiiiick at ssjs : ,®oe$ back wito Lewis sae 25 : rfaannnitog?” and “'Sfee's lovely; 1 ; L/f ^rf-c. years. T&e pressf gosenssMy makes 1 wfeere's sfee been biding?'* are Just . .. . '• fens p.3L Bnid GranofiTs cfeore a beard enoogb around ttfee ringside, ■’ Yfee pexsassBl JaawssctsrasMS and £- e » s ^ tj® atoit 5L '. and fey toe newcomer, to unnerve ' j Lade TT' s r i b^ d ass m a al i Vr .ns of sfeacw : Lg-arfs* npBipatfg* generoslfiy in feailsi- ■ fcer. And feow mib sfee say ^dmp inz. persamsMses. fee H&ey Canters g^g ^p tLsHent ™ak^e Thfirra a palsy- ■dead?'*’ or "get lost’*, or "wtey pejneyes, 3>IarIIlyE s pep iMlorrees., g^aBgy atonmaftfcaimy totre-ferade.'' don't yon keep yonr big mentos Berunns pop butts. -IDtoramtes T nbf.^ was toe raison d’etre for ttfee. sbcntf® 11 s rfrcpx CfeapjiiB s walk. Wtonfeeflll^s •ffrn^jg,-^ mgritiE^iniainiy feeart-warmtog ’ 9 ^ ta5k, Grw-i.ifeDs gan*k, Series jesttlntoniaD djjmmrar to Th5m at tfee XS> 1 * 6CKS 111 ftpnil^y , ag fe' Ditto in the Fail WnSfem snow nasnness tnls was ac- ■ (replied as ©ne of toe genuine- ■ Is said toat Lewis, fey pbone, ly tonefetog teifenft^ from sfeow fear could raise a couple of miOfe on if be Co a sfeow girnoaf wanted ft© g© toft© ttfee racetrack. Lewis’ design tor living ^ f 5 *? 0 - babe^asfeery cr any otoer res3s well all around. He did legitts Jl S B SSS|ii IP( J J £.^3E’ and ptotor^ t-Foac'), fee dlicked bankrolled *® *&«a to usd over a bottle e£ h comfortably in the Fort E&cx wise as a means to leave x few j! league. Not for nought is te tfce bode* behind. The nnostentxtion i; bookmakers’ delight although, as is renowned but not anonymous to J isn't generally known, the sacce the hepsteis. ; fina friend, Dan Amstcin, fcu This live-aud-lol-live •philosophy, done more than a thing 0 r ttwo would never give hiM occupational* to insulate Lewis? personal • M . nicer*, because such equanimity'; chequer against too many ii weeds, brooks no such dlstturhances. The ; m. - ^ f - - . - . Bleer he ffid ^ i*'^ wsrm p^SmJ rS<ms: “?!» of *“JPf ? ° r ,?| M «“«® «rf a CM anrfiumeTwSo 1 ,* «£? seqoed into the best plutoeries cn “fM^led toe USD by spiking ^ tQ p American resorts; fess se>- feus fa T®^5* - : joums into continuous avenues cf This see min g benign ity m ay sSi^ow biz ([pis, legit, radio TV'* to* esa Mwdent ua ^~5 n trosies writ?! lire itoaatfSi CM imafes lnis leltU>e ®» Wl tor ^ te _ a cppesatjion RecEdesro^s, JascsiiLEg ^ ,. enaieyed too sircune a lorater spejteasy pioisrsetoir s ex- ^ ,^^,1 (!raw wl**. sMtn" ttfee degree lu^dl AILa ■S nr:m »x tf KT5 nir&r Kira ftRrs* (rv.wr.nwttrftt-ro-E me cfeequer to IUI 2 a “’ # iniimped over to ftfee ©pposittifflu. was cfem^Gun” 3&± t<w to W irififife afcfltsr; does were enUMed. It left Le«^s < e ,| amy&ody wfeo is too el< 3 ^e ttli « . a tfereat-ftCHdbeek slaved con-; ^ ^ ^oj^ ^ize dlftiaEn. wfuefe at firs* looked fatal ■! anj .^g enlse appeal ft© the r-Tlags sr:! but paralyzed foiM pb?si,aMy. mass trade. Imtteisplfced with fin d in g has vocal cfe©rds. His psy$n- ofi-to-BuMalo struggles ' as a cal sumval^ftfeus Doomed as jr 5B 5^ vandevfflEe two-aeft wito JoSbkev ffesnonrf jwcz&e m view ©ff Hubs B2aek ^ ^ WcrM War m marftsculation. but alter AS. J«n nrcS^Pa—all these are natuiral «■:- feiougfet him ft© ttfee Coast, and fee • Eunatterial for ttfee J©e F, recovered his speech. fee was bacs u<a ^ ~ In high at ttfee tfeen famed Sunday nlgbfr ant-daljlftmg aft ttfee ©Id Ttroca- dero. This was toe spriimgfeaard for many femportaiat H©lDj"®i©®d careers. While recuping fee saw McGura att ttfee track and. asked wfeatt tee was gamma d© about it. Lewis laughed, ‘“I’ll send him a nasty letter.’* Prankster The legends around ttfee Troc grew beyond proportions and for a time Lewis was good copy as to discoveries and proteges. AE- Biaek Era in More Than One Way When and if it ^s done—and it sfemuld be done—St will reprise. Jc-.r example, how- Black, songsmltfe- planfet. off the act. and fee would scrounge meals in almost any town by "making like surveyors."" Says Lewis, “We'd time it arosied T&anksgivEng, Easter. Christmas. Saturdays, and toe like. We'd set up a surveyors tripod and put a ways one for a iprsrJM foie. Ms *f* “l® 1 “ timise - cz s “* SU script vL. -1 gave J^r' !Sref JS5- Garland. George Raft. Deanna Dair- bln ai^d toe Martins, Tony and Mary, toelr first dbamce.* 5 He would pans® continue. ““Mary Martin came 6© me. poor kid. and begged we’d be asked for whom we were surveying. Johnny knew about toe local railroad lines or some lee-ai road improvement projects arafi toe head of toe house envisioned being *n m^S. s¥e « d^t lTte jckfis, Boramsy’s cokes, n©w in- cSrde a ncMe eqaiiiEe as Lewis’ ccatt-€i L ajri2as. Fcr ftfee Mcggs aoed the Chichi TTfce mates and toe snobs, toe effete sett and toe muggs. toe feuTscfet beltt and toe Texas ©bD fly- tfee new railroad, car highway, tr gas station chain ©peraftor. wanted ttfee right of way. and of course we’d wind tap being well fed.” dispossessed. N© one wanted ft© lis- ten. t© her, but I told ttfee m©b tt© pipe down and give ttfee youngster a chance.” Then, fixing toe latter- X. e ?* r ??* a s ^*?? How Ther Almost Got that, s© help me God. ns ttfee biggest lie I can think up tt© tell you att ttfee moment.” . Actually Lewis In Ms peregrins- (dons has touted and scouted a considerable passel of people for 6©p spats-; notably Into the Copa. Killed m MofitFeal EeHEa.’ 1 ' — GUIL4!* itnuii cpTp> vjL VUb.’f* 1U.C VUkBLACWii Hi 1 "** •’ * . m TL- T! T w urt —^ * • — -J • c *'—•* cfflEBS aH dig his stofL Perhaps TV arr^_ course, was cradled nn ’ ^ AaE F aEia ?’‘ 5^°?? ““ Y., Cfiro’s. Hoilywood. ttfee Chen, the best ffisaasKssa deEsmlsattor t© ttfee ttrSdittional burl^mue «att 15a ■ Isa *- 1S teappy m cis duly ap- ■ ----- - petoti icp Lewis’ finally wide appeal and vauieviMe. He doesn't want t© P® 2 ? 11 ® 5 , 2 ? EEds , a * were Ms several -repeat engage-' break any records at. the Para-' saajl ^ cutties and camfcs winch are Ejects C32 Ed Suinivsn’s "Toast of Bcrmt or toe Roxy- fee can’t see ( 15SIEaMy . mear ttfee rspectave racing (i “ ' "■ " feuuselff doing a^kffast sfcowaft a5 ' if 10 ajm. teTlayoff salesmen and: J^^ental and well-. " 1, anned. says Lewis. Unlike toe Inamgmrattlon cf toe Tcrsm” vauieeff. These are by u© Qggffng geared tt© any apecsalSy hep sett.; (theyre ftlae_average scute)--sEfeo®jtIds playing hookey, which!' lie. Butt fey gearing Ibis sttuff ft© filae es an hour when he is just ahm^. ; , . heps fee also knows fe©*r tt© per- ready to "cork ©2T after his mlghrs , Earmes ^ I ™ i ^ ttfee Coia, whsch was form for ft tew* squares or. at least. • work. • s ® 2ffiew 'bat by accadentt 13 years ago. ■ ■ - , when Lewis stayed IS weeks that :■ Warned to Alter BieL ;; spiimg and returned for another 18 w o : weeks In toe fall—a show bar rec- = MG oWltCHeS MedlCGS ©rd ©ff some sort; 36 weeks in one' When medicos' warned hhn to ***£* *** same ST*. “* ■' slow down cn toe cup that cheers - <m T D ??T 1 ?' fee didn't change Ms diet; he '. S? if**' cfes mg e d doctors. And made capi- ^ Ia ^’ 9 . dal thereof that * i ffr©m where £ ; C % a4 1 ? e JS2f 1 SS L^wis SMmtegly can get away. By this—you j^y sties.'' toe nattiare cf fcns saloon cireuitting. . s ? e drunkards nm these ■= 5 x ere # o «- 0)lpe s# was nnimjited ta ffe e Ifedotfhpate i^siS^ tfeaBB.yoan see old Aue^ S? mere spire, feat wfeeUser fee revels can they Xevada^CMs Cfees Paree. ed dltftiies such as "*5afee s Got ttfee * r i^g Sunset Strap spots' In HolIIy- Boggest Parakeetts m Town."" or ; Lmdepceatfe this avowed vaga- ■ ^ ^- ew York, but quicker ^^' .m n . .. . . jiTl ~ _ n " if . . ttuBmovers in recent years have add _L ^ t^-iP ' rr-« H' rr» . ITrfoA /ft-.W M7^rsmwn~* mi i h ITjs. m tm.-mm m> T! . _ _ _ . _ toe ssHEallsd icol s© imialafte. Tfeaft’s where ttfee pixie persitnal- i!ty proves pettent because. In even more raraffied attmospfeere. fee has gstften away wito some slkk mlMes wMdb. uDder ©ftfeer auspices, wnnld fee pedesttrianL What Is ©ate mam's PadCey ciraises out idtra-sly dcvcrfissemeffijl watth wfeldb ©rally a CM. and his many ©ttfeer c®mn©r- ttiOEs in Florida. Nevada and Texas. Ma-§1 recently, the manner in which Red, Butters, alumnus off the b©re$fet belt, personated J©e S. Lewis ©m CBS-"Tk"'s "Suspense" was what focused tfeaft network’s Interest Bn Buttons, who now fea«c Ms ©wm show* as a direct result. Capping ttfee gambling, drinking and practical jokestening pecadR- B’ack. who composed * a Darda- 'Paper DolL* 5 among ether ttmees. was a ladies’ man and ‘"aE- mest got boto of ns killed in Mcn- fereal- I’m reminded off tfeng be- cause I jus1 played Montreal, the first time in over 20 years, but 111 never forget toe “Pretty Baby’ and “come ft© sny house" asides fee was throwing att ftw© gals down-front, neither off us knowing ifestt the two burly Canucks behind them wire their husbands. They came back- stage with toe manager, who threatened to cancel uts. butt Black ad Dabbed that fthiy was a "patter* Eres b ZdTap^Stei;r?riSSMp •■■ fee aCw ^ « •* counter-melody t» • . _ . • _ * H/r* Trrstr <ff--rr.wr»<?y f li Jtr ,a *«inm4)!9ai*i ta-oe pBtaipu ft© my song- The manager was skep- tical and only when we promised tt© sing it for Mzn—“butt first we g©ttta eatt. we’M pass out on the stage If we don’t have our dinner* —did this appease toe righteously »d gfeosftBy dKw^MteMw!, malErs im ttfee sky; whether fee alls- fool brooks n© foolishness. No Pittsburgh snd other kevs. osurses on Sam who made ttfee matter the "maggoty” feeling at 5 j^ e re are anecdotes gMore about parte to© long, cr the groom who toe a_ m. beffere. there Is ttfee in- s cssaldmTt get ee. or “Lanncelet and tense busings off new material, and w'feicfe. some feel, almost figured as an unconscious factor in fe.jc abo»r- tore marriage adventure—ttfee 1 Cone try—with film player Martha Stew- art. who now feas her own T^’ show '-These Two” ecsterred with Pinky —^a.iuaas appease urn rtgsm Lee. The feabte eff a free s®ad ^fe© sessEttIY ? would rather gravitate with the 2 ^ e , r ' 15 ^bs also ev Frenck-Ca- naoiian extraction and knew ttfee foursome as regulars off ttfee the- atre. We did g© out ft© eat and Black fe&d to imprevese a special patter for toe manager’s parttiSuElar private auditiom or we’d have been cancelled In a season when we sure needed the work. Not tt© men- tion what ttfee booking office in New York could do tt© css," public entertainers wfeo sbnn com- pany In private. HiMegarde *°amt Metosfor^ Lewfe_ -jratreys . »..**: & a fob in any ££ TlS cn'n Se fito®; S brand ©ff feiste® badinage thatt In- headliner’s . career. Especially sure® . him 52^ut-off-$2 weeks' ■ when It’s complicated by three diff-. ^ for Ms gregarlousness bookings. eremt radms attuned to toree diff- prefers feead-lo-head gm mm- I^yal Frfends fferent tracks? carraceresultts' bread- a a t a time. ‘ Ex®epftamg that toe vagabond ^hearsed ad and^e^eeiSg SJ5^ iSter Im-er of the caffe capering circuit. ® r satMcal IyS that he brings ?SSi J. T pelted ftp firm smi lasal pals Sfie are as Bj«re!j ius^&t fa fr e Sif' P ^ S k “ S5 |r lbie ' d ””*■*?** mp tedWfaJte Wtabttm. foe UMes! cfcS^M&i?«£ to ^ ^eX«- mob as may be his mood may have figured Importantly. Just as does Ms instinctive re- bellion at anything to© eSosely ap- proaching a script ©r libretto. He feas fead his share nff Fox films and Broadway legit. When fee did “‘The Lady Comes Acres?/" with toe Eng- lish comedienne. JJessle Matthews, fee sensed it wasn't long ffer the Broadway world. “'It wasn't a bad play, just a bad theatre—ttfee seats faced toe stage." observed Lewis. Broadway Moves To Guinea When it was a ©uestlon off excess is scared ©ff toe telephone. Lewis While still in New Haven fee in- ' 35 ' e ^^ tt ™ snaking toe first L’SO- stmeted Abe Lastfcsel me out.'' and t© “"book Wfe2le the WsttSanr? Camp Shows bop ft© New Gucnea. Lewis decided fee’d ‘cut" Ms :t ft©’ double tas. S“l«|S I ^“is V S£ T S i^ , ^Mi2 Bl Ms , SS S ^SSi d lJ|£; I** ™»?T * Haifaroae^ne^-. »? .“- ■** «»«, liie EM tat M fa fae^SSf ^^14^0^1; 45 “ a new bar opposite Tandy's cn! Int. ttfee Copa, selling s ® r - t®®h more avoirdupois in Enifface. Monte’ Proser. Scotch than in theatrical props and., ©r personal paraphemafea. Lewis was a big welcome tt© toe show and you'll' get a new ^t^off brass because ©ff ftfee liquid cargo lowing Lewis almost at will t© this ffffic constantly replcMsfelns the cr that resort CEDgagemenfi; ©r as acrim-r-- H»^ M Tl - » Mf _. . . • '***+*■&''* 60393115" loyal Is the monied Texas Breadway and suddenly Seymour doime vr'-r jiti rf-k * « u .. Like all who are exposed 8© toe Weiss, the New Orleans hotelier. ■ j set In showing up at Ms sumdrv ST * openings, be they New York. Miami SSSf! s< 5 ^ a constitute west-; Sanchez. Anastan. bistro fesniffaces Beach, New Orleans. CMcago Las amy esttabliish- like Toots Sfeor and Monte Praser — - ’ ment where the joy -juice Is a sii- ; found themselves being steered In-. "Vegas or Hollywood; ©r as sent!- ^ T - ^ . n , ,. _ mental as is Jock Whitney who a r Ee Ii£was P 8 * 5 2525 tt © this pub which mi^Bt be just anr If* ... share off hecklers. He has wmmfta — g«ss. SB tosaJL aJlheatt a sUsaie ra ®re * Z If* w ® r8 =“?. »‘ ^ reallsttle in finis relations, is Ana- 7^ 2c ^ f ’ ® r toat s the first ^tlme;: Or _ a cnorns line and some stein’s finsnness with Lewis. This' V sa ' ar ^ three heels on a pair off musicians might be having lunch includes enforced, layoffs In Hot _etc.—but only rarely in- around the Ei Rancho Vegas pool Springs. Ark-, for toe baths and ® B “^ es toesc batter squelchers, and discover "somebody picked up' the “toawing out w period, ©r pe- ^ r f tte T s T1 . Eemember unre- ‘ your checks.’* tftatt somebody being' ilisdcr fersplflal checkups which fee tearse ^ i3 *, saved the day Lewis. A fast man with a buck t© flAmstein’.’ arranges and personally cr ®otDplttKsed h i m . Such as in finis show biz confreres, he goes handles. ©ne Hollywood joint some years out of finis way at competitive T , . . . t&ey sneaking a joints to spend some money at ^ eT ffriennsfinnp game and the. Feds redded it. He Proser’s or Eddie «Leon &’* Davis* dcvBcusJly is as much part cf fens quieted the plusfii audience, “Ig- literally looking .around for pals to customers."' Thus was the Copa's 25 22 GIs itsnngry ff&r name-pohey hero. Lewis g©ft good ■ ^‘““hnnnieEt, notices in ’"Lady.” butt it folded. Gee CO admonished Lewis at suddenly and Lewis Hound Mmselff one- show to “stick ©n the back cf doing toreea-nijgfet at ttfee Cops this truck and dent ever get eff it Insead off toe postt-undnlght frolic. 35 perform for toe men-” It tr n was some 2® mUes quite closet© toe TiaOSSt AllStlll jl3CK front and Lewis appreciated ttfee Tuna ac ' caution because ©ff personal safety* . * *r Z 3 r Se " ifir0Wer 1 fcatt- Trf£€fh he found himself not gel- • ^5'*" ’ SoS) ttfee band tting any laughs tthrsKaghoaut fee al- ia toe ©ud Green Mi:!!,, went with' must felt like*- jumping down tt© JLewcs as Ms paanistt and Is n©3' working closer (to the GIs in order ©M!y a-perttect tell ter Lewis, wfc© t© "ger to them. The Special Senr- cajs to “the late George Apley” ires officer and the CO bettb re- ana e^er _ pleasantries but who, strained biirg> aged only then ex- wfeen warrants, as it wnlE, plaiiaed that he was doing well; the is one ©ff^ftfee .greatest line-throwers boys enjoyed fidm a lot; tbps was an when stars lyrics fi>ec©me evacuation slattern en route back vague as toe ‘'maggoty"" ft© the field feospffttaL AM ttfee GIs mTOd ©verwfeelfeps Lewis. had the mumps and couldn't langfe- *•-Lewis’ nuaehalance finis And* of course, t&e contagion risk Stews©© ft© Sl©.(!!>iii)i3 per week ter eaused the admonattson for Lewis w-*i5 weeks per annum puts hi™ ■ to do fefo stuff from the truck.