Variety (April 1953)

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^ulnegday* Aprfl U1XRATI Literati *&%* ISSSSoim pro. £^Twffiw,-*Cr iSSStolfaZ. British novelist Nicholas Mon- ' ‘ ” ' ,’ ’ ’ ’ - Gene ^^Sisband of actress tislng director of the Mansfield sarrat, author of "The Cruel Sea" Though you may have observed oblique belts at the foreign 0 press dueer an “ 5 v, ag fanned a west- News-Journal and now general upDl), arrives in Ottawa May 1 to here, and there in the L. A. dailies, these alien scribes have done an ^ ,? Th"f"^mof theSpur; ™-^the News-Herald will «* rfh^^n^TdomHi^ «»—« ■*»* ^nce 1940. Practical* reduced to starvation during for Ballantine B°.°?J d for Ballan- Dover enterprise. Commissioner to Canada. Writer the war, since in many instances they could get no copy into their this month. , ASV nth ig “stories — succeeds A. Gordon Huson, who re- homelands and certainly no money out of them, they were hardly tine i release „ collection of Buchwald’s Book. Etc. tu rns \° E ?? la i • . better off after the war, since funds seemed to be frozen wherever of in( |i u di n g contribu- Art Buchwald, N.Y. Herald Trib . fl fS a J*j S s- Day }? ifiJJSSJ? 1 ? 41 !?5-f one turned. Some got odd jobs, but all kept on writing and mailing short yf^uam Sareyan, John (Paris edition) columnist, just re- £ a i ly t ^ d Aih«2v v°? their copy, hoping some day, some way to get paid. ■ Caldwell and «rned5^* 2 The picture companies solved a similar problem by going abroad gained the Herald name when it merged with the morning Hearst paper more than two decades ago, is dropping the hyphenated name for clarity, and wilt be known as the Chicago American from now SCULLY’S SCRAPBOOK the Dover Daily Reporter, and on ; By Frank Scully Vi trtPlilQlIlK guuuiuir- -m.a. aa^aoau AUU ^ , ± i • i I Ulic tutucu. UUUIC fiUl UUU JUUO. UUt ail Itcut UU WJLAtX short y a %iu”m Saroyan, John (Paris edition) columnist, just re- l ady .J adl0 A ,h" d tel ,T v°? t ™,” their copy, hoping some day, some way to get paid. Caldwell and M^n^omVilume”^ The picture companies solved., similar problem b ' Al/lnnnnr. . .. .. flUlOUlOs IOr DrOWIl uriL.-l.,. It Tx , i 11 nn 111nlrnte on /1 nirnnfiiollir molrmrf mntnpoo fhnna f« Frank O'Connor. , wifh publication next vear He also set "Charley Chatter." It replaced the on junkets and eventually making pictures there to use up their F BWw“S {*: D ££ss f and Lipph?- two articles for Coliiers, one on syndicated column of Jack O’Brian, frozen funds This didn’t particularly help the foreign correspondents Knopf, Musi-c Press dubbing of pix in France. He’s due N ' & Joumal-Amencan. m Hollywood, since they were rarely invited to accompany a troupe cott, kss take 5 i°w,-np Publish- to share the Trib's split page with Davls ls 011 the T " u city desk - from the film capital to their homeland as pressagents. In fact, it manager ^.SSrated four months radio-TV columnist John Crosby c -™ - - ctr fc cut off some sources of copy for a while. • jng firm, in u | or jginals each on a three-a-week basis, his col- I II Nevertheless, the f.c.’s grew in prestige and in power between 1943 cir ,* r e ?hrt»e originals each on « xnree-a-weex oasis, ms col- r^la^taSrhaxdcover ^ month m pap« “ Srm simultaneously. More Ogden Nash Thirty years of Scot radio Airs on si ^lineKli-inO Nash, who has parlayed achievement, are portrayed, textu- Scot Radio Review Plays Abroad Continued from vag# 1 92 Ogden Nevertheless, the f.c.’s grew in prestige and in power between 1943 and 1953. In fact, by 1953, they proved they could stage banquets, make awards, and run off shows-with the best of them, and were far more competent in this field than the local boys who looked on with curled lips and commented on the inferior quality of the caviar. That the quality of the caviar was inferior is true. But who gets mains Room (And uuiei r. M rpviiP artictp whn alcn chnwc nrnm. mey ureii iiicctiiigb iu private uuiues 01 iiieiiiucia. AitugeLiier futue. Brown; $3) is a gay closer ile P there could have been more than 20 and most of these, barring Guy uo'of modem mores which the M y D ’ ouffall ( nn w a nn- n np t u p rp ..i lp , c u: . Austin of the Beaverbrook press, have either fallen by the wayside poet laureate of Baltimore takes Jj^P^riter)^ Alan Melville Muir a scene titled “Guide ^o^dtten ” or gone into other fields - 1 bave n0 idea what happened to Lon Jones, from bad to verse. His Jfun^ced Mathieson, James McKechnieand This is subtle musical tilt ?t works who was the first president though Jennifer Jones, who received optics scan the scene from pundits film ai;tor Gordon Jackson. Sir of longhair composer Benjamin th , eir first award for her work m "Song of Bernadette," obviously is to disk jockeys, from lampoons on Hawy Lauder was a keen broad- Britten, and at show caught, gained still around. . the ladies to limericks. Bright caster in early days, as was Will largest volume of applause. Lyric Reliable Pace-Setters reading! AbeL JW* is ^l Mic i ia ^ 1 T landers ’ with Dorx " In the main, their awards have been excellent front-runners for the . „ t> ~ c»M h! th. ^r b )n .S m aU „ Swa f“” 1 “ si '' . , final Academy choices. In 1945 they picked "The Bells of St. Mary’’ German Daily Sold Sers^nalftfes hMsted^v the Seotoh *5“ Adrian, star of show s revue as their best picture, and Ingrid Bergman as their best actress. In New Yorker Staats-Zeitung ana personalities boostedi by the bcotcn predecessor, Penny Plain, is iqar thf»v "Tinst Wpi»kend ” and Rav Milland a«s thpir hp*it artnr Rprnld U S. German-language end of London broadcasting. again well to the fore in manv c “ ose LostweeKena, ana way MUiana as tneir nest actor. v« a cnid hv Ridder * Gord ™ y The Best Years of Our Lives’ won. their 1947 award and Rosalind S a ir August Steuer and * Bussell w’as chosen their best actress for her work in "Sister Kenny." Publications to August oteuer ana eral assurance make him an ideal +Viyv __ _. a __ Erwin Single. Paper has been CHATTER lead for an intimate-style produc- ,9m£ s °v P fi Cl L »?°4 n j )d r> aS ^ est acto ^ / or bls Performance in owned bv Ridder since 1900. Of Howard Lewis named'editor of tion; Th e Yearling." Rosalind Russell came back to win again next year the new owners, Single has been Argosy. Mis „ Fraser shows merit as a for Mortling Becomes Electra." In 1949, two pictures tied for first business manager of the Journal Paul Denis has yam on Joey comedienne^ In ^ skit on honors—"Johnny Belinda" and "The Treasure of Sierra Madre." The of Commerce for the past 11 years. Bishop in May issue of Real Maga- modern fashions * "The Model foreign scribes picked Jane Wyman as the best actress and Lawrence The New Yorker Herold, which zine. Models," she scores with the other Olivier as the best actor for his- performance in "Hamlet." had a corporative interest in the Co-authors J. C. and Helen Fur- femme' star, Miss Marsden. She Around this time these alien journalists got to reading about the. publication, will continue its as- nas back in N. Y. after six months a i so registers well with Adrian in successes achieved in splitting atoms, and the next thing I knew one sociation with the new owners. m South Africa. the Richard Waring sketch, "Fly group was holding a banquet at Palm Springs and another was break- „ „ e n Unfair Se*» ^ by Nina Customers," but sketch material i n g out at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles. The one at Palm ? or S 4 Flfty „Vio «. OWA farewell, to be published April 21 here is of only average quality. Springs callecLthemselves the Foreign Press Assn, (their present prez Simon & Schuster, wno nave by Simon Jack Gray, Chicago-born lyric is Nora Laing from Australia) and the others billed themselves as cipea cuiu. a uixa An « V - I Bemara nunter, raincia l^ancasier mnra cinnpd ncfnin«l- than sinfiintf Outdoors," will issue on April 20 Sheilah Graham as columnist for and c aro i e Newton lend worth- more smned agalnst tnan smnlng ' a 100-page picture book for the Daily Variety, starting April 27. while support in the many scenes. Between the two organizations, they claim 500,000,000 readers and 50th anni of the company, titled Metro has purchased "Many Ppvllp hQC c . pnM Af represent as many as 50 countries. They get far better studio coopera- 'Tord At Fifty." Tome will dis- Rivers to Cross,’’ short story by hpflllH7 ® h QW n P f cpntimpnt a«s wpll tion now than the y did formerly. And this is easy to understand, since cuss assembly line operations, case Steve Frazer which appeared in ft thp P - that hit satirically at the Metro reports 35% of its gross income comes from foreign markets, history of an average motor town Argosy. ....... British wav of life Program carries and Stanley Kramer at the last FPA dinner said 50% of his com- (Sacramento), etc.' ; ; * Bob Moskin,-who Tested as ar- pany’s grosses are froth the foreign markets. ♦•fF^riYn^Amo^an^tnrv^'heean Woman’s Home Comuanion in who has been responsible for the Aleon Bennett tells me that some Japanese members mailed out “ A 1 i S?? 1 : f t ®‘° r ^roduSd rimU^ DOst Companl0n m various episodes is, in itself, a task. 2,000,000 postcards to find out whose stars were getting in whose eyes. editorially by a staff headed by Ernest Hemingway’s "The Old ^ t th us "®J ^ t Sed S pri fL nd the f fig “ res , h f d a l ° do , with l . hei r choosing Roy Rogers as Joseph J Thorndike, Jr., former Man and the Sea," in Japanese K t ton siLap^up wUh good po^ri- thc „ p “ pular International western star over a period of 10 years managing editor of Life. Text was translation, published by Charles guitles for a Coronation rm in and John Wayne as their w °ri<i-film favorite of 1952. written by Joe McCarthy, onetime C. Tuttle, goes on sale in Tokyo Lon clon. Gord. Canned Food and Canned Speeches managing editor of Yank, now a next week. . ^ .... „ _ ^ , freelance writer. Photographers James B. Frizell, chief of edu- — ^ ^ ■■— —x- —^ included Philippe Halsman, cation in Edinburgh and a cham- nose m aioutc knows that at best these after-dinner deals are a bore. There are long Thomas Hollyman, David E. Scher- pion of use of films in schools, to (THE ROSE TATTOO) waits, the speeches might have just as well come crated out of Sears- man, Arthur Shay and Suzanne visit America as guest of the U. S. Paris, March 25. Roebuck and the degree of originality and humor is so small as to Szasz. The endpapers were done Government. two^tfbf^ be homeopathic. by Boris Artzybasheff. Picture Ernest K. Gann s The High and by Pauie de ®®^um(mt. Directed by Pierre Now an( j then, of course, ejven on this mediocre level there are Press did the book for S. & S. ft® A f n 0 r r n on U wm Gramonf lhlafre. Pa^? M^n zo,' -S3; blowups. At the last dinner held by the FPA at the Club Del Mar in TT r *11 n/T " * J Mnnth rinh U, «;elee- $3top * I Santa Monica, Louella-Parsons had an award to give to Jimmy McHugh. T , o U ’° f J 11 * Mas Awards C ^ , , You would have thought this would involve no more nervousness mZidcHn ° f n i in - 01s kaS j tl0 ? rir bv N Y Herald j Tennessee Williams heavy sex than table conversation between the two. Yet she froze, made several awards for magazines and maga- A new work by N. Y. tteraia d ramaf “Tattoo," has been given f , ctarts *kpnt Treating about his unforgettable melodies "which zine writers, known as the Benja- Tribune music critic Arthur Ber- a nice Paris staging, okay lead. f evprvo ;f5 a rfiLK gStmither gTassesreadthe min Franklin Magazine awards, ger, "Ideas of Order, will have per f orman ce, effective atmospheric S? ne .JS a rthlf 'Sm Sh Eight prizes will be given annual- its premiere, April 11 in N. Y. by se t s an d smooth translation, but tribute, and left the platform so humiliated that McHugh had to come ly. A gold medal and scroll will the N, Y, Philharmonic. a ll these trimmings fail to uphol- badk ker purse. The rest of the dinner had to get on somehow be given the American general .cir- . Climax magazine, new McFad- s { er an uneven script into a sat- without her. ^ culation magazine which "performs den men’s mag, bought Victor i s fyi n g evening. On the pther hand, at the HFC dinner in the Embassy Room of the the most distinguished, meritorious Rosen’s "Battle of the Bordello. "Vattoo," of course, is story of Ambassador Hotel, Donald O’Connor receiving, so he said, the first public service during the year." An Writer has peddled English rights sicilian-bom seamstress, Serafina, award of his life, and finding himself in a herring-bone business suit award of $1,000 will be given the to his tome, "Wanderlust. who lives in a tiny, Italo-Ameri- surrounded not only by dinner jackets but white ties and tails, ex- S?L of ™ agazine . article "in- Robert Northshield, feature writ- can settlement aldng Gulf Coast, plained that his evening clothes were In a picture and he was trying SSSf nh l ff 1 a na 1 1 P re ? 0 ?T g l n whlch f r °? ^ e i Ch A C « a |%?r U ?n J iSw Vnrk and of J?- er out a new formal attire in a shade of midnight gray. He easily could come” obstacles had to be over * ing t0 Natu- 2 f°f e rhest have b P in bis lines but he came through as the magnificent rwil • A writer t>n the AineriCAH N&tu driver f h&d tHttooed on his chest# Tip je nrid flnvhodv wanting to see how he een wesr evenlnff . Other prizes, six in all, will he ral History Museum program. Affair with another truck-driver, B !!n 11 VL 3 » Venmg given for the best article or series Article by Richard Skinner on a nd disclosure of husband’s infi- clothes need only watch his performance in Call Me Madam. depicting life, culture or institu- the recent tour of Dancers of Bali, delity, eventually cure her of her Of the two dinners, the FPA’s with their Henriettas ran the faster tions in the United States: best for which he was company man- obsession. show. The HFC’s with their Golden Globes showed more glamor. At Anybody who has sat through presentation of awards on any level knows that at best these after-dinner deals are a bore. There are long waits, the speeches might have just as well come crated out of Sears- Roebuck and the degree of originality and humor is so small as to U. of 111. Mag Awards Rons m the United States; best for which he was company man- obsession. show. The HFC’s with their Golden Globes showed more glamor. At interpretation of the foreign scene ager, will .appear in the April 4 Combination of torrid sex talk, both dinners, Stanley Kramer and his "High Noon" cast and staff ftL°i!i r f , oreiga relations; best bi- issue of the Harvard Alumni Bui- pseudo-poetic symbolism and moth- wa iked off with so many awards, he could have picked the tab at knmii w art icle; best magazine letin. . • , . er-love sentimentality make ‘Tat- both places and charged It quite justifiably to public relations. His 1 ^sbortstory, and fQr out- Pulitzer prize-winning historian, too" a difficult script to direct. “High*Noon" split awards at both dinners with "The/Greatest Show not covered to def- Bernard DeVoto, discusses censor- pierre Valde has managed con- on Earth," but, oddly, three other Academy nominations, "Iyanhoe," worth S5 e n g n° r io S i, Tbe ? e awards are ship of books in the A ?Si' «?ilf nf stal * tly ^ “Moulin Rouge" and "The Quiet Man,” got nowhere with the foreign t PP fmre A i°int commit- Harper s magazine, under title of well in his staging, and, as Ta nress Seeminclv vou can’t fool foreigners on foreign-made pix f J°* the publishing and writ- "Case of the Censorious Congress- too" has to its credit some earthly pr ® ss - seemingly, you canc iooi loreigners on ioreign-raaae pix. fields, plus members of the men ’’ comedy scenes, he is able to make Cooper was rated the best actor by HFC and got an Academy nom- umversity and public/ is being set Martin Feinsteto, Jiead of Sol the most of these. .ination, but FPA’s, as I have said, handed their Henrietta to Duke up * ' Huron's publicity department, was Lila Kedrova contributes fine Wayne. Susan Hayward was liked equally well by both groups. guest lecturer last Thursday night portrayal of unbalanced Sicilian, what the Hollywood Foreign Correspondents added, which the niiv^T P ai ]y Switches (26) at CCNY School of Business, Serafina, and Rene Havard, as a Academy might we n follow, was a Golden Globe for the best perform- the DovAr* has purchased to N. Y., to the class of journalism, clownish trucl^driyer _who ^solves ance an ac | 0r a musical comedy. This went to Donald O’Connor from Arthur 0 'a D « ly *B. e P°rf er tsHdng on P^ essaganc J- T ,^, c „ J}!£ f s ?? Ja^Dvse' as and was presented by Eve Starr, representing Italian papers and Publisher oi r tA’ Boopingarner, People^ Blace l d h ? (K S s ' dof,ehter'°Gilbert E*dard as daugh- deserving of a pla4ue herself, as the best performance by a presenter years Latter th nnnf? aper for ' ? 3 ^ lbart £°i?^nn WOXR SSrjSoTfiance- Leon D^brel of a Golden- Globe, though many might argue that the .best perform- rtaff as adviser° an5 Ue r S A« Ptt ifa ^ h0 ^ a +n hA°ni?hlifhed bv Orford as old priest, and Solange Certain ance by a correspondent or an actress was Ivy Wilson (3,000,000 !2£ n TT aIs q P w ns the Lake Counto u! April 30.%ook conSSs of and Anne M%llo. as girls on their readers), who».Presented the posthumous award to Lamar Trotti for his > T owns the TinlrA Omtiitxr TT Tlvnco A Dril Mil . HOOlC COILS1SLS OI and AXIUc aa fiuio v** *■ i-v-v. — — — — Sews-Herew, , ^ &$$£££ S'lecttos from the ?adto series. way to American Legion conven- production of “With A Song In My Heart.” • Fra*?’ 9. e and his mother Mrs New collection of 25 short sto- tion, giving roles toparawer inter- Vincent Price emceed the FPA banquet and David Wayne handled motw S r. P * ? olt °n, form the only rles, under title of "Deep Cur- pretation. Sets^and costumes by tM traffic at the HFC affair. I thought Wayne did a better job, but Ralnh 50 ^? 31 * in Congress. rents," by William Ornstein, Metro Annenkov catch quality of the p r i ce jj ad better support. Either way, for guys and gals pasting up tnanagpp B jsier, former general homeoffice , trade press contact, background, and Edwards Al r a , the j r s tri ps an d wondering if their francs, shillings, kroner, pesos ‘ ^\vs?Journai the ,.Mansfield (O.) now ready, publication colored^^can stoge^ s and will am ount to enough to pay the rent, when they put on January to x £ es ^ gned to of his first collation of ^ stories, for a c £|ple of registerin n dog they certainly make Grubb St. look like Buckingham. Palace Will bepnmJ oIn toe News-Heral Become general manager wiiuer general nomeunxee ^ , ’rr ,, ’ Ime ineir strips anu wonaenng n tneir irancs, simu Mansfield (O.) now ready, following publication coloreding S num ® and rubles will amount to enough to pay the rent, e NeS-Herrid 4%“““°' 20 ’ bSfc* "Ta?to6"Sf wl&fbut the dog they certainly make Grubb St. took like 1 al manager of Chicago Herald-Amertcan, which play Is not to Paris taste. Curt. 1 during the Coronat on. , when they put on Buckingham. Palace