Variety (April 1953)

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94 CHATTER Broadway Howard pietz, Metro pub-ad top- per, returned Monday (30) from a quickie Coast visit, Metro veepee and sales consult- ant William F. Rodgers returned from a Miami vacation. N£d Clark, foreign sales chief for Walt Disney, back in town after eight weeks in Europe, Lana Turner to Paris over the weekend after arriving from the Coast by plane Friday (27).‘ Samuel Goldwyn talked new film biz developments with N. Y. film critics at a Sherry-Netherland luncheon Monday (31). Russell Holman, Paramount’s eastern production manager, to Pinehurst,- N. C., tomorrow (Thurs.) for a 10-day vacation. Earl Blackwell, Celebrity Service prez, returns from the Coast today (Wed.). Prepping trip April 12 to the Cannes Film Festival. Sam Taylor, author of '-'Sabrina Fair,” new unproduced play which Paramount is adapting, off to the Coast for huddles at the Par studio. * Charles E. Rochester's coming- of-age cocktailery today (Wed.) at the Hotel Lexington, celebrating his 21st anni as boss of the hos- telry. Harold Lloyd’s special Oscar go- ing on display at the Paris. Thea- tre in connection with the re-show- ing of his 28-year-old “The Fresh- man.” Phyllis Kirk, in town for bally of Warner’s 3-D "House of Wax,” interviewed by high school and college editors yesterday (Tues.) at McCarthy’s. • Spencer Tracy remaining in Gptham for two weeks before re- turning to the Coast. Star arrived Thursday (26) after vacationing in London, Paris and Rome. Jdscha Heifetz flew to Europe Saturday (28r for an 11-week con- cert tour of France, Italy, Portu- gal, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, England and Israel. Frank Bering, Jimmy Hart and Eugene Barrett assembled a VIP turnout for.a special junket to Chi .to premiere the new Beau Nash Room of the Congress Hotel. William Wyler' back to the Coast after a brief stopover in Gotham. After lensing "Roman Holiday” in Rome for Paramount, producer had been on a vacation tour of Europe. Metro producer Arthur Freed sails for London today (Wed.) to begin preparation for filming an- other picture with Gene Kelly, fol- lowing "Invitation to the Dance.” Vienna Choir Boys leave for home today (Wed.) aboard the Ryhdam, after completing a three- month,* 68-city U.S. and Canadian tour, their 10th under direction of Sol Hurok. Tallulah Bankhead, who is slated to mark her nitery debut at The Sands, Las Vegas, calls the gam- bling resort "Lastfogel, Nev.” As she puts it, "I’m gonna open in a saloon in Lastfogel.” Theatrical attorney Julian T. Abeles planning to sell his Green- wich estate and buy a Park Ave. co-op, with a shack in Connecti- cut for weekends, instead of com- muting as heretofore. . Joseph Mankiewicz, Metro pro- ducer, back from the Coast Mon- day (30) following confabs with producer John Houseman on "Julius Caesar,” which M-G is readying for release. Robert Lantz, former ..European representative of U. S. picture companies, opening his own agency in New York. He’s affiliated with Coast agent Milton M. Grossman who’s due in N. Y. April 6. • Lynn Farnol celebrating his third year as an indie in public relations (for 21 years previously he had'been Samuel Goldywn’s ad- pub chief). Farnol hosted a cock- tailery at his office Thursday (26) on the occasion. Joe Holland, amusements ad manager of the Journal-American, feted last week by some 150 the- atre, film and newspapermen upon his retirement after 20 years on the paper. He was presented with a Rolleiflex camera. Louis Sobol, N. Y. Journal- American syndicated columnist, accompanied by his wife Peggy, made his first plane-trip over the weekend. He roundtripped Chi- cago, and is now wondering why he didn’t travel that way before. Fay and Sol Lesser marked their 40th anniversary last Thursday (26) with a get-together at their Hotel Pierre apartment before re- turning to the Coast the next day. Their son, Julian (Bud) Lesser also returned to L. A. the same day, but by air. Norman Panama conferring .with Danny Kaye on script and casting for "Knock on Wood,” upcoming Kaye starrer which Panama will co-produce and co-direct with his partner,- Melvin Frank. Kaye’s wife, Sylvia. Fine, is doing the score and lyrics. As a stunt, Robert E. Sherwood and Bennett Cerf staged p "Snehk Coronation”, at a party last week. | Sherwood was Archbishop of Can- terbury and Cerf was Duke of Nor- folk. They crowned two queens, Mrs. Sam Goldwyn and Mrs. Ar- thur Hornblow. All done with special costumes. Willis Player, publicity director for Pan American, former news- paperman With the Chicago Daily News, the Wall Street Journal and the Booth Newspapers of Michi- gan, appointed public relations- veepee of Northwest Airlines, St. Paul, Minn., effective May 1. Johnny Creedy, asst. p.r. director of Pan Am, succeeds to the top spot. Paris Sacha Guitry rehearsing his new play, "Palsambleu” at the Varietes. Suzy Solidor, Henry Bry and Colette Mars into new show at Drap d’Or. Charles Boyer, here for a role in "Madame D...accepted an in vitation to the Cannes. Film Fes tival. Luis Mariano inked for four mu sical pix "La Belle De Cadiz,' "Colorado,” "Carmen” and a new version of "Le Barbier De Se- ville.” "Limelight” opening at three big houses in its French version while the original version is in its 14th week at Le Raimu on Champs Ejlysees. Theatre Babylone, now housing offbeat legit hit, "En Attendant Godot,” inaugurating a 6 o’clock show with the French version of "Night Must Fall.” Joe Bushkin writing nine songs here to lyrics by Garson Kanin. Bal Tabarin opens this week after a nine-month cloture, fea turing Buck & Schik, Les Cassa- vecchia, Paul Bern! and big spec backing. Hope Williams, over for Euro- pean holiday, spent week here be- fore going to Rome for long stay Erich von Stroheim into new pic "Alert in the South,” to be filmed at Paris studio. London Philadelphia By Jerry Gaghan Buddy Greco joined the Gay- lords vocal trio. Mary Pickford coming here April 4-8 to aid U.S. bond drive. Dan Cedrone, of Esquire Boys ill with -flu and opening .at Sciolla’s indefinitely postponed. Thieves broke into Lenny Sloan's Emerson’s Show Bar and made .off with 23 cases of liquor and $420 in cash. Kay Karlton Room furnishings auctioned off this week. Spot has been purchased by adjacent cloth ing store. .. Stu Erwin and June Collyer guests of honor at Warwick Hotel luncheon which opened 1953 Can- cer Crusade here. Lee Guber, owner of Rendez- vous Cafe, sponsoring Benny Good- man-Louis Armstrong concert at Academy of Music April 30. Club Shaguire (Central Airport, Camden, N.J. spot) decided to give band policy a whirl, opening with Johnny Austin’s orch April 4. Reno By Mark Curtis * Peter Lawford in for a visit. Betty and Jane Kean open at Riverside April 2. • Sanford Adler will ruii Cal Neva and reclaimed Biltmore in close harmony at Tahoe. Nevada legislature ends session with gambling laws practically unchanged. Levy of 2% on quarterly gross gaming incomes remains. , Silver Spurs Award for best western pic and actor of year hit snag. Gary Cooper may not be available for May celebration. Other "Spurs” winners were’John Wayne, Gregory Peck and Jimmy Stewart. Havana Gali Gaii heads bill at Mont- martre. The American tabloid, Havana Herald, folded after over two years- of losses, Bola de Nieve playing the piano at Radiocentro after returning from Europe. President Batista helped inaugu- rate new airport at the tourist cen- ter of Trinidad. * Ana Gloria of the team of Ana Gloria & Rolando leaving the stage to get married. The Venezuelan Symphony giv- ng a number of concerts here as part of the Marti centenary cele- brations. A new government decree per- mits tourists to drive autos here if they have licenses from their own countries. 1 Alan Ladd hospitalized with a septic finger. His six-year-old son is a patient in same hospital. Johnnie Ray’s Sunday concert at Bellevue, Manchester, April 12, was sold out as soon as announced. Robert B. Weiss, European rep for Capitol Records, here last week on his swing around the Continent. Harry Kosiner, home office exec of Columbia, in London for confabs with . Max Thorpe and William Levy/ Jack Hylton hosting three parties of blind people at performances of "Paint Your Wagon” at Her Majes- ty’s theatre. Val Parnell tossed a special party for Johnnie Ray after his London Palladium opening March 23, at the Embassy Club. An unknown*! 8-year-old student, Susan Shentall, inked for‘femme lead in J. Arthur Rank’s joint Italian production - of "Romeo and Juliet.” Pandri> C. Berman arrives in London this week to prep a Metro- Brltish production of "Knights of band Lao Vaszary. Good boxoffice looms. "The Thief,” new play by Joa- quin Calvo Sotel and starring Mart Carrillo and Enrique Diosdado, presented at the Maria Guerrero Theatre Public and crix lauded it. With Pepita Serrador, touring the provinces for the last three years, there will be four Argen- tine actresses playing in Spain with their own companies and pre- senting plays by South American authors. Cinema star Fernando Fernan Gomez is doing so well with his legit company at Teatro Comedia where he has been since Christmas doing the comedy "Routine Life” by Carlos Llopis, that he continues with same play until after Easter. Tokyo „ "Rashamon” set for release in Egypt Walter Gieseking here for four- week concert tour sponsored by Yomiuri Newspaper. First TV commercial pic com- pleted by Dentsu Advertising the Round Table.” Starts rolling Agency. The 30-second quickie was in May. made for Nippon Beer Co. David Niven arrived on the "Limelight” (UA) designated as Elizabeth last week to take up the a' "special select” film by the Jap lead in Ealing’s "The Love Lottery” anese Education Ministry’s Educa- which has been scripted by Harry tional Film Examining Board. Non-imflammable prints of three Metro pix will be distributed here. Fi^st ones are "Singin’ in the Wednesday, April 1, 1953 Hollywood Fred Allen in from N.Y. for tv work. . 1V Arthur Lubin on vacation at I * Quinta. ** ***£*• HoPPer recovering f rora surgery. , 11 Martha Hyers changed her first name to Marty. 5C Anna Maria Alberghetti re- turned from Rome. e Angna Enters here after a transcontinental tour. Ricardo Montalban to Texm plug Metro's "Sombrero.” 10 Daniel Mamiin from N. v t* prep Shirley Booth’s next film ° Barbara Stanwyck in from Mex- ico City after six weeks on loca- tion. Richard Beymer returned to "Sn Big’ cast after recovering from surgery. Josef Auerbach in from N v for release huddles with Mike Frankovich. Mervyn Le Roy presented with Gold Heart-Award by Mount Sinai Men’s Club. Helen 'Grayco back in town after two months on road with SDik* Jones’ band; Reg Whitley in Hollywood to in- terview studio toppers for London Daily Mirror. Ramiro Samoyoa in from Guate- mala to gander 3-D product for his theatre chain. Jeanette MacDonald back Kurnitz. Sydney Moseley, British broad- caster, author and editor of> For **..**»•» •—**»&*** m me: dcanene iviacuonaid back in Editors Only, sails for N, Y. April. Ram,” "Crown and the Sword” and 1 tow for huddles with Paul Small 16 on the Queen Elizabeth.. Trip 1 ” 1 ----- - 5 • raul bmaU was delayed because of illness. Mary Small, who has befen booked by Lew Grade in England Million Dollar Mermaid. Scochiku Studio board director Ichizo Okuyama leaves soon for U. S. on inspection trip. Another for eight weeks, has been offered board member, Kiyoshi Takamura, a further eight but could only left for Cannes Film Festival accept four because of her Amer- March 28. lean nitery commitments. Ethics Code Board of Motion Claude Merchant, with Kathleen Picture Assn, of Jajpan, alarmed by Stamford and Ruth Ham, who were the wave of Pacific War films in such a hit at the Embassy Club last year that they stayed there for 18 weeks, booked by Bob Barnett there as the Coronation attraction. They open May 13 for month. production or planned, has estab- lished six-man board to check scripts of such pix with an eye to removing anything which might in- jure Japanese relations* abroad. "Strip Calendar,” a short con- 11 I taining some of Tokyo’s best-known lnonireai strippers, is being shown currently Sonny King clicking at D 0W n- Paula Watson scoring at Cafe ■SorTLr rw* le y hou ses but will step in if pic is today nC (Wed°? OVan ^ afe sbown at regular theatres. Blossom Seeley & Benny Fields »• doing okay at Chez Paree. . IHlIMCclDOllS Parisian baritone Mouloudji * “ skedded for early April showing at _ « T y ,. s ®5 CS ^ „ Sans Souci. Tex Beneke into Prom Ballroom Danny Dauberson inked for for one-nighter. ^ April 4 opening at Continental _ George Wilson .back with Jose Cafe following Lily Fayol. Greco Dancers at Lyceum. Normandie Room of Mount . an< ? wi 5 .Komic-Kings Royal Hotel shuttered for Holy * n ,£2^ £ ear a t f -^ a 6 ic Bar. Week, reopening April 6 with Burl Top Banana, current at Ly- Ives. ceum, first musical to play here Jack Arthur in town from .. Toronto to catch Victor Borge show f? f e ? er “ at Her Majesty’s forthcoming CNE Audltonum tieup in August. Wh SL a , Elizabeth Leese, Montreal ballet BriiphniipriA^cSniJf^ 0 !?'iS? e ii/r e * a teacher and former hoofer with the Minne- Joos Ballet and Trudi Schoop, to P i T nLpSv h n?M?^nocnfa ka a play lead in forthcoming Montreal toiS Rpn Thpflirp’c’ “Anna Phrictip ” . presenting two concerts, a day Kep ineatre s Anna Lnnstie. m five northern Minnesota cities in five days. Town has Shipstad-Johnson Ice Follies and Sportsmen’s Show cur- By Hal V. Cohen rently at Arena and Auditorium, Ray Bolger booking at Horizon respectively. Former opened March Room for week of May 20 has been 26 and remains through April 12. cancelled. Songwriters Sammy and George ffiliroffA Mysels home for the Eassover with vIHtagU their family. Marshall Migatz, of Salt Creek Charlie Dortic, Col salesman, summer theatre, plans trek to N.Y. and his wife celebrated their 30th to line up players, wedding anni. Dave Halper, Chez Paree host, Manager Charlie Eagle back on ?? *° California to set dates for job at Stanley after being roughed ^^{py Durante and Ritz Bros, up in an auto accident. . Charles Cobum in town making Jack Kalmenson, WB exchange ^Lmwhfeh onPn 8 , 5 manager, and his wife to Florida, Arthur i?2. nth i Cuba and Nassau for three weeks, ^lebs ii? for oSin. nf L lu 0 , A1 Spink in town be'ating the Nash Room Tth? drums for "Stalag 17” and Robert Sit R 4 th A ^ bassador Reud here ahead of Ballet Theatre. “Call Mp Mariam” Lewis iD wUl P h°a P v e e rt Lm™ a j n ob wRh °" e summer opera company again this year V ^ ° ne n Flance ’ for one “225a dancer Jack Beaber will nexlwee^J^S arto^o^ be with the Ballet Theatre when ?tr?whatter thp DrSrl r « f ° ¥ Lnpri/r for a one - nighter ane ’ on Lisa Kirk comes home for Twin Coaches engagement May 4 right after her four-week date at Per- sian Room, New York. about a European tour. Arthur Freed decorated with Legion of Honor ny Raoul Ber- trand, French consul general. George Jessel presented with the Man of the Year Award by the National Home for Jewish Chil- dren. . Col. Jason Joy presented with plaque by Southern California Mo- tion Picture Council for his civic activities, i Frank Partos and Ladislas Bush- Fekete assigned- to represent Screen Writers Guild at Cannes Film Festival next month. Pittsburgh Scotland By Gordon Irving Avril Angers inked for Glasgow nitery date. Savoy cinema in Glasgow get- ting facelift. Tommy Morgan teed off spring stint at Palace Theatre, Dundee. Sunday opening of cinemas nixed at Motherwell, Lanarkshire. Globe Revue from London due at King’s Theatre, Glasgow, May Glasgow magistrates gave okay for TV sets to be installed in pub- lic meeting places Robert Wilson, Scot tenor, plan- ing to Orkney and Shetland is- lands for vaude tour. Glasgow and Ayr sharing with London the European preem "Mir- acle of Fatima” April 2. Steve Merrick, vocalist and ac- cordionist, joining Tommy Mor- gan Coronation show at Pavilion, Glasgow, in May. Last Scot pantomime of season, "Jack and the Beanstalk,” folded at Alhambra, Glasgow, March 28, after successful stint. "Over the Moon,” new revue starring, Cicely Courtneidge, set for Alhambra, Glasgow, April 13. Vivian Ellis has written lyrics and music, with Jack Hulbert produ- cing. Margaret Miles, spotted in cho- rus of London’s "South Pacific,” inked for title role of "Puss in Boots” panto at Theatre Royal, Glasgow, next Christmas. Freddie Carpenter again directing. San Francisco By Ted Friend Pons enroute to By Geeno Garr Gloria Romero and her musical show at the Latina Theatre. Mexican tenor Carlos Puig gave Lily Pons enroute to Palm Spring. George Shearing jamming Black- hawk Club. . Alice Faye in to catch Phil Har- ris’ Auto Show stint. Bill Hogan, Chronicle drama a pnnpprt r^fnrnc in i/mumcie uranu opera next fan ™ 1 ng n editor, to L. A. for studio gander. Argentine legit actress Zoe Du- ™ H u ld ,S gardl l T . 8 u , es . ting at , Press cos and company will tour the trang N 1 # 1 * ln record turn- country starting on Easter. out * Vet actor Alejandro Ullora and . Newspaper. Frolic set for April his legit company left for Havana 20 at the Curran Theatre, with for a long tour of Latino countries Jack Benny heading show. / with latest Spanish plays. Anna Russell to play repeat con- Lilly Muratti cert at Veterans Auditorium April at the Maria Victoria Theatre with 6 as result of her sock draw five comedy, "S ncerity,” by her hus- weeks ago. Riviera By Ed Guinn Concert pianist Tfikita Magaloff gave a recital at the Casino, Nice. Jacques Dumesnil and Suzanne Dehelly played "La Feuille de Vigne” at the Palais de la Medi- teranee, Nice. . Josephine Baker and her com- pany will do a gala show at the In- ternational Sporting Club, Monte Carlo, Easter Sunday. Edwige Feuillere played in "La Liberie est un Dimanche” at the Palais de la Mediterranee, Nice, and the Casino, Cannes. Thilda Thamar and Yves Vincent working on exteriors of "Monsieur Scrupule et le Poisson Chinois. Jacques Darcy is directing. Jacques Helian Orch and vaude lineup* gave concert to aid the Red. Cross at the Casino, Monte Carlo; was attended by Prince of M° nac0 : After a «successful season at Casino, Cannes, Marquis de Cuevas Ballet Co. planed to Norway and Sweden for dates before' returning to Paris. . Michel Simon working _ on “L’Etrange Desir de Monsieur Bard,” directed by Geza Radvanyi. now being made at the Studio de la Victorine, with exteriors at Nice, Cannes and Monte Carlo.