Variety (April 1953)

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, April *, 195S 653 EXHIBITORS HAILED F OUR BUSINESS! «wgff RUSSELL ROGERS/ Pres. Preferred Theatres Corp. in Southern California —“An eye- opener! The intimacy of the screen is in- creased 100-fold. The public will find it a sensation!” IP ROWLEY, President * Rowley United Theatres — “Magnificent! This is the dawn of a new era!” LOUIS SCHINE, Schine Chain Theatres Inc. —“All of us agree enthusiastically that this is certain to have a great and profitable fu- ture! Warners can take a well earned bow for another history-making contribution to our business!” ALEX SCHREIBER, Detroit and Los Angeles Theatres — “A box office winner! I'll bet my 84 years in the business on it!” FRED SCHWARTZ, Century Circuit, New York — " The Warners have taken another seven league step in the advancement of the industry. This ^should do outstanding busi- ness !”, V 1 * SOL SCHWARTZ, President , RKO Theatres —“I predict without "reservation that the public vyill give its overwhelming support to entertainment presented in this new medium. The realism of this 3-D in WamerColor and with WarnerPhonic Sound is breathtaking!” ROBERT SELIG, Asst to Pres., Fox Inter- mountain Theatres —“ ‘House of Wax' stim- ulated, excited and encouraged all of us. It will be a terrific hit!” - CHARLES SKOURAS, President, National Theatres, Corp.— u lt is most impressive and should do spectacular business at the box- office!” ELY SOMERVILLE, General Manager Cabart Theatres, Long Peach —“Terrific. The only thing we want now is to be able to play it!” GEORGE STAMN, Antioch, Utah — “A won- derfully thrilling experience!” FRED STEIN, United Artists Theatres —“I'd like nothing better than to have it for every theatre we operate. I'm convinced ‘House of Wax' has a lot of money in it!” STEVE STIEFEL, Morro Bay Theatres, North- ern Calif. —^'This is going to create a wave of enthusiasm for moviegoing that will sur- pass everything!” DON TORODOR, Panorama Theatre, Van Nuys, Calif. — “Outstanding. This is sensa- tional in scope!” DAVE WALLERSTEIN, Vice-president and Gen. Mgr. Balaban & Katz, Chicago —“The public will really go for it. It's third-dimen- sion at its best!” E. L. WILLIAMSON — All States Theatres, Abilene, Tex. — “A wonderful development in entertainment!” * \ ROY WOLF, Paramount Hollywood theatre, andFanchonand Marco, Inc .“This is one of the greatest things that ever happened to the movie business. We will start immedi- ately equipping all ottr houses with Warner- Phonic Sound, which is great beyond de- scription !” HARRY WOLFBERG, Wolfberg Theatres, Denver — “This is picture-making at its most exciting peak!” JOHN WOLFBERG, Wolfberg Theatres, Denver — “A new day in the picture busi- ness. I was thrilled beyond words!” ELDEN YERGENSEN, Cedar City, Utah —“I am going to put it into my theatres as - quickly as possible. This is a yeal boon to the movie-goer!” EDDIE ZABELL, Film Buyer, National Thea- tres —“Excellent for every boxoffice!” JERRY ZIGMOND, West Coast Division Manager, Paramount Theatres —“The ulti- mate ill true three-dimension, and as shown with the new WarnerPhonic sound, the im- pact was overwhelming!” msmmm k - : : Jactc L. Warner addressing one of the series of exhibitor screenings held in Warner a 0 . 8 / 8-Dimension Studio Auditorium * RR*rr My sincerest thanks to each and every exhibitor who attended and so enthusiastically hailed our showing of “House of Wax” in 3 Dimension, WarnerColor and WarnerPhonic Sound. I wish every exhibitor in the free world could have been present. For us at Warner Bros. Studios this was an occasion as historic as August 5, 1927, when we held our' first showing of “Talking Pictures”. As a further demonstration of the tremendous scope of our 3-D program, we showed completed sequences from our forthcoming outdoor spectacle, “The Charge at Feather River” (formerly “Burning Arrow”). The unlimited horizon which we at Warner Bros, saw, was clearly evident to all. And all in our great industry will share the new era of greatness lying just ahead. /O , , V- [tte * ky , 1 W AMDfts a* TOT# WORLD PREMIERE N.Y. PARAMOUNT, FRIDAY! ■' ° t» rt n U (| a b 47 t; t? V U U St tt Xi O U ‘ «.» ‘ ’■» 1 : r| M n > i «r '<