Variety (April 1953)

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10 PICTURE GROSSES P^riSTt Wednesday, April 8, 1953 *irTr "C r i? ,l T”i n L A.lifts; ‘Peter Pan Still Champ, Wow $43,000 in 4th, “Madam’ Hefty 35G, legion Big 24G,limits’ 22G Even to take Los Angeles, April 7. +■ against new bills, opened „„ advantage of the school holiday and Easter weekend, “Peter, Pan” remains the outstanding pic here, soaring to a wow $43,000 in fourth session, two theatres. “Call Me Madam,” although it just closed a four-week, upped scale showcasing run, is catching a hefty $35,000 on its initial popscale week in four locations. "Off Limits” shapes*nifty $22,- 000 in two houses, plus $27,000 more in four nabs including three, ozoners. “Desert Legion” is grab- bing a fine $24,000 in three spots while “Sombrero’' is getting a good $25,000 in two sites. Only fair $13,000 is seen for “Glass Wall” in two theatres., Showcase Ritz is landing a good $9,500 with “Man on Tightrope” at the Ritz. t , Estimates for This* Week United Artists, Hollywood Para- mount (UATC-F&M) (2,100; 1A30; 70-$1.10)—“Off Limits” (Par). Solid $22,000. Last week, “Little Sheba” (Par) (2d wk-10 days), $16,000. Los Angeles, Chinese, Uptown, Loypla (FWC) (2,079; 2,048; 1,715; 1,248; 70-$l,10)—“Call Me Madam (20th) and “Cairo Road” (Indie). Hefty $35,000. Last week, “Among Sheltering . Palms”. (20th> and “Face To Face” (RKO), $17,000. .Rita: (FWC) (1.370; 80-$1.50)— “Man On-Tightrope” (20th). Good $9,500. Last week, “Call Me Mad- am” (20th) (4th wk), $10,500. Los Angeles Paramount, Egyp- tian (ABC-PT-UATC) (3,200; 1,838; 70-$1.25)—“Sombrero” ■ (M-G) and “Port Sinister”. (RKO). Good $25,- 000. Last 1 week, L. A. Par.and El Rey, “Hitch-Hiker” (RKO) and “Woman They Almost Lynched” (Rep), $23,000. * „ ■ „ Loew’s 'State, Four Star, Hawaii (UATC-C&S) (2,404; 900; 1,106; 60- $1.10)—“Desert Legion” (U) and “Stolen identity” (Indie). Fine $24,000. Last week, “Seminole” (U) and “Kansas Pacific” (AA) (2d wk), $12,700. % Downtown, Wiltern (WB) (1,757; 2,344; 70-$1.10) — “Glass Wall” (Col) and “Jack McCall, Desper- ado” (Col).. Fair $13,000. Last week, “Blue Gardenia” (WB) and “Thundering Trails” (Indie), same. Orpheuip (Metropolitan) (2,213; 60-90)—“Lady Wants Mink” (Rep) and “San Antone” (Rep). Mild $5,000„ or near. Last week, with Egyptian, “I Love Melvin” (M-G) and “Jalopy” (AA) (2d wk), $13, 600. El Rey, Iris (FWC) (861; 814; 70- 00) — “Hitch-Hiker” (RKO) and “Woman Almost Lynched” (Rep) (2d wk-El Rey; m.o. Iris). . Okay $6,000. Last week, with ■> other units. Hlllstreet, Pantages (RKO) (2,- 752; 2,812; 74-$l.50)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (4th wk). Wow $43,000. Last week, $34,400. Vogue fFWC) (885; 80-$1.50) “Lili” (M-G) (3d wk). Neat $6,000. Last week, $7,000. Fiiie Arts (FWC) (679; —“Four Poster” (Col) (4th wk).| Modest $3,000. Last week, $3,500. Wilshire, Globe (FWC) (2,296; 782; 80-$1.50)—“Moulin Rouge* (UA) (15th wk-Wilshire, 6th wk- Globe). Good $10,000. Last week, $9,500. ^ ^ Beverly Hills (WT) (1,612; $1.50- $1.80)—“Hans Christian Andet- sen” (RKO) (15th wk). Nifty $9,- 500. Last week, upped to $7,000 with school vacation, TV ads help- ing. Broadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This week $731,400 i Based on 22 theatres) Last Year ,..$478,000 (Based on 21 theatres) ‘Salome Record Providence, April 7. Boff fare in combo with school’s Easter holiday ^-week heading all first-runs big totals. Leading the list is Strand’s “Salome” with RKO Albee close behind with “Hans Christian Andersen.” Also on the lusty side are Loew’s State’s “Call Me Madam” and Majestic's “Trou- ble Along Way.” Metropolitan’s “Off Limits” looks good. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 50-$l)— “Hans Christian Andersen”.(RKO). Wow $18,500. Last week, “Desti- nation Gobi” (20th) and “Flying Squadron” (Rep), $7,000. Majestic (Fay) (2,200; 44-65)— “Trouble Along Way” (WB) and “Seeing Eye” (WB). Big $11,000. Last week, “Blue Gatclenia 5 ’ (WB) and “Daughter of Darkness” (In- die), $5,000. Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 25- 65)—“Off Limits” (Par).. Looks good $11,000. Last week dark. State (Loew) ° (3,200; 44-65)— "Call Me Madam” (20th>. Nice $14,500. Last week, “I Love Mel- vin” ’ (M-G) and “San Antone” (Rep), $9,000. . . Strand (Silvermap) (2,200; 65- $1)—“Salome” (Col). Record $20,- 000. Last week, “Little Sheba'” (Par) and “Midnight Serenade” (Par), $5,500. TROUBLE’ SMASH 12G, BUFF.; TAN’TAIL 27G Buffalo, April 7. Best showing currently is being made by the Buffalo where Louis Armstrong and Sugar Ray Robin- son topped stagebill are boosting “Bandits of Corsica” to a great total in four days. Next best is “Trouble Along Way,” wow at the Center. “Salome” at Lafayette 'and “Peter Pan” at Century also are great. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Loew’s) (3,000; 40-90)- “Bandits of Corsica” (Indie) with Louis Armstrong, Sugar Ray Rob- inson topping stage show (4 days). Fancy $20,000. Last week “Som- brero” (M-G) and “Confidentially Connie” (M-G), $10,000. Paramount (Par) (3,000; 40-70)- “Off Limits” (Par) and “Wyoming Roundup” ' (AA). Hefty $15,500. Last week,. “Back on Broadway” (WB) and “House of Darkness” (Indie) (10 days),* $11,200. Center (Par) (2,100; 40-70)- “Trouble Along Way” (WB). Smash $12,000. Last week, “Blue Garde- nia” (WB) and “Wherever, She Goes” (Lip), $0,500. •• Lafayette (Basil) (3,000; 40-70)- “Salome” (Col). Giant $21,000. Last week, “Ma, Pa Kettle on Vacation” (U) and “White Goddess” (Lip) (S days), $8,000. ‘ , Century . (20th Cent.) (3,000; 50- $l)-“Peter Pan” (RKO). Great $27,- 000. Last week, “Angel Face” (RKO) arid “Captive Women” (RKO), $8,000 at 4Q-70c. scale. ■Limits’ Loud 18G, Frisco; Tan’ 32G % San Francisco, April 7. “Pc-tor Pan” shape# standout here this session, with Easter week turnout by youngsters Holding it near opehing week’s smash total at Golden Gate. Pic is landing a sockeroo total on second stanza. One of the brightest newcomers is “Off Limits,” rated big at Para- mount. “Call Me Madam” also looms great at the huge Fox. “To- night We Sing” shapes good at St Francis. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) (2.850; 60- $1.20)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (2d wk); Held to boff $32,000. Last week, $35,500. Fox (FWC) (4,651; 65-95)—“Call (Continued on page 20) ‘Salome’ Hot $18,000 Paces Cincy; ‘Hans’ Wow 16G, legion’ Stout 10G Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $3,195,600 (Based on 24 cities, 217 the- atres', chiefly first runs, in- cluding N, Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year ..$2,045,700 (Based on 22 cities, and 214 theatres.) ‘Salome’ Wow 37G, Philly; Hans’ 16G , Philadelphia, April 7. Rain Saturday and Monday is nicking holiday grosses here this stanza despite a big Easter Sunday. ’Salome” is way out in front with errifid week at the Stanley, Per- sonals by Farley Granger will boost “Hans C. Andersen” back into the chips at the Midtown de- spite being in the ninth week. “Trouble Along Way” is only okay at the Mastbaum but “I Love Mel- is sluggish at Randolph. “Mou- Rouge” roared ahead to get ‘Rouge’ Giant $50,000, Det; ‘Gam b ler Fancy22G, ‘Cinerama’ Huge 28G, 2d TAN’ GIGANTIC 29G, BALTO; VADAM’ 22G Baltimore, April 7. Grosses here tttfs week are the best in many months. Leading the holiday lineup are “Peter Pan” at 80-$1.50) | Hipp and “Call Me Madam” at the New, both plenty hot with tilted scales at both. “Off Limits” at Keith’s and “Naked Spur” at the Century are also drawing nicely. “Fair Wind T,o Java” at the May- fair is getting okay trade. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew’s-UA) (3,000; 20- 70)—"Naked Spur” (M-G). Fas*t $14,500. Last week, “Clown” (M-G), $ 11 , 000 . Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,100; 50-$1.25) — “Peter Pan” (RKO). Socko $29,000. Last week, “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (6th wk), $13,300. Keith’s (Schariberger) (2,400; 25- 90)—“Off Limits” (Par). Nice $13,- 000 or near. Last week, “Tropid ‘Madam’ Terrif $14,000, Pitt.; ‘Melvin’ Hot 14fG, /rp . 11 f rp u .14/11 UUU or near. Last \ Trouble lall at 14b Zone” (Par), $6,600. Pittsburgh, April 7. It looks like Donald O’Connor Week on marquees here, with '‘Call Me Madam” at Harris and <C I Love Melvin” at the Penn only a few doors away, and both run- ning neck and neck for holiday leadership. “Madam” was extra hefty at slightly advanced prices “Trouble Along Way” at Stanley shapes good. “Abbott and Cos- tello to Mars” at Fulton is fair. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— “Abbott-Costello Go to Mars” (U). Some holiday action from kiddies but only fairish $6,000 looms. Last week, “Redhead Wyoming” (U) and “Girls in Night” (U), $3,500. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 65-$l)- "Call Me Madam’* (20th). Upped scale should get this.ojie first-run Easter leadership, what , (Continued on jpagq.20), u>;e'. .j f i io Little (Rappaport) (310; 25-90)— “Justice Is Done” (Burstyn). Nice $4,200. Last week, “Song To Re- member” (Col) (reissues), $3,500. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 20-70) — “Fair Wind To Java” (Rep). Over average $5,200. Last week, “Ride Man Down” (Rep), $4,300. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 35-90)— “Calf Me Madam” (20th). Rousing $22,000. Last week, “Among Shel- tering Palms” (20th), $7,000. . Playhouse (Schwaber) (420; 50- 90)—“Little Sheba” (Par) (4th wk). Sticking to great *$7,000 mark set in first and second frames. Stanley (WB) (3,280; 50-90)—“ Confess” (WB). Disappointing $10,- 000. Last week, “Blue Gardenia” (WB), $5,500. Town (Rappaport) (1,500; 35-70) —“Desert Legion” (U). Trim $10,- 800. Last week, “Invasion U. S. A.” (Col), $9,200. -51 ; M) ■ .* f X .1 i91 v; I i. a i 101 Detroit, April 7. First-run biz is booming here this week. “Moulin Rouge” looks giant at the Pox while “Mississippi Gambler” is sharp at the Michigan. “Call Me Madam” shapes great at the United Artists. “Cinerama” is virtually capacity in second round at Music Hall. Two holdovers, “Peter Pan” at Madison and “Han:/ Christian Andersen” at Adams are strong in seventh and third yveeks, respectively. Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Detroit) . (5,000; 80- $1.25)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA). Ter- rific $50,000. Last week, “High Noon” (UA) and “African Queqn” (UA),. $18,000. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 70-95)—“Mississippi Gambler” (U) and “Prince Pirates” (Col). Nice $22,000 or over. Last week, “Little Sheba” (Par) and “Taxi” (20th) (2d wk), $15,000. Palms (UD) (2,961; 70-95)—“Girls in Night” (U) and “Gunsmoke” (U) Oke $16,000. Last week, “Ange Face” (RKO) and “Tbrpedo Alley” (Col), $15,000. Madison (UDK (1,900; 70-95)— “Peter Pan” (RKO) (7th wk). Boff $12,000. Last week, $9,000. United Artists (UA) (1,938; 70 95)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) Great $17,000. Last week, “Jeop- ardy’* (M-G) and “Kansas Pacific” (AA), $8,40(L Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 70-95)— “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO (3d wk), Stout $11,000. Last week $14,500. Broadway - Capitol (Korman) (3,500; 70-95)—“Fort Vengeance” (AA) and “Hiawatha” (AA). Slow $9,000. Last week, “Naked Spur’ (M-G) and “Babes in Bagdad” (UA) (2d wk), $8,700,... Music Hall (Cinerama Prods. Inc.) (1,145; $1.50-$1.80)—“This Is Cinerama” (Indie) (3d wk). Ihitia holdover week ended Monday (6) held at huge $28,000 softer yirtua capacity $29,000 opening round Looks in for longrun, with crix appraisal and word-of-mouth great * i .< no 1» ini.r.63) -“Call Great vin in bigger biz at the small Trans-Lux in fifth stanza. Estimates for This Week Aldirie (WB) (1.303; 50-99—“Som- brero” (M-G) (2d wk). Off to $5,- 000, Last week, trim $8,500. .Arcadia (S&S) (625; 85-$1.20)— Bad and Beautiful” (M-G) (9th wk). Fair $6,500. Last week, $7,000. Boyd (WB) (2,360; 99-$l,30) “Peter Pan” (RKO Disney) (7th wk—5 days). Oke $8,500. Last week, $i0,000. Fox (20th) (2.250; 85-$1.30)- Me Madam” (20tb) (2d wk). $23,000. Last week, $26,000, Goldman (Goldman) 1,200; 50-99) “Off Limits” (Par).Torrid $15,000. Last week, “Last Comanches” (Col), $12*p00. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 50-99) “Trouble Along Way” (WB). Barely okay at $15,000 or near. Last week, Blue Gardenia” (WB), $10,000. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 85- $1.50^—“Hans Christian Andersen.” (RKO) (9th wk). Solid $16,000. Last week, $10,000. Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- 99)—“I Love Melvin” (M-G). Tepid $13,000. Last week, “Girl Who Had Everything” (M-G), $12,500, Stanley (WB) (2,900; 85-$1.25)— “Salome”’ (Col). Mighty $37,000. Last week, “Back on Broadway” (WB) (2d wk), $7,000. Stanton (WB) (1,473; 50-99)— “System” (WB). Slow $6,000. *Last week, "Cleopatra” (Par) (reissue), fancy $8,500. Studio (Goldberg) (500; 50-99)— “Justice Is Done” (Burstyn). Fair $3,200. Last'week, second-run Trans-Lux (T-L) (500; 90-$1.25)— “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (5th wk). Great $14,000. Last week, $13,000. World (G&S) (500; 60-99)—“Don Camillo” (IFE). Tidy $3,800. Last week, second-run. Cincinnati, April 7 Easter stanza is a wickpt feast here. Standout# are (“Sadbirie” and “Hans Christian Andersen”" at the big Albee and smaller Grand. Lat- ter is especially sock. Both are helped by- advanced prices and hold for second rounds. Keith’s also is in holiday stride with “Desert Legion.” Additional . new bills ‘Destination Gobi” at .Capitol and “I Love Melvin” in Palace,’ look moderate. Estmates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,100; 75-$l)— “Salome” (Col). Big $18,000. Holds for second stanza. Last week, “The Star” (20th), $8,500 at 55-85 scale Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 55-85)—1 ‘Destination Gobi” (20th). So-so $7,500. Last week, “Blue Gardenia” (WB), same. Grand (RKO) (1,400; 75-$l)—. “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) Gigantic $16,000. Will hold. Charles Granger p.a. opening day boosted biz. and publicity. Last week, “Stereo Techniques!* (Indie) and "San Antone” (AA), $8,000. Keith's (Shor) (1,500; 55-85)^ “Desert Legion” (U). Strong $10,- 000. Last week, “Taxi” .(20th), $5,000. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 55-85)—“I • Love Melvin” (M-G). Mild $8,500. Last week, “Flat Top” (AA), ditto. - Plenty of Pix Opposish In Omaha; ‘Madam’ Socho $11,500, .‘Melvin’ Hep 5G Omaha, April 7. Plenty* of competition for first- runs here this week, but biz is holding up well. There is the Shrine Circus,. “Top Banana” Ie- giter, “Ice Capades” and Western League baseball opening. How- ever, newcomers “I Love Melvin” and “Call Me Madam” are getting an excellent play. Holdovers of “Peter Pan” and “Bwana Devil” are going nicely in second rounds. Estimates for This Week Brandeis (RKO) (1,100; 50-$l)— “Peter Pan” (RKO) and “Bear Country” (RKO) (2d wk). Holding well at $9,500. Last .week, smash $16,000. Omaha (Tristates) (2,100; 50- $1.25)—“Bwana Devil” (UA) (2d wk). Big $9,000 or near. Last week, $10,000. Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 20- 70)—"Call Me Madam” (20th) and “Operation A-Bomb” (RKO). Sock $11,500. Last week, “Stars Sing- ing” (Par) and “Tropic Zone” (Par), $8,500. State (Goldberg) (865; 25-76)— “I Love Melvin” (M-G) and “Gold- en Hawk” (Col). Fine $5,000 or near. Last week, “Jeopardy” (M-G) and “Models, Inc.” (Indip) (2d wk), $4,000. ‘Pan’ Powerful $22,000, L’ville; ‘Salome’ Sturdy 15G, ‘Gambler’ Lusty 5G Louisville, April 7. First-run trade is soaring to a new high this week, with “Peter Pan” at Rialto and “Salome” at State, both at upped prices, pacing field. Former is terrific while “Salome” shapes sturdy. Mary Way” and Kentucky with “Missis- Limelight sippi Gambler,” both looking lively. ! n « ^ American Legion not hurt- * mg house or. pull of this ‘MADAM’ BIG $16,000, CLEVE.; ‘MELVIN’ 14G Cleveland, April 7. Downtown grosses are spurting at most houses with plenty of strong product, “Call Me Madam” at Palace is leading the newcomers closely pursued by “I Love Melvin” at State. Mouline Rouge” is soar- ing ahead of last week to make its fourth stanza on moveover at Still- man a real smash. Estimates for This Week Allen (Warners) (3,000; 55-85)— “President’s Lady” (20th). Good $11,000. Last week, “Blue Garde- nia” (WB), $9,500. Hipp • (Telemanagement) (3,700; 50-$1.25)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (3d wk). Sturdy $16,- 000, following $22,000 last week. Lower Mall (Community) (585; (UA). Picket- Estimates fpr This Week Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 50-75) —"Mississippi Gambler” (U). Solid $5,000. Last week, “Gunsmoke” (U) and “White Lightning” (AA), $4,000. Mary Anderson (People’s) (1,200; 50-75) — “Trouble Along Way’ (WB). Excellent $8,000. Last week, “Blue Gardenia” (WB), $5,000. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,000; 75-99)—“Peter Pan” (RKO). Going to town at upped scale. Tremen- dous $22,000 or close. Last week, “Little Sheba” (Par), $12,000, and m.o. to Brown. „ State (Loew’s) (3,000; 75-$1.10)— “Salome” (Col). Fast tee-off indi- cates sturdy $15,000 or better.'* Last week, “Woman’s Face” (M-G) and “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde” (M-G) (reissue), $13,000. .((OU comedy. Easter weekend, had long lines that insure a good $5,300. House closed 10 days preceding pic, Ohio (Loew’s) (1,300; 55-85)— “Battle Circus” (M-G) (m.o.). Ex- cellent $8,000 on second downtown lap. Last week, “San Antone” (Rep), $5,000. Palace (RKO) (3,300; 60-90)— “Call Me Madam,” (20th) Big $16,- 000 or near. Last week, “Silver Whip” (20th) and “Lady Says No” (RKO), $6,500. State (Loew’s) (3,45.0; 55-85)—“I Love Melvin” (M-G). Smart $14r 000. Last week, “Battle Circus (M-G), same. Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700; 55-75- $1.25)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (m.o.) (4th wk). Big $14,000, even more solid than last week s $12,00^ ^ J|f nQ j