Variety (April 1953)

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'Wednesday? April 8? 195S . Pfisttmf •l wirrnrTTrmnaBgaH^, about MISS BERNICE PARKS Just Concluded 3 SMASH WEEKS sE P>«“- BE W gob' s- satl « 8 the soP^ s * • ?®* w » is tegis- Lti ^ er ’ ^acaP^ lC cess^| x.arue. °^’ s ,^ spec^. M £f& «•** a ‘saffi >nU GogVs ^^\tuac- '» GcW Mtt «^V.f ?a?M. Wtes ^^^SST&8§ $&{«»,$& % SSS^ facts' W»$S* iV^ort 5 "' thvov\^\ ov 7„ t0 peddle Te sutts knot’s h°^ an ^ gols _ v/ell aS OT in r ,h>« » u S'^e S too>P. "Ya -is helo. . . v vnowho 1 ^ .. e iYvann el »et.sW» *“ s ong-s‘ u i^ e > pro duc- only '" . in the enec ' W1 . 25- *"* «' ucs tl, she 8 V* plC "!a an Sole wiVfw* '°& ' ’ hic ” «nlver to 10 , nhoval backup dvs . SSSd '-f 0 \.e C !-the Ih***-^ on Sncerttog/^f'socho ^ ««,V 5le S e a U o pen ? -And *" e . An L otS'^^vfr Eot \ fatt«fec,‘' ac J>.-" Rendition ot Such 5° ! ?h tuna ctich. 1 ® D ‘ 0 it A8»m. , foUo«W*°$J waina S«s- a J -It -Honae »'L w »er S°" 6 Bo That deity- Good M» n Sortntent oi Takes * o fi in an h‘? u ) cho%v bev’ o" that iau& 10 hot s» Stfj**#* rhVt"‘''?.pf d “m-Pada.n and an^ al5 ‘ _ iegt-^GoS'. ■ smrted YuP*' ol ,s WWt ernotto* She pecM jitiget* , *“**«£ » ie * SptV ” 8 e^ ce vto "Vscss* chW^i r^td pleasing- vjelt aS IeU them « 'go'Vh 5 «*. **J& flowed ^ displavs *»* ^ wniC mactlvelV.. M putatUacu ol y A keen bC , s is a stal ’ ioVO^ s ^" in nc i night ahe J c “ „ -The Ythe AMe'a Sin*. tw n - wondetfh' OUS ,. O0 W ost ^ , (I Be ue.\c. t the r ° Y ? d .\» ‘-The »°^ovlie>* sal cnn” <an old ? oaves Be- tisms S V. autumn ljea GO od ‘When the; A .«tahes a^--. •*% to Fan* .,%* ♦•'Tender 1 * 4 a Do Thati ..padatn- Man to po ^ r ■ , That ‘P^U eavd^f TTest ot a»* „ erne vjaV ^ ,. ^S»JC»5* * ” nice does -ft lett l ^ G ^rnth^ nx°^«- DAILY MIRROR U1IIU WlllWIt V P At Goqi's La Rye By FRANK QUINN The classy Gogi’s La Rue stars Bernice Parks in its bid to make the famed restaurant a popular East Side entertainment spa. The singer is a real, pro who has a following among Manhattan s cafe society and should help make it a leading fun spot. The singer Is a stunning red- head who. has a sexy voice and Knows how to put a song .cross. She Is » o'dochhk a^£/»5.s Miss*Parks is one of the slngers they like to hear and serves up a tasteful group of ejections. And the Angels Sing, Bim Bam Babv.”- ‘'September Song ana “Do It Again” are a few of her delightful renditions. 'Padam-Pad- am” is the encore in both French IZ English -hiehJ.he.patrons and we applauded loudl>. . As • we conclude this mtery note a message arrives that Miss Parks is held over That’s proof of the gal’s drawing power Z+325U ^'ir&ssi5%f"nr iicep 0 ,^ h a aI } ad >»WM°ii»-, Sie°if Ct }?. a «8»«£ t V ‘S ran ‘ Wax’ >*”«!,V4S U »“«» ’.a _T Ht PiuiOMn ■ 5 «« mrks p^o Kinds of Love ir »t<>.« d ouK,« c „*r anc S on a touch in» nd,n * perform. ^ rus h sings up 8 a s T« ba,,,ad ^ Powerful effort ’* Sorm on this into the u f \ p ? urin * her heart hacking her 5; ?? d ^ th *he ork? •«<«^rc i, could ausn ^ 8 ' 1 enou “> wx-%:: • On BCRN,ct * A *K* striking voices ^nTh^hn 8 ” 1 ^ ani voice of Bernice P«vir business * thi debut on the L, ks * wakes if* two taiio/^ ste? label, wit/, tablish her as .**♦„„ c ? uld <" • hean /-oIt ?„, art ' st - Sh. fading to a ballad ^'..‘"jotionai Kinds Of Love” and “Two ; n ifl the other lnt!„ PUt ?’ > ^ er soul labeled “Your rJ I tln £ ,0Ve sonc tend." Both e„.H 0f Ut ’ 3 Pieces and^Ynefl* . Vocal master- “ eMsias.'* •»* Latest MERCURY RECORD “TWO KINDS OF LOVE” <» and Ml “YOUR LET’S GAME OF PRETEND *70104 11 A mm mm Accompanist Conductor JOE SHERMAN // / / /// r/ '/ '// \ ill Hi mm m .v. w.vW v.vAfa/A / /, 'V r\ * •v GENERAL A RT !5 f 5 CORPORATION m wA Ak • Dr n • i Press Relations—ROBERT HAMNER ASSOC. Record Promotion- JOE MCCARTHY