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Variety (April 1953)

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IKCIHMAI B ; ^ ni Trt Pi-AnJurau Bajlet Theatre Sets Tour, I lHVS OH Droaoway Ballet Theatre, now touring the m J * ' ■ U. S M has been set for an eight- » I the hotel boss, and Bartlett Robin*; m0 nth junket abroad this summer- Ps 0 ? 11 wfrshey (in son is effective as his jittery junior. f a u, most extensive overseas trek •rl Wart and Don ,,'*** I i,.. milfi /lanTcfla tvr» I • _ L-l^lAaka* tfflll 4*lin *P Wednesday, April 8, 1953 Plays Abroad Rod Headed Blonde Donat's return, and although he London, April 2. i?A ss ~® ?SSf ” uanc ®s. jack de Leon, in association with John his performance is rich m color asfocultkm with John Murray) ° n the rtlfriiiSr^s^cir? in its history. Tour will run from w f^ c ,5erg Eduction 1 “of^arScaY comedy and vitality. His martyrdom spetvh, of comedy in three acts by J° “ ^ U T^? r Johnson, as the producers girl, May through December, in Europe, j n three acts by vai Guest, stars Yoiande before his murder by the four SsTS&ffSfiJW £& SE ana Jeanne Russell, «| the ptag Britain an! North Africa. g-gfi JST lights, hrlnS^ufthfbest q S|'i- fctt Bobinson, Jack Lemmon. Alexander. wr ight s, contribute little except £ 0ur wiU open May 4 with a London, April i, *53; *2.20 top. ties of the author’s poetry. Among ^.^MciSffomSSSuiwygi good W? hitel-room setting Fred- week’s run in Naples, followed by a r 'dS,'V.V.V.V.'. Saunfon Wayne the supporting team, it is the Ion? SihUng by Frederick Fox^ At tne^iay* I In Foxboth createsatmosphere 1 a three-week engagement in Paris. Tom Weldon JerryDesmonde knrghts who get the best opportu- TiVnderlck Fox. At t roe riay- in xus rnnenuum ~ -— house ng N b Y., F Aprii 6. ’53j $4.80 top, erick Fox both creates atmosphere sS’ sm[rnif p and allows plenty of room for the SSSB*s% iiJB&LffiK fast-moving traffic. vene. Harry Btaion ......,.. ." Everett Sloane ” ~ Faker Enfilund Stanley _Pra8er CbrUUne Marlow, Ceorejjnn Johnson j( 0)pgc8 J c , Midstream BHldaManney '.Jeanne Russell Gilbert MiUer & Donald Ocnslager pro* creeory Wagner Ralph Dunn duction of comedy in two acts (four MAvgory vv . tt .o ,lc *c**.Ia pmthfirenn i%ir &n/)rAw Pncanthal. Stars Ced- Equity Tories’ Continued from page 57 Simon Jenkins Eric Brotherson scenes) by Andrew Rosenthal, stars Ced- be variable on different issues; London preem, this play will estab- Tlmothy Hogarth WO Hor 0 »"e P Co r op*if JeatSe^'s'ou FofbM^caroV'oJodi!??: Beverly Roberts, considered an ul- lish one thing—the sure hold that B»nk Messenger'’.’.’.V.’.'.V. Irving Murray Directed by Hardwicke; scenery and light- tra conservative, and Jane white, Yoiande Donlan has upon West Senator make Jack Bittner ing, Oensloger. At Royale. N.Y., AprU 2, figured a liber al. End audiences. The role of a dumb Jonathan Maxwell - nities and, while their big scene Ken n wiSn W !\ .7.7 .7.7.7 ’Anthony^ olSS of justification after the slaying is Paul Rivers Tim Gin played broadly, it comes as wel- Ronnie'. . Uonei Bian come relief to the unrelieved dra- Madame Bralthwalte* Margot Lister ma. Paul Rogers, Douglas Camp- * bell and Daniel Thorndike si and Whatever the outcome of its out among the supporting team. London preem, this play will estab- Myro. SSUHSar. ,r ZBk SBBS jjf o»^rr MS^i, p.. AprU x. j H- u ”^‘ 11 ^'. • End audiences Thr™ieSf a dumb Ballets de Paris • Marie SuS ... Liu Darva, Re eular council incumbents blonde engaged because of her Paris, March 24 If "Room Service," the romp g£™ a eJ . L ce d dric tiJrawlcko whose terms expire this’year in- Hollywood musical reputation to petips Banet8 C De P Par’i3 co“ n wuh S b S U LS ay b? U, Jo h hS g Murray and S> A ‘ w00li .’.V.V.’V.V.-.V'atfS <*> d e. Edi ‘ h J, be h r “ when she can neUhlr s?ng do? cfa'ife f Allen Boreta, Mis’to equTat the vnuor V. .V Caret Ooodner been an- a n ce is a natural for Utis gay, sciit- JSS gffit waifAnncp iti 19 S 7 tenancy of 500 . I „ , nouncea, dui sne is nub «vaxia uic filiating artist. In general, the story Henri Dutnieux. Maurice Thiriet.. Decor Playhouse its tenancy ox There » s little place on Broadway for renomination); Sidney Black- is bright and entertaining via this and castumes. Zao Wou Ki, Rene Gruau, SrfnrSofenerCT Playstffl these days for plays .that are only mer , conservative. Clay Clement, basicaUy funnyWea which has suf- fe 6 dTeXn!’ Srd A S^S'‘7i th» lanehs but it lacks moderately interesting or amusing, variable; Edith Meiser, moderate f j C i en t twists and variations to keep L’Empirc Theatre. Paris; S3 top. va revivalneeds So an imiocuous comedy .like consem tive; Eddie Nugent, ultra interest sustained. It should stand the added g . « , , “Horses in D Midstream can hardly conservative; Erin O’Brien-Moore, a good chance here as light fare for Roland Petit’s new ballet pack- Bogged down at make the grade. ultra conservative; Bill Ross, lib- the coming festive season, but its age, consisting of four pieces, looks vintage jokes as xouve The ^ n( j rJ ew Rosenthal opus is e ral; Loring Smith, conservative, prfispects overseas are not so favor- like a smash here, and will prob- broke temporarily tor so xuub, - mildlv diverting. onA Ann ThRmas able exceDt as a screen vehicle for ablv extend its six-week run at the centering about a penniless pro- “ e ^" t l mo™than ~ y wn c ° 0 s * k te ™ s is " welcome" the tacomVngg.amoVgiri; packed this* with'pace, m^^ent ducer besieged in his hotpl room ^ narac “‘| 5 'f 2 0 ears or s0 ag 0 . she arrives unexpectedly and humor, colorful eroticism, and eye- by an adament, payment-demand- siereoiypes vl William Smith and Jeffrey warren. fKa ramDr9C 11Q11ft i n i r _ «ofnirin« c A fc caiih . ** .. ^ a_ -n/r_ j-L. — J uy au rrha vat , n with „ former ’' an misses the cameras and usual air- catching sets and solid choreog- it.? —r it.? neininal ic! miewnu hfle. New England business man who nnnnpp ilc cplprfinns fnr t.bp res- l* * ii *. —iu.. I _ , ^^ Iiwuu 6 vii.w». — 'y —.—r “ . iTncrlonrl bncinpcc man who ii i , • r ,, „ pore uaxiyxiou. one men. uuuwo a rapny, wxiicii sxiuuau Iiiatkc ity of the original is missing be* New England infant n0UI1 2® ^ s f\ ectl ? n | n f 9 r th ? r® g “ monkey wrench into the works by socko for statewide touring cause this showmg stresses farcical walked^^out on his wife and.infant u i ar ticket at least 30 days before anndu h c ing to the author and pro- his prevtbus set of ballet plot, rather the jany characters daughter and has been .living for thc Jme 5 electl0n , duc« her lack of all thd talents for seasons_agp, involved in the goings-on. 31 years with a French novelist on Elba, His iftdependent-minded • The actors are funny, but none of them are dynamic comedy per- |» alling in love with the island and a se if.exiled Englishman there, ORIGINAL CAST wants to form a similar liaison. Off-B’way Show George Abbott production, directed by g u f t he septuagenarian lover’s in- Abbott, with scenery by Cirker & Rob- "“J or „ 6 rph immoral- UThSpli Wav To ffniitp? oue UUIll l ueiS a uesxxe iu xusurmtO a iasi-pacea spool oi a unit bins, at Cort, n. y., May 19, 37; $ 3.30 herent prudery rebels at immoral Which Way is Home? home to Mom and secretly prac- drama in “Cine-Bijou” (“Movie- R°^ha smimoff * Alexander Asro lty for j hls +S a SSo fnr _ (THEATRE DE LYS, N. Y.) tices voice production and the Jewel”) that is clever in satire and Sasha ^xnir q t evpne persuades the girl to go away for Touring Players Co. presentation of ppnnicitp flntipp cipnc TTnmni* nricp*: ni , rviV^orc Qfnru nf p <yrpaf niv Gordon MlUer Sam Levene ^ , . rApon cider drama in three parts, adapted from requisite aance steps, numor arises numbers, otory 01 a great pi* fe h 14^ V.V.V.; C fur|2S "^ay's suggeTtions that personal J™,*? ?ake Chrf^ine^Mario we * ’ .*. Mar^aret^ Muiien mtegity and ^^f^^VwvlUc RobeS' Lining? ^ 1 ?^ b^Richard to account for her defection, but dives, gives Colette Marchand a E nl i H V A friAiH P atl ° le y. u . mamager^nat Merrein iighting. Charles Levy. _ ^ .. which results in a genuine sprain, chance to prance, show her gams G?egory Wa|ner ‘.‘.' .Donald MacBride life is obtamaWe merely by going With Robert Thinking she has flopped with her and give evidence of herhighgrade simon^Jenkins ^ Thm Wood to a Eicar, Maureen Toai, David 1 ' H?oks, grotesque dance routine, she packs thesp talents. Laced with color and Timojthy ^Hogarth. (especially Continental women)^are j erry Ansbacher. Douglas Taylor, Peg for, home, but the gibing challenge sex. this a a pleaser. Miss Mar- .•.V.V.wihiim m.?SS naturally franker and therefore Murray, Ann. Meara. At Theatre de Ly S , of a young doctor brings her back chand and Petit also break into senator Blake Ralph Morehouse more honest (particularly about N.Y.. April 4. 5 3, --.go t op. t0 study her job- seriously before song in this to round out Us music- (The show played 500 perform- sex) than men, and in which the Tmirine Plavers Co ‘ drama sh e is aware that her performance hall air. ances on Broadway). < young heroine is engaged to but The Touring Players has been acclaimed as an amusing “Le Loup” (“The Wolf”) is a w ■ — not in love with the handsomest P °d P regularlv since 1947 with a travest y of traditional terping. haunting ballet of a wolf’s love for sonalities, except Alexander Asro, richest and (natch) most repertory lineup has moved into , Although typecast for a • dizzy a mortal and how it leads to trag- of the original cast, who plays the y° un £ man in town, have a way of Q r ^wich A Village’s off-Broadway blonde character, Miss Donlan e dy. This has stunning sets and ex- stagS-strufk Russfan waiter. When ^ cal i q n | n ‘ he S™ ‘wealth o£ beH^^fo W r t tlimit™ ^n, wito aS7b S e “ ent /horeography. Dancing, Asro is on. thG comcdv us liilsriotis. the 1930 s. Despite ^ ctrfirtinn ■iact-fed 4< Which Wav Is ^ frfish &nd endesrin^ personslitj. decor dud rnusic zire fine* When the others «e dating about bright little quips the whole effort in the experb Naunton Wayne has little to do as closer, “Deuil En 24 Heures" the staee it is onlv amusing. John seems arid and futile . er ;‘g aimed to kick uo the author ?? ce P‘ dis P Ia y his c . us - ("Mourning for 24 Hours”), is_a Randolph is a letdown in the cen- T( le direction by Cedric kard- some controversy but it makes U> raar y British imperturbability, charming spoof on turn-of-tbe-ceii- bal role bf the harassed nrodiicer wlcke, with an unbilled assist by nnbe and sisSfles no oar- Jer . r y Desmonde gives a brisk char- turv Paris, Concerning a widow who tacking the ^sotal nSncHo gen- Bretaigne Windust, appears com- l^ular ooMt of viev^ acterization^f the harassed pro- ls t0 o full of life and coquetry to uinelv intere&t the audience in his P^CR^ an ^ a iner ^> an( ^ ^ke , . . .. 4.u a 4. company ^ u 9 er an( ^ Anthony Oliyer is easy mourn for her husband. It’s a de- i. ...:4.u nprfonnance cenerall.v appears to ... and natural as the medico who is lioht A indncr » hnff show monkeywrenen into tne works Dy socko for statewiae touring as was annduhcing to the. author and pro- his previous set of ballets some ducer her lack of all thd talents for seasons ago. which she has been engaged for the *'La‘ Perle” is a subdued classical forthcoming big musical produc- study of Leda and the Swan, in tion. All the vital stints in her film Japanese decor. Graceful work of career had been done by doubles; Violetta Verdy and nice ensembles this procedure, of course,' is impos- make this a pleasant, but not out- sible in the theatre. standing opener. Troupe then goes She conquers a desire to rush into a fast-paced spoof of a film home to Mom and secretly prac- drama in “Cine-Bijou” (“Movie- tices voice production and the Jewel”) that is clever in satire and Although typecast for a • dizzy a mortal and how it leads to trag- who brings not only attractive looks Broadway theatre fans. Through- 6 lve s ^ocal color as backstage en- walks off with show personality Offner, who to have bor- ^ ^ honesty, variety and infectious out the c C rint’s hodeeDodse how- t° ura 8 e » an< ^ P^ a y is well directed honors as the pix star and merry ^ a ™. th to>e cliche role, of the ^troupef dram'aturgy »y Charles Hickman. Clem. widow. Also goo P d are_George Reich Snand ^ stoee^ slamming^ doors granddaughter, there are no no- techniques get topflight showcas- ♦ and Serge Perrault. Petit s dancing table individual portrayals. _ ins. Thev are a ecoun of youth- i n fl.n and choreography are topnotch. Equity Shows on ana on stage, siamming Goors, tabl i n divid Ua l portrayals. j ng They are a gcoup of youth- Murder in tlio f'lfhedrnl and choreography are topnotch. thfh“?hr P nom' iSrtLx? ’ Hardwicke, eostar as Sf’ an ThnagiRattff payers who ” U * Mosk • Whiting fvi^l ms a’ minute wel1 as stage , r ’ 1S characteristically know how to make the most of the- T he old vie T^?s prodSSon* of ^ b i l ng a a good oerformances hi urbane as the r o m a nti'C grandpa atrical illusion. drama in two act? by t. I. Eliot, stars r •. ni There are gooa penormances in though he has understandable Amone standout Dlavers are R° bert Donat. Directed by Robert Help- FfyinHy SlUlWK the roles of the producer’s two ; n thp scenes where the mann; setting. Alan Barlow. At old vie JutlUIlV ullUffO ernnies the eccentric tronhv-col- diffic^ulty in tne scenies wnere uie j err y Ansbacher, David Hooks, Theatre, London, March 31 . '53; $ 1.50 top. « im oronies, ne j °^d man has to ruffle his feathers p eg Murray, Robert CJabhome, Archbishop Thomas Becket..Robert Donat , (April 6-19) S™! b L E =. 0 ii St the slightest mention of any : Dana Elear and Maureen Toal. _. Dr - Fautus—Lenox Hill (N. thing sexual or even physical. L 1 I 1 play is divided Into three parts, 3d Priest V.7.7.. pitrtek Wvma?k Playhouse (15-19). Srhfysee^auThor^ack^lfemmon ? a f a Va ? £ 1S ha a X P to? , , .l.g ^S cetf' B in a some bl niHv 1S takes ty and femme fatale. Luck,” Gertrude Stein’s “Brewsie id TeS?t^ ".V. D . OU Newton m Biick ATTN" <tllMMFR' Etorace* Cooper “M^as the S&Wthl’ iU-dt ^ V.’.V t smind Ct and ^urv^ as ^he heavy 1 fined role of the glowering English David Hooks and Robert Lan- id Knifht ‘ ‘ .‘ 'Daniel 0 ThoSdike THEATRE OPERATORS sound and fury ,a s the., h y, eX p a t r i a te, Ludmilla Toretzka reg- ning, who share the directorial 4th Knl fi ht John Phinips -, W1S ■ ii . 111 m | isters In the rubberstamp part of chores, keep it all going at a neat . ... you were herb thiT miiSumme mm » m u an eccentric Gallic servant and and interesting clip. Gros. As tne guest star of this Old Vic und*r my flagg *nd you'll havo WAM TFH Carol Goodner is effective in the — — production, Robert Donat returns Ur£i C < E h. « WW# «k^ one-scene bit of the girl's disap- f_ ‘ i Ci L n;il_ to legit theatre after an absence JJl joey iS F thi?my fifth Ieaso Dart proving mother. The Mfediterran- vUTTCDt utOCK DlIlS of six years, due mainly to illness, in »hi« wonderful town, dm ^ HI m ftj f. ean villa setting by co-producer , He is a longtime asthmatic sufferer. now whil* you'v* aot th« itch • lfll APE I Danslanmi Is clriVitioilir. tfortil 1 nnlr. \April O-IW/ Rilf. in his vpars nwav from II m r a ,z..i M M«_# MAl ImnarfinH* until . (April 6-19) Dr. Fautus—Lenox Hill (N. Y.) ATTN: SUMMER' THEATRE OPERATORS WALTER M Dart” WAHL Featured la Contedy Hit "TOP! BANANA" COrrontly 00th Wook Now Playing LYCEUM. MINNEAPOLIS Mar. 30-Apr. 11 Dlrtction 1 JOSH MEYER JACK DAVIES POCONOS New Sumrntr Thtafrt for Salt—Rtnt. Stating capacity 450* Amplt parking spact. Ovtr 125,000 vacationists spend their vacation in tht Poconos wttkly. Write HAROLD AUTEN, BwUill, Pa. or Phone Bushkill 51 an eccentric Gallic servant and and interesting clip. Gros. fh® guest star of this Old Vic Carol Goodner is effective in the — production, Robert. Donat returns one-scene bit of the girl’s disap- Ci A J r D:i1« to « Iegit theatre after an absence proving mother. The Mfediterran- 11111601 ulOCK DlllS °f S1X years, due mainly to illness, ean villa setting by co-producer , , A-.i R He is a longtime asthmatic sufferer. .Oenslager is strikingly good look- \aptu o -ivt But j n ^is years away from the ■ ing. stage, he has lost none pf the Rosenthal, whose “Burning X® Go — Piayhouse, technique of playing to an audi- Deck” in 1 b 40 and. “Broken Jour- . Q „. f . ence, and the warmth and sincerity ney” in 1942 were Broadway fail- hIh which he exudes was the keynote ures, drew attention In London ?" th d ’ Hami1 ' of th « Production, last season with a modestly sue- v . T. S. Eliot’s classic, which has cessful play called “Third Person” , * erry Y *> been filiped since its last presenta- and a respectable failure titled p t!« ib ofnio f ion » * s given a fairly orthodox ap- “Red Letter Day." Hobe. Ge orefe ^ pear 4 n f e ^ the diractloI > <* ' — r P ^iQ) Faper MU1 ' ert Helpmann, Sombre cathedral (Closed last Saturday night (4) p?’ 2; / Ma -j a setting is heightened dramatically after four performances.) -S^eroecrAtfaiucatv «-l 2 V ** u * htln 8 effects - while (k^'ch^e)^™ 2 !!: ‘ h ,!,“ a 5L^. la '!! J at L 0P Li r lf t ^ d ney" in l942 were Broadway fail- «“« da “ a ^ J*** ures, drew attention in London Be u< last season with a modestly sue- to 5t,£® r 2SJ« a after four performances.) dian, Hamilton, Bermuda (14-19). with authority and movement. Role of the martyred Thomas A. Maw* am a Hamm 1 VA tlig AUUUiaD A. Three Men on a Horse—Quar-1 Be k t iq vphif .i P fftr terdeck, Atlantic City (13-19). I "ecxet is a strong veuicle xor Scheduled B’way Openings Take TIME OUT say to mt WISH YOU WERE HERE this MIDSUMMER undar my FLAGG and you'll hava a PICNIC not a MISALLIANCE. For THE LOVE OF FOUR ANGELS ba my PAL JOEY In this my FIFTH SEASON In this WONDERFUL TOWN. DIAL ,fA 9 now whllt you'va aot tha ITCH. P.S.—A "salary not Important" young man with - axparianca In production# managamant and administration; Rtf* arancas. Phona: LOngacra J.-HI2 a Wrlta: Box V.V. 570, Varlaty 154 W. 44th it.# Naw York J4# N. Y. SUMMER THE ATRE •xponding with star system seeks Investor-partner; well established, excellent location. Box* V-43S3, Variety, 1S4 West 46tl» 5t., New York 36, N. t. IB; Date With April, Royale, April 15. Emlyn Williams Readings, Bijou, April 20. Pink Elephant, unspecified thea- tre,- week of April 20. Men of Distinction, unspecified theatre, week of April 27. Masquerade, Alvin, April 29. Can-Can, Shubert, April 30. Me and Juliet. Majestic, May 28. CAB CALLOWAY Sportin' Life “Porgy and Bess" Currently ZIEGFELD, NEW YORK vr “—electrifying . . * {oyous and unflagging energy • « . dramatic." —Walttf f. Kerr, N.Y, Herald Tribune Mgt.; BILL MITTLER# 1419 Broadway# New York