Variety (April 1953)

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62 CHATTER n vu, Arthur J. Bank Organization, planed in for visit to Johannesburg, African Consolidated Theatres is Broadway Bob O’Neill, former publicist for no ^Vuimin*“Bwana Devil" (UA), Loew'i State, has joined the John feature pic to play South O’Malley flackery. Africa. Metro director Gottfried pcin- “Remember Island," which was hardt due in_from Europe today written by Patterson McCullagh of Capetown produced locally, did good biz. Bob Hope and Bing Crosby may make a golfing tour of the country art of Schlesinger’s Jubilee (Wed.) on the Liberte, van Johnson returned to the Coast after a quickie visit to. appear on “Suspense" Monday (6), William German named chair- as P ar £, °f drive°on behalf ^^the*1933 U Jomt ^Gwen Efrangson-Davies may re- camK turn to London next month to ap- Defense Appeal campaign. pea r in Old yic’s Coronation pro- Wamer moppet starSherryJack ductlon o£ "Henry the Eighth." Bon in from the Coast Monday 16) Brian Brooke Co doing reC ord for bally activity on behalf of feiz with «« xhe i nnocen t s ” Other “Trouble' Along the Way.” Big spread in tl successful productions were “Lady from Edinburgh" and “Dial M for Murder." John Isaacs appointed branch w the current Pag- eant on the Versailles Club, both from the back-of->the-kitchen and front-ot-thej-floorshow manager for African Consolidated , fnWMisO Theatres in Capetown. Tom Badly dorf) hosting a reception for (M ss) succeeded Isaacs as branch circuit Claude Nolller, of Justice is manairer D<me," current French film in N. . j oe M Wolff, producer manager Robert Reudback in N. Y. after of tbe At j as corp., recently in nni5 South Africa, said his Schepker. for B aUet Theatie on its would seek a xv license 98-city tour April 18. company for down here this year. Edith Sc William Goetz (Univer- sal Pictures production chief) char- tered Huntington Hartford’s yacht for a fortnight’s cruising in the Caribbean. - ... Janine and Harry Novak (nes head of Continental sales for Uni- versal) due in from Paris around May 6 on their biannual visit, to the homeoffice. Metro director Richard Thorpe arrives from the Coast Saturday (11) and leaves the following day for England to work on“Knlghts of the Round Table." ,, Cinema Lodge B’nai B’jrith hold-1 ing its first presidents’ luncheon today (Wed.) at the Astor honoring retiring prexy Martin Levine and Casablanca By Richard Guard Casino in Marrakech getting big play from Metro’s “Saadia" com--| pany. Galas Karsentry Sc Co. on tour of Morocco in “Felix," by Henri Bernstein. Katherine Dunham’s group did eight shows at the Grand Theatre ini Cfl$A The Rialto now running original version prints of American pic- tures every Wednesday night. Gian-Carlo Menotti’s “The Con- sul" in for six performances; four incomingtopper Burt ^bjns in Frenc h, two'in English, Marie ^ AnriP lfl 1 sail- Powers and Rosemary Kuhlman a six hdad the New York cast. wIaW hlflidav in France but still Bullfighting reopened after ab- a option 1 if y he can get' Sway off sence of over -10 years. First show schedule g 7 Ailed the 10,000 seat arena to over- Former RKO prexy Ned Depinet to Boston yesterday (Tues.), where crowd displeased with everything he was guest speaker at Variety except the bulls and weather. Club luncheon honoring RKO Boston sales manager W. H. (Larry) Gardiner. Lou Breslow, writer-director who * _« rti> . M recently formed an indie company By Jsa uuiim to turn out. his original, “The Big Renee Saint Cyr played “Rue des Shock," sails Friday (10) on the Anges" at the Casino Theatre, Nice Sol Riviera London Sam Eckman, Jr., boss of Metro’s British org, to Rome last week. Irene Hilda booked for return date at the Pigalle; scheduled to open Monday (13). CIro’s Club staging a Coronation ball with a $21 minimum tab, in- cluding champagne dinner and breakfast. Fred Russell, 91-year-old father of Val Parnell and preceptor of the Grand Order of Water Rats, guested at last week’s Variety Club lunch. « . James Majorel, of National Screen Service, Hollywood, and his wife, Mel, both attorneys, vacation- ing in London and gandering British law courts. Val Parnell tossed a Chuck Wagon party for Tennessee Ernie at the Festival Gardens. The singer opened a two-week date at the Pal- ladium last Monday (6). Big show biz contingent which arrived on the Queen Mary last week included Emile Littler, Reg Connelly, Allan Jones, Max Factor, Jr., J, J, Shubert and Dorothy Carless. Paul Douglas due in from Holly- wood next month to star in “The Puffers," Ealing’s new Michael Balcon production. The film will be produced almost entirely on lo- cation in Scotland. Alf Barnett, operator of the Embassy Club with his brother, Bob, has offered Margaret Truman a Coronation cabaret date and has cabled ah offer for the “highest salary paid by a British club." Walt Disney due in town next week for preem of “Peter Pan” at Leicester Square Theatre April 16. Because of court mourning, the Duke and Duchess of Gloucester, with their son, Prince William, had to cancel out. out government of India censor boards having a say In matter. Au- thorities consider film industry not developed enough for such self-regulation. Philadelphia By Jerry Gaghan Ellis Tolin, who formerly head- ed own local combo, in as. drum- mer for Charley«Ventura orch. Dave Cohen, co-owner of CIro’s, off to Florida for long delayed va- cation, called back by AGVA has- sle. Label Spiegel, proprietor of Miami 'Beach Latin Casino, in town talking plans for all-Latin re- vue package. Charles Laughton slated for Academy of Music, April 17, doing a series of readings for church fund benefit. . •Joseph Santarlasci, office staffer with Philadelphia Orchestra since 1945, named assistant manager of the symphony. Brody family sold Wedge Cafe, N. Philly spot, to Buddy Otten- berg, owner of Knotty Bar, and Al Nierenberg. •< Mrs. Herb Smiler, wife of Em- bassy Club owner and former dancer known professionally as Helene Gerardo, to Metropolitan hospital for surgery. Paris Liberte to o.o. European locations for the projected film. Jim Sauter’s collection of Afri can sculptures on sale tonight (Wed.) at Parke-Bemet Galleries, featured along with Mrs; Winifred C. Bowman, a Connecticut private _rr- * ‘ “ * ‘ * - HUrok in Monte Carlo to con- fer with Casino entertainment chiefs. Orson Welles planed to London after two days as guest of Sir Alex- ander Korda. ; Susan Hayward spent a few days in Cannes before Continuing her collector of modem paintings. Maxim’s and the Hotel* George V European holiday 1;our. of Paris tee off the Festival Gastro- Tino Rossi left for Corsica to. nomique at the Waldorf-Astoria, supervise the construction of his part of the hostelry’s cuisine salute villa in Ajaccio. He will shortly go to France, capped by the “April In on a circus tour accompanied by Paris" fete in the grand ballroom Jacques Helian and.his orch: on the 20th. The Vieu*. Colombier, Juan-les Anna - Magnani scheduled to ar- Pins, reopened its new season with rive Saturday (11) on the Andrea floor show featuring “Les Rats de Doria to attend the American preem of her new film, “Bellis- sima." Others due in on the same ship are producer John Ford and writer Renzo Avanzo. Richard and Edith Barstow, brother and sister who staged and choreographed Ringling Bros, and pany returns to Paris for a stay at Barnum & Bailey Circus, to be the Palais de Chaillot* Sf. Germain des Pres" and the Robby Davis and Georges Gustin bands, Janine Solange and her “Maltrise de Danse" played a one-night stand at the Opera House, Nice. After a short tour of the south, the corn- honored at a special McCarthy’s Steak House luncheon on Sunday (12) by the circus troupers. Arlene Dahl and Fernando La- mas, who just completed Pine- Thomas' “Sangaree" for Para- mount release, in from the Coast over the weekend and plane to France next Monday (13) to at- tend the Cannes Film Festival. Jimmy, blind newsdealer and fa- miliar Times Sq. figure, who for years has been delivering Variety and other periodicals to various show biz enterprises in the Broad- way area, is opening his own news- stand on the comer of 48th St. & 7th Ave. Auto-Lite Co. was to throw a supper benefit for Armed Services Emergency Relief Funds honoring the women of the armed forces, and Irene Dunne, Roz Russell, Van Johnson and Robert Merrill at the Waldorf last night (Tues.), follow- ing telecast of “Easter Parade of Stars" Auto Show on CBS-TV, on which they were to appear. South Africa By Arnold Hanson The Rialto in’Strand, a suburb of Capetown, completely destroyed by fire. The first drive-in in South Af- rica opened in Johannesburg re- cently. , “Limelight" is proving a great boxoffice hit in the Union of South Africa. Metro was first to show 3-D pix in this country, using its Metro- scopic shorts. . . John Davis, managing director of San Francisco By Ted Friend Jack Benny in for Press Club Gang dinner. HUdegarde playing the Veter- an’s Hospital circuit. William L. Shirer sparking Jew- ish Welfare Fund kickoff dinner. Charlie Morrison gandering lo cal talent for possible Mocambo bookings. Joe • E. Lewis set for initial Frisco engagement, April 14 at Fairmont Hotel. Woody Herman, Frankie Laine, Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Jordan in for Frisco -and Oakland con- certs. Gregory Peck to London for confab on upcoming pic for J. Ar- thur Rank. Lana Turner here for. a looksee before heading for the Cannes Film Festival, Run of Roland Petit’s “Ballets de Paris" extended from six to 10 weeks at Empire. Mouloudji back into Le Car- roll's for eight-day stint before leaving for Canada, Jacques Villedieu, after Click in “Frederic General," signed for Three Musketeers" pic. . “Porgy and Bess" to play Palais de Chaillot when it returns here after stint at Milan’s Scala in Au- gust. Academy Award pix running here are “Greatest Show" (Par), High Noon" (UA), and “Quiet Man" (Rep), Harry Kuraitz completing play version of his own novel, “Reclin- ing Figure." Set for August re- hearsal in N. Y. Frederich Knott here for open- ing of his legiter, “Dial M for Murder,’’, under the Gallic mon- icker, “Crime Parfait." Andre Gide’s “Les Caves Du Vatican" getting a reprise at the Comedie-Francaise where it has not been presented since 1951. ' Andre Brunot being feted 'by the Comedie-Francaise on his leaving the C-F to enter the Jean-Louis Barrault-Madeleine Renaud Co. Serge Veber’s operetta “A Woman a Day" comes into the Theatre De Paris to replace exit- ing operetta “C'Est Ecrit Dans Les Etoiles" Viola Jefferson, American Negro singer, into the Metro-Jazz cave nitery here to replace Lil Arm strong who is off on a Continental concert tour. Charles Boyer arriving for film based on Louise de Villemorin novel, “Maclam de . . . ", which Marcel Achard is adapting and Max Ophuls is to direct. Barcelona By Joaquina C. Vidal-Gomis French warbler Jacqueline Fran- cois at Rio nitery. American actor Barry Fitzgerald va-catloning in Sitges. The Rambal Co. at the Calderon doing “Fatal Whistle." . Gasco-Granada Co. at Barcelona Theatre with “The Constant Wife.” Rigat nitery has Trio Bragazzl from the London Savoy; Font y Nita and Three Batams on same bill,' Romea Theatre has new detec- tive play, “Parallel 1934," by legit writers J. M, Foblet and R. Tasis. : * Legit writer Jose Ma, Peman presented free adaptation of “Edi- pus Rex" at the Comedia, with Lope de Vega Co. - By R. F. Hawkins “Pink Danger,” new musical starring comedian MacariOj wound up fair the Lirico. Jean Cocteau in town for a lec- ture at Teatro Manzoni, sponsored by the .Italo Cultural Assn. Antonio Abussi and pianist An- tonio Beltrami here for a Bach, Debussy and Strauss concert at the Nuovo. Renato Rascel musical, “Attana- sio, C&vallo Vanesio," rrioves to Genoa after eight weeks here at the Nuovo. Gilberto Govi returns to, the stage after long, absence. Opens at the Odeon with Rina Govi in “I Manezzl De Mala. Ma Figgia." La Scala preeming a new opera, “Mas ’Aniello," by Vittorio Viviani with music by Jacopo Napoli. 'Franca Duval, Anna Maria Rovere and Carlo Bergonzi are starred. Portland, Ore. By Ray Feves First-runs bogged down with ad- vanced-price pix. . Evergreen veepee William Thed- ford in city for a few days. Helen Boice and Lois Raye held for a second week at the Clover Club. The Delta Rhythm Boys and Mar- garet Brown opened at Amato’s Supper Club this week. Katharine Cornell in “The Con- stant Wife" opened a week’s en- gagement at the Mayfair April 8. George Amato, chairman of the Independent Nitery owners, did a neat job at the state legislature in obtaining a gooefcnew liquor law. “The Biggest Show," featuring Louis Jordan, Frankie Laine, Woody Herman, and Ella Fitzger- ald did a one-niter at Auditorium April 7. Wechtesctny, April 8, 1958 — ' * - 1 WllLILLll—L^.^ Hollywood Dorothy .Lamour laid up with mumps. ’ Hedda Hopper home from the hospital. Vittorio Gassman due in from Italy April 27. Rosemary Clooney and Jose Fer- rer planed to Chicago. Jackie Gleason took three-year lease on 'a house Id Bel Air. Norman Moray in from N. Y. for huddles with Jack L. Warner. Harold Lloyd’s daughter, Peggy, joined Kennedy-Hendrix flackery. Edward Knopf and family leave April 17 for five-month tour of Eu- rope. Kenny Stevens resigned as gen- eral manager of Sorija Henie’s ice show: Julian Lesser in from London where he produced “The Saint’s Return." v VicDamone and his managers, Marvin Cane and Nick Savano, in from N.Y. David Milton starting his 26th year in film biz, as art director at Allied Artists. Alfred Werker cracked his left ankle while directing RKO's “Ari- zona Outpost" Brian Donlevy switched from Famous Artists to the William B. White Agency. . Dean. Martin and Jerry Lewis won the “Snickers Award" of Na- tional Laugh Week Foundation. Robert Young in from the east where he addressed youth groups for the National Safety Council. .Robert, L. Jacks and Henry Hathaway leave for England next week to scout locations for “Prince Valiant." ^ John Farrow to Mexico City to accept a gold plaque from the Mexican Film Board of Trade for directing “Plunder of the Sun." Chicago Jose Greco currently doing a week at Opera House. Betty Hutton .comes in for two weeks at the Shubert May 4. Rosemary Clooney in for a week as headlined at Chicago Theatre. Joe E. Lewis weekending her* before going to Hot Springs for a siesta. Barry Hyams in for opening of “Mrs. McThing" at Erlanger Mon- day (6). Richard Krakeur in for opening of his production, “Affairs of State." . Paul Douglas and Jan Sterling in town visiting relatives before going to England. Mrs. Buddy Ebsen and family and Martha Scott’s husband, Mel Powell, and their children in for the run of “Male- Animal.” Miami Beach India India government’s film division bringing out 16m versions of news- reels and • documentaries for clubs and institutions. Film interests pressing India government to include films as major item in Trade Pact being negotiated with Pakistan. Columbia Pictures took distribu- tion rights on English version of “Jungle," produced by. William Berke in association with Modern Theatres bf Salem last January. American Director Ellis R. Dun- can commissioned by India gov- ernment to produce color films on wild Jife of Assam jungles. These would be for exhibition abroad in attempt to attract more tourists. Motion Picture Producers Assn, decided to renew contract with army authorities for supply of In- dian pictures. Supply of pix was stopped as protest against Criti- cism voiced by General Cariappa against Indian films. Madras regional censor threw cold water on the Idea of allowing Motion Picture Producers Assn, to administer all censoring with- Vienna By Emil W. Maass ‘ American singer Dorothy Fisher at Brahfris Saal. Rudolf Henz elected prexy of Austrian Cultural Club. Robert Stolz to direct Sym- phonic Orch during local music festivals. N. Y. pianist Helen Schnabel here disking and to give concert in Brahms Saal. Herbert Karajan directing music for Maleno Malenotti film of “Life of Richard Wagner." American ‘pit*, “First Legion," will open the Third Catholic Film Festival here April 26. The play, “I Present Love," by Hans Rainer, ex-PW, who wrote the play while a prisoner of war, preemed at Gratz City Theatre. Washington By Florence S. Lowe Farley Grainger due this week to plug “Hans Christian Andersen.” Loew’s producer Alan Zee in charge of next weekend’s outdoor Cherry Blossom Festival, at which 4-year-old Pattigene Foxe, daugh- ter of Loew flack Jacke Foxe, will assist in crowning festival queen. W. Wolf Reade, recently infor- mation officer for Armed Forces’ German youth aetivities, named press relations director for the National Symphony, rep lac in Gregory Carmichael, who resigne to reopen his own publicity firm. By Lary Solloway Patachou opens at Saxony’s Pa- goda Room this week. Spike Jones band set for Dade County Auditorium April 19. Charlie Barnet’s new orch breaks in at Martha Raye’s Five O'Clock lub April 22. . Phil Brito out of San Marino Hotel Carnivale Room and headed for Montreal date, Paul Blaufox in town to set tal- ent for Arthur Godfrey telecasts from here April 15-18. “12 Mile Reef” unit started shooting this week on location) at Key West and Tarpon Springs. Revue producer Carlyle taking over Diamond Horseshoe and changing name of spot to Club Carlyle. Allied Artists press reps of John Flynn and Howard Goldstein here setting details v of sales convention at Roney Plaza* next month. Earl Wilson stretched 24-hour stay at Lord Tarleton to week’s sojourn with host* Walter Jacobs tossing shindig for columnist in Jolson Corner of hotel Friday (3). Block and Sully, also at this hotel, emceed. Anchorage, Alaska Hal Junso emceeing at Beach- combers, Kodiak. Pianist George Ferris and drum- mer Al Riley at Mecca, Kodiak. Joyce Mitchell, Lounge organist, back on job after giving birth to a boy. - Comic Larry Lambard and strip- per Marquita opened at Last Chance. . Montmartre Inn reopened after winter closure In Kodiak with pian- ist Al Chouinard featured. Jerry Owen, after three weeks at Aleutian Gardens here, opened as m.c. at Farthest North club, Fairbanks. . Gene Schuyler returned to m.c. show at Silver Dollar, Fairbanks. Western siitger Patty Lu Peters also on bill. Tropics owner John Betro opened Krazy Kats trio last week. Nitery picking up show again after six- month layoff;"