Variety (April 1953)

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8 PICTURE CROSSES PUStWfr Holdovers Nip L. A.; ‘Madam’ Slips To limits Off to $13,000 But Stageshow Dps ‘Sombrero to Hot 37G Los Angeles, April 14. 4 Only two new film bills are cur- rent this week, both b.o. dawdlers, so the heavy play Is going to the second-weeker, “Sombrero, at the Los Angeles Paramount where Pearl Bailey and Duke Ellington are heading the fresh stage fare to a hefty $37,000 week. A just me- dium $23,000 is seen for “Trouble Along the Way” in three situ- ations. “Tonight We Sing” show- casing at the Fox Wilshire at an upped scale, is reaping only a fair. $8,500. Most holdovers are lagging, par- ticularly the second week bills. “Call Me-'Madam” is off to $24,000 in four locations while “Off Lim- its” is down to $13,000 at two sites. However, the Bob Hope-Marilyn Maxwell starrer is snaring near $28,000 in five nabe sites of which four are ozoners. Upped scale showcases, led by “Lili,” are still good with this Metro entry cop- ping $5,500 for the fo'urtji frame at the Vogue. Second session of “Man On the Tightrope” at the Ritz is down to $6,000.. Estimates for This Week Downtown, Wiltcrn, Beverly Hills (WT) (1,757; 2,344; 1,612; 70- $1.10)—“Trouble Along the Way” (WB). Just medium $23,000. Last week, Downtown, Wiltern; “Glass Wall” (Col) and “Jack McCall, Desperado” (Col), $10,000. Bev- erly Hills, upped scale, “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (15th wk-8 days), $8,200. Fox Wilshire (FWC> (2,296; 80- $1.50)—“Tonight We Sing” (20th). Fair $8,500. Last week, “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (15th wk-9 days), $5,900. A Los Angeles Paramount (ABC- • UPT) (3,200; 95-$1.50) — “Som- brero” (MG) (2d wk), with Pearl Bailey, Duke Ellington band head- ing stage bill. Hefty $37,000, Last week, with Egyptian, “Sombrero (MG) and “Port Sinister” (RKO), $24,700. Egyptian holding “Som- brero” 2d wk for mild $6,000. Los Angeles, Chinese, Uptown, Loyola (FWC) (2,097; 2,048; 1,715; 1,248; 70-$1.10)—“Call Me Mad- am” (20th) and “Cairo Road” (In- die) (2d wk). Moderate $24,000. Last week, $33,500. United Artists, Hollywood Para- mount (UATC-F&M) (2,100; 1,430; 70-$1.10)—“Off Limits” (Par) (2d wk). Mild $13,000. Last week, $ 20 , 000 . Loew’s State, Four Star, Hawaii (UATC-G&S) (2,404; 900; 1,106; 60- $1.10)—“Desert Legion” (U) and “Stolen Identity” (Indie) (2d wk). Fair $13,000. Last week, $24,000. Ritz (FWC) (1,370; 80-$1.50)— “Man On Tightrope” (20th) (2d wk). Moderate $6,000. Last week, $9,100. Hillstreet, Pantages (RKO) (2,- 752; 2,812; 74-$1.50)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) and “Bear Country” (RKO) (5th wk). Off to $18,000 for final round. Last week, $40,400. Vogue (FWC) (885; 80-$1.50)— “Lili” (MG) (4th wk). Good $5,500. Last week, $6,000. Fihe Arts (FWC) (679; 80-$1.50) —“Four Poster” „(Col) (5th wk). Dull $2,500. Last week, $2,900. Globe (FWC) (782; 80-$1.50)— “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (7th wk) Okay $3,300. Last week, $4,000. ‘Roadshow’ Pix Load Seattle; ‘Rouge’ Wow 1HG,‘Salome’11G, 2d Seattle, April 14. Again the town is “loaded” with three first-run attractions at road- show prices, namely $1.25 evenings general admish. “Salome” is going into second stanza at Fifth Avenue Music Box has “Moulin Rouge” and Paramount is holding “Peter Pan’ for third stanza, after phenomena second on top of big opener. Estimates for This Week Blue Mouse (Hamrick) (800; 65 90)—“Ma and Pa Kettle Vacation’ (U) and “Fort Sinister” (RKO) (2d wk). M.o from from Liberty. Fair $2,500. Last week, split of “A.&C to Mars” (U) and Gunsmoke” (UA) •with “Seminole” <U), 2d wk., fair $2,400. Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,829; 65 90)—“Destination Gobi” (20th) and “Silver Whip” (20th) (2d wk). Good $6,000 after sweU $10,700 in open Fifth Avenue (Hamrick) (2,366 90-$l.25)—“Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Swell $11,000 following sweet $15.- 000 last week. Liberty (Hamrick) (1,650; 65-90) —“Battle Circus” (M-G) and “Wom- (Continued on page 22) Bruadway Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $761,200 (Based on 21 theatres) Last Year $727,300 (Based on 23 theatres) ‘Seminole’ Hot 20G Det: Wars’ $17, Detroit, April, 14. Biz continues good this week in the downtown houses. “Seminole” looks great at the Palms. “Invaders from Mars” shapes good at the Broadway - Capitol. Holdovers “Moulin Rouge,” at the Fox; “Mis- sissippi Gambler” at the Michigan, “Peter Pan,” at the Madison; ‘Call Me Madam” at the United Artists, and “Hans Christian AnderSen” at the Adams all are strong. Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Detroit) (5,000; 80- $1.25)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (2d wk). Strong $35,000. Last week, $44,000. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 70-95)—“Mississippi Gambler” (U) and “Prince of Pirates” (Col) -(2d wk). Ok $14;000. Last week, $21,000. Music Hall (Cinerama Prods.) (1,145; $l-$2.80)—“This Is Cine- rama” (Indie) (4th wk). Third ses- sion ended Monday (13) pulled' mighty $31,000 after same last week. & Palms (UD) (2,961; 70-95) — “Seminole” (U) and “Woman Al- most Lynched” (Rep). Great $20,- 000. Last week, “Girls in Night” (U) and “Gunsmoke” (U) $16,000. Madison (UD) (1,900; 95-$1.25)— “Petei* Pan” (RKO-Disney) (8th wk>. Strong $10,000. Last week, $17,000. United Artists (UA) (1,938; 95- $1.25)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk). Good $19,000. Last week, $22,699. ^ ^ ^ Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 95-$1.25) — “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (4th wk). Oke $9,000. Last week, $10,000. Broadway-Capitol (Korman) (3,- 500; 70-95)—“Invaders from Mars” (20th) and “White Lightning” (Mono). Good $17,000. Last week. “Fort Vengeance” (Allied) and “Hiawatha” (Allied) $6,500. ‘Rouge’ Rosy $20,000 Tops Indpls.; ‘Limits/ Fine 13G Indianapolis, Aprill4. Biz remains brisk at most first-, runners here this stanza despite cold, rainy weekend. “Moulin Rouge,” while starting lower than expectations, is stout enough at Loew’s to lead town. “Off- Limits” is strong at Indiana, “Peter Pan” plenty oke in second week at Cir- cle, “Hans Christian Andersen” in third at Keith’s. Estimates for This Week Circle (Cockrill-Dolle) (2,800; 50- $1.20)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (2d wk). Dandy $15,000 after great $34,000 Easter week opening stan- Z<1* Indiana (Cockrill-Dolle) (3,200; 50-76)—“Off Limits” (Par) and “The Marksman” (AA). Fine $13,- 000. Last week, “Destination Gobi (20th> and “Taxi” (20th). Dull ^Keith’s (Cockrill-Dolle) (1,300; 50-$1.20)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (3d wk). ,Nifty $8,000, added to hefty $12,000 second stanza and $15,500 opener. Q Loew's (Loew's) (2,427; “Moulin Rouge” (UA). Solid $20,- 000. Last week, “Small Town Girl (M-G) and “Jack McCall, Despera- do” (Col). Nice $12,000 at 50-76 Lyric (Cockrill-Dolle) (1,600; 50- 76)—“Thunderbirds” (Rep) and “Winter Serenade” (Indie). Oke $5,500. Last week, “Fort Ven- geance” (AA) and “Savage Mutiny (Col). Mild $5,000. Philly OS, But ‘Seminole’ $11; ‘Seminole’ Okay $7,500, Port; ‘Salome’ 9G, 2d Portland, Ore., April 14. Biz at first run houses continues to be perking despite hiked ad- mish prices for strong product and transient name attractions. “H. C. Andersen" and “Salome” look great for a second sesh while “Four Pbster” moves into a fourth frame. All at premium tabs. Other new- comers look ordinary. , Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker). (1,890; 65-90) —“Seminole” (UI) and “I’ll'Reach For A Star” (Rep) (reissue). Okay $7,500. Last week, “Ma and Pa Kettle On Vacation” (UI) and “Gunsmoke” (UI). $11,800. Guild (Parker) (400; 90-$1.25)— “The Four Poster” (Col) (4th wk), advanced prices. Good $2,000 and holds. Last week, $3,100. Liberty (Hamrick) (1,875; 65-90) —“I Love Melvin” (M-G) and “Confidentially Connie” (M-G) (2d wk). Fine $8,000. Last week, $11,- 300. Oriental (Evergreen) (2,000; 65- 90)—“Destination Gobi” (20th) and “Taxi” (20th), day date with Or- pheum. So-so $2,800. Last week, “Salome” (Col), day-date with Par- amount at advanced prices, $5,000. Orpheum (Evergreen) (1,750; 65- 90)—“Destination Gobi” (20th) and “Taxi” (20th), also Oriental. Good $7,000. Last week, “The Star” (20th) and “Secret People” (Indie). $ 6 , 000 . Paramount (Evergreen) (3,400; 90-$1.25)—“Salome” (Col) (2d wk), advanced prices. Near $9,000. Last week, also Oriental. $14,000. United Artists (Parker) (890; 90- $1.25)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) . (2d wk), advanced prices.' Sock $13,500. Last week, $14,300. Philadelphia, April 14. Incessant rains dampened the overall first-run scene here. “Sheba” started strong at the Boyd but more was expected. “Semi- nole” whooped up the Stanton and “Anna” is exiting the Aldine in a week which saw holdovers offering little help. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 5Q-99)— “Anna” (IFE). Poor $6,000. Last week, “Sombrero” (M-G) (2d wk), off to $5,000. Arcadia (S&S) (625; 85-$1.20)— “Bad and Beautiful” (M-G) (10th wk). Down to $4,500. Last week, fair $6,500. Boyd (WB) (2,360; 50-99)—“Come Back Little Sheba” (Par). Fine $21,000. Last week, “Peter Pan” (RKO-Disney) (7th wk-5 days), oke $8,500. Fox (20th) (2,250; 85-$1.30)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (3d wk). Fair $15,000. Last week, great $23,000. Goldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- 99)—“Off Limits” (Par) (2d wk). Okay $11,000. Last week, torrid $15,000. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 50-99)— “Trouble Along Way” (WB) (2d wk). Weak $8,500. Last week, barely okay at $15,000 or near. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 85- $1.50)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (10th wk). Strong $12,- 000. Last week, solid $10,000. Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- 99)—“I Love Melvin” (M-G) (2d wk). Off to $9,000. Last week, tepid $13,000. Stanley (WB) (2,900; 85-$1.25)— “Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Hefty $20,000. Last week, mighty $37,- 000 . Stanton (WB) (1.473; 50-99)— “Seminole” (U). Lusty $11,000. Last week, “System” (WB), slow $ 6 , 000 . Trans-Lux (T-L) (500; 90-$1.25) —“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (6th wk). Torrid $13,000. Last week, $14,000. World (G&S) (500; 60-99)- tle World of Don Camillo” (2d wk). Down to $3,200, week, tidy $3,800. great -“Lit- (IFE) Last ‘Small Town’ Low $8,500, HO’s Lead Balto Parade Baltimore, April 14. Slate here this week is virtually 100% holdover of big holiday prod- uct. “Peter Pan” at the Hipp and “Call Me Madam” at the New are still leading the town in second weeks for both. Sole new entry is “Small Town Girl,” getting moderate trade at the Town. “Come Back, Little Sheba” is still packing them in at the bandbox Playhouse in its fifth round.. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew’s-UA) (3,000; 20- 70)—“Naked Spur” (M-G) (2d wk). Still okay at $9,800 after $14,500 opener. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,100; 50-$1.25)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (2d wk). Moppet trade helping for a (Continued on page 22) Wednesday, April 15, 1955 ‘Of Limits’ Fair $16,000, ‘Girl’ Tbin 2$G in Dollish Hub; ‘Salome’ 20G, 2d ■ Key City" Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week ...... $2,746,600 (Based on 24 cities, 211 the- atres, chiefly [ first runs, in- cluding N . Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year ... $2,754,100 (Based on 23 cities, and 217’ theatres.) ' Salome’ Record 19G Paces Wash. Washington, April 14. Tourist trade continues to bodst main stem b.o., despite scarcity of newcomers. Biggest splash being m$de by “Salome,” which shapes to record breaking proportions at Trans-Lux, on heels of critical brickbats. “Ma, & Pa Kettle on Vacation,” plus vaude headlined by Gloria de Haven, at Loew’s Capitol, is pleasant, “Trouble Along Way” looks trim at the Warner. Prac- tically all holdovers, are sturdy, with “Moulin Rouge,” in second stanza at Loew’s Palace, leading parade. Record long run title holder, “High Noon” continues brisk in 15th session at Lopert’s Dupont. Also in solid class for hold- over are “Peter Pan,” 9th week at RKO Keith’s; “Hans Christian An- dersen,” in 8th stanza at Metropoli- tan; “Little Sheba,” in 9th week at Playhouse, Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew’s) (3,434; 55-95)— “Ma & Pa Kettle on Vacation” (UA), plus vaude topped by Gloria de Haven. Firm $19,000, with b.o. lure in vaude. Last week, “Small Town Girl” (M-G), plus vaude, big $24,000, above hopes. Columbia (Loew’s) (1,174; 74- $1.20)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk). Sock $17,000, after big $22,000, though not up to hopes in opener. Holds. Dupont (Lopert) (372; 55-$l)— “High Noon” (UA) (15th wk). Still going strong with s.r.o. week-ends. Fine $4,000, after sock .$5,000 last week Keith’s (RKO) (1,939; 90-$1.25)— “Peter Pan” (RKO-Disney) (9th wk). Very firm $10J)00 after smash $12,000 last week, and may hold. Metropolitan (Warner) (1,200; 90- $1,25)—“Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (8th wk). Bright $10,000, after fine $12,000 last week, and stays. Paiace (Loew’s) (2,370; 74-$1.20) —“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (2d wk). Boff $32,000 after sizzling $41,000, last week, and holds. I Playhouse (Lopert) (435; 55-$l)— I “Come Back, Little Sheba” (Par) (9th wk). Very steady $5,000 after $6,000 last week. Stays. Warner (WB) (2,174; 55-85)— “Trouble Along Way” (WB). Trim $12,000. Last week, “Off Limits” (Par) (2d wk), fine $12,000. Trans-Lux (T-L) (600; 90-$1.25)— “Salome” (Col). Opened with rec- ord first day b.o., and shapes to smash $19,000 at tilted scale! Holds. Last week, “Member of Wedding” (Col) (4th wk), oke $3,000. ‘ROUGE’ FANCY $25,000, BUFF.; ‘PAN’ 18G, 2D Buffalo, April 14. Lone new entry, “Moulin Rouge,” is cleaning up at the Buffalo. Best of the holdovers are “Salome”.and “Peter Pan.” Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Loew’s) (3,000; 40-$l)— “Moulin Rouge” (UA). Fancy $25,- 000 . Last week, “Bandits of Corsica” (UA), Sugar Ray Robin- son, Louis Armstrong, on stage (4 days), $21,000. Paramount (Par) (3,000; 40-70)— “Off Limits” (Par) and “Wyoming Roundup” (AA) (2d wk). Fair $7,- 500 on four days. Last week, $16,- 000 . ‘ Center (Par) (2,100; 40-70)— “Trouble Along the Way” (WB) (2d wk). Mild $7,000 on six days. Last week, $12,000. Lafayette (Basil) (3,000; 50-$l)— “Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Good $15,000. Last week, $21,000. Century (20th Cent.) (50-$l)— “Peter Pan” (RKO) and “Bear Country” (RKO) (2d wk). Strong $18,000. Last week, $29,000. Boston, April 14. Current frame shapes disap- pointing following. a below par Easter week. Newcomers, “Off Limits” at Met and “Small Town Girl” at Orpheum and State, are more than average. “Salome,” in second round at Astor at upped prices, seems headed for oke week but “Call Me Madam” in second frame at- Memorial below hopes “Trouble Along Way” in second week at Paramount and Fenway, holding fairly welL Estimates for This Week Astor (B&Q) (1,500; 74-$1.25)— “Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Strong night biz should push this one to near $20,000. Nifty $25,000 for first stanza. Boston (RKO) (3,000; 50-90)— “Blood arid Sand” (20th) and “American Guerilla In Philippines” (20th) (reissues). Sluggish $9,000. Last week, “Destination Gobi” (20th) and “Fame and Devil” (In- die). Below hopes at $11,000. Exeter (Indie) (1,300; 60-80)— “Importance of Being Earnest” (U) (2d wk). Nice $7,200 looms. First week built to slick $8,500. Fenway (Net) (1,373; 50-90) — “Trouble Along Way” (WB) and “San Antone” (Rep) (2d wk), fair $3,800 following nice $6,500 for first week. Memorial (RKO) (3,000; 60-$l)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk). Near $^6,000 for second frame. Be- low expectations at $23,000 for first week; Metropolitan (NET) (4,367; 50-90) —“Off Limits” (par) and “Stolen Identity” (Embassy). Fairish $16,- 000 looms. Last week, “President's T.ady” (20th) and “Woman They Al- most Hanged” (Rep). Opened strong but skidded to unhappy $13,000. Orpheum (Loew) (3,000; 50-90)— “Small Town Girl” (M-G) and “Jack McCall” (Col). Mildish $15.- ! 000*. Last week, “I Love Melvin” (M-G) and “Five Angles on Mur- der” (Col), poor $14,000. Paramount (NET) (1,700; 50-90) —“Trouble Along Way” (WB) and “San Antone” (Rep) (2d wk). Near $10,000 shapes. Nice $15,000 for f jr»cf nrAplp State (Loew) (3,500; 50-90)— “Small Town Girl” (M-G) and “Jack McCall” (Col). Fair $9,500. Last week, “I Love Melvin” (M-G) and “Five Angles on Murder (CoP. Sad $8,000. ‘Kettles’ Hot $20,000 Despite Denver Snow, ‘Trouble’ Okay $12,000 Denver, April 14. Heavy snowstorm clipped busi- ness over the weekend. Bad weath- er, coupled With fact that five houses have holdovers, forced business down generally. Withal, “Kettles on Vacation” is good enough at the Aladdin, Tabor and Webber for a few'days’ extended run. Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 50-85)— “Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation” (U), day-date with Tabor, Webber. Good $8,000. Last week, “Raiders” (U) and “Black Castle” (U). $6,000. Broadway (Wolfberg) (1,200; 50- 85)—“Sombrero” (U) (2d wk). Fair $5,500. Last week, $7,500. Denham (Cockrlll) (1,750; 50-85) —“Off Limits” (Par) (2d wk). Poor $8,500. Last week, $13,000. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 50-85)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk) »day-date with Esquire. Fair $12,- 000. Last week, big $22,000, Esquire (Fox) (742; 50-85>—‘‘Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk), as Denver. Fair $2,500. Last week, big $4,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 50-85)— "Trouble Along the Way” (WB) and “Rogue’s March” (M-G). Okay $12,000. Last week, “Peter Pan” (RKO) (3d wk). $9,000. Paramount (Wolfberg) (2,200; 50-85)—“Desert Legion” (U) and “Tarzan’s Savage Fury” (RKO) (2d wk). Average $10,000. Last week, fine $16,000. ' Tabor (Fox) (1,967; 50-85)—‘‘Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation” (U), as Aladdin, Webber. Good $8,500. Last week, “Raiders” (U) and “Black Castle” (Uf, $5,500. Vogue (Pike) (600; 60-90)—“Im- portance of Being Earnest” (U) (2d wk). Fair $1,500. Last week, $2,- 600. Webber (Fox) (750; 50-85)—“Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation” (U), as Aladdin, Tabor. Good $3,500. Last week, “Raiders” (U) and “Black Castle” (U>, $2,75J.