Variety (April 1953)

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Wednesday* April X5, 1953 P Kk itgff PICTURE GROSSES 9 Stout Product Booms Chi; ‘Madam’ Bright $30,000, ‘Legion’ Lush 20G, ‘Rouge 38G, 2d, ‘Salome’ 32G, 2d 4 Chicago, April 14. While some strong new films are helping the Loop boxpffice it’s the sterling holdover product tliat’s really punching grosses upwards. Among the newcomers, “Call Me Madam” at the Oriental seems brightest with a hefty $30,000. “Desert Legion” and “Ma and Pa Kettle on Vacation” at the Roose- velt is headed for a lush $20;000 while “Jeopardy” and “Confiden- tial Connie” at the United Artists is picking up a test $20,000. Chicago, with “Trouble 3 "Along file Way” and stage show, is heading for a le;m $33,000. In the holdover slot, it’s “Moulin Rouge” and “Salome” which are blanketing the rest of the houses. “Rouge” at the State-Lake looks likelv to snatch powerful $38,000 for the second week. In the same frame, “Salome” at the Grand should hold to lusty $32,000. Among other duo weekers, “Crash of Silence” at the Surf seems best with fair $4,000 seen. “Girl Who Had Everything” at the Woods ap- pears okay with $16,000 but “To- night We Sing” at the-Palace looks for a lean $9,000. World, with “Forbidden Games” In sixth frame, is after a punchy $3,500 and “Come Back Little Sheba” at the Ziegfeld in the same week is displaying strong holdover strength* with $5,000. “Devil in the Flesh” at the Monroe looms a pallid $4,500. Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 98-$l 25) —“Trouble Along the Way” (WB) plus stage show. Lean $33,000. Last week, “She's Back on Broad- way” (WB) aided by Rosemary Clooney p.a., $50,000. Grand (RKO) (1,200; 98-$1.50)— “Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Should hit a sweet $32,000. Last Week, $38,000. Monroe (Indie). (1,000; 55-98)— “Devil in the Flesh” (Indie) re- issue) (2d wk). Ends with lean $4 500. Last week,- $6,500. Oriental (Indie) (3,400; 98-$1.25) —“Call Me Madam” (20th). Head- ing for a sharp $30,000 with fine reviews aiding. Last week, “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (8th wk), $20,000. Palace (Eitel) (2,500;' 55-98)— “Tonight We Sing” (20th) (2d wk) Weak $10,000 in sight. Last week, $17,000. Roosevelt (B&K) (1,500; 55^98)— “Desert Legion” (U) and “Kettles on Vacation” (U). Building toward hefty 820.000. Last week, “City Beneath the Sea” (U) and “Gun- smoke” OJ) (2d wk), $14,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 98- $1.25)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (2d wk). Look like a fine. $38,000 shap- ing. Last week, $50,000. Surf (H&E Balaban) (685; 98)— “Crash of Silence” (Indie) (2d wk>. Word-of-mouth keeping this to okay $4,000. Last week, same. United Artists (B&K) (1.700; 55- 98)—“Jeopardy” (M-G)°and Confi- dential Connie” (M-G). Bright $20.- 000. Last week, “Naked Spur” (M-G) and “Rogue’s March” (M-G) (2d wk), $12,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— 'Girl Who Hacf Everything” (M-G) (2d wk). ’Passable $14,000. Last week, $25,000. , World (Indie) (587; 98)—“Forbid- den Games” (Indie) (6th wk). Sturdy $3,500 in View. Last Week, $4,300. Ziegfeld (Lopert) (485; 98)— “Lillie Sheba” (Par) (6th wk). Perkv $4,600 in view. Last week, $ 6 , 000 . ‘Andersen’ Lofty $23,000, Mpls.; ‘Sheba’ Terrif 7G, ‘Palms’ Tepid 5G, ‘Sea’ 6G Minneapolis, April 14. Newcomers are few in numbers currently but they more than make up in power for their shortage. Hans Christian Andersen,” of course, is the biggest boxoffice noise, but “Come Back, Little Sheba” will pull up in the big money, too. Other fresh entries are Down Among the Sheltering Palms” and “City Beneath the Estimates for This Week ’ Century (Par) (1,600; 65-85)— Atina” (Indie) (2d wk). Has given tins house one of its best recent bo. performances. Good $4,500. Last week, big $6,000. . Gopher (Berger) (1,026; 65-85)— C ily Beneath the Sea” (U). Stout Last week, “Jeopardy” (M-G) (2d wk), light $3,200. Lyric (Par) (1,000; 65-85)— Destination Gobi” (20th) (2d wk). (Continued on jpage 22) Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net; i. e., without the 20% tax. Distrib- utors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- dome. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include, the U. S. amusement tax. limits’ Sock 15G, K.C.; Tan 14G(2d) Kansas City, April 14. Big grosses continue with healthy holdovers. Leader is “Off Limits” doing sock biz at the Paramount and staying second week. “Peter Pan” at the Missouri on holdover continues its record-breaking pace, but will move out after only two weeks. “Salome” at the Midland, “Happy Time’-’ at the Kimo and “Breaking Sound Barrier” at the Vogue are other strong h.o’s. Estimates for This Week Kimo (Dickinson)' (504; 65-85)— “Happy Time” (Col) (2d wk). Fine $2,000 holds. Last week, pleasant $2,700. Midland (Loew’s) (3,500; 75-$1.10)1 —“Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Fat $12,- 000. Last week, sock $20,000. Missouri (RKO) (2,650; 50-75-$l)— “Peter Pan” (RKO) (2d wk). Huge $14,000. Last week, giant $24,000, a record under current manage- ment. Paramoutit (Tri-States) (1,900; 50- 75)—.“Off Limits” (Par). Fancy $15,000, and ; holds. Last week, “Bwana Devil” (UA) (2d wk). Nifty $9,000 at $1.25 top. Tower, Uptown, Fairway, Gran- ada (Fox Midwest) (2,100; 2,043; 700; 1,217; 50-75)—“Seminole” (U) and “Call of the Wild” (20th) (re- issue). Topping average at $14,000. Last week, “Call Me Madam” (20th) all four with “Star of Texas” (AA) added at Tower and Granada. Held 8 days for scrumptuous $19,000. Vogue (Golden) (550; 65-85)— “Breaking Sound Barrier” (UA) (7th wk). Steady $1,700. Last week, $1,800. ^Trouble* Fair $5,000 £d; L’ville; Tan’ Trim 106,2d Louisville, April 1 1. Everything is h.o. in town this week. After a terrific first-week, Rialto with “Peter Pan;” Loew’s State with “Salome;” and Mary An- derson with “Trouble Along Way,” are perking along at about 50% of the first week’s pace. Still plenty good. Current stanza lacking in com- petish from sports and other attrac- tions hence film houses have clear sailing. Spring race meet at Churchill Downs, highlighted by the Kentucky Derby, still three weeks away, but meet at Keenland, Lexington, Ky., teed off Saturday ( 11 ). Estimates for This Week Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 50-75) —“Mississippi Gambler” (U) (2d wk), still perky at $4,000, neat after last week’s solid $6,000. Mary Anderson (People’s) (1,200; 50-75)—“Trouble Along Way” (WB), (2d wk); copping just about 50% or better of last week’s biz, likely fair $5,000. Last week wrapped up healthy $8,500. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3,000; 75-99)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (2d wk). Still maintaining healthy pace, likely good $10,000 after last week’s tremendous $22,000. State (Loew’s) (3,000; 75-$1.10)— “Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Upped scale and healthy interest in this pic, bolstering h.o. stanza to good $8,500. Initial week’s run tallied sturdy $15,000. B’way Takes Its Queues From 3-D; ‘Wax’-Fisher Sock 125G, lan Dark’ Brisk 28G, ‘Salome’ 50G, Madam’ 115G FRISCO SUPPING Birr ‘DARK’ SMASH {19,5# San Francisco, April 14. Local biz is in the doldrums with most holdovers slipping badly. Ex- ception is the Fox which is doing, handsomely with “Call Me Madam” , and “Fort Vengeance.” Golden Gate (RKO) (2,850; 60- $1.20)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (3d wk). Down to $12,000. Last week, hel# to a big $32,000. Fox (FWC) (4,651; 65-95)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) and “Fort Vengeance” (AA) (2d wk). Brisk $12,000. Last week, strong $19,000. Warfield (Loew’s) (2,656; 65-95)— “I Love Melvin” (M-G). Fair $15,- 500 in 10 days. Last week, “Som- brero” (M-G) (2d wk) 4 daps, okay $7,500. Paramount (Par) (2,646; 65-95)— “Off Limits” (Par) (2d wk). Slipped to $10,000 on six days. Last week, $18,000. St. Francis (Par) (1,400; 65-95)— “Tonight We Sing” (20th) (2d wk). Fair $7,500. Last week, $7,700. Orpheum (No. Coast) (2,448; 65- 95)—“Man In The Dark” (Col) (3D) and “Magnetic Monster” (UA). Standout $19,500. Last week, “Seminole” (UJ and “Bandits Of Corsica” ; (UA) $11,000. United Artists (No. Coast) (1,207; 80-$1.50)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (8th wk). Nice $9,000. Last week, held sturdy $9,600. Stagedoor (Ackerman-Rosener) (370; $1.20-$1.80)—“Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (8th wk). Off to $13,000, Last week, static $14,000, Clay (Rosener) (400; 65-85)— “Importance Of Being Ernest” (U) (2d wk). Good $2,800. Last week, brisk $3,200. Larkin (Rosener) (400; 65-85)— “Little World Of Don Camillo” (In- die); Big $3,300. Last week, “Last Holiday” and ‘ “Laughter In Para- dise” (reissues) (3d wk). Poor $1/800. Vogue (S.F. Theatres) (377; 85- $1)—“Casque d’Or” (Indie) 3d Wk). $O-&'$lil00i Slim 111 ■Rouge’ Hefty 24G, ‘Limits’ Fme HG Lift Rtl 1st Runs Pittsburgh, April 14. . Heavy trade for “Moulin Rouge,” playing Penn at advanced prices, and strength of “Call Me Madam” on h.o. at Harris are helping entire downtown this week. “Off Limits” is giving the Stanley a lift and even twinner of >4 Desperate Search” and “The Silver Whip” got away fast at the Fulton, sandwiched in between Penn and Harris. “Breaking the Sound Barrier” at Warner is a trifle disappointing in view of raye notices and “Member of the Wed ding” looks only so-so at Squirrel Hill, the town’s nabe arter. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— “Silver Whip” (20th) and “Des perate Search” (M-G). Satisfactory $4,500. Last week, “Abbott andl Costello Go to Mars” (U) wound up with almost $6,500. Harris (Harris) (2,200; 65-$l)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk). Holding strong in present stanza, and will rate a third at better than $10,000. Last week, came within a whisker of a sizzling $16,000. Penn (Loew’s) (3,300; 85-$1.25)— “Moulin Rouge” (UA), Opening day Saturday (11) was nearly $6,000 and on strength of reviews and word of mouth should be a cinch for at least $24,000. Holds, natch. Last week, “I Love Melvin” (M-G) under expectations at $13,000. Squirrel Hill (WB) (900; 50-85)— “Member of Wedding” (Col). Un- der $3,000 on first stanza. Last week, second of “Face to Face” (RKO), below $1,500. Stanley (WB) (3,800; 50-85)— “Off Limits” (Par). Around $11,- 000, best here in several weeks. Last week, “Trouble Along the Way,” (WB) just $9,000. Warner (WB) (2,000; 50-85)— “Breaking Sound Barrier” (UA). Warm notices but they aren’t coming. Maybe $5,000. Last week, “Tropic Zone” (Par) and “Blazing Forest” (Par), same. ‘SALOME’ HEFTY $20,000, TORONTO; ‘BWANA’ 22G & Toronto, April 14. With plenty of top product hold- overs, “Salome” is only important newcomer and in for big returns. But second stanza of “Bwana Devil” is still topping the town though re- turns are off since that first week’s smash take on the curiosity angle. “Call Me Madam” is terrific in sec- ond frame, with “I Confess” also big. Estimates for This Week Eglington, University (FP) (1,080; 1,556; 40-75)—“I Confess” (WB) (2d wk). Still healthy $14,000. Last week, $18,000. Crest, Downtown, Glendale, State (Taylor) (863; 1.059; 955; 698; 35-60) —“Pathfinder” (Col) and “Jalopy” (AA). Nice $15,500. Last week, “Silver Whip” (20th) and “White Lightning” (AA), $12,000. ImpeHal (FP) (3,373; 40-75)— “The Stooge” (Par) (3d wk). Taper- t mj * ((JdiitjliiliM 6n 1 page ’ 22)* ” u 5 First 3-D films to come from ma- jor studios are sparking the Broad- way firstrun wickets this week. “House of Wax,” plus Eddie Fisher onstage, at the Paramount is shap- ing for a mighty $125,000 on its first stanza after a solid start Fri- day (10). House also juggled its niatinee ptices. “Man in the Dark,” other 3-D entry, is snaring a sock $27,800 on its initial session at the Globe. Despite rain Sunday (12) which extended into Monday business at most key houses held up nicely. “I Love Melvin” will wind up its first stanza at the State with a fancj r $21,000. Lone other new contender, “The Tall Texan,” is looking to- ward a fine $11,000 at the Holiday on strength of favorable reviews. With the town still swarming with Easter vacationers over the weekend, the big presentation houses chased in handsomely. Music Hall, with its annual Easter pageant and “By the Light of the Silvery Moon” is holding to a lofty $150,000 on the third round ending today (Wed.). “Call Me Madam” is showing stout staying power at the Rdxy where it’s coupled with the ice show onstage. Third frame ended yesterday (Tues.) was a hefty $115,- 000^ Fine showing also is being turned in by “Salome.” Rita Hayworth, starrer looks a firm $50,000 at the Rivoli in the third stanza ended last night (Tues.), “Rouge” is chalking up a fine $41,000 in its ninth round at the Capitol. “Andersen” day-and- date .at the Criterion and Paris, climbed to $20,400 in its 20th week at the former house. Biz was its best since the 13th stanza. Estimates for the Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 80-$1.50) —“Off Limits” (Par) (3d wk). Third stanza ending next Friday (17)' shapes a fat $26,300 after $25,000 last week. Broadway (Cinerama) (1,250; 90- $2.80)—“Cinerama” (Indie) (29th wk). The 28th frame ended yester- day (Tues.) held around $41,000, same as last week and virtual capacity. Baronet (Reade) (430; 90-$1.50)— “Importance of Being Earnest” (U) (17th wk). The 16th round ended Sunday (12) built to a good $3,500 after $4,000 for the 15th week. Capitol (Loewis) (4,820; 70-$1.80) —“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (10th wk). The ninth round ended last night (Tues.) held to a fine $41,000. Eighth was a terrific $48,000. Criterion (Moss) (1,700; 85-$2.20) —“Hans Christian Andersen” (21st wk). The 20th week ended Mon- day (13) climbed,to $20,400, best biz since the 13th week. Previous frame snared $18,000. Fine Arts (Davis) (468; 90-$l,80) —“The Promoter” (U) (25th wk). The 24tlx round ended Monday (13) drew a comfortable $3,500 after $4,- 100 for the 23rd week. Stays until May 5 when “Fanfan la Tulipe” (Indie) preems. Globe (Brandt) (1,500; 60-S1.50) —“Man in Dark” (Col) (2a wk). Initial session ended yesterday (Tues.) brought a terrific $27,800 for this 3-D film. Holds, natch. “Anna” (IFE) (7th wk), in ahead, exited with a snappy $11,500. Holiday (Per-Rose) (950; 60-$1.20) —“Tall Texan” (Lip). Heading for fine $11,000 in first week ending Thursday (16). Last week, “Lady Wants Mink” (Rep), gair $8,000. • Mayfair (Brandt) (1,736; 70- $1.80))—“Jeopardy” (M-G) (3d wk). Second frame ended Sunday (12) held to a good $15,800 after a fine ^l.OOO for the opening stretch. Normandie (Normandie The- atres) (592; 95-$1.80)—“Murder Will Out” (Indie) (3d wk). Good $9,200 looming for second stanza ending next Friday (17) after smash $13,000 opening week. Palace (RKO) (1,700; $1.80-$6)— Danny Kaye and all vaude bill (13th wk). The 12th round ended last Saturday (11) was a torrid $54,000 following a huge $52,000 for the 11th frame. Paramount (Par) (3,664; 80-$1.80) —“House of Wax” (WB) plus Eddie Fisher topping stage bill, Mighty $125,000 shaping for first week end- ing tomorrow (Thurs.) House play- ed extra shows and opened-earlier for .this 3-D horror pic. In ahead, “I Confess” (WB) $51,000 oil third and final frame of short 5 Vz day week. Paris (Indie) (568; $1.25-$1.80)— ‘‘Hans C. Andersen” (RKO) (21st lwk>.' The' 20th slaftza endfed'Mon- day (13) climbed to $7,500 after $6,600 for the 19th week. Rivoli (UAT) (2,092; 95-$2)— “Salome” (Col) (4th wk). Third round ended last night (Tues.) held at powerful $50,000. The second stanza copped a terrific $60,000. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 90-$2.40)—“By Light of Silvery Moon” (WB) and Easter stageshow (3d wk). Third week ending today (Wed.) is holding to a lofty $150,000 after a gigantic $173,000 in the second-frame. Stays a fourth. Roxy (20th) (5,886; .50-$2.20)— “Madam” (20th) (4th wk) with ice- show onstage. Third round ended last'night (Tues.) was a hefty $115,- 000 after the second week’s smash $ 120 , 000 . State (Loew’s) (3,450; 85-$1.80)— “I Love Melvin” (M-G). First week ending today (Wed.) was $21,000 “Naked Spur” (M-G), in ahead, drew a'fancy $21,500 on eight-day second .week. Sutton (B & B) (561; 90-$1.50)— “Penny Princess” (4th wk). Third stanza ended Monday (13) dipped to poor $3,500. “The Assassin” (UA) moves in Friday (17). Trans-Lux 60th St. (T-L) (453; 90-$1.50)—“Justice Is Done” (Bur- styn) (7th wk). Sixth round ended Sunday (12) held to a comfortable $5,000 after a solid $6,500 for the fifth. Trans-Lux 52nd St. (T-L) (540; 90-$1.50)—“Lili” (M-G) (6th wk). Fifth frame ended Monday (13) was a neat $12,000. Fourth week saw a great $13,200. Victoria (City Inv.) (1,060; 95- $1.80)—“Little Sheba” (Par) (17th wk). The 16th session ended yes- terday (Tues.) spurted to a. sock $18,700 after $17,500 for the 15th week. Trouble’ Fine 14G, Cleve.; ‘Limits’ 20G Cleveland, April 14. “Off Limits” is copping top coin for the State despite rainstorms which chilled weekend trade. “Moulin Rouge” is going so hot that the Stillman keeps it a sixth round. “Trouble Along the Way” is also smart at the Allen. Estimates for This Week Allen (Warners) (3,000; 55-85)— “Trouble Along the Way” (WB). Fine $14,000, Last week, "Presi- dent’s Lady” (20th) okay $9,000. Hipp .(Telemanagement) (55- $1.19)—-“Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (4th wk). Slipped to $11,500 following $14,500 for last round, Lower Mall (Community) (585; 55-85)—“Limelight” (UA) (2d wk). Fair $3,500, with $4,500 take for locf tt/nalr Ohio (Loew’s) (1,300; 55-85) — “I Love Melvin” (M-G) (m.o.). So-so $4,500 for second downtown folio. Last week, “Battle Circus” (M-G) (m.o.), excellent $8,000. Palace (RKO) (3,300; 60-90) — “Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk). Dipped to $9,000. Last week, big $15,500. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85) — “Off Limits” (Par). Solid $20,000. Last week, “Melvin” (M-G), good $12,500. Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700; 55-85) —“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (m.o.) (5th wk). Big $12,800 following $13,500 last week. ‘Rouge’ Whammo $30,000, St. L.; ‘Niagara’ 14G, ‘Andersen’ Neat 19G, 2d St. Louis, April 13. Sock bally preceded the teeoff of “Moulin Rouge” at Loew’s and a whammo gross will be grabbed. “Andersen” is strong at the Pageant and Shady Oak after a swell first week. “Niagara” is fine at the Missouri. Biz is on the up- beat after a sluggish frame last week. However, intermittent rain and cold weather slowed attend- ance over the weekend. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 60-75) —“Never Wave at a Wac” (RKO) and “Lady Wants Mink” (Rep). Good $11,000 for m.o. Last week, “Destination Gobi” (20th) and “All Ashore” (Col), mild $8,000. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 60-75)—“Lone Hand” (U) and “Thunder Bird” (Rep). Opened today, (Tues.). Last ^Continued ou pagV32)