Variety (April 1953)

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OMCMESTHAS-3n:SIC Wednesday, April 15, 1955 BRIT. ARTISTS CUMB | Wally Downey Back From ON NAME HTT LISTS Si. Surrey for ASCAP •v js a ^ m vTv.n ws— t a a r/i An! RETAIL SHEET BEST SELLERS London, April 14. Wallace Downey, head of ASCAP Breaking the grip of American | foreign operations, is hack from a ? singers on the hit lists, filing trio which took him to Peru, i ish artists are included among the j Jrg mtl - n! , Brail Cu b* md M «i-j first three best-selling pop records ) | here this week. “Broken Wings,'* j co In the past two months, contact- \ by the Stargazers vocal group, goeai^S the Society’s sundry foreign . to the <tpp, after being second J week, changing places with Guy| Downey found music licensing® Mitchell’s “She Wears Red Feath.-f good and writers even more crea-l ers.” Next is another British artist, • lively inspired as the performance \ Lita Roza, singing “Doggie in the ’ rights fees continue upping In [ Window.” Perry Como’s “Don’t Let > values. | the Stars ” A1 Martino’s “Now” £ ’ | to.Publish Prize { Newcomer this week: is Johnnie i Tune for British Army t Ray’s “Somebody Stole My Gal ” London. April 14. which moved into sixth place. T . r . .. J Survey of retail sheet music sales based on reports obtained from leading stores in 12 cities and showing comparative sales rating, for this and last week. * ASC AP t Bin Joseph Murrells Charles z j « ^ u n r r-r t I Prentice have copped the top prize Bennett, Maag lipped j of ?1>000 ^ News tlie WorM> s In Victors Coast Setup * London newspaper. Army march-! Philadelphia, April 14. h ing song contest for their composi-! Martin F. Bennett has been! tion ' “K*s a Grand Life in the J named regional manager of the j Army.” | west coast for RCA Victor. Bennett 1 Tune is being published by Fran-* will join the staff of Paul A. Bark-■ cis, Day & Hunter. In the U. S. National Bating This Last wfc. wk. Title and Publisher « a £ O 4> £ « t/t 3 S ha cs tu meter, v.p. director re -■ several months ago a new march- * gional operations. Harold R. Maag, j ing song., ’The Army’s Always; J. ° . accpnaowret uu v.p. and western manager of RCA jj There.” by Sam H. Slept, topped ? B 7 *Side by Side (ShapL Victor, assumes broader responsi -1 the field in the U. S. Army’s song ' 9 9 ♦Anywhere I Wander Mities and joins the staff of; search. i Jq Jq fTell Me You’re Mine Charles M. Odonzzi, operating i - ■ ■ ■ - i . -■ ——— — vice-president, to act as Coast rep | u* j t i i n [ * ■ How Do You Speak i supervising the division’s overall \ TIHTOD L5061 DOWS « -- - operator* m that territory. { Tinrob Retorts, a new label, is ! 13A 13 tTeg Me a Story (Mon victor is mapping a plant expan- bowing in the wax field with a: 13B .. *Gomen-Nasai (Disnej sion on the Coast in which Maag ; coupling of songs written by song -1 15 ,. *My Jealous Eyes (Fai will have the top exec assig nm ent, r stress Kay Armen and video an- | Bennett was formerly assistant* nouncer Dennis James. Miss Armen ! manager of the company’s eastern > wrote “Be Good To Yourself” Charles Hasin M-C-VT Reeords’ i ?S n ' in NeW : T^ e /S"*.'MW "'Vby Should disWbuUon Cper ^aded o“ o n { York. Pnor t° that he was man- b T Want lou. t a midwest swing last week for* ager of RCA s theatre equipment £ Eugenie Baird makes her debut [ huddles with diskery’s distribs in - safes m Camden. ; on the disk as the songstress. that territory. 13A 13 13B .. 15 ♦Doggie in the Window (Santly-J) 1 *1 Believe (Cromwell > 2 tTiH I Waltz Again (Village)...... '* ♦Pretend (Brandom) 3 t Don’t l^et the Stars (Four Star?.. . ♦ iYonr Cheatin' Heart (Acuff-R)-. 6 ♦Keep It a Secret iShapiro-B> ♦Side by Side (Shapiro-B) 10 ♦Anywhere I Wander (Flrank)... .• .. fTell Me Yon’re Mine f Capri > ♦How Do You Speak (Chappell*.. .. Moulin Rouge (Broadcast) ..9 fTell Me a Story (Montdare)... .. 5 ♦Gomen-Nasai (Disney) ♦My Jealous Eyes (Famous)...... .. WAX WELL WITH MAXWELL With Chuck Maxwell Mon .-Fri., 1:05-1:45 pjn. WDAF, Kansas City I Wn : Col’s New 3-Speed Disk Jockey Review j _ Portable Columbia Records is expanding WAX WELL WITH MAXWELL its phonograph equipment line With Chuck Maxwell with the introduction of a portable Mon .-Fri., 1:05-1:45 pjn. three-speed unit to sell at $29.95. WDAF, Kansas City Machine was designed under the In recent months WDAF, NBC * direction of RHl Bachman, Col’s affiliate owned by the Kansas City ; director of engineering research. Star, has been going in somewhat l Columbia recently began mar- more for pop music and recordings.keting a hi g h- fidelity phonograph One of the staff it has called upon ; * n $150 price bracket. to handle part of the schedule is? _ . Chuck Maxw ell, who is proving apt fUlCiUIlOnd to Italy of voice and ad lib on the show. j j-% o i. ■ j tt j jn Maxwell is on the mike largely * 0r ^HDSia ijUlaOleS for the commentary, which he Howie Richmond, publishing handles with more than an ordrn -1 exec flew to Europe this week ary flare for light chatter and some | f or a Quickie in Italv where gags intermixed. This has drawn a ^ The- soUd segment of foUowers out of ( SSL™"?. the run of the listeners, although | 2150 his is not material to appeal t a! wlU confa ^ Italian filmmakers every listener. His is a casual and | upcoming ppc to be distributed leisuredly style, and hfg gab may f m U, S. via Italian Film Ex* be any subject as well as the music j P°rt* at hand, | Richmond has a tieup with 6how has been on the WDAF j IFE in which he gets U. S. rights schedule in the early afternoon, a; to pix scores and theme music. He time it could easily devote to soap recenty acquired “Anna,” title operas. Evidently the combination song from the Sylvano Mgngano of Maxwell and recordings is hold- pic. Richmond expects to be gone ing the Hooper. IVIdxwell <ilso ? aljout two weeks draws the early morning “Synco-1 * pated Clock” show for more of his. n ii r* 9 n , . easy-going chatter. Quin . cobby Jtsrcen s Comeback *.*1(1*1* ■ f I I ■ I » ilin patcu viuva. mhjw xur more ui ms. n r* ? y-« t i easy-going chatter. Quin . cobby iSreen s Comeback “ After a long layoff on wax, n y n «. |-h - Bobby Breen, Eddie Cantor pro- Prune Exits Flanagan Band to Do a Single Breen t0 Harry Prime, vocalist with the I Breen's Initial sides will hit the Ralph Flanagan band since its in- [ bi about TO days, ception three years ago, exited the | 1 ■ 1 ,J — !! = orch this week to do a single. He’ll ’ I I Till. >4fWj continue, however, to be handled f by the Flangan-Herb Hendler man- j agement office which booked Prime ? into the Hour Glass nitery. New- \ ark, for a weekend date (17-19). | Buddy Victor, who has worked < in several vocal combos, steps into | Prime’s spot with Flanagan’s band, \ and will get billing on the crew’s L RCA Victor diskings. | ]B5fB iRfiHm wI 5n5n ITT5 PRODUCERS - QUARTETTES RECORDING COMPANIES A Lively Opening and Closing Song CELEBRATIN' DAY IN TENNESSEE fab. by LEO FEIST, IRC. 71t 7tb Are,, New Yirk City RECORD COMPANY SEEKS NEW TALENT S*aK |»M—«**!!•«t r*pnlatl«i—nuti Mils M4 FMth V***ttib, |m tattu. C m)* *, Writ* f*r audit)** (d**'t m 4 pttturw *r r*t«r4s). itat* M*t kctlvlttM. *♦* V Varl*tr, 154 W. 45tt SU ««w Yirk JS, N. Y. PREt vse N 4Vr» r e» m fvmlihW «vm* ceHree I* Wretp^t. Cren^ te p eMI M i arv w w iwtH w, yhiiM* •r c**9mr, vecelfat/ fiwrimi exeev- apBnt( *r AMyeee wNe %m Nalp «• fwftNer mj xw*«*rrtt«**e w wet t Nwi. *«K.V4MSat VartetY, 1J4 W. 4*fK St-