Variety (April 1953)

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VAUDEVILLE Wfistmrr Wednesday, April 15, 1953 » i are complete without carloads of Unit Reviews UlilL lUifibna | eye s go stageward when the cos- Highest Show oi 1953 (“St Louis Bl u es " getting ovation j pi charles^Baliet ‘wefcPup A^SE.™, 8 I SB* I «S aZ 00 % a ”™ a 'LL ”eT >0 % d ' £S C°r6wd ‘iovin/evto-’ of * gg in mo p - vi 0 / us V ^ n ^ ti e“ P i a nTer S - ! assss TL1“ *»»; SSiSvSS! » T 3sst sms; ss rib jaP --^ •»«* of |-a--% geraid, l»uis Jordan's over-pop^ ] P ^ opens _slowl y wimajalf- j cumbent house batoneer Carlton Hayes the ins and outs of the difficult score to be left to latter’s direction for remaining show frames. Will. >Berle’s 356 Continued from page 1 ■ : ... J, - _ -1 ■ JLidHlt: upclld Otunij vr AVU m lar antics and skilled taps kidding version of his disclick, Ephram, but pace drops a bit when ^ ., That . s ^ Desire,” but goes on star Frankie Lame begins bis sU t, ^ gamer applause for full-lunged in mild manner He P^kedit up,y tre f tments ^ such other of his however, and bad eni begging for. f£>miliars as “Jezebel” and “Jeal- more at finale. ousy.” Miss Fitzgerald and Jordan, Herman’s band opens juth fa- . ^ck on for fina i e . j miliar all-out volume, sockmg over j show with brass band {rom AFM ; tunes with array of eight brass*J> 5 76 m pit f or overture and ; Teeds. Piano drams ““ stnn^ j intermission chores, pulled good bass. Gets big mitt for milder and j $9 50Q down from big $i 2 ,000 familiar ^any Autumn. Mar-. g rawn by fir$t *< Big show” here in lowe's stand up and fall down type? February> Reed. of humor goes over big, with hilan- j _ ous stint rating great acceptance. . Miss Fitzgerald displays her j 1-atill ^uaricr W v ne W S„ tematifity and artistry in (DESERT INN, LAS VEGAS) » *t? * 4 T Aimr” fo I familiar numbers from “Lover” to ■f — I 8 9 9 9 I STARS’ CARS X-COUNTRY Going from B'way to Hollywood, or vice versa? “The Best Way” is to ship your car. not to drive it, ad vis is Judson Freight Forward- ing Division of National Carload- ing Corporation, now celebrating its 73th anniversary. Judson has shipoed thousands of cars and stage, screen, radio and TV celebs. You save wear and tear on you and car. actual driving costs, storage enroute, and expenses in- volved in the long trip. Besides, you have much better chance of arriving in one piece yourself if you take rail or air and let Jud- son ship your car and belongings. If your trial engagement on either coast extends into a solid spot, just call Judson and have your car shipped to you. See your telephone directory for nearest. National Carloading Of- fice or write to: Judson Forward- ing. National Carloading Cor- poration, IS Rector Street, New York £. N. Y.' Las Vegas. April 7, "Parisian Mardi Gras” —f - duced by Lou Walters, with Char 5 Uvel Trio, De Castro Sisters f (3), Lucienne & Ashour, Guilda, I | Gloria LeRoy , Nejla Ates, Janine Gemet, Ralph Young, Char lee Ballet (8), Latin Quarter Line (26); dances & staging , Natalie; costumes, Freddie Wit- top; special songs, Lou Walters, Art Waner; Carlton Hayes House Orch (11) fro cover or minimum. I I 1 time ago and the present $20,000 limit has already been cracked. Agents in the know claim that some hotels are offering the stipu-; lated amounts on contracts, but are making other emoluments that will definitely hike the salary. They’re not disclosing^ whether its under- the-table coin or assuming the pay- ment of the act’s commission to his agent, or any other kind of hidden | The salary dodge is admittedly j very dangerous, not only for the acts, but more so to the hotels. The risk lies not only in the possi- bility of evoking an open salary war in the area, but in precipitat- ing * Bureau of Internal Revenue scrutiny of Nevada activities. The situation, according to the agencies, will eventually be re- solved by hiking the implied agree- ment among the operators that sti- pends will be limited to $20,000 for a single act. In some cases the op- erators have been able to go above ^ the agreed upon amount by vesting . *Nitery show*producer I a name with the ownership of a ‘ package and then buying acts from him at a sizable profit. In any case, according to local sources, it’s impossible to control prices in this area as long as a scarcity of fresh names exists. As soon as a new performer of stature comes along, new highs will be set, and the commission men see no way of halting that trend. Vaude, Cafe Dates New York SENSATIONAL DANCE ACT (THE VALENTINO WHIP) WESTERLY and GAIL Direction: PHIL BUSH 1650 Broadway JUdion 6-2313 THE CHORDS Instrumentalists without Instruments Club Dates (Week Apr. 16) BOSTON and WASHINGTON Dir.: GENERAL ARTISTS CORP. Club Dots Bookings by HARRY GREBEN I NAT DUNN 203 K. Wabasb Ays. j 1650 B’way Chltapa. 111. New Yerk Grant’s Riviera RESTAURANT AND BAR 158 W. 44 St.. New York LU 2-4488 WHERE SHOWBUSINESS 51EETS * TALENT CONTEST * MONDAY NIGHTS Prize: Professional Engagement Oupllcate Prlzet Awarded In the Case el Tle» Assured of landoffice biz when- , ever the name “Latin Quarter Re- • j vue” graces their marquee. Desert Inn poobahs turn all nitery sur- roundings over to Lou Walters for six frames, and become the first to give extended bookings a try. They’re not taking any chances with this .spectacle of flesh and flash, one of the better import units dreamed up by the Gotham and Miami (and now Nevada) show-] man. Walters’ formula is no different from past revues viewed in this nitery. That the 70-minute dazzler contains all elements essential for luring multitudes into the casino, plus turnaways every stanza, is a credit for the vet showifian. High, medium and low rollers love this sort of nitery display. They are able, to lose their loot in much better humor after applauding such lavish froth. Topping the flash department, the startling and versatile Charli- vels continue to astound with their multiplicity of tricks, all turned out with speed and perfection. Breaking up "steady flow, of aero and terps, trio indulges in' some tooting on various instruments, plus warbling. Literally knock themselves out, departing with huge ovation after one of the lads flips himself onto his brothers for rademark three-way cartoff. De Castro Sisters take over clos- ing slot with sgpie harmonious comedies. Let fly with funny biz immediately, mugging up a storm, and grab running laughs with spe- cial tunes and boisterous delivery Guilda, the femme impersonator billed as French Marlene Dietrich, keeps illusion going ’ until finale when he doffs blond wig for added mitts. Tiny Nejla Ates shows plenty of torso expanse during her belly undulations. Turkish terper is neat bundle of curvesome oomph Lucienne & Ashour, still tops among the Apache knockabouters keep tablers palms in constant mo- tion with some terrif falls and comedy. Switcheroo at windup, when femme takes upper hand, is great payoff. Gloria LeRoy not only unlimbers her long, double-jointed gams in can-can routine of Charles Ballet, but chirps with juve Ralph Young in a big production number and fronts in finals for more fancy legwork. Janine Gemet, an import from Paris, supplies spice to*revue with her thrashing, Young, as warbling-emcee, does good pilo job. Since no Latin Quarter revues Ted Lewis to start a tour with the Horizon Room, Pittsburgh, April 27, followed by the Beverly Hills Country Club, Newport, Ky., t May 15 '' 0 _ i Tony Carlisle to operate Club 22, y } Miama Beach . . . Billy Daniels into the Latin Quarter, Boston, April 23, followed by the Chez Paree, Montreal, May 3 . . . Betty George pacted for a September date at the Colony & Astor, Lon- don . . . Mary McCarty tapped for the Flamingo, Las Vegas, May 28 . . . Larry *Storch booked into the Triton, Rochester, N. Y., May 4 . . . Dorothy Lamour set for the Chicago Theatre, 'Chicago, May 15 . . . Hi, Lo, Jack & thfe Dame pact ed for the Tallulah Bankhead show at the Sands Hotel, Las Vegas, May 23. Blackburn - Twins & Marion Colby signed for Persian Room of Plaza Hotel, starting May 28 for four weeks. They’re also slated for Palmer House,^ Chicago, July 4 . . . Kitty Kalien goes into Palmer House, Chi, April 23 ^ . Bob Car- roll pacted for Blinstrub’s, Boston, April 23 . . . Darvas & Julia and the Marquis Family into Desert SETTLE JONI JAMES VS. PHILLY CAFE SUIT Philadelphia, April 14. Joni James’ difficulties because of commitments to play two Philly spots simultaneously were dissi- pated over the weekend when an injunction suit filed by Lee Guber, owner of the Rendezvous, to pre- vent her from working at the Latin Casino was withdrawn. Original deal for the Rendezvous was made sometime ago before her salary started to zoom because of disclick of “Why Don’t You Believe Me.” She was originally contracted for $900. A General Artists Corp. spokesman declared that this date was made by her former manager, Roy Rodde. Guber, who sought an injunction Friday (10) in Common Pleas Court here, got together with Latin Casino operator Dave Dushoff and Miss James and a settlement was made, amount of which was undis- closed. She’s getting a reported $2,500 at the Latin Casino, where she’ll continue until April 22. Summer Legiters Continued from page 1 "BEST COMEDY BITS" $ Acts of Creative Comedy Containing Monologues, Sketches A Pantomlmlcry Price Five Dollars A. GUY YISK Writing Enterprises W Hill Street ' Troy, N. Y. (The MIrthplact of Show Biz) LEW BLACK and PAT DUNDEE (Beauty and * tiie least) A new note In Glaipor Comedy BERBER-WEI88 AGENCY 1697 Broadway, N.Y. Club Oato* NAT DUNN Joey,” “New Faces” and “Wish You Were Here,” as musicals. Fact that “Wish,” figured a doubtful en- try to survive the 1952 summer, is now rated an almost sure thing this year, is just another Ripley for the Arthur Kober-Joshua Logan-Har- old Rome tuner, which has already career of crossing up the made a Inn, Las Vegas, May 12, and River- preponderantly nixing critics, side, Reno', June 12 . . . Phil Foster As always, the toughest period tapped for Last Frontier, Las of the summer is expected to be Vegas, April 27 . . . Jimmy Me- from the July 4 weekend through Hugh hits Ambassador Hotel, Los mid-August, when the seasonal up- Angeles, May 20 ... Bo Sennctt, turn is due. However, business is Singer-m.c., continues indef at Bal likely to decline steadily for the A DONALD RICHARDS tr n Star of THERE'S MUSIC IN THE AIR FRIDAYS, CBS RADIO NETWORK, 9-10 P.M., EST Personal Mgl. DAVID L SHAPIRO AL 4-1077 Tabarin, N.Y. Dallas Denise Darcel plays the Mural Room of the Baker Hotel starting April 20, following Connee Bos- well. Sophie Tucker tees off there May 4. - .Roily Rolls into the Ana- cacho Room of the St. Anthony Hotel, San Antonio, for a two-week stand. George DeWitt will follow April 23 for fortnight. balance of the spring and early summer, with perhaps occasional brief b.o. flurries. Saranac Lake By Happy Benway Saranac Lake, N. Y. f April 14. Charlie Aldebo of the Skouras Bros, staff, who beat the rap here in ’50, in from Demarest, N. J., for annual checkup and planed to Cali- fornia after being told to get to work. 'A. carnation to Joe Smith & Charlie Dale for their timely salute and greetings of good cheer to the gang here. Justine Wayne, nitery pianist, in from the Hotel Slysee, N. Y„ to serenade her 1 brother, Morris, whose progress rates a bow. Gloria Davis of National Screen Service took 15 months to beat the rap and will resume work in the near fqture after a short vacation. The William Morris Library Fund is $100 richer from an anony- mous contributor. The fund sup- ports the Adirondackana collection of early maps of this territory. Elaine SliRper, formerly of the Los Angeles branch of National Theatre Supply Co.,, in from Omaha for the o.o. accompanied by her .husband, Glenn, branch manager in Omaha and Des Moines. The’ holiday season brought in Mae Sullivan to visit hubby George, whose progress is tops. After a few days of hospitaliza- tion Henry Evans (Warner Bros.) mastered a major operation and is back at the V. C. Hospital resting in comfort. Thanks to Kenneth Derby, Vir- ginia Ferraro .and William Joyner, the “We The Patients” committee who during the holidays arranged entertainment and buffet snacks for the ailing gang. The Passover holiday feast held at the Community Center in the downtown colony brought the fol- lowing V.C. hospital patients with transportation arranged by the Sis- terhood: Jack (RKO) Wasserman, Morris Dennison y Pearl (Loew) Grossman, Leo (Randforce) Mantel,- Otto Hayman, Morris Wecker and Max Rosenthal. Write to those who are ill. Manning, ‘Mad’Moiselles Set for London Nitery Singer Irene Manning and The ’Mad’moiselles have been signed for the Colony & Astor Clubs, Lon- don. Miss Manning goes in Aug. 1 and the femme comedy team starts June 15. Kenneth Later Agency set the deals. Joe Bonds Heads TCOA Dallas, April 14. Joe Bonds has been elected chairman of the newly formed Texas Club Owners Assn., an affil- iate of Theatre Restaurant Owners of America. j Bonds has announced that his ! new venture, the Blue Lady, for- merly the Studio Lounge, will open April 29. Harlem’s New Nitery A new Harlem cafe, the Flame Club, is slated to open April 22. Signed for the preem bill are Phil Black, Tanya, Mae Arthur, Sandra Fields and others. Spot is located on the site pre- viously occupied by Brownie’s Mel- ody Room. Sammy Berk to Ben Bart Sammy Berk/ for many years an independent agent, has joined the Ben Bart Universal Artists. He’ll i handle vaude and cafe hookings. ' He succeeds the late Jack Klotz. • BOB (Bobby) ROLLINS Playing INDOOR SPORTSHOWS Tlianlu to WILLIAM SHILLING 165 Wcit 46th Strut New York City THE STORK CLUB CBS-TV - 7 P.M. SATURDAY APRIL 18 MILB0URNE CHRISTOPHER and HI* Maqlc Thank* DAVID L SHAPIRO AL 4-1077 FOSTER AGENCY, LONDON, pmtflti cIf Currently LE UDO, PARIS AmericRn R*p.x WM. MORRIS AGENCY TAVIL MAROUANI AGENCY PARIS Byron and Margarot Ann TALBOT Currently ROOSEVELT HOTEL Now Orleans, La. Thanks TOM MARTIN G.A.C. f