Variety (April 1953)

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78 CMATTEM Wednesday, April 15, 1953 Broadway to the & brief feld, 20tb-Fox pub-ad topper, and Charles L. O'Reilly, of ABC Vend- ing Corp., were added to the amusement industry fund raising committee. Paris Jean Bretonniere into Moulin Rouge show. . . , Erik Charrell arriving for sum- mer stay in Europe. John Crosby in on Pan Ameri- can's Philadelphia inauguration flight. , . , Erich von Stroheim to Marra- Ivan Black, longtime associate of t kech for exteriors of “Alerte au rch ("Bwana Devil") Oboler, now j Sud" pic. ^ . , Wendell Corey planed Coast Saturday (11) after local visit Loew’s chieftain Nicholas M. Schenck due back from Florida va- cation April 27. Paul Graefcz in from Europe Sun- day (12) for a two-week stay prior to rolling a new film in London. Dr. Herbert T. Kalmus, Tecbm- color topper, and his aide, John B. Clarke. Jr., in from the Coast Sun- day (12). London Arch . - - _ bills himself "America's first 3-D pressagent.” Italian Films Export cocktail- Charles Trenet inked to accom- pany annual bicycle tournament. Tour de France. at a press Earl Blackwell (Celebrity Serv- Thornton Wilder in from Ger-1 reception tomorrow Savoy Plaza. Sol Hurok flew In yesterdays (Tues.) from London, after finaliz- ing details of Sadler's Wells Bal- let's fall visit. Jeff Morrow due back from the Coast Saturday (18) after com-; pleting acting stint in •20th-Fox s "The Robe." Mrs, David Rockefeller and J, Peter Grace, Jr., were elected to the board of directors of the N. Y. Philharmonic last week. Erwin Straus, son of composer Oscar Straus f "Chocolate Soldier"), has opened Continental-type cafe, the Empress, on East 79th St. Robert Taylor due in Sunday (19) and leaves Tuesday (21) for London to begin work on Metro’s "Knights of the Round Table." ■ Metopera soprano Dorothy Kir- sten back from Europe Sunday (12) on the Queen Mary, accompanied by husband DiV Eugene Chapman. Sammy Cahn, Warner Bros, pro- ducer and songwriter, in from the Coast. His mother, Mrs. Alice Cahn of Brooklyn, is critically RL Producer Z. Wayne Griffin off to Europe last week on the United States. Also sailing was Lawrence Kent, 2flth-Fox's rep on the Gau- mont British board. Mort Blumenstock, Warner Bros, pub-ad topper, back to his Coast headquarters yesterday (Tues.) following launching of company's initial 3-D'er, "House of Wax.” Joseph Kaufman, Cinerama ex- hibition topper, to the Coast yes- terday (Tues.) to look in on prepa- rations for opening of Cinerama there. He's due back Sunday (19). Marian Anderson leaves today (Wed.) for her first tour of Japan. En route. Miss Anderson will sing two concerts in Honolulu. Is^ac Jofe accompanies her as personal manager. Ernst Haeusserman, head of the theatre department for the U. S. State Dept, in Vienna, here to supervise production of an indie pic production, "Austria Looks At America." RCA Victor chief Manie Sacks has switched to the Essex House, a Ike Levy, Official Films _ board j Ron Randell had a brief stay In Lotfdon before planing to Rome for a TV film project. Irene Hilda and Eddie Vitch fea- tured in "Toppers About Town" telecast from the Mayfair Hotel. Harry Levene tossed a cocktail- l cry for Ann Shelton prior to her 'British cabaret bow at the Baga- telle. , , . _ r Helen Ives winged in from New York to set details for two Cor- onation concerts at Royal Festival Hall for her husband. Burl Ives. Lizbeth Webb, returned from a six weeks' stint entertaining troops in Korea, is inked for Sarah Brown role in "Guys and Dolls.” Lloyd Shearer had a short stop- over in London prior to planing to Nairobi to do research work on Mau Mau for an upcoming script. John C. Dennett, on the sick House concert and "Tonight We Sing" at St. Francis. Julie Williams, longtime Mark Hopkins publicity director, re- signed to live in the east. Hollywood Quebec Thornton wuaer m irom Ust for more than 15 months, re- many to spend two weeks here turned t Ws des k. He's publicity prior to returning to U.S. William Wyler in from Rome where he has completed editing of Gregory Peck pic, "Roman Holi- day.” Theatre de Paris to get revival of Jean Boyer-Georges Van Parys- Serge Veber operetta, "A Woman a Day," May 1 director for General Film Distribs. Sonja Henie makes her profes- sional debut in Europe when she stars in “Ice Revue of 1953,” which preems at the Empress Hall May 25. Mrs. Phil Qreen, wife of the composer, has written a new song uay. may a- „ fftr hit, "We’ll Pray For You,” which. Lucienne Delylle disking . r |h»s he*»n recorded bv the BBC Pathe a cmi clener oimmy ^ U6l j Norman W isdom returned to the "Sugar, Sugar Daddy.. rSnTrarsnn Kanin <* st °* “ Paris to Piccadilly,” Fol- . Riviera Ues Bergere revue at the Prince of leaving Pans for tour OI lUViera rp- . after a four months’ hreak and Italy. Co-author couple to tour monms DreaK spend summer in Europe. MaJnf^Wncnn Kirk Douglas, with Anatole Lit- Margot Stevenson, vak pic, "Somewhere in the World,” completed, on to Rome for 3-D pic of "Odyssey” to be directed by G. W. Pabst. Noel Coward play, "Les Amants Terribles,” (“The Frantic Lovers") adapted by Claude-Andre Puget, getting ft reprise here at the Gym- nase, in to replace floppo “Le Cocotier." . ■ ■ Anne Baxter, Olivia de Havil- Ethel Smith jamming La Porte Saint-Jean. “Ice Cycles” goes into the Coli- seum April 24-29. First Piano Quartet gave recital at the Capitol (13). Juliana Larson at new La Vie en Rose nitery until Tuesday (21). De Paur's Infantry Chorus will sing Friday (17) at the Capitol. Francis Brunn, with Louis & Olivers, a click at La Tour, and ditto lily Fayol at Chez' Gerard. New municipal law permitting dancing in city’s nightclubs, spe- cially to please tourists, meeting with strong protests from church and social organizations. Le Theatre du Nouveau Monde scored in Canadian preem of “La Cuisine des Anges” at the Palais Montcalm (9). This play is now on Broadway as “My Three Angels.” Genoa here last year to play in “Sweet Peril,” has been inked for “The Seven-Year Itch," which is skedded to come to town next month. land, Arthur Freed, Metro pro- r.amxh ducer, Lex Barker, Edward G. Rob- inson and Vittorio de Sica here en route for Cannes Film Festival.’ Jean Cocteau elected president of] Festival jury. ' Chicago Lennie Hayton in to join Lena Horne, currently at tbe Chez. Bennett Cerf in for autograph parties on his book, “Good For A Miami Beach chairman, bought Sacks’ old apart- j ment at the Hampshire House, af co-op setup. Robert S. Wolff,, managing di- rector of RKO in Great Britain, is in N.Y. from Londcrfi on one of his periodic visits. Wolff is hud- dling at the homeoffice on policy matters in England. Carnegie Hall throwing a dinner for its house manager, John J. Tot- ten, April 28, to mark his 50th anni at the Hall. Totten started there as an usher in 1903, and has been house manager since 1927. Ed and Pegeen Fitzgerald hive deserted the Pierre for an East 78th St. town house, just acquired, but will maintain an office in the hostelry and still commute to their Hay Island (Conn.) weekend re- treat. Olivia de Havilland sailed Sun day (12) to attend the annual film festival at Cannes and to sightsee and catch plays in Rome, Paris and London. She was accompa- nied by her small son. She’s due hack in eight weeks. Norman Reader, ad-pub chief French Tourist Offices here, off Friday (17) for two months' motor tour of France, Italy, Switzerland and ; Belgium, winding up in Lon- don for the Coronation. Back in N. Y. with Mrs. Reader June 10. J. Edward Lumbard, Jr., litiga- tion attorney for RKO during the antitrust suit, named U.S. attorney for the Southern District of N. Y. by President Eisenhower. A former N. Y. Supreme Court justice, Lum- bard resigned as senior partnet of Donovan, Leisure, Newton, Lum- bard and Irbine. Robert Montgomery named a di- rector of the Variety Club Founda- tion to Combat Epilepsy, board chairman William J. German an- nounced this week. Charles Ein- By Lary Solloway Universal's Bill Goetz at the Roney Plaza. Patsy Shaw into Driftwood Room of Nautilus Hotel. Esquire travel ed Dick Joseph at the Lord Tarleton. The Harold Romes sunning at the Bilttnore Terrace. Arthur Blake held over for two additional weeks at Sans Souci Blue Sails Room. TV actress Lisa Howard and Tr ansfilm veep Walter Lowendahl honeymooning -here. Arthur Godfrey troupe in for three-day series of radio-telecasts from Kenilworth Hotel (15-18). Patachou, current at Saxony Ho- tel, heads for dates in Las? Vegas and L. A.'s Cocoanut Grove next week.. Dade County Auditorium set touring companies of “Guys & Dolls” and “Top Banana” for next season., Connie Russell in town for a few days before a Milwaukee en- gagement. Herb Carlin in ahead .of Betty Hutton revue at the Shubert May 4 for two weeks. Hildegarde starts a month’s stand at the Edgewater Beach Hotel Friday (17). Ezio Pinza in for press inter- views on new film “Tonight We Sing," at the Palace. Danny Newman is handling the one-week reading stand of Emlyn Williams at Great Northern. Jimmy Durante stopped over to visit Dave Halper. Chez Paree host, and finalize his June stay there. Cole Bros. Circus, with Cisco Kid added attraction, opening 28- day run at the Chicago Stadium this week (17). Emmet Dedmon goes back to his old drama desk spot on the Chicago Sun Times for a month while Herman Kogan takes a month off to touch up his biog of Bill Thompson, fabulous Chicago mayor during the '20s. ' By R. F. Hawkins Antonella Lualdi due here for location work on “Martin Tocca- ferro.” Margherita Carosio and Giuseppe Di Stefano will star in "Manon” at Carlo Felice Theatre's Opera sea- son. ] Lucia Bose in town to visit her fiance, Walter Chiari, now starring at the Augustus in his musical, “Tutto Fa Broadway." Little Theatre featuring Bertold Brecht’s “A Man Is A Man,” with Padova's Ruzante Co. guesting. Gianfranco De Bosio is director. Luciano Taioli opens in new musical, “La Grande Festa” at Universale Theatre. Anna Campori and Raphaelle £e Rouge are fea- tured. Madrid By Geeno Garr Company of Carmen Amaya dancing at Teatro Alvarez Quin- tero. Dancers Yolanda Rodrigues and Kinito back from tour of North Africa. Jacinto Fernandez, impresario of Teatro Comico, Buenos Aires, here to look for talent. Jaime Camino revtie, starring Luisita Tubau, back from North Africa, opened at Palma de Mal- lorca Theatre. Rosario, without Antonio, trying out in one night stands around Madrid her new “Spanish Dance Concert” group. She’ll appear in a capital theatre end of April. Clown Antonetti, nephew of An- tonetti of Circus Medrano, formed new duo with comedian and dancer Lewis and joined Circus Trebol, at present on tour, prior to a Madrid presentation. Nat (King) Cole hospitalized with ulcers. Cesar Romero back from Man hattan. an " Helen Grayco to Houston to join Spike Jones. Hedy Lamarr sworn in as an American citizen. Seymour Felix in the Cedar* with heart trouble. G^ne Tierney finalized her di- vorce from Oleg Cassini. Larry Finley underwent a sinus operation in Palm Springs. Steve Miller joined the Rogers & Cowan flackery as an associate. Herbert J. Yates checked in at Republic after six weeks in Europe Tamara ToUmanova aired to Buenos Aires for a ballet appear- ance. Dan Dailey to Milwaukee for world preem of “The President's Lady.” Hugo Fregonese planed in from Mexico where he directed “Blow- ing Wild.” Spade Cooley on two-week vaca- tion after 265 consecutive weekly TV shows. Seymour Friedman in from Lon- don where he directed “The Saint’s Girl Friday.” John C. Flinn checked in at Allied Artists after three weeks in N.Y. and Miami. J. L. Stableford in from London to discuss his all-purpose screen with Sol Lesser. Robert Armstrong in town to resume film work after more than two years in N.Y. Irene Ryan to Hiiston for a Shamrock Hotel show, replacing ailing Sue Carson. George Wasson resigned as head of 20th-Fox legal department to open his own law office. Pianist Claudio Arrau here re- cording for Metro's “Rhapsody," doubling for Montgomery Clift. Ann McCall ankled United Art- ists Theatre Circuit to handle pub- licity for Selznick Releasing Organ- ization. Ellis Arnall planed in from Atlanta to confer with SIMPP members on the new Italo-U. S. film pact. Film studio toppers contributed $178,000 to the United Jewish Wel- fare Fund at a dinner in Jack L. Warner’s home. Memphis Pittsburgh By Hal V. Cohen The Gaylords slotted for mid-1 room one-nighter. , Minneapolis By Les Rees St. Paul Civic Opera presenting “Carbusel.” Slavenska-Franklin Ballet at Ly- ceum April 16-18. Jan Garber played Prom Ball-i Cleveland By Glenn C. Pullen Dorothy Shay at Statler Terrace Room having b.o. battle.with Kay Thompson-William Bros, at Vogue Room. Tony Bennett doing return date at Moe’s Main Street’’Club April 27, with Mel Torme slated for May 4. Herman Pirchner, Alpine Vil- lage owner, sponsoring Charles Laughton’s program at Public Mu- sic Hall in mid-May. Cabin Club staff throwing ben- efit show April 27 for Tony La- Seola, * ill drymmer in Henry George orch. Tubercular bone in- fection in shoulder forcing musi- cian to take long rest and special medical treatments. Seattle June stand at Copa. Dick Hoover, Playhouse g.m. elected to directorate of ANTA. Irene Manning coming to Pitt next month to star in annual Home Show. -John Walsh, Fulton manager, and Alvin, burlesque, resumed after Holy Week shuttering. Union Label Industries Show at Auditorium April 18-25. Shipstad-Johnson “Ice Follies” wound up three-week engagement. Hotel Radisson Flame Room has his wife celebrated their ,21st wed- Carl Brisson with Don McGrane ding anni. orch. Civic Light Opera Assn, has Gray Gordon, erstwhile band- tagged Zero Mostel for “Louisiana leader, here piloting Les Paul & Purchase.” Mary Ford A1 Checoo’s wife, singer Jean Bradley, will be in “Carnival in Flanders” with him. George Jessel due in Sunday (19) for luncheon commemorating Is- rael’s fifth anniversary. Anita Alvarez signed for her original Broadway role in summer opera production here of "Gentle- men Prefer Blondes.” Washington By Florence S. Lowe MPAA’s Academia currently un- dergoing some facelifting. National Gallery of Art's 10th American Music Festival set for Sunday evenings April 26 through June 7. George Jessel, due here for the UJA kickoff dinner April 29, in town over weekend to huddle with Israeli’s Moshe Sharet. Darryl Zanuck, here for State Pept and White House powwows, stayed over to attend Saturday night’s Gridiron Dinner. Fox Movietone bureau chief Tony Muto chairmanning White House Photographers’ dinner in honor of President Eisenhower May 22. Flame Theatre Cafe presenting Sunday matinee jazz concerts with Percy Hughes orch headlining. “Biggest Show of ’53,” with Frankie Laine, etc., gave two Ra- dio City performances Sunday (12). San Francisco By Ted Friend Hildegarde to Chicago. Kurt Kasznar doing the seven hills. Henry Busse one-nighting at El Patio. Bimbo, 365 Club boniface, to Europe. Jack Miller, Orpheum manager, into hosp for tonsil* yanking. Earl Bostic into Blackhawk and Muggsy Spanier into Club Hang- over. Duke Ellington and Pearl Bailey due for week of vaude at Para- mount. Dean Jennings, Chronicle col- umnist, in Mt. Zion with ticker trouble, Joe E. Lewis into Venetian Room of Fairmont for initial Frisco engagement. Isaac Stern doubling via Opera By Matty Brescia Teddy Phillips orch into Claridge | Hotel's Balinese Room for two j weeks. I Steve Warren, WMCT news ! By Don Reed spieler, back at post after a short j Jerry Colonna in for perform- Joe Simon back at helm of the j in Afifl Shrine Circus in Ta * Ritz. nabe house, after three weeks j KTNT-TV, Tacoma, telecast first of illness. Chuck Foster orch skedded for two weeks in Peabody Hotel’s Sky- way. Bable Barlow, former sepia star of the Larry Steele show, now do- ing a daily Negro girl disk jockey stint over KWEM. Jack Nobles, KWEM skipper, one of the toppers in the Little Theatre showing for next two weeks of “See How They Run.” Frank Silva, Scranton TV sports- caster, and Sol Lettieri, Quaker State Esso exec, checked In here to look over TV operation on a southern tour. Harve Stegman carded to air Memphis Chick road games only over WHBQ, Mutual outlet. Local ball club has always tabooed home game broadcasts. Havana By Jay Mallin Clarence Moore resigned his post at Cadena Azul. Radio Reporter to broadcast brief news programs in English. Igor Stravinsky guest-conducting Havana Philharmonic Orchestra. Pier Angeli, Debbie Reynolds and Charleton Carpenter due here May I on a goodwill tour. Spencer * Tracy in town report- edly conferring with Ernest Hem- ingway over filming of “The Old Man and the Sea.” • The Payret Theatre planning Cuba’s first full-length 3-D show- ing (“Bwana Devil”) in about a month, with the Eadiocentro chain to follow with “House of Wax.” ■ live program, picking up part of Puyallup’s Daffodil Festival pa- rade. Walter Abel signed to star in Pacific Lutheran College’s second annual Festival of Drama and Mu- sic, May 8. Oscar Levant cancelled appear- ance here with Seattle Symphony April 13 because of illness. Also exited five appearances in Canada, including one in Vancouver, and one in Portland. - Vienna By Emil W. Maass Paul Hoerbiger to L.A. in July for Metro pix. American National Ballet Thea- tre will appear here from June 12 to June 18. Mundus Film Co. working on old- time operetta hit “On tbe Green Meadow” by Jara Benes. Franz Antel shooting Theo Lin- gen comedy “It Will Happen To- night” in Sievering studio. Eugene Ormandy will direct in June American - sponsored R ecl White Red network concert. Exhibition in memory Of ip tl J death anniversary of author^ Karl Schoenherr opened in City Fall- Schoenbrunn film prepping Ar- thur Schnitzler's “Anatol,” screen- play to be written by 'Paul Henreia and Walter Reisch. . Hans Beirer of Berlin State opera and Esther Rethy of Vienna opera to star in operetta * p ° cca 5T cio” at Bregenz, Lake Constance festivals July 25 to August 16.