Variety (April 1953)

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* FICXHKK CROSSES VeAiesJay, April 22, 1953 Two 3-D Films Boom LA.; “Wax’ Wham , Dark’ Bright 33G, ‘Salome’ S5 gjl Trouble’ Fast S1ZSK, Cincy; ‘Gris’ Sdtry 52G, Titanic’ Strong $15,000 Los Angeles, March 21. + 1 An array of new bills, topped by two 3-D films, is booming biz at first-runs here to high levels for the best weeks since last Christ- mas. “House of Wax’’ may hit a gigantic $IO0jDOO in two theatres while "Man in Dart,” the ether stereopic, sapes solid $33,000, aEso in two locations. Two other upped scale pis, Sa- lome ” stoat $52,000 in two bosses* jj and “Titanic*® strong $15,000 at " Chinese, are helping the overall totaL Elsewhere, trade is milder with new entries. “ConSdenSially Con- nie” and “Girl Who Had Every- thing* is rated fair $20,000 in two spots. "Tall Texan” looms modern ate $23,000 in fbsr sates. “Time Gone By” shapes good $7,000 at Canon. Only “LRF’ among hold- overs continues to please with nice tatrin.ffg la fifth week at the Vogue. Estimates for This Week Los Angeles, H&Qywaed Fatrat- znosmts £AB-FT-F&M1 J3JZC0; -1,- 430; S5-$L50ft—“House of Wax” This 3-D pic pieemed with round-the-clock showings, and other ballyhoo. Colossal $100^909. Last w&ek, LA. Par, “Sombrero” (M-G) (2d wk?, with Duke Elling- ton, Pearl Bailey topping stage bill, handsome $41,200, Bnafrif Grasses Estimated. Total Grtss Xfeas Wed: $£23,160 ? Based or* 21 theatres) Last Year *.$5$3£§8 tBased cm 23 theatres) i ‘Salome’ Smash Tops Geve. Cleveland, April 21. Portland, Ore., April 21. Two more inflated admission pics here this week making a total of six so far in the past month. “Moulin Rouge” looms nice at , Mayfair. “Man In Dark” also Is it fine at Paramount. “Call Me Mad- 1 am” shapes smash in two houses. “Desert Legion” is good at Broad- way. : Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) a ,890; 65-JH3) —“Desert Legion” (U) and Girls In Night” (U>. Good $8,000. Last week, "Seminole” CD) and '‘Beach For Star’* (Rep) (reissue), $7,400. Guild (Parker) (400; 65-90)— “Don Camillo” (Indie). Mild SV 200. Last week 'Tour Poster” (Col) (4th wk). $2,000. Liberty (Hamrick) 41,875; 65-90) “Jeopardy” (M-G) and “Stand Up, Sing” (Rep) (reissue). Okay $6,000. Last week, “l Love Mel- vin” (M-G) and “Confidentially Connie” (M-G) (2d wk), $8,000* Mayfair (Evergreen) <1,500; 90- $1.25)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA). Nice $9,000 or over. Last week legit show. Oriental (Evergreen) (2,000; 65- 7G Key City Grosses Estimated Total Gross This Week $2,642,5150 (Based on 24 cities, 217 the- atres, chiefly Jtrst runs, in- cluding N. Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year .... $2,485,700 (Based on 25 cities, and 235 theatres.) $25,000, Pbilly Blustering snow and rainstorms, J aTul which trimmed several main stem 1 ^Madam (20th) and houses, are not affecting “Salome,” “Member Wedding’ Philadelphia, April 21.. Weekend upbeat Is boosting first-run biz here currently. Hold- (Col). Sock] over list is not helping too much. - 1 “ Man in Dark” is 5 getting solid SSSatthelBmtoor dose. Last week “Des-rMan in Dark" hr gett ^ tination Gobi” (20th) and “Taxi” I takings at the Randolph via lure city. “Small Town Girl” is only okay at State while palace’s "Des- tination Gobi” is mild, “Moulin (20th), $2,800. of being a major company’s 3-D ......... Orpheum (Evergreen) (1,750; 65- pic. “Destination Gobi” shapes as Bouee” continues sorkerM in Svth 90)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) and only a fill-in, being slow at Mast- xtouge- cononu e s soexeroo m axm y ti rrvoi baum. "Call Me Madam” looms big at the Fox in fourth week "Sa- Allen. Estimates for This Week Allen (Warners) <3,000; 55-85)— ab^ 1 “Trouble Along Way” (WB) (2d wk). o^'mS ,llyWOOd ^ ^ 1th ^ee f S e ^t $14^ *2ta In Dark" (Col). Solid $33.-1 S®22?JJ r 000 for this 3-D film. Last week. week at Stillman. “Trouble Along ■ Way” is good in second frame at J? 5 ???* T^ast week, Destination Christian Andersen” (RKO) (4th w ith o ther units. HilUtreet, Pantages, Four Star (RKO-UATO (2,752; 2,812; 900; 7441-50)—“Salome” (Col>. Stout $52,000. Last week Hill and Pan, "Peter Pan” (RKO) (5th wk), $17,- 900. Chinese (FWO <2,048; 80-31.50) —“Titanic” (20th). This Holly- wood Blvd. house returns to show- case status with this bill; strong $15,000. Last week, in another unit. wk),' bright $10,000. Lower MaH (Community) (585; 55-85)—-“Limelight” (UA) (3d wk). Thin $2,400 after last lap’s $3,000. Ohio (Loew’s) (1,500; 55-85)— ‘Off L i mi ts” (Par) (m.o.). Trim $8,000. Last week *1 Love Melvin” (M-G) (m.o.), $3,800. Palace (BKO) (3,300; 55-85)— “Destination Gobi” (20th). Mild $8500. Last week “Call Me Madam 1 (20th) (2d wk), $10,000. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85)— Fine Arts (FWC) (679; 80-$1.50) ?own Girl” Cg© —“Importance of Being Earnest” 1 week. Off Limi ts (U). Mild $4,000. Last week “Four \ . . Gobi” (20th) $7,000. Paramount and “Taxi” (20th),! (Evergreen) (3,400; lome” also looks fancy in third Stanley stanza. Still an eye-opener is "Moulin Rouge,” great in sev- Cincinnati, April 21, “Trouble Along the Way” shapes favorably at the big Albee and heads a v m£ddle-of-road pack this frame. Palace has a nice en- try in "Off Limits.” Other new- comers are “Girls of Pleasure Is- land,” In so-so stride at Capitol, and “Tonight We Sing” moderate at Keith’s for upped scale. “Hans Christian Andersen” continues sturdy in third stanza at the Grand. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,100; 55-85*— “Trouble Along.Way” CWBs. Pleas- ing $12,500. Last week “Salome ‘ (Col) (2d wk), $10,500 at 75-$l scale 1 . Capitol (BKO) (2,000; 55-85)— "Girls of Pleasure Island” (Pari. So-so $7,000. Last week "Shelter- ing Palms” (20th), $6,500. Grand (BKO) (1,400; 75-$D— "Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (3d wk). Sturdy $8,000 after $10,* 500 second stanza. Keith’s (Short (1,500; 7541)— “Tonight We Sing” (20th). Off key $7,000 or near. Last week, “Desert Legion" (U) (2d wk), $5,000 at-reg- ular scale. Palace (BKO) (2,600; 55-85>— “Off Limits” (Par). Nice $11,000. Last week “Call Me Madam” (20th), $13,500. 7541)—“Man. In Dark” (Col) and I enth week at Trans-Lux. "Magnetic Monster” (UA). Fine $9,000. Last week “Salome” (Col) (2d wk), $9,000, United Artists (Parker) (890; 90- $1.25)—"Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (3d wk). Stout $8,500. Last week $13,500. Prov‘Horn’ 13G Poster" (Col) (5th wk-6 days), S2,- (ABC) (533* $120) —1*2?*- of P° wer S'®* at $10,000 IAUUI iOSS, l after $10j500 300 Canon "Times Gone By” (Indie). Good $7,000. Last week, on reissue policy. Loew’s State, Egyptian (UATC) (2,404; 1,553; 70-$l. 10)—"Confiden- tially Connie” (M-G) and “Girl Who Had Everything” (M-G). Fair $20,000. Last week Egyptian, ‘“Sombero” (M-G) (2d wk), $6,000; Loew’s State, with Four Star, Hawaii, “Desert Legion” (U) and “Stolen Identity” (Indie) (2d wk), $12,500. (6th Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 50-99)—‘ ‘Old Maid” (WB), Mildred Pierce” (WB) (reissues). Mild $5,000. Last week “Anna” OFE), $6,000. Arcadia (S&S) <625; 8541-20)— “Bad and Beautiful” (M-G) (11th wk). Around $4,000. Last week fine $4,500. Boyd (WB) (2460; 50-99)—"Lit- tle Sheba” (Par) (2d wk). Good $16,000. Last week, $21,000. Fox (20th) (2,250; 8541.30)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (4th wk). Big $12,500. Last week $15,000. Goldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- 99)—“Off Limits” (Par) (3d wk-5 days). Oke $6,000. Last week $11,000. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 50-99)— “Destination Gobi” <20th). Slow Indpls. Cold, B.O. Hot; Tronble’ Fancy $13,000, ‘Kettles’ Sockeroo 12G Indianapolis, April 21. April cole wave, with freak snow- > fall, seemed to help most first-runs z,ow. [here by keeping people out of Los Angeles, Iris, Uptown, | yards and gardens over weekend. Loyola (FWC) (2,097; 814; 1,715; ‘Trouble Along Way” is hot at 1248; 7041.10) — "Tall Texan” y Indiana while "Ma and Pa Kettle (Lip) and ‘Til Get You” (Lip), plus on Vacation” at Circle is equally « ts -t.— l. ««« » —‘big. “Moulin Rouge” is off but still stout on^ holdover at Loew’s. Estimates for This Week Circle (Cockrill-Dolle) (2.800; 50- 76)—“Ha, Pa Kettle on Vacation” (U) and "Battles Chief Pontiac” (Indie). Smash $12,000. Last week, "Peter Pan” (RKO) (2d wk), great $15,000 at $1-20 top. Indiana (C-D) (3,200; 50-76)— Providence, April 21. Two oldies, "Trader Horn” and “Sequoia” at Loew’s State, shape strong here after a hep radio cam paign. Sock standout is Majestic’s $12,000 or less. Last week “Trou- "Desert Legion.” "Seminole” looks ble Along Way” (WB) (2d wks, $8, | good at Albee. "Salome” is 500. - third at Strand. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 85- Estimates for This Week $1.50) —“Hans Christian Ander- Attee (RKO) (2,200; 44-65)— sen” (RKO) (11th wk). Strong "Seminole” (D) and "Girls In $10,000 or near. Last week $12,- 3-D short. Modest $23,000. Last week L. A., Chinese, Uptown, Loyola, "Call Me Madam” (20th) and "Cairo Road” (Indie) (2d wk), $24,500. Downtown, WHiera, Beverly Hills (WT) (1,757; 2,344; 1,612; 70- $1.10)—“Trouble Alonlg Way” (WB) (2d wk). Mild $12,000. Last week $21,300. Washire (FWC) <2,296; 80-$1.50) — "Tonight We Sing” (20th) (2d wk). Slim $4,000. Last week, $7,300. Ritx (FWC) (1,370; 80-$1.50) — •‘Man On Tightrope” (20th) <3d wk). Show $3,500. Last week, $5,900. Vogue (FWC) (885; 80-$1.20) — “Uli” (M-G) (5th wk). Nice $4,500. Last week, $5,700. Globe (FWC) (782; 8041.20) — “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (8th wk). Off to $3,000. Last week, nice $3,500. ■ ‘MADAM’ SOCKO14G, BUFF 4 KOUGE’ 15G, 2D Buffalo, April 21. Some new strong entries and a couple of solid holdovers are giv- ing the first-run picture a bright hue here this round. “Call Me Madam” is standout newcomer with smash takings at the Center. “Girls of Pleasure Island” is do- ing fairly well at Paramount “Moulin Rouge” still is great in Second session at the Buffalo. Estimates for This Week Buffalo (Loew’s) (3,000; 50-$l)— •Moulin Rouge” (UA) (2d wk). Great $15,000 In 9 days. Last week, $23,000. Paramount (Par) (3,000; 40-70)— •'Girls of Pleasure Island” (Par) (Continued on page 20) Night” <U). Good $8,500. Last week "Hans Christian Andersen”, (RKO) (2d wk), solid $10,000. Majestic (Fay) <2,200; 44-65) — j “Desert Legion” (U) and* "Jalopy” (AA). Socko $11,000. L ast week ‘Trouble Along Way” (WB) and “Seeing Eye” (WB) (2d wk), slow $3,500. Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 44- 65)—"High Noon” (UA) and "Afri- can Queen’.* (UA) (2d runs). Opened well Sunday (19). Last week “Off Limits" (Par) (2d wk), nice $7,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 44-651— ^Trader Horn” (M-G) and “Se- quoia” (M-G) (reissues). Heavy campaign helping to get nice re- turns but no mention is made about being oldies. Sock $13,000 or over. Last week, “Call Me Madam” (2d wk), nifty $9,000. Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44-65) .. .. __ ,, , nro . ..—"Salome” (Col) (3d wk). Very Trouble Along Way (WB) and j nice $5,000. Second week was hot (Continued on page 20) < $9,000. ‘Salome’ Torrid $32,000, Det.; legion’ lively 18G, ‘Rouge’ Rich $24,000,3d 000 . Randolph (Goldman) <2,500; 50- 99)—“Man in Dark” (Col). Solid $25,000. Last week “I Love Mel- vin” (M-G) (2d wk), $9,000. Stanley (WB) *(2,900; 85-$1.25>— “Salome” (Col) (3d wk>. Fancy $18,000. Last week $20,000; Stanton (WB) (1.473; 50-99)— “Prince of Pirates” (Col) and “Jack McCall, Desperado” (Col*. Fair $8,000. Last week “Seminole” (U), loud $11,000. Trans-Lux (T-L) (500; 90-$1.25) —“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (7th wk». Great $12,000. Last week, $13,000. World (G&S) (500; 60-99)—“Don Camillo” <IFE> (3d wk-5 days). Okay $2,500. Last week $3,200. ‘Hans’ Great $32,000, Toronto; ‘Legion’ 14G Toronto, April 21. Newcomer strength is boosting biz here this week with “Hans Christian Andersen” way out in Detroit, April 21. First-run biz continues at a fast clip this week “Salome” is sizzling at the Madison. “Desert Legion” is kicking up plenty of dust at the Palms. "Moulin Rouge” is strong in third, week at the Fox. "She’s Back on Broadway” looks only average at the Michigan. "Call Me Madam” if off some in third week but still okay at the United Artists. “This Is Cinerama” con- tinues virtually' capacity at Music Hall in fifth week Estimates for This Week Fox (Fox-Detroit) (5,000; 80- $1.25)—"Moulin Rouge” (UA) (3d .wk). Big $24,000. Last week, $30,000. Michigan (United Detroit) (4,000; 70-95)—“Back on Broadway” (WB) and “Glass Wall” (Col). Mild $16,- 000. Last week, “Mississippi Gam- bler” (U) and “Prince of Pirates” (Col) (2d wk), $14,000. Palms (UD) (2,961; 70-95) — “Desert Legion” (U) and “Ma, Pa J $31,300. Kettle On Vacation” (U). Stout $18,000. Last week, “Seminole” (U and “Woman Almost Lynched” (Rep), $19,000 in 9 days. Madison (UD) (1,900; 95-$1.25>— “Salome” (Col). Torrid $32,000. Last week, “Peter Pan” (RKO) (8th wk), $12,000. United Artists (UA) (1,938; 95- $1.25)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) (3d wk). Oke $10,000. Last week, $14,800. Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 9541.25) — "Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (5th wk). Trim $8,000. Last week, $10,000. Broadway-Capitol (Korman) (3,< 500; 70-95)—"Invaders From Mars” (20th) and “White Lightning” (AA) (2d wk). Down to $6,500. Last week fine $15,500. Music Hall (Cinerama Produc- tions) (1,236; $1.40-$2.80)—'‘This Is Cinerama” (Indie) (5th wk). Near capacity $31,000. Last week, D.C. Loaded With H.0s; Legion’ 17G, ‘Ronge’ Fat 240,3d, ‘Salome’ Big 15G Washington. April 21. With only two newcomers at the big houses, this shapes as a rou- tine session. Two long runs, “High Noon,” in 16th week at the Dupont, and "Peter Pan,” in 10th round at RKO Keith’s, are wind- ing up after current stanza. "Call Me Madam,” In third week at Loew’s Columbia, and "Moulin Rouge,” also in third at Loew’s Palace, are still going strong. "Salome,” in second session at Trans-Lux, continues smash. Both newcomers, “Desert Legion” plus Buddy Baer topping vaude at Loew’s Capitol, and “The System,” at the ‘Warner, are weak. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew’s) (3,434; 55-95)— “Desert Legion” «U) plus vaude topped by Buddy Baer. So-so $17.- 000. Last week "Ma, Pa Kettle on Vacation” (U) plus vaude, trim $19,000. Columbia (Loew’s) (1.174; 74- $1.20)- = -“Call Me Madam” (20th) <3d wk). Solid $14,000 after big $17,000 last week Holds again. Dapont (Lopert) (372; 55-$l>— “High Noon” (UA) <16th-final wk>. Winds up with steady $3,500 after record-breaking run, both for length of stay and total take. Keith’s (RKO) (1,939; 0041.25)— “Peter Pan” (RKO) (10th-final wk). Pleasing $8,000 to finish run. Last week, $9,000. Metropolitan 'Warner) (1,200; 90- $1.25)—“Hans Christian Andersen” <RKO) (9th wk). Oke $6,000 after $6,500 last week Palace (Loew’s) (2,370; 7441.20) —“Moulin Rouge” (UA) <3d wk). Still fancy at $24,000 after $27,- 000 last week Stairs on. Playhouse (Lopert) (435; 55-$D— "Little Sheba” (Par) (10th wk>. Okay $4,000 for second consecutive week Hol ds an other round. Warner (WB) (2,174; 55-85)— The System” (WB). Mild $9,000. front to smash returns. “Battle ' “Trouble Along Way’ Circus” and "Desert Legion” are ’ *“ neck and neck for second place both big. Estimates for This Week Crest, Downtown, Glendale, State (Taylor) (863; 1.059; 955; t 698; 35-60)—"Invasion U. S. A.”j (Col) and “Desperate Search” Oke $14,000. Last week Pathfinder” (Col) and "Jalopy” (AA), $15,500. Imperial <FP) (3.373; 40-75) — Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO). ! < WB), trim $12,000. Trans-Lux (T-L) (600; 90-$1.25) "CmI A M —.ft I I lA ** . _ t .1 . —“Salome” (Col) (2d wk). Big $15,000 after record-breaking $19,- 000 last week Holds. 1ADAM’ FAST $14,000, ST, L; ‘ROUGE’ 19G, 2D St. Louis, April 21. Snow flurries and cold winds _ . Sunday (19) sent natives to film Smash $32,000. Last week, “The | theatres, with biz taking an upturn Stooge” (Par) (3d wk), $8,000. over last week. “Niagara” shapes Loew’s (Loew) (2,096* 40-75) { neat at Ambassador while “Call “Battle Circus” (M-G). Big $17 000 I Madam” looids fast at the Mis- Last week, "Bwana Devil” (UAU souri * standout is "Moulin (2d wk), $14,500. Odeon (Rank) (2,390; 50-90) — Rouge,” which is going great guns in second Loew’s week to get big- “Salome" (Col) Wwk). "Holding*?*?, of «“ p Vioffn AAA t j- _i_ 3 relit a t $16,000. Last week $ 22 , 000 . Shea’s (FP) (2,386; 40-75)—“Call Me Madam” (20th) (3d wk). Oke $11,000. Last week $18,000. University (FP) (1,556; 40-75) — "I Confess” (WB) (3d wk). Good $7,000. Last week, $9,000. Uptown (Loew) (2,743; 40-75) — “Desert Legion” (U). Big $14,000. Last week, "Ma, Pa Kettle on Vacation!’ (U) (2d wk), $7,500. session. "Hans Christian An- dersen” loks solid in third week in two smaller houses. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (F&M) (3,000; 60-75) —"Niagara” (20th) and "Trouble Along Way*’ (WB). Neat $14,000. Last week, “Never Wave at Wac” (RKO) and "Lady Wants Mink ♦Rep), $10,000. Fox (F&M) (5,000; 60-75)—“Des- ert Legion” (U) and "Gunsmoke (Continued on page 20)