Variety (April 1953)

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24 -F ^ * We^aedhy, AprS 22, 1953 - te.eriirian. ky C&risteaas, uuHh iiK®E|53m3rai:g ttssD.faAiMHatly; tio recti'** crier broadcasts CI1 e3 *" isliiing fo ^*3r— imfl-WifasIle sri-^, .may T€ i toe a readily ttMs year- At least tfcars tthe trpe of Step- Charles A, Wriverton,, ' : .R— N. JA d^tomwa of tfce Bfonse CoansaSM®® ea Iriler- jMe asfl Foreign Cessmeree* 3ed Ms grams? Hast vreelk: cm a Taiaf tt© BCA and CBS co3cr4t3£Tnptm <dei20I!StT2i9fE32S EE PuMCElCS,. 2f-^ J- 3 #53fl New York CS9y- _ „ tOnifie gising ED fiyanmn. ®“JjE£ FCC^aiPjprored inccMpaitatole CBS svgteai, wScrh requires adajtos lor existing sets to ratrir* to black* white sod eeaMPEaftois to fw i c®to. Wrirerton «as iree praise if©r llfce BCA jy^teasa, ! , tp termed “realty fter the psJeuc. ■ | ^e^iSsge&as was gfcasa the ooter • tisnrtafcte toss «edt wato ttt» »*- j fionscememt tost CBS, gi ving , i3s system emtareliF, waiSd ^ ©caaroxa: ;j _ _ ector-teteririaa cspeiimeDte J™*T: fWnAfft; erg toe standards ©£ to® Natm-al.; Hf fllM K? TcMs&m sjslea. wfoida are eaag3fif*sd toy HGA. 3j»: new CBS tesSs. to toegto April 29» ■; gsre toe NTSC ce3or ss^tom a wm-| Std aM-icdi^tay batlfatog. _ l CorrespMadmee released tfcfis. ^Fcoto between Ssd- Edwin C- Jcfim- | soa oD- Colo j) off toe Smile Com-' '©a Interstate and FWrriga Comintente, and Gear Darid. Ssaja®^ BCA board otoaSrSDasa,, revested ad- ^tooaaalBy toa*. to© Senate Ctaa- Haitee QmrmTmtfatacas SlaSf i Sfeabber. Nark Zapple, toad been j^esSijialy pTr g«npgaa d toy ItiheBCAjj corspaftatole cricnvfete wiisto n Eyslma.1 Za^jile ss saSso repenting to toe j Senate c&msahtee on Bast weeks: liaebife White BCA's ate TV ^. g-qr^TflcSTrartnfgte to tttoe WJKSh- togtoa schms wet with tasumsa- »any faTaraibie readfioo—aBso a ■WaillS. SL taptoeat—tamted TV villi loot toa^J>«a tamtal ISM* t&em an a Haraflted manner, s^s BCA isrea ErasaBc FoBscca. *Seu4 , w 2ff tba FCC ga^e m ti® Erecsa^fi^il today we ccaBd ff«r tfce Sms taafie, toeeasse 5a nane m-orslfes ■we tool tap; 1 ’ says Fol- som* "tart itfs not jast toaTtog sets. It calls tor a new cemotf* to ymogrammaag to eoceoarage cclsr toleusion- As to wtoat degree 1 fil wali toe necessary mrigiM- toe ecccpaired to £2sa en- ■jifjS^toment to tolacSfc-fflEd- wtoate and Teximatotor prod- odL"* (PAE STATUS i Im a move to ©wne greater fle^ toiHity to its owned-and-operated sjattosas, ABC-TV named Paul Mcwrey gecend manager of Oae SagsMp WABC-TV to New Yoric. Mowrey moves op from station manager to general m a n a ge r* it&ereby freeing Sfoeam ‘'Bua”» Oaapto, veepee to claarge of ABO | TV o-and-o’s. to devote more tame j $© tie oltoer foor stations. _ 1 •^lowrey toad been program da- merftor for the station until last December, wtoen fte moved up to ittoe pest of station manager- Prior 4o Ms slant as program director, toe was on tfce netwoito sales staff, | T » MeamwtoMe. station has to»n , . W irvmn tiff TA CUD ^stoowtog increased activity m past, AHSTuSDAMTO SUB How commercial television—in tliis instance CBS—can translate some of its most ambitious entertainment projects ftvifii sponsors standing toy to ptcSc up tl?e tab) into a round-robin of educational programming offering tbe equivalent of a full college course comprising major studies, looms as one of tbe unique contributes and facets of tbe , 53-*54 TV semester. + . Tbe Sunday afternoon ‘'You Are Tbere w show is a t'isual pro- lectioii of history, based on memorable events from the B.C. era to Htodenburg disaster. Bracketed with “You Are There” is tbe Ed Harrow “See It Now,” commercial TVs counterpart of a course spanmmg current events-coniemporaiy bisto^-news-infoirmation. Tbe projected “Adventure” series, to asso ciation writh the Mu- seum to! Natural History, will provide viewers a visual course in sctbxoptoogy. The widely-touted “Search” series, to be put on to collaboration with 22 leading univera&es and colleges, will embrace all the sciences. Also to preparation 5s an art show, to association with the Mu- seum of Modem Art. Sequence in Programmi •1 !tew weeks. It grabbed off the -X5M Palmer Show” complete j with sponsor, Conti Shampoo, from WCBS-TV and nabbed the "Lucille + In an effort to resolve some of Itbe programming problems posed iibv tbe impact of television, ABC KATE SMITH DAYTIME SV£ mubuimiuym i ^ W £b adopting the so^alled As replacement for the iaw te -*fcS!r£j As r«placemmt for the Kate j scheme of programming, with riaff | Smith Hour, NBC television to set*; with each night devoted to differ- r--.. - “S SSS? tin* a network show from 4 to 5 t ^ or o£ shows. .bows Saturday night -«25t w^b ? June, will be to addition to Amster- <®** ^ 148 3Ust a4w>ut reached j Greater N. Y. Sewing Machine Co. | “Breakfast With as ban3crol3er- . _ ij show on WiKBX, 2f. Y. Station is also set with talent for j “ 5 'jifaTnew Knickerbocker Beer-«pom-« !! sored one-hour late evening cross- tbe-border. Variety program will feature Jimmy Blaine as emcee, .dancer Bay Malone, thrush Elise , , iBbodes, comic Louis Nye and the osntmmSy acceptance from public ;j Buddy Weed combo. Bill WiBlams relations to the NBC General At- :j ^ ^ to anno once. Program ttaroey”s cfEce. Besnlt is that con- j Tffeems Monday (27). ^ ! ! ttonhy ace^ptamse chief Stockton J HriffrMi hencefozth reports toij Chief Counsel Tom Ervin. I ©f Edward D. Mad- Affg* $& public relations Teepee of 5JBC caed some organizational \ fatffafey tbe transfer of ^rooiffilrettoss. „ “I aim cDuviiMed that Tender your! Fact that two of Madden’s chief i teader^np and driving force”; aides, Mrs. Kathryn Cole* manager write Seel Johnson to Gas. Sar-; ©f tbe Information Dept* and sxSf. •“©osmparitiQe colcr teltevison j Coaneltos ' SuMivan* public rela- sl' beBmae a reality to ^pfite o£;itions re^» fl will henceforth report aim obstacles- Mauy wnill throw!;4o press veepee Syd Etoes has rooks at yeu becaiEffi ©£ your de- ;j rirengthened the belief that pub- y tcrrrmasttfoia and strong TmiHatamt i| lie reSafEons snd press, heretofore J cSfcift to grre ©etor televirion to; dasnatoed, will oj«rate as oim unit the people now. D® not let them; under Eiges. • dismay *®:n- Y<our cause is just and Ij Dick Connolly checked in as No. m toe ipablsc totereSL The people ij 2 man underJESges at NBCjeess l ]^CT»r - ^ OEC, L/Ul U » JUAk OWIU* Music” ! completion with the scheduling of Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays as “music-and-news^ days. Lineup sees Tuesdays and Wednesdays as forum, panel, participation and va- \ riety segments* with Thursday and f Friday as the drama days. Accent * in most cares, according to AM programming director Bay Diaz, will be on "peson*Iities.” , Network radio, according to Diaz, Iv*-^ had to face demands of r two types of affiliates* those to TV ) areas who have been hurt by the I new medium and require a new A lot of new tele business—and j, approach to AM, and the others ■mwll spenders compared to the! to non-TV areas who want the pro- Swork solurcers-4s Saving a ■. ©ramming status quo of five years whoppingly healthy financial com- j *&• 1135 c ? me _3!? n Z 5 i 5 S- 7 ^ iiplerion to New York citations vertical scheme plus personality ac- Spiraling WNBT WCBS-TV ’53 B WCBS-TV and WNBT. ! cent as its solution. -« w«n Km* nn! The locals are making big busi- \ Latter stems from Diaz*s belief out of comparatively small that radio-tody most have m- cSr. ii businesses now getting into tele on \ creasing amount of intimacy. He 5 053r 1 a scale they can afford and with] points to success of ABC’s recent 5? y ^ erEGon a4 3 sei metropolitan coverage that suits series of lectures by historian and the time currently occupied philosopher Arnold Toynbee, to l George B. Dunham, WCBS-TV ^which Toynbee simply delivered his Sr-*? a. ~ ^ flSS’l'of 1953 is 869c greater than last lality, is still a major factor on th* \ NBC-TV flagship sta-, . equivalent time period. A j radio scene. ABC’s key successes, i> lion in collaboration with Life mag- tt fnrfn ^g hH y check shows new busi- ] Diaz believes,, has stemmed from ^groast advaneemeaiit in Hah art of . pary. beiomes avasflable j to the peojale. ! *Heefe ITp the Steam’’ j ^Vjq-nr ©S’cris ESI dCVErillg A COIQr • patifele tetevason system,” be addled, *VaM Icaig be remembered t as a imagnriifeTtfTOif-. adaifivem«st of I. ii f he P 1 the ser ?5 s . J n^^SSl^ coming to at an accel- i the intimacy afforded by highl ig h t* ^ eSelTate 1 iuK She persopelities. ! Amwiei! Vi 5 ^£ton *MIOCK the! K ^ reliably estimated that a In this vein, news setup will as- *S , n^gnSEnesi nddwgg* «t.| jStte SmbSSSS^SSSi | wib© may desare to drag their feet Idio Ml plans just about wrapped ij noents to tbe various cities. Pro- ^ «*a . — M • _ A. * ^ — «~h » • ^ _ J® “ _ _ Z _ at ftibac potot. Please do not allow 9© ri®W yoU. ddT33L YOU are ©n fihe right track. Please keep up tbe steam.” With both TTfruflg and Senate Committees ezpected to report favorably on BCA color television. in up with the American Tobacco jj gram has already premiered Co.—is Increasing his fall tele ap- j! Cleveland and to Detroit pearances to once every three H by Bob Condon, with Steve Krantz year’s first three months to over I being sold locally tociudtog Elmer $1,500,000. - j Davis, Martin Agronsky, Paul Har- The thriving situation, says Dun- 5 vey. Miss McBride and Ted Ma- vriti ha o-inM jj ham, comes from longer contracts ■] hme. News will get its greatest ao New York senes wiSI^ sotp ^ | larger weekly schedules, with! cent on the weekends, to the music- With half the TV shows to he I | oz,. P-eo '---* —^ » * —=j. « »Loa-iv. >. s uConttoued on page 38l filmed and the rest done live,!! own research unit to the multiple- Benny still wiH avoid the back- :• city enterprise^.} Directorial helm It ™ - g ' *>na Il> 11 Hit *XVSA _ Q *«■* « a _ — there will be pleasure on the FCC hreakliig schedule of weekly pro-hviSl be staggered among the sta- te gave the cotortelevirion rite-' grams on both radio and TV. Com-!:tion’s key personnel, including meninatinn Afr nmmke avoids the drODotog ofiiTWipM Hpminn Jim Elson. Bill to gave the cotortelevirion rite- grams on both radio andTV. Com ataon prompt reevaluation. At the ” J j 20 O 3 EEit, BCA has about, three months to complete PCC-set field tests before it can petition the j promise avoids the dropping one medium for the other. tion’s key personnel, including Dwight Hernion, Jim Elson, Bill Harbach and Ted Nathanson. In connection with the "Life in New York” series, one of the planned installments, dealing with show biz, will be built around Ya- goveramental body for approval of j NBC-TV Plass Increase fa Burbank Or^imtions s « — — - . ... i Coast origination of NBC j> television shows from its new Bur- going on—it’s felt that production ^Continued on'page 38) ‘AO Star’ in FaU Gye Drew Pearson Network, ‘Just like ABC’ , 165 local Sponsors mer. ? j Only program now set to come” from Hollywood is the “Saturday Night Bevue/* emceed by Hoagy , Carmichael, the summer replace- '* ment for “Show of Shows.” j Washington, April 21 In the fall, the Dennis Day show, a Drew Pearson announced yester “This Is Your Life” and the “Coir \ day iMon.) that 173 radio stations . gate Comedy Hour” aire lined up j have purchased bis 'weekly tran- After deciding to lay the “All-1 to come from Burbank, with added !j scribed radio show, so far, which Siar Bevue” to rest (with program ; possibilities the “All-Star Revue” j| gives him almost as large a net- 1! ending last Saturday), NBC tele-;; “now under consideration to re-jj work as he had with ABC. vision may '^ps'now to ptaDitiSk. pulled only * * -»*■-- -*»- «— against Plan is being mulled to bring back the program in tbe fall, with split originations from the Coast and New York. If so, show prob- ably would stay on Saturday nights. WCBS-TV. Among the new-nasae smaller firms amd products, of which there are obviously many more than big j bankrollers. are Fapermate Pens, GrtoneU lithograph, Parker Bros, j i games), Campbell's Tomato Cat- sup, Hassenfeld Bros, (toys) and J. H. Young (kitchen canisters). At WNBT, where the first quar- ter tops last year’s record by 22fc, Jay Heitto, station’s sales manager, f WABD, New York flagship of says that the increase reflects new j DuMont network, has racked up a business from such firms as Coty, ■ record $350,000 in foitlfog s over the Powers, Hndnut. Helena Ruben- jj past two weeks, Richard E. Jones, stein, the Donut Corp. of America, | web's manager of owned-and-op* * and also from pis. * Radio City Mu- p crated stations and WABD general sic Hall, Cinerama, and Warner j manager announced fbay week. Bros. 3-D)* | Bulk.of the business came via spots !! and participations, with some 1,700 ■WHArS YOHR BID?’ j «££ „„„ rDflU ARP TA AnM ^ Gamble, which pacted for 936 1IWIU ADv lu "Ulu - spots, through April 1954. Number Charles Antell. which dropped! c? 15-minute and half-hour spofi- its “What’s Your Bid” on ABC-TV ’■> 5015 caIne through too, with White- n*Aolr ««* MArnl^rf fipM Pr«5 nar4in9 fnr daHon’S last Saturday), NBC tele-;; “now nnuer consiaerauon w re-i work as he had with ABC. Al-»last week, is moving the show into >; ^ eS<i Press parting for station’s lay revive the corpse next: furn to the air), splitting origina- J ready, local sponsors have signed j the DuMont Sunday night niche jj new toterriewer, “The Long Island This, despite the fact that ii Hon with New York, and two day-;! for the show to 165 cities. . I occupied by “The Arthur Murray I Story,” and politicos from New studded finale of April 18:jtime strips now in the planning,! i a most markets, the show is be-1 Party, 5 ’ which this summer will"Jersey signing for campaign inly a 21.8 Trendex rating j one morning and the other -after- ifig carried by ABC affiliates,-with j replace the CBS-TV Sunday night | broadcasts. Another 15 -mtoute Jackie Gleason’s 25.1. ‘ j noon. nearly all major markets bought “Time to Smile” Ken Murray-AIan j sponsor is Jackson & Perkins, nurs- is being mulled to brings ^ ' *r " up. Young altemater -for Bristol- ery and gardening firm* WJR ^ LllG Nftt Pearson, who is handling sales Meyers. J Web execs attribute business to if o nvi directlv from his D. C. offices, as- j “Bid” is set to bow on DuMont j recent reorganization which saw am extremely grateful ij May 3, week after Murray show j Jones take over management of a iderful reaction of sta- j checks nff. It’s a nine-week pact, ji completely divorced o-and-o setup* Detroit, April 21. John F. Patt, president of WJR, announced sales of $814,708 for the ^ j uuMVMiiww ewvo V4 AVk mu “^11 Star” return would also en- ii three months ended March 21, com :I a reshuffle of the Colgate jj pared to $852,957 in 1952. Net taff __ __ ______ "Comedy Hour” for next season, since Jimmy Durante and Martha JRaye, among others, are slated to jj shift over to the Sunday stanza* profit after providing for income taxes amounts to $133,209 as against $130,662 to the same pe- riod a year ago. (up. Young alternator Pearson* who is handling sales Meyers, directly from his D. C. offices, as -1 (sorted: *T am ext * ’ for the wonderful tion owners and local' sponsors throughout the country to my j weekly radio show. This is a heart- ening development. 1 have great faith in the future of radio. I hope to contribute to its continu- ing strength,” a/m* *va cl pawl, ji Lviti^&ctc^y lukViiXU iriiium set by Television Advertising As- s : Gross for the first quarter is up sociates. ABC-TV has slotted “The jj 40.7^© for the station over last Turning Point,” film series, as an | year, with spot biz up 33.6^* Sim i- interim sustainer in the Saturday j lar increases have fafaa place at 7:30 pjn. slot vacated by “Bid.” j DuMont’s two other o-and^’s, ‘Turning Point” will stay until JWDTV in Pittsburgh and WITG, time can be sold. — iWaShinrton.