Variety (April 1953)

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2S TRUEVISION lEVIEWS Vedaesflaf, April 22, 1953 ‘“S' or THE SOCKET ’Ocean 4 Palms Sajer I THE LOCAL SCENE . \ i S With CamciNi Coradlj Bob Smith, From the Production Centres Ccntiaued from pare 25 rangers wToS E^rtwa, y™« hjj. Stars ia Ham Beach’s John Bornff, Jack Weston, others Enfrcntire Producer: William Baler Prodaeer. John Ha^ott Director: George Goald Lest week was Arthur Gooirey Writer: Boa Moore •• $ib/.£ to Miami Beach with week- 30 Minsj Sat- 11:30 *-hl S ustaining CBS-TV, from New York This new 5E£ce cpera. as as reporters; gneste i| Produce r; Irwin Hasten Director: Bill Seantm 30 Wipe- ; ninis., 1«:39 run. ,SjSg?*¥_ VArfr '• occurred . . . With one of Ms secretaries vacationing in Florida and acw lorx the other in Mexico, Joe Cook, KSTP sales promotion head, is find- | The boundless fascination that, himcplf plenty busy these days . . . Radio station WCAL, St, Olaf Song series ©f ayem simulcasts and ; X.Y., its problems and its person- c 0 u e ge, Northfield, Minn., put on air “double observance 1 ' program the rateis pro- holds for New Yorkers is Sunday *12), celebrating station's 35tfi anni. and 30th birthday of its /s Sunday show comprising gospel Both Twin Cities’ TV stations, and courageous R: ether most s: m pioU sn Kids may take Er©r»n to their from Lyceum, local legit house, as well as from film theatres rrcauctiens -was a2so imderseored. a ^p^cr WABD offering. .. w £& , StinUKX' > S£ «-? rauf t test noafer . 16 * IN WASHINGTON . . . mercoal yet seen or heard on tele- “' P*L? Tue25? nicSSr^ CBS newscaster Allan Jackson, just back from a three-week record- vision. opened promisingly with an ex- I ing-broadcasting session in Europe, in town to highlight local Kiwanis On the Wednesday night >35: C 2 iing melange of filmed action! Club luncheon apd to originate his Metropolitan life newscast from show, a brilliant idea, however, sfeots c > jj cw York Cits*. WABD I WTOP-CfeS . . . Jay Royen, local radio-TV producer and newscaster, news editor Cameron Cornell, I returns to his former post as head of publicity for the NBC affiliates— M. Adams, who w;ll concentrate Matthew Warren, local newsman, off a new cross-the-boards late WTTGrDuMont past week . . . Walter eroistic interiors. • in'^r^Sern^'SiSnScns!! ; K - Sse * segued mto an jj Cronkite, CBS-TV newscaster, denies reports that he will shift to web’s In this story fey Don Moore the S^e^^Sed^^SS ^Usbw York office-says be ‘Tikes it here” . . . Inga Bundiold, WNBW- was credited ^rath toe first ana * ■ **** man guaras bosoms, as tfetrv have the Captain Videos ard ethers, for Robertson starring an the t’tle rote fcas_ a gee-whiz entl'.usiosfn and a boyish look, with w2a : ch the younger view- ers mays find it easy to identify themselves. Ent the kids need a was overworked into an in-and-out , „ if at all, with accent on tie bach : ^J 3 ^ n g?°Co^pSDl 1 e?T.aranis j NBC beauty expert, switching format of her “Inga’sAngle” twice-a- presnmabiy ethers v til be served aEd an overlong demon- S l L'Ompxrouer A " azarus J week show to an audience participation femme show, to be highlighted by the other v-nteis Goru<l, 5 .^ 43 ^ G f Nayy-Air Force sur-1 , * * - ... i by a “leading lady” gimmick, latter to be chosen from capital official Wiise l 5 Gi ViT£i e ^ pineilt - Tee 03 ' si *&- e P ce ranks . . . John Haskell,-ex of KTTV. Hollywood, returns to his native -morrow turns ra- to * pronaans ope «ttk GodOcy;iSSbK D. C. to join WTOP-CBS sales staff . .. WWDC it j. Fred Fiskes ^ST^nSi^ *S,^Sn ??i^ m ~er‘Sd'^ “ y ^ omen, and nob:v conceited with 5cir filings to come Followup duet | aspirations ^though cleverly jj 111 ^n^mory 01 tne late loii music composer ana recoraer. CLEVELAND . . . diJ|^ e3 Gf l oTci& Hall picket^ & “|SI. Hal WaddeH has been named v. p. in charge of WJWsales, succeed- •o —-— r»^a *,**•*£ VatfaKftndc z^nv i be was availing to join them in a | mg laarry Webb . . . Jerry Bowman has been named WERE newsroom -■” : ^ 1 T& .j head . . . Jack Graney, who spells off play-by-play Indiancaster J Jimmy Dudley, will resume road games with the Tribe . . . Mainline Joseph was at his best when he ] Theatre will get a femme voice to spiel sales of electrical products i explained, with remarkable lucid- ] on W NBK’s Sundhy night 11 p. m. film show . . . WTAM, WGAR, ©id-fashioned fist fight. It's inter-, B f cbow. again to repeat justify, the complexities of city fi-] and WERE in hot race to get Cleveland Browns’ football radio rights esting to note that he gets ant© p hmjy p into the pooL j nances. He did this try clear exposi-1. . . WXEL appears cinch for TV grid gam es . . . Tom Maiming has the adventure acc: : denS3y, through _ Arme ^ L Forces equipment ' tion of ^ct so that even a layman added a 12:05 a. m. sports roundup to his WTAM schedule . . . Bill a Mistake by fej®7 2 a ^l r demonstration took some 20 min- 5 ,«>S d . ^?, derstand t^e Prickly HcCoIgan does a 5:05 p. m. daily baseball roundup for WGAR and ser, an aneff^toal aad jtemmang ; jj educational for those 3 arrestmg Point he | the station also does a five-minute daily 6:25 a. m. recorded sports * interested in such matters. Where i} J ? 2 ? 6 iy ^ s . t3a ^ ir ^ 2m3 ? populated pitch . . . Danny Landau has been signed to a Kaiser-Frazer television ie ^n C 0 ^^ d 3 S ,J to^« tot0 - a before WXELs game eoveragftime ... Boh Horan. ex-APer saasw ,333 1 * 3 e vaEaoonus sum. ^anv-i . , ^ .rv , —his duty is. to fee “urderesver” ■ mzTi£t came on after first Tom ! Packet march on Gov. Thomas E. • head agent, diplomat, firhter. and peace- j c ®snjn€«SaI for a fully-clothed J *^*2? at Albany?. 'J Timm maker 1 '*—and proves him self a man into pool with instaaments; by subduing a space pirate in an ■ they^dadn’t come nntii second glamorous Miami Beach was a aceninMrmioii vrrorA nmr 1 Siluw wciuic u axju ^ g&rnc uuic . * • vww on Saift oda his part as if he beJieres ‘ S^^HSnstestrf'rowSa^ ? dieting financial^on’ditions to ! * ro “ Charleston, joined the ITOUI-TOfWC news staff Doney, it—sternly ndlitair. gray-haired 5 hearily populated New York City.! fie«Ianeer has picked up ‘heKsher Food commeraais on WXEL . . and Jean. Bruce HaB. as another !5‘f A ,~ ned! According to a study made by i Cj™ Sheldon is leanng WEWS stanras for a Texas pitch . . . Howie Hanger, had cnlv a hit to establish :^?aSS :Dtwty’sovmofficials, he said,New.Lund, WJW disker adding a 9 to II Saturday night*stretch to his the iztt tfist t*?e hero will have ^ f «. e beach-ocean .i Yorkers contribute 57 % to the up- 3 sheUac twirling, later trouble with fek. Shirley ^ k«ep of the state and only get back 'i Sfantliee was aJtrrriive and de?o- eVE r2pea5ng te^TsS^to’ set support for iVe rity; while PHILADELPHIA • . . ain a taTrpThere wags hr?ef fanev ! ®pstaters contribute 43 r c and get i ciringdemStraBon wMchcSSh't! ^ financial support. Cor-j KexTraflei^rtnging cowboy debuts new program “Saddlebag of snterert. Finale was another over- -* 16 * 1 have been a bit more j Songs,” on WPTZ daily at 12:45 p. m. . . . Cal MQlner has been Icng. * pointless segment with i persistent in pressing Joseph to named production manager of WHAT, filling spot vacated fey Lea rat've in the thankless part of the g?r! in a kissiess action drama for The arisen parts hsd the stand- ard hokarm of a badly faked fist t^ e3 ^ e ■“Follow Tfee Leader^ i ans ^ €T - rather than to sidestep, the i Stevens who entered Army . . . Elmer Jaspan, WPTZ producer, is fight, a “fea!f-«fearge” gun shot, and played fey the company in series off,] more provocative questions. . leaving to take executive post with new television station in Milwaukee suca teanaca jargon as “ magnetic : -ooTnedy” dives from the high | Second portion of the stanza re- j. . . Art Milner, Syracuse U. grad, has joined staff of WKDN, Camden, eoup.ers” wm.e st^ce gcoa a.- '^ 02 rd. Navy frogmen demonstrat-. vealed air films of a B-29 bomber ! N, J., replacing Tom Fallon who has joined WFIL . . . Paul Martin, vfiSSE : iE £ technique led into frolic in the j and three jet planes flying over j new general manager of WPWA. Chester, Pa., has launched new space- “ 5 urf fey tfee group for the closer. <; NA. Then the TV reporters injroed j -*TNT*' policy—times, news, temperature—at 15 minute intervals . . . "**» unceniincmg. J£ ^--s a frolicsome affair with the ; two alert New Canaan, Conn.. ' CharT^ Vanda WP AiT^-TV v n aridrf»«pd Tncfitnt-P nf Fdnr»a*inn hv cansert and ocean obviously the 5 housewives, members of the Civil j TtOMo State oSf Jack Stock fee needed to steengtoen the show, -j-— n * { >, G seouenee ; Defense Ground Corps, who were 1<aG10 ^ A v ai 0 .® Lal f ,F Qa> - -* ' ' '* U ” °* **“ sequence - the only onjTo iottoe jei fig*. «“ F»f»“ ****** « WW* “ P^el discusion plus a lot more off originality in-;' tfee writing. Brown, in tfe sequence. ! v ^?- r “S! m £ tteir«rtrijrintwrtVw“irith i J “? ual "^ajw ° l >. he . Itohie Economies Association, i the two women dramatized the; May 1 . . . Radio Workshop of Philadelphia Junto is holding classes the big fea-! tIie wmen dramatized the Them maybe Bod personable form of.. ^ , Robertson, can send enough moo- ‘ : need for more plane spotters hi * at W1P under direction of Sam Serota, station’s special events director. pete carve a sizable ; ^^o^vleriS ever^bled t^Sn ^nd also, bvrcterenS to their j ; * audience for ihi- rear-gaard en^ry . with thp nocjjihilities util- i M»sl>ands_ babysitting, humanized • MTisrvF.ApnT.T!? tmn MFETTNfi! the move to dictate what books can be published, bought and read is a natural consequence of pre- vious attempts to regulate thought and speech. Self-appointed cen- sors, he declared, instead of invok- ing existing law’s which are suffi- in the «pbr^« here. With the possibilities util- ! numanizea t MINNEAPOLIS TOWN MEETING In^dentallv AI ^Canp ™ ore ired 5n more ingenious manner to; ^ctiv’itr. | With the Rev. Carl Olson, Rev. nenativ to S* found oh NBPVTV irzme tzlent and Production next Final portion of the stanza was Carl Storm, K. H. Bayliss, Lee SSS m^iT ont ' Godfrey will have him- devoted to an interview at the Polo Sonderegger popped up m middle of the ^ a so^ programming idea, j Grounds with two knowledgable producer: Bob Wooster iiu Plug BXiU . ...l n,.. A l,,.;A.ir1«r C. 1 bnH apUpTlfafo hacaKall fane nna a’ — - a sketch, cf LIT Abner. show uito> aef«^»d ph* and ^ S.d’Stc^basebaU fan™ a j USSS^gS^ '^dereon perimental. * 3 Giants devotee, the other a rooter \ 30 Mins.; Sunday (12). 3 pun. Commercials, per usual, were 1 for the Dodgers. There was a pleas-) WCCO-TV, Minneapolis adroitly handled by Godfrey. | ant bit of comedy when reporter] Thi Minnear Lary. Bob Smith gave each an auto-* Tms SpeclaI *^ mnear graphed baseball, but* mistakenly* handed them pellets signed by the CRAIG KENNEDY TTiih Dtuul ' 1 T7o©2s, Sydney Ma-j son, Lewis TtFson, Charlotte j Fletcher, Jack George, Jeanne Dean, Barry Brooks, Craig Woods j Producer- director: Adrian Weiss 1 Writer: Ance Lamb \ 3® Mint; Thors., 7:30 p.m. KBJ-TY, HoTywcod C Radio Series For riv-al baseball team. Director Bill Seaman should consider cutting ftjn n*i «|>n .short the extraneous transitions 0 toimor, &U miller; f r° m ope episode to the next, but .. - i £jl told ’ s done a fili e job with NBC radio is mulling a half- the material at hand. Rash. m. Like so many others of its type now Boating around tfife channels, hour program series by Donald | “Craig Kennedy” is no better, no O'Connor and Sid sillier. The { than themmerun of these s ijow, to be situation comedy and i &S CANSEE throbbing tolepic thrillers. There s var i e ty, stems from the O'Connor- \ JSSS i Miller music publishing house \ Tues “ 3:30 P- literaiure even though it has that WMAK-TV. Baltimore B look. Colgate Comedy Hour. The, WMA R-TV has here a public Donald Woods, nell-seasoned to ’nytiu'M “uac-pub house \u]l be j service feature with a unique the locale of the singing, dancing (wist . Especially designed to bene- and comedy story line. i fit handicapped people in adapting 4 . - . Program will be taped to free > to environment, program presents °iher characters are as standard O'Connor for picture commit- j guests suffering from chronic con- as they come. Here he tracks rnents. RCA is looking at it for > ditions who discuss problems their down an escaped p:underer, who a -— . . mi —*- pictures and the stage, plays the master criminologist with all the adeuuactes of the craft and the cienf to deal with excesses, resort pecial Minneapolis Town j boycott, intimidation and sr* Meeting TV show, devoted to the j rests, timely and limelighted contro- . Such groups have no right to versial subject, “Censorship—Pro-j ^nipose their standards, the min- tection or Threat?”, proved a stim -1 argued. _ They could even ulating symposium which lent it-! raise havoc with tfee Old Testa- self well to this medium, brought out many interesting and enlight- ening points and gained through smooth and efficient handling. Photogenic participants knew their subject and expressed themselves volubly. Moderator, the Rev. Carl Olson, a Universal!st pastor here, pre- ment, Chaucer, Joyce and Benja- min Franklin, he pointed out. “They are making themselves look even more ridiculous than Boston which has become notorious in this regard,*’ he said. “It's a form of storm trooping which is even more dangerous than salacious lit- erature and which extends to po- a uiiitci oaridl UtictDi liClC, UIC* _ . t _* .. . _ sided with the utmost fairness for j K£ a !' «»d religious views, all \ 1 e\vs and kept the discussion! nee ^ e ^» concluded, is going at a pleasingly rapid pace, j ™^ 5 ^ ommon sensc ^ ess c€tt * Explaining the importance that censorship has attained currently. Lee Sonderegger, Minneapolis Star sorship. Asked during the usual ques- tion-answer period that followed feature editor, pointed out the agi- j T? av i? e ®2 e tation stirred in consequence of ^ hss described it as that which moves directed toward slopping * ? he ^' e . ra ^. wouldn’t wish . « « « . . _ r V ® « 171 thfiir ninnrt v<AAwt a wUa^ a it . , . , - . u summer ride, with NBC hoDing 1 illnesses create in family, business moves -2o,0C0 m a mum- 5 ^miner display will attract a! an< * £°cial circles. j the sale of book pocket editions, j * 1V1DS rooms whereat to! s care on «he amusement mid- ,.,, ?_ aUr ? c i.^l Novelty centers around Hellen « nsu “«A ul e F“ rt ? » Minnesota!^ to lfaeu B ^‘ ld - wav Both h» and the loot are fal1 sponsor. High price probably; Jxoveiiy centers around Hellen | u iU 1 dren's nerusil fc-ought to toy but not until toe v.i!l dictate against the show going Tullis. blind hostess of “As YoJ to strengthen the ban against ob- j men perusaL footage takes al the formulaed as a sustainer. . . Can See.” Mrs. Tullis — terviews with charm <uiu ab^ui • r r>AtrAU u^ m rx_- i Detroit, handles in- l xr bannin *? turns. . 5 terviews with charm and assur -5 1D St ' Gloud, Minn., ana Louis and Adrian Weiss, who ; _ _ . f ^ _ put together this series, know well i Winp f <im Hrnnc ft ill art I appear ! s ' Vlt 5. ^? r on Ul . e show and their markets and “Craig” has been < * ‘“C v»ul 1/1 Upo uUilcil J projects a distinct canine person- getting around on the multi-spon- ; With the Wine Corp of America j ? lil ^ ? n his own - In addition to sor circuit Price makes it pos-, ending a seasonal push, the firm siole for stations to come out by will drop sponsorship of “The Bill ^ _ x. • _ *’ uMVAiovroiuu vt AIJC nil ■ selling participations and tne se- „ Cullen Show” (Thursdays at 11 -1 *5 r,es is so similar to the others that ■* m over CTS-TV)^fter thp ATaV 7 it can be played repeatedly in the : tetecast th M y 7 late evening spots without detec- j ’ , _ tion. Aside from Woods it looks? Theres One in Every Family,” like a scale cast and Ande Lamb. “ a . participation strip at 11 a.m., who has been scripting these tales • v ' expand to fill the quarter hour, for low budget pictures, knows all j which it gave up pre-Easter for the the tricks to supplement the know- J Wine Cdrp.’s backing of Bill Cul- how of the Weisses. Helm. len. her pleasant manner, Mrs. Tullis is attractive and well-groomed. In recent weeks, Mrs. Tullis has discussed the process involved in training blind people and seeing- eye dogs to work together. On another show, she presented a cerebral-palsied child and his pai> ent in a discussion of the problems of the crippled child. Show is well paced and gen- erates plenty of interest, Bunn. K. H. Bayliss, St. Paul, president of the National Council for Youth, called for better enforcement of Franco to Crosley Cincinnati, April 21. Carlos A. Franco, veteran New present laws, most of which, he 1 A° r “. agenc >' executive, has joined agreed, are adequate to cope with : - e Cr °slev Broadcasting Corp; as the situation. He declared he op- ] a consultant, poses censorship, but wishes to 4 He will be consulted on sales and awaken the public to the flood of: a lLed problems for Crosley TV and indecent books now being purveyed ; AM operations in Cincinnati, Day- even in many neighborhood drug ton and Columbus, O., Atlanta and Stores frequented by youths and 3 New York, announced James D. tne need for the latter’s protection. • Shouse, board chairman, and Rob- Training his guns on what he ( e rt E. Dunville, president ^The called a current "vigilante” type execs said that Franco will divide of censorship, the Rev. Carl Storm, time between Crosley offices in a Unitarian minister, declared that Kew York, Chicago and here.