Variety (April 1953)

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Wednesday, Aprfl 22, 1953 a This is to inform the trade” about a new partnership ... a creative organ- ization which will soon be doing business in all parts of the United States. This organization is called TRIUMPH PRODUCTIONS, Inc. TRIUMPH is unique. It is not competitive with any existing organizations in the entertainment field, yet it is a blending of some of their finest concepts. TRIUMPH will buy talent from all agencies, large and small. TRIUMPH will work cooperatively not only with agents, but with writers, choreographers, singers, actors, instrumentalists, dancers, and variety acts of all descriptions. The partners in TRIUMPH are Anna Sosenko, Jay Lurye, and Kenneth Allen. © Anna Sosenko, creator-director-producer-manager, is one of the outstanding persons in Show Business whose fajth in “the Road” (God bless the phrase) has never wavered. She is the “creative force” and “production stylist” of TRIUMPH; she will also work cooperatively with all other creative people who may at one time or another become associated with TRIUMPHS ventures. Jay Lurye, whose brilliantly successful “Winter Theatre” series is now em- barking on its seventh sold-out season in many Upper Midwest cities, brings to TRIUMPH his established mastery of creative and imaginative local presenta- tion techniques. * Kenneth Allen is one of the most vital and astute of the nation’s young im- presarios and head of the concert booking agency which bears his name. He contributes to this team his knowledge of theatre-concert presentation on the •national level, and the administrative apparatus through which TRIUMPH will operate. The three partners feel that, through their varied but Mutually complemen- tary experience, they have come to know what kind of entertainment^Mr. and Mrs. Public want. TRIUMPH believes . . . that audiences will come to see top-calibre recital artists whose performances are embellished with superb showmanship . . . that audiences will come to see “names” who have the vision to tour in vehicles pos- sessing entertainment value, ably supported by top-notch companies . . . that audiences will come to see “new talent”, presented with imaginative direction and professional understanding . .. that audiences will come to see “package shows”, whether they be plays, variety shows, musicals, reviews, or concerts, which are adaptable and adapted both to the physical requirements of the auditorium and the entertainment requirements of the community. Yes, these are the things which audiences want. It's no secret. It’s no new discovery. Anyone who does business outside of New York, Chicago, and Holly- wood has probably arrived at these same conclusions. But audiences want these things only if they are “finished produds”, created through the proper applica- tion of fresh, imaginative direction-production-presentation techniques. This ideal is the goal of TRIUMPH. OUR HOPE