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Variety (April 1953)

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■Wednesday, April 22 , I 953 V-D (Vegas Dollars] — ^ Continued from page 1 sss ding.” Mickey Rooney bounces in- to the Flamingo about once a year with customary brashness, Xavier Cugat’s profile bag twice blessed the Last Frontier with f ‘Don’t Pitch Bargain’] Chi Edgewater J Continued from page 40 y i —. i — continued from page i *"* tempestuous Latin American hit the taE paydirt. An instance is nerennlals of U-I come -1 Sahara date some time this year rhythms, In that same room, Miss James, who was set a long- stages as perenn o pending a busy shooting sked. I Chico & Harpo Marx broke in time ago for the Rendezvous, i a fTirtf 4 1 . * ° • i ' t <■« i < «%i. ti /s '1 _ V- & . «».■ »« « « m • _ * <J, - their act; ditto Phil Silvers, who [Philadelphia. But around contract Chicago, April 21. Edgewater Beach Hotel on Chi. dies at Studio City. Eveimr Esther Williams their act; ditto Phil Silvers, who ; Philadelphia. But around contract emcago, April 21. Darryl's Susan ‘ „ rn ^ or , tp j nnrm Arden didn’t receive much recognition time, she came into the Latin Ca- Edgewater Beach Hotel on Chi. Nelson Eddy's emergence from For its P r °J , beein- from Ms new act until “Top Ba- sino .instead. She got $2,500 at cago’s far' horth side, which has retirement in J, to ^ *- 'ZgTJRJS' feS2i£ *«* «*« * » *» ^ on for niteries is being ificcpm- local scene s ^rfo %SS S“that act, during the past V ~ pfished steadily at the Salim. His ®hows will^witch^o ffo|co g! m y ilarJyi Viviall Blaine le £tHolly- this ls-a typical maneuver. If her preparation and hoppihg df mariy X "®room untoEOM rtmudeUng! wood to try- her tonsils in niteries. dish hadn’t cUcked, then she would which^a, hurdles beforehand could give an( j s bould the H 2 O extravaganzas She opened the Desert Inn ® gh 6 ' 11 hit ^then °it ^paid ^her I ways keen topheavy on the bands" many a filmite a hint toward crack- pr0V e okay'by biz, more will follow, y^ 8 980 w J& r E ^i r u Be n r ^,l n ’ Lice value of the on June 12 wiU be augmented with Sg the hot in-person medium. * The wooing of Marilyn Monroe Charllve ^ * ay mitt? rnJrZ.t - ’ • two-week engagement of Patti ’ Although Eddie Bracken has by the Sands, via a substantial was W The agencies say that cases like Page ‘ Les Paul & Mary Ford and be^^orming dub dates, per- figure is still maybe; but ^ thKME^d StCMS RL!? ycCU utixvAAiUAi^ — r » - ’ , ,, . . « _ sonals. and even a three-day fill-m okay and pacting could be an ■ ,v ** “ _ _ fc _ j rru. n i ma«ma Uah mu» iwve iiauuAvaiyjticu wwm TWnthv Wild nrftdnrpr ** J have laid these tactics to some Dorothy wild, producer, to follow. at the* Flamingo two years ago, his nounced any day. That same hos- Additional parallels can be drawn oersona i mana gers The date-dig- Bands for the summer session brief stretches in bistros have pice recently let Mario Lanza know with Martha a "d Black- gers say they have to “live” with have narrowed down to Jimmy DoS never amounted to a nitery act. that its latchkey was out for his Blair. Both were film and Black t g . an( j *hus can’t afford to sey, or the Dorsey Bros., Xavier Having made the leap with his first entrance into niteries. Noth- burn Twins grads,,with Miss Stew- ^ a ^ on their contracts. The Cugat, Ray Noble and Wayne King opening lest Monday (13) at the ing definite came from huddles be- art Ifter bnngin^ her single art go hacK on tneir contracts, ^rne Meantlm( / the h ’ stelry Last Frontier, Bracken becomes an- tween Sands’ Jack Entratter and into the Thunderbird after buefly _ reB y» e j or themselves when they ing on the large budget kick with other fresh name from the Holly- the then-feuding-with Metro tebor. replacing Miss Blaine in Guys. singer and later deliver a Hildegarde, -who came in Friday wood coionv ready for more cafe Several filmites have already Miss Blair has been cheered with ““ \ n thev fieure that thev (17) for a month. Chanteuse Vive, bookings. On the same bill, sharing paraded into town to establish the BlackbumTwms can* nearly always renegotiate way to Phil Spitalny orch May 15 topline space, is Dorothy Dan- nitery- reputat ons of varied^ hue has yet to try herwings; alone contracts r t ght „ p y to the time a for two weeks, followed by Lib- although her start was made as suits noted. Zsa Zsa Gabor’s dis- acreage. Same for John Carroll, one of the Dandridge Sisters with play at the Flamingo, despite con- with difference being that he “ey cancel that way wnen the late Jimmy Lunceford and troversial success in the thesp de-. showed off his lusty pipes to y : g ^ orch plus succeeding nitery ap- partment, nevertheless put a po- Flamingo . guests who had, along ^ * _ J. 11 ..1*1 * ^3 .J _ — 11. ^ Ml _L1 MSkiMAMM MAVVAM ^1 V M Nevada 0.0.’$ ^ Continued from page 49 -■ ■ ■ - with an itch for _gamery, and fea. turing top names in the entertain- ment facet, the spot had been op- erated for past several years as a pearances as a single. tently publicized name on the mar- with other film patrons, never Wana#* I nlru with an itoh for Pamerv anrf Marge & Gower Champion re- SSv LaSou? hGard him W " rble & " ote on + screen * aWUBC LMe top Jametf^in the entertaim turn to whirling their delightful twW Gloria DeI * aven bega1 ^ 1° c0 JIi: By Happy Benway ment facet, the spot had been op- dance themes beginning with the 5 aa ti bl L tb f ? a 4 en bi ? e h f r va ? ous film 3obs Saranac Lake, N. Y„ April 21. erated for past several years a S P a Flamingo opus of April 30, Pair destination Last Frontier to en- n itery tours two years ago. First Birthday greetings to George top restaurant with an intimate have become strong members of lar S e her potential as an off-screen p 00 k e d at the Desert Inn, and Sullivan, formerly of Madison n itery ^tup adjoining, the Metro stable within the past performer. Gordon MacRae has be- more recently at El Rancho Vegas, Square Garden, and Thurman f vear or so but take to the roa'd eome a sort of annual El Rancho s j le s h owe d considerable savvy in (RKO) Sims, both Variety Club- Passing of the Brook recalls that in the medium which catapulted Vegas ‘ staple, with ability on the f 00 tlight delivery upon her second ites whose progress is a noted item, th® ? n % e fabulous Colonial Inn, them into* 1 film S W Following the nitery floor living up to his posi- CeleSte Holm took Hallie HiUyer in from Jackson- which featured huge productions, is now a jsiireessfnl Hlnincr nnwa. seasoned from last year’s foray into “eu fmu x-cu- luu- Miami and Gotham cafe bastions, a ^ will give localites and touristas a B S. st ^:np:SSSti preem of her soprano trills next smart material and excerpts from musicomedies. Raft and Mae West tions. and has been for last two years; After a week’s stay at the gen- Little Palm Club, ^fter attempt at eral hospital recuperating from a running in the ’51-’52 season with * ______ J — H _ - _ _ _ LI — 1 _ _ '■ 'A w. m:\ m tvf % J J. AUUUUgU VU U1C lUtai x AWiAA*A« 0 v — • " (* i scene, is Tony Martin. Danny first local venture, with Sands as resting in comiort. Thomas has tremendous ^ draw, probable locale. ^; ivouiih ui vvAU&ux bi m, ,, «* v. ; - Len (Loew) Grotte, former man- . Tbe , eas y m oney element have ager who has hibernated for nearly obviously sought more liberal pas- . ^ , -V—- ^ ■ proved conclusively in Vegas by From ranks of pix, legit and a year i g ^ circulation and tures in the Caribbean and in Ne- his Flamingo fortnights and three- longhair, such notables as James t 00 k time out to visit this desk vada. It’s a cinch, with the state frame stay at the Sands in Decern- Barton, Ezio Pinza, Bert Lahr and an( j m itt some of the oidtimers administration in power for the ber which helped put that newest Lauritz Melchior have tried- their here. next four years, that there will be of Strip hotels into the money nitery wirfes in Vegas, registering Alice (Metro) Farley after a short no chance for a return of the “good immediately. Ray Bolger, along g0 od to b<?ffo. James Melton will rest period left the V.C. hospital old days” outside of some sneak with Thomas, becomes another be a May headliner at the Thun- with an all-clear, and after a short bookmaking. triple-threat man—pix to video to derbird: Robert Merrill topping a stay with her mother in our down- !- » ■■■' ■ ' , nitery. The Bolger click at the Sands slate in June. ~ Jeanette town colony she will resume TV 1 Sahara last October made that ho- MacDonald did very well for the work, her last appearance before CCKIC ATIftkl AI tel’s teeoff a newsworthy event. Sahara last month, will return coming here having been with ■ ■ wIXML He returns to the same spot in ar ound Christmas for another ses- “Man Against Crime.” . DANfcE ACT June to set up another two-frame sion . B ut, of all those represented rpJ ac A A ^S er w H a3 l S ii C IXUC /U-1 Showcase i THE THREE GOETSCHIS (Greatest Unicycle Act) • Now Successfully Playing Two Weeks CHICAGO THEATRE Chicago • Opening May 5 Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas JACK DENTON WORLD'S GREATEST COMEDIAN NEW YEARS EVE ONLY C/O IRVING CHARNOFE 1619 BROADWAY, NEW YORK CITY Robert Dutton, Milford (IATSE) Brown, Jack (RKO) Wasserman and Sam (RKO) Kelley all rated top clinics that upped them for all privileges in the ambulatory de- partment. White to those who are ill. Ken Murray’s Vauders Ken Murray will do a series of fantastia. - o r to be reoresented from Tegff Theatre, Perth Amboy, N. J., reg- Showcase rnSf istered for the observation routine. r\p i i j. . callboards, name, c m allllla x. Jean (Loew) Standridge shot in- Of interesting value, seemingly, speculation is that of Tallulah to the ceneral hosDital for the to any performer is a Vegas book- Bankhead. "What her nitery turn bronchial operation with top re- ing—aside from new faces who like will be next month at the Sands Sll its. the glamor of this widely touted is causing various wagers to be Robert Dutton, Milford (IATSE) initial showcasing. Pic players, placed among showgoers, with bet- Brown, Jack (RKO) Wasserman and whose talents first became noticed ting hot .that she’ll pull enough of Sam (RKO) Kelley all rated top while belting out wares on nitery a surprise act to wow cynical clinics that upped them for all floors, are constantly bugged with Vegans. privileges in the ambulatory de- the idea of returning for feel of These same first-nighters who partment. audiences once more, question of can a ppi au d or yawn efforts of the White to those who are ill. loot notwithstanding. Martin & greatest names in show biz still Lewis disported on the Flamingo won der about appearances from |f_ VnnJorc stage before heavy Hollywood Hollywood holdouts. Yet, among iifill IflUliay S TaUuClS n I ade ^ virtually the blase set, no eyebrow elevating Ken Murray will do a series of lik? Bobhv Van ^nH ^arWa thUdV WC) uld take place even if bonifaces personals in connection with the l^PPi vpH b fh7'tr*an d i^ were to Ust as comil * g attractions film> “Marshall’s Daughter” (UA), £n tn ?a£p a^WwSt such luminaries as Rita Hayworth, which he pro duced and stars in 5 Bing Crosby, Bob Hope, Fred As- w ithLaurieAndersfeatured.Mur- a h ?pvnp p 1 ly durmg taire, Judy Garland, Danny Kaye, ray is currently negotiating to play a Flamingo revue. Be * tty Hutton} Ginger Rogers, th £ paramount, Los Angeles, in Di^fntP GaTmpn S M?ranH S a ^Sonja Henie, Gene Kelly, Ava July> simultaneously with the film. Carson ' F^anV cjiiJatra d T?r n it^ Gardner, or the dour Oscar Le- M iss Anders will appear there with Carson, Fiank Sinatra, Frankie van ^ Vegans have had it, and him Lame Billy Daniels, Vaughn Mon- from the looks o£ things, are going „ win Dlav othe _ roe—^all of whom had plenty of + n more 0 f the same for some Mur ray vuli play other dates in film on and off the cutting room to come connection with the picture, floor betwixt their bookings here. * Some o?‘fhe H oTdUme T ; s 0 have had MARTIN TOPS 1ST LAP a fling in Vegas. Buster Keaton 1V1UW1 pantomimed his act at the Sahara; f\V I A PHI If F Pat O’Brien at the Desert Inn; Lull* AULIvIj ulllMV Buddy Rogers at the Last Frontier. I Los Angeles, April 21. Murray will play other dates in connection with the picture. Shuttle Back to 'Capades' Omaha, April 21. Badminton stars Hugh Forgie & Buddy Rogers at the Last Frontier. Ethel Waters took on a nitery chore f\V I A DAI iri? eunur Badminton stars Hugh Forgie & Vi 1 L.A* rULll/lj uliUW Stig Larson last week rejoined Los Anffeles AdHI 21 “ Ice Ca P ade s” here. • L „o *'a Pair had been sidelined several New York Journal-American “LUCILLE and EDDIE ROBERTS amaze Pierre Patrens.” "All I know Is fliat Tho ROBERTS currently in the Cotillion Roortt of the Hotel fierre are marvelous* 1 ' KNIGHT, April Wth, 1953. ; ft. y looK on a nuery cnore Tony Martin will' be featured 4 S SIU ™ at tte Desert In » some months durin g the first two days of the days . aft . e n r Fo v f gl ® bad m^red a S U °S in !/^ B °i k0 P ? r £ ay & S f 19th annual L. A Police Show, ba " d . , in backstage warmup the filmed Member of the Wed- opening May 7 at the Shrine Audi- ag t lvl ty» torium. Show will run 14 days. Martin will be followed by Don- ald O’Connor, May 9-10; Roy Rogers & Dale Evans, May 15-16; ;Bob Hope, May 17-18, and Chico | & Harpo Marx, May 19-20. SENSATIONAL DANCE ACT (THE VALENTINO WHIP) WESTERLY and GAIL Direction: PHIL BUSH 1650 Broadway JUdson 6-231 ^ tt— M— FOSTER AGENCY, LONDON. presents LE LIDO, PARIS American Rep.: WM. MORRIS AGENCY TAVEL MAROUANI AGENCY PARIS ”" 11 " "• J 1 ^ WHEN IN BOSTON , It's the HOTEL AVERY Avtry & Washington St,. The Heme of Show Folk N.Y. Playgoer* Cafe The Playgoers Club, N. Y., is slated to open tomorrow (Thurs.) under the aegis of actors Leo Bay- ard and Harry Eno. Former will handle the piano chores, while lat- ter will take care of the general hosting. Nitery is situated on the site of the former MOrey Amsterdam dub. 110 • but show p*°P SPECIAL RATES! > Right in the heart of Philadelphia's theatrical and night club district . excellent facilities, spacious, homey * , ■ « 74 John Bartram Hotel , BROAD AND IQCUST STRUTS R«b«rt PMrct. R««Mm( Manvetr