Variety (April 1953)

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CHATTER XTTi Broadway Leslie Caron to France over the weekend to attend the Cannes Film Festival. Stanley ("Dragnet”) Meyer east on NBC huddles attendant to his package. * Jeffrey Lynn in from Europe, ac- companied by actress-wife Robin Chandler. Agent Charlie Yates entering 'New York Hospital Saturday (25) for surgery* • » Virginia Davis singing in benefit for the Bronx House Music Hall at the YJIHA April 30. Pianist Stell Andersen due in N. Y. next week (28) after a three- month tour of Europe, Spencer Tracy to the Coast fol- lowing a week's stopover in Goth- am after a European Jaunt Metro producer Edwin Knopf and M-G exec Ben Thau in from the Coast for twio-week visits. Metro director Richard Brooks to London over the weekend to begin work on "Flame and Flesh." Morton Downey in from..Europe yesterday (Tues.) on the United States. Edna Ferber in on the Eliz- abeth. Charles Boasberg, RKO’s sales chief, due back in action in an- other two-to-three weeks. He’s on the mend after a recent illness, Laurie Anders, star of Ken Mur- ray’s ’The Marshal’s Daughter," here from Hollywood for a round of personals promoting the film. Marilyn Erskine, who plays Ida Cantor in Warners' "The Eddie Cantor Story," back to the Coast following radio and newspaper in- terviews. Ralph Beebee, exec editor at Doubleday, taking off Sunday (26) on an approximate seven-week pleasure jaunt to the Azores, Lis- bon, Madeira and Paris. Robert Taylor, TV film producer Sheldon Reynolds and Louis Lip- stone, head of Paramount’s music department, sailed for Europe yes- terday (Tues.) on the He de France. Frederick C. Schang, prez of Columbia Artists Mgt., sailing to Europe June 3 for two months, iirf connection with large number of attractions he’s importing for next season. Gaiy Cooper flies in from Mexico City tomorrow (Thurs.) morning and wings to Paris and Cannes after a two-hour stopover* He has an Idaho hunting trip on his sked following two weeks in France. Apollo Club of Brooklyn mark- ing its 75th anniversary With con- cert at the Academy of Music there April 29. Ex-Met soprano Polyna Stoska and Stephen Hero will be soloists. Alfred Boyce will conduct. Pfc. Howard S. Pierson, son of theatrical tax consultant H. Wayne Pierson, lost both legs April 9 while serving with the Marines in Korea, He’s the younger brother of William Pierson, now touring with “Stalag 17.” Mother is'former act- ress Lulu Dunn. v * Anna Magnani, recently arrived from Rome to help plug het pic- ture, "Bellissima,” is slated to make a guest* appearance at a benefit preview of the film next Wednesday (29) at the Museum of Modern Art. Proceeds will aid. the Museum’s program fund. Six more showfolk have agreed to serve as co-chairmen of United Cerebral Palsy Campaign Commit- tee, which starts a $7,500:000 fund- raising drive May 1. Group in eludes Sid Caesar, Perry Como, Gabby Hayes, Warren Hull, Dennis James and Robert Montgomery. Elsa M. Kaplan, daughter of Boris Kaplan, vet head of Para- mount’s eastern talent department, engaged to Leonard W. Glauber, a non-pro who served in the Navy during the last war after graduat- ing from N.Y.U. She graduates from same school next month. Karl Tausig, of the Paul Tausig & Son travel bureau and wJc. to showfolk, to be testimonialed April 28 at the Belmont Plaza Hotel on his 50th anni as an agent Banquet event is sponsored by N. Y. chap- ter of American Society of Travel Agents and allied national groups. Theodore R. Black, Republic Pictures counsel, returned to New York last week from a 10-day meet- ing and tour arranged by the U. S. Dept, of Defense, to brief execs on the defense program. Two confab days were at the Pentagon: balance of the trip included visits to de- fense bases. When Caroline Triplett, one of Manie backs’ three ’secretaries, weds Walter Briggs, non-pro, April 25 at the Madison Ave. Presby- terian Church, to be followed by a reception at the Colony Club, she will interrupt her duties a? one of the RCA vefepee’s aides for only a brief honeymoon, and continue With the organization. The Andre Baruchs (Bea Wain) on their "second honeymoon" (15th anniversary) with an itinerary through North Africa, Italy* France and Portugal. Due back on Broad- way May 1. "We have bought Vaiumr all-over North Africa and Europe and it’s given us a big kick to find a touch of Broadway and Hollywood always so near," they write. Paris Lily Pons in recital here at Pa- lais De Chaillot May 7, Susan Hayward here after a Eu- ropean. jaunt and then to U. S. Enid Mosier, American negro songstress, into Quatres Saisons ni- tery here. Vittorio De Sica here for his role in new Max Ophuls’ pic “Mad- ame .De.. Femandel receiving the Legion of Honor here in a ceremony at_ the Decca studios. Orson Welles to Cannes before going to London for Alexander Korda pic "Secret Agent.*’ Pierre-Louk Guerin inked Sonja Henie to appear with her ice spec at the Palais Des Sports here in May. Cannes Film Festival has special TV program here every day with clips from pix shown at the fete each day. V Jean Marais forming a . theatre group for - production of Jean Cocteau’s "La Machine Infernale" here in December. Jean-Louis Barrault-Madeleine Renaud troup back from tour and into rehearsal of Paul Claudel’s Christoph Colomb." Rose Rouge, existentialist revue cave spot, presmiting new revue based on Jules Verne’s "Around The World In 80 Days." Ray "Sugar" Robinson due here in July for some Paris dates and then to the south of France and Israel for further engagements. French* legit show, “The Unholy Four," trying out at Theatre Du Parc in Brussels before hitting the Paris scene. * Play' got good crix appraisal there. Michel Simon to Africa for role in the Albert Lewin pic, "Saadia” (M-G), now shooting there. Simon then hops to Italy for a role in G, W. Pabst’s 3-D color film "Uly- sses." ' Yvonne Printemps and Pierre Fresnay presenting their' legiter, "Hymenee,” In Brussels, after being replaced here by "Le Ciel De Lit" (“The Fourposter”) at the Michodiere.* Andree Debar off to discuss a Franco-Argentine deal for proposed film on the life of Evita Peron, with Miss Debar in the lead. Deal came about when an Argentine producer noticed Miss Debar’s resemblance to the late Mrs. Peron. Beverley Baxter, M. P., drama cric, guest of honor at last week’s luncheon of the Variety Club. Joan Gilbert, who has been a TV producer and announcer since 1938, resigning in June to free^ lance. . Florence Desmond signed as the Coronation cabaret attraction at QuagUno’s and the Allegro Room* opening May 25. Henry Hathaway due in London next month for location lensing on 20th-Fox Cinemascope production of "Prince Valiant." Johnnie Ray checked out for Paris last week and intends to go on a short European tour before returning to the U. S. Gregory Peck closed a deal with the J. Arthur Rank Organization last week to star in "The Million Pound Banknote" which goes into immediate production at Pinewood. Felix Aylmer inked for a role in the Metro-British production of "Knights of Round Table" which will star Robert Taylor, Ava Gard- ner, George Sanders and Mel Ferrer The Film Industry- Publicity Circle tossing a lunch to mark the return of John C. Dennett, pub-ad director of General Film Distribu- tors* who is back at his desk after 18-month, sick leave. The Duke, of Norfolk who, as senior Earl, is responsible for the |«Coronation arrangements, is to attend a charity gala of 'Young Bess" at Brighton next month to aid the Cadet Force. First U. S. contingent for the London production of "Guys and Dolls" arrived last week and the two principals, Vivian Blaine and Sam Levene, are due in this week. Robert Crawdon was signed last week for the Brannigan role, com- pleting the cast. Vivien Leigh, now on the mend after her recent nervous break- down, still a candidate for the co-starring role with husband Laurence Qlivier in the legit production of Terence Rattigan’s “Sleeping Prince." Rehearsals, which were due to start this month, have been postponed until July. Chicago . Kid Hogan in to plug '.'Off Lim- its” which opens at Palace April 22 . Maurie Turet in ahead of "Maid in the Ozarks" which bows in May 4 at the Selwyn. Robert Taylor in to spend week- end with Willard Rutzep, host of the Morrison Hotel. Howard Newman jumped in to beat ^drums for "Deep Blue Sea” now set for Blackstone May 8. Dan Dailey splitting his week- end here and in Milwaukee where he appeared fit a cancer benefit. Charles Lang of "Male Animal 1 has been doubling, making com- mercial pictures at Wilding Stu- dios. Eddie O’Neal^ after eight-month absence, comes hack to the Palmer House Empire Room podium this week. . Frankie Laine, Ella Fitzgerald, Louie Jordan, and Woody Herman did a one-nighter at Opera House Friday (17). * Eugene E. Barrett, veepee and •general manager of Ambassador East Hotel, named .veepee of the Sherman Hotels also. Danny Bachman, former Variety ad representative, and- now with American Guild of Variety Art- ists, bedded at Michael Reese Hos- pital. ’ Chicago Equity Library does a midnight presentation of “Ring Around, the Moon” at*the Esquire April 24 to raise money for a com- munity theatre. Anna Sosenko missed the Hilde- garde opening at the Edgewater Beach Friday (17), because sick in New York. Reportedly first time in 20 years that the manager had not made an appearance at a first night • Miami Beach ... By Lary Solloway Archie Robbins into Sans Souci Blue Sails Room April 24. 20th-Fox unit started shooting ‘Twelve Mile Reef" on location at Key West this week. ’ “Commodore" Barnett Hart, 89- year-old father of Moss Hart, tossed birthday- shindig at Gray’s Inn, - London Pittsburgh By Hal V. Cohen Bill Finkel and his wife cele- brated their 37th wedding anni. Joe New resigned as resident manager of William Penn Hotel. Return engagement of “Maid in Ozarks" at Nixon cut from two weeks to one. Ted Goldsmith in town ahead of “Farfel Follies,” which plays Syria Mosque May 6-7. Bill Roberts, former Playhouse house* manager, home on final fur- lough before going overseas. Summer opera company signed Bert Wheeler for his original role in “Three Wishes for Jamie." Ted Manos, veep of Manos Theatre circuit, into Presbyterian Hospital for thyroid operation. Si Fabian in town to meet siaiff here for first time since taking over as head of Stanley Warner. Johnny Holliday’s record tune, “Why Should I Cry,” penned by Johh Roswick, local manager for North American,. Airlines. Ralph Buring, Par exploitation man in this territory, will take in Variety Club convention in Mexico City next month on his vacation. Portland, Ore. * The Four Dukes held for a sec- ond session at the Clover Club. Ice Follies set for the Portland Arena for 13 days the first part of next month. Rex Rayner & Eileen, Yvonne Moray, and Mel Ody in at . Amato's Supper Club for two weeks. Freddy Martin orch and Frankie Carle orch inked for one-niters at the Jantzen Beach Ballroom in May. The parade of inflated admission price pics continues at first-run houses. Six in the past month, with more to come. The 1953 Home Show wiil have a big stageshow this week (17-24) featuring Rudy Vallee, Jack McCoy, Will Mahoney and others. William Duggan is presenting Guys and Dolls" at the Civic Au- ditorium the latter part of May. He also hag "Big Banana" set to fol- low. Scotland By Gordon Irving Winifred Atwell'clicking as bill- topper at Glasgow Empire. Allan Jones in next. “Seven Deadly Sins," Continen- tal pic, into fourth week of solid biz at Cosmo, indje art house. Denny Willis, young Scot comic and son of Dave Willis, vet retired comedian, topping new spring show at Empress Theatre, Glasgow. Alan Ladd may be male lead for "The Black Knight*" Columbia pic based on Sir Walter Scott's "Young Lochinvar." Lensing - starts in July. Glynis Johns to Scot Highlands to start femme lead in Walt Dis- ney's "Rob Roy." Finlay Currie and Michael Gough also in for loca- tion shooting on hilltop above Loch Ard. Barcelona By Joaqnlna C. Vidal-Gomls The Rigat nitery has a new show, "Spring in Spain.” Young * orch conductor Pierino Gamba back to Madrid for con- certs with the Sinfonica; Iceland Choir Reykjavik, travel- ing in their own boat, arrived in Barcelona harbor, the first Medi- terranean port they visited. Will sing at the Palacio de la Musica and then go on to Cannes, Nice, Genoa and Rome. Spring season finds these Amer- ican pix at first-runs: "Monkey Business,” "My Cousin Rachel” and "Full House," all 20th-Fox; “Miracle of Fatima” (WB); “Ivan- hoe" (M-G); “Because of You” and "Against AU Flags,” (U); and “Tar- zan and Magic Fountain" (RKO). “Detective Story" (Par) held over at the Coliseum since March 3, which makes nine U.S. pix against the two French films, “Les Belles de Nutt" and “Fandango." By Glenn C, Pollen . Benny Goodman’s crew dated for jazz concert at Civic Auditorium May3, Frances Langford now playing her first Cleveland nitery date at Vogue Room on two-week visit. Jerry Lester with Marion Shell, a hometown product, currently do- ing four-day stand at Sky-Way Club. Cleveland's Hale Smith composed new musical score for Karamu Theatre’s new version of “Blood Wedding.” Dorothy Shay closed her two- week stint as well as Statler Ter- race Room’s floor show season Saturday (18). Jack, Jake and Harry Mills, Cleveland owners of Mills Bros. ..Circus, started out with show's spring tour last Saturday (18) in Greenville, O. Guy Lombardo, who grew up in old Music Box, Claremont Tent and Blossom Heath clubs here, back with orch for concert in Public Music Hall Friday (24). Wednesday, April 22 , 1953 Hollywood frSofyf Cl00ney in UrsulaThiess became an Ameri. can citizen. Elsa Lanchester recovering from appendectomy* Spencer Tracy back from vaca- tion in Europe. Ludmilla Tcherina in from ParU for screen test. Charlita changed her profes- ! sional name to Clare Regis. 1 Marilyn. Monroe returned to work after attack of bronchitis Norman Taurogs returned from five-week vacation in Honolulu Veronica Hurst in from London for her first American film role Dorothy Stiles resigned after eight years with Sam Jaffe agency Robert Palmer and Earl Dodds planed to Honolulu for two weeks Pat O’Brien emceed the Power Flight dinner at Beverly Hills Hotel. Clarence Brown in Washington for confabs with the Civil Air Patrol. Robert Lippert to Medford, Ore., to open his new 600-car Rogue Drive-In, Constantin Bakaleinikoff to Pitts- burgh as guest of the symphony- orchestra. Keenan Wynn, recently injured in an auto accident, returned to work at Metro. John Wayne and John Farrow to Mexico City where they will start another picture. Pat Crowley suffered minor in- juries on location with the “Money From Home” troupe. Pete Smith cited by the Post- master General for his Metro short, “The Postman." Macdonald Carey represented the film industry at 75th anni of Creighton University in Omaha. Mexico City Salvador’Elizondo, vet pic pro- ducer, recovering from major surgery. Amalia Rodroguez, Portuguese thrush, topping at the Versalles (Hotel Del Prado) nitery. . N i n i Marshall, Argentinian comedienne, doing a half-hour weekly show at radio station XEW. Dolores del Rio inked to make “Shadow of Love," pic to be done in English. Manuel Zecena will produce-direct. Carmen Sevilla Spanish looker, bowing in Mexican films opposite Pedro Infante in “Gypsy. Be Your- self," which Rafael Baledon is di- recting. Minneapolis By Les Rees Theatre-in-the-Round offering “Two Mrs. Carrolls.” Eileen Barton into Prom Ball- room for one-nighter. Carl Brisson continuing at Hotel Radisson Flame Room. “Constant Wife" set for week of April* 27 at Lyceum is final season booking. New Orleans pianist-vocalist Fats Pichon playing return engagement at Augie’s. *. Roy King and his “Komic-Kings" comedy band starting third year at Magic Bar nitery. The 20th annual Sportsmen’s Show at the Auditorium reported 25% gain in attendance over last year T with matinee crowds largest in its history. By Florence S. Lofre Richard Coe, Washington Post drama eric, back after a tussle with a broken leg, souvenir of ski jaunt. Arena Stage preems theatre-in- round version of "Arms and the' Man" this week, with British pro- ducer Basil Langston directing. Catholic U’s speech and drama department pays its annual tribute to its head, ^Father Hartke, at pre- view performance of its annual mu- sical. i Met boss Rudolph Birig willhost the Ambassadors of Great Britain, France, Italy and Austria, and their wives, b* bis box at preem here of la Boheme” Monday (27) at Loew s CapitoL Philadelphia By Jerry Gaghan Mary Lou Harrison, singer who suffered a long illness, back at the Tahiti. Milton Saunders orch returned to Warwick Room (Hotel Warwick) Friday (17). Peggy Lee signed to make her first local nitery appearance at the Latin Casino May 21. Dorothy Rice, left cast of “Men of Distinction,’- her place being taken by Holly Irving. Singer Sean Meaney back in town, on terminal leave after 18 months with Army in Korea. Ivan Ballen’s Gotham Records (local outfit) bought Adventure label, which makes kid platters. Magda Gabor will act as mistress of ceremonies for the Press Pho- tographers Ball at the Bellevue April 25. Rome By R. F. Hawkins Frank Sinatra set for series of Italian dates In May. Teresa and LuisiUo in for series of shows at the Quattro Fontane. Mark Hanna due in Rome to take over as I.F.E. publicity chief. Howards Hawks Visiting the John Houston “Beat The Devil" set in Ravello. • Legit- star Titina DeFilipp'o asked to serve on jury at forth- coming Cannes Film Festival. New version of “Medea” opened at the Eliseo. It is directed by Luchino Visconti and stars Sarah Ferrati and Memo Benassi. Bogota _ Alma Rivas warbling at Grill Co- lumbia. Julita Montiel and Gustavo Luna at Grill Waldorf. Guadalupe Munoz Sampedro’s Spanish stock company opening at Colon. Guillermo Leon Ruiz, BBC an- nouncer, back to London after hometown visit. Grill Columbia launched cover charge policy ($4) with opening of Montoya Sisters, Mexican singers. Fortune Gallo’s San Carlo Opera company reportedly booked for 20- day season in Bogota in early 1951 “Cabalgata,” Spanish terp com* pany, moved to Colombia Theatre from the Colony for pop price per- formances. / ’ Emilio Fernandez, Mexican di- rector, . mulling production of “Cartagena de las Lidias" at Car- tagena in midyear. Mario Moreno (Cantinflas), Mex- ican .comedian, booked into local bullring comic bullfight, after ap- pearances r in Caracas, Venezuela. Enrique Holguin and Enrique Ariza launched impresario firm, Espectaculos America. First book- ing is Maria Victoria, Mexican songstress, into Grill Europa, Guillermo Villegas Blanco, pres- ident, Empresa Bolivar Films, of Caracas, shut down feature pro- duction after completing “Luz en el paramo.” ahown at Cannes.