Variety (April 1953)

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OBITUARIES eluded "Green Fields,” "The Sing- adds: "The- day of fantastic film ing Blacksmith” and "Overture to prices is gone. They’ll find very Glory.” * * few takers unless some big outfit Landy was born in Vienna and syndicates pictures for them. There came to the U, S. as a youngster, win always be a place for film, i Kaye’s Huge 744G Continued from page 1 a but we can’t afford it on A time.” oned on an eight-day basis during GENE SNtfDjEB fwKetri K M. Newman, 83, Author, lec- general manager: "You no longer opehed on Sunday, Jan. 18, and Gene Snyder, co-erector uf he came to turer and film producer;, died April have audience you once did for to conform to RKO’s fiscal week, the Rockettesat Radio gty Music Canada m 1910 to jom the Toronto 16 in Hollywood. ‘ \ / feature films. Time of buying they’computed subsequent weeks Hall, N.Y^ died ApmiynN.Y^ |^ d P e my ^ha^ber^Sli^c^Ouartet had accompanied^esident bulk picture packages is definitely a s' Of a Monday start. On that He started'witt the^Hockettes f^my ^Chamber Music Quartet Theodore Roosevelt toj&ica in over. The tendency is toward basis, he opened with <562,000. ' more than j with Wife survive*; 1908, made eight trips around the small packages” Bill Philllpson Kaye went in on terms which assorted Wrfe Survlv !i l^'i.^ored nme trayel_J»oks ™ a “ f 3 "-.called lor 60% of the first $40,000 ssideiit bulk picture packages is definitely as df a Monday start. On that ica in over. The tendency is toward basis, be opened with 5*62,000. » Ml mJ T>*. _ . • • a _ . «•« M.rkert who had organized the Soup- Prior t0 j°^5l SJ 3 FERDINAND SCHAEFER he had been a danc^ in legit Ferdinand Schaefer, 91, founder in additi° n to his Music Hall and conductor emeritus of Indian- chores he had.done «ie chore- apolis Symphony Orchestra, died tf c small packages.” Bill Philllpson, Kaye went in on terms which anJ m 3 rtP i?R e mnMn« general manager, ABC-TV: "The called for 60% of the first $40,000 efo^s d 158 1 ^ P 1 1 whole P rice Structure on feature and 65% of gross beyond that. On _: __ films on television has gone down- that basis, comedian’s estimated ROI.T 1 F AcsTTFir ward. Sale of telepix is easier earnings are $456,036 with a • n_. _i a a • a _ UfAnlrl tr ATTnt6Arfr* ^OO tZT?A r\nf r\P fn addition to ms *a.<*u and conductor emeritus of Indian- KOLLIE ASHER warm oaie or reiepix is easier Tt c chores he had done the chore- apo jj s symphony Orchestra, died Rollie Asher, 58, assistant film economically, also to fit into pro- weekly average of $32,5 <4 0ut of ography for such musicals as ^At that city April 18. Bom director, died April 18 at the Mo- gramming. We’re paying less for his take, Kaye had to pay the sur- Hnme Abroad, ' George Whites in Dotzheim. Germany. Schaefer tion Picture fVmntrv Wnm» n»v thp pictures now than ever before.” rounding snow which comprised Scandals” and came to U. S. in 1902. He started Coast after a long illness. George Whitney, exec veepee, Fran Warren, the Dunhills (3), Snyder had charteame^aances the Indianapolis orch in 1931 as a Survived by his wife, a sister KHJ-TV; "We’re paying less for Peiro Bros., Darvas & Julia and for "Top of the^ xojra, a univer- cooperative enterprise in which and a brother, screen writer Jerry films now. Majors may have the Marquis Family, Kaye was also aaliilm, 'SEFSEffl&’&A 1 ? one , of Asher - priced themselves out of market charged lyith a portion of the ad- of femme dancere tor metro aitne the first of its kind in the country, .., hv wniHmr innn »> riielr Mnnre vertising. Empire The^re, ^ndon^He^ had ^Schaefer remained active as a JOHN F. KEATING KTTV managen^^"Prospect of ma- Although Kaye has earned more right ° succeeded bvFaltien Sevitzkv W3S < J °hn F. Keatmg, 49, head ofJhe j or studios releasing 900 or 1,000 in N. Y. vaude appearances, this a Ulster sUmves.. succeeded by Fabien Sevitzky. insurance department at RKO. died pictures in bulk to TV Comes a is considered to-be a much easier A . . nrir t mu ¥ vi ACTio of a heart ailment April 15 in Bur- little late for major markets. Top way of making a living. At his ----- Will. if. \DluLXl AOlllS DaJJK. Toct Tl rn ^ rlirroir Antfntfamoni 9 f fflA Germany, he begaA his profes- Brown his start in show biz, died Keith (Tiny) Lamb, 28. sound b ^. h fT to fw^SLir sional career at 16 and played With April 16 in Maumvee Valley Hos- effects technician for 10 years, ^th telepix. Fred Henry, KLAC- first week and after that stayed a number of European symphony pital there after a year's illness, died of a heart attack April 14 T-V-program director: "The whole within his guarantee. However, orchs besides giving solo recitals. Ashe headed a troupe of trapeze while at work &t the NBC studio future of indies is in film, televi- Kaye did as much as six shows Baerwald came to the U. S. in 1935. artists known as the Flying Ash- in Hollywood. His wife and infant siOn and motion picture film, but daily and rarely less than four. Raerwald had been a special voice tons which Joe E. Brown joined daughter survive. most programming will be telepix. The Palace would like to con- coach last summer for the stars in when he left home at the age of the current N. Y, production of 9. Ashe retired 25 years ago. "Porgy & Bess.” He had also Two nieces survive. •pent three weeks this past winter as assistant conductor with the New York City Center Opera Co., leaving because of illness. A sister survives. i« m mourn vemon, «. x. sne MRS. HERMAN W. MAGNA His wife was known on stage - as Mrs. Anna Marie Magna, 78, for- Barbara Bright, mer dance instructor, died April — m —■— A sisier sui vivca. 13 in Mount Vernon, N. Y. She Edward B. Riley, 88, stage door- -—— v was founder of the Magna Insti- man of the Erlanger Theatre, Chi- BRUCE SIEVIER tute of Dancing there and had pre- cago, died there April 17. He was Bruce Sievier, 58, lyricist, was viously been a dance instructor in a former president of the Chi bill- fnnrnl dead in a gas-filled room N. Y. She had been connected posters union. iHlidon April 16. Tunes for with "Hellzapoppin’,” "Earl Car- * n » P o roll’s Vanities” and other Broad- James H. McGrath, 65, retired way shows. cafe owner, former employee of —Majors may have waited too long tinue* its two-a-day vaiide policy, Douglas Kirk, former bass lfead to get maximum out of their pic- but the scarcity of names makes with D’Oyly Carte Opera Co., died tures because era of top prices is it impossible at this time. If any in Accrington, England, recently, gone. We’re paying much less names do crop up, RKO execs His wife was known on stage-as than we ever did for films. Mar- would prefer to save them for the Barbara Bright. ket fob pictures is reduced, more fall. Chain is watching with in- films are available. For first time, terest the Jack Benny show which Edward B. Riley, 88, stage door- stations are in driver’s seat.” opened Monday (20) at the Curran, James H. McGrath, 65, retired Hope’s TV Nix Continued from page 1 vive. FREDERICK L. GREEN Frederick Lawrence Green, 51, IN MEMORY OF . BLANCHE ROTH Beloved Wife, Mother and Grandmother Nemo, Me/v/n, Sherry and Barbara Ana ■ U1U1 UA V/UU ATAB1A VTUW UUU - LU’ author of the script for the film which he supplied the lyrics in- vemon, released under the same eluded "Love’s Last _Word Is i o hnnire fay shows. cafe i owner, former employee of control of a sixth TV station in con- . A daughter and a brother sur- Rmgling Bros. Circus and member travention of the Commission’s st a eeh a nd S union, died April and regulations.” 15 in Toledo. ipi, a n>i Mn ,i opened Monday (20) at the Curran, San Francisco. The Betty Hutton show opens in Chicago tomorrow (Thurs.). She also played the Palace and holds the seven-day record for that house with $58,000 for 14 shows. On Monday (27) the Palace re- verts to its grind policy with four Lew Raymond, British novelist, died April 14 in vaude comic turned boxing pro- The Bureau concluded that shows daUy. ■ Initial bill will in- TTafiinnnlitnti'd onnli Antirtn ClUde DdVC Apollon, ROSS & L8 onetime “5? Pierre. Buster Shaier, and Del mcuu^umoiio p i#irrp ftncfAP QhaVPr Atld Del therefore be either denied or dis- miwH indenemlent nf anv rnm- ? a y. Others are still to be booked. iouuc. mum, iuiutu uuAuig p*v- nay. umers aie quii iu uu uuuacu. Bristol, England. He was the au- moter, died April 17 on a train w^fh ih* This layout will run for 11 days so *£*/>*! enroute from N. Y. to Miami. that the house can revert to its other application m this proceed- James Thurston Ryan, 70, screen in S-” ■ and magazine writer, died April In reviewing the complex finan- rlnrfpd “Love’s Last Wora is ...... . _ . , . ana magazine wruer, oiea Apru ^ .un, u«« u - /iir Rj SDoken” “Her Name Is Mary,” S* r £ e, l had wntte “ r 1 5 ^°°. ks ' 13 at his home in Hollywod. Wife cial arrangements by which NBC (WB ’ "You’re Blase” and the English which five were published in the survives. sold KOA, the Bureau declared vpreinn of "J’Attendrai.” His u ‘ that the network, through various lyric for Rudy Weidoeft's sax solo, MRg VALERIA BELL JACK Wlfe ’ 64 ’ of Raymond^ C. Harten- agreements, has "reserved to it- Mr. usual Friday openings. -First-run pic "The Blue Gardenia” "Valse Vanite ” had just been ac- BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs 1 . Pat Duggan, daugh- i „ .. - . r,o i stine, co-owner of Sunnybrook self a position, from which it has ter, Hollywood, April 14. Mother XjiSlfai 'riruf Railf°° m » Pottstown, Pa., died the ability to exert an effective in- is Libbie Block, writer; father is ouired by Robbins Music for Brit- -. A®: i irwarWi r iric Ballroom, Pottstown, Pa., died the ability to exert an effective in- is Libbie Block, -writer lh and American release. died Anril fe at h“me l^ Los April 15 ' at her Sunnybrook home. fl ueI1 ce on basic policy determine a Paramount nrodueer. ,r Caiki. tuea npiu in <ai nei Dwue u iwa ■ — - • nn .i,m ti,A Mr. and Mrs. Jess He was the founder of the Song- weferSter T long"iUness“ She „ w «• “tions which are, and Should be, the Mr. and Mrs. Jess Kiinmel, riforc* finiid And was at one time ■ , .. ? . . ' . , Ernest Simon McEvoy, 59, stage nrcposstivcs of the licensee of daughter, N. Y., April 14. ftlother »».•*». a, «! and screen actor, died April 14, at ^ 0ga n V^? ° f the 1,CC0See is Toni Brown, former actress; writers’ 0f the Perf0rmmg mghtS IThe ]Red MiU” and other dldtime £? s d in Holl%rood P He for- K ^ e °S' KOA was sold bv NBC ^her te TV director-producer. Society - Broadway shows. . . , merly appeared in N.Y. legit. ,,«n S Mr. and Mrs. Layne Britton. ,_ T , At one time she was married to last June for $2,250,000 to Metro- daughter Santa Monica Cal Anril Cood- Sf aDk director for g. Allison Phelps, 59, freelance which Bob Hope and 13 Father is a makeup man at Mrs. Gladys McCormick-Good^ Florenz Ziegfeld. writer and former radio producer, Productions held a 50% in- rko hart 68, lmown profession^iy as . - ■ died April 14 in La Crescenta, Cal., terest.; Hope paid $175,000 in cash Mr. and Mrs. Tommy Cooper, Gladys Sylvam, one of the tet ROBERT H. LANGDALE after a brief illness. toward the purchase and Hope Pro- daughter, Middlesex, England, stars °{ the eariy silent films in Robert H. Langdale, 44, song- ductions gave a note for $1,250,000 April 2. Father is stage and tele- Bntam, (bed at her home in Ale>^ writer and arranger forWLW, Cm- t Motiier, 82, of Paul and Carl payable in five years. vision magician. fuff 13 ’ cl” cinnati, since 1937, died April 17 Lerpae, members of Paramount’s Hope testified at the hearings Mr. and Mrs. Allen Woods, son, illness. She was the first Britisn ^ Cincinnati from a heart attack, special photographic department, that the note would be Daid off Hollywood, April 15. Father is a merly appeared in N.Y. legit. Society. Broadway shows. * At one time she was married to GLADYS SYLVANI Frank Palmer, musical director for Mrs. Gladys McCormick-Good^, Florenz Ziegfeld. hart, 68, known professionally as . —■ Gladys Sylvani, one of the first ROBERT H. LANGDALE stars of the early silent films in Robert H. Langdale, 44, song- ^ “3“ to Cincinnati from a heart nttacfc “ecTaP photogPapUc Vepartment! tha" the no e woGld be paid off Hoilywood,^ aSuiT • conUact Pl ^e r vilus^, C British T”- to Mariorie^Devmfof ** April 11 in H ° UyW0 ° d - **»* KOA and the ^writer. ^ ducers signed on actors on a pic- the former vocal trio, the Devore - - -—- ----- «« statlon » K the company received a comraci. previously, unusn pro- Apri l 25 to Marjone Devore, oi station if the comoanv received a Mr. and Mrs, Hal Wettersten, ducers signed on actor* on a pic- the former vocal tno, the Devore Dr Gerdinand Schaefer, 91, Ger- But if thC sfations don’t daughter, Chicago, April 13. Father Sisters. . .. , . man-bom founder in 1929 of the JJgJJ “w-hlvea aukk a WBKB Salesman, peared in early experimental color His mother, a brother and a sis- Indianapolis Symphony Orch, died a Mr. and Mrs. Curt Gowdy, son, and sound pix. She came to the f AP survive. April 18 in Indianapolis. meeting because we expect KOA- Boston. AdHI 14. Father is WHDH •US. in 1939. Survived by a son, daughter and .. JAMES L. LaBAR four grandchildren. James L. LaBar onetime pianist and orch leader, died April 13 at SERGUIS L MANDELL the Veterans Hospital, Orange, Serguis I. Mandell, 75, violinist n. J. LaBar, Who had served in and teacher, died April 20 in Lake- France during World War I and wood, N. J. Bom in Moscow, he W as gassed, had played a number came to the U. S. in 1897. He 0 f New Jersey resorts, played with legit theatre orchs in Wife, two sons, his mother and N. Y. until his retirement in 1933. two sisters survive. He had recently been elected an • JAMES L. LaBAR Father, 63, of • Alexander M. James L. LaBar onetime, pianist c oura g ef musical director and ar- and orch leader, died April 13 at ranger died Apr il i2 in Hollywood, the Veterans Hospital, Orange, ° TV to pay off.’ MARRIAGES Mr. and Mrs. Curt Gowdy, son, Boston, April 14. Father is WHDH sportscaster. Mr. and Mrs. Alan V. Iselin, daughter, Albany, April 5. Mother is the daughter of Neil Heilman, Dimitria Kokorios to Samuel Albany and Philadelphia exhibitor; honorary member of the N. -Y, Local 802, Musicans Union, to which he had belonged for 50 years. Wife and two sons survive. HARRY A. EARNSHAW died of a heart Harry A. Earashaw, 74, retired there April 14. radio producer and writer, died His Wife, d April 14 in Newport Beach, Cal., sisters survive, after a long , illness. He created the "Chandu the Magician” series GEORG! and was producer-writer of "De- George W. I tectives Black and Blue” before ter and former president of Local . _ « -- f of.,, Stanlev een- I iviargarex Dam 10 reier Hasson, his retirement 12 years ago be- 274, Musicians Protective Union, F*ther,75or tamey^gen Leeds> England, recently. Groom is causp nf faiiintf tiAQitii j! , _.. i.;. Wapi DhiiafiinhSfl Vifimp I erci manager _ox_ Pr? * afa/fD hirrin/ifief Wife, two sons, his mother and Tom Hanlin 46 m i ner .novelist Granville Hulsey, Santa Barbara, time salesman with WCCC there, o sisters survive. who had written five films, died in Cal., April 18. Bride is the daugh- Mr. and _Mrs. Herb_Vi^an, son, ^ Armadale Scotland. April 7. ter of Don Hartman, Paramaunt Los Angeles, April 13. I ather is ROBERT C. GOSHORN * . Pictures’ production supervisor; a radio-TV aetpr. Robert C. GoshonL62, owner of Mother of Happy Lilian Lee, the groom is a film set designer. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Samuels, son, WOS and KWOS-FM andpub- M YodellingDutch girl, died Cloris Leachman to George Eng- Hollywood, April 14. Child is the her of the Post-Tribune. Capi- iS ?Je^ EnEland, March 29. lund, N. Y., April 19. Bride is a grandson of Frank Samuels of the ~i-News and Sunday News&Tnb- ’ legit actress; he's a legit director William Moms Agency. une, all in Jefferson City, Mo., « Madachlan 62 manager and son of screen writer Ken Eng- Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Fallen, died of a heart attack at his home of B t ^ e - c ^ lund. daughter, Pittsburgh, April 11. AL ere April 14. Scotland died in that city April 17 Judith Rose Balaban to . Jay Ira Father is chief announcer, at His wife, daughter and three Scotland, died m mat city A P m x/. Ranter , N y<> April 15> Br fa is WCA B. „ t . iters survive. Mother of A1 Marsico veteran the daughter of Barney Balaban, Mr. and Mrs. James Malone, Pittsburgh bandleadeJ dTed of P^exy of Paramount Pictures; daughter, Pittsburgh, April 40. GEORGE W. HYDER P^tsburgli Danaieaaer, aiea groom is with Music Corp. of Mother is former secretary to Ben George W. Hyder, 57, bandmas- cancer April 17mPitt. America. Steerman, head of WB contact de- GEORGE W. HYDER George W. Hyder, 57, bandmas cause of failing health. . died at his West Philadlphia home ®rai manager or ygv stage hypnotist. daughter, Pittsburgh, April 6. .One of his sons, Fenton Earn- April 12. He was grand bandmas- m new ioik. uia Fortier to Jack Pavis, April Father is the son of A. Harry Pas- snaw, is a writer for Revue Pro- ter for the Elks and director of nf nrodueer - 18, Kankakee, 111. Bride is iri ABC sarell, Par office manager and ducU °ns. ; music for the Pyramid Temple of a 6 t 5 ker^xoSfffi^d P April 17 auditing; groom is in net’s public booker in Pitt ^ - — the Shrine. fnr^ragn 1 P relations department. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jaw'er, IlF.PVAPn n 6V1VAV • nr«/A mirinirao ^✓ILICaBU* fA T.ormr Piiclrntf PliHoflpmhia Anril 15. Margaret Bain to Peter Casson, partment in Pitt. a eds, England, recently. Groom is Mr. and Mrs. Harry R. Passarell, age hypnotist. daughter, Pittsburgh, April 6. Lila Fortier to Jack Pavis, April Father is the son of A. Harry Pas- ^ the Shrine. BERNARD D. SIMON Wife survives. Bernard D. Simon, composer and • : - President of Music House, Inc., HARRY B. FELDMAN Buffalo, was found dead April 18 Harry B. Feldman, onetime jn the shore of Grand Island, near vaudeville dancer and in recent Buffalo. He had been missing since years custodian of the Scbenec- March 2. ^ tady, N.Y. postoffice, died Apnl Music House is an outlet for 16 of a heart attack in that city. A records and music supplies. native of Nashville, he had ap- Harw B. FeltoTaS. oietime tor, died recently in Moscow. Vladimir KhenkiA, Russian ac- •ALFRED WILEY BRUCE Alfred Wiley Bruce, 79, founder- and two sisters, airertor of the Canadian Academy — J-Mi’sic, died April 18 in Toronto LUDW1 PHnM L -•_ . • m ' fa • 4^ » J peered in vaude for many year*. ( Surviving are his wife, daughter ] Stndios ‘Too Late’ Continned from pare 1 = relations department. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jawer, Diana Fortier to Larry Buskett, daughter, Philadelphia, April 15. Los Angeles, April 9. He’s sales Mother is the former Lynne Bar- manager for KLAC. rett, TV actress; father is WPTZ Inge Jollos to Harold .Gordon, commercial representative. , Las Vegas, April 15. He’s an actor. Mr. and Mrs. Leonardo BercoyicI, Jo Ritchie to Don KidweD, daughter, Rome, April 19. Mother Kansas City, Mo., April 18. Groom is film actress Marta Toren; father is hillbilly singer with KMBC is a screen writer. "Brush Creek Follies.” Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gottlieb, son, Marilyn Mills Breno to Richie N. Y., April 15. Father is^auditor . . „ •« _ ■ a in i Din Ttipno mncif firm. have waited too long. We find Liselle, Las Vegas, April 18. He’s for the Big Three, music firm. half-hour telepix better for pro- gramming. It’s doubtful if the a* talent agent. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Jacoby .son, Margaret Baxter to Finlay Me- April 21, Far Rockaway, L.I, Moth- . . _ « A • 1 •mm - - l..k I a. a fa IVttflfA f c . ?r bring knocked down by a car. Ludwig Landy, 65. pro retirement^ it had been Yiddisn films, died Apr Bis habit to walk two^or three Iiours N. Y. Pix produced by