Variety (April 1953)

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Wednesday, April 29, 1953 PICTURE GROSSES Stereopix Brighten LA. 1st Rons; “Wax’ Torrid $69,000, Dark’ Okay mot Both 2d; IHoon’Slow 20G Los Angeles. April 28. - Stereopix. in second weeks, still dominate local first-runs althougn substantially off from their big first frames. In addition, a repeat, booking of "Bwana Devil, the original 3-D feature, is getting no- where with a sad $2,500. New hills this session are very mild. "By the Light ofthe Sil- very Moon" and “The System are a slow $20,000 in three situations. “Man on the Tightrope” is pulling a slight $16,000 at four sites. A thin $5,500 is seen for 1$e show- casing of "President’s Lady while. “Serpent of the Nile” and * Am- bush at Tomahawk Gap” are a modest $9,500 at two locations. "House of Wax,” a newer 3-D entry, is a solid $60,000 at two houses, down ’considerably from the first round, while "Manjn the | Dark” is latching an okay $20,000 in its second frame at two loca- tions. Also off sharply is "Salome in three upped scale houses, For Estimated Total Gross This Week .. $612,400 <Based on 21 theatres) Last Year , / $450,200 {Based on 23 theatres) Pitt; Pittsburgh, April 28. Holdovers Strong In Toronto; ‘Lady’ 166 Toronto. April 28. With town doing top bix on hold- over product at most of first runs, only newcomers are "Presidents Lady." big in a two-house combo, and "The Net” at the Rank show- case; but "Hans Christian Ander- sen,” in second stanza, is still away ahead in the' local gross' race. Also up front in second frames are "Battle Circus” and "Desert Le- gi ° n Estimates far This Week . Crest, Downtown,* Glendale, State (Taylor) (863; 1,059; 955; 698; 35- 60)—"Gunsmoke” (U) and "Prob- lem Girls” (Col). Average $14,000. Last week, "Invasion U.SA.” (Col) and "Desperate Search” (M-G), $14,000. __ Eglinton, University (FP) (1,080; 1,556; 40-75)—."President’s Lady” <20th). Good $16,000. Last week, Eglinton, "The Star” (20th), $5,- 000; University, "I Confess” (WB) (3d wk), $8,000. Imperial (FP) (3,373; 75-$l-25)— "Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (2d wk). Still smash $25,000. Last week, $31,000. ■ Loew’s (Loew) (2,096; 40-75)— "Battle Circus” (M-G) (2d wk). Key City Grosses J Estimated Total Gross This Week ...... $2,752,200 (Based on 24 citicj, 205 the- atres, chiefly first runs, in* eluding N. Y.) Total Gross Same Week Last Year .$2,067,100 (Based on 24 cities, and 223 theatres.) Gere.; Hiker 9G Cleveland, April 28. Big league stuff is still being Kansas City, April 28. Run of upped scale films con- tinues here with "Moulin Rouge” at the Midland getting $1 top this week. Looks great $20,000, and is holding. "Desert Legion” in Fox Midwest houses shapes nice. "Pony Express” at Paramount is topping average take after personals, of Rhonda Fleming, Forrest Tucker, Corinne Calvet and Jan Sterling opening day. Second week of "Hans Christian Andersen” is strong at Missouri. Weather was wet and cold. Estimates for This Week Kimo (Dickinson) <504; 65-85)— "Happy Time” (Col) (4th wk). Pleasing $1,500. Last week, $1,700, Midland (Loew’s) (3,500; 35-$l)—- ’"Moulin Rouge” (UA) Heading for great $20,000. Last week, "Small Town Girl” (M-G) and "Bandits of Corsica” (UA) at regular 50-75c scale, oke $11,000. Missouri (RKO) (2,650; 35-65-$!)— Downtown biz generally getting Holding weU at $13,000. Last week, sho ^ currentiy by **House_pf i shot in arm this week from . /n-«vv n son- sn-«wn— wax, soaring f 1 lctu ‘ u n f”> uuu $14 000 House of Wax” at Stanley. Over j^t” (Rank). Light $i2,000. ?Lmd” ^romisM^n^ ^air^at Paramoimt (Tri-States) (1,900; 50- reekehd spots in Golden Triangle x^ast week, "Salome” (Col) (2d wk), KMteEfulh A few new I ’5fcr“?»K wJ™ soaring to . r%cord $S,000 g* «*>• Sturdy $8,000. Last week. weekend _ efolo aUhnitffh nn<» nf fpw flew tur- xyuj ua{/icoo uii uj in three upped scale houses. For 'helmed bv turnawav crowds $16,000. entrants “Salome” still is. big In brisk start with personals three the second stanza a moderate **i wSST«K to rsh.. ; . <FP> <2,3**; 'S’ilipfSL. SeWnth^ 000 IS seen. mnnthc innmc at Harris Me Madam’ (20th) (4th wk). Tap- > cHiiman’s "Moulin Rouge” r°'9 u .yL 10 ?”l s ; uu Lim- 000 Is seen. months looms.. "Salome” at Harris 1 Me However, the extensively jpro- looks runner-up with smart session, ermg to $7,000. Last week, $11, con tinues fcmash. ll Tawer Untown Fairway Gran, moted "Titanic” is looking to a «< G irls of pleasure Island” at Penn 000. . ^ , Estimates for This Week 2043- firm $15,000 or better in Hie sec- is disappointing. "Anna” picking Allen (Warners) (3,000; 85-$1.25) i53. ^75)--" D Mert Lecion' 1 ond week of its Chinese showcas- Warner up a bit. Second week of "Desert Legion (U) C2d wW StUl __«. House o£ Wax” (WB), Lots of S^iSa 1 '’ men) ing. Only "Ltli” continues good -Brandy for Parson” Is nice at hefty at $9,000. Last week, $14,000. ste am here to get record $44,000. '»£!SJSrSSniS* iw uui —+. ■ - - ■ r ^ Ai/kn«y added at lower ana Urranaaa. First its” (Par) (2d wk), $7,500., .' nt ibHrnatil for This Week Tower, Uptown, Fairway, Gran- (3 000- 85-si 25) *** Vox Midwest) (2,100; 2,043: AUen (Warners) (3,000, oO-?i.zdj 7nn . 1 917- MV75>—"Desert r.eoinn’ 1 among the holdovers. Estimates for This Week Downtown, Wiltern, Beverly Squirrel Hill. Estimates for This Week Fulton (Shea) (1,700; 50-85)— Hills (WT) (1,757; 2344; 1,612; 70; - San Antone” (Rep) and "Treas- $1.10)—"Light Silvery Moon . me Golden Condor” (20th). Small (WB) and "The System” (WB). $4,500. Last week, “Desert Le- Slow $20,000. Last week. Trouble gion” (U), big $8,000. a « ^ in M /Tirm i /AJ *.,L\ #10 AAn " " w T ' Along Way” (WB) (2d wk), $12,000. Los Angeles, Iris, Uptown, Loy- Harrls (Harris) (2,200; 65-$U— I “Salome” (Col). Smart $14,000, ‘Rouge’R $17,000 in Prov. Providence April 28. “Moulin Rouge” at Loew’s State i Holds. Last week, "Trouble Along Way” (WB) (2d wk-5 days), $9,000. v*™® * or but^shanes^tiim *$1*! Hlpp (Telemanagement) (3,700; JJSf 5 ®*' -JJJr rS?* wapV 1 • | pitv nk. 90-$125)—"Salome” (Col) (2d wk). JJ2S or the^’s^ TU) k, and t3 "Sm $34,WJ 0,000 ° r kSS ^ f0U0 ' S ^ton*-^ (Rep)! $000, topping ^rSn^f^llrf^rJFE 5 / h °(togue (Golden) (550; 65-85)— ‘iSFi “Member of Wedding" (Col) (2d ola (FWC) (2,097; 814; 1.715; 1,248; much more than enough to hold. Providence April 28. week with only $2,400 70*$1.10)—"Man (hi ^gh^W Last week, "Call Me Madam” “Moulin Rouge” at Loew’s State Ohio (Loewis) (1,300; 55-85)— (20th) and Angel Street (Indie). (20th) (3 wk), terrif $6,500 in five is way out in lead this session with “Small Town Girl” (M-G) (in.o.). nif 9 D J ff04 AAA L Slight $16,000. Last week, days, and could have stayed. sock week. Albee's "Never Wave 01^5^1^?we^ "OSl&i- Wax KCCOrd $34,000 III ru Get You Feiui (Loew’s) (3^00; 50-85)- at a WAC" is also getfang a nice it^pTar) (m . oJi $6i ooo. _ . - . A1 , « ^ "Girls Pleasure Island” tParh PeiS^^ play. - Rainy -weekend -helped Paijrce (RKO) <3,300; 55-85)— ; FmCO! AlSO ID UftKiailfl* Bit* (FWC) <1^0; 804150)-- sonal on opening day of Don Tay- houses all around. “Hitch-Hiker” (RKO). Fair $9,000. nwu iu vwuuiui, “President’s Lady” (20th). Thin loF( local boy, and three English Estimates for TMs^Last week, “Destination Gobi” ‘ItuAan* Hilrnr* $5,500. Last week, Man On Tight- girls helped getaway but too much Albee (RKO) (2,200; 44^5)— (20th), $8,000. L6J10D lvUj IllKCr loll rope” (20th) (3d wk), $3,000. _ against it and exiting Wed. night "Never Wave at WAC (RKO) and state (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85)— San Francisco April 28. Orpheum. El Key (Metropolitan- after five days with only $5,000. "No Tune for Flowers” RKO). “Girls Pleasure Island” (Par). Mild 4<Wrtiie ^v P . rpalri _ tf FWC) (2 213; 861; 60-90)— Ser- Last week “M 0U ii n Rouge” (UA) Lively ^ 9 °00. Last week Semi- $10 ,ooo. Last week, "SmaU Town , House of Wax is breaking pent of Nile” (Col) and ‘Ambush (2d wk), big $14,500. nole” and “Girls In Night (U), Girl” (M-G), same. house records at the St. Francis J?^ ha V k ^. Gap i Squirrel Hill (WB) (900; 50-85)— $8300. _* ._ OA _ . . Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700; 75- here and at the Paramount in Oak- $9,50°. Last week, both secondary .. Br * ndy foy Parson " Ondie) (2d MooS^WwBfa’nd $ !b? 5) T“ M< ? Ui ?c5Sn ge « <UA io ( Iin land - a «ross the bay. Here it is Globe (FWC) (782; 80-$l)— ^.uld dobe^erUmn $2000 after “Fimgs of ArcUc” (AA). Slow $5,- tet'wedk Sl1 * ‘ 81 er ? • landing a terrific $34,000 to .beat «c,.,o n n riTAi “Mnfr- ?nouia oo petier man $z,uuu auer nnn t «ro»ir “nocori 1<u,t WCCtt * ch«,« On^ed-toSrcrS^In S' “Member 'of Weddtok”' (ColT (2d “^lught" * (DA? dild \ “ttori .rtLG^d $1,800. Holds. Last week, week with only $2,400. $2300. . Ohio (Loew’s) (1,300; 55-85)— days, and could have stayed. sock Penn (Loew’s) (3300; 50-85)— at a "Girls Pleasure Island" tPar), Peri- play. play. - Rainy -weekend - helped houses all around. Estimates for This Week Palace (RKO) <3,300; 55-85)— “Hitch-Hiker” (RKO). Fair $9,000. Last week, “Destination Gobi” $5,500. Last week, “Man On Tight- gW S helped^^ietawSy^^but too much Albee (RKO) (2,200; 44^65)- ( 2 oth), $8,630. ^ rope” (20th) (3d wk), $3,000. ^ against it and exiting Wed. night “Never .Wave at WAC (RKO) and state (Loew’s) (3,450; 55-85)— Orphenm, El Rey (Metropolitan- after five days with only $5,000. No Tune Tor Flowers” RKO). «< Girls pleasure Island” (Par). Mild FWC) f2 213; 861; 60-90)— Ser- Last week “M 0U ii n Rouge” (UA) Lively $9 ; 60?. Last week. Semi- $10 ,ooo. Last week, “SmaU Town «\Anf M1 /PaI 1 on/1 ** A mnnen ;n J ^ paa aaIa^ Aiwf Tfl llT^ /m r n\ pent of Nile” (Col) and "Ambush ( 2 d wk), big $14,500. nole” Tomahawk Gap” (Col). Modest • Saulrrel Hill (WB) (Q00- 50-85)— $8,000. OARAn T nrt co/vntiHarv aftlUTrei U1U IWB/ t»W, and "Girls In Night” (U), Girl” (M-G), same. Stillman (Loew’s) (2,700; ‘Bwana Devil” (UA) and 1 hie $2 500 noeuer netic Monster” (UA) (2d runs). Sad big opener $2,500. Last week, “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (8th wk), $3,100. Los Angeles, Hollywad Para- mounts (ABC-UPT-F&M) (3,300; 1.430; 95-$1.50) — “House Wax” Stanley (WB) (3,800; 85-$1.25)— smash $10,000. ‘House of Wax” (WB). Nearly Metronoiitan 000 or near: Last week, "Desert Legion” (U) and "Jalopy” (AA), Metropolitan (Snider) (3,100; 44- (WB) (2d wk). Solid $60,000. Last week, wpw $95,000. United Artists, Hawaii (UATC- illywod Para- $10,000 on opening day and almost 65)—“High Noon” (UA) and "Afrl- F&M) (3,300; as much Sunday (26), with at least can Q ue en” (UA) (reissues) (2d House Wax” $40,000 huge. likely on week. Last wk . 3 days). Fairly good $5,000. $60,000. Last week, "Destination Gobi” (20th),, L ast week, nice $8,000. $7,500. Warner (WB) (2,000; 50-85)— State (Loew) (3,200; 75-$l)— Moulin Rouge” (UA). Smash $17,- ‘Express’ Fast $12,500, Omaha; ‘Way’ Good 6G, ‘Hans’ Fancy 8^6,2d Omaha, April 28. Biz continues good this week at G&S) (2,100; 1,106; 90-$1.50)— "Anna” (iFE). Italian picture 000 or over. Last week, "Trader gooa inis weex at "Man in Dark” (Col) (2d wk). Okay spent a lot on campaign but it isn’t Horn” (M-G) and "Sequoia” (M-G) 4 $20,000. Last week, $30,000. _ paying off too well. Good $5,500 (reissues), $13,000. ' .. Iwiin2 y aided by in-person stints of Jan the mark held by "Greatest Show on Earth.” In addition, "Wax” is boosting trade all along Market Street currently. On Saturday night, "Wax” hit a new all-city mark of $10,000* for one day. "Desert Legion” also shapes nice at Orpheum as is "Hitch-Hiker” at Golden Gate. Estimates for This Week Golden Gate (RKO) 2,850; 65-95) -"Hitch-Hiker” (RKO) and "No .Hillstreet, Pantages, Four Star looms but not enough in view of Strand (Silverman) (2,200; 44; Time for Flowers” (RKO).. Nice (RKO-UATC) (2,752; 2,812; .900; layout in coin in newspapers. Last 65)—"Girls of Pleasure Islhnd” J? 1 .Last week, "Mildred 74-$1.50)—"Salome” (Col) (2d wk). week, "Mildred Pierce” (WB) and (Par) and "Homesteaders” (AA). Pi e rc e .(WB) and "Old Maid” Dropping to moderate $26,000, "Old Maid” (WB) (reissues), $4,- Nice $7,000. Last week, "Salome” (WB) (reissues), $9,000. Sterling, Corinne Calvert, Forrest Time for Flowers” (RKO). Nice Last week, $51,600. :500. 1 Chinese (FWC) (2,048; 80-$1.50) —— — — “Titanic” (20th) <2d wk). Firm . $15,000. Last week, smart $16,500. *117 * llfl • _ f*) Fine Arts (FWC) (679; 80-$1.50) Iff JIV 110011111110 3 \f —"Importance Being Earnest” (U) f 1 €IA VVlIUftlllllK 4|IL (2d wk). Mild $3,000. Last week. Canon (ABC) (533; $1.20)— < Wa C OlfP Klfl "Times Gone By” (Indie) (2d wk). Tf (It VliC IUU9 Neat $5,000. Last week, $7,000. • Loew’s State, Egyptian (UATC) . (2,404; 1,538; 70-$1.10)—"Confi- dentially Connie” (M-G) and "Girl Wft AAft Had Everything” (M-G) (2d wk). Tf SIX uOCKtilOO yfaOjUUVj Blow $14,000. Last week, $19,000. n re 1 • 9 r 1 I'ofi Wilshlre (FWC) (2,296; 80-$ 1^0) Rnff • MeiVUl Tat lZtl —"Tonight We Sing” (20th) (3d UlU1 *> iUC,TUI _ wk). Dull $3,000. Last week, $3,- Buffalo, April 28. D00. • ‘Easily standout this stanza is Yogue (FWC) (885; 80-$1.20)— “House of Wax,” soaring to a ter- “Lili” (M-G) (6th wk). Nifty $4,- rific the Paramount, ‘1 (Col) (3d wk), $5,000. Wax’ Whopping $25,NO, Cincy Ace; “Wac Oke 10G, ‘Mink’ Modest 5V,G Omaha, Holdover "Hans Christian Andersen” at Brandeis and return of "Ivanlioe” at the State are strong. * Estimates for This Week Brandeis (RKO) (1,100; 35-$l)— "Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) Fox (FWO (4,651; 65-95) — "Trouble Along Way” (WB) and "Jalopy” (AA) (2d wk). Off to $7,000 in 5 days. Last week, nice $13,500. Warfield (Loew’s),(2,656; 65-95) —"battle Circus” (M-G) (2d wk). Cincinnati, April 28. s ?*‘“' 500 ^ ter ?12 ' 500 0ke|l0,0 0 0. Uri £g!ti8i»r Omaha (Tristates) (2,100; 20-70) Paramount (Par) (2,646; 65-95)— —"Trouble Along Way” (WB) and “The System” (WB) and "Girls "Ride Man Down” (Rep). Good Pleasure Island” (Par). Mild $10,- $6,000. Last week, "Battle Circus” 000 in 6 days. Last week, "Des- > C A JrA^AA Mfi AAA Looming socko at flagship Albee, (M . G) and «< Code Two »* (M-G) (2d perate Search” (M-G) plus vaude WtiX OOCktirOOiZO.UUu. ; House of Wax” is far outin front W k), $7,000. - headed by Duke Ellington orch 7 i,« o nn«,m ft,. " - - * * • - and Pearl Bailey, fair $25,000 with _ _ m \ _ m-JLa ^ a lineup of new bills this round Rnff * |/(, and bulging the downtown total. PUIIm lUClVlU Ifll 14.U “Never Wave at WAC” shanes Buffalo, April 28. m a lineup oi new Dins mis roima Orpheum (Tristates) (3,000; 20- and Pearl Bailey, fair $25,000. witn -!^™ lg w e the of d< S? t ^ n 1 J otaL 70)—"Pony Express” (Par) and $L25 top. yb- Walkie Talkie” (Lip). Great St. Francis (Par) (1,400; 65-95)- a i„S ala ?fu J? $12,500. Last week, "Ma, Pa Kettle "House of Wax” (WB). New record ‘Easily standout* this stanza is erate gait with "Sombrero” while on Vacation” (U) and "San Antone House of Wax,” soaring to a ter- Lady Wants Mink and Treasure (Rep), same. a < • A 4.1 -W% flV A f f IaI/IAM f’AM'MAM'* AMA AA . AA a4 m j . . ^ . .. ... rific total. at the Paramount, "1 of. Golden Condor 1 500. Last week, $4,700. {Love Melvin” looms neat at the Grand and Keith’s. — —s- —— Buffalo. "Call Me Madam” still is Estimates for This Week 1 IMflY IITCTY 1 Rfi big in second round at the Center. Albee (RKO) (3,100; 75-$1.25)— LllHllu LUjI I iOU, Estimates for This Week_ “House of Wax” (WB). Socko $25,- nrT ‘ADDED’ Cl 9 (inn ( Buffa^Loew ^000. Last week, "Trouble Along i. 7 M 9 „o (20th). Neat $12,000. Last week, senile This is holdOTCT°wbek vrithbAly dwsvbifi^isfooo 1 litil top d *** ,iKKOV■ (2,000^ 55-85)-^ two newcomers on top. Biz shapes Paramoimt (Par) (3,000; 40-70)— ..^? m ^ ver 9 „ 1 9 0 ®5 d p : nn" strong. "Salome” leads pack with “House of Wax” (WB). Terrific tial Connie <M-G). Mild $7,500. top coin in solid second week at $28,000. Last week, “Girls Pleas- JgirlsofPleasurels- Madison. "Moulin Rouge” is doing ure island” (Par) and "Woman 1311(1 (Par), $6,000, okay in fourth week at the Fox. They Almost Lynched” (Indie)/ Grand (RKO) (1,400; 55-85)— "Off Limits” shapes good in first $12,000. "Lady Wants Mink” (Rep) and are so-so at at huge $34,000. Last week, "To- night We Sing” (20th) (3d wk), Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,100; 75-$1.25)— “House of Wax” (WB). Socko $25,- Buffalo- (Loew’s) <3,000; 40-70)— 0 00 Last week "Treuble AJonc "I Love Melvin” (M-G) and "Taxi" Way” (WB)^ $11500 at nornrnl (20th). Neat $12,000. Last week, al normal scale. Capitol (RKO) (2,000; 55-85)— "Sombrero” (M-G) and "Confiden- "Off Limits” shapes good in first $12,000. round at Michigan. "This Is Cine- Center (Par) (2,100; 40-70)— rama” rolls on at virtual capacity “Call? Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk). land” (Par), $6,000, Grand (RKO) <1,400; 65-85)-— State (Goldberg) (865; 25-76)— $3,500 in 4 days. F I X a n n u“ e \T^ ;( i ) S} d 7 r ?? R n 0 / Orpheum (No. Coast) (2.448; 65- Events (Indie), Strong $5,500. 05) "Desert Leeion” (U) and “TonfirtPhHflnv 6 ^rv“Luxury Girls” (UA). Nice $14,000 t?nnn lden ^ ia ^ y Connie (M-G), 0 r near. Iiast week, "Man in Dirk * 5>uuu - (Col) and "Magnetic Monster <T '■ * 9 n • • (j,A aaa .lUA) (2d wk), $10,500. Legion Fairish $9,000, United Artists (No. Coast) (1.207: IridnYq " ‘Madam’ Iftfi 80-$1.50)—"Moulin Rouge” (UA) inupib., iTiaqam lUlx (loth wk). ,Big $7,500. Last week, ^ . Indianapolis, April 28. $8,500. ^ ^ rst-r i l ! ns Stagedoor (A-R) (370; $1-20; T al1 $1.80)—“Hans Christian Andersen Madam at In- (RKO) (10th wk). Big $9,000. in sixth week at Music Hall. Estimates for This Week Big $8,500. Last week, $14,000. , Lafayette (Basil) (3,000; 40-70)- Fox (Fox-Detroit) (5,000; 80-“CityBerifeathSea”(U)and‘‘Gurt- $1.25)—"Moulin Rouge” (UA) (4th smoke” (U). Good $8,000. Last Grand (RKO) (1,400; 55-85)— ground. Call Me Madam” at In- (RKO) (10th wk) "Lady Wants Mink” (Rep) and diana is boxoffice leader by slight Last week $12 000* "Ride a Man Down” (Rep). Modest fdge, hut not impressive. "Desert /TWa-i-i / $5,500. Last week, ‘‘Hans Chris- Legion” at Circle, looks fair as is ^ bSaJ tian Andersen” (RKO) (3d Wk), Sombrero’ at Loew’s. m $8,000 at 75-$l scale. Estimates far This Week (4tb wk). Solid $2,6i Keith’s (Shor) (1,500; 55-85)— Circle (CocMl-Dolle) <2,800; ‘Treasure Golden Condor” (20th). ^ * ' * * “ - wk). Okay $20,000. Last week, $24,- 0004 Michigan (United Detroit) (4,- 50-76)—"Desert Legion” <U) and week, "Salome” (Col) (3d wk), $6,- Light $5,000 or near. Last week, “Murder Without Crime” (Indie). I ' . . llln 1 .1. A ¥lf _ 4—■ • J A Mia V M M M Cl _ Z mum. A A . AAA T _ . i • M 500 at $1 top. Century. (20th Cent) (3,000; 40- Clay (Rosener) (400; 65-85> r- "Importance Being Ernest” <UJ (4th wk). Solid $2,600. Last week, $2,800. Larkin (Rosener) (400; 65^5) -- "Pon CamiUo” (Indie) (IFE) 04 tit- neat', jliu&v wees, * ■ »mwwu$ v/ttme tiuuiei. Tonight We Sing” (20th), $7,000 F ^ir $9,000, Last week, “Ma, Pa 'Big $2,800, Last wees, at $1 top. Kettle on Vacation” (U) and "Bat- $3,000. \vf***»v»* A VVIIVUIJ \nvui W)VVV| XV I T- WIAU iU0^ I f " n a 000; 70-95)—'Qff Dimits” (Par) and 70)—"TaU Texan” (Lip) and ‘Till Palace (RKO) (2,600; 55-85)— ties Chief Pontiac" (Indie). Hefty Vogue (S. F. Theatres) (377; 85- / a* ■ . I — 9 u. _ - ■ — . ~ ^mm ii .mm. . J I IIST A mmm m a m mmmm. -mm. A4 A P AA I • - : _ _ v ' f I A Tal H1 A I “Bandit* <>jf Corsica” (UAL Good] Get You” (Lip). Okay $9,000. Last "Never Wave at WAC” (RKO). $12,500. glfiJKH). Last week, ’'Back on {week, "Peter Pan’V(RKO) (3d Wk), (Contlmied on page 22) _ ! $8,500 at $1 top. Okay $10,000 or close. Last week, "Off Limits” (Par), $10,000. $1.00)—"Times Gone By" <I ndl *’ Indiana (Cockrill-DoUe) (3,200; (2d wk). Nice $2,000. Last week# (Continued oil page 22) l$2;80Q. ; . . . . t-