Variety (April 1953)

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Chi Hotsy; ‘Wac-Page Lash $50,00(1, limits’ Lofty 18G, let Go’ Hep 18G, ‘Seminole’ Socko 20G, ‘Rouge’ 28G, 4th Chicago* April 28. 4 Rainy weekend dented an an- o-Jhited hefty b.o. week. But i^n fead is the Chicago with Patti Page onstage and ^Kever Wave a? 8 Wac " Lush $50,000 looms. Limits’' at Palace should give the housd a nifty $18,000. . ^ Woods also is bappywith “Never f .tMeGo” at fast $18,000. “Little iSrorld Don CamiUo” »t the World i, solid $6,000. Roosevelt, with !,Seminole'’ and “Abbott and Cos- & Go to Mars," Shapes socko Importance of Being i moveover at Surf, is tello $ 20 , 000 . Earnest, br Lone second-weeker. “Sombrero" •t Monroe is moderate. Third week S Gall Me Madam'* con- tinues smart at the Oriental. Fourth frame of “Salome" at Grand is still lusty. Standout of extended-runs is “Moulin .Rouge" At State-Lake, very big in fourth Stanza, Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,900;. 98-$1.25) ^"Never Wave At Wac" (RKO) with Patti Page heading stageshow. Xusty $50,000. Last week, “Trouble Abng Vay" (WB) and vaude (2d wk). $23,000. Grand (RKO} (1,500; 98-$l.50)— “Salome" (Col) (4th wk). Off to $17,000. Last week, $27,000. ’ Monroe (Indie) (1.000; 55-98)— “Sombrero" (M-GV (2d wk). Pass- able $7,000. Last week, $13,000. Oriental (Indie) (3,400; 98-$1.25) —“Call Me Madam” (20th) (3d wk). Brisk $18,000. Last week, $22,000. Palace (Eitel) (2,500; 98)—“Off Limits" (Par). Nifty $18,000. Last week, "Tonight We Sing” (20th) (3d -wk), $8,000. ' Roosevelt (B&K) (1,700; 55-98)— “Seminole" (U) and “Abbott & Cos- tello To Mars" (U). Socko $20,000 or near. Last week, “Desert Le- gion" (U) and “Ma, Pa Kettle on Vacation" (U) (2d wk), $11,000. State-Lake (B&K) (2,700; 98- $1.25)—"Moulin Rouge" (UA) (4th wk). Still smash at $28,000. Last week, $30,000. Surf (H&E Balaban) (685; 98)— ■'Importance Being Earnest" (U) (m.o.). Brisk $3,500. Last week, “Crash of Silence" (Indie) (3d wk), $3,500. United Artists (B&K) (1,700; 55- 98)—"Problem Girls" (Col) and “One Gid's Confession" (Col). Neht $17,000. Last week, "Jeopardy" (M-G) and "Confidential Connie" (M-.G) (2d wk), $12,000. Woods (Essaness) (1,073; 98)— “Never Let Me Go” (M-G). Ex- cellent $18,000 or better. Last week, "Girl Who Had Everything" (M-G) (3d wk), $9,000. World (Indie) (587; 98)—“Little World Don Camillo” (IFE). Sturdy $6,00.0 or near. Last week, “Forbid- den Games" (Indie) (8th wk), $3,- 000 . if Ziegfeld (Lopert) (485; 98)— 'Little Sheba" (Par) (9th • wk). Strong $3,900. Last week, $4,000. Mpls. Soars; ‘Wax’ Wow $20,000,‘Salome’Solid 17G,‘Madam’TaBlOG •. Minneapolis, April 28. With "House of Wax " “Cali Me Madam ' and “Salome” descending upon the local scene simultane- l US 1v\ there’s a wealth of smash boxoffice fare here. “Moulin Jtouge continues socko in second Century week. Boxoffice goose faags the highest in many months, indications are that the-total loop Jake will set a new record high for recent weeks. ‘ Estimates for This Week (Par)-(1,600; 76-85) — ^ 2 ull n j Rouge" (UA) (2d wk). 'AS* . own > hut several days of first spring-like weather brought initial stanza’s take a bit below yopcs. Good $8,500 this round. Last week, boff $14,000. . Gopher (Berger) (1,026; 65-85)— ’ (U) - Okay $4,500. Last S3 200 y Beneath Sea ” <V> ", art <1.000; (S5-85)—"Sil- S/'h.p- (20th) and "Scotland ,?* d Inspector” (Lip). Mild *4,000. /on?, "Invader From Mars" and “Toughest Man Ari- ^na. (Rep) neat $ 6 0 00, f| d I° T City (Par) (4,000; 65-85)— Pain Madam" (20th). Orchids f . or this one. Ads-call at- BTH . 10n , to .“ n ° advance in prices," nough pmture qualifies as worth anr n!' admission. Good $10,000 fnr » m 5 lt: llav e been better except in °' v par general conditions amusement, biz and .opposition 'Continued on c page22) Estimates. Are Net Film gross estimates as re- ported herewith from the vari- ous key cities, are net; i. e., without the 20% tax. Distrib- utors share on net take, when playing.percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in- come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include, the U, S. amusement tax. Philadelphia, April-28. “House ' of Wax” is grabbing everything in sight. Continuous lines queued up over the weekend at the Mastbaum where Warners’ 3-D film is holding forth. Else- where, a personal appearance of Don Taylor and three starlets failed to kick off “Pleasure Island” at the Aldine. “Desert Legion” found an oasis at the Goldman. “City Beneath the Sea" is a washout at the Stan- ton snd “Lady Wants Mink" died at the World. Estimates for This Week Aldine (WB) (1,303; 50-99)— “Girls of Pleasure Island" (Par). Thin $6,500. Last week, “Old Maid" (WB), “Mildred Pierce" (WB) (reissues), mild $5,000. Arcadia (S&S) (625; 85-$ 1.20)— “Bad and Beautiful" (M-G) (12th wk). Mild $4,300. Last week, around $4,000. - - Boyd (WB) (2,360; 50-99)—“Lit- tle Sheba" (Par) (3d wk). Nice $14,000. Last week, good $16,000. Fox (20th) (2,25(1; 85-$1.30)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (5th wk). Dull $9,000. Last week, big $12,- 500. Goldman (Goldman) (1,200; 50- 99)^-“Desert Legion" (U), Trim $17,500. Last week, “Off Limits" (Par) (4th wk-5 days), oke $6,000. Mastbaum (WB) (4,360; 85-$1.25) —“House of Wax" (WB). Terrific $50,000. Last week, “Destination Gobi" (20th), slow $12,000 or less for six days. Midtown (Goldman) (1,000; 85- $1.50)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen" (RKO) (12th wk). Falling to $9,000. Last week, strong $12,000 or near. Randolph (Goldman) (2,500; 50- 99)—"Man in Dark" (Col) (2d wk). Fair $13,000. Last week, solid $25,000. Stanley (WB) (2,900; 85-$1.25)— “Salome" (Col) (4th wk). Good $15,000. Last week, fancy $18,000. Stanton (WB) (1,473; 50-99)— “City Beneath Sea" (U). Shallow $7,000. Last week. “Prince of Pirates" (Col) and “Jack McCall, Desperado" (Col), fair $8,000. Trans-Lux (T-L> (500; 90-$1.25) —“Moulin Rouge" (UA) (8th wk). Fast $10,500. Last week, great $ 12 , 000 . World (G&S) (500; 60-99)— “Lady Wants Mink" (Rep). Sad $2,800. Last week, “Don Camillo" (IFE) (3d wk-5 days), okay $2,500. W’ SMOOTH $7,000, PORT.; ‘ROUGE’ 8G, 2D ‘ Portland, Ore., April 28. Town is bogged down with hold- over and upped-scale pix. Biz in general is good despite numerous transient name attractions. Too many ace pictures and too many raised tabs are knocking potential big grossers in the head here. Top newcomer is “Abbott-Costello Go To Mars," torrid at the* Broadway. “Moulin Rouge" and “Call Me Madam" both are fancy in second sessions. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1,890; 65-90) —“Abbott-Costello To Mars” (U) and “Law and Order” <U>. Warm $7,000, Last week. “Desert Le- gion" (U) and “Girls In Night” (U), $8,000. Guild (Parker) (400; 75-$l>— “Don Camillo" (IFE) (2d wk). Okay $2,000. Last week, $1,200. Liberty (Hamrick) (1,875; 65-90) —“Battle Circus" (M-G) and “Magic Box" (Indie). Fine $8,500. Last week, “Jeopardy" (M-G) And (Continued on page 22) ‘Wax’ Great $20,000 in Seattle;. ‘Madam’.11G Seattle, April 28. The biggest news here...this round is the great biz being regis- tered by “House of Wax" at the Orpheum. “Call Me Madam" also is big at Fifth Avenue. “Moulin Rouge" continues sock in third Music Box round. “Girl Who Had Everything" is not displaying much at Music Hall. - Estimates for This Week Coliseum (Evergreen) (1,829; 65- 90)—"Fort Vegeance" ( AA ) and "Jalopy" (AA). Good $8,500. Last week, “Jack McCall" (Col) and “Prince of Pirates" (Col), $8,700. Fifth Avenue (Hamrick) (2,366; 65-90)—“Call Me Madam" (20th) and “Glass House" (Col>. Big $11,000. Last week, . “Salome" (Col) (3d wk), $6,400 at $1.25 top in 6 days. Liberty (Hamrick) (1,650; 65-90) —“Lone.. Hand" (U) and “Blades of Musketeers" (FF). Mild $6,000. Last week, “Battle Circus" (M-G) and “Woman Almost Lynched" (Rep) (2d wk), $3,800 in 6 days. Music Box (Hamrick) (850; 90- $1.25)—"Moulin Rouge" (UA) (3d wk). Sock $7,500 after $9,400 last Week. ' Music Hall (Hamrick) (2,263; 65- 90)—“Girl/ Had Everything" (M-G) and “Cry of Hunted" (M-G). Slow $6,000. Last week, “Lady Wants Mink” (Rep) and “Perilous Jour- ney" (Rep), $4,700 in 6 days. Orpheum (Hamrick) (2,600; 90- $1.25)—"House of Wax" (WB). Great $20,000. Last week, “Anna" (IFE), $5,600 at 90C top. V Paramount (Evergreen) (3,039; 65-90)—“Off Limits" (Par) and “Marksman" (AA) (2d wk>. Oke $6,000 in 6 days. Last week, $8,- 800. B’way Booms; ‘Shane’ Socko 150G, ‘Wac’ Shapely 2% ‘Face’ Fancy 13G, ‘Somhrero’ 16G,*Wax-Fisher 100G, 3d ‘Wax’ Mighty 30G, D.C.; W $8^00 Washington, April 28. - Despite four new entries, general tenor of first-run biz here is mild with one exception. Latter is “House of Wax" at the Warner, which is packing them in despite some thumbs-down notices. “City Beneath Sea," which followed 10 weeks of “Peter Pan" at RKO Keith's, is okay as is “Under Red Sea" at Lopert’s Dupont. Estimates for This Week Capitol (Loew’s) (3,434; 55-95)— “Sombrero" (M-G) plus vaude (4 days). Fair $13,000. Last week, ^‘Desert Legion” (U) plus vaude, $17,000.' Columbia (Loew’s) (1,174; -55-$l) —“Call Me Madam" (20th) (4th wk>. Firm $14,000 after $15,000 and stays. Dupont (Lopert) “Under Red Sea" $3,Q00. Last week* (UA) (16th wk), steady $3,500. Keith’s (RKO) (1,939; 55-90)— “City Beneath Sea" (U). Satisfac- tory $8,500. Last week, “Peter Pan” (RKO) (10th Wk), $7,500. •Metropolitan (Warner) (1,200; 90-$1.25)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen" (RKOV(10th-final wk). Steady $6,000 after $6,500 last week. Palace (Loew’sl (2,370; 74-$1.20) —“Moulin Rouge" (UA) (4th wk). Fine $19,000 after big $22,000 and holds. Playhouse (Lopert) (435; 55-$l)— “Little Sheba" (Par) (11th wk). Oke $3,500 after $4,000., Stays one more round. Warner (WB) (2,174; 90-$1.25)— “House of Wax" (WB). Smash $30,- 000 to top town and holds. Last week, ‘The System" (WB), $7,500 at regular scale. Trans-Lux (T-L) (600; 90-$1.25) —“Salome" (Col) (3d wk). Very big $12,000 after sock $15,000 last week. Holding. (372; 55-$l>— (RKO). Okay “High Noon" Spring Clips Denver; ‘Invasion’ Denver, April 28. Just an average week. Nothing big. Weather was too much com- petition and parks as well as roads were packed with people and cars Estimates for This Week Aladdin (Fox) (1,400; 50-85)— “Invasion U.S.A." (Col) and “Prince of Pirates" (Col), day-date with Tabor, Webber. Fair $6,000. Last week, “Kansas Pacific" (AA) and “Fort Vengeance” (AA) $5,500. Broadway (Wolfberg) (1,200; 50- 85)—‘Tonight We Sing’’ (20tli). Fair $6,500. Last,, week, “Jeopardy" (M-G), $6,000. Denham (Cockrill) (1,750; 50-85) —“Pony Express" (Par). Okay $10,- 500. Last week, “Girls of Pleasure Island" (Par), $8,000. Denver (Fox) (2,525; 70-$l)— “Salome" (Col), day-date with ^ (Continued »on page 22) Although Broadway deluxe film theatres had to contend with spring weather, which took thou- sands outdoors, first-run business continues very strong this stanza. Four new bills helped to give the Street a nice boost which was all the mo£e welcome in view of the number of extended-run films cur- rent. Rain early Sunday (26) morning ended before noon. This did not help trade particularly, es- pecially in view of the thousands who took in the Giants-Dodgers baseball game that afternoon. Pacing the field is "Shane" with stageshow at the Music Hall. Pic is launching the Hall’s new giant panoramic screen. A sock $150,000 looms for first session with strong reviews helping. “Never Wave at Wac" shapes fancy $25,000 in ini- tial week at the Astor. “Angel Face" also new, is head- ing for a good $13,500 at the May- fair. Initial round of “Sombrero" landed a fairly good $16,000 at. the State. Standout holdover is “House of Wax" with Eddie Fisher heading stageshow at the Paramount. Al- though in the third week, this combo looks to hit great $100,000, “Call Me Madam"' with iceshow onstage continues big with $70,000 in prospect.for current (5th) round at the Roxy. “Salome" finished its fifth stanza at the Rivoli with a very strong $30,000. “The Assassin" is hol<L mg nicely with $7,000 in second week at the Sutton. "Moulin Rouge" this week Will break the old longrun mark held by “Gone With Wind" at the Cap- itol. It hit a great $35,000 in 11th frame ended last night (Tues.). By playing through next Friday (1), “Rouge" will have topped the old record, with the prospect of going a"T4th week if ciirferit pace is maintained the way it has been in recent sessions, “Hans Christian Andersen” has concluded its run at the arty Paris Theatre after 22 weeks, but is con- tinuing on at the Criterion, now being okay in its 23d round. Pic held at an okay $8,500 in 21st week; “The Freshman/’ silent-era Harold Lloyd comedy, supplanted yesterday (Tues.) at the Paris. •' Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,300; 80-$1.80) — “Never Wave at Wac” (RKO). Initial week ending today (Wed.) looks fine $25,000. In ahead, “Off Limits" (Par) (4th wk-5 days), okay $14,000 but'winding up very strong run. Broadway (Cinerama) (1,250; 90- $2.80) —; “Cinerama" (Indie) (31st wkV The 30th session ended yester- day (Tues.) was $40,000, very socko for this stage of run, after $40,500 for 29th week. Stays on. Baronet (Reade) (430; 90-$1.50)— “Importance of Being Earnest" (U) (19th wk). The 18th week ended Sunday (26) held at $3,600 after okay $3,800 for 17th frame. Hold- ing another round, with “I Believe in You" coining in May 4. Capitol (Loew’s) (4,820; 70-$1.80) —“Moulin Rouge" (UA) (12th wk). The 11th frame ended last night (Tues.) held in amazing fashion with wow $35,000 after $36,500 for 10th week. Pic has only to go three days of current (12th) week to topple old all-time high held by “Gone With Wind" (M-G) which ran 11 weeks plus two days. “Rouge" now' running strong enough to stay 13 weeks or longer. Criterion (Moss) (1,700; 85-$2.20> — “Hans Christian Andersen" (RKO) (23rd wk). The 22d frame ended Monday (27) was okay $8,500 after $12,400 for 21st week. Con- tinues. Fine Arts (Davis) (468; 90-$1.80) —“The Promoter" (U) (27th wk). The 26th stanza ended Monday (27) held at $3*200, same as last 25th week. “Fanfan the Tulip" (Indie) opens May 4. Globe (Brandt) (1*500; 60-$1.50> —“Invasion U.S.A." (Col). Opens today (Wed,). In ahead, “Man in Dark" (Col) (3d wk), nice $16,000 after socko $21,000 for second Holiday (per-Rose) (950; 60-$1.20) -“Hitch-Hiker" (RKO). Opens to- day (Wed ). In ahead, “Tall Texan" (Lip) (3d wk-5 days), okay $5,000 after $7,500 for second week. Mayfair (Brandt) (1,736; 70-$1.80) —“Angel Face" (RKO). First ses- sion ‘ ending tomorrow (Thurs.) looks to hit .good $13,500 or close. In ahead, “Jeopardy" (M-G) (4th \vk-4 days), $6,000 after okay $11 r 500 for third full week. Normandie (Normandie Theatres) j (592; 95-$1.80)—"Murder Will Out" (Indie) (5th wk). Fourth round end- ing next Friday (1) is holding to about $7,500 after solid $8,500 for third Week, Stays on indef. i Palace (RKO) (1,700; 65-$1.20) —“Blue Gardenia" (WB) with eight acts of vaude. New summer policy opened Monday (27), Last week, Danny Kaye and all-vaude bill (14th wk-8 days), giant $55,000 at $6 top, with extra day, Sunday (26). The 13th week was $49,000. Paramount (Par) (3,664; 80-$1.80> —^ouse of Wax" (WB) with Eddie Fisher topping stage bill (3d wk). Current stanza ending tomorrow (Thurs.) continues terrific with $100,000 in prospect this round. Second week was sock $115,000. Fisher was out one show Sunday and some performances Monday, with Peggy Lee and Johnnie Ray among those who filled in for him. Bill now holds over five days of fourth stanza, according to present plans. Paris (Indie) (568; $1.25-$1.80)— “The Freshman" (Indie). Opened yesterday (Tues.). In ahead, “Hans Christian Andersen" (RKO) (22d wk), was $3,800 after $4,800.. in 21st week. Rivoli (UAT) (2,092; 95-$1.80)— “Salome" (Col) (6th wk). The fifth round ended last night (Tues.) con- tinued strong at- $30,000 or neat after big $35,000 for fourth week. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke- fellers) (5,945; 90-$2.40)—“Shane” (Par) with stageshow. Initial week of pic on the Hall's huge new pano- ramic screen looks socko $150,000. Holds, naturally. This is unusually big trade for this time of year without benefit of any holidays. Last week, “By Light of Silvery Moon" (WB) with Easter stageshow (4th wk), fine $126,000 to close a smash 4-week run. Roxy (20th) (5,886; 50-$2.20)— “Call -Me Madam" (20th) and -ice*, show onstage (6th-finai wk). Fifth session ended last night (Tues,) was big $70,000 after fancy $80,000 for fourth round. State (Loew’s) (3,450; 85-$1.80)— “Sombrero" (M-G) (2d wk). Initial week ended yesterday, (Tues.) was fairly good $16,000 or near. In ahead. “I Love Melvin" (M-G) (2d wk-6 days), fair $11,000. Sutton (R&B) (561; 90-$1.50)— “The Assassin” (UA) (2d wk). Ini- tial holdover frame ending tomor- row (Thurs.) still looks big at $7,000 after sock $11,500 opener. Trans-Lux 60th St. (T-L) (453; 90-$l.50)—-“Justice Is Done" (Bur- styne) (9th wk). Eighth round ended Sunday (26) was $3,800 after nice $4,700 for seventh week. . Trans-Lux 52nd St. (T-L) (540; 90-$l .50)—“Lili" (M-G) (8th wk). Seventh session ended Monday (27) continued very smash with $9,000 after $10,600 for sixth week. Victoria (City Inv.) (1,060; 95- $1,80)—-“Little Sheba" (Par) (19th wk). The 18th round ended yester- day (Tues.) held at $10,500 after big $13,500 for 17th week. “The Jug- gler" (Col) is due in May 5. ‘In Dark’ Bright $16,000, Hub; ‘Legion’ Lively 21G, ‘Alley’ 19G, ‘Java’ 12G Boston, April 28. “Man in Dark," new 3-D at the Pilgrim, shapes as strongest entry this stanza with very big session. Other new pix are “Desert Le- gion" at Memorial shapes nice while “Torpedo Alley" at Para- mount and Fenway is also oke. “Fair Wind to Java" at Met shapes mild. “Ma, Pa Kettle on Vacation" at Boston is mildish. “Salome," in fourth frame at Astor, still is oke but “Trader Horn," in second week at State and Orpheum, is dipping. Estimates for This Week Astor (B&Q) (1,500; 74*$1.25)— “Salome" (Col) (4th wk). Nice $13.- 500 following $16,500 third stanza. Boston (RKO) (3,000; 50-90)— “Ma. Pa Kettle on Vacation" (U) and “Smash-Up" (U). Fair $11,500. Last week, “Abbott-Costello To Mars" (U« and “Iron Curtain” (In- die), $12*500,- Exeter (Indie) (1,300; 60-80)— “Importance Being Earnest" (U) (4th wk). Neat $5,000 after $6,2Q0 for third stanza. Fenway (NET) (U73; 50-90)— “Torpedo Alley" (AA) and “Hia- watha" fAA). Fair $4,500. week, “She’s Back on Broadway" (WB) and “Monsoon" (UA), $5,000. Memorial (RKO) (3,000; 50-90)— “Desert Legion" (U) and “Battles Pontiac" (Indie), Fine 21,000. Last week, “Call Me Madam" (20th) (3d , , (Continued von page 22).•