Variety (April 1953)

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22 HCTCHES Pfo&IEff “Wednesday, AprO 2 % 1953 Film Reviews Index Continued from page 15 James Flavin, ’William Fawcett. Directed, ner; editor, Leonard W. Herman. Fre- by Thomas Carr. Written by Dan tllman; ^ viewed Feb. 2* 53. R unnin g tune, earner?, Ernest Miller; editor Sam Fields* 77 MINS. ^ music, Raoul Kraushaar, Previewed Jan. f, '53. Running time, *7 MINS. (Reviewed Jan, 14, 1953.) Story of Three Loves (COLOR) (Reviewed Feb, 11, 1953.) Taxi Top Dames boost three short stories of varying quality; good luo. Entertaining comedy-drama covering the 18-hotur adven- tures of an Irish girl and a N. Y. eabbie. Good companion feature for regular bills. Hollywood, Jan. 13. 20(ta Fox release of Samuel O. Engrf Metro release of Sidney Franklin pro*- S production. Stars Dan Dailey, Constance ictioH. Stars Pier Angeli, Ethel Barry- J Smith; features Neva Pattesrspn. Blanche duettos. _ more, Leslie Caron, Kirk. Douglas. Jtmes Mason. Farley Granger,, Moira Shearer; features Agnes Mooreivesvd, Btoky Nelson. Zsa Zsat Gabor, Eiehardl, Anderson. Editor, Ralph EL Winters; camera CTechnkolor). Charles Bosher, .Harold R os so n ; music. XfilrTn* Rozsa tJacob GvmpeL pianist); choreography, Frederick Ashton. "The Jealous Lever" directed by Gottfried Reinhardt; screenplay, John Collier. "Mademoisotie** directed by VincdhLe Min- nelli; screenplay, Jan La.vtig. George FrocscheL based on Arnold Phillips story. "E^unihrium*' directed by Reinhardt; screenplay. Collier, adapted by Lostig and Froescbel, from story by Ladidas Vajda ud Jacques Hartt Previewed in N.Y., Feb. 25. >53. Running time, 122 MINS. (Reviewed March 4, 1953.) Street Corner (BRITISH) British meBcr about femmes on London’s police force; lack of marquee names will hurt in tr; S. London, March 17. GFD release of London Independent Producers production* Stars Anne Craw- ford, Peggy Cummins, Rosamund John, Terence Morgan. Directed by Muriel Box. Screenplay, Murid and Sydney Box: cam- era, Reginald Wyen editor, Jean Barker; tunic. Temple Abady. At Odeon, Leices- ter Square, London. Running time, 94 M1KS. (Reviewed March 25, 1953.) Sword of \>RR8 Heavy-plotted costumer for modest returns in dual situa- tions. Hollywood, Jan. 16. RKO release of an Aubrey Wlsbcrg- Jaek Poll exfen production {associate pro- ducer, Albert Zagsndth). Stars Robert Clarke, Ca theri ne McLeod, Dan OTTerlUxy; features William Sfehallert, Marjorie Stapp, Merritt Stone; Renee de Marco, Erie Colmar, Stuart BaxxdalL*'Directed by Harold Daniels. Screenplay. Wisberg- PoOexfen; camera, Jobn L. Russell; edi- tor, W. Dorm Hayes; music, Charles KofL Previewed Jan. 12, '53. Running time, n MINS. (Reviewed Jan. 21, 1953.)' Yurka. Kyle MacDonnell. A Valter* Woolf King. Anthony Ross. Mark Robert*. Di- rected by Gregory Katoff. Screenplay. D. SL yarihman . Jr., and Daniel Fuchs; screed story. Hans Jacoby and Fred Brady, from "Sans Laisscr DVAdresse" by Alex Joffe and Jean Paul La- Chamois; camera. Milton Krasner; editor. Hugh S. Fowler; music, Leigh Harline. Previewed Jan. 8. *53. Running time, 74 MINS. (Reviewed Jan. 14, 1353.) Tit field Tluuaderfcolt (BRITISH-—COLOR) Light British comedy, okay for some arty houses. London, March 10. GFD release of a Michael Balcou-Baling Studios production. Star* Stanley Hollo- way, George Ralph. Ffrnnton Wayne and John Gregsoa. Directed by Charles Crich- ton. Editor, Seth Holt. Screenplay. T. E. B. Clarice; camera, Douglas Sloeombe; music, Georges Auric. At Odeon, Leicester Square. London, March 3, *53. Running time, *4 MINS. (Reviewed March 25, 1953.) War of fhe World# (COLOR) Socko science-fiction thriller with big b.o. potential. Hollywood, March 2. Paramount release of George Pal pro- duction. Features Gene Barry, Ann Robin- son, Les Tceraayne, Bob ©ornthwalte, Sandro Giglio, Lewis Martin, Directed by Byron Haskin. Screenplay, Barre Lyndon,, based on novel toy H. G. Wells: turn era (Technicolor), George Barnes: editor. Everett Douglas; music score, Leith Stevens; special photographic effects. Gordon Jennings, Wallace Kelly, Paul Lerpae. Ivvl Burks, Jan Domela, Irmin Roberts: astronomical art, Chester Bone- stelL Previewed Feb. 20, *33. Running time, »5 MINS. (Reviewed March 4, 1953.) Wherever She Cues (AUSTRALIAN) Arthur Mayer-Edward Kingsloy release*, of Ealing Studios (Sydney, Australia) pro- duction. Stars Suzanne Parrett: features Eileen Joyce With London Philharmonic Orchestra. Muriel Steinbeck, Nigel Lovell and John Wiltshire. Directed by Michael Gordon. Screenplay, Gordon; camera, George Heath; musical director, Ernest Irving. At Beekman Theatre, N. Y., Jan. 30, *53. Running time, St MINS. (Reviewed Feb. 4, 1953.) White Lightning Okay filler fare with hockey for backbone. ice Hollywood, Feb. 27. Allied Artists release of Ben Schwalb production. Stars Stanley Clements. Steve Brodle; features Gloria Blondell, Barbara ( Bestar, Lyle Talbot. Directed by Edward ‘Bemds. Screenplay, Charles K. Marion; J camera. Lester White; editor. Bruce Shoengarth: music. Marlin Skiles. Pre- viewed Feb. 27, *53. Running time, 41 MINS. (Reviewed March 4, 1953.) Time Bomb (BRITISH) Glenn Ford in disappointing British sabotage meller; most- ly for dualers. London, Feb. 6. Metro production and. release. Stars Glenn Ford and- Anne Vernon. Directed by Ted Tefadaff. Screenplay, Kfcm Ben- nett; editor, Frank Clarke; camera. Tom Howard; music, John Addison. At Empire, Leicester Square, London, Feb. 5, *53. Running time. 73 MINS. (Reviewed Feb. 18, 1953.) Tonight We Sing (MUSICAL DRAMA-COLOR) The System Ron-of-mill crime melodrama for general bookings. Hollywood, March 19. Warners release of Sam Bischoff pro- duction. Stars Fihnk Lovejoy, Joan Wel- don; features Bob Arthur. Paul Picerai, Donald Bed doc, Jerome Cowan, Dan Sey- mour, Sarah Selby. Directed by. Lewis Seiler. Screenplay, Jo XSsinger; based on atory by Edith and Samuel Grafton; cam- era, Edwin DuPar; editor, Clarence Hol- ster; music, David Bnttolph. Previewed March 9, '53. Running time, 94 MINS. ' (Reviewed March 25, 1953.) Topflight musical drama based on Sol Hnrok career, interest- ingly presenting sock concert talents for both class and pop Pastes. Hollywood, Jan. 26. 20th-Fox release of George Jessel pro- duction. Stars David Wayne, Ezio Pinza, Roberta Peter*. Tamara Toumanova, Anne Bancroft, Isaac Stern. Byron Palmer, the voice of Jan Peeree; features Oscar Karl- weis, .Mikhail Basumsy, Steven Geray, Walter Woolf King. Directed by Mitchell Lelsen. Scr e enplay, Harry Kuxnitz and George Oppenheimer; based -on book by Sol Hurok and Ruth Goode; camera (Technicolor), Leon Shamroy; editor, Dorothy Spencer; musical direction, Al- fred Newman; choral direction, Ken Darby; ballet choreography, David Li chine. Previewed Jan. 22, *53. (Reviewed Jan. 28, 1953.) The Yellow Balloon (BRITISH) British version of a modern Fagin; no names, depressing story spell modest U. S. grosses. London, Feb. 10. AB-Patbe release of Associated British- Marble Arch production. Stars Andrew Bay. Kathleen Ryan, Kenneth More and William Sylvester. Directed by J. Lce- Thoxupson. Screenplay, Anne Burnaby and J. Lee-Thompson; camera. Gilbert Taylor: editor, Richard Best; music, Philip Green. At Studio One, Loudon. Running time. It MINS. (Reviewed Feb. 18, 1953.) The Tall Texan Fair western programmer al- though can be hypoed via ballyhoo in some areas. Hollywood, Feb. 6. Uppert Pictures release of T. F. Woods- Bobert L. Lippert, Jr., production. Directed by Elmo Williams. Stars Lloyd Bridge*. Lee J. Cobb, Marie Wind- sor. Luther Adler; features Syd Saylor, Samuel __ Herrick, George Steele, Dean Train. Directed by Elmo Williams. 'Screen- play, Samuel Roecca. Camera, Joseph Biroc; editor, Elmo Williams; music, Bert Sbcfter. Previewed Feb. 4, *53. Running time, rr MINS. (Reviewed Feb. 11, 1953.) Tangier Incident Mild espionage melodrama for the programmer market. Routine values as a lowercase filler. Hollywood, Feb. 4. Allied Artists release of Lindslcy Par* Production. Stars George Brent, Marl Aldon; features Dorothy Patrick, Bert Freed, Dan Seymour, Dayton Lum- *nis, Alix Talton, John Harmon. Di- rected by Lew Landers. Screenplay. George Brickcr; camera, William Siek- Treasure •! the Golden Condor (COLOR) Moderately entertaining cos- tumed swashbuckler with Cor- nel Wilde. Fair b.o. Hollywood, Jan. 16. 20th-Fox release of Jules Buck produc- tion. Stars Cornel Wilde. Constance Smith; features Finley Currie, Walter Hampden. Anne Bancroft, George Mac ready. Fay Wray, Leo G. Carroll, Kon stantin Shayne. Direction and screenplay. Delmer Daves; based on novel by Edison Marshall; camera. ^Technicolor). Edward Cronjager; editor. Robert Simpson; music, Sol Kaplan. Previewed Jan. 1% *53."Run- ning time. 53 MINS. (Reviewed Jan. 21, 1953.) Triorama (3-D—COLOR) Rialto Films release of four short sub jeets filmed in Bolex Stereo. Editor, Jean Lenaucr; camera (Kodachrome); "Sunday in Stereo." David Mage, Milton Frucht man; "Indian Summer" and "American Life,” Ernest Wild!; "This Is Bolex Stereo,** Larry Croylius, Harold Reiff. Ewing Kraining, John F. Storr. Reviewed at Rialto, N.Y., Feb. 12, *53. Running time. 37 MINS. (Reviewed Feb. 18, 1953.) Trouble Along the Way Entertaining comedy-drama. Name of John Wayne and word-of-mouth should help chances. Hollywood, March 16. Warner Bros, release of Melville Shavcl- son production. Stars John Wayne, Donna Reed, Charles Coburn; features Tom Tully, Sherry Jackson, Marie Windsor, Tom Hel- more, Dabbs Greer. Directed by Michael Curtiz, Screenplay. Shavelson and Jack Rose; story, Douglas Morrow, Robert Hardy Andrews; camera, Archie Stout; editor, Owen Marks; music. Max Steiner. Previewed March 3, '53. Running time, 109 MINS. (Reviewed March 18, 1953.) Winning of the West (SONGS) Better than average Autry oatuner. Gene Columbia release of Gene Autry pro- duction. Stars Autry; features Smiley Burnette. Directed by George Archajn- baucL Camera. William Bradford; editor, James Sweeney. Tradeshown in N. Y., Jan. 9. *53. Running time, 57 MtNS. (Reviewed Jan. 21, 1953.) Women of Twilight (BRITISH) Film version of British stage success, but a Broadway flop, looks doubtful for American market. Picture Grosses London, Jan. 20. IFD release fin association with British- Lion) of a Romulus production. Stars Freda Jackson, Rene Ray and Lois Max- well. Directed by Gordon Parry. Screen- play. Anatole de Grtmwald; editor, Ralph Kemplen; camera. Jack Asher; music. Alan Gray. At Plaza, London. Running time/ 19 MINS. (Reviewed Jan, 28, 1953.) DETROIT (Continued from page 8) Broadway” (WB) and "Glass Wall” (Col), $16,000. , Palms (UD) (2,961; 70-95)— “Desert Legion” <U) and “Ma, Pa Kettle Vacation” <U) (2d wk). Fine $14,000. Last week, $18,000. Madison (UD) (1.900; 95--$1.25)— “Salome”. (Col) (2d wk). Still hot at $26,000. Last week, $32,000. United Artists (UA) (1,938; 95- $1.25)—’“Call Me Madam” (20th) <4th wk). OKe $7,500. Laj>t week,! $10,400. Adams (Balaban) (1,700; 95-$1.25) — “Hans Christian Andersen” (RKO) (6th wk). Okay $6,000. Last week, $8,000. Broadway-Capitol (Korman) <3.- 500; 70-95)—“Law and Order” (U) and “Perilous Journey” (Rep). Slow $12,000. Last week, “Invaders from Mars” (20th) and “White Lightning” (Mono) (2d wk), $8,200. Music Hall (Cinerama Produc- tions) (1,236; $1.40-$2.80)—“This Is Cinerama”. (Indie) (6th wk). Great $31,300. Last week, $31,400. PORTLAND, ORE. (Continued from page 9) “Stand Up, Sing” (Rep) (reissue), $ 6 , 000 . Mayfair (Evergreen) (1,500; 90- $1.25)—“Moulin Rouge” (UA) (2d wk). Fast $8,000. Last week, $8,- 500. Oriental (Evergreen) (24)00; 65- 90)—“Darling Clementine” (20th) and “Call of Wild” (20th) (reis- sues). Oke $2,500. Last week, “Call Me Madam” (20th) and “Member of Wedding” (Col), $3,200. Orphcum (Evergreen) <1,750; 65- 90)—'“Call Me Madam” (20th) and “Member of Wedding” (Col) (2d wk). Fine $7,000. Last week, $9,- 000 . Paramount (Evergreen) (3,400; i 75-$l)—“Man In Dark” (Col) and “Magnetic Monster” (UA) (2d wk), advanced prices. Okay $8,000. Last week, $9,000. United Artists (Parker) (890; 90- $1.25) — “Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (4th wk). Mild $8,000, after grabbing $27,800 in first two frames. MINNEAPOLIS , (Continued from page 9) from two o£hef big pix. Last week, “Girls of Pleasure Island” (Par), slender $7,500. . RKO-Orpheum (RKO) (2,200; 76- $1)—"Salome” (Col). Right inj groove, w'ith terrific outlay on ads a help. Solid $17,000 or near. Last week, “Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (2d wk), $12,500. RKO-Pan (RKO (1,600; 76-$l)— *‘House of Wax” (WB). Opened bigger than “Salome,.” but smaller capacity naturally is a detriment over weekend. Huge $20,000, ter- rific for size of house. Last week, Teter Pan” (RKO) (4th wk), fine $ 6 , 000 . State (Par) (2,200; 65-85) — “Blue Gardenia” (WB). Slow $4,000. Last week, “President's Lady*' (20th), $4,300. World (Mann) (400; 55-$1.20) — “Little Sheba” (Par) (3d wk). Still well up in money at $3,400. Last week, hefty $5,000. ‘ROUGE'.HUGE $24,500, * BALTO; ‘WAY’ 9G, 2D Baltimore, April 28. Big news here this week is “Moulin Rouge” at the Town. Third picture utilizing upped scale cur- rently, “Rouge” is packing them in for a terrific total. Otherwise, local first-run biz tends to be unexciting {-although “Abbott and Costello Go to Mars” at Mayfair is making some headway. Estimates for This Week Century (Loew’s-UA) (3,000; 20- 70)—“Battle Circus” (M-G). Mod- erate $8,500. Last week, “I Love Melvin” (M-G), $8,200. Hippodrome (Rappaport) (2,100; 50-$1.25)—“Peter Pan” (RKO) (4th wk). Still okay at $15,800 after $20,500 last week. Keith’s (Schanberger) (2,400; 25- 90)—“Girls Pleasure Island” (Par). Fair $7,300. Last week, .“Off Limits” (Par) (3d wk), $6,000. . Little (Rappaport) (310; 25-90'— \ “Don Camillo” (IEE) (2d wk). Mild $3;300 after $4,000 opener. Mayfair (Hicks) (980; 20-70) — “Abbott-Costello To Mars” (U). Good $5,000. Last week, “Treasure Golden Condor” i20th>. $4,400. New (Mechanic) (1,800; 35-90)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (4th wk). Still nice $10,000 after $13,206 for third. Playhouse (Schwaber) (420; 50- $D_^**Little Sheba” (Par) (7th wk). Plenty potent at $6,400 after $6,700 for sixth. Stanley (WB) (3.280; 25-75) — “Trouble Along Way” (WB) (2d wk). Dipped to $9,000 after oke $12,500 opener. Town (Rappaport) (1,500; 50- $1.25) — “Moulin Rouge” (UA). Terrific $24,500: Last week, “Hitch- Hiker” (RKO), $8,800. BOSTON (Continued from page 9) wk-6 days), at tilted prices, slick $16,000. Metropolitan (NET) (4,367; 50- 90)—“Fair Wind to Java” (Rep) and “Dangerous Assignment” (In- die). Tepid $11,500. Last wfeek, “Off Limits” (Par) and “Stolen Identity” (Indie) (2d wk-4 days), $8,500. Orpheum (Loew) ,000; 50-90)— “Trader Horn” (M-G) and “Se- quoia” (M-G) (reissues) (2d wk). Off-to $11,000 on five days after neat $21,500 for first. Paramount (NET) (1,700; 50-90) —“Torpedo Alley” (AA) and “Hia- watha” (AA). Good $14,500. Last week, “Back on Broadway” (WB) and “Monsoon” (UA), $14,800. Pilgrim (ATC) (1,900; 65-$l)— “Man in Dark” (Col) and “49th Man” (Col). Sturdy $16,000. Last week, sub-runs. State (Loew) (3,500; 50-90)— “Trader Horn” (M-G) and “Se- quoia” (M-G) (reissues) (2d wk). Down to $6,500 on five days follow- ing strong $12,000 for first. Derby Jams L’ville But Not Cinemas; ‘Moon’ Hot $7,000, ‘Rouge’ Good 12G Louisville, April 28, Current week is-shaping as a big one, with visitors beginning to liven the town as Spring Meet at Churchill Downs opened Saturday 125). But trade at cinemas, as usual, is only nice to fair. The 79th running of Kentucky Derby to be held Saturday (2) naturally has brought thousands of visitors to town. Despite such bills as ''Moulin Rouge” at State, “By Light Of Silvery Moon” at Mary Anderson, and “Call Me Madam” at Rialto, biz is disappointing. “Moon,” how- ever, is nice. “City Beneath Sea” at the Kentucky shapes okay. Estimates for This Week Kentucky (Switow) (1,200; 50-75) — “City Beneath Sea” <ll) and “Redhead From Wyoming” iU>, Doing oka£, $4,000. Last week, “Mississippi Gambler” (U) (3d \vk>, strong $3^500. Mary Anderson (People’s) <1,200; 50-75)—**By Light of Silvery Moon'* (WB). Technicolor film excellent fare for race visitors. Nice $7,000. Last week, “System” (WB), $6,500. Rialto (Fourth Avenue) (3.000; 50-75)—"Call Me Madam” <20th>. Pic rates better trade than it’s getting. Likely only okay $11,000. Last week, “Desert Legion” (Uj and “I’ll Get You” (Lip), $9,000. State (Loew*s) (3,000; 75-99) — “Moulin Rouge” (UA), Much was expected of this and upped scale should help. However, only good $12,000 looms. Last week, “Naked Spur” (M-G) and “High Treason” (M-G), $9,500. St Loo Okay, ‘Way’ fine 13G, 2d, Kongo’ 14G, 3d St. Louis, April 28. Natives are getting their second peek at 3-D this week with “House of Wax,” opening in smash fashion today at the Fox. Intermittent rain and windy w’eather helped trade Sunday (26). “Moulin Rouge” still is smash in third round at Loew’s. “Trouble Along Way” looks nice, in second session at the Ambassador. Estimates for This Week Ambassador (F&M) (3,000: GO- 75)—“Trouble Along Way” <WB) (2d wk). Fine $13,000 after S14,- 000 first frame. Fox (F&M) (5.000; 60-75)— “House of Wax” (WB). Opened to- day (Tues.). Last week, “Desert Legion” (U> and “Gunsmoke” <U), fast $14,500. Loew’s (Loew) (3.172; 50-75)— “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (3d wk). Stout $14,000 following solid $18,- 000 second stanza. Missouri (F&M) (3.500; 60-75)— “Call Me Madam” (20th) (2d wk'. Fairish .$10,500 after strong $15,- 000 initial session. Pageant (St. L Amus. (1,000; 90- $1.20) — “Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) <4th wk>. Nice $6,000 after $7,000 third frame. Shady Oak (St. L. Amus.) <800; 90-$1.20)—“Hans Christian Ander- sen” (RKO) (4th wk). Fine $7,500 following $8,500 third stanza. INDIANAPOLIS (Continued from page 8) 50-76)—“CaU Me Madam” (20th) and “Hobson’s Story” (Indie). Mild $104)00. Last week, “Tfouble Along Way” (WB) and “Port Sin- ister” (RKO), very good $13,500: Loew’s (Loew’s) (2,427; 50-76)— “Sombrero” (M-G) and “Girl Who Had Everything” (M-G). Moderate $9,000. Last week, “Moulin Rouge” (UA) (2d wk), oke $8,000 after $14,000 opener at 76-$l scale. Lyric (C-D) (1,600; 50-90)—“San A-ntone” (Rep) and “Mug Town” (Indie) with Huntz Hall and Gabe Dell onstage. Tepid $5,000. Last week, “Off Limits” (Par) and “The Marksman” (AA) (m.a), oke $5,- 000 at 50-76c scale. ■ DENVER (Continued from page 9) Esquire (2d wk). Average $12,000. Last week, big $27,000. .Esquire (Fox) (742; 70-$l)— “Salome” (Col), as Denver (2d \vk>. Fair $4,500. Last week, big $6,000. North Drive-In (Wolfberg) i750 cars; 85)—“Law and Order” <U) and “Big Frame” (RKO). day-date with Paramount. Okay $4,500. Last week, “Never Wave at a Wac” (RKO) and “Part Sinister” (RKO), $4,000. Orpheum (RKO) (2,600; 50-85)— “Girl Who Had Everything” »M-G) and “Code Two” (M-G). So-so $11.- 000. Last week, “Hitch-Hiker’ (RKO) and “Count the Hours (RKO), $13,500. Paramount (Wolfberg) (2,200; 50- 85)—“Law and Order** (U) and “Big Frame” (RKO), as North drive-in. Fair $10,000. Last week, “Never Wave at a Wac” (RKQ» and “Port Sinister” (RKO), $11,500. Tabor (Fox) (1,967; 50-851—“In- vasion U.S.A.” (Col) and . “Prince of Pirates” (Col), as Aladdin, Web- ber. Average $6,000. Last week, “Kansas Pacific” (AA) and “Fort Vengeance” (AA) $5,500. Webber (Fox) (750; 50-85)—“In- vasion U.S.A ” (Col) and “Prince of Pirates” (Col), as Aladdin. Tabor. Fair $3,000. Last week. “Kansas Pacific” (AA) and “Fort Ven- geance” (AA), $2,750.