Variety (April 1953)

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Wednesday, April 29, 1953 Pfi&fiDrr 35 ana » $ Here and now—on Mutual in’53—we're putting a new edge on an old axiom: “Network radio, m the right hands, is still the most effective mass-sales tool in advertising... night or day!” Sharpened by proof from some of the sellingest brands in business, the results make kindling out of the notion that radio’s strength is limited to non-TV areas or to the daytime. Lever Bros, is now moving to Mutual to join General Mills and Reynolds Tobacco in a / coast-to-coast, evening line-up of 5 half-hours that provides unmatched mass and economy: some 5,000,000 homes every week, for $7,500 in total cost, at $1.50 per thousand homes! Other saies-productive adaptations of our evening time and talent are hard at work for \ » clients like Admiral, Johns-Manville, Libby, * Wildroot—with Coca-Cola just signed, too! And even the more conventional uses of ✓ network broadcasting seem to pay off better on Mutual these nights: at an all-time low in costs, some programs are delivering a 4-year high in audience! It’s hot surprising that all this hewing to the line of more effective evening radio should win tangible advertiser endorsement:. Mutual is now selling 30% more eve- % ning time than in 1950—the only nighttime gain in network radio. Learn how Mister PLUS and his unique axe can clear a new trail to sales for ytiu ... the PLUS network of 560 affiliates 1