Variety (August 1953)

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ORCIIESTRAS-IWJSIC py&ti$?rr Wednesday, August 26, 1953 • By HERM '£CH OENFELD. Ames Bros.: “If You Want My Heart’’-“My Love, My Life, My Happiness” (Victor). The highrid- ing Ames Bros, have a solid fol- lowup in this coupling. “Heart” is a dramatic adaptation of the Hu 5- sian . melody! ‘Ochi Choral,’ which the Vocal, crew projects with lotsa commercial steam against one of Hugo Winterhalter’s big .backgrounds. “My Love” is a smooth flowing ballad which could; catch on big. The fro res are backed , with a femme vocal en- semble on this brio. .; Doris Day;■■‘■‘■This Too Shall Pass Avyay”-“Ghob Choo Train” (Column! bia). “Pass Away” is, a lovely bai- lad which could: build in; the same way. as “I; Believe,” Doris Day de- livers it in lucid style for •maxi- mum' results. •: “Choo Choo. Traih’’ lias flash hit possibilities. It’s :a cute novelty with a good idea and this production by Miss pay and Paul Weston orch bounces along at an infectious clip. Ray Bloch Prcli: “Re-cnlislment .•Blues”-“From Here To, Eternity’' ((•oral). '*■• “He-eidistment. Blues.” • from the Columbia pie, ‘’Frdiiv It’s done completely deadpan. Bot- tom deck is a routine hillbilly item about a gal's betrayal. Mindy Carson: “Darling; Dar- ling”-“l Never Let You Cross My Mind” (Columbia). Mindy Carson is a fine songstress who is still looking for the big one. On wax. “Darling” is a charming number, based on a German melody, that could Climb via'Miss Carson’s slice, Reverse is another pleasing ballad, Percy Faith orch furnishing the backgrounds in usual ace style. V Al Alberts: “Endless’’ - “Please Tell Me” (Decca). Al Alberts, lead singer with the Fo„ur. Aces vocal combo, .debuts.' here as a soloist with fair results, Alberts has fine .voice but he works too hard. “Endless”, is a big ballad Which he gives an emotion-laden rendition. He’s more relaxed' 0ri“The reverse and shows promise, in the vocal sweepstakes. : Sandy Stewart-Frank Murphy: “The Petals Drop”-”! Got A Boo- . Boo” (M-G-M i. “Petals” is a pretty Mine and gets an expert rendition bv this duck This side rates latch- ing onto by jockeys looking for oul- AMES BROS. .. • .( Victor )■ ■. • .■ DORIS DAY ( Columbia) • « • ♦ : IF YOtl WANT MY HEART My Love, My lAfe, My Happiness . THIS, TOO, SHALL PASS AWAY .Clio Clio Train Here To Eternity,” could develop into a big one on the : basis of the film click. , This .interpretation, however, .'marred by the continu- ous vocal chorus; The unbilled, vo- calist has an excellent biuCs qual- ity but Uie arrangement is monot- onous; The interpretation of the title, song, however, is first-rate with an accordion carrying the melody. •./. Bob Santa Maria: “The Night Holds No Fear”-“lf You Say Good- bye” (M-G-M». One of .' M-G-M’s newcomers. Bob Santa Maria makes a good impression on these sides. “Night Holds No. Fear” is an interesting ballad which he'ham dies with feeling. Flip is another attractive entry in a more conven- tional groove. Vera Lynn-Mahtovani Orch: “My Love. My Life, My Happi- ncss”-‘Tll Wait For You” (Lon- don). Vera Lynn has another good chance to crack the U.S. hit lists via this tandem with Mantovani’s string orch. Her open-voiced style is tailormadc for “My Love” and she gives the ballad a lilting ride; Flip is. in the “Auf Wicdcrseh’h” groove and its simple format could build importantly. Jean Shepard; “Forgive Me John”-“My Wedding Ring” (Capi- tol). That “Dear John” cycle is now going o(T the deep end. This is one about a gaT who writes a * soldier that she no longer loves his brother . and wants to marry him. He writes back “I want you for my wife-not my sister-in-law.” LAWRENCE WELK and hi* CHAMPAGNE MUSIC 105 th Consecutive Week, Aragon Ballroom, 6an.t;» Monica, Calif. Exclusively for ■ Coral 'Records-.. ■ . ■■ OTI . :;..'• Backed by HALLELUIAH BROTHER. Ania Dorfman Recital (RC A Vic- tor; $5.45). Typical piano recital of firstrate 19th century romantic and 20th century modern music, skillfully and tastefully played by Miss Dorfman. Pieces are deftly varied in mood and style. Beethoven: Symphony No. 8 and Mendelssohn: Italian Symphony (Columbia; $5.45). Two charming felicitous standards, played expert- ly and breezily by. Siir Thatnas Beecham and the Royal- Philhar- monic. .'.■■ Beethoven: Quartets, in D and C Minor, Op. 18, No, 3 and 4 (West- minster; $5.95). Two of Beethov^ en’s earliest quartets, liglitheartedr ly reminiscent of- Haydn, and as ingratiatingly played by t h e B ary Hi Quartet. • Lalo: Symphonic Espangrnoie (Lon- don; $5.95). Lush, sonorous per- formance by violinist Alfredo Cam- poli, with fine, balanced support by the London Philharmonic .un- der Eduard van Boiniim. All five movements of the highly melodious j work are included is an ihane novelty with- some irri- tating crying sounds. The Modernaires: “Put Spine Money In The Juke Box”-”Rock-A- Bye Boogie” (Coral)., This is an- other swinging coupling by The Modernaires. “Juke Box” is a clever, sequel to their recent ‘‘New Juke Box. Saturday Night,” with this one containing Carbons of Nat Cole and Jimmy Boyd. Bottom deck is a driving boogie-woogie entry that’ll, get spins.. ; Don -Byas: “Moulin Rouge”- “Terry’s Theme” (Seeco>. Those instrumentals are given a workover by one of the leading saxists in the jazz field, Don Byas. His interpreta- tions; of these, pop hits are not ainoiig liis best sides but they give an idea of what he can do with a basic, theme, even when it’s not a swinging one. Album Reviews Anita O’Day Collates & Oscar Peterson. Collates No. 2 (Clef>. Two more topflight jazz- sets from Nor- man -Grams’' stable of. artists. Miss O’Day, the “infante terrible” of the music biz, is nonetheless a super- lative stylist and .■she’s;,Showcased ■to best, advantage bn these sides. They, range , from, the junvp-stylcd ; “No Soap. No Hope Blues” to “Lover Come Back To Me,” with Miss O’Day giving out with her unusual and tasteful style all the way. The Oscar Peterson set is another package; framed around this driving jazz pianist. , Beetthoven; Eroica Variations all . imaginative; in this set; which (Decca; ; $2.50>. Solid, vigorous has both on piano and vocals. j Platter Pointers j Gogi Grant registers, strongly.• with her* version of “Ricochet” lor ; Victor . . ; Wynonie Harris dishes up some driving vocals on “Rot-; Gut” and “Tremblin'’ (King). . . . ;• Excellent mambo by Machito s orch on “Mambo Infierno” on the S.eeco , label .1 . Raymond Scott has. an Interesting instrumental in “•Naked . City” (Audivox) . . V Claude Thorn-; hill’s slices for Trend Records,; shape, up as okay material >■ . . More. typical Jerry Colo.nna stuff on; “Iley, Barmaid” for.iDecca . . , On the sanie label, Ralph Sutton gives • a firstrate piano workover to “1 Got Rhythm” .. . . Kitty Kallen has a promising side in “Lonely” for! Decca . . . The Bell Sisters cut ; loose with their tricky harmonizing on “Take Back Your Gold” (Victor). Standout country; western, | rhythm 8c blues, religious, etc.: j Gene Autry, “Love Is So Mislead- i ing” (Columbia) , Cowboy Copas,! “Will You Forget" (King) . . . Preston Love Orch, “My Love Is Draggin’ ” (Federal) • ’. • Little Bar -1 ] performance by pianist Claudia- Arrau of the 15 vibrant variation^ on the w.k. symphonic them** Sibelius: Symphony No. 4 cury; $5.95'. This spare, intern* work, considered: by manv the Finn s finest symph, is feelin«n-• dramatically played, by the sti^! holm Radio Symphony, under Six- ten Ehrling. Debussy: Box of Toys and Ibcrf Histoires (M-G-M; $4.85). Debussv y generally overlooked- childmiY ballet, music is a gifted scon* {»,. anist ,Menahen,v. Pressler- plavs if with feeling and skill. San:.* wi-h I hert’s more fragile’; piano . • ' BrOi'.' . Han, 4 ;: Schwieger, conductor aui. musical director’ of v the Kan- iv City Philharmonic, afrived in N,;.-, v York by plane Saturday (22.> '{roin- the Netherlands, enroute to Ac, gentina. He cut short his European ipj) to; conduct; four symphony concert ;liv- ; ;Bueh6s.-',-- : niohiii'...'''.-' bara, “A. Little Child’s Prayer (Decca) . . Eddy Arnold, “Mama. Come Get Your Baby Boy” (Victor). . . Hank Snow, “A Message From The Tradexvinds” (Victor) . . . Ray Price, “The Wrong Side of Town ’ (Columbia) . . . Eddie Zac-k, “Little Donkey” (Columbia). Little Orch ? s Musicians To Get Welfare Benefits The Little Orchestra Society,, en- tering its'seventh season in. N. Y. this fall, has announced that orch members will receive atl welfare benefits. This will include Federal social security, New' York State .un- employment and workmen's coni-; pensation benefits. . ... j The Little Orchestra Society, j conducted by founder Thomas • Scherman, is a nonprofit organiza- s lion and not required by law 1 to ,Tli& top 30 songs of .week (more, in case -6/ ties) , based oni j ■ copyrighted Audience Coverage Index : & Audience Trend. htd'-.r. Published by .Office, of Research, Inc., Dr. John Qrdy. Peatman, Director. Alphabetically listed. . Survey Week of August 14-20, 1953 (Listed Alphafcetical’y)- • A PiifplO Cow r ., * ;;.... .. . ... . Artists.'- "?.;• All I Desire^—t“Ail I Desire” .. = ..! . v ......,. .Broadc ; a\t •. Allez-voiis En Go Away-^ ,|: “Can-Can’.V ........ . Chappell April in Portugal .!,,....;.......;..,,... Chap pell Baby, Baby, Baby .,.........;............. . . • - Famous . Candy Lips .. ... . v......... ...... ... .-i ;•,... .... •’...... Aculf-R Lbb 'Tide. ........ ........». • •■,. - l^o.bbin-s "Eyes of Blue . ..... •..Paramount Glad Song .. .... •■..., Robbins I li— Lili i*I—Lo'—-1 Lil i . ...... - Robbins. t Am in. Love .. .. ...................,.....'.... . Chappell I Believe . ...v.'., .,.... i.... Cromwell I Guess It Was You All the T|*” ' . .............■>... Famous I’m Walking: Behind Yoir . . .........,. ...... rLeeds My One and. Only Heart . •... ... >.... ... *.. Roncom No Other Love—*“Me & Julie..’ .. ............ Wiltiamson No Stone Unturned .. . . .................. Miller : Oh ..... . .. v■.... .■. . . . .. . . • «• .-. . • •.... «y». • * .Feist P. S.. I. Love. You . . .. : . ..... ...... . . ... La Saf e Return to Paradise—’ “Return to Paradise” V..»... Remick ... Ruby—i “Ruby” : • • ■ • • • • • • ■ ■ - • • • • •••'•• • . Miller Side by .Side ■,. . ......... <.. ■■. .v ......... Shapiro.-B. .Siltin’ in the Sun .. . ....... ......... »,..... Berlin Someone’s Been Readin’ My Mail . ........... Witmark Song From Moulin Rouge—i;“Moulin:Rouge”.;.... .Broadcast Thumbelina^-'i“Hans Christian Andersen” , ., ...I . .Frank Vaya Con Dios • . .,. ................'.•'............ • Ardmore With These Hands . ......,....,. i,....,.,....... Bloom You Too, You Too ....,.... .................. Marks You, You, You ....I..... Mellih • » • • pf-thc-way program fare. Tlie. flip J Peterson makes a; lot of sound, cover its perfor^ners this w'ay. Anna—’“Anna” -. Belle of the Ball Breeze ... . ..... C’est Si Bon .... Gambler’s Guitar God Bless Us All Granada .. ., .......... . I Love Paris—■•“Can-Can” Keep It Gay—’•-“Me . Juliet” Second Group ;.. . ... v . .... . . .,... . . . Hollis •■ » *"•■•.,.•'• ..»....... ■*•.... —. * ills ......... . Leeds '..f...... Leeds. ....,;;........................ Frederick ...................... Brewster - Peer .»»•«! » » * *.* *, » I M ♦ » ‘ 1 .■ ;................. Chappell :... ;. Williamson : • • • ••♦ *. • • •• l. VAYA CON DIOS GO) YOU, YOU, YOU (7) OH!,(7) ,v..... I’M WALKING BEHIND YOU (14) CRYING IN THE CHAPEL (U . . C’EST SI BON (3) .. . :.•. . . I’D RATHER DIE YOUNG (3) NO OTHER LOVE (7) . ... ... P. S., I LOVE YOU (1)„. ... .-'. v. DRAGNET (.1) .. .■2... 3. 4. 5. 6. 8 ,; 9. 10 . • • • t c • » ► • • • » « f (* * « • • • Paul-Ford . Ames Bros. .. Pee .Wee Hunt Eddie Fislicr Rex Allen . ... Earth a- Kitt HdUoppers Perry Como. Hillt uppers . .Ray Anthony . .. Capitol *. . .Victor . Capitol . .Victor r .T T T I ♦ . I » » > • 4 » • • f * • .Decca .Victor ..Dot . ...Victor . . ; Dot . • i. . .. .Capitol:: Second Croup BUTTERFLIES- GAMBLER’S GU IT Alt ; TENNESSEE WIG WALK HALF A PHOTOGRAPH . . . ... ... C RYING IN THE CIl.VPEL . . , . BABY 1 V.T ME .KINDLE YOUR FLAME FOR Mlv ' - SONG FROM MOULIN ROl^CiE SAY YOUR’RE MINE AGAIN . LIMELIGHT THEME . ■ .. , HEY, JOE . PRETTY BUTTERFLY SHANE r f_Wmi=THESE-IIAN DS • « •> #. I »■ 4 I * t t • » . ... » * l *.»•• • • Patti- Page -.Rusty Draper ■ Bonnie Lou • ■ Kay Starr- . 'Darrell Glenn■ ..Richard Royers . . . Mercury. ..,Mercury . . King .Capitol , yalien .Colum bra f » * ft • < 4 . »- ft ft * • Marriage Type Love—♦“Me & Juliet” ........,... . Williamson Moon Is Blue—’“Moon Is Blue” ... . ....,.....,.Santly-J .. My Love, My Love .......,..'',...f,...,. .Meridian Please Play Ouf Song .... .1... *................ > Sheldon Pretend ... ...., ................................. .Brandom Rags to Riches ..........., ■,... i................. Saunders Say It Isn t So ..Berlin Say You’re Mine Again *■■•'•■........'............... < Blue River Seveen Lonely Days ........ ...................... Jefferson : Terry’s Theme From Limelight—t“Limelight”. ... .Bourne There’s Always Someone That You Can’t Forget.. . White Till They’ve All Gone Hortie . , .........;.'.. . ; .Morris Velvet Glove ................ *. Morris ; Top 10 Songs On TV (Listed Alphabetically) ; : '- Peer •• i**i ^ | ft** * ft 9*ft'ft * ft * ft ft ft # *ft ft***.ft * ft*ftft ft* o * ft ft' ft * ft * • ^ ■ ^ .'■■■■ Tjpsds • V 1 « i f « • •. i •’*'.• i i « ft » • • • •’ » ft • ♦ * • i* 1 Tanricn .« • » r • » » > •*.•.«. • • r • » • •>*.••*• • • • • •* • • • - • ‘• *• * w I See the Moon ......... . Plymoutn I’m Walking! Behind Y r ou ...,.;............ . . .... . Leeds In Love Again ... Duet Just Another polka .;. .1.............,.......,.. . Frank Melba Waltz - ; .• ..;...... BVC r Row, 'Ho\i. R-OW 1 , ,■«,. i *,, r, . 41*»•. .4 t.. i. *■< *... • * Side By. Side. ......:........; ...v.,. ...Shapiro-B . Big Mamou. C’est Si Bon Hey,.. Joe . . High .Noon -.or. * 4 ♦. • ft • ft ft ft ft 4. ft ft ft >, ft' ft ft i t • ft ft ft ft • » • •. • * * ft. ft - ft I ft ft .ft ' ft ^ ft 4 ft -ft ft • I • ft 4 • ft » ft • 'Georgid Gibbs •.: ........ MereVfy. Percy Faitli V.:. ..v'', . Columbia Perry ;Como . . /.* , .Victor .Frank Chacksfield .. . \ .London Frankie Ldine , .... ,. .'. Columbia. ■Mills ' Bros. .... . ... Decca Richard Hay man .. .. . .Mercury J 4 4. [Figures in parentheses indicate number of weeks song has becu in the Top 10)• • (More In Case of Ties) *, n Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia ..,.,....... . . . : * * Shapiro-o Cuddle Up a Little Closer .,........... WitniaiK ................. ,Y. .>.... . ; ......,. .Muler Midnight in Paris ........................v v* • \£? x . ; n Mississippi Mud : ....!......V. ."*■• * • Once Around the Moon 'StrTTouis Blues.. . • ■ • •. . Handy. • * • • • ft- # • ♦♦♦♦ » ♦ ♦ »+♦♦♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ 4 0 4 ♦ ♦ 444f4444444F4444444444444444444444444 1 Filmusical. * Legit musical.