Variety (September 1953)

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Wednesday, Seplemlicr 2, 1953 P^RiEfr iiAOio.Ti:Mi:visio:v 31 First in the series of television commercials filmed in Germany hy Global Telefilms hits the air this month When National Shoes preems " the first batch at the Opening and close of its “Time For; Ad venture” Sunday morning series on NBG-TV. Global ^Telefilms is comprised of the ownershipi-managerial team of WOV, the bilingual New York riidie operation--r-Dick '0'i)ea, Ralph Weil and Ajpnold Hartley along with Wii- liam^rL. Snyder^ of Rembrandt Films,' an overseas company. Sny- 4ier reppjed the WOV team at the onrthe-scene making of the films. Commercial pix marks the en- trance of WPV into TV. Station has ah application on file (teamed vwth WHGiVI N,y:) for the one existing UHF channel in N.Y^ with hopes of converting It into a for- eign language video operation, Hines to Weljman Agcy. Cleveland. Sept.'I. J. E; (Jake) Ilincs has joined the R. C. Wellman agency here to head up its new radio-television department. Hines, veteran Cleveland broad* caster, has been manager of public affairs and integrated services of WNBK (Ty> arid WTAM for the past three years, serving as WTAM program topper before that. . : HinesV appointment is part of a general expansion of the agency, which serves industrial accounts in Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburgh and other cities.. Rountred, Spivak Drop in MaTtha Rountree and Lawrence Spivak last Week reached an out-bf- court* settlerheht wnth Mutual Broadcasting System and: discon* ^ tinued their $1,500,000 Infringe- ment suit against Mutual in N. Y. Federal Court. : Suiit was instituted in 1951 by thh Rountfee-Spivak; Press Produc- tions, Inc., charging, that Mutual had infringed oh their “jVieet the Press” with its production of “Re- porters’ RoUndup.“ Suit had sought an irijunctipn against Mutual to refrain from infrihging on. “Press” and damages resulting from such infringement. - SaU jLake City—Latest addition to the KDYL-TV staff, now being ireorganized by prexy G. Bennett Larson, is Jaimes E, Chubb, who has taken over as film supervisor, Chubb was formerly director and assistant production riiahager for the March. of Time television se- ries. .KDYI-«-TV is a Time and. Life property* i UR . Increase in sales . arid program- ming activity last Week at WPIX, N. . Y. found, the station signing Eibise . HcElhohe . for a daily half: hour Women’s show, picking up the . Arrow ^Productions Joh .Hall- starring vid pix series, “Rainar of the .Jungle,” and selling tWd key nighttime segments. Miss , McElhohe . will air daily from 3*30 to 4 p.m- startirig Oct. 5, with ; WPIX ; hewscaster John Till-, man assisting her. .Miclugan; KroTl wiill script . the series. Deal .WaS set.: via the Lester Lewis; office. "Ramar” series, , winch has been syndicated in most ; of; the top piarkets in the cciuntry, w'iil get its first N,, Y. exposure via; the WPIX pact, arid will air Saturdays, af O-p.m.:';. '. :\v. pri thei sales end!; statibiv sold its 8:55 .p.m. news strip witli; Tlllirian as commentator to .White Rock Corp. via the . Ellington agency. Beverage firm takes .river sponsor- ship Oct. 5. Station also-sold three nights .weekly of its feature, film show, -'Early Night Owl Theatre,": to Roy a 1 Crest Sal es Co:, for its dinnerWare products. '. : 5,000 Hour'; Chicago, Sept. 1. The ‘'400 Hour,” cross-thc-board miisic arid deejay sesSibh on NB(“s WMAQ, goes, iiito its SiOOOth .air- ing tomofrdw. (Wed.l. ;• It’s slotted 7:30 to 7:55 a.m., emceed by Pat Gallicchip and bankrolled by NortliWestcrn Rail- road. Andrews’ BBC Puppet Show Gets WABC-TV Slot Packager Charlie Andrews, who was in the unique position of hav- ing a program airing; on the BBC television network w hile unable to get it exposed ’io America, last week set tb : ahovv witiv \V.\BC-TV, N. Y. for ^ cross-tlVe-board .ride, Progranv Geiie ami His: Fun Machine,” a. puppet sluny, w ill oc- [ cupy the fi: 15-();30 slot on the ABpTV key, following .“Rootle Kazpotie.” Heide Gandy Co; has atready pacted for three a-week participa- tions irt the show,. vvhicli kicks olT Sept. 7. ■ . . Program was created by Chuck i Luchsinger, w'ho with his brother Jack handles the puppets. CoiUinuing Campaign by Broad-; cast Advertising Bureau to .pro- mote radio moved into high gear last Week wdlh the creali.on of an Infcgratvd plarinlng . conTmlltec laied piannin rising K) s(at i« Nationai AxSsn,' of Radio.& Tcle- visioh Broadcasters today (Tucs.) went on record as suppoTling the. proposed three'-year licensing reg- liiatipn for.;TV. sta(ions how being corisideretr by the FCC: in a! peti- tion to . the Convmi.ssioii, tiio NAR.TB: said adoption of, the throe- year i|cerising regulation to Sup- plant the; present'. one-year rule would be of benefit to the public, the FCC and the industry, , . Public would hcricfit. group said, because of; ^realcr stabiilty. in sta- tion operations. Change would, benefit the FCC by luaking it.s operatipn iripro eff,iclent, with the pne-year renewai.s using too .much of FCG niaripower,; Change would: help . smaller stations; it. Was claimed,, by, eliminaUng the • exr pertse of filing renew al petilions every year with, the: FCC., NARfB .that with tclc- viSiPii’s fupid growth, tliere was n(> j'eason why .it couldn’t pii.eraie on three-year license.s ,as radio doe.s. Regulation w'ould riot affect the FCG jurisdiction over statioris dur- ing tlie three years, since.the.Com- mis.sipn cpuld .stiU issue cerise arid ( orders, tlie broadcasting group said. comprislrig K) stationSexec.s, fo.ur network reps and tw o slat ion rep execs. Contiulttce^.^w will takiy over! the. work of two preylou.s nd- visory committees, will be headed by Ijoilald Wv Thornhuvgli. pvesi- dent and gerioral ; iriaivager, bf WCAU, IMiiladelphia;;' ;; ; Immediate objective of the com- nViltee,. according to /BAB proxy tytillfiiri B. Ryan:, is to plot tlie overall ciiurse BAB .will take, in prqrnoting sales,: of radio time, Committee.; wdil chart prpiivotloii-?, froiri the research and hliinriing level /dow'n tb nctiial sales at. na- tijoiiaT or local levels:, Fiirst; ineel-. ing oft he corivm it t ec is scireduled .for Sept.;“21. : y v'.'.;v . Slated for Increa.sed conslderri- tion • are the BA B’s. drive for de- partmerit. ;st,ore business; a to bring. pre.Xsiire bn .sates oi*gjini/,a- tionk bf;, nationjil udVerll.sev.s th rough sal e.s comm i 11ec.s ()f BA B incrubers in major cit le.s; p.lrins fur a(lverii.sep-agenc.y ■ cilntes to ac- quaint tinu'iniyt»r's with cbange.s in radio during the prist three years and .further devolfxpment of thr .current adverti,sing ciimp.riign in product trade papers, Monibers of the commiflce are- Stntibn Exeeutives; Edward Breen, president and general inan- ager. KVFD> Fort Dodge; Al Cad- Well; V;p. and general luanagri*. kOAT, Albuquorque; Charles H. Chiltchfield, V p. and general man- ager. WB'f. Charlotte: George^ J. lligging.s, nianaglng (lireclor and V.p. in charge of s.ile.s. iCMBC Kansas City; How'rird I/ane, presi- dentl, k()IN, J*oi'tland, Ore..; VVln.s- iow Leighton, jTe.sident and gen^ bral. manager, WSNV, Bchenec- tady;. Henry John.sbn, president, WAPI, Birmingham; Hoheii J. Me- Andrews, commercial manager and promotion manager, KBIG. Ava- lon, Calif.;; William A, McGuineris, Commercial rirrinngoi, IVCN, (■ Id- yago; Ardcn X. 1 hitvf'born, gen('rai :rnanriner. \V().\l, • San .Xnionib; Daniel C. Ibvrk. coinmen' iuau- ager.^ Wilil^/ IndiaiTapolls; F; C.' Sowell, geiiei'a 1 nVariauer nd ('oin- me.rdal manager, WLAC, .Nash- Vlll0^ Beu SI (’puso.; geiievai tuaur ager,, WAVDC. Wrishiivglon, D, ; Owen F.. Uridgi', perieral m,'u.v,M.gei\ WO.\l\i; Miain 1; Walloi* . K. \Vag- .staff. v.p.; ■ and -general . ?uanagei\ IvlDO. B.oise: tialph N, .Weil, exec- utive V.p. -and general manager,' wqy/k:-Y. Ne.tWpik Officials; Bris- tol. threctur :. of! sale.s . proriudibn and . • advertisin,g. CBS; /Oliver ;Treyz,v dlreetor of research and sales develppipent.;' ABC:; ; Jaipe 'r.Vler,: adyeitlsirig mauagrr,. MBS, and a rei)re.senla(ive,.tb be named, :of ■.NBCr-/-:- Slalloin . riqlreseritritive presi- dents: .Eugene Katz, president, The Katz Agency; .Uobort . Aieeker, president, Robeii .M.ceker Assocl- •ales.;'Incv Into UuiM Films Setup Rapidly.oxiuuuUng;G.ulld Film.? last Week made two t<>id.(‘ve I rip- p()lntm.ent-.s, iirimlng/.foritier tracle* j . pa I)e r c xep J olui R, V( Jac k ) A1 ic oale rutioFial sales director;.ami forincr. film firiaiice admiiii.slraioi* Mrirlin Ei sen ber g, as prod li e tlon .xm ) n 11 ;o 11 ci*. A li coate, licphow . of 11 ad jo 1 ).ri Iy publi.slrcr John. W-,; Allcoaie rir>.<l son of paper's ,secr<‘(ary, (Trai'les A. Al icoiite, moves oyer i h 1 s W'eek, He wa.s a .snle.s exec oii the paper,. He’ll woi'k . direcMly. under; pi'(‘.vy Reiib Kriufnrau; and \villi opera- llons chief Art Gi’p-ss..Mlscnbei g, in the fliliv biz sltice 1034, will headquarter on the.:coas( and will lake cliarge rif finnricial .setup on Grdld's three . jri-oduciloiis, “13be- I'aee,” “Joe Palooka” aiid “Life With Elizabeth.” o.^ EXC.IUSIVI lAtES OTflCIS: NEW YO»K • ..ClNCjN.NATI' ♦ ftAYTON * CHICAGO * ;AtlANT.A • HOlllYWOOO AVe can’t be modest about it — \VLW-D;bas ! bedn King Video in Dayton for over 3/2 years! Gonsistent top ratings prove it month after montlil . That means WLW-D providtjs more sales impressions - per dollar per week at lower- cost than any other Dayton Station! And WLW-D’s exclusive Ghent Service Department . hplps With your merchandising and promotion ; . problems in Dayton’s rich, industrial market., . — to give ev^n greater impact to your \VLW:D is Dayton s.king-sized . V advertising buy!: i