Variety (September 1953)

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TIX PRICE RISE LOOMING ? See Dislribs Adding Outside Pix For P|)[, Hy Now Set to Produce CinemaScope O’Seas Rekase to Free Blocked Funds |]|J[ |||K[ In Britain, Rank Goes Slow on 3-D With an eye to the sharp reduc-^;^ ;r~ - LonchMi Si*pl. B. Ii„iu ill production skeds. distribs fii p<l_- Approaching era of fewer pixi,Aiji« *i • n I I "'‘li' H'c Arthur Hank Or- ,,e studying the P™". tUfOpe tllOOSey on rums, and better ayxteim has ohservers ' Q J Man LOUSmg Dclay set In produce finenia- iHins in the foreign market, wnue ■ ^ ^ wondering what it II ail mean to' _ ^ ^ ^ ^ _ 444 ^'re in no rush about It. most - ^7 IrA|||pr* k|||ne the theatres. One facet seen af-1 HlIP tn Tr^rV TAntrurt »'Q«>PnuMit in Hritain. trade e ’.I... oramnanies are scen taking s r fpitirilaf pxhihe i*: thp inmliprl 1 /llv 10 1 IqCY X/OnirflCl noine that the crotttt’a With an eye to the sharp reduc-^;^ -p—- - j London Sept. B. lions ill production skeds. distribs fii p.|_- Apprnarhing era of fewer pixi,Aiji« *i • n I I "'‘li' H'c Arthur Hank l>r. ;ue Studyinj! the roso'*'"* P™". tUfOpe tllOOSey Oil tllmS, and heller syste.m has ohservers ' Q J MaU LeUSmg Dclay ganiralmn set In produee finenia- iPins in the foreign market, wnue ■ ^ ^ wondering what it II ail mean to' _ ^ ^ ^ ^ 444 ^'re in no rush about It. most - ^7 IrA|||pr* k|||ne the theatres. One facet seen af- HlIP 1 a TrarV TAntrurt »'Qn>PnuMil in Hritain. trade of llie companies are seen taking s r fectihg exhib.s is the implied iumhI IIUv EO llaCy tT|>ine that the grottyv’t i»n local product for distribution • Europe, too, is becoming sclec- for a rise in admissions prices. I.ensing of “Old Man and the j^vo circuits will now operate a go- oiue tlie pix pinch makes itself (iyp Qpjnes Manny Reiner, foreign Reasoning is that the distribs. - Ernest Hemingway novel to ' policy towards 3-1). It is he- ‘'*M there is likely to be a setup sales chief for Samuel Goldwyn witrnims ulUc^th^v consTdei’- produced on the screen by Lc-[ pointed out that, while Hank iti the distribs’ acquisition of for- Productions, who returned to N. vastly improved b.o. draws due to ' land Hayward, is olT for another ^ ^..^s a pioneer in 3 1) exhihillon iMi'n films for handling outside the y, la^t week following a swing of their new forms of presentation, i two.years. It's to he a three way ii,.r this vear with "Hwaria 1 . S.. it’s attributed to a formula Engjanj the Continent. I''*)• * position to confront ; paniiip.nion deal involving Hay- uw outlil since has been hav^agreed^haTbfockedTu^^ Exec said he found considerable dtmands foi higlu 1 Hemingway and Spencer lagging behind competitors, be used for such deaLs. Universal, evidence that locally-made pix in 1 way of offsetting this is to.^'^r.'. 1 ,^ months, only • for instance, has acquired Vittorio Europe are proving stiffer competl-! raise admission prices. A distiih' Heason for the long dela> is that modest number of Odeon and Clau- de Sica’s “Miracle in Milan for for the Yank imports. As a ' rxec. who asked to remain anony-:tiave tlie kev role in nmnl Hrilisti houses have been re- South American release, where it | mous. .said last week (4* that it ' , • break loose from his 1“'- 3-1) exhibition. It ii (an earn dollars. However. U was •’^sult. he adds. ont> the lop , high time the theatres up the hieak loose total does not allowed to pay off de Sica in lira. American pix are making good ante. “The level of admissions i Metro contractual tieup until 19,).). 30 oo the other hand, Production cutback, and in the money; the mediocre entries are I hasn't kept pace with the in ! When the pact expires, he’ll make j yVs.sociated British Cinemas, who case of 20 th-Fox the switch to Cine- being sluffed off. 1^*'^ of other items,’’ he said.) the pic witli Hayward. Hislrilm-j started off cauliouslv. now haf niaScope without standby sUndard Ttaii->n nio “i ittu Wnrhi nt “Now. with Hollywood coming ; tion arrangements will not be con- some 70 theatres wireii. with others In the last few months, only • Reason for the long dela> is that ) niodest number of Odeon and tlau- Tiacy. who’ll have tlie key role in ' moni Hrilisti houses have been re- the pie. can't break loose from hi.s ** *? ... ...rr estimated that the total does not versions, la awn -v-.-n •> unnuKii rxiin a »aiixri.x x/i Kixraxi.x .aiun I'U i«»i .awiiix- xniix . s, American .iiistribs abroad with the P .. monev-maklng*^ recLds i'«Proved films, the time is ripe way is doing the screenplay, choice of instituting stringent proke ail money-maicm confront the public with the facilities and personnel or taking P. ° ‘,L k o'* i Warning that the industry must <p > p*| • s. is seen presenting the through with a variety of greatly sidered for some tiine Heining- „h foreign language pix to fill out f ^ their release skeds. Only company Reiner reported that’s followed this policy consist- ently over the past few years has been Columbia, which is handling i I Ml Mexican product in Latin Amer -1 |JIJIJIf|| IJ Gone With the Wind” at the b.o., While the advantages of main- taining full schedules are obvious, some execs feel that opening the door to local product is a mistake. They base this partly on the rea- soning that such a policy opens the door to the competition via Amer- ican distribution channels which, in practically every instance, is more cflicient than the local distribs. It’s Upped Pic Budgets In New U Policy; Sluff Oaters Olf Switch in Universal production not price itself out of the 'market came last week (4» from Russell V. Downing, Radio City Music Hull prexy. “We are in a business for I the masses and we must stay that ■ way,” Downing said. “Basically, i pictures must be good entertain- ' ment within reach of the average person. Any tewHitation to get , more from a potentially smaller I audience would be fatal.’’ Downing pointed to his policy ■ at the Hall where, he said, “we ' fought to give the people the very best at the lowest price.” He add- led that, in his opinion, i’.iere wa- ! a bright future for the business ‘Faces’ Filming ^ From Stage Set For November Chu ago .Sept 8 on n o matter. They still hope lur all- final papei ' purpose screens wliich will enable • 'im veision of .New them to take adsaiitage ot the ^'oed up here la^t I’l'day <4 upcoming s\4»eins. Al- oig!'i l)\ Be. in.'in Swaitl/, h'in s Hiough 3 I) may have a Iimit»‘(l life, on the schedule. There also has been a notable swing towards 3-1) installation by independent groups, particularly in view of the boxoffice results throughout the counti v of "House of W'.sx.” In the West End of Lon- don it still rates as a lop grosser in its 17tb W(*ek at Hie Warner Theatre while it has been doing SHO hi/ in e\er.\ pre-release situation. Exhihs. who had considiMed the novelty value of 3-1) loo eliancy to justify conversion costs, are now getting sccotid thoughts on the matter. They still hope lor all- purposi* screens wliich will enable them to take advantage ot the various upcoming sv-^ems Al- emcieni man me local aisiriDS. 11 s v. * J- • .* a hrigiii luuire tor me ousiness I eonard Sillinan .• felt, too, that taking on outside pix the studio not for all films. ’’The pulilic | !,,, ,,roduced the legiter and operators consider it is a from local producers tends to put o*) * numl^r of P‘x these days will pick and choose.” | . j retained as an associate virile ho. lure to jusll- the local staff under undue ures- .sloughing off low-budget , pf,mmenfed “That’s whv I am \ . . , f> extra capital oull.iv. me local sian unaer unaue pres- . Comuanv at the same time h^ fnais wn.v i an contracts by the <asl now have .sure to push these particular re- ?®teids to stUk wi h the “grass f^'or of Hollywood turning .»ut ^ecn inked, and the revue will l>e leases to the detriment of the reg -1 fevverfi ms But regard^ direeflv fmiu the stage.' , . .n i i ular Hollywood imports. . . ‘’V prohahly in November, (turing the , PvAfllirhAn flit Intpmal .tr liuiiywouu linpuris. • _ _ j r» a.-..., umc. nil aiwa.VS oc IIU- JM.ix .nm in Warner Bro.s., 20th and Para- and Pa Kettle ‘gadget’ that will count ...nt -ennirpH Ttpip niv ' Francis ’ type product. J. mount all have acquired Italo pix tor outside distribution as a means Shift, which followed the overall in the long run. Exhihs differ on the question nf Harrv Horner of unblocking some of their lira. J U»iethcr or not the public w ill lV> 7 ie Grahan one o H e ie_ Par has invested in several Italian better. was indicated «,.h.tanH..i . ix... in I vue s top stars during the hrst 17 productions and has an option on m their distribution in and outside ' 4 ^” • d,e L' S » « A/u J 953.54 [T produet_al the Empire- WhilV problem of a prtbJoet .‘’“.'i a'a'l -te "nf “J* rf d "iZ ' ’rim- one h," sine“ma‘: it would have onl.v nine dur- of l>rbmpaniex are from j SIX months to a year behind domes- 1 , stand for any substantial rise in Production Cut, internal " Honni'rf’rlbam one of -iu. re, Pfoblems Mark Opening vue’s top stars during the first 17 Af |A.Qf||f||A Tulk^ •aHmUci.xnc “Wilh rinpm'jScnof* 1 delinitely will vl 1 /i iJlUUlU 1 dtl IdlAO ICominuod on paee 2(ip' 1‘f I Vlvnood, Sopl 8 - '■ been hanislu d fiom Hit legit v r Inici nat ioiial .Alliance ot 'I lica . n. , p., xif.n (luring the p.ast month. .SHI Emplo^ce^. opening MorODtlCOn uinSK*rilin ousted (ii.tham fiom Hu* lodav i Tucs.' wiHi Hi** r * ^ lineup on Aug. 11. aflei the thi*sp .Motion iMcliire I'rodiiceis Q.n QvcfPAI* NaW OllMit walked out on the show .» ^ ;(t.|.c(.,iii.tit covci- 0 1/ OyMeill, new UUllll mtnules before curtain that night, j , 4 „„„ vv.ii kci s. is U/xnflAfl Kir MArrAC Pay ^J'-aham claimed nervous t’xhau.s- for wage, n62d6d Dy IllOrrOS'rOXition. Silmans charges with Ac- new* single film process for Eqnity are lepoiledly fiucers’ tommiHce. on the f.ther 3-1) films developed in Europe hv l"<><ess of settlement. hand, it’s ariln ijialcd, will not onlv producer Boris Morros. will he j Other cast niemhcrs in top roles attempt to maintain present sala- demonstrated today iWed ' at H) are Kartha Kilt. Boheil Clary. Paul , 14 .s, l.ut will alsfi seek eoriees^sions months of its run. delinitely wi 'These nine, however, will be tit on their skods ahi-nid produced Oil a lavish scale and licauuu uj iiivuw«r 1 wa 1 ium. .'tiim.iii s niinm s >m... /a*- , , , t on tiuii sKcUs ahioad. backed up with plenty of .star . -f, tois Efpiitv are reportedly in .J,,,. A n T “7 power. It’s the feeling at C that process of Mdllement. , \Vd i Dudley S Visturdmsi westerns aj'e sHU a profitaole b.o., pioducm-’ Boris Morros. will he j OHier cast members in top roles atlempi a Tidiaiailia but that it’s wise to preserve ^ at H)' are Kartha Kilt. Hoherl Clary. Paul ,h s. hi in ^Alolin’ ^ good thing by concentrating on . ‘ | St. Theatre. Lvrule. Jenny Lou Law and June „„ impresses in Aiona , smallei- number of pix and S''-1 i y ,.,,„cess knoun a. Cain,11, It's iindi-rslood II,at .sill NY Demnnstratinn Lcreef "'llbTlf refonmu of'‘Ke ’■■<">■'i-, <>''ii<-d by a eoinpany railed man and Ibe rasi uili be iiil in |.„ , il.I. I'CmOaSirai'O” Oimenslima, Inr., of „|,i, I, a pailii ipali.m r.n the bim. ('•nvineing demonstration of „ savs the theatre market for Morros is chairman of the hoard Current plans t all for as do <• a , j Cul Dudley’s anamorphic Vista- L ^ oilers is vanishing. I’ and .Matty Fox. veteran film exeeu- reproduetion ot Hie stage work as |,.,n Min.t widescreen system was pul - pv.xpc cie Hiev re onlv nartlv Von- live, iiresident and chief exet utive possilrle, with minimum t uHing ii,,. on in N. V. last week (3i at the / . p, jhis since oaters. officer. Hiehard Morros is veepee Swartl/ will i.rohahly shoot Hie 1*K<) Bfith .Street Theatre. Only' lou oosl hraekets E«>x 'mII t'xplam to Hu* trade and pie from a vaiitag.e point in Hie rnake Milijed shown was Dudley’s own aren’t of the “uuickie” t\pe. detail' <d the new process audieiue and Hien for do cups, ,H-xt .In 'I'larania short on Hawaii, “.Aloha on whidi .Morros I'.'i' worked for n-'ing 3 1) Iinniiuig i (dor profcss. |j_,| , N"| ■ j ^ /s„,riirfr \i \r llAn *' Vientm I.d»'>rator.\. wlndi he had ti ed l.n himing atom Heprodnetion on the wide screen : |nHN S UUlLKIt N Y HUi I iiliki (urient :M) sv'iem' homh tc'ls in La. \ eg.j . had good definUion. plenty of light * * _ whitli retinire two strips ol film ‘ New I'.kc-- " now m it- fifth Chi I'lrw | <"■ I came tlirougli impressively' TO 0 H ^FTFRNITY^ Pill I canu’ra' lor shooting and twn ;,t_ the Great Northern I he ;,(te(i < '■'•ef.—liUMigh in nian.v scenes! 1 v V»V/» LdHililll l U projceldis in theatres, the .Morru' alre. i' expeited lo wind up heie |,^ (•,, , s'l light lines ajiiieared slightly ' Harry Culm. Columbia president, ledniiiiue i' 'aid to ll■(^nll(■ 'ingle | |,, ()( i,,i)ci .iriil ii.ivel wt i ftn , , ,| v., ( irvefl. I)iidlf,\ explained later ' tnade a quit ki(‘ in-and-out-nl-N (;mieia iirndnet ion. in inting on one lonr week eng.igemeni in bot h I.o , j minutes before curtain that night. Graham claimed neivous exhau.s- I tion. Silman’s charges with Ac- toi' K(piit'v are reportedly in ing some 14,000 (rail workers, is exiiected to ask for wage boosts of hetwemi lO'f and I ."id Pro- dnc(*rs’ (ommittee. on Hu* other hand, it's aritieijialed, will not onlw > ' a m at the HKO Bfith St. Theatre. Lvrule. Jennv Lon Law and June on lo-oefits gi.nited when the slij- r .^i" 'N Y Process, known as Morojiti-, t’^iroll. It's understood that .Sill dios weie making more pii tiires. Ilf ' con. is owned hv a compan.v called loan and the cast will h‘* cut in toi i oiori as well as iiulividiMl Yates All Dimensions. Inc., of wliitli 3 jiai ti( ipalu^ii oji the film. workeis aie pleiitv woriied. ket for Phonos is chairman of the hoard Current plans c all for as < loc a ,-i io-rc’s hei n ;m almost (omplete ojj. l’ and .Matty Fox. veteran film execn- reproduetion ol the stage work as |,.,n ,o j,i ,,ilo( tum at 2<iHi I 'lX fm* K ,.,, 11 . live. nresidetU and chief exeentive possitile. with minimum (iiHing the red (»t the veai and Metio who savs the theatre market for Morros is chairman of the hoard Current plans ( all for as do c a . i here’s he. ii ; low post oilers is vanishing I’ and .Matty Fox. veteran film execn-1 reproduetion ol the stage work as ii.Mt u, t execs savXv-re onlv pa,dl.v n live, president and chief exeentive possible, with ininimum < uHing .cd ot th cerned with this since C oaters. officer. Hiehard Morros is veepee Swartl/ will i.rohahly sh..(.t the i.. i eveti in the low-cost hraekets, ai en’l of the “(piickie ’ t> |>e. COHN’S QUICKIE N.Y. HOP Fox will explain to Hu* trade and pie fri.m a vantage i.oiiit in Hie oi,I\ press detail' ot the new process andieiue and then for elo .‘iips, .lull a .' on which .Morros t-.-i' worked for ii'ing 3 1) Iinniiuig . (il(.r pi (..css, three \i*ars in a’.a I.ihorator.v. wliuh he had n cd toi liltniiig atom pig i riiliki (urient 3-1) sv'leiii' homh tc'ls in l.a. \ ega .. . ',,,‘,,,',1 , aiifu.iiiucd i i I week that it would make oiiI\ 13 pu l III r , till oil.pi next .1 III V a .^U' i iit oY Hu- ! lu IlO'’ whith re(iniri’ two strips ol film ‘New I'.kc'" now m i! - fill h Chi I'lrw KkIi.hi) !■ V, ; tlirougli impressively' TO 0 H ^FTFRNITY^ PHI I "'hooting and two ,,,,,,,ih at. Hu- Great \ 4 h in nian.v scenes! 1 v V»V/» LdHililll l U projcelors in theatres, the .Morro' alre. is expeited lo w tes appeared slightly ' Harry Cohn. Columbia pr esidenl. teeliniiiiu* i' 'aid tn ii'qnnc 'ingle' l.go in ( I'lfid li< 'r.ilks got imdri w. r. in tlie mid t ot- Intel n.ii (litlu nil u in I he ^ \ I’lew Huh.lid 1’ W a! Ii I ill h.i n I Hi ll I his w as due to jirojeetion con- trip last wct*k primaril.v for an on- film sinp, and single-camera pio Millin' atui was not inherent in the-spof onceover ol ’rrom Ileri* jmiion. pi'ocess, j,) Flernify” hiisine-.s in ea'lern .A.aa.iding lo All DiiiK'n ion' : Molia ,\’ni’’ was lensed with dates, pins huddles vvilh limneol- ‘new major HoIlvWood liliii, pe t’:.' w in mind and pro- lice exites on coinpanv aff'aii ' in (iallv pro. essed lor Moroptu on il .eil some magnificent vievv.s of general. Ht* also m on a rmi- will I.e deinonsl 1 aled al the initial ' 'ouln and of the sea. .Se- line hoard meeting shnwing. 'ct to la t lor 3') nuiniie 'pi M'cs show ing surf-riders rush “Flernity” lias h-en Cohn’s pet The me of 3-1) polari/ed \uwei * - I'lwards Hie shore on the crest project frdm Hu* start and. aeiord- m needed Im Hie new proec 1 ' u.tilh at. the Great N’orlliern I he .Kted on the le lena'ion i.-r.'h ii J Ire. expeded lo wind up heie |,^ (•,,, f ip,, \i |’.i, .-.■i - lie in ( .'ind li.ivel we.i for ,| v.,-,d< ,i;'o \'(oi lim' 1 • In'i 1- inrweck eng.igemeni in ho! h I.o natioiiil \ j. t ol ( oo[»<i who ir- lu'ele' and .San I'l.iiui <o ."show tiii.t.<'d ft ro .oi < -.ei o'i-.i' h mi I lion. h.ul had a Hio.'idwa.v inn in I'P Aecoiding to All DiiiK'n ions a |,,, .iimo I a vear. \ngele' and .San I'l.iiu i <o ."show tij|.i,(-(| ft eo .oi < -.e. o'f. Ii.ul had ,1 Hio.'id'wa.v inn in l't .>3 |,,ceiing tn N '» l.a ' , k loi aliiio I a .''Car. |,|i,hih'. '.o. on Hi 'p lugn wav('s brought home the ing to Col insiders. Hu* pre/ indHaled. '■'inijgt*., oj Jbj, lyj-ge screen, played an nnnsnally active role in ((.mpan.v annonru cd I hat Moi 1 NEW INDIE SETS 3 PIX; 1ST TO LENS IN GOTHAM li.iri'lh' IJie te go! 1 (1 m w I i I oh I '• h ri 1 1 'i' ■' 1 \<. I I ■ k I' I ' I on till- fill I I o * ! I .! o h ( 'o'.pi'I r,! ^ I . M < ■ 1 .-1 I ' I A IVI doe ti I V. o ' ' t d,.- it er. If 1)1 eft (|i- , I .ni'd (d git (l.mcing the hula also its production. He hmiglil Hu* relurncd to \ i(>nwa Hii.s week 'o ’ ' h'ted from the wideangle lens. Janie.s Jones properly despite ad- sutu'rvise productu.n^ and e.inip- , Hh* N. Y. demonstration vice.s from associates lo keep hands merit to he made lor I . S. tliealie . 'h-y omitted some of (he addi- oil it. supervised some of the shoot While not revi'aling the cost ot Hu- ^'"lage which he Used for ing in Hawaii and handled mod of new* (‘qnij.ment the K.mpanv sai ^ howing on the Coast and Hu* cutting. Alo.. it w .s at Cohn’s tliat the “lu'avv” co'l of Hm e(|nip- , ’ had hroug.'it the criticism insistunee tha* a si.ind .’ii andi* ment now in 11 e lia- l.een one of ' ititipoi- soijuences v>eren'l etue-imj.ael siene w is u- 'l Ih: the l.u toi- in limiting the rnirnhei ^ n <in,i s strong point. Dudley > has Mijntgomerv Clift l)u.^ling taps of theaf res ((iniiiped with 3-1) fox. e .rit he had used were test- following the de.iHi ot hi' soldier a jiiriner in 1 nited .Arti't'. i' al- . 'Vitfi his i(.n.s made by War- buddy. Frank Sinatri, ;,fjj (bat imperfections Colin, ineidentally. fhie to faulty focu.sing treatments of ‘ Flernit: im* |.I(/ ilKiHaHU. J I I 5 .,.h I’lodnclioi; h.a h*'ri d-- iia'd ve n.U* in (’..mpatiy annonru (*(! that Morro y v ,Hi indi .1 pi m e : a*. i lUghl Hu* relumed tn \ lenwa Hii.s week to p.udmtion ot tl.iee p.v t... „ ocu.-i lespite ad- 'Upervi'C pnu uetu.ii am e(|nip- ^ ^ • Uoo.'m o, to |h. u*ei> hands merit to he made lor I . S. thealic . • ,,, I,,. ,.,;j,|e,. in 1 , n. the shoot While not rev.'alirig the cost ot Hu- ^ ^ v^., , o,, ,, , ,, i*d mod of new* (‘finij.meiit the ((.mparn soi ; • .Mi V : , at Cohn’s iliat the “lu'avv” co'l of Hm e(|nip- •' ' ■ oni. audi- ment now in u e ha- l.een one of lleulm.-. t|,.' ron ji.r.v a:- . o!':i .. tm . T! :■ the I.K tom in limiting the rinml.ei 1’ * h Io'UkP 1 ; and pn- id'r. ol ■ ' • I’ling taps ol theatres ('(inipped witlr 3-1) Fox, I’hillip' Mlg. to, ( hie.igo. am h^' a partner in 1 nited .ArUd-., i- al- . Kli/al.eth Duk.n .m, H.iimrly thd (onm.ue n chairman ol the lu aid ol Hu* m with film pro lmiion in Lnmpe. i.o.nt- a > nixed six Lite Co . mannlaetiirei s of 3 D Ba ll’s fi, t adive ,ole in ptx v, . agi .enmn tai l III ’ I',, ! , r.i d I' ) ■', 1’. m •a.! ( n V. ..i i re.' ',i ' i,i--‘ d 1 ' 1 " .l')!::i 'pU !. I'll I .i))' .1 ) I (1; ' ei' ( o.t ,t 1,(1 (,l (ill'iM' hot ’.V i!.' I ' . ||•!le‘■ P le.- ,() ;,iid ti'.ifl, |t - Ul .del ‘Ool Blew e| Will rly tied (oniit.iie until V> il ii cilher ap- Idiiope. point- a >i'''e Ol or leaelps .m ptx V. 1 agi ceim.'iit vvPli Bic.vr .about Hi* Cr(.s’*^c(l ((.mlm t ot nrm.n h'/ in Il'.llvwoo I, i.r- i.i-.fti. \.y:ii u i.. <*x.!i(-( i 1 (It. the t '..(4, Him Jro wci ii-L lions V onn. iin ni t-o > u 11 » , hi . 1 • f ' .i.-r ri.niliitl ril lililOfl O'/ 111 11' p to faulty focusing treatments of “Flernny” hetore go- viewei s. and holds a similar posi- hu .Vad.* Wal h G t-'.e( i 1 uti tl 'pd*n the lens itself which, ing along with Hie now-:ic( I jimed lion with Motion I'lclnre. lor lele- Svvf.rd . Lnol ll..nnslami mal, ' ■ . •* ^ ontinuej on page 5'.) i Daniel lai.iJi'li scupl, ^vi-ioii, Im. l‘O l»(aiuy*. i