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Variety (September 1953)

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Wednesday, Septem ber 23 , 1933 which ribbons and cash awards arc made. Bulk of the concessions are bought by the James Strates Rail- road Shows which brings in a wide variety of entertainment on the midway. It offers such tent shows as Nat Eagle’s Holywood Midgets; Jack .N'orrnan’s “Broadway to Hol- lywood Kevue”: “Holiday In Har- lem”; “La Vie Paree,’* a mild bur- lev. etc. Speaking of the future for en- tertainment on circuit, one might take into consideration Sam Lewis’ vanl.ti^k for okaying expensive name ads offered to him. ‘ I ask the music stores in onr town what records are selling hevi. 'I’liose are the people I want lu re. I know they’ll go with our aiuiiences.” Lewis tells of another gimmick for people as far away as Balti- more. “They have York Fair Clubs, juht like Christmas Clubs,” he says. “They pay money every week into the club \vhi(‘h tlien brings all its ' members to I he York fair.” Frank Wirth, a canny, old show- man and booker of acts, says the market is unlimited for good nov- elty acts. Allentown, Pa., Sept. 22. The Allentown Fair, making a strong bid for patronage this week in competition with other fairs in Pennsylvania, , has arranged a strong vaudeville show, with grandstand prices ranging from $1 to $2.50 during the week and $2.50 and $3 on Saturday (26'. The big feature is “Grandstand Follies of 1953,” on every night. The production is subtitled “Movie- land, U.S.A.’’ and produced by George A. Hamid Sc Son. Other acts include Zebra on Sk.ntes, Holger Kazini, John Wel- de’s Socialized Bears, Valitha Sc Aldino, Hollywood Sky Rockers, IJnon the Tramp on Ropes, Roby Sc Dell, acrobats. Two Virginians, Jackie, a balancing act, Alf Lan- don & Co., and Starless Night, dancing horse. Prizes totalling $52,000 are to be given in the harness racing, a big feature of the fair. The World of Mirth Shows are on the mid- way. Admission to grounds is 50c. Phil Lampkin resigned the Wii Ham Morris Agency last we«k Lampkin, who was head of the Chi cago office, returned from a trip t< Europe last week and handed ii his resignation. Future plan haven’t been announced. Stretch Adler, in his Chicago of fice, will come into New York Sit nation in the Chi office hasn’t be* t re.solved as yet by Morris execs pJK* i I ■ ■' * its big grarulstiind. Only $15,000 of the ttjtal went for horse, trot-, ting and automobile races. No less tli.ui $44 00ii was spent for stage' eni« rt.iiiimeiit during five days. 'Die aets n;.med above appeared fiiglit only aj)iece. liut the veteion Fiiiok Wiith, wlio has b. en booking the York sliows for years. oKo (|t‘liver<-d a two*hour revu'* paeK iye. “(Lii's ’n’ Cals,” with hep timing and pace, This revue ap- pc.ired e:,rh of the five nights. H ipcbideij I'eg Leg Bates; Sanger. and Amli* a- the Drifters; Dr. Ifov I'lekard and his xylophone; I) Ar» «* A Ce« l‘;<’o and .Mai; clown Kiiie‘t»^ ;itid t''<ek Ford; tlie All-Ameriean I'.ovs; Toni, the .Mon- l-ev Mamuf Colleimo & Co . anti a smartly (o^tmned, prccislnn- (Jri!h-d line ot 24 girls. Direftiiig Hie revue for Wirth v.a^ John Iv Loiiergan, who for- m.-rlv (lincK'd tlie stage unit at the «)ltl St rami 'I'he.itre <now the Wanieri m New York. Added to this is the overhead for a 22 pie<c pit orch and a score of M.igeliand^. jiUis cost of sets. 'ITie Wirth revue, one of the on tin’ Ian (ircuit this year, has bfCii out .Mine late July, Like all sinli mills. It grows or shrinks, d*-- pciidiiig upon how much the fair IS willing to pay. York bought the full-vi/e show as befits its position among Hie lairs. However, by drop- ping individual vaude turns tliF show can he cut to any desired length. Among others booking the fair «ii(uii are George Hamid (probably the biggest in the field) Mann s ^ ( amillu rs and Fanchon Mar* < 1 . Illuming Hie York Fair is Sam- I uel S. l.< vv is, a former lieutenant govfi nor of Pennsylvania, now toiiiiniiftf fnnu garet and many others Also ho'tked have been hands like those ol Spike Jones. Pliil Harn.s, Charlie Ventura. Louis Armstrong Boh Crosby. Jan Garber and others. I Firal Timers for one A l*>t of the names are coming Into the nmntiy fair circuit for the first time. The York Fair, an out- htandiiig •‘.v.iiople of the tr*md, fea- tured sfvcral—Mickey llooncy. Carmen Miranda, 1..CS Paul and San Antonio—E. S. Well.s ha been named exec veepee and g**n eral manager of the San Anton * Music Co., and its operating sub sidiaries, Bledsoe. Mu.sic Co. «*i Austin, Corpu-s Christi and il.n lingen. He succeeds Ray S. Kr landson. who resigned. BOB (Bobby) ROILINS Saoioa I Henie Set for 1st Nitery Date at Vegas Sahara Sonj.T Henie will play her first nit cry date when she goes Into the Sahara Hotel, Las Vegas, Feb. 2 I for three weeks. Ice skater will I supply surrounding t.alent as well ' as the tank for this .session, t Mill Miller, operator of the Rivl- ^ era. Fort Lee. N. J., who is also honker for the Sahara, has also lined up Marlene Dietrich to go into that spot on Dec. 15, and has Edgar Bergen set for Dec. 1. Don- , aid O’Connor Is tapped for Jan. 5 Ployinq for JOHNNY SINGER Nebraska Fair Gate Up Omaha, Sept. 22. A final tabulation of attendance at the Nebraska State Fair in Lin- coln is expected to reveal a total greater than last year’s 267,000, but short of the record 285,000 of 1951, Secretary Ed Schulte pre- dicted last week. The expo had perfect weather. There was no rain and little wind. looked thrv WILLIAM SHILLING US West 46th Strtot Now York City COMEDY MATERIAL for All B rondiet' of Th^nfritah FUN-MASTER THl OHIGINAl SHOW-8/7 GAG fILS iTho Strvico of tho STAOS) First 13 nits $7.00—AM 3S Issuts %7i Sinqiy; $10$ Eich IN SEQUENCE ONLY Beoinnino with No. 1—No Skippingl • 3 Bks. PARODIES por book $10 • • MINSTREL BUDGET $3$ • • 4 BLACKOUT BKS , Ot. bk. $3$ • • BLUE BOOK (Gtgs for Slapsl $S0 o HOW TO MASTER THE CEREMONIES $3 00 GIANT CLASSIFIED ENCYCLOPEDIA OF GAGS $300 Worth ovor a thousand No C.O.D.'s BILLY GLASON 300 W 54lh St N«w York 19-Dtpl V CIrcIo 7-1130 S. Dakota Fair Ahead Omaha. Sept. 22. South Dakota State Fair at Pierre I attendance this year probably will surpass 1952 figures. Gross re- ceipts for first two days totaled , $53,280, about 25% up. Good weather was big factor. SENSATIONAL DANCE ACT (THE VALENTINO WHIP) WESTERLY Vaude, Cafe Dates New York FiT'Mch import Colette 51ars sigiu'il lor the Mer-sian Room of tlm I'Lua Hotel. Nov. 23 . . . Kitty KalIrn pacted for the Dec. 10 date at that hor.lcl and Nanette Fabray into tliat s))ot J.nn, 7 . . . Jules .Mumhill preparing a nitery act . . . Valerie Noble, louring Korea for I SO Camp Shows, leaves to- day (Wed.) for Japan . . . Pearl Bailey signed for the F’airmont Ho- tel. San Francisco. Oet. 20 . . . I.arrv Storeh into the Latin Quar- ter. Boston, Oct, 12. ‘Holiday’Whopping 140G I For 15 at M Lake Fair I Salt Lake City, Sept. 22. ‘Holiday On Ice” rode to its best gross In the six years it’s been the hit of the Utah State Fair, by winding up with a whopping $140,- 000 for 15 performances at the Coliseum. leer had a sock advance and didn’t have a light perform- ance in 10 days. Fair itself was generally con- ceded as being the best effort yet. Manager Art Theobald’s new' pol- 6 for four weeks, sharing bill j icy of upping the admission to 75c I and tossing in all grandstand j shows as a free bonus paid off. Attendance hit about 215,000, but money spent on the grounds was 1 up because people stayed longer June Valli|tlian usual. Biggest draws were the Baron Leone-Gorgeous George wrestling match and the ski jumping contest using artificial ice. BOB BAXTER WHEN IN BOSTON If't fft* Masltr of Mi$chiaf' Chicago Charles Carls inlo Blaek Orchid Oct. 2 with Tliree Riffs . . ..Helen Traubel doing fortnight at the Statler. Washington, Oet. 2, beginning i classical concert tour on Oct throuph Nov. 25 doing week at Gay Haven,’ Detroit, on Oct. 2G, following with a single round at Town Casino, Bufl'alo . . . Ldyie Gorme opens Gay Haven Oct. 12 lor a week . . . Ronalds Bros, return to Cairo Supper Club Sept. 30 for indefinite run . . . Johnny Ray to Chase Hotel, St. Louis. Sept. 23 for 10 days OPENING OCT. 1 Tfiw Horn# of Show Folk Avtry It Woshiagtoa Sts. Bakartfield, Calif. Mat.; DAVE BRANOWER WORLD’S WORST! FOSTER AGENCY. LONDON prc$tRfl WE'LL GET YOU CANCELLEDI Trial Folio. Gagt. tit* Paredits, Intros. $100 — CATALOG FREE — SEBASTIAN 10934 V Hamlin, No. Hollywood SU 2-4459 Ben Arden to Flame in Duluth, Sept. 23, for in- definite stay . . . Norm Dygon and ' .Mr. Chips open Town Room, Mil- waukee, Nov. 9 for two weeks ... June Christy playing clubs here after European tour with Stan Kenton, opening Blue Crystal, Girard. O., Oct. 12 for single frame. Dorothy Dandridge bagged by Chez I^aree, Chi, for two weeks opening Sept. 25. Vagabonds fol- low on Oct. 6 for a fortnight, with .Maria Neglia and Condos & Brandow rounding out the bill. Billy Gray steps in on Oct. 19 . . . Willie Shore doing 10 days at the Lake Club, Springfield, beginning Oct. 2, with Wanda Smith Fashion Debs also in the lineup. Olsen Sc Johnson bow into Lake Club for a week on Oct. 22 . . , Fran Warren into Eddy’s. Kansas City, Oct. 16 for two weeks . . , Arren Sc Brod- erick playing Thunderbird. Las Vegas, Sept. 24 for two rounds. Los Angeles, Sept. 22. Shipstad & Johnson’s “Ice Fol- lies” paced the town’s bo., in an otherwise dull week. “Follies,” which opened at the Pan Pacific Auditorium last Thursday, racked up an estimated $39,685. Coach • Arrongor - Accomponitt Musical CoBSultaaC MumUoIm • Badio > Ttftvic’on - Clubs 156 Wt»t 72ncl Strot. N«w York TRofoIgor 7-7255 Arntrlc^n Rip.: WM. MORRIS AGENCY TAVEL MAROUANI AGENCY PARIS Who Has Appeared on Every MAJOR TV SHOW Now Freelancing and Available DirecHon—JACK KALCHElM 160 W. 46fk Sr.. Ntw York 36 JU 6-5S74 ORIGINAL MAGICAL JUGGLER Currently 3rd Starring Week ALPINE VILLAGE, Cleveland THIS ACT NOT TELEVISED no po»plo buf Amtrtco’s Pomoas PlomoRCO Doncert Omaha Jimmy Troy, aerialist. and Low, Hite & Stanley, comedy, featured Audubon County Fair grandstand show at Audubon. la., last week . . . Robertsons, acros. booked for .\udul)on’s Diamond Jubilee Oct. 1 . . . I’ .Molly Craft in at Hay- den H(n)>e at Airport here . . . Neil Wolfe holdover at Dundee Dell . . , Coinie Paul Fay and .>IurieI I.ynne Trio holding forth at .Angelo's . , . Iladda Brooks headlining at Don Hammond’s Seven Seas . . r,Tnto Mimics doing three shows nightly at Grand Bar. SPECIAL RATiSI Right in tht heart of Philadelphia's ^ theatrical and night club district . . . excellent facilities, spacious, homey rooms Opening Sept. 25th PALACE, New York Oct. 6th—GIRO'S, Hollywood (witk XAVIER CUOATI Follswtd by ORIENTAL TOUR Exclus’v# Management LOLA IISHOP WIscoNslR 7.1460 New York •ROAD AND LOCUST STREETS Robert Pearce, Rando-yf Monoger