Variety (September 1953)

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irg<ing»d*y< Septemhfr 30, 19S3 H*tel Stullery L. A. the first bare breasts in a special number >^ith two nudie gals con XIISHT IIJ'B RKVIRWi^ Los Angeles. Sept. 25. ! r”j;i— »«*» con- Ccrl Brisson, Jackie Warner k *®*>**'* ®** • l^*f rotating ihirleu McGuire, Charlie Fisk Orch horses. Sid Plummer, an *. l 2 t Run Perry Orch i5);$2cou- musichall turn, di.splays ’ his xylophonetics with a trick in- xylophonetics _ strument that belches smoke, be- The Terrace Room of the local i ,* donkey for the serenade, link in the Statler chain opens its I.* *"® things running over fall season with Carl Biisson. who i i® general generates a fltK k i.houid induce bii as brisk as tradi-! ®* <‘orn^ll yocks. liunal autumn weather. A per-i . . .*®_''^her, an actor from the former who seems to particularly plea.<>e the matured, middleaged the Danish singer is right in his orbit in this spot, where no effort ever is made to lure the ciewcuts and pony-tails and none f\c*r venture. staid, does a turn as an amateur magico with some good gimmick work, but his origin and approach are lost to most of the tourists. Sol y Sombra Dancers « 6 » are a spirited Kla- .tr venture. menco group ‘New Acts), and then Brisson spreads his turn over 40 winds with the French Can- minutes. by which lime his '9' adding their whoops and “charm” has thoroughly saturated * ,*® show for the nuKh- neetfed moving finale. Elevators from floor and ceiling intrigued the aud more than most of the acts, and a relum to the old style shapes as a necessity here before the hep name draw of this e.*-tablisliinent fades away. Well refurbished, and with a good show, this still has a chance to regain ’em. He uses his top-hat and cane accoutrements for good effect and works with a contagious energy. Performance-wise he gets best re- mits when commingling schmaltz With inelodramatics in warbling “With These Hands,” “I Believe.” “While The Angelus Was Hinging” and "Last Time I Saw Paris.” His ”"•7 “ iv • arrangements greatly enhance his I .d,** renown. J)ut as it stand.s now delivery of these ballads and they I .d^ * ®P '*'e are artfully slotted into his reper- j *^^‘'** Hy -Night bus tours, toire at junctures when his lighter- j Mosk. hearted folderol appears to be ... . "T; 2 ... about to wear thin. | • lmrls»y ■•fay «• H wsmmI He opens with a medley of Frank ■ Hollywood. Sept. 24. l-oe.sser tunes from "Hans Chris-} Johi/uj/ Johnstou; Chorleij and tinn -\ndersen” and wanders I /t/ory Foy; Arnold Dover; Cully through a subsequent maze which I Hichord.v; Abby Brou n Orth i4i; includes “When I Smoke A Ciga- i $2 itiiniinuin. ret.” "Ring Around Rosie's Fin- • fA liallaa Village, F. San Francisco. Sept. 25. r ./Dorothy Louden, Chot) Chop & Charlene, Joan Lowe Laurie .Sisters 131 . Delrae k rouny, D'Andre Sisters (2'. Elroy Fioer, Te(U Lru'is Orch uith Sol Klein Hit; '$lA0-$2 cover. The Ted Lewis magic, which has kept ijim a top fave for .some three generations, is as magical as ever if the kudos showered at this jam- paeked opener is any evidence. Same old mixture of corn, senti- ment and show biz knowhow. .Same old expropriation of the spotlight m.s .seven .specialty acts notwith- I standing, Same old Shakespearian posturing and monologuing. Same I Old clever timing and pacing. Same old .^'Ockeroo, to(t, ^ .....,vio. m, Lewi.s m.Tkes no hones about thei®^ J^ans Souei. usuall.v shares sing- ' fact that he’s the only important'*®** honors on llie Itill with Xio- ; facet of a Ted Lewis show Sup-I®***'^ Alfaro, another oUltimer. I porting talent is just .so luiieh nee- "do now misses .^ome nights due to , e.s.sary payrolling to more effeelivo -1 engagemenl.s » } ly frame the Lewis magic. He’s in' *® ‘*® effort to Imosi its tiaile. at e\ery ofiening speeialty item, i ^***** ^ouei 'which labors und« r the disadvantage of being tin- [Cachia do full credit to the vibrant .music, shakiug and prancing with [gay abandon Henri Boyer dt»es ja fanciful, quick-paved mterpiela- I lion of a witch doctor, swinging an umbrella and wearing au incon- gruous top hat throughout lus dance. ! Hector A HeNuia do hectic mam- I bos. and Olga C'ha\'iano does her usual competent work dancing to ["native" rhythms in the produc- tion numbers. 'In addition to ' .Ma- cumba," there are two colorful "Fiesta de Kitnu" mimlKus t Hoioi HooNe%elg, V. Ihiy LooHuirdo Orch «I 4 i n ith Ciirincn, Lrbcrt k \’icfor /,om- I'ardo. Kenny (iardner. Hill Flan- nnnui, ('Hlf ( Mck D'Anucos Orch, 1 coriT. For the umpteenth stiiii"lil yeai, Ouy I.oiuhardu ami Ins orefi re* loinetl to his hailiwick in the lloU I Itoovcxelt. \ V lli ill Miin- day night '2H>. to ring up the new t.'dI-winttT season. ,4n anmial event since 1P29. Hie music In/ s(>is its Fernando Valencia cincet s and I *‘'d' by Lomtnirdo's openings, .sings in two languages. His “He of the few' rimndning e\cnls "Sevilla" is stirring, liis '" metropidiian «-lio\v b'o iic‘S lonely and lovely, but the expres- 1 ‘‘ccnc that coiiiinucs to dr.iw a rem cscniation All A . . sjon on his face is usually a tiit too pained—he can’t ically he that unhappy. 'Valencia, an obit unci weaves in and out during the pro -1 <bsadvanlage of beii eecdings and is promptly on hand *'®"* last tor his (lit of thu 11 ,ill,; t. 'started the novid cvociii lull rcmcsenigtion Irom the Tin Fan .MIcy fraWu'nity ot p itihshers, pliiggers and el(*ffers l.omhaido’s pulling power for the general public aho r(‘mains not lung short of speci.'o oliir in Ibjv rougii era tor dance hands. Opening night, the (hill ua.s packed from 7 p ni onwards, with Hie dance floor being bkewis** iamnuni with Hie cotomci Iwo- ger” and "White Gardenia.” He .swaps, for bit of typical spoofing Johnny Johnston’s return to the local nitery .scene alter a five-year of Texas, his top-hat for a 10-gai- j absence gets compensating re- Ion Slet.'-on and comes off exceed-' ward frdVn top response at the Foy ingly well in this room where Cali -1 emporium, where singer’s two- fornia oilionaires like to guffaw at ! week stand should pay off in added Te.xas oilionaires as noveau riche | biz for this intimate spot. Show, upstarts. best in some time, also has a clever Bill is opened with 18-minute j mime, colored Arnold Dover; dance turn of Jackie Waimer A ' Cully Richards back with his .Shirley McGuire, young.sters of j leisurely comedy routine; and good appearance and hoofing abil- j Charley Foy teaming with his si.s- ity who as yet haven't realized ail 1Mary for a few opening num- iliey might from act not particu -1 bersj tor his (ut of the' mitts ai the bow-! s***^***! H't’ off Hi.s acts <lon’t .see m to mind;' *'®®®« anvwav. Lewis doesn’t. • To his credit it must be said that hi.s .succc‘s as the nation’s top milkman’t hurt his popular- ity with the check fumhiers. They come to see Lewis and lie obliging keeps Hie carbon on himseU Hirougli all t)ut a carele.'^s minute or two during tlie 85 minutes of show' time. The current Lewis package is in line with Ills past compotes. The old hlueplates are on hand includ- ing "Me and Mv .Shadow,” which novel expel iineiit —' big nilenes—ot al>ol- ishing It.s $3 .*)() iiunimuni at tahli s W’eeknights. It retains the mini- mum Saturda.Ns, hut is considering doing away with it, to<i Jay week i steppers One Fiflh A%e.. .\. V. Marion Harris. Jr , Fred .S/)h J man, Hob Doirury K Harohl /•'un I' ille, Hazel Webster, no incrr or minimum. Bob Downey has launched 'll^ fall sea.son at this downtown Filth Ave. intimery witli an impoil trom I.omhardii's (’rew, of course, i* a dance liand par excellency for Hie more mature set who ran be • 'oiifideot that the beat \'. ill always tie there in its Ii‘asf complicated lorm There’s no lia^-s player cur- reiiHv with Hie b.iiMl, hut that beat i*- laid down firmly by a tuba, drum, guitar and tlie twin pianos of Muddy Brennan ami Fred Kreil* /ei- 'I’lie lucid. re(‘ds-oii-top rnclodif palliM'i) of Hie Lomb.'irdo orgaiii/.a- lion has remained status oito over the >ears. Tlie jivesters may cavil that it’s corov. hut •*•■*■ j*iy .-iiiuuuw, wnicn ' iiiiiiiirry wiiii ail iiiipori ii'oii) •» s I'oi'oy, tint this music is na.s been pay dirt since Coolidge f H***tain '.Marion Harris. Ji .i and ^.’’'•hue in its commercial con- e to run. Same for ^rom the uptown Lantern iwliile e y Happy?,” " “*''*'*‘<* Spielman). Both are at home ' H»»* oand bir \ did not choosy I "Is Evei ybody 'Around The Cornet’”' and “The i ^***’^ *^<1 K<‘t .NumlMr Ones new Sunny Side of the Street.” And i s^’ason off to a delightful start jOthi r items, including "I’ve Got a I First off. it’s about time ■Million Wonderful Memorie.s ’! Harris dropped tliat Jr. tag ' '.‘7*^5!**. ’ and “Yes sir. That’s Singer, who offers eight num- bers, all of entertaining quality, also inserts a bit of novelty with .some harmonica mouthing and a few deft dance steps. His choice of songs displays the showman’s touch, all well within his e.xcellent range, and he delivers them with a friendliness which communicates Isrly well framed. Their intro routine is not only coi-nv. it isn’t well executed, and a hayrlde inter- pretation i.s even more muddled. After they switch from soft to tap shoes the attention picks up es- pecially during a sailor-and-moll strut The pair have definite prancing talents and should chan- I II ii'iiviiiiK :va v\ iiiv;ii V uiiiiii uiiiv tiivn nel them properly, not attempt. I crowd. He alternates orange via "interpretations.” to be .sort of ^*®^ purple .silk tuxedo jackets for a road company of Marge A Gower I nightly appearances, giv- Cliampion. ing an inlormal note to the whole Cliaiiie Fi.sks band *12» backs proeeodings. Ri jsson with never a falter, no, Using "Red. Red Robin ” for an ca*y assignment for a hotel dance |®P^®“ ‘ Johnston .socks over ".\o orch. Between .shows, tlie crew al- L)thcr Love ” for one of liis two top Urnates with Ron Perry’s predom -1 other being "With inanfly Latune fivesome in dis- l**’^*’ Hands." Others are "1 .\in Mv Raby’’ weave a spell. Lewis’s troupe sings, dances, does i .Miss .. .She’s a performer in hot own right and doesn’t have to rely on the mar- quee value of her famous mere the magic and otherviise rii'sports itsHf i vaude-legit singer of Hi« with Lewis’s aid anH oi. i *® 20 s. References to lier mothci hand and to comfort al help them ^ntly Latune fivesome in dis- pensing dansapation. On opening night tables in this wide room '■>(re srh capacity first show- Hnt. Tnbttrln. ParlM In Love." "Ruby." combo liar- nionica-song offering; "Got the World on a String.” "You Made Ale Love You.” impressioning Hic way a Bronx hoy would sing it to Marilyn .Monroe, and "The Old Soft Shoe." He’s joined in latter number by Foy. Richards and Dover for laugh effect. Jack Elton handles the keys for Johnston. Dover’s impersonations display T- , Paris. Sept. 2.7. iui><ir,n variety show, "Arc En f ■ parts, with Paqe & Giselle Snef, Pa- , I jun p'Or, ,Tommy Linden Girls huge talent in thi.s line. Tops here “ Bcyanj, Bcrymanii L impression of Ed .Sullivan Foros. Sid Plummer, Sol i/ Sombra opening a "Toast of the Town ” ihiin i rs ( 6 i. Jean Weber, T rc;(c/i ‘i®** Jerry Lewis hit ti!ii ('aa ( 9 i; Jean Apnro Orch also’is particularly elever. Olliers 12 •: $1 .SO •: l*<t UAxnrfAJM^c \ T/-X i 11 \ At »• ways on through. Of the .specialty supports which share the Lewis time-table two app(*ar to IriNe more than a niodi- j cum on the ball, though sometimes I it s a little hard to tell, iiecause ' Lewis is so alwavs on liand to par- ticipate with a helping h.nnd and for a percentage of the mitt. How- ever. Iiotfi tile Laurie Sisters ' 3 ) iincl Doi'otliv Low den have a way v'.,th tli#ir wariiling. There are also Delrae A A’oung. who follow Hie Jafk Cole tradition of the daiicp, tlial is. .Hioes off and a jerk of the neck. .Aside from the diversions it’s j Ted L<“w is .’ind a .vard wide, maybe i evcTi wider Tlie rustomcr.s want, wiiat tlic'v gel and get vcliat Hiev • want and Lewis pours it on. wifji. Hie final pa.\otT in Iui 7 /alis riciilv ’ (Icser\c-d. Lew is V ori h. wliic li is batoned hv himself but direw ted by Sol i Klein, is hetier adec nate for daricinc and pinpoint perfect Cor Hie show Trd. ' liJ'; $1.30 cover. are Edgar Bergen’s Mortimer Snerd. Billy Eekstine and Jimmy — one I 41 , t>iiiv rji ikMiiit' 4 III 11 llu T;jbarin is open ap^iin uilh Ahby Brown orch lends ^ n vised edition of last veai’.s iiacking lor all numbers. v..r,e;y “ i ^ “ “..V show. of the acts are •<. 11 . 1 *'*^ [he lack of production ! , ‘ ^‘‘S*®®*®ff to show. The ' l•(*l-lllouth of this w.k. .spot I'Mfi* 4l«» PariM. I<4»n4l4in London, Sept. 23 ‘s'nm'.i'-.i"'L 4 “VV v;‘iiigiii OT a Hurl Ives: Geonie Smith and ■|..ik hi J 1 ? i-K; ^!.i ""iy 'i"'- r>-i- Orel,.: *.5 I,,,.. .S«nK .S4»U4*I. Havana Havana. Sept, 21. Julitt & .Sandor, Ohia Chaihano, i (tehio, 1 ondelai/u, Henri Hoyi r, Fernando Valencia. Hector J //• lend. Riii(i( I Orteya Orch. Cha7- Ir./ Rodriyin: Onh. Production In/ Sdechi: choreoyrai/h 1 / b,/ .Sandor orehi'st rat ion bn Rafael $3 .’)() niiniinum ,Sat. 'I iL I. only i;iir . “ , *t that the old stvie spec imv-cano revue will grace this ‘**'‘®® I® Deeembei Witli the rc'opening of the ('afe Thi.s (ip Paris alter its sewen-week sc-a- .'‘(■(ins u oe rails aiier ns ‘"nliniie,: V’* ^“nal shuttering Hie fall season n.M\ V type of cucli- opens witli a disfinetive atfiaction. the vine ^ ^ But! Ives lias made a big name for s,.!,, liimself locally in concerts, vaiich - i*- rmt (if f,,,-. ville and radio, but his deimt in p*****?^’- ‘V®^ ®t‘i>® i*u(l cabaret was Iroely considiMcd a Ce'iici li ini ^ I *•'' speculative |»roposiUon lime *Cic?i ***®'^*®*-‘' ti’oui time The ojumiiig night audieiue un- '•.Miv(> i *■*’ the lemcee mistakalily gave the answer to t'lc iniiov hi.irw i. and li’cnelie $84 question. Despite a siowish t ‘1 hiv. ^ st.nt. Hie bcarcied ballad ‘linger t'.iT'i- ' Four-Bier. an off- captured tlieir fancy and with lit- h hiTcv ,,n Bastes iui)heri/( (l He apparent eflori he liad the cu^;- h"//i( s •.n#c‘*i B®/’** ® t® create \v k lomers calling, almost in pal- < ■’1 of I'l 1 .. This seems l.-idium fasliion. for some ot Hu ir h^'iooi i * c>penc r in this fave tunes. More surpining vuil. ^ n. ,i 'tnr« * 4 ^ I atneia D’Or does there v\as no reluctance in joining (I Ivif n. J®Kftling. vvitli her in a participation nnniher. J ' ®andHng rating good In its main cvscntials. the roii- R .... .. *'***' adherc-s to Hie lormat '-c’t for ^ lx r ^ trapeze liis roneert appearances Ba*-icaliy ' ihc- twill ^'7 ^ *1 **'*-'h it is a solo effort hut when not ' ' t and o**/ n<?ck craning in- sclf-acccnnpanicd on the guitar. ' • lin*. fain" Rasps as slie doc's hes Is admirab’y haekgroiinclccl liv * f;iik i7i Fonimy Lin- Hie reside nt cafe eo.iibo. In a 30 - <iniii4,« *' *®*“*’^P<®’se acts v.ith minute stint lie does well over a ' ( imt”i'® ® numbers, all in the s.Mne • I l( rnino ^ hop eo.stuniing vein, and Hie majority well-kno'vn ’ '1 * P^’tKtyian A Boros to the aiieiiemce. Most f.Tmiliar e ‘.®*P*t>®^hip ping-pong numiicTs get liia.ior re-ception, ‘^och i. lii u out of as "Frankie and Johnnie." " I he* • le and gives it a eommii-, Blue Tail Fly." and "H'ack K ed ' I Hw. r, *.***’ part vvinds, Susie.” ■ ".Now I’ve Found Ci;ce I V, » ‘‘ 4 *.®^ Fage A in Hie Eves of Hie Lorel ” and the* “(.nd F'g Rock C’aney .Mountain" are- u.v I ®tore of the o.lwr hipriumbers in a bal- > kinelen Girls and displavs arced liittup. loyro. , The .S.ins Soiici sliow is a danc- ing one. .inel indiiidual dancers oiil««liin(* the inodiKtion numbers as a wlmle llie main proeluetion mimlier. 'M.u umlia. ” is another in a V(xtdodistic .scries that lias been stag! (I at S.ins .Souci 'and at com- petitor 'I’l (ipicaiia • for the jiasl Ihrcc v i ar*- \ oodoo on Hie stage iias now p.-c-sed through the art. arlincs'' and artle'<'-nc‘-s fitiases It i'- now (•1(1*0 to vtagnation "Maciimiia” ‘Omele n-Ko ’ for- mcrlv at 'I’l opicana» and “Mro- (’iihi.n IHi.'ifiMidy ■’ 'San.s .Souei 1 have all \ainl.v triexl to imitate and do a.s well a*- .S.'ins Soue-i’s original '•ma-h-hit, F’-monlh “Sun .Sun Dairihae ’’ I)c«-pife the lavi'-hn's.s of Hie staging Ihe imitations liave liordi red on the me-e fianical and monedonoii'' (MCourse, ne-w tour- i'-ts < ome- (town eac h vear. and lor Hum Hie "-Ikiwv aie- indeed "new ’’ 'I’his iv |U(»l)nljI\ ample leason to' (•<»ni iniie I he m. San*- SoiK i lias gatliered to- ge ihei a j.roiip of topnotch dan e rs their taiml*' ranging 10 ( 1 ,n to interpretive ^ are brought in during .songalog for okay nostalgic effect hut Hie aeldi- j tion of Jr. in Hie billing is sop# r. I fluous. In her initial stint in Hie .N’evv j York area, .Miss Han is •^liape s .'-s ■ a strong bet for chic cafe work j She’s got the look*-, the* fieger and the savvy to win the sopliisticaics I A tribute to her knowiiow is that 1 she even gets ’em e.ding out (,1 (her hands here when* the tiaele* ;s I more down-to-earth •Miss Harris se*ts a comfeu i;ihle [mood at tiie outset with a iirie'fie of "Time and Ihmds ” and a Irokv • "Baby’s Awake .\ow " H set- the 1 room up for a mixtinc of mood • ballads and rluihni nnmlicis a'ld i that's wiiat she givc's ’cni — in , spades Shearuri.s Hie gamut fiom ’ The Last Time I Saw Paris ” wiHi .1 Frenehie bit of '.I'ai Deux Amoni s • inc luded, to “Ballin’ 'The* J.k k ’ and 'H Wish I ('oulek .Siiiinmv l ike* .M\ Sister Kate*.’’ She* gets »ae h mood with inijiaet Spielman is a (’online*nlal imu I but he’s cot a eeimie spirit that s I strictly U S. He iMiilek a st,.;,dv j stream of rocks via ‘luup safii ji .d strokes, Hi\ forte* is s|(nv telliri" in song. Using a paieHiv pali'io on a varie*fy e»f tmp liiii's atwl standards lie makc'v Hw ('hri‘-tit- plie*r (•'olumlms-CVucen Kli/aite :h « I vai n a surefire l.iugii w inner .AKo scores in “and Hicn I wrote ” mt including sucfi of liiv c(nni>eoitiein'<. . as “.She*plu*reFs .Serenade ’ ;in,l Ort(*yej; I “.Spring Come s Bac k To Vienna ’’ j .Although he’s got a wide range* of material, it's pegged niainlv for intimery ronsumntiori The duo pianos of Dovmwv and Harold Fonville* fill the* intermisli spots exeellentlv Ha/e I \Ve*hvi,.r alte*rMate*s on the kevlioatd for tip- top results. Grte: eve*rv eitiier phase was ti*s;irig, adopt- irig and diseareiing new stylings during the past two elee*ades. ’ 'I’liis liand also lias a standout vocalist eotit ingeiit in Ke*nny (jardner Hill Flanriigan and Cliff (Irass Tills lineup eovers li;:llaels. I rlivtfim numliers and nove'lt|e*s r\- pertlv, with votals be*ini! fe;eured : viiiitalK on ev«*ry tiom';e*r. In ail- elition, the* I.omhardo 'I'rio jiilclies up eme*mhle etioru'es to give this orcii maximum voc'id fU*xii)ility. I.ornharelo re*riiains ;s ii-oal. tiie aflatila maestro I h nn. \'«»KU4* Fill Plttsliurgl). .Srpt. 2.3 Jiiiiit s .l/elfoii, Maryun t P/iUi am. Hankinson, llelhr A Ihbii,. .41 .'./or.sico ()rch '8'. / rtiiik .\atali ’/ rio, $1 .'»(|.''2 e»>etr. Ililx I'firll4»n. .^I«inlr«*»l .Monfre*;(l .V( pi IM C/lia Lifif(//i nilh .Inlninn Gal- hint. Joe .Settaiio 'Inn. J 1 '! ">o cover Blonde* Celia I.ifilon 'pw k< d Ia m.’in.iger' .John Contant to piiem the season in liis swank Bit/ ( ale lie*re* teed off m olid stv h- lo e paeily iiiz and a fine r((ej»tion Pre*seiit e rigitgenwiil m.iiks the* second for this Kngli h ehiiiwa and allhongh she hioiighf little new in Hie* wav of mateiial li.-ick to Mf)ntre*al for Hw ope nlmv e tian- “eiise* (emiirmes to r»gi*-ler with smh items as “Till in Noiir Kilt “Foggy Dav," “.\o Ollier I.e»\e ’ and licT impiesvjon se‘sion on j He tie Davis anel Kalhaime Hep from hall- burn t<» the* in- ..Aiienit midway through her song- evitahh* m. inf o. Juliet A .Sanelor alog, .Miss Liplon In mgs in a hi- grre eliilly step through a bolero,; lingual number ealleel "Whe n I Mid then ehi.rmingiv and with i Learned French.” wiiicli is just so- Hio.emgh ease, elo the waltz "fJh.lso in pixsent arrangement, llov. V. e Dane eci on Hie .Night We Johnny (fallant returns for an- Weie Wee' ” The ir windup is a'-other season and plavs a rnighfv ian.'o. M el. being Aigentineans. j fine piano behind the tlirush on th'*y JU tot; jiy ,>ee| ^t it, 'view and spells the trim .Settano Do'ipg " .iHcumba." with its Bra- trio effectively between shoos /ilian i.ivHinis, 'i’on(ieli->u and] eVeift. Cla^s .vpols, iieitels eu ( lidis. 1 .m pliiv the .lames .vl(*ltoii package will) salelv .md pie a* 01 e It’s a Vkiiitier all the w.'iv, .vmarllv luit toge ther u.Hi a lot of thou* lit. anel showily piodueed to keep mi lioiir spinriiMg to si-eiii like h,‘;lt that long I’e opie forge*l Hiai l»e*fe#re .Me llon \.( 111 loiigliair in ope ia and (one e*il‘ he* was a elane e haiids- m.'in and a pop Mngei. and tfw guv po ked lip p.e n'y o! si,v', v along the* wav anel ;'pp;'ient v rie \ e r |oi got It f he-i (■ s somet liiiig for e v ei \ iiodv in the .M( lion unit tor it ions all the v.iiv np and down llo' ( in* ie ;d and e life I lamiiM fit sc.-ile* From ; n ope nirii' “I aiii.i. ’ nifti'v en : ue *el. an Iiisfi V 4 ,ng “SoiMnto" .'<101 “Holid.-iv for Striro’* " .' fiolher high si)ot he goes mio ;•») ;ii|fl tieii'i “losea ■' Imt mif h* tore* «oeo#> anelie*nce-v>. 1 • pe elini'r;.'i 1 i's Me I- t(»n fli*-! t.ik** the* c'dwd in 111^ ((lofieh lie e*. silting down in a e hair and I’r.ieion.sly Z .pi.’iin ng tn eveivday h.fignage* Ho e«,rii> ,n the* opeia h'.'olitii' up to f'le par- loniai nomhe r he sir,>>s 'I hat ’...iv he* h;is evM-vhod* in li:s coiner ticfoie lo* tidls 111*. '•,iori»r out; that w.a' loo it im'ueehaie K elioi- in.ile s the peosHiilil V ot loi.ii'iried ‘luffin'ss or me Prise fo'ks figure even .Ml oneralic 'lar een he one* of Ihe pceipf*- and \f< lion h.i'ols ii lei Ho m on Ih./I kir »l of a ohi' f« 1 And w hal a HllllliOg Mine he pi d- dies a long w iHi if .‘‘llOW ope-ns Wiffi daioe f(,■,l|| of III He I A Hcle*ne‘ in ‘ome , l;.s^v fiallfoooi 'luff fh.'il’s gi;i'( |ii"v and ‘tn.'lllv «lej*p«d oil .' ;t'| Ih” it he.-iuli/n! lerlheael who * •o-ld lil’hl on .‘irr,’ fhioi' vlolhei ‘■he eeaild daioc or not a'ol ‘he (.ni ffele rie r ome * li.'o k :i I' ■ '• riol's later lei (lo a foaf •(|'o *. In '■ '.f* '• le'fi i' doin'' “I,.'"r;, “ ; iid il’s a r'i(e piodiotion let Hiai moov's 1 he p.'o kage from I he ■ 1 1 i< I '* o Ie , v io and of fire-'e*nl’ll oio Addiioaial » las* is pieiv ide-d iivMe lton’s (i.ek ae ( oiiip.-irnsf David f f.rnk iroem hr whom the* ‘far •oniahiv ‘lands iff !if one- • iele while* M;nkiM'<»n s ptavirn' the "Farda.sie* I'orifomriln ” and ;fte*r that an ala idee el \*i*i«>n of "fthansodv in Blue ’’ Follciwing Melton’s "Teoea" lot. he iirine's on Margaret Fnlliani a striking soprano with a cot king «et cif pines anel she so'os Moselfa’s "Waltz ,*^ong ” fr om "La Roheme” before ioining un with Melton to eloet "Whv Do I Love You’’” from “<;how Boat.” It’* a real ear- •' fir*»l#r. too the wav thev do It. At Miss Pulliam's exit, Melton foen f Continued 01 page 62)