Variety (December 1953)

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Chicago* Chi Chicago, Deo, 25. -uni tovvets (4), Sid Krofft, Cy Tsi Ws <4). Loui3 TWtaZS Sasil & T House Orch; “Kiss Me, Kate” ( M-G )* ■ ■■... . ■ ui» been custoinsry to stsjc As M Vn for the Christmas a especially with a bow, to the ? ] ? uveh?le trade,-this-seasoii’s at Chi’s lone presentation l pre Amisses most of the previous SSsTy slv?ral feet, It's irteas- 5 enough diversion and ample accompaniment to the pic. but the wine has limited strength. ‘ ®toppers are fairly well tcnown for two or three tunes on the Dot lohei that made sizeable splashes, rases in point, ''Trying" and "P. S Pl!ove You,” are natural palmget- ters in this repertory, essayed al- most exactly as they, had been etched. Boys are garbed in utn- ■5Arm collegiate sweaters and bean- os rocking and handclapping with their numbers but other wise, short on showmanship. Quartet, tends to weigh heavily after a time with lach song following a set sound mttern— the tallest member taking most of the leads im a wavering baritone while.the trio of lads chime sweet harmonies behind hl fiest attraction for the younger set in this lineup is Sid Krofft, who is one of the slickest puppeteers to appear on these boards' this year. His dollars are convincing made and manipulated, and their routines are refreshingly offbeat. Blond stripper is a clever bit but in doubtful taste for the towhead element. Krofft caps his turn to a good hand with a sepia jitterbug I)a Comic slot is hold by lugubrious Cy Reeves, 1 who passes off his monology in an appealing . mono- tone. Timing is good on material that centers about doctors, chil- dren and other commonplace sub- jects within the experience of the juves; Tien Tsi Liu’s acrobats and equi- librists kick off the show in good fashion arid collect a steady round of standard applause for variegated precision stunts, performed indi- vidually and in group. Catalog iri- voles body balancing, frame con- torattons, plate spinning to a head- stand, barrel rolling by foot and a bundle of other juggling and aero feats. Louis Basil emcees and batons house orch in capable showbacking from the pit. Les. Olympia, Miami Miami, Dec. 25. Dagmar, Bhk Twins, Jimmie Ca- sanova, Winnie Hoveler Dancers, Les Rhode House Orch; “Thunder Over the Plains” (WB). Holiday show in this big house brings first marquee lure in many weeks .in Dagmar. Supporting show is sparse on acts, but over- all, the package keeps them enter- tained through the hour-long ten- ure, , Act built around the lusty blonde visually accents her physical' attri- butes, with lineage in same broad vein. Nothing subtle about the ma- terial nor her talent-bent, which is mostly confined to personality de- veloped on TV. What song and essays is buttressed by the Birk twins, a standout pair of youngsters who add their song and terp abilties to aid the oversized monde to a palm-rousing finish. On their own, the Birks score with a |~t raising session of acro- spot *s in hands of v m m L e ? a , sanova - A personable e take , s some time getting hem warmed to his type of humor Ki; e ^ lnds tnto a strong segment SinisXe" 8 an ■ OIds *“' s 0 i.^!) e o ^ in - n i e Hoveler dancers look ro J in an d han J dle a brace °f bright is adept manner. Staging abov e m par natlVe with WCtilidn- fverv J^hode. and house orch, per session'P as Vu Set up holiday songs with ar- tceoff ents Adding to a standout Casino* Toronto Four Tn*« .^Toronto, Dec. 25. • Trio U cSh f d’ ^ lc Hyde, Karpic Davis Ar S? A ' R V sse U> Bruce 'Cruiser!!? 6 5 J? ne House Orch; ■ ln the River” (Col). lng°in L a ad i are Currently break- trio for a fV | P ? rcusSlo ri background Joe M e]P ^ ir son * styling, with man on a»L pian °* Alex Lieber- ents on bass^A 311 ^ , George Clem- doffed thosp Y ?o l l gstei, f’ ' vho have gr ay suite fr tar . tan jackets for a hefty hL a a i glvl *?S the Casino 3C&ns-spf * p0 ’ P ^ us those squealing alley. iamnim? te E. s ’ w * th stagedoor y Jammed by femme auto- graph seekers after every per** formance. Fresh - looking youngsters •— Frank Busseri, Bernie Toorish Con .Codarini and Jimmie Arnold ^-bounce on for personal identi- ties, to squealing ovation, and then into their swing arrangement of “Rain,” a Negro spiritual, to terrific reception; this followed by, t unes in di ffer ent tempo s. Lads rirel tops on youthful appearance and delivery, with • fine harmony song styling that, from audience re- sponse, makes them surefire for any entertainment media. . Vic Hyde, always a favorite here, doubles commendably as emcee throughout, has some en- gaging banter with the pit band members but later steps into his own spot witty a tableful of brass instruments. Opener has Gilbert & Russell, personable boy-and-girl dance team, on for a comedy eccentric, followed by neat swing taps and plenty of ballet leaps and full- stage spins, leading to their on- drum dance finish, with tricky heel work and pirouets, all over to big. applause returns. Karpis Trio, two men and a girl, also score in their risley" act, with heel and hand catches, clever ladder bal- ancing arid neat work on the 1 rings. Bruce Davis, in dinner . jacket,; is also over nicely for his; song im- pressions.,: Bill is staunch on speed and diversity, with Archie Stone’s house orch pending plenty of solid backgrounding; and The Four Lads still the marquee lure for a healthy hypo. McStay. Fox, St. Loiiis St. Louis* Dec, 22. Trudy Richards, Patrice Helene & Jan- Howard, ' Bobby .Ephram, Mickey Sharp, Stan Kenton Orch (20); “Thunder Over the Plains” (WB), Natives are receiving, a Xmas present from Fanchon & Marco via stageshow at this huge, mid- town house, and teeoff of the Cur- rent: layout drew nice biz despite near-zero -arid windy : weather. Top honors are about evenly divided between Trudy Richards, a tall willowy blonde looker Who socks over several ditties, including “Breeze,” recorded for Decca last summer, arid Bobby Ephram, a Negro tapster who ranks With the best. After . Stan Kenton’s tooters grab a nice mitt for their interp of “Taboo,” .the Ephram lad keeps the palm-pounders iri action with his nimble, explosive footwork sans music. His rhythm is well- nigh perfect and the customers okay his work throughput. Mickey Sharp, a young comic, wins . chuckles and guffaws with, his patter. His satire of former President Harry Truman making a political speech is the best of his repertoire, which a includes bur- lesque of radio and TV Commer- cials, a Russian visitor to the U. S. and the tobacco auctioneer. In the closing slot Helene & Howard dish out some roughhouse dance stuff with the gal, two heads shorter than her partner, tossing him over her shoulders for sock prattfalls. Howard has a neat line of chatter that is sandwiched in. In addition, to the opening num- ber, Kenton’s lads Win the nod from the customers with their in- terpretation of “September Song,” with the vocals supplied by the tooters and Kenton at the 88, rind “Walking Shoes” and “Peanut Vender” to wind up the 70 min. session. Sahu. Empire, Glasgow * Glasgow, Dec. 29. Johnny Victory (with Hector Nicol, Betty Nolan, Audrey Young), Nicky Kidd, Alex Don Trio, Ursula Irving & Gordon Gird- wood, Aitken & Gordon, Jack & Chris Beattie, - Kemp & Keen, 10 May Moxon Girls, Alex Smith Orch. New winter show, overloaded musical acts; again cashes in. At- tendances will be hypoed by the holiday season. But more elabo- rate scenic settings are needed to carry it colorfully along. Plain drapings and lighting don’t serve to give that added splendor. Layout has: several attractive spots, notably a comedy scene with two live pooches rind featuring the show’s husky - voiced cqmedian Johnny Victory> tartan-jacketed funster with a lilting Edinburgh ac- cent and a carefree attack- Victory has the fault, however, of intro- ducing smutty references under belief that the Indigo streak, cre- ating quick bellylaffs certain sections of outfronters, means a successful reaction to his comedy. Thd Aitken & Gordon singing ■ scene spotlights this fine Mr.. & | Mrs., act in well-loved songs which they render effectively. Pair is immaculately garbed, and exits to solid mltting. More singing from Ni&ky. Kidd, bespectacled Scot crooner who handles his own ivories and has a warm, intimate approach that marks him as particularly suited for nitery chores, Australian instrumental duo, an- other Mr. & Mrs, team, Ursula Irving and. Gordon Girdwood, offer a mus ical spot, with son gs_and im-J pressions. Still more music Via instrumen- tal chores from the newly-formed Alex Don Trio, three males; AH three wear tartan jackets and earn good mittirig, having; introduced Small comedy element into their act. Jack & Chris Beattie, also part- ners in private life, do a brisk dancing turn. More terping, ac- cent on comedy, from mixed duo of Kemp & Keen, and comedy chores are upheld by Hector Nicol, Betty Nolan and Audrey Young: Scene about. Christmas in Mexico, intro- ducing a recalcitrant donkey, could usefully be eliminated, as could the .length of Victory’s ram- bling monologs, with a phoney phil- osophical thread. Alex Smith orch gives its usual efficient showback- ing. Gord. Why Fight Video Continued from pace 7 it gives us something television can’t duplicate,. That new- form of projection—whether it’s Cinema- Scope. or anything else-^is here, to stay for good. ^Pictures in the fu- ture will be bigger, more sweep- ing/more impressive.” Although Lightman is willing to let the old films go on TV, he draws the line at subscription-TV. “Unless they’d be happy with our Bs—and of course they won’t—I think that kind of thing would hurt us,” he commented. Regarding the release of old product for telecasting, the Mem- phis circuit op, who also runs a TV station, thought it Was childish tq oppose it. , “They’re. going to get programming somehow. We should do our best to advertise films on television,” he observed. “When they see the old ones on their smaU screen it’ll just give them an appetite for the bigger and better entertainment we have in the theatres.” Lightman went to London pri- marily to meet with Lester Cowan and discuss his possible participa- tion in the latter's planned screen version of G. B. Shaw’s “The Mil- lionairess.” Play has been adapted by Preston Sturgess who will also direct. Katharine Hepburn is set to star in the film which rolls in London in early February. Cowan is presently in N. Y/arranging ad- ditional financing. Though he got burned by his last excursion into production (Cowan’s exhib-backed “From Main Street to Broadway” which turned out to be a disappointment), Lightman still believes in exhibs getting be- hind indie feature production. “Main Street" was a poor example, he asserted, because the script got changed around too much. . VARIETY BILLS WEEK OF DECEMBER SI, 195S Numaralt ln cannactlan with Mllla balow indlcafa aimnlof day «f thaw wfiathar full ar ipMf wmH Lattar In paftnlhaiai Indlcataa circuit. (I) Indapandanti (L) Leawi (M) Mam (P) Paramount; (R> RKOi <S) tloili (T) Tlvall; (W) Wamar 7 NCW YORK CITY Music Hall (I) 34 Patricia Ray nay Norman Wyitt Jeanette Tannen ' Jack Beaber Jayne Hornby Eric Hutaon George Sawtelle Baudys Greyhounds RockCttea •. Corps de. Ballet ' Sym Ore Palace (R) II Payo & Mai Stan Harper ■ ■■ J Morris St B Barry Colemans f m Wallis St CarroU Pedl Sc Fedi Artie Dann' MooresTtoustabouts CHICAGO Chicago (P) 1 Hill Toppers Sid Krofft Tien Tsi Liu Tp Cy Reeves * . MIAMI Olympia (P) 39 W Hoveler Glrla P St B Parris Bert Wheeler ; Wally Perkina A1 Martino AUSTRALIA BRISBANB HIs Malastys <T) 7l Tommy Trinder Toni Green Joe Lee 3 Fayes 6 De Paula Bouna Mary Priest man' Harry Moreny Lloyd. Martin. Toni Lamond Maureen. Helman Dancing Boys Ballet . MELBOURNI Tivoli (T) 39 Betty Driver Walton £ O’Rourke Chevalier Bros Jlmae Co Gene Jimae Norman Vaughan Duke St Horsburgh Joey Porter. Baba McKinnon Peter Dorothy HaU WoUy Peterson Debonairs Adorables v- SYDNEY Tivoli (T) 39 H Sieman £ Archie Daresco 3 Lowe £ Ladd Charley Wood Co Frank Cook Suiao Jeani Renita Kramer Carlisle £ Weldon : Claadine Cheret Chaddells Show Girls Nudea 1 Ballet BRITAIN east Ham - . Granada (I) 39 Ladringlos Les Ricarda Sisto Co EUis Jackson Gudzows Dogs Syret. £. . Cecil . EDINBURGH JEmpira <MJ 39 Aly Wilson Vogelbeizts . Bears M Schumann HorGes Arthur Worsley Rockleys George Meaton Whirlwinds Wazzans Musical ElUotts HACKNEY Empire (S) 39 Bonar ColleanO Dick James Karen Greer Max Geldray Bunty St Clair Jackie Ross Patsy Sylvia ■■ -Nixon £ Dixon PORTSMOUTH Royal (M) 39 Roy Lester : Kenne Lucas Roy Walker Max Carole Toriy £ Ruby L«s Deux Tone! ]£» WOOD GREEN Empire (S) 39 Charles Irwin. Dolore Whiteman Norman Harper Don Cameron Chief Eagle Eye 5 Mohawks RnsUer Frasers Harm Co Print Depot Continued from page 7 be willing to go along under any circumstances. The depot would be open to participation by non- Motion Picture Assn, of America companies such as United Artists. It’s pointed out that, for a while, it will be difficult to establish just how extensive a saving the cen- ter could be to the individual compands since the distribs are hardly in a position to break leases on space they now rent. However, their shipping rooms could be more efficiently utilized. Better Use of Men Also, ri central shipping and in- spection agency would 1 be in a bet- ter position to make use of man- power. One top sales exec indi- cated last week that, in his opinion, pooled shipping facilities would avoid the kind of teriiporary lulls Which now arise with one company while another has to put on extra help to handle the rush of print orders. At the same time, it’s stressed that there is no assurance that any new setup would absorb all of the participating companies’ personnel. Just where the shipping depot would be located Is up tq National Screen which is acting as the chief advisor, to the companies. NEW YORK CITY Bitin Street Lilly Christine Phil Napoleon Billy Taylor Trio Blue Angel Tom Lebrer Rose Murphy Anita EUis Orson Bean Bart Howard Jimmy Lyons Trio Bon Sow Jimmie ■ Daniels Patricia Bright. Norene Tate. Garland Wilson Mae Barnes Kirkwood £ Goodman Cafg Society D'ntwn Alan Dale Leo DeLyon Dorothy Dunn Byel. Booker 3 A Robbins Ore Celebrity Club Alan Gale Fregdie Stewart J St J Williams Larry Foster Chateau Madrid Alberto. GastiUo Pupi Campo Ore Freddie Alonso Santa Herreral Copacabana Kean Sisters Norman Brooke DunhiUs Jonathan Lucas Herb Fields M Durso Ore Frank Marti Ore . Hotel Ambassador Jules Lande Ore Hotel Attor Three Suns Hotel nutmore Gleb YeUin Hotel N*w . Yorker Arnold Shoda Joan Walden Dni A Dijon Ernie Rudy Ore . A Roliini Trio Hotel Plerrg Toni Arden I, St E Roberts Stanley Melba Ore Cbico RelU Oro Hotel Pisie Mary McCarty Linn St Alexander Ted Straeter Ore Hotel Roosevelt Guy Lombardo Ore Hotel St. Regie Mary Meade Milt Shaw ore Horace Dias Ore Hotel Sherry- .. Netherland Juliana. Larson. Lester Lanin Ore - Jan Brunesco Ore Hotel Statler J £ T Dorsey. Ore Hotel Taft Vincent Lopei .Orr aatin Quarter Franklin £ Lane Christine Jorgenson Myles Bell L £ M Murray • Mon Toy Ving Merlin Darvas £ Julia Lee Sharon Rob Murray 7 Ashtons Ruby Richards Ait Waner Ore . B Harlowe Ore La Vie Eh Rose Julius LaRosa Lillian -Roth Van Smith Ore No. 1 Fifth Ave Bob Downey Harold FonvlUe Hate! - Webster . Old Roumanian Sadie Sid Gary Joe LaPorte Ore D'Aquils Ore. Perk Sheraton Irving Fields Joan Bishop Eddie Litwin Two Guitars Vladimir Rozhen Lubov Hatnshay Misha Uzdanoff Senia Karavaeff Misha Markoff . Town A Country La Playa Sextet Johnny Morris Ore Versetlles ’Nice To See You* Georgle Kayo Fay DeWltt Don Liberto A! Norman Lou Nelson Dorothy Keller Patti Ross Linda Lombard Barbara Stewart Caro) Obmart Salvatore G toe Ore Peiichtto Ore Village Barn Jackie Jay David Blight Holly Warren Zeb Carver Ore Hal Grahafn Ore. Village Vanguard Sylvia Sims Irwin Corey C WlUioms Trio Waldorf-Astoria - Jose Greco N Brand Wynne Ore Mlicha Borr Ore CHICAGO Blue Angel Jene Kelly Tany Roman Neville Black Val Navaro Grace: Nichols Bob WeDyck Trio Black Orchid Josh White .Rita Dimitri Yonely Ken Sweet Trio Chez PSree Marilyn Maxwell Kirby Stone Four Rafael £ Models (3) Brian Farnon Ore Chamaco Band Conrad Hilton Hot'l Margie Lee .Capek Lippe £ Ballach Bobby May Bob Bromley BiU Griffin N £ J Waldo - Boulevar-Dears (7) Boulevar-Dons (6) F Masters Ore Crossroads Buddy De Vito Dorothy Langdon Gloria Brooks : ■dgswsfer Bsach' Horace Heldt Show Johnny Standley Richard Kerr Ralph Sigwald Allen Brenneinan Russ Budd Sylvia Marie Lyzabgth -Lynch Conley Graves Ore _ Palmar House Los Chavales (ii> Tjrlnl Reyes p La SaUa Orch iOS ANGELES Ambassador Hotel F Martin Ore Charlivela • (3) Jara Mason - Band Box. BiUy Gray Moore £ Lesay Larry Green Trio „ Bar of Music Arthur Blake Jayne Manners E Bradford Ore Blltmore Hotel Johnny Johnston Bobby Sargent - Eileen O'Dare • Hal Derwin Ore Clro'a WU1 Maatln Trio Sammy Daria,. Jr . Dick StabUe Ore Bobby Ramos Ore Charity Fey's . Doodles Weaver Jimmie Ames A Browne Ore Mocanibd BUly Daniel Lita Baron E Oliver Ore Moulin Rouge B Minevitch H R De. Castro Sis <3) Dominique Chlqulta £ Johnson Louise Hoff Barbettes (5) GlnaGenardl Tom-Canyon Fluff - Charlton Bob. Snyder Ore D Arden Dancers Statler. Hetat George Gobel Gloria Marlowe Dupree Trio Frankie Carle Or# Ron : Perry Ore Ml AMI-MI AMI BEACH Bsr : Of Music \ BUI Jordan Beth Cballis Gina .Valenta HUdefarde HaUiday Fred Thompson Blrdland Erroll. Garner . Trio Sarah - McLawler 5 Shoremsde : Preacher RoUo 9 Ray Mambo Ore Lynita Beach co mber Sophie: Tucker Billy Daniels . Myron Coben Harry Richman Blackburn Twins A Evelyn Ward Len Dawson Ore CsssbUhea "Passing Fancy" Revue Warde. Donovan Gloria Richards Cele Blake Jack Marlin Dave Tyler Ore C»ro*s : Frances . Faye ' • . The Red Caps The Treniers Clover .Club Johnnie Ray Danny Crystal Betty Luster Tony’ Lopes Ore Selma Marlowe Line Woody Woodbury . Five O'clock B Ward Dominoes The Nov-elites <3) Dominique. Len Dawson Ore Pi Udo Hotel Ritz Bros Freddie. Galo. Ore L'Aigloh Cbuy Reyes Ore . L’Aiglon Strings Charlie Farrell Latin Quarter Jane Morgan Bernard Bros Tbe Szonys Veronica Bell Biitb CosteUo Balph Young Piroska Ernie Amato Cortez Ore. Campo Ore Lord Tarieten. Jack. Stuart Ore Leon A Eddie's Myra Davis Chuck Fontaine Acres O'RejDy Green Hair. Gizl . Jackie Gcrnton Billy Austin - Nancy Kent Charlotte Waters BUI Gray . . Ralph Gilbert Nautilus Hotel ■ Janis Paige An tone £ lna Sid Stanley Ore Allan Drake Sans Food Hotel. Nicholas Bros Bob McFaddea Arne Barnett Sacaras Ore Ann Benua Doi . Roney Plaza Milt Hertb Trio Jacques Donnet Ore Saxony Hotel Estelita AUegrb Quintet Suveen Val Olman Ore Helene Tony Dip La Crux Vagabonds Vagabonds <*) Maria Neglia Condos £ Brandow Mary Atm Bentley i Prank Linale Ore LAS VEGAS, NEVADA Desert Inn "Minsky’s Fomes" Paul Gilbert De la Rosa 9 Donn Arden Dncrs Carlton Hayes Ore El' Cortez Cooper Sisters Eddie Skrtvanek 6 El Rancho-Vegas Georgia Gibbs : Jack E Leonard Allan A Ashton Dot Dee Dncrs Bob. EUis Ore Flamingo Pearl Bailey Ming' £ - Ling S Christobels S Felix Prod Barbara: Perry Torrls- Brand Ore Last Frontier Mary Kaye Trio Buddy . Lester , Senor Wences Jean Devlyn Dncrs Garwood Van Ore Golden Nugget Nemo Margie Garretson Ish Kabibble Joe Venuti Ore Sands Danny Thomas B Ernestine Vic Damone J McHugh A S Billy Gray . P MOore A B Lessey, Frank Sinatra Cop* Girls Ray Sinatra Ore Sahara Marlene Dietrich Dick Shawn Sa-Hareni Dncrs Cee Davidson Ore Stiver Slipper Hank Henry Sparky Kayo Billy Barty Virginia Dew Bill Willard Jimmy Cavanaugh M Gates Palominos G Redman'sOre Thunderblrd Jay Lawrence Landre St Verna Stuart Foster . McQuaig Twins Brewster Singers RENO, NEVADA Mspss Skyroom Carl. Ravatza Jay Lawrence Mapes Skylettes E Fitzpatrick Ore New. Golden Toni Harper Frakson Dewey Sisters Golden, Girls Sterling Young Ore Riverside Reno L of Ozark S Dors Mary SmaU : Paul White Riverside Starlets Betty Holt Bill Clifford Ore HAVANA Montihsrtrs M de Paris Orq Michelle Due T St P . Rodriguez Rosendo Resell Alberto A Ballet Sonia Calero Raul Diaz E Antunez Orc| C de. la Playa' Orq Sans Sbucl Olga Chavlano Walter Nicks Juliet Sc Sandor America Crespo llosana. Martin Trio llenri Boyer Tondelayo Xiomara Alfaro Helena £ Hector Cachia Fernando Valencia R Ortega Orq • C Rodriguez Orq Trdpicans S de Espaha Orq Celia Cruz . Mano Lopez' Marta St Alexander Nazaro Paulina Alvarez Klko Gonsalves A RomeU Orq Senen Suarez Orq Hamilton Trio has been set for the Empire Room of the Hotel Waldorf-Astoria, N.Y., Feb. 11, on the bill with Connee Russell.