Variety (January 1954)

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I TU ARIES land and." the U. S. with Ben Jan. 14 following a heart attack. Greets Shakespearean company Owner of the largest “heuriger” m M . forfive years and continued in wipe garden in Nussdorf, he also /AIMAK All fir A It If ft legit until 1941. appeared in films. MIMAAc, Ull UiqillW in o^MnStt«^e\>a^an<^°ne # Continu'd ftora page Zsss in 1941 and became a film actor, Karl Marshall White, 83, owner . . nvraniBTvra c IACriID . nawnurw* starting with Warners’ “Maltese of White’s Entertainment Bureau, enormous. At one time Twentieth IRVING B. EWWpIgiM _ JOSEPH B^i;Al,DWELIj Falcon, and appearing in numer died in Boston, Jan. 22. A pioneer employed a tertain aged lady to Irving B. RV6mSfln,rnnli'<.ri!nn pr^nrt^rS' ’.k n"o oujP'ctures until his health failed, in the booking business be oper cater to the whims of a threo U, • SSr mJS'ISmSI&S lSmiu 5tMV Joba sarrlves »ted Ms agency -for almost fifty woman censor board in N.Y., all with the film inqusuy naiea oacn reaerauon of Musicians, Local 161 s years. His wife and brother survive. 0f whom Were widows over 70 and 1 iain and the old Imp Co., pred~ AFM, died in Washington Jan. 21. JOSEPH FICK ; oiwnom weie wmows ovei <uana tcesli? to Carl ldiiemmTe;* UnijjPj A native Washingtonian, he helped Joseph Pick, 58, a violinist for Mrs. Doye O’Dell. 33, wife of . ilinanv mnvpH fn?n ?a] SLater teaming \^th his brother found the Musicians Union there the New York Philharmonic-Sym thcT television singer, was killed reon the resulWdt Ruby Twinplex in 1901. phony since 1938, died Jan. 25 in Jan. 24 in a headon auto collision projection room m a wheels atndi’o became, Jn turn, th^Ruby At various times in his musical New York. Born in Venice, Italy, in Hollywood. O’DeU, 41, who has chalr ramera Exchange ana now the career, Caldwell played on Poto he was a member of the Quartette a show on KTLA, received chest Zanuck doesn't believe recent wisent Ruby Co. Firm, has been mac River excursion steamers, led Guamicrj for three years* later injuries. Supreme Court decisions ort “M” wepnt Kuby Co. Pina has been mac River excursion steamers, led Guamicri for three years* later £\pnant at 729 Seventh Aye., N.Y., a . band at Riverview Park, an playing -in the Quartetto Veneziana, w two generations. • amusement center down the Poto* La Scala Opera Orch in Milan and HR WncViinalAn* oAn/luniApl tha Ttnlinn flrnK KulAnafI iSir A r juries; Supreme Court decisions on “M” • — — — and “La Rpnde” vitiate state cen Mother. 88,. of Mrs. Florence sorship. However, if state censor Xiuuy, »uif¥*avvui » ; — * ” * — _ . aiiM vuiuiimiai iui uic ruuuuiBii lUrolv fapn rnnciflnrnhlA mnnl nn. 0f the first experts on the Theatre Comique, and led the Dis Fick came to the U.S. in 1924 Press, died in Punxsutawney, Pa., n«A nn rtiv whiip nnUrt* 'vaS»inS Dicture^mera. He pur trict’s 1st Regiment Band. f and Joined the Metropolitan Opera, Jan. .15, A grandson is. David Parry, ?« in **2r S W* frdm Bell -Surviving' are. .two daughters, Orch. ^ of Lynn Famol office in N Y. ?« ' chased His ’iSoecial film pro Seven, grandchildren afld five great ■ — — ■ — , .Junction proceedings., . Expense to & Srin 1917 for the N.Y. Central grandchildren. DAVID BITTNER JR. . . Ray O. Evans Sr., 68, for §2 years Viz to fight -.individual. battles dun Spp the title “Rule of Rea ' — • ' David Bittner Jr., 57, former political cartoonist on the Colum would be ruinous. Only way . to R .. umS orobably the first indus FRED RAYMOND violinist, with the St. Louis symph feus Dispatch, died in Columbus hold down threat is by maintain soni film ever made. Fred Raymond, 53, Austrian orch, died Jan; 17 in tht city. A Jan. 18. Survived by wife and son, ing code. If modifications in the trial nun . . ■ . Cam . borii German operetta composer, leader of bands in radio and hotel also" a Dispatch cartoonist, and code are necessary, as they were C^a^rin^ ^441 Sd theVMotioil died Jan. 10 of a heart attack at engagements, he conducted the daughter. in the past, they should be made gan’s Lnion^^ Q . .ubeliiigejif, . West ' Germany. a orch. on station KMOX m the ^ ^ without fanfare. picture Pioneers ajuu » banker before he became a com 1920 s. Mother, 74, of Robert Blumofe, . ■ ... . .. .. . Ruby was inactive in the compa y. n0ser in 1934, he' wrote the success He was a son of the late David Coast rep for United Artists, died Summing up ^code situation* in which his brother Edlias been con Jui ‘<Maske in Blau ” an operetta Bittner Sr., former trombonist of in New York Jan. 20. Also surviv answer to criticism that code nar ducting for some time. Which was also filmed in 1942 and the St. L. symph orch who died ing are two daughters and another rowed down the type, of subjects v.„.c1Tv.7«iiTOr W53; Amoilg his other operetta >n 1933. son. available for production, Zanuck THOMAS M.; CUSHING hits were “Ball ler Nationen ” — — declared it was rare property, play ducting for some .THOMAS M.* CUSHING 1953. Among his other operetta *n 1^33 hits were “Ball ler Nationen,” Thomas M. Cushing, So. tormei ‘*Lauf ins Glueck” and “Saison in diama critic for the Baltimore Salzburg.” JOHN WALSH Gideon Stove, 79, noted musi or book that Hollywood couldn’t John Walsh, 74, chief electrician cian, died Jan, 11 at Lerwick, make. Asked about “Tea and Sym for an attraction tagged “Giant of the Burlesque Club and former From standpoint of ^heral Ihink See-Saw,” which ran for two years, manager of the Gayety Theatre, ing* Zanuck said he would match Walsh remained at the park and Pittsburgh, died Jan. 26 in Nfew I his record with that of anyone else in 1905 took over as chief elec York. *n industry. Particularly those who trician. ’ — — =• are screaming loudest about code;. t — t*. Dr. Eugene R. Chapman. 48, hus-. Zanuck, who produced “Pinky,” ' ALLEN D. SEWELL b-nd of opera singer Dorothy Kir -Gentlemen’s Agreement,” “No alma mater as an instructor in Eng popular orie. fish. He helped organize the Hop __ __ kiiis Playshop, campus _ drama PAUL SCARDON tfimin still in operation, while on ~ i o ' j ° . ... — — 4?2*cHafT PauL Scardon, 79, director of trician. ' ^ are screaming loudest about code;. . • ALLEN^dTsE WELL lefdP this position wMI-MM when c^r. 'h^waj ch»Lc?erDactoP fifmVfor 34' 0'NeiUv_ . . _ . -g S Sh lUnterick Payton Sweet. 23. film: 3** Play Arts Guili n . Am«ng; the film players Scardon productions as “The Squaw Man” technician at Technicolor, died of other producers, particularly those was active until. 194Z mia. wm directed ,m Hollywood were Bessie and “The Spoilers,” and was work a malignant tumor Jan. 21 in Holly who make one picture every two especially noted for its ; GUbert & Barriscale, Agnes Ayres, Blanche ing in a picture at Universal-Inter wood. His parents arid a brother or three years. Sullivan .p^odu^ions^ndjan^animal Sweety Helene Chadwick, Corinne national when stricken. survive. ■■ ■ ' ' ■ reyiew, The Charles Street Fol Griffith, Antonio Moreno and his Surviving are his wife, Lucille, — — lies.” .In.T1^8, Vin8took tb® wife, Betty Blythe, to whom he was and a son, Joseph. James Francis Abbott, 81, re '■ A l .group to New York in a production quarried for 34 years. — — — tired screen actor and restaurant. I AHfaliAftf QffSV . of “Patience. In addition to his widow, a nAKlF.I. P MacDONALD owner, died Jan. 19 in North Holly " survive. A brother survives. ^ ~ RUDOLPH G. VOLKWEIN Rudolph G. Yolkwein, 74, a leading figure in the music business in daughter, Mrs. Michel Piastro, survives. FULTON KING DANIEL P. MacDONALD James Francis. Abbott, 81, re1 tired screen actor and restaurant ■ owner, died Jan. 19 In North Holly v Low-Cost Bway Daniel P. MacDonald, 74, owner wood. His wife survives. Continued from pas* 1 of the Paramount and Vogue theatres in Sydney, Nova Scotia, died Stella Gobus, 40; executive sec' joints they should be allowed to h; ^sm-aKut totory .f Akroj, O. djod j opjrato” • « vaa amaiiM 111 OJ UUtJ , Udll. A**, a tv n oo m , . «• . ... T ni Fulton King, 37, vet radio an three months. He had been an ex m that city Jan. 21. Three brothers Pittsburgh for. mof® T”a“oi nouncer t»nd program director of hibitor since 1930 l an ex in that city Jan. 21. Three brothers Dowling said* that if he had and a sister survive.. eriough money, he. would make the m0,hef' fnf ^'and' He wou.d^ike to spread the amuse two children survive. : ment park atmosphere and bring Y* — 1L i Ik.** 4a ‘"O Jtaia agu at umc uivi uvi wuu _ i * u;c gnJ ! nc WUUIU ime iu bDi uau uic aniuoc WSVA, Harrisonburg, Va., he who is .101. ' «?„ Jhildren iSfe ment park atmosphere and bring ^ stu’ lat®r M’as with WWVA, Wheeling, u'° childien survive. down lots of people who cannot aents 191 5b years. ^ . W. Va., for a short time prior to LOUISA ABOAF Fdna S Van Olliida 57 violinist afford higher priced entertainment. jgsa in “ibfrs handyman for Bechtel’s Music Forces Radio Service. Argentina died in Ruenos Aires AEas^ HamPstead« N.H., Jan. cil should not have tiled to legis House, then became a salesman One of Virginia’s top announcers, recentlv following ari operation. 70 * ftf Frank O'Npiil ate Ibese spots out of existence. and two years ,later brought his King was1 especially noted for his chL ilaves her husband and three . . AuHl hjIh Tan° 1 a in He added that the present legisla hrrithp»» • .Tannh .n I* in--. • i Jifi She leaves M.r nusDana ana_xnree Metro f^m editor, died Jan. 18 in Hrtn .-..1,^, piflrAS that are brother. Jacob C. Vplkwein, into direction of WTON’s annual drive children a boy and' two girls She Kwriod the business. They bought It out in behalf of the March of Dimes. ^ th«e’ sist&in^^^^ Hollywood, in 1905 and^ in 1934 founded the Surviving are his parents, two Aboaf, ^ Universal’s foreign sales Father 7 Volkwein School of Music . brothers and a sister. manager. Grable, die Volkwein School of Music. A member of the Musicians Club of Pittsburgh; Pittsburgh Musical Society and Local 60, AFM, Volk FRANK J. PANUS, Frank J. Panus, 59, long a musi EDVVARD (BUSTER) BRANT Edw&rd (Busterl Brant, 39, vaude etro film editor, died Jan. 10 in ^on won*^ anyhow. Places that are illywood. % presently licensed have become the Father, 70, of film actress Betty more valuable because «« new law Grable, died Jan. 25 in Hollywood, actually gives each present license* ■ . ■ . ' holder a monopoly. Whereas some MADDtArre niiight have closed up during slow MAJKKI AVaJCiD periods, they'll now hang on, know wem leaves two* sons, Carl R., cian, died in St. Louis Jan. 18 and night club performer, died Gwerin Firmin to Ted Frederick, ing that a closing would mean the treasurer of me firm, and Walter after a year’s illnesa. A native jan. 46 in Los Angeles as a result San Antonio, Jan. 7. Bride was for end of that particular enterprise, ^secretary. His wife died in 1950. 0f Czechsloyakia, he came to St. 0f burns sustained in the explosion merly in the “Voice of America’s” Dowling likened the new legis *■ Louis in ,1906 and began a^ career 0f a butane heater in his trailer. program dept.; he’s an announcer iation to Prohibition. “It’s all right iu, Mme-DE VERE as a conductor and musical direc interment was in Lafayette, Ind. with WOAI, AM-TV S ti? to prevent drunks and bums, Mis, Clementine Duchene de tor. „ . — Carol Moser to Richard Stolfer. hut no onri has the right to orevent Veie Sapiq, 89,;pp«ra and concert Panus later was director. of the AUan D. Grigsby, 70, domestie Pittsburgh, Jan. 23. Brideta with no >°ne nas tne rignt to prevem soprano ,* professionally known as Orpheum theatre orch during St. counsellor who was heard on To Abbie Neal’s femme hHlbilly band i!fn hA XpH »ipw Mme. de Vere, died Jan. 19 in Louis’s vaude heyday and more f^do local radio stations and later on WENS. }‘Ke Prohibition he added, new Mount Vernon, N.Y. During the recently at the Fox. He also di from New York and Cleveland on Pat Chase to Lee Pratt. New laws^can always be written, late 1890s, she wqs a lending per rected the concert^ orchestra of the network programs as the “Family York, Jan. 24. Bride is a produc Dowling’s stand on this matter former at the Metropolitan Opera* Federal Music Project (WPA) of Counsellor,” died ^Jan. 18 in Toledo tion assistant for the Raymond differs considerably from that fn made her singing bow Missouri. % after a long illness. His wife, Clara; Spector agency; he’s a production taken by the Broadway Assn., at inc age of 16 in Florence, Italy, His wife and daughter survive, two sons, threebrothers* and two coordinator on “Kraft Television which sponsored the legislation. and later appeared in France, — sisters survive. Theatre.” apam Mexieo, Germany, England JACK GOLDBERG _ Ellen Louise Raftery to Anthony DlDTUC ana Australia. # i Jack Goldberg, 59, owner of the Ruth Doyle, 60, secretary to Na J Koehne, Forest Hills,' N;Y., Jan. BIKIMo Mme. de Vere had a repertoire United Theatre Advertising Co. in tional -Theatres president Charles 23. Bride is daughter of Edward C. , Mr. and Mrg. Milton Frcibrtin, -BIRTHS Mme. de Vere had a repertoire United Theatre “Advertising Co. in tional -Theatr^ president .Charles 23. Bride is^laughter of Edward C.J Mr and Mrg. Milton Frcibrtin, of 75 operas, including lyric, dra Pittsburgh, specializing in pre P. Skouras, died Jan. 19^1 n Holly Raftery (O’Brien, Driscoll &c), one son Hollywood, Jan. 17. Father is riatic and coloratura soprano roles., mium tieups for exhibitors, died wood following^ heart attack.For time head of United Artists. a SCreen actor. She also was a soloist at inaugural there Jan. 20 a week after suffer merly with tjm Fum Board of Lucienne Kirk to Harold Her Mr and Mrs. Dick Smith, son, concei ts of both Carnegie HalL ing a heart attack. He settled4in Trade, she had been with the ija mance, Albany, N. Y., Jan. 5. Bride Worcester, Mass., Jah. 16. Father S;X, and Symphony Half. Boston. Pittsburgh in 1945, after _vvork ng tional _c.reuit for 17 year& Her is a _s n£n heVa musician program director of station Widow of Italian conductor Romu around the country in the premium brother and sister survive, aldo Sapio, who died in 1843. she field for almost a quarter of a , retired about 25 years ago. Until century. Colleen Gallant t6 Lieut. Gerald wORC in that city. W. Weatherby, Laconia. N. H.. Jan Mr and Mrs. Ken Cooper, daugh re^ntly she was a singing teacher: Her daughter, Olga Sapio, a pianist, survives. .WILLIAM COLE ESTY 3D llliam Cole Esty 3d. .59, chairman of the board of William Esty George William White 58 who ig. Bride wa4 “Miss NeW Hamp ter ' ^ WorceVterr^ ^Mass 7 Jan iki Waam o nrniririfTrtnicf fnir ihPfi iam »> _ * . ; A member of Variety Club Tent had been a projectTomst for thea shire of 1951 No. 1 and it 32nd degree Mason, ties of the late John Lester Bush Goldberg leaves two sons and three in Grafton, W. Va., smee 1915, i. ^ ^ 7 . Jdi' ^ _ J _ — ^ A w mA m ■ v * * 1a 111 O IITTID HI brothers. \ ARTHUR LENNARD Arthur Lennard, 86, former died; died in that city JaH. Iff. a little, more than a week after his long; time employer, J.\ L. Bush, had i Continu'd from page 1 Father is WORC general manager. Mr. and Mrs. John Forsythe, daughter. New York, Jan. 21, Mother is Julie Warren, former actress; father is an actor. Mr. and Mrs ; Arthur I. Rothafel, son, Laconia, N. H:; recently. Fa & Go., ad agency active in tadio vaude headliner, died ar Shore _ *r 6= comptroller Maestro Voorhees and I stepped thef is manager of station WLNIf »... cSf sasorwpas wwWSffL*. eavtoxv ass SA“JSJSrse%a. s® ?wrs*,?.!8w#a u. A native. <>/. treasSre?^ ^for ^Leiser Pr& “Oh, you>Pe an electrician. Well, Mr. and Mrs Ilarold^Conrad, apfrf101 establishing his own he was a light comedion a secretary of Principal your future is assured if the sym son, Hollywood, Jan. 18. Mother is ! ^ first stage TheatresXorp*. ^of America. phony business ever goes Out of M-ra Lynn, actress; father is a . p.e^rsv; began his career as west appearance in 1887 at the ^““Wa Father 81 of Mrs. Emma Car But, started on the narrative, Al Mr and Mrs. Bert Charles, Svp ?anager of The Motion Pic-^ H^lhorn, lat;e r town as i,one Donovan, secretary to RKO len became as serious as he could daughter, Columbus. Jam 17. Fa thin Kews °-f Chicago Jn 1915. He the Holborn Empire. He retired and ad-pub chief be, and went through it in fine ther is manager of WVKO there ; ofeTKbe?rame advertisings manager in 1916. Harrv Mahdel, died in Brooklyn, style. He showed that he is a mas and Mi s, Edwaid^ Dombtn ■ The Home Sector of New York _ rinvtniBrijrK v vy Tan IQ Also surviving are terful storyteller, and his delivery skie (Eddie Dec), daughter, Rock , later . w«4 associated wV the SYDNEY GBEENSTREET N. Y Jan. 19.^150 survivin^ar? 1 ; Island, 111.. Jan. 16 Father is a Cmlt rirhk publishing Co., the J. H. Sydney Greenstreet, 74, chjr J} s ght rg . ^ To reporters Allen said: “At the ! newscaster at WHBF there. Gi-oss^Co. of Phillv® and the Cor acter actor, died Jan, 19 -in Holly daughters. . _ ■ __ rafp nf ••xeha'nve. I’m a concert Mr, and Mrs. Barton _ Hayes, , his \ ii vo sons> wo aaugnters, ing ms nH)ther and a brother survive. J don stage in 1902, he toured Eng daughter, Santa Monica, Jap. 17. 1 Father is a film editor*