Variety (December 1954)

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VAliilEVIIJ.K Wednesday,; December 1, 1954 Latin Quarter, Boston routine includes several songs by ■ ^ n ne i ftn oo composer-husband Norman Mar- Nut ( King) Cple M>.' accompanfc. on the Hnh tCr rnnrnd DaS Such novelties as ■'Blame It on Bob Conrad Dancers (8), C ruy u nh ;ui. nrtd » **a Man RK'oreidA Hotel. HViio gler, Bela Kremo, who works with Bob < HiversMie iioie . on i y three itJan5 &x a time- Best Gu'frv T , rr „ oRfiSn ! Rii'pr- bit is with three cigar boxes which (10), nw a rLiHnrd Orch he rearranges in midair in time i mum. ide Starlets, Bill Cujjotu .. .» a isurbrisinc interest- featuring. Betty Joyce; ?2 „„ m . u^h^music. A surpnsine, mieiesi ^ mum. . George Moro unveils an extra- crowd Man gler, Bela Kremo, who works with Bob Conrad Dancers (8), Guy Hc ^ v chUdhood- and"A Man only three items at a time- Best Gu^rino, Harry DeAngeh v Orch j^fever Likes What He Gets for bit is with three cigar boxes which (10), Zarde Bros. Trio ; $4 min- S® » flr<? in . cab aret tradition. (iu», tarae or vs. mu, *■». I Free” are in real cabaret tradition. llnum - | There is. also.a sophisticated gloss ' .. . to another Martin original, ‘‘You Judging from the) near-capacity Can’t Go Too Far in a European crowd that greeted Nat (King) Cole Car,” but the audience misses ■ T on, Hnrnp’s first an- colorful French number to start at the’opener *6f his first nitery . 0 * subtleties. Sitting in Thls 1 S kH tn??hnweh the Visit thl . s pO-minute campaign, TJnfortu- pearance here, guy is currently wit h the Felix King combo,-Mar-, pearance here, and thougn ine yisii nately, the closing Hawaiian num- riding the crest, and the ’’Latin tin does a «ood energetic iob of »wes .at a ■'"2S5JU?? & V anti-climactic after Miss Q ui Ser, will <*, iffy biz duriag everything points to a ropes up jjorne s exit. Switch to the inter- his stint. •- two-wee^ ..engagement. Opening, prettye- tiiila 4s too great, and for Surround ed by his trio, guitar. , pi a ||l v was enthusiastic. . this reason only appears almost drums and bass dIUs the augment- 9 aNino, childish in nature; Mark, house band; Cole gives out with Philadelphia, Nov. 24. Wprlhpimer Riverside casino op- • t stylized vocalizing that includes ,. <41 Bernie, Sonny Howard, Jose the Riverside with two Black Ordlid* €1.1 the rhythmical “That’s My Girl, Madeline Linder„ Jack. Gurtist p ChicWn Nov. >.* the sophisticated “Calypos Blues” City: Martin Girls ’(6), Joe Fra- beforf showtime. ,An : original Uarvey Stone: ish in nature; Mark, Black Orcliid. Clil Chicago, Nov. 23. • Jiowtime '’ An Knal „ . , ... e , with bongo accompaniment and ‘a se ud> s Orch <10); $3.50 minimum. or^The'r -Williams arS Terry Haven bit of “reminiscing” via “Nature ' booking^ of Esther W . d - g l loitfy. Ernie Held), Janet Brace, Boy.” Guy handles all types of • ...... , fo^eAheimer- when he was abte *udy Kerpays Duo; $4 minimum: songs with plenty of 'authority . ^ f t Sgs with plenty of «au&ity. A1 B e y. P? ved,a fortunate hich, hypoed*by his casual deliy- M to contract Miss Horne, and. also , 7* . ^ chafe nabs with;-a heavily-hooked schedule-Of When he found Miss Williams This two-framer.brings _ Harvey reaction 1 resulting in a dinner parties and a drought of swim tank was too large for the Stone, back to the Windy City ^eef of M hi?Entire name talent due to the sudden can- stage. Then , about a week befpre nitery scene, after a two-year ab- theoaucitv of his ’88in- cellation of the George White the Horne .opening.^ Weitheim^r M^wLh he^ Package ; -Nice to See You,” A fre- quent visitor to the room, Bernie ** ‘ 1. _ J »- • _ . .1. _ A . 1 . 'i._ ' ' _ * ' Trie nurilc UUCUUlg, IT wivu vi * m . v ‘ fuwi " V*. Ui, UOU ovnnu- I ,, • .. 1 * L- !,• « was advised that Miss Williams up joke-telling this intimery has in ^^ which hes a top and Gage would be.‘on hand-as .been until Henny not ^ h P^S^r ftAV . r a i fpr and Gage would be on nana—as oeen unaccustomed to untii^iienny Tn^v Tarter clicks rearranged his schedule to come in tbe he “ s ^i^Hhf Kl “mdd ^ hic^itK^ * «q“est of bwners Dave ! proach and unloads some ;iuiw Comic has .a. varied style and , With the possibility of two head- Dushoff and Dallas Gerson. Comic has a varied style and _ * _.l_ • _ • j'j ■ . * _ « . j _ ^ _ i _ • ' . ' Ce \v^^' a th(i»^osslbflitv oT'two head-- ;S 1 • bw iast visit here, no lqng^r vg ags rnixedf'-aii with •tongue-in-.chee'k- enough material never to let any «SS^rdi y fiad the-- hibst i: e y i Rg f v he impreshes of Jimmy Cagney, Hum-, of his routines run thin. His. l incl L^ S S1 ^? a toked in stai ted show biz with. What be. phrey Bogbft, Burl Ives-and a-ri.dic gubrious manner -with^ the kid expensive show gve _ b _ . tenns his peace act. amounts to nec ital of an evening in a German stuff goes over socko with the din- Reno—-$50*000. A , no* ad- a bai T age , of . fi ^ gs ° n conventional nitery. It’s zany stuff and lands ner family trade and he adds jiist ning to.give ;t^absou y _ y.ockster topics such as Las Vegas, nift y y 0C k s . Phil & Mitzi Law- enough bluing to the gags to make S iorfk ^Bdv CHristmas Seals* ui^uuons-but Til lucres'll ‘ he bill .5 ith ..V ic . e . t ^ p :' D? e .'. n .; i !j!?!'? s,in «. ‘?. r set to read “Biiy. Christmas Seals.’ And in fact, early deadlines in tw< local - publications read just tha way in Riverside ads, —- The gorgeous' Miss Horne woun ; tnouiauons—mu ail witn lresn ing. Youngsters score with a series . guests. 'Because of an impression- twists. He. gets a hellylaugh early 0 j tapping,: song and dance rou- | ist on the same program, Berrtie and rules .em with his sharp tim- tines, winding with fast jitterbug > holds down his talents in this di- l ^ rtf r A M U fl v* M far a a . 1% '^v «• a a ftt> a aa' . *1 « ■. . a* a a .* a ...a 6 a<ls t T “ ,, ing for 30 minutes thereafter, cipnriin* Miss Horne would clayfaced comic wraps up his kids- rSc epping. • rection, although he is a talented The Bob Gohrad Dancers have a mime and his mobile map affords .. •» • * T. • j i.: - I i —i. , r ivA M yi ♦«. fAiin,., oftor h*r T: Vi ■ V j "* —7 -me DOO L/qnrau iidve uiuiit*. duu . n ha ^ ^ «rt a n i romi TO You ” e-block and wife-at-home sets couple of hew production numbers visual laughs, opening It 11 Come To You. with clever specialty ditties and aid p d bv the vocalizin'* of Guy i cnnnv Other selections were more un- can’t get away without doing at i-guarino White Ha\ry DeAngelis’ :■ -~? R - Ry 5® 3SJ Other selections were more un- ean’t get away without doing at nnaHnn white Harrv familiar. A most convincing lec- least a boiled-down version of his ri ,ts a slick show^ t.ure. on “Evil—(spelled backward soldier routine. This goes over B rn ; filii: in the lulls means LIVE!”). was a case of. mak- hugely for a begoff. BrQb -' flUs m ■ lu • Ing. tricky lyrics pay like scientific Janet Brace is repeating in this rolonv. l-nn "Si ia a soft pink satin W ihe first Atftrtma » tin "plte 1 white for the. second, the chantei. in the opening spot. Gal has the . never looked lovelier looks of Miss SiAurbia and a voice Qrchs ' $5 Singer that engages with a disarming Having been sehoolei from about 15* feet behind tlie f og « v nnalitv Her offbeat ren is - ns .1® mike, Walking herself into the and she cha?ml New Yorks ^ i, ? tl1 j -4 fAAiiw<* fk A nnmKar SluarUy piCKeCl^ «>lu SI1C CHamiS j * AHama ic havinp Sonny Howard has an excellent ear and his focal takeoffs of such crew cuts, a slick show. The ^..'•i-de people as Louis Armstrong, Tony Bros, fills in the lulls. Eh Martin. Nat (King) Cole, Billy Da- . 1 niels, Frankie Laine and the Ink Colony* Lon lion Spots comes over stronger than the London*'faov. 18. physical mimicries. Sonny has a . Trude Adams, with Norman Mar- hokey, but solid getoff in. his corn- tin; Felix King & Bon Carlos bo impresh of Ted Lewis and Orchs; $5 minimum . Durante. — The dance team of Jose & Made- Having been schooled in some of line Linder sells sex, comedy and f°ggy quality. Her offbeat rep is j^ ew York’s more intimate rooms, dance-all at once, whicji is a tall mood and feeling of the number J™ a J“ y PJ^g; v :Trude=Adams is haying td vary her order. The gentleman-is obviofisly as she nears the mike. When it’s a unbilled^ drummer Inaments technique in her current stint at more agile, than his partner. Jack blues lament, the approach is slow rhldh^i behiid hir ’ this Berkeley Sq cafe. The room, Curtis, emcees, and belts, across an and emotional. And when the beat rfty ; nR ? s Pe" 1 " 41 P« r - . although not unduly large, is con- elfective ballad and the Guy Mar- revs up she moves with It. “I Lovr Held ^over from ^previous show, siderably bigger than many of the tin girls dress up the production, to Love ” has another set of cute, Terry Haven continues to bowl spo t s where the Broadway chirp Joe Frasetto backs up the show in meaningful lyrics which she rel- em oyer w/tk her plastic face and has worked In the past, and this his customary assured manner, ishes. A fine medley of “Jump For gift for caricature. Act is smoother involves more careful personality Gagh. Jov” songs shifts gait and style add more compact than when first projection. She hasn't yet com- _ _ 4 —~ v easily. caught and is a tough bombshell p let ; e iy mastered the required Purple Onion, I\. Y. Arranger-conductor Lennie Hay- 4? r an y P er rormer to follow. Miss technique but is well on the way Jorie Remes, Jackie Cain & Roy ton, her husband, creates some fine P iano l> y to doing so. . Krai, Ted Browne, Keith Rock- piano backgrounds. Songstress ner arran g® r » Arnie neio. Chanteuse has an excellent vo- we n $2-$3 ’minimum, also has her own bass man and Benny Dunn emcees with low cal range, is a very personable drummer. Hayton has no trouble pressure, and Rudy Kerpays on young lady With a natural charm, p r# , v ioii«;1v tagged the Plavgoer’s leading Bill Clifford’s orch through keys and Dave Poskqnka^oh ; bm and Is eleganay^attired and c ^ b> this l s y 0 \ has undergone sev- the P ac !!l k __ 4.,- b k 1 ShQW p tly * P r H? 1 u 0 . pl ® aS f!u.«v e D A^ a ^^i , . managerial changes since Latin Quarter, IV.Y. (FOLLOWUP) The Latin Quarter, following* the exit of Mae West after six weeks of overflow business, has apparent- ly settled down to normal busjness, which for this time of year, pr ior that matter, any time of year, is very good at this spot. The new display has as its toppers Pete Marshall & Tommy Farrell. Holger & Dolores and Toba Stevens (latter, two New Acts). It’s recalled that Marshall, who used to be teamed with Tommy Noonan, is. no stranger to this room. With his former mate he played a long term at this stand, having come in at ( a point when the tandem was just starting to find itself, and by the end of the. term, had emerged as a pair of : ex- cellent performersl, The present pairing... with Farrell comes into the Latin Quarter at a comparable period in their, careers, They have their bearings, know what they are doing and get a consistent quota of laughs; A stand of ny. proportion at this spot will iron out whatever rough spots remain, and they’ll be hitting laughs with blocklike preci- sion. Some of their present bits are familiar, such as the rural ra- dio show, but they’ve collected a lot of new material which reaps big rewards. Incidentally. Mar- shall’s former partnei\ who has been a. film comic, essays a nitery comeback With, a new mate today <Wed.) at the Mocambo, Hollywood, in Princess Pocahontas Crowfoot, -who happens to be his wife. Of. the continuing acts, Ths Seven Ashtons still provide th fastest act in rshow business.: Their risley work is filled, with artiazing balances, transfers and speed that daz^e the viewer. The Debonairs conti their spoof of the machine age with an intelligent, funny satire of a ballet mechanique. Production is aided by Ralph Young, who does the vo- cals well, and the dancing of Pir.oska and Jet Sharon. Per usual. Art Waner cuts a good show* With Buddy Harlowe providing the re- lief. Jose. Lobby €lub* Juarez Juarez, Nov. 30. Lobby Whirlwinds (2), Angelo Martinez. Chavela & Anionio ( Nina Grey, Pancho Orch; no minimum. Gagh. Purple Onion, IV. Y. jorie Remes, Jackie Cain & Roy Krai, Ted Browne, Keith Rock- well Tri $2-$3 'minimum^ Previously tagged the Playgoer’s Only other act is ah unusual jug- .1 her material and a trim 25-minute ”QH1 OP THK PUNNIEST'NIW COMEDIENNES” —MARTHA RAYE ’TAB FOR STARDOM.” —IRV KUPCINET, Chicago Sun Times "Terry Haven Is a hoydenlth cutup who’s got the spice and vinegar ef a Betty Hutton and a crackpot charm that's antirely hor own. The signs ara that she coi go along way along tho TV and aitory Variety TERRY HAVEN AT TNI PIANO ERNIE HELD 4th WEEK! BLACK ORCHID CHICAGO Direction MCA opening in 1946 with Morey Am- sterdam as headliner. Comedian was understood to have an interest in the club as Was the case with Lenny Kent, who succeeded him. Latter’s stay at the nitery lasted about three months. After a dark stretch: room reopened last year with Harry Enos and Leo Bayards as performer-owners* Duo’s stay was also brief, with Keith Rock- well: Allen Murray and Jorie Remes taking over as proprietors last summer. Trio switched to the Purple On- ion label earlier this month, Oper- ation reportedly is fashioned along the lines of the San Francisco nitery of the same name* which is owned by Rockwell, who also heads a trio playing at the Gotham outlet. Others appearing at the lo- cation are comedienne Jorie Remes, Jackie Cain and her husband Roy Krai, songstering duo, and folk- singer Ted Browne. Miss Remes is an alumnus of the Frisco boite and the Blue Angel, N.Y., while the Krais #lso played the latter spot; Club is a smallseater, with per- formers fitting in perfectly with the i n t i m e atmosphere. Miss Remes, a very funny gal, has some sharp special material to show off her talent. Employing an offbeat approach, her delivery is loaded, with nuances and dramatic " adept- ness. Numbers rendered include two written by her, “Me Too” and “I Don’t Want a Thing From Any- body.” Both are strong items. Her takeoff on “My Bill,” the tune “Don’t Be a Woman If You Can" and a blues offering also rate high. The Krais, with distaffer vocal- ling and spouse at the Steinway offer, a refreshing stint, duo blend- ing excellently. Miss Cain gives quality piping to such numbers as “I’m Forever Blowing Bubbles,” “Mountain Greenery,” “I’m. Glad There’s You,” “The Continental” , and “My Funny Valentine.” Be-; sides smooth keyboard maneuver-, ing, Krai also joins his wife on a few choruses,. An original by Krai, “Glasses ’n’ Ashes ‘n’ bottles ’n' Cans,” is neatly handled by both! Couple combine charm and talent i for sock results. Jess. Long a Juarez reliable for top- notch food and entertainment, the Lobby Club’s current four-act floor show doesn’t measure up to past standards, though still providing one of the border city’* best com-, bination cards. Fresh from a good run on tha Coast, the Whirlwinds are a young, freshrlooking rollerskate team. ( Continued on page 64) Miss NAOMI STEVENS *’C*lonf* With q Chqcklq" Curraatly: CLUB DATES. CHICAGO UNTIL: Dee. 21st BLACK ORCHID. Chicago Dir.: JIMMIE HUSSON 119 W. 57* S*.. Naw York NICK LUCAS 4th Return Engagement ITALIAN VILLAGE Dec. 1 thru Dec. 14 Thanks to CONSOLIDATED ARTISTS and John Bikeici San Francisco Don't Buy A New Car Until You Talk to SAM ANGER (Brothir if HARRY ANGER at GAC) For The Best Deal On A FORD FORD THUNDERBIRD Call mn at: TED ROWLAND. Inc. 61 LYNBROOK, LONG ISLANO LYnhrook 9-0600