Variety (February 1955)

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: v •. •‘Tvxp WmmSX. Wednesday, February 2, 1935 Rush Memo: To: Television Management Detroit WXYZ-TV Monday-Friday TOPS IN MARKET 80% of the audience 6:00-6:30 ONLY MULTI-WEEKLY PROGRAM IN TOP 15 (Hooper Nov. *54) WEEKLY CUMULATIVE RATING 42.5 (ARB Dec. \54) We're breathless-things are moving so fast we’ll be brief. Since release to television a few short months ago, THE LITTLE RASCALS have taken over the kiddie audience in market after market. Adults are flipping too! Ratings-Sales- Audiences-are SIMPLY FABULOUS — here’s a sample; Los Angeles KNXT 5:30-6:00 Monday-Friday Buffalo WBEN-TV 5:15-5:45 Monday-Friday TOPS IN MARKET 53 y. of the audience 5:30-6:00 WEEKLY CUMULATIVE RATING 35.9 CARB Dec. ’54) TOPS IN MARKET 60•/* of the audience 5:15-5:45 STATION RATING UP 500% (ARB Oct. ’54) - TELEVISION CORP. TORONTO Sterling Films, Ltd DALLAS 304 S. Harwood St. Prospect 1658 BALTIMORE 4417 Norwood Rd Hopkins 7-5530 CINCINNATI 1635 Central Pkwy Parkway 0179 DES MOINES 1115 High St. IJ 3-4117 n King Edward Hotel 1560 Broadway Plaza 7-3070 4376 Sunset Drive Normandy 2-9181