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FILM REVIEWS P'AftiE'rr Wednesday, May 8, 1957 II • Saint Jain eriloguMnd in fact telling the ,_, story In flashback—is a good one. Tepid screen' version of G. B, Seberg’S. lack Shaw’s play. Good cast but °* e ?£*3''??' newcomer Jean Seberg beyond JelUniMrJr iSSLT* *** nTsMeU"^ ^^ selling for results. note. Alg0> ^ interpr etation may United Artists release of otto Premin- be a reflection of Preminger’s con- Tepld screen version of G. B, Shaw’s play. Good cast but newcomer Jean Seberg beyond her depth. Will need strong selling for results. Sea Wifi (BRITISH—C’SCOPE—COLOR) fer presentation. Stars Jean Seberg, cejit of Joan. In any Case, he Richard Widmark, Richard Todd, Anton keeps the action (such as it is) Another nun - shipwrecked - at sea yarn. Andre Hakim’s sec¬ ond British pic, with Joan Col¬ lins as the nun plus ° three men on a dinghy in the Indian ocean. Fair prospects. with thick British accents Name • Dragoon Well a I of Forrest Tucker may assist in smaller program situations, but /«»aJSKrrSEr«* film lacks the finish evert less dis- SCOPE—COLOR) criminating U.S.. audiences demand. ' —~—~ A further hurdle is use of the old Strong entry for western nur. standard 1.33 aspect ratio. ke *» tops r *R“t down the line, Tucker plays an American ad- , TTnilvumnd venturer hired by a ruthless Ger- Allied Artist ‘ s rePesSofa liJSSLI man millionaire living in .London, sons production, stars Barry suiii^ to smuggle a .refugee Polish SCien- Dennis O’Keefe, MCna Freeman. Kalyj!!' fief r.iif a# Womhnrri nnH hnrlr tn ra ? o: features. Sebastian Cabot, p.. * Strong entry for western mar ket, tops right down the li ne ' ■ Hollywood, Mav 7 Rta relosiso nt n T '* fi?if™, . Keeps tne action isuch as it is; Trtn j_ n AnHi to smuggle a,refugee Pougn scien-. freeman, wr? W^lbrookj John Ql6l]{ud» TVjlix- Ayltt)cr^ j rnnVintf Anri thp trial nnri hiiriiinP k... — - LOHuOll) April oU. f-ief nut rif TTnTYihnrE( Anri hflrk to featured $eba$tian Cahot> r ae ^' features Harry Andrews, Barry Jones, moving ant) tne trial anci Burning. ilOth-Fox reledse- of. a Sumar OFilm Pro* tlSt OUt 01 xiamourg .anu. uaCK to Ad anis, Jack Elam, Trevor Bmvinii ^ 7 ilay Currief Bernard Miles/ Patrick scenes are cinematographically duction. Stars Joan Collins, Richard Bur- England. Plottage of the Val Guest Shepodd. Directed hy Harold Schn rr, Kenneth' Halgh, Archiex Duncan. Well , handled. Georges Perinal was w 11 ’ A B „ a H S vi S ^v1^. an H^.^t5ri ia hv script twirls around tll£ hazards Screenplay, Warren Douglas; story oit 0r ' ■»*- Graham., ^Directed by prgnnn. the ienser and he obtained some S&ughn 1 *6<^eenpiayf il Ge t oivc by K. B °Buiice; that beset him after he sails to §*«>«*»*» oote). wnS5 b, I?Sr y wof«ZautveCame,^! striking, effects. Miseha Spolian- from Hamburg in his own craft _and be- orges Perirtal; music, Miseha Spolian- Sky’S music IS lrt tune With the pe- J* t “- |ayioV- 'mS, Kenneth V Jones Comes involved in dePring-dO action uunning time »7 MINS. P 2(> * ». ; editor, Hclga Cranston; production nod and Helga Cranston’s editing and Leonard Salzedo. At Carlton Theatre, in getting his. quarry aboard. Back Link Ferris . Barry smr Barr, Kenneth - Halgh, Archiex Duncan. Margot Grahame. Directed by Premin¬ ger; Screenplay, Graham Greene, based Georges Perirtal; music, Miseha Spolian- SKy s music is in, tune Wltfl tne pe- £* t “* tayloV- music, Kenneth V Jones comes involved in demng-ao action Running time »7 MINS. ‘ ‘ u * Sky; editor, Hclga Cranston; production nod and Helga Cranston’s editing and Leonard Salzedo. At Carlton Theatre, in getting his. quarry aboard. Back Link Ferris. B-u’rv Cun- design, Roger Furse. Previewed in New is g 00 d. Saul Bass’ title design IS London. Running time, 61 MINS. in England, Tucker is up against Capt. Matt Riordan ...'Dennis ^g thne St iio T MiNs e ’ Apiil 2 ’ 5 ' uniquely attractive. When caught sea Wife ... Joan Collins another menace in form of the Ger- Ann Bradley .Mona FrecnS of Arc ..Jean smi at .‘^ e Astor Preview, parts of the auUdie sytaw man. who poses, but intervention The Dauphin . Richard Widmark print appeared extremely fuzzv. go- Number Four .. Cy Graht of the police sayes^the day. Phillip Scptt ... Casev A^ 0t RSS*.... lpg in andout °‘ locus- mlt - W?a^ - a^ - . - . - . - .H£Sf8«gSSK Tucker shouts his way through ™,<ra . SSrft WarwiVk-.TohnGieleud - - ---— Club Porter ..Gibb McLaughlin the Michael Carreras production Marshal BUI Haney.Tietor Barc] c tt e Interlude captahf^'San *$&:: X’ BSC which Val Guest directs unimagi- H °o?i Chari;*’ V.V.V.V.V.V^Hank John de Stogumber .... Harry Andrews (C’Scone-Color) Army Padre ............. Ronald Adam natively. Eva Bartok, in for roman- Jud . Warren DouS fie Courcelles ._Barry Jones V ^ P 7 Elderly Passenger...Nicholas Hannen tic interest, is lost in her hazy Susan ... Ju/y strand! Archbishop of Rheims.Finlay Currie _ “T . Submarine Commander-Otokichi• Ikeda i n c u_ wnr lrt: enmehnw - 61 Master Executioner .... Bernard Miles Striking photographic tour of Submarine Interpreter., ....Ten ji Takagi r01( r> wn L C ..rr WOrKS somenovv , Artiste ha«s a tow , Captain la Hire .Patrick Barr Munich and Salzburg* other- Elderly Nun ..Beatrice Variey with the British police. Manus ^°P.^try for Brother Martin.Kenneth Halgh S rather drea7v/oan nnera —- Goring is the German, and Eric western market in “Dragoon Robert de Beaudricourt .. Archie Duncan ... , Allvson Rnwann For his second British produc- Pohlman is . okay as a Hamburg Wells Massacre, a suspenseful and La^Tremouifie^^^^.'V^T'rmids^ ^ a woiff m' tot 'mafqS R05San0 ^n Andre Hakim brought- back racketeer who aids Tucker. English Soldier .victor Maddern —_— to London Joan Colling, who, a Walter Harvey leads off technical , cai T ie > Bluebeard...... David Oxiey Hollywood, May 7. little while earlier, was one of Brit- credits with occasional interesting Cauchon . Anton Walbrook Earl, of Warwick .John Gielgud Inquisitor ... Felix Aylmer John de Stogumber .... Harry Andrews fie Courcelles . Barry Jones Archbishop of Rheims.Finlay Currie Master Executioner .... Bernard Miles Captain la Hire .Patrick Barr Brother Martin.Kenneth Haigh Robert de Beaudricourt .. Archie Duncan Duch’se de la Tremouille Margot Grahame La Tremouille .;.Francis de WolfE English Soldier ..Victor Maddern Bluebeard .. David Oxiey Steward Sydney Bromley Intcrluilc (C’Scope-Color) Striking photographic tour of Munich and Salzburg; other¬ wise rather dreary soap opera with June. Allyson, Rogsano Brazzi for marquees. Hollywood, May 7. Universal release of Ross Hunter pro- I lac wimw Vvaa uuc w xaial- credits Wltn occasional lnieJL-eSLUlK am p. Harrv Slllliva-n Vna n 4 l’s star exports to Hollywood, photography limned against Lon- n’K^fe^nd e’& cast in the offbeat, but un- and Wamhnrtr harkffrnnnds?. 2; 1S u K- e eie, ana distaffers Mona Otto Preminger showed courage i t ? rs M Ju , ne Allyson, Rossano She’s cast in the offbeat, but un- don and Hamburg backgrounds, v/ito jrieminger snowed courage Brazzi; coStats Marianne Cook, Francoise convincing role of a nun and that Whfo When he decided to make G. B. Rosay^ Keith Andes; features Frances Ber- Shaw’s M Saint Joan” into a film- fien » Lisa Heiwig, Herman Schwedt, An- factor nurts • the general accept- - and tn ctaVan iinCwn nf npvt tn thon y Tripoli, John Stein, Jane Wyatt. Di- ance of the story. It looks to be JUSt __ r ' r . . iXt +1 ;2 rected by Dou ^ las Sirk* Screenplay, Dan- a fair grosser. 4 TllC Way to (Uc Gold ??ip th ThV fh? kind nf cLl^ul r / nmn Cocn; a ? a f >t S tio "’ ] n ti There are four principal charac- (C’SCOPE) ' TOle. This IS the kind Of daring £ocke; based on. a screenplay hy Dwight in Wifp’C_fnnr survivor*; _ which has supported the showman Taylor and a story by James Crain; cam- ,n Wite tour survivors • in thp ntet ThA- nnncti rm rn/rk /« era (Technicolor), wuuam Daniels; editor, from a ship torpedoed during the Stolen treasure sets stage fo RusseU Schoerfearth; music, Frank Skin- war, shortly after it had left Singa- mild action drama. up on the present gamble. war, shortly after it had left Singa- In “Saint Joan ” Preminger 30 , *57. Running time,, to mins. ’ A11 uaiiiv waxi) <& auuuu^ca _■ ,. t \ ^ uhjilci• yyuu a £iycii mu xiaiuc nuiij-wuuuj i« - j , , - --*» *iug Norf-sSktag- one^^The 1 story mIF ^“Lal^rltoS Joa^cll*- G?a«.n? nd S e SSoM “idSte itself is wcU known. The play is Counte,. R.inhirt'::::::F«S"' RomJ lins, the nun, is called’“Sea Wife” JS; reSne'^hfeh n?int°ef ef r Ct familiar. Its performed penodi- . .. Keith Andesj because she Wims like a mermaid; chon, Ruth Donnelly, Tom Pittman, rea i 1S i, r ]? m cally. Another version of the Joan . Frances Bergen Sasil Sydney, a ruthless business- Philip Ahn. Mrected by Robert d. Webb, his direction. Fast editing of Mau- |.l£r.v.'.v.'.v:::. sa man Jith *4 pronounced S- color * lurther plus Aorii W we i«ir A ?? m d S m Ji £^ ds ’ pore. Richard Burton is" an RAF ^ v officer, who’s given the name Stolen treasure sets stage for mild action drama. The storv Tonio Fi,ch™ :: hoslano bS "Biscuit” because he’s in charge I ne story Reni ^ SC her .Marianne Gook of the meagre rations; Joan Col- Hollywood, May 7. Freeman and Katy Jurado, to head up cast, indications point to better- than-average returns, further aided by use of »CinemaScope and De Luxe color to dress the screen The Lindsley Parsons production probably his strongest to date, is heavy on pictorial values to back¬ drop the Warren Douglas screen- play, Lenser William Clothier has ris only recently played New Yprk Henig ..Herman Schwedt I prejudice, is tagged -Bulldog"; and I Leo Tovcr; editor, Hugh S. Fowler; music, | t '^r‘7uo„ A fe I , and toured. Thus the Preminger Dr. Smith . Anthoriy Tripoli Cy Grant, the Negro purser of the Lionel Newman; songs, -strange Wea- u onta 4 o Heiwig aimt -bWJUJ « piuuvuuvcu uvxui noyel b y WUbur Daniel Steele; camera, picture Schwedt prejudice, IS tagged “Bulldog”; and Leo Tovcr; editor, Hughs. Fowler; music, ^ TT^rniii picture hardly contains elements of surprise, but does invite com¬ parison. John stein I ship, is simply “Number Four”- hs/K & , •’ , -r inct hpcaiieo hp wae fmirlh and aiid Newman. Previewed at Village, warlike ,redskins has been given Munich substitutes for Long Is- 3 u ®y Because ne was tne fourth ana WestW ood, May 2 , ’ 57 . Running time, f res h embellishment to create land in this remake of Universal’s Iast P er8on to. get into the rubber 95 mins. JnnnntincT^npn^ Cleate T _ . iana in this remake of Universal’s iu get imo tne ruuuex 95 mins. mmintiritr cncnpncp In™! b f!.n^ ar „wnil' I i?3»., ‘'When Tomorrow Comes.” (,! n ,_ w . h ,! c _ h t } 1 ;. e /_ ?JL. c 5?i e . d I £« . I PertormS town, la., makes a sincere effort, Despite plot modernization and aimlessly in the Indian Odean hop- Hank ciutord . sheree North , Fertorma ces generally ar« but her performance rarely rises Cin e ma o H ^ ana j f rescue. Only Cy Grant Marshall Hannibal . Barry Sullivan stiong. Sullivan Plays a killer above the level of the Iowa prairie. ^nemabcQped Technicoior, Inter- ^ r^iiW Uncle George . Walter Brennan whom Trevor • Bardette, the mar. knows of Miss Collins’ • vocation aoove me ievei 01 tne lowa prairie. lude » rem ains a curiously dated ^ows of Miss Collins’ Her .pale, somehow uninspired I soa p opera with little to y r ecom- and he’s sivprn to secrecy. Joan rarelv if^ever^communicates soap / pera with little to ^ecom- Z “SS®Thf ”?ena as popular entertainment the dramatic intensity .and the althoueh suDDosedlv a magnetic, robust leadership quali- nictSre via DSot and tll tiAC that thp niithm- had mind ^P}Cl\ae t Via piOt ailC! tile AU . iV + ' vueauuii Llttle Brother . Neville Brand s hal, has captured, one of his best Id he’s sworn to secrecy. Clem ..Jacques Aubuchon n el7til 9nri n.x22 Richard Burton begins to fail in Mr,, wnuams .. Ruth PonaeUy eantaS K It LO Xdll III xvirs. wuuains . ivuin i/unuwij ' , ; iiauuuciAL 1 e the nun but because sid Songster Ji*.Tom Pittman scores as the cavalry captain, once woman’s iPY®. , n Y R * a ”“}s „ Fc® Mr. Ding ...JPhiiip Ahn in love with. Mona Freeman but casting of i/^ e / another, she Brokaw ...Geraido Mandia finding himself drawn to Katv opposite has to stlfle her personal emotions, std Songster Sr. Ted Edwards J.irado an entertainer FcmmpJ opposite Mt6r several days at sea they sight Brokaw’s Driver . Alan Jeffrey ^radj, an entertamer femmej ss Hunter land > but it’s only a deserted island - /h \r T nf ng Photo an d their dinghy is destroyed while Austere black-and-white Cinema- jJo JF stlc ^ 1 ? g ,h! h hiih making for the beach. The Negro, Scope takes the viewer over some J2S' ties that the author had in mind, fftaiy’s ’ Rossano Brazzi oDDosite has to stifle her personal emotions This is an odd-'“Saint. Joan 5 , v,fr° S8ano °PP°Slte CMJora , coa cioflj complete with all the trappings and Best f ea t U r e the Ross TTuntpr land , but it’s only a deserted island CrmtHlv a litre ttrifV, fhneo Qbatrion XlCbl ieaiUre OI Hie BOSS flUnter -, - ^ epottily alive with those Shavian p roduc tid n is the striking nhntn and their dinghy is destroyed while Whs with whirh he lavs hare the me Striking photo- I .. a - After several days at sea they sight Brokaw’s Driver . Alan . barbs with which'he lays bare the g raph i c toU r it provides of the high makin S for the beach. The Negro, Scope takes the viewer over some Ge g i who finds a machete on theisllnd, rugged a nd interested 'western ^of^S^jlck B2 truth at men and mmds. It is a ° oi ^ ts of inte rests in Munich fVcr who finds a machete on the island, rugged and interested western t A hv K rZ Saint Joan” that falters around ^ d Salzburg Austria The uses it to build a bamboo raft, but locales in this action drama, but A^/r^ T^n Shcn^dd anli h^wS the pivotal figure of the Maid, but he’s tricked by Basil Sydney and the story doesn’t always hold up to £dams, Jon Shepodd and John War draws strength from some of the H ercu ie S ^and d Congress g Ha 11 / falls victim to a shark. Eventually, the backgrounds. Thu£, “The Way “ the adg supporting roles. Hercules and Congress Malic laiis Victim to a siiark. Eventually, uie DacKgrounus. inus., j.ue vvu: I Amerika Haus, Konigsplatzf thel the . th . ree survivors are picked up | to the Gold’^ loo^no more tlian j The picture unquestionably can Bnid Nymphenbrn'I and Schle an d when, in due course, he goes program subject for the generai Jri Yf ] c ^ ni t c 0 ai :nloit the church and school-age fl!F-Fi® a >^y^P nen bmg and Schle- . , , - tt’ 0 ^ n A v 1irtnn Uarfc his dual bill situation. tnbute to films smooth Apache chief. Technical departments also con- exploit the church and school-age i ssheim ’castles armind Monieh" back to England, Burton starts his dual bill situation, markets and exhihitnrs will h e lSS ? e11 ?? ™ Ues ai0Und Munich, CMr „u*f A » 0l vi rp W « .vl^a The David Weisbart production, j smart to be mindful of such tieups. other points of interest in Salzburg The stor y begins, in fact, with while laid in the Arizona area a r ?i ea ?. e „ C / R h // d i y JZ. S u Lcome to life under WilHam DaiSel? Burton^s hunt for Miss Collins. via including many outdoor scenes. tain itself at the b.o. as a work Outstanding lensine worthv of erities' snnnnrt and as 0U HF an W?6 lensing, worthy of critics’ support, and as whh rint’c tmm ,v, a c c .V h e Cooks tour covered, a number pf small ads in the per—1 sonal columns of the national Chain of Evidence a modern-dress drama about a young ex-convict who tries to re- popular mass entertainment is there * s lit tl e else to kudos Hun- P ress * They only brin 6 a response, cover a horde of gold stolen many -somewhat dubious, all selling te . ctorv choice was not v2?v however, from Basil Sydney, now years before by a now dead outlaw, slants are musts. . _ _ . Q a patient in a mental home. From .Also on the track of the gold, is Very routine with signals- aliead plotting. fresh, unspoiled quality and she possibl | Cast responds^compe- The Pi ctur ® °P ens brisikly with a offbeat note to the Wendell Mayes tures Tina Carverf Ross Elliott, Meg Ran- photographs well. But the fact re- f jvingias^ ^irk’^ dirSniinn scene m Singapore harbor, where script from Wilbur Daniel Steele’s daii, Timothy Carey. Directed by Paul mains that her Joan has no dimen- but can’t. makg thP PhnrnoWs hP more than a thousand refugees are story. Freshness just about stops Landres. Screenplay, Eiwood unman; fijons and her delivery of the lines iieva bl e in the old f^Mo^ed nlnt crowded on to the small boat. The there, however, and Robert 5. S^ko^mu^ ne after a while becomes monotonous. New script by DanielFuchsand’ attack by submarine and the subse- Webb’s direction sends it along an viewed May 1 “'$?/ Running time, M Shaw’s Joan is more than just an Frfln i,i: n £ ha «;pd nn thA lo-io quent panic and explosion, are also Easily-followed . course. Ending mins. innocent country maiden. Her scr e mnlav hv Dwight Tavinr from boldly handled. At that point, how- does have a twist, in that the hid- L t. Doyle ...Bill Elliott faith can move mountains and the ? h y Tamrain Npw ever > the y arn focuses only on the i n g place of the gold is now many Steve Nordstrom .James Lydon flame within her kindles the faith four main characters and the en- felt P under the ^man-made Lake « * la ^s are Se n p - is helped most ^ l y Ji er . a SL ea ;„ n ! Vision give it as good a display as SMeSi ‘the'VendeU Mayel faith can move mountains and the flame within her kindles the faith Aituuc wxwim ilex ixixiuxca uie xdixu M: np Hnacn’t noAAccanlv fnllnm fba Iuur luam cxiaiacut-is auu uie en- ieet Ui in other men. There is no flame oTd 6 «ee!t ^ “Cident hits a repetitive Mead. in Miss Seberg, just stubbornness tin. ft* .MSSS SS lief in’cod’aifd'her 1 * Voices!” ^h^ IwPeS I Harriet Owens ... Claudia Barrett Claire Ramsey .. Tina Carver Jeffrey Hunter is the sullen, ex- Bob Bradfleid ... ha.™ onr) bnndlAc tha. vP- Polly . Meg Randall Fowler .Timothy Carey she s P® a £ s °f her yen for soldier- j lo v6 with a symphony conductor is pulled off by a child as she dives § heree Nor th also is suitable" to D r. Ainsiey V.V.V.'.'/.V.Y.'.Y. .Dabbs Greer ing and battle, it is hard to believe ^ 11 /uu-ucior, the Q gea) tnes hard, but demands of her waitress role, Deputy . John close she means it. And throughout the ? h a |„ a KJTelf —^“0 , ma ! c “■ S . he ce ." a girlTry?ng to better he\ S eI£ and »£>**: .» film she never matures. it? “ ia “ iea , a doesn’t stand comparison with the w if ft i 0 i ns Hunter in the treasure ’ • i* rTTl— »> • cfrivtiv ;?oui,i d d c c a : t i th Pr aTu n P g p e c;.ti i n a i f s M ^ ‘SSrK- s doctor szi§ le iSe^Vrrd e G £ ^ ^ surrounded her with a supportini cast that performs brilliantly. Rich « ycLLvuua Miuiiamij. niui- who has been standing hv jlwu yicamug l«iucu D uum cmef-ot-pouce wno Keeps nis eye f niurdcr tclcgranhi & : Mi^s _Ailyson te > the heroine S ™‘ re and Harold ^ “SfjLi!?. most Dauphin with custo and his por- -lviios iuiyson is ihg ncroinG trayal comes across vividly though . a PP ear ed opposite I The theme song “I’ll Find You” I tries ^are^WaTte/^Brennan.~crazy I „ Tne jai w°oa u _ llr ^ a ^ ^wTem- some may feel he at times over- £h a rles Boyer in the original), and j s attractively sung by David Whit- im/viaa nt a wAirH familv cnnsist.ing opens on James Lydon, , a time to move In. He’s good. Eceen- “‘^e^ooTOTman screenplay some may feel he at times over- i B . . __, ~~~z i is ouu 6 uy uav. acts the part. Richard Todd as |t ra jfhi' 1S iiv e v- C «i lduC ^ 0 f , ‘ ^bile each field, over the credit titles. is attractively sung by David Whit- uncle of a we i r d family consisting U1C ucui. AVIUUOAU JLUUU i- __. _ , . --J Dunois is simplq and appealing; to script and Anton Walbrook registers strongly 0 tbe P^’ing doesn t quite jn.iuuu vvaiuiuuA. icgxoiuro otiuugij .11 ^ ' . * A1 *r, , ■ ji i" feWgfeffss# «*. SBB'55'S®® uncle of a weird family consisting p g red young eha J ju ’ st released ot Neville Brand, menacing, shabby, j? rom t y he f^g Xngeles County younger son .of i Ruth Donnelly, Ronor Farm> w here Bill Elliott, a added boardinghouse k eep er lieutenant in the Sheriff’s Depart* necessary dedication (and resigna- the futile love affa ir- Marianne tion) to the figure of the Inquisitor. Gook is Quite good as the de- It is Sir John Gielgud who stands „lji s 1S Francoise Rosay out with a brilliant performance J®JJ{® Gpuntess who cares for her. as the politically-minded Earl of ha S t l e thankless task Warwick, determined to get Joan °£ be £&Jg e * doctor waiting for Weak English import strictly for smaller program situations. Hollywood, May 7. Aubuchon, is master-minding the belie | he » s still a good guy after high-jacking Plan. All turn in $ convteUon^ toMsaulfc An »; showy performances. nesia victim after being attacked Unfoldment builds an air of 0 n his first night of freedom, mystery and some suspense, when Lydon is pfeked up by a wealthy Wo,M,,?j-k P °!i 1 itorvS^JS 1 +n a gS a ^ Tnnn of being the doctor waiting for „ Twentieth-Fox release of a Michael Hunter leaves prison with an old business man, who takes him home* Sthestkke?™ughcontempti“us Miss Al^n to rebound Frames con's gold secret and the eccentrics Lat ter's wife,’who has a boy of the Church’s wfnded arguments Bergen and Jane Wyatt are talka- Guy Middleton. Eric Pohlman, Arnold take up his trail. Climax finds on the side, sees in Lydon an P “hpritir” vs Switch rg Finlav tive Amerika Haus workers. Marie, Fred Johnson, David rang-wpod. Hunter and Miss No^h captured portumty to throw a murder ha or heretic vs. witch. * miay n Reginald Beckwith. Directed by Val on the wav to the treasure and wav sn she’ll bp a wealthy widow* ESSri?feS!S£te »SS£ SSh-tto^SfSSp* oZt SS. in e L fke d Mead. ,S Young V love d gVa tm & ft*comparatively br« Haigh as the sympathetic Brother WAU * Lue iumauuu Brog tlme > 71 M,N$ * hew chance at life, however, when footage, handles himself with hi* /S 111 ?’ rv . _ . .. A __ Skip Morgan ....Forrest Tucker Sullivan arrives in the nick of time, customary authority, and Lya° n Graham Greene wrote the Lisa ...Eva Bartck Among supporting players who are Hne<: well as role will , screenplayand while it is some- DRIVE-IN SIGNS BOOTHMEN Baron/eiier capable a?e P Tom Pittman, young ClaSdfa Bar?ett is ln for romantic what toned down, and probably San Antonio, May 7. EmUe rd ..'. , .’!'.* , . , . r . , .**.’*.*V-.?Eric M Prthiman garage' worker, and Philip Ahn, mterest as Lydon’s betrothal less anti-clerical than the bnaw Union projector operators ended Kudnic '........Arnold Marie employer of Miss North. Hugh Sanders Is okay as the niur original, it still retains the essen- their strBce and are back on the £ a r^ v l on .There’s a jukebox beat to two dered man and Tina Carver as ® job at the Twin . Drive In Theatre .;;;;;;;::• tunes, Strange Weather” and wife, cheating with RosS Elhott* allowed some scenes to run very here _ strike lasted several months. —:-- “Drive-In Rock,” both by Carroll Meg Randall is a lunchstand m w5»q W ip?in‘g limRaSons ySs poor ' Gordon Dyer, prez of Local 407, This British import is a weak Coates and Lionel Newman, used and pop Haffleito a sheriffs^ Indfmpnt for Thich Preminger Motion Picture Machine Operators, entry for the American, market, for background touches, The ex- geant..,Paul Landres direct O j must* 1 share the blame f Idea of signed a new work agreement with difficult to follow because of a con- cellent -C’Scope photography was standard, same going for ted n ^efacfng^he film With part 0 /the Leroy Otwell, owner of the ozoner. fused story line and handicapped 1 handled by Leo Tover. Brog. credits. w "