Variety (May 1957)

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Wedneadiijr, May 8, 1957 FlantilngO; Las Vegas Las Vegas, Mpy 3, Judy Garland, Sid Krojft, Jack sive or swinging in th? old-fash¬ ioned groove. Sharing the podium last week PfiRIEff Mocaiiilio, Hollywood Hollywood, May 1 . NIGHT CLUB REVIEWS gams. Pianist Jack Elton guided the Carlton Hayes orch (16) with Hai*i*nlt 9 s, Lake Talioe _ Lake Tahoe, May 3. Leny Ever song. Paul ,Hebert Nelson Eddy with Gale Sher- ssras. SfejWWS ssswMur" T — fas.*«sg * ~ -» p™ • ■ ; " ”** ton; produced by Hal Belfer; $3 Beal isn’t as.familiar to the New Foreign songbirds, particularly Dave Barrv a returnee to these - minimum . York-bound cats as Shirley since those with little nr nn v.n„u c h a * M ave Bauy ‘. a r .^ ulne .® 10 me . s ® i oo - — * T „i— ton; produced by Hal Belfer; $3 Beal isn’t as.familiar to the New Foreign songbirds, particularly Dave Barrv a returnee to these - minimum. York-bound cats as Shirley since those with little or no English at Da rts scores* handilv with special Some 22 years ago. Nelson Eddy , — , , lie holed up in Paris' Calvados for their command,, usually have a to the music of w k was at Tahoe filming "Rose Marie/' When Judy Garland made her eight years but he wins over the touglv time making an impression s i n |fng commercials* his version of He sounds every bit the same as Vegas debut last summer at the Anglais crowd handily. He’s got m U.S. cabarets. But few approach - £ if u i z as wou ’i d be done in when he made those famous motion New Frontier Hotel, it was an ex- an easy, swinging way with the the project with the determination Scotland England and Russia* Picture duets with Jeanette Mac- iting social event attended by Strip ivories and shows plenty of respect of Leny Eversong, the Brazilian funnv irrmreshes and Daro- Donald. headliners and local VIPs. Miss for the original melodic line even singer current at the Mocambo, Hl> -. and PV pn the distaffprs Dapper in tartan tie and waist- Garland has returned^ to the Strip, when he gives out with' the Beal and this added zest combined with i fl u«hpd at- hi«? cracks about how band, he seems to regard the past this time at the Flamingo, and like bounce. His opening set runs over a good voice make her a promising wbM1 thev’re at home with more than a little humor. But her initial appearance, the pre-. 30 minutes and it's always spar- contender. Locally, she’s still a lit- ■ .. . . the singing is serious when he leafs miere night was a one-show affair, kling arid" lilting. Highlight is a tie too unknown, despite some T "' 0 , a L y holdover Production hack through such songs as “Stout .presented at 10:30 so that other slick medley concoction of Jerome good records, to serve as a hot draw j a i» >; an 1 • an i* t u ncl Hearted Men” and “Rose Marie.” stars could attend the opening be- Kern’s. “Show .Boat” score. And for the Mocambo but word of ^ be Ballad of Frankie ana John- Q n *<on the Road to Mandalay” he tween their own shows. .net to be forgotten are such nifties mouth will help. hy ) featui’ihg the Donn Arden rea lly kids himself with impreshes The Flamingo opening dupli- as “Dancirig On The Ceiling,” Miss Eversong is a large woman dancai ’s (13 ' and tbe . s °ngs 01 Gie- of p res ley t Godfrey, and even a cated last summer’s in every Way ‘‘Therejs A Small Hotel." "Cabin with a voice to match.® ft’s pure aSL^he'vo miliutt uroCTam wldch pr Sf, ty g0 .? d , a 8t F ole ’ , --the Strip headliners and the lo- In The Sky,” “A Foggy'Day” and and of such timbre as to make the ance 70 -mmute program wmen The attitude from several sea- cal U1 viPs^were"* there, and they ”Ain’\*":^ ~ex~ microphone ^frequently 0 ^inneces- runs through May 21 ' Duke ‘ sops ago is decidedly lighter and ^ gave Miss. Garland-a stariding ova- ample of the kind of' stuff Beal sary, particularly in an- intimery friendlier. tion for her efforts Her act is likes .to play with. Assist frorh SU ch as this. Too, she has a fine El Morocco. Montreal . Gale Sherwood, a lovely addi- dramatic yet punctuated . with colleagues on drums and bass is sense of rhythm and a jollity that Montreal, May 2. ln v °me and.form. duets^ With down-to-earth casualness; it is nos-- standout. helDS her presentation Much* of « , — , , . . n Eddy on file Mciry Widow, and talgic yet holds its own . in the ; Shirley is one of the more-proi w hat she does is in English, learned (with Don “Ifn” among others, freshness department; it is fulfill- gressive elements ill modern jazz, phonetically, thus overcoming one Pvppen and Joe Ross)^George Hop-, -Dick Drake breaks up his part ingin that it warmly presents With- -Working with Jimmy* Bond on 0 f the big drawbacks of imported kins, Maury Kaye Orch ( 6 ) Johnny of .the show with stony faced ap- jntimacy a living legend. bass, the duo brings a chamber talent. Sne still needs to learn LaSalle Quartet; $1 cover. proach, not only appearing utterly .The Flamingo Room is a better, music effect*and a Bach sound to more about American styles of pac- - SSir?* nilvPna showcase - than was the Vpnus. its jazz improvisations. You have i n g a show and to enlarge her rep-‘ Proof that a vet showman with ftl 1 P b 1 playing Room, because the stage isn’t to listen closely to get all of Shir- ertoire. Among her better items „ ? 1-7 snowman witn the mandolin. . . separated .from the star' by the ley’s keyboard nuances but its i n the Yankee idiom are “Tender- tbe savvy born good taste and Dancer Lois Ray, good to look at, orch and Miss Garland: can get worth the effort. In his repertoire, i y /» “Autumn Concerto” and “Jez- experience can score in most any also does some fine dancing Her closer to . her audience. , 6 er en- j n addition to a far out contem- ebel,” latter building-'as a Coral type of room is apparent with Con- Sv^u ? 0 several Afferent 6 'dances trance is simple: she s introduced, porary jazz piece, are such fayes- disk hit. She . also has a strong nie Bennett’s offering at El £. y nmdnCer fiSmiv eettfna the Curtain rises and-there she is as - ‘I Can’t Get Started, Our opener in the latune “Miflher Ren- Morocco. Other than several legit r t n 1 ] ftrapt > with a few hLn«? and on the plainly draped stage; This Love Is Here To Stay,” “Gentle- deira” and begged off solidly'open- appearances, this is Miss Bennett’s S,.? nd ~ 1 1 U - f b time she does a switch and mtro- men p r i e nd,” “What Is There To ing night to “Granada,” which first nitery stint in Montreal and gimai >* _ MarK • duces her dancing boys (9), a, tai- Say” and a medley from “New should become a standard item in she scores with all comers as an _ ented group of terpers who are p aC e S of 1952” which highlighted her act. - entertainer asking'and giving no Cliailflicre^ Ottawa Md e comic f hoofinB th B^rtVi^hei- h -i^ firSt album £ ° r Cadetl %^ e0 - In appearance,-she. recalls the quarter Although she reprises Ottawa, May 4. lead d“ee? is e out”undfcf’with ® dS - _ ^ late Tess'Gardella, Singer works Le,vis reitb Kathy Basic,. El- tsnrko slides spins and assorted _ y with her own conga drummer sup- she seldom tails oacK to tne gooa r0 y p eace ; Don Phillips, Miriam acrobatics. The numbers, Which' Chatea u Madrid, N. Y. plying an added beat to the back- Jesorts^to nwtaf^VTSasisTfoi 5 ? ncer s (6), Harry Pozy include special' material., written Goyo Reyes Dancers (4); Gloria mg by the Paul Hebert orchestra noscaigia as a Dasis 101 Orch (9); $1.50 admission. for Miss Garland by Roger Edens,. Blake, Fernando Caney Band ( 6 ), which holds, over, airing .with the ner ac1, . - are tightly woven by Robert Aitori, Ralph Font Orch (5), with Candy; Frankie Sands Trio. * Kap. Bac ^ by .^l? ^ ne piano of Don Ted Lewis played Ottawa last in ance the 70-minute program which | El Morocco. Montreal Montreal, May 2. Constance Bennett (with Don The attitude from several sea¬ sons ago is decidedly lighter and friendlier. - ' Gale Sherwood, a lovely addi¬ tion in voice and.form, duets with Eddy on “The Merry Widow,” and “If’n” among others. - Dick Drake breaks up his part of .the show with storiy faced ap¬ proach, not only appearing utterly bored but sometimes he almost ■ drifts off to sleep while playing excellent foils with both i straight his first a i bum f or Cadence Rec- and comic hoofing. Bert May, her oTds Gros. lead dancer, is outstanding with * _ socko slides, spins, and assorted; ^'MTariviil TV V acrobatics. The numbers, Which tnaiCttll jyiaaria,iH.M • Cliaiidicrc, Ottawa Ottawa, May 4. Ted Lewis with Kathy Basic, EL roy Peace; Don Phillips, Miriam are tightly woven by Robert Altoh, Ralph Font Orch (5), with Candy; Frankie Sands Trio. ‘Kap. „. Bac ^ by .^1? ^ ne P iano of Don Ted Lewis played Ottawa last in who staged, and Hal Belfer, who $3.50-$5 minimum. - Pippen and the comedy-song an- 1920 when he was with the “Green- produced. Latter gentlemen should' . -- 1CS - * . Jpe R °i S - s J ± 1SS Be ? ne ^ ich Village Follies,” but the gen- receive salvos for the originality Present layout at the Chateau 1,11111,0 »an ^ * ramcwco maintains a solid tempo at all eration since then has seen him and pace of the package... Madrid is not greatly different Fnmmsco, M ay 2. times. Of the ballads offered, enough on television to bring okay Included in the repertoire are from the show of about a month. Shecky Greene, Bob DeVoye Trio, here arrangement of several Cole b iz to the Chaudiere Club when such faves as “This Is My Lucky The Goyo Reyes group of three Amin Bros. (2), Dorothy Dor * Porter numbers is perhaps the the vet arrived. He works a boffo Day,” “Rockabye Your Baby,” males and a personable femme are b en Dancers (10), Al-Wallace Orch ^ost. ^ And to prove all is not soph- stint that-has the customers plam- “The Man That Got Away,” “Come more in stride with a new group of (9) with emcee Allen Cole; $1-$1.50 istication, she teams up with Joe slapping throughout. Rain or Come Shine,” “A Couple dances whi^ cover. Ross for a rousing workover of With him is Kathy Basic, a stand- of Swells," the yock-eliclUng tractive^ Warble? md Se current — “Dungaree Doll” complete with a out canary with plenty if looks. "Pretty Girl Milking Her CoV l/populw^^CanVLatimAnJerican standup eomie Shecky Greene f^ns seqmh-patched Femme does "I Could Have and her standard bow off; “Over band hav „ been add ed This com- l wf Jeans. Danced All Night” nicely and dou- the Rainbow.” ' bo has been introduced for the St c£i e H-w Preceding Miss Bennett, George bles with Lewis in a run-through Jack Cathcart and the expand- dancine £ ter 10 Dm and it eoes e< niHopkins, a newcomer to the local of w.k. Lewis familiars like ed Louis Basil orch (23) provide over bhr tt this suot a favorite one l aS pUt circuit, works a frantic comedy ses- “Smiles,” “Baby Doll,” “After properly compatible notes for the for those who like the Samba and together . in ^auy months. sion topped by an impresh set. He You’ve Gone,” others 1 : His fourth star, and kick off the festivities thln^ Surprise of the show is the Bob would be more effect if he relaxed “shadow,” Elroy Peace, shows Ross for a rousing workover of With him is Kathy Basic, a stand- “Dungare.e Doll” complete with a 0 ut canary with plenty of looks, gay shirt and sequin-patched Femme does “I Could Have jeans. Danced All Night” nicely and dou- Preceding Miss Bennett, George bles with Lewis in a run-through moom-vi 5 ffitt t at this spot, a fawritVone t^ether in many^months. the^ C f esUvities Surprise of & show i: with an nnncictincr hf tha llle OCner J_iaUI10 S^epS. DcVove Trio. COmOOSCd Elroy Peace, shows with an overture consisting Of the 1 Mis*; Rlak ? 3 who ha? Wn Armmii DeVoye Trio, composed of two and trimmed his material. His clicko tap ability in a pair'of sin- tunes with which she’s identified. mal « dancers and a long-legged, original bits are obscured in his gle items plus smooth work with Sid Krofft, the puppeteer, is fca- S e £lv imSrSved ove^the? oric? redhaired girl. They do four num- energetic attempts to cram in all Lewis who, incidentally, has tured on the bill, and gets top ap- fnfiiv^aS hv VARiE ty *?he hS? P- ers ^ h u lC S ! e l m „ to be a « ombma “ comedy styles whether they fit rou- worked a rock ’n’ roll bit into his plause as he puts his marionettes inhinSd hPatiu-al ahilitv a? a 5 on ? f ballet - ba Rroom and apache tining or not. Music for the shows “Me and My Shadow” routine, through such skits as a comically tu SoL anri dancing * /nd get .huge audience and customer hoofing is supplied Lewis only clarinet chore is a re¬ grotesque skeleton terp; a strip response for their imaginative and b y talented Maury Kaye and his prise of his old “Tiger Rag” disk, tease bit. and-a rock hi’ roll ruckus. an easier approach^ to her audi- skilled routines. All three have with .Tnhnnv T.aRalle’s nnmbo Lewis disolavs his fine ability to grotesque skeleton terp; a strfp tease bit, and* a rock ’n’ roll ruckus. singer with an easier Mary Menzies and the Elamingo- pnc £*. P°^ e } y d ?,^ s . I v 9 e ,! bad S°° d ballet training and this ettes ( 11 ) are presented in a .lavish- A ? lck of ^ 1 0u ’ Es ^ ral \. a , is the payoff. ]y costumed/ arid highly effective a 9; d a J?® f dley of love songs Wlth ’ Greene is fast, seems to impro- flanpp whlPh .QPrVPri thp nice enecc. vr?o/» ni/>Alvr on/l dnucn'f umTfhim, in the relief slot. Stork Room, London London, April 29. .Lewis displays his fine ability to Jceep the tablesitters happy and with him. He uses a solid mixture of nostaglia, hearts-and-flowers and socko comedy to heavy begofls. ’On the same bill but not part of ly costumed/ arid highly-effective-*“ l " uiey UI love iUU6i Wlia ’ Greene is fast, seems to impro- n« Alll ¥ of nostaglia, hearts-and-flowers and oriental dance, which serves as the ni ^®“ e ^ c * eHll • vise nicely and doesn’t let anything ^lorx iioom, i/Uiiiiun socko comedy to heavy begofls. curtain raiser for the 90-minute fVl G0 t 0 of Gou i s f^ ls upset him. Two of his funniest bits London, April 29. ’On the same bill but not part of show, skedded through May. 22. •• tne stanaout stepper 01 • tne Keyes concern a punchy fighter arid a Hal Fisher (with Laura Fisher), the Lewis company is juggler Don Duke. ‘ foursome, scoring with a solo num- French singer. His humor, gen- Fraser Hayes Quartet, Pharos & Phillips, an energetic youth who -=- rt^cSr-i?" erally speaking, seems fresh, Marina, Al Brunett, 'Art Staddon topples bells, clubs, rings while nitr rnrllnn IWenfrenl though he may-spend too much Trio, Sylvia & Her Los. Chicos; balancing on a unicycle atop a llilz barium, Aioncrcai and femme looker, Olga Fernan- time ki dd i ng the club’s boss, $2.80 cover. small table. Routine is standard Montreal. May 2. dez< For those Who appreciate the . Bimbo — int ramur al jokes- Can fail __ but Phillips gives it slick handling Caprice Chantal (with Paul PaL .Spanish heel-and-toe-terpsing and flat Crd wd likes him a'lot: ' Ha1 a drftll f - with cycle adding thrills. Unbilled meiri), Johnny Gallant, Joe Set - Castanet stomping, this group.con- * _ Hal Fisher, a droll comic from ffemme is assistant. Gorm. in no *0 tinuftK to elirik solidlv here.- iWO Amm aros. are nneiy nopea , PMiarm, headlines the current lay- tano trio- A2 -$2 <i0 cover tinues to click solidly here.- iwunumi mw. micij fjviiaim, neaannes tne current iay- tno, $2. §2oQjcover. Ralph Font’s orchestra piays the probate. One twirls ■ the pther out at Al Burnett’s late night spot • The initial aooearance in the shbw ' smoothly and. provides part f off piccadill y* As a switch from Ritz Cafe of clfantootsie Caorice the‘music for patron dancing, b w d * IS excellent the familiar revues which they’ve Kansas City, May 3. Chantal is a comDlete switch in And, of course,’ the Chateau Ma- contrast to other act?. been featuring of late, there’s a Steve Lawrence, Pin-Ups (4), show formula for thiA boite Al- d ri d continues to attract with its Dorothy Dorben-closer on this trio of contrasting aets, with Bur- Tony DiPardo Orch (8); $1, $1.50 most withoutException thfe riatrons authentic Spanish dishes. Wear. 55-minute show, is noteworthy for nett himself playing the role of an C0V cr. * have ^been entertained bv : an ele- --- ’ ' beautiful black-and-white costum- ebullient host and emceeing the - gantly gowned thrush and, in most Statler-HiltOll, Balias fnns for^ix 8 line S gfrls th? reverse Sv Wlth hls vlgorous lme of Riding the crest with an entry on cases, with a pretty standard song- Dallas, May 3. fo?the fomUllothers DeVoye ... , the b c|tseUing song lists and alog. Not so with Miss Chantal. j 0 se Greco & Spanish Dancers tSo ioins in finale? vSh repaired _ A lth °ug h it’s his first time over, known for his work on the Steve Garbed in trim black slacks and a (19); Bob Cross Orch (12); $2- cM in a ^ Fisher has no problems wjth a Allen shows, Strive Lawrence is white, high-collared blouse affair} $2 50 cover ? dan-inff feftfe Line lirl's are hvely Bntish audience. His re- making his first stand in a midwest she raises a few eyebrows and gets ^* ou coveu _ romnetent * ~ laxed style of comedy gab ’ with night spot. He combines with the attention as she belts out a series int# 7, „” P _" _ u _his fund of yarns about medicos Pin-Ups for 35 minutes on the Ralph Font’s orchestra piays the acrobats. One twirls ■ the pther ou t a t’Al Burnett’s late night spot , ... . ,r. _ j .rhrmicm tnp nvr arm nrirh rnrp a _ m' _* _ _ _:4_u _ Hal Fisher (with Laura Fisher), the Lewis company is juggler Don .80 cover : . small table. Routine is standard • but Phillips gives it slick handling . . * with cycle adding thrills. Unbilled Hal Fisher, a droll comic from f£ mme j s assistant. Gorm. iami, headlines the current lay- IaUU s\ K. C. Kansas City, May 3. Steve Lawrence, Pin-Ups (4), have beeri entertained by : an ’ele¬ gantly gowned thrush and, in most cases, with a pretty standard sorig- alog. Not so with Miss Chantal. Statlcr-Hittoii, Pallas Dallas, May 3. white, high-Collared blouse affair} $2,50 cover she raises a few eyebrows and gets attention as she belts out a series Tot . e rw of"offbeat trine?wdth ^\ Wes? Indies w2 S ?n F^firn’nrv h ?Q^R Al Wallace orch is smoothly and . psychiatrists, is sure for re- sprightly side and well applauded- accent dominatingEntire offering. I 1 . 6 f e l n 19 ^ 6 Ai tlU _ b °i^ s geared. Show runs through May 22, act ion. There’s originality in his by the house. rP^ntinn £er wS Tnn ance * promisesro keep the heavy UXed and wasn t helped by too draw 4 n u; s ourrpnt fortnight stand much volume and the apparent c ap ^city^^ PeSC rt IilM, Las Vegas the rails of a luxury liner. Then utes none too long for Ins portion lack of reheartal. A separate mike y with Ino tahWd? nni?e) Las Ve^as MaV 1 there’s a complete transformation of the show. Over the route he in front of guitarist Paul Palmeiri *™y e J Greco^ return ^hur^dav Jane Powell Dave Barrv Art in personality in his interpretation covers a wide range of tunes, from gave background accomps too f ^ fl S 5,S. y of a drunk singing “My Wife Has “Breezing Along with the Breeze” much prominence and a somewhat K«, a ^f Johnson,- Cleone Duncan, Donn Ar- Gone and Left Me.” That provides and the ever steady “Lazy River.” over-anxious desire to please on b £^ a l^ c £!? p ^ fo 0 / p cl pS» singing den Dancers (13), Carlton Hayes a soclc fi n i sb to an act with novel In between he goes for the stand¬ ee part of Miss Chantal/threw 1 an S«i3 s ? rch J n 16 U stage<i « n directed by features. His wife, Laura, a look- ards, such as “Birth of the Blues” timing and routining off. • w S ^ A Pl Jonathan Lucas; $2 minimum. er sits in at the ivories to take and “My Baby Just Cares for Me,” Husky piping however is effee- “ 1 “?? 12 -- good care of the modest back- but works in his current Coral- tive and her folk songs of Martini- nnUrfill sml In her fifth trip to the local grounding the performance de- labelled best seller, “Party Doll’ que make a refreshing change from fnu? chaneeV ■ for tori e£ boards, Jane Powell goes over mands. andthenew “rveGrownAccus- the commercial calypsoitemscur- ^ a nagesiour_cnanges toiiopei sounds solidly . With her sophisti- The Fraser Hayes Quartet com- tomed To Her Face ” In Make rentty going the rounds. : House i e n la de Ronda wTndinc to heftv cated » act » she ’ s every in ^ h a lady prises three men on bass, guitar Yourself Comfortable’ he calls up 88 ’er Johnny Gallant and. the Set- n e duettine with he? aided bv and every note a singer * From her and accordion arid one femme vo- a young fqmme from the crowd tano^trio give additional musical Z U ' n n g ti ^ e H" g ne Wlt t b “F a ’ ntas ia de effective entrance, when she steps calist; They put on a lively, but and brings it off a. bright spot m depth to guitarist Palmeiro during ®nure uoupq, to .fantasia ae *« out of an orn a te ,g ol d picture frame rather noisy, pop songalog, with the show. Some impressions by each performance and then: split va j e d " c _ 1 S y tr in includes in a tastefully, designed evening the emphasis on rock ’n’ roll. Typ- Lawrence come off but lightly and dance intedudes between shows. i Added spice tnis^trip inci^ gown she registers with both the ical entries in a moderate show are could almost be exchanged for a Miss Chantal holds until May 21. Gracia dll longhair and crewcut set. Tunes “Singing the Blues” and “Hound bright. song or two to probably Xewt. : include “For Every Man There’s Dog.” Pharos & Marina}w.k. mind- perk up that portion. --- ; eom ^ ?s rtl elole , to a shb\V^deal^g “’TwS a Woman,” “The : Art of Knowing reading act, never, fail to impress. ^ Pin-Ups have an inning to open Einlicrs. N. Y.: - : coritfles® thVlfeonS GvoSe? How;” .^Maids. of 'dadiz,” “Mpun- T he , gal, . blindfolded onstage, the show with * military tap and Don Shirley. Puo; Charlie Beal : grabiJaotice with their terpirig, A^* ^ 1 ^usulr^y ” 0 ^nd ^‘Ten- ttfySV^ their i*ork being sprightly and cosl Tno; no cover or minimum. ^ I / ® pah ^,?^^ S.” - - ‘ '' ?e? & f^customlrs. f IS' gete:- tumes hanclsome as"usual. Spot f runs through May 22, action. There’s originality in his by the house. Stef. offbeat impressions, particularly of A personable' youth, Lawrence - blinking lighthouses as seen from wraps up eight songs in 24 min¬ ium. Las Vegas tbie rads °I a luxury liner. Then utes, none too long for his portion there’s a complete transformation of the show. Over the route he ; no cover or minimuyi.-' \ ; ebmpariistsf, pianist;Lj^dia .del..Mat g it. - «uel Garcia/ arid?'ManUel-Hildago, 'A eo The Embers remains the: strbri^r' hold of the ; eaStside. jazz' eplt rilrfldj even has . the westsiders 'SqrdSsfhg! over the Fifth AVri. borde^ i to 1 :dig the music whether it be progres -1 frettlrig.i. ^VKickapoki Kick,” in-=.which * she orchs^put the emphasis on ihythm King in May 17 lot a fortnight Bark. - shows okay terping and shapely for the dance sessions. Myro. vu