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Variety (September 1957)

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MIESCELLANY 8 Wednesday, September 4, 1957 Athens Niteries Show Mild Efforts But City Gains as Tourist Mecca This is like a resort ‘city b because SKELTON AUDITIONING LOCALES IN MADRID of its sunshine and nearby beaches. Madrid, Sept. 3. Sidewalk sitting at night is stand-. ard with only a few niteries to service those wanting to dance. Floorshows generally are limited to an act or two. But, a man getting up to dance alone is more of!again, this time with Hollywood a show than the acts involved. | business manager Bo Roos and in. Many men, after a few drinks here, ; ‘conjunction with his latest film, take to the dancefloor for a display ' “Public Pigeon Number of their feelings. |which has just opened in ‘Sweden, Theatres are all closed, but there | Denmark, Italy, and is currently are only about eight of them plus! playing in England. the National Theatre (specializing | Skelton and Roos are here auin Greek tragedies) and some/|ditioning possible locales for his revue houses.Most others are run ; next picture, which he will make by actor teams, with the toppers | next spring or summer, after his Ellie Lambetti ’and Dimitri Horn | CBS-TV chores are over. As he who give a good cross-section of , does with all his films, Skelton has | French-U.S. and Anglo hits in 11: already shot some of it in 16m in performances weekly at their own 'Mexico—two weeks’ work in Taxco, season theatre. They did “Gigi,” | Cuernavaca, and Acapulco, where and “The Rainmaker’ las year. he owns the Hotel Los Flamingos.. Miss Lambetti and Horn also!navid Rose will do the musie for starred in the Greek pic, “Girl in ‘ the new picture (untitled as yet), Black.” | Pic opens soon in N.Y. i which will be produced by SkelHe heads the Greek Film Directors | 'ton’s V. R. Corp. . Skelton’s voice Guild. Greece makes only about /h5. heen recorded at 22 different six films per year but a new studio ! ‘levels, as in the picture he will is being built, with a real. foreign : ; market counted on to help launch | iPlay 14 p 12 monks, a clown Red Skelton is back in Europe } One, ” . U. FILMS SHOW YUGOSLAYS ~ US, PERFORMING ARTS Washington, Sept. 3. A cultural exhibit will be one of the many features of the U. S.. Pavilion at the trade fair in Zagreb, Yugoslayia, Sept. 7-22. Cultural section, which will be in pictures, + will be devoted to American ac complishments in ballet and dance, opera and music, film’ technique, _| theatre, radio, television, etc. In ‘addition, there. will be. model American home: which will include hi-fi tv and hi-fi record player.. A special demonstration of. S. home. appliances will include radio and television sets. ‘GWIW Gross Now $50,000,000; “Long Runs 0’Seas There is apparently no end to the grossing potential of “Gone With the Wind.” The 1939 David} O. Selznick production, now wholly owned "by Metro, continues to amaze the industry. In the domestic: market, which includes the U.S. “Boris Morros, brilliant composer and Hollywood producer, has received deserved acclaim in the past for his theatrical genius. Now’s the time for all Americans and other free-world citizens to hail him for his true masterpiece .. -’ —N. Y. Daily News, Aug. 14, ’57, Hollywood, which has done so much in glorifying heroes. from all walks of life, has never spawned one of the full-blown stripe such as Boris Morros exemplifies. Hollywood has had heroes but never before in history has one dedicated patriot been as ' self-effacing, and in so great a personal danger, as the former -Paramount musical director turned independent film producer turned counterspy.. m The acclaim that has been heaped on Boris Morros for his decade of counterspying for the U.S. Government continues to grow, and the nation's press continues to salute Khim with appropriate editorials. . But human memory is fickle. “Now’s the time for all Americans and other free-world citizens to hail him...” are wellchosen and well-intentioned words but how often does a hero: | fail to achieve at least a respectable recognition of his achievements in the service of his country? And éspecially within his. own industry. Let Morros not be 3 “a prophet without honor” in his own community. Whether it; be an industry luncheon to do him honor, or a special “Oscar” for bringing such a wealth of good will to his fayorite business—show biz—or whatever the recognition, it is important that the motion picture industry take ' this step for a special kind of a Hollywood-hero.. “Now’s the time... to hail him for his true masterpiece oe? it. , (the film’s central character), and After a new pie with Miss Lam betti, Cacoyannis is .doing a C’Scope version of the Greek trag: edy, “Iphighenia,” Artists backing. Ilya Lopert is executive producer, and Miss Lambetti is co-starrer. Irene Pappas : is back here with plans to make aj film with American set designer | : cations, and that RKO will be in with United! ‘joint partnership with his V. R. | Paul Silbert, who will direct his~ first pic with her. Greg Tallas is in for another chore. Greece looks to be gaining momentum as an offbeat tourist country to be visited and still re eee miains an unique country still bear: ing its great dramatic heritage ; with excellent troupes. And then, there is the chance:that the essen; tially native film setup may hecome more international! in the near future. ‘c KKK Gunned From ‘Sun Charlotte, N. C., Sept. 3. An “ineident” was threatened but failed to materialize as 20th‘Fox's “Island in the Sun” opened locally. <iux Klansmen came on the scene’ to picket the picture because of its racial angles. | However, they dispersed quickly . and quietly as Police Chief Frank : prano with the Frankfurt Opera Littlejohn, with revolver in hand, } to!d them they had no business be-! ‘Hamburg Opera, ing there. Casals’ Heart Attack Paris, Sept. 3. Pablo Casals, 81-year-old ’cellist:and Negro spirituals. ‘known young American “chance in the U: James Morris, Small group of robed Ku. swing through Europe with a and Canada, the picture has been :a beggar. He says that either Spain released five times and has grossed! or. Portugal would be ideat for lo mestic distribution rental take of about $36,000,000. . Similar results are being chalked: up abroad, although comparative! i deal. Barcelona, Rome and Paris are on their agenda before heading for ; home and the October tv show. countries, the’ picture actually has [never been withdrawn from release. Rates Europe as Only Spot Young U.S. Opera Singer Can Make Grade By. HAZEL GUILD Frankfurt, Aug. 27. “The only place where an unopera singer can get the necessary experience today is in Europe—the unknewn singer doesn’t stand aj. ‘tions. of the world year after year. Presently GWIW is in-its’ 11th week at the M-G-M Waterloo in Hamburg, Germany, where it has. racked up a new longrun performance for the theatre, no other picture having ever tallied this long an engagement. At the M~-G-M theatre in Berlin, the picture is. now finishing its fourth week. At the same time, it’s in its third round in Frankfurt and appears to (Continued on ontinued on page 6 69) S.,”” comments | Carolina-born ‘baritone, who spent Elvis’ Boff 147 Boft 147G In Four NW Dates 10 years in N. Y. and sang.a bit Portland, Ore., Sept. 3. part in “My Fair Lady” on Broadway. Morris ‘is one of about 36 young. Ameriean opera singers currently appearing with opera companies in :Europe. Tops. of the group are — _| Elvis Presley. racked up a recordClaire Watson, now leading so shattering $147,400 in four evening performances and one matinee over the Labor. Day, holidays (30-2), Presley. grabbed $22,400 in Spokane Friday night (30); $44,000, -Vaneouver, B. C., Saturday. night. (31); $11,000, Sunday afternoon in Tacoma (1); $36,000 in Seattle, ‘Company; James Pease, with the -and Kenneth “Spencer, who lives in Germany and makes an annual concert -repertoire of. German lieder songs: in excess of $50,000,000 for a do-!. figures are unavailable. In. foreign] Pic continues to play in some sec-|{_ | tic,. | boundaryless who suffered a heart attack last | Morris" credits include perform-. spring in Puerto Rico, is said to be, ances with the N. Y. City Opera recovering fram another cardiac:and an NBC series, “U. S. Royal seizure which attacked him Satur-" Showease,’ and some _ records. day130). ‘ Nonetheless, he says, it’s impossiHe was taken ill at the Franca-! ble for an American to break into Sunday night (1); and $34,000, Monday night (2) in Portland. All shows were in. stadiums or ballparks. Supporting acts worked the first half with Presley filling the last 45-minute sesh. Lee Gor Spanish border village of Prades, . big-time opera in the U. S. withdon promoted the layout and Al where he arrived two weeks ,ago; ‘out European training. with his 21-year-old bride of a: mont. — Enclosed find check for $ Please send VARIETY for ; To eee eereeseaeseneoses Street CILY vc cecccccccesecscecrsteseve Zone.... Regular Subscription Rates One Year—$10.60 Canada and -Foreign—$1 Additional Per Year LARIETY inc. | 154 West 46th Street VARIETY Subscription Order Form seexeereaeceetaogecateoateaceosseeeaeesd (Please Print Name) SSS eeeese getter eanecasesaeertFeeeseeseesseaveessehse ese ; Dvorin of Chicago produced.. All He lists three reasons for the’ situations were scaled to a $3.50 {Continued on page 10). | top. | SHOW BIZ. HAPPY HUB’SDAILIES’ STRIKE OVER ‘Boston, Sept. 3. Show biz greeted the return of Bosten daily’ newspapers : Friday a sigh of relief after 21-day. strike by the mailers’ union during which '|Happy also were publishers and ‘|5,000 idled newspaper workers. The {mailers agreed to arbitrate at confab in the governor’s office Thurs|day (29). ‘Hub’s theatres and department stores. suffered most. in the strike and return of their main publicity ; medium was expected to up grosses and sales. The first newspapers after 21 |days came out Friday afternoon (30) with headlines paraphrasing show biz expressions. The Trayeler headline was: 7 Roll.” The American: “It’s Sure Great to See You Again!” The One Year. Two Years State... eeese Two Years—$18.00 paper Strike Ends. What Hap‘}pened Since Last We Met.” It was the first newspaper strike in Bos‘tton history. An unusual situation was that the American in its first “spot news” edition. carried. not “one sin New York 36, N. Y. . +e _ Aygle line of advertising. afternoon (30) with enthusiasm and | six Hub dailies were blacked out. | “And Away We |Globe, more sedate, said: “News| Venice, Sept. 3. Can a film festival be-too arty? Yes, say U.S. foreign film distribs Richard Davis andIlya Lopert, While the Cannes Film Fest in May was roundly criticized for giving too much time and space to the distrib and exhib aspects of films, and ignoring the press and personalities (the few there were), Venice is already being scored for plying the art and prestige sides and slighting the biz components. Fests have gavernmental, tourisartistic and diplomatic angles that accrue from the popularity of | pix, and their practitioners and the world interest in films. It is difficult to satisfy all. of these and various fests have taken their stands. Cannes accepted the prestige and commercial aspects timing, while Venice withd the specialized art category. Ww into lowed countries to submit a list from which one entry would be chosen, or to send one film. Ten were gotten this way and four were invited. So far, the officially sent pix, a Spanish and a Yugoslavian, are below the level aimed for by Venice, as is the Yank “Something of Value” (M-G) in spite of some | rugged. segments, If the specially invited pix turn out to be the kudosed, maybe Venice is completely right and..maybe compromise, in spite of troubles, does not pay. So far, it looks like both Cannes and Venice have to go still further Volume 208 Bills eoeeeeeoneoevreeeeeaadbes 64. Chatter pv eecneccceraceose FO Film Reviews sees eesecnee 6 House Reviews ..scvcsees 62 | Inside Pictures orereereeee 22 . Inside Radio-TV eseee cage 46 International ...,rcceceee 14 Legitimate .....cceccesese 65 Literati .....scccccccenee 69 © Music ....cseesseneeeden 52 | New Acts .......... evvere 64 Night Club Reviews ...... 63 e . & 9 ) 6 . e 9 Venice: ‘Art’ Vs. Business [A COMPARISON WITH CANNES] By GENE MOSKOWITZ j due to its position, location and This year Venice gave in and al| in revisions to make for two fests! _ Trade mark Registered > FOUNDED. 1905 by SIME SILVERMAN: Published Weekly by ‘VARIETY, INC, _ Syd Sllverman, President 154 West 46th St., New Work 38, N Y¥. Ilywoed 28 — ’ 6404 Sunset Boulevard, Hollywood 9-1141 Washington 4 . 1292 National Press Building, STerling 3.5445 . cago 1 612 No. Michigan Ave.» DElaware 7-4984 . Londen WC2 3 St. Martina PL, Trafalgar Sq., Temple Bar S041 “SUBSCRIPTION Annual, $10; Foreign, $11; Single Copies, 25 Centa ABEL GREEN, Editor INDEX . Television DAILY VARIETY @ubHshed in Hollywood by Daily Variety, Ltda $15 a year, $20 Fore! fn. . . ‘that will completely complement each other. If Cannes cuts down on some of the obviously unsuitable pix and concentrates on .the good, outstanding ones, as well as those worthy of showing but not necessarily top drawer stuff, it will streamline the fest and allow for more kudos. Venice, with only four awards, has to handpick its entries ‘with great. care and with precision to make them all unique. Of course, there is: the resistance knot met in most big producing countries when this happens.. This must be worked out, but Venice reMains a unique and almost successful type in; in its second year. Did Graham’s B’way Rally Help Hypo Times Sq. B.0.? Managers of Broadway theatres agreed that the Rev. -Dr. Billy © Graham’s farewell sermon brought thousands to the Times Sq. area Sunday afternoon and early evening (1), but whether the influx of visitors helped spin the wickets at -first-run houses was open to ques= tion.. Business on the Sabbath was better than the preceding Satur day. However, theatre spokesmen were loath to attribute the b.o. rise to followers of the evangelist’s summer-long New York crusade. They pointed ‘out that church folk are seldom regarded as prospective filmgoers with possible exception (Continued on page 24) ETY JUdson 2-2700 Number 1 Obituaries eCeoteerere seve 1 ‘Pictures eneeseoawesteooas 3 Radio eoeecoen eeeesenesteca. 30 , Radio Reviews ...scesss 44 Record Reviews . sosgeescse 52 Frank Scully ..,...scee.02 69 *}} . ero evece veGtenen 30 Television Reviews 42 TV Films ..... sce vscesec’® Oa Unit Reviews ....6ses05.. 62 Vatideville ......cecene-s 60 Wall Street ....... ceveece 24 NTN arte mt prt erga ra pact pn mm ee eg baat yeti =A Py nae en So tai al ee A pee