Variety (September 1957)

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6 VARIETY FILM REVIEWS ‘of the comedy, -All other technical | Jacquéline mn Ma all Operation ad B .} contributions, including Charles A British import scheduled Wacky Army comedy with big | Lawton’s photography, George be tradescreened today b.o. potential, | Duning’s musie and Robert Boyle's | to ‘(Wed.) in New York, “Jacque _ Wednesday, September 4, -1957 patrons, “It is a topical-humar|_ meta of Simmera:: ‘problem, story that should: appeal Streets of Sinners Fast police melodrama to both sexes, and partic good returns in program speis; art direction, awe first rate. | Hott, line” was reviewed by VaRIzTY adune 13, 1956. In appraising Columbia release of Jed Harris pro duction. Stars Jack Lemmon, Kathryn finshing Army service in Gefmany. Grant, Ernie Kovacs, Arthur O’Connell, the George H, Brown producHis English wife wants to s Mi R . Direeted by Richard | _ nt ; , + STON 7 e tay Cckey «heenpiay, Arthur Carter, Harris, My Man Godtrey tion which stars John Gregson | near her people in Liverpool, and and Kathleen. Ryan, --Myra opined ‘that the film is “strictly for the family-trade.” Reviewer pointed out that the “saccharine, sentimental refuses to go with him. She wins Blake Edwards, from a play by Carters | { him over and her uncle fixes him camera, Charles Lawton; editor, Charles Nelson; music, George Puning. -reviewed. in N.Y., July 23, ’57. Running ! time, 105 MINS. i (C’SCOPE—COLOR) © Amusing remake of the 1936 version with June Allyson driver, and from then on.he’s in ; Lauid . * te tn. oF sy tplay, John McPartland, based on story Pvt. Hogan «| --sss++: wack Lemmon; David Niven names to attract | yarn is notable for the fact |trouble. He gets in.a fight trying |iy Bniip vordan camera, J. Burgi Cont Lieut, Betty Bixby.....-. yo. apes : to stop his mate’s load being robbed "5 tt ‘Suth ; Capt, Paul Lock . Ernie Kovacs good grosses, that it introduces a new child o stop ™m 0 ng ro ner; editor, Everett Sutherland; music, Colonel Housch 1.2... Arthur O'Connell Ste 9 Ot nent on the way to Scotland, not: know-# Albert Glasser. Previewed Aug. 28; °S7. Yuncey Skibo ....... sss. Mickey Rooney Hollywood, Aug.: 30. Person ty vonee Nee a young ing the driver is getting his cut-on | Punmize time, 76 MINE. tant Pit, Widowskas loll!” James Darren |. Universal release. of a,’ Ross Hunter father is “oldfashioned in con|2, Phany holdup. From then on Terry ean seeeee Geraldine ‘Brooks Cpl Bermyman seas, Roger Smith | Riven! rostars Jessie Royce Landis, Rob: ception and presentation...” {it’s cooperate, or else. Leon oii ieeiiiiceseees Nehemiah Persog Bot Gime? occ sherldan Comerate | Keith. Eva Gabor, Jay Robinson.| Gregson and Kathleen Ryan, | Out of work and desperate, | Qe v0 wanem Herries Ozark. sev sente sewers . @. Jones j Martha Hyers, features Jeff Domenplay,| the critic wrote, “do .well |Harry joins a racketeer, then gets} Ricky ...-..c.cscsc:+-. Stephen Joyce Madame LaFour ......+--Jeanne Manct | Everett Freeman, Peter sermeis, William | enough within limitations of jtangled up with the boss’ ritzy|Tom -...... trevesecsces Clifford avid Lt. Schmidt 12. 72 wary LaRoche | Bowers, based on script by Morrie, Rys: the script” as the parents {girl friend who has walked out on ces .e.eee seeseseeaeess: Sandra Rebn Sgt. McCloskey 2.202.020. Dick Crockett | Kind. Eric Hatch and novel by Hatch:| while Jacqueline: Ryan acts |the plushy setup. The police are|Short Stuff... sesecces, Danny Dennin Paul Picerni | Camera (Eastmancolor), William Daniels ° “ ‘ i . First Sergeant . Ted Irwin Fit. paar single. /") David MeMahon }editor, Bilton Carruth; musig, Joseph | With “genuine conviction and after him when his ex-buddy gets| First Serg neadeccescs Melvin Decker Master Sgt. Pringle. .... avid stcalanon ! Gershenson. Previewed Aug. 20, 57. Run-| sincerity” as the moppet. killed i fake accident to collect Lonntees sreeeesoees ’ ; jning time, 92 MINS Rank Film Distributors of Klied in 2& d he vl en tan c Sam eer ecennenser eee wees Ba: Lou Gilbert ictures usually fall into! soc enecccceweece ; aank Film Vist insurance, and he plans a getaway | Larry . Barry MeGuire two categories, There ave the “war: Geatrey oc cwawy. Tad Wen America is releasing in the {with the gangster the girl and -a/PO, Gagigin LULL Jace Hartley ishel’ and the “war is fun” films. | Angelica ....-.-..+-. Jessie Royce Landis: J. Ds : load~of valuable furs. After a] Joey «|. ...ccccceeccewee Billy James 1S eir. “ e W. a ise | ir. Bullock aa beenapernneca Robert Keith : wild dramatic journey with the Sam’s Wife sen eeencepoesas Liza Balesca Operation Mad Ball,” produced j Francesca v2... ee. eeesseee es Eva Gabor . a . . ee Tiny’s: Mother ...... soeoees Eva Gerson by Jed Harris, falls into the latter | Vincent .........+2ee0-+Jay Roblngon | society mother registers a definite | heavily laden truck through nar-|parry 2.7 os ccvesesseee , John Holland bracket and, as such, is probably t [ovGel# ---+r+steeseeeee Martha Hyer /nit, Martha Hyers as the arrogant |Tow, stony side tracks, they get| Motor Cop ..........04.+-0--Bob Dusty one of the funniest service come{Hubert <1... 00+ .0..-0+Herbert Anderson elder siser is stunning and Robert within Sight of the small freighter Bete a gcrteant en 1 wved Here ies to reach the screen since the ; Prem -----... yrrecetaneane clair | Keith ably. rtrays e father ¢ ’ ur Customer .........e00 cess tlie Jordan end of World War II. Judged by | Heysgnant O'Connor. ..--Dans erser fated with rum, Eva Gabor makes |gets killed, and Harry decides to | Utillty Bartender ..:....-.. ohn Barry the spontaneous and uninhibited | Second Detective Leveeneeee Jack, Mather capital of a Continental divorcee £0 nee ace qos st eee ae Harry ....sccesceeeeess Stephen Elliot . : oun ma ar..e.“4. -+. Pa . ‘tg j e..| Irenzie: , laughter that ran through the audi| siete SR Babee Harry Cheshire and Jeff Donnell is in for some highlight of the hie and provides x —— ence at a sneak preview, general | George "2.220070. ee aeees Robert . Clarke | Sparkling dialog as the weary fam-_ d exciting sev Street of Sinners” is the story hilariiy will be the order of the day | Mun With Monkey.,....Robert Brubaker |ily maid. Jay Robinson as a family tense and exciting sequences. of a rookie cop with enough meloat theatres booking the picture. It’s juan cr Bee oT Voliaire Perkins |/eech,.constantly warbling “Lovely” | Mature makes a convincing fig-|dramatics to fit handily into the the kind of madcap entry that will ! Howard ~...0..... eee. William Hudson | at the piano, also is in for capable|ure of the straightforward guy| program market for good returns. appeal to family groups and, as a; Motor Cop stsrerveseey | Robert ouk support. oe who turns cheat on his wife and| George Montgomery stars, backed result, the turnstiles should click! poeysoh, rs Richard Deacon |, ©°@rah Vaughan chirps title song | his work, and Diana Dors gives suf-|by plenty of fop assistance from a as often as the laughs. To the credit of producer Harris,! Updated version of “My Man director Richard Quine, and script| orey?™ ‘ “+, | Godfrey” is a pretty well turned. ers Arthur Carfer, Blake Edwards gut comedy with June Allyson and and Harris, they have geared the : : Production ‘strictly for farce. Like | David Niven recreating the origina miost service comedies, there jis an | star roles. Yarn is overly contrived element of truth in each of net at times, but generally stands up situations, but truth presented | . , realistically can be dull. What Har| 25,4) flaver, fituation farce, which ris and his associates have done is. to take a series of events experieral market, , enced by an Army medical unit in|, Ross Hunter’s production of the |. France shortly after the war and} butler to an eccentric New York exaggerated them almost beyond|family of wealth who helps recognition. The result is a fast-| Straighten them out, meanwhile ‘paced, slambang farce designed recipient of the’ affections of the solely for entertamment. younger daughter, manages _ to ficient reason as the blonde who helps him do it. Gene Anderson is quietly effective as the background wife and Michael Wade does well in the small part of her sop. Liam Redmond and Patrick Allen give first-rate characterizations of the racketeer and his stooge and Peter Reynolds makes a suitably spineless yesman out of the role of the girl’s ‘brother. em, by Peggy Lee and Sonny. Burke over the titles. William Daniels’ color photography is interesting, art direction by Alexander Golitzen and Richard H. Riedel in keeping with general quality tone of picture and Milton Carruth’s editing sharp. Frank Skinner’s music score is fitting, — Whit. ‘The Long Haul | (BRITISH) Victor Mature caught up in The Careless Years long distance truck racketeering with Diana Dors as the blonde menace who nearly wreéecks his home. Good. aver Well-done entry in the teenage cycle. Moderate b.o, prospects, although name of star. anxious to return to the States on’ up with a badly paid job as a truck | w of the two stars. Victor Mature: plays Harry, a good-hearted GI} George Montgemery te spatk chances. — Hollywood, Aug. 30. United Artists release of a William Berke production. Stars George Mont‘gomery; costars Geraldine Brooks, Nehemiah Persoff, Marilee Farle; features William Harrigan, Stephen Joyce, Clife ford David. Directed by Berke. Screens good cast and~deft writing and hard-hitting direction to maintain the interest, The William Berke production, which he also directs, was lensed ‘in N.Y., where atmospheric back grounds add to film’s realism. Pic takes its ‘title from the rookie’s beat, giving meaning to the street he tries ta bring to some semblanee of order as he’s faced with an “| almost impossible task. _Montgomery as the rookie starts his first day on the force the hard way, by incurring the enmity of. Nehemiah Persoff, operator of «a bar who cantfols the street through his powerful connections in. high _ Aiding the overall effect of the comedy is a group -of performers who know how to go along with! the joke. A ‘less competent cas could have easily made a shambles out of the whole affair; Fortunately Jack Lemmon, Ernie Ko vacs, Arthur O'Connell, Mickey Rooney, Kathryn Grant and the supporting players have completely absorbed the spirit of the picture and come through with performances that contribute greatly to the general hilarity. The picture is indeed noteworthy been deported. for transferring Kovacs from tv to Pictures. As an unctuous, busybody, promotion-bent, obnoxious officer, Kovacs makes an excellent foil. for the intrigues of the enlisted men. in his command. His “Mad Ball” performance, a comedy gem, will undoubtedly rate numerous calls for his services in future films. Another standout comedy tribution is made by Rooney. Although he appears in a short scene in a part that may be fermed a bit, Rooney makes such a strong impression that his. limited screen time is barely noticed. He appears as a jazzed-up transportation sergeant who whisks an entire battalion out of Le Havre in no time at. Lemmon, the all-thumbs Iieutenant of “Mr. Roberts,” scores again as the Mr. Fix-it leader of the enlisted contingent in the perennial war against the officer clan. O’Connell is fine as the colonel in charge of the medical unit who seeks to avoid all difficulties that might possibly interfere with his promotion to general. Miss Grant is prov. erly confused as the sweet commissioned nurse-dietitian caught in the enlisted: man-officer conflict, Dick York, as Kovaes’ clerk-corporal, is outstanding in his “counterspy” role of liaison man between the enlisted forces and headquar ers, ° It’s probably useless to attemnt fo give a detailed outline of the story. Basically it has to do with a ball planned by the enlisted men and their efforts to outwit Koyacs from discovering their plans and cancelling them. The ball, to be held at a small French hotel off the base, is designed to bring the enlisted men together with their girl friends—the medical unit's aurses. Since the nurses are offivers, the enlisted personnel are not pérmitted to fraternize with ‘hem, a situation that requires considerable intrigue. _One of the biggest Iaughs of the ricture is garnered by William lickey who, as Lemmon’s aide cn nortuary duty, does a hilarious vide-eyed “take” on seeing a sup»0sedly dead man move. . Quine’s direction is probably the roving force behind the success con-¢ 'pack plenty of lusty humor in the fast 92 minutes,. Where film misses is in the Niven character of butler. ‘The Everett Freeman-Peter Ber-. |meis-William Bowers screenplay ‘drags him in by the heels in too fabricated a character—a former Austrian diplomat in the U.S. via illegal entry. (In the original 1936 in keeping with the 1936 version. Niven is a particular standout in his helping the family back” on their feet after bankruptcy faces. them. Miss Allyson likewise is okay in her role but inclined to cuteness. Jessie Royce Landis. as the wacky Juha (FINNISH: AGASCOPE; COLOR). Svea Film production and release. With Elina Pohjanpaa, Eino Kaipainen, Veiko Uusinmaki, Written and directed by T. J. Sarkka from novel by Juhani o. Camera (Eastmancolor), Osmo MHarkimo, Kaumo Laine; editor, Nortla:; music, Tauno Pylkkanen. At Karlovy Vary Fest. Running time, 96 MINS. Although based on a Finnish: classic, this. emerges as rather hoary melodrama. However, it has a plus factor of having excellent outdoor. settings. Picture concerns }an older man who has brought up ia young orphan and married her.. She is swept off her feet by a visit ing Russian. This occurs on the : Finno-Russian borders of the early {19th Century, and she is taken |back by him. She finally comes back to the older man but shame ends in his death. AgaScope ts a Swedish anamorphoscopic process that is clear with the color and a plus, Acting. is heavy. Color and locale, plus its story, slant this only for certain language cinemas in America. :; ae o8 New Year's Sacrifice (RED CHINESE; COLOR). Peking Studio production. and release. With Pay Yang, Wey Cheo Ling, Li Directed 4b in Chu, Screenp Sun; camera (CAgfa-color), Tian: editor, Tin Chu; music, Chen Yen-Si. At Rarlovy Vary Fest, Running. time, Red Chinese films are probably difficult U. S. import items at present but this deserves viewing for the record. It is a natural lingo item but remains somewhat exotic and spectalized for regular American pic channels. This is a tale of tthe social female bondage in the] ‘by Meryyn Millss camera, Basil Emmott; . Célumbia’s latest British pic, Foreign Capsule Reviews ‘her son and husband, and her os ‘The Last Ones Shall Be First) (GER ~ 1 Camera, places, Rookie believes In huing to the rulebook despite the fatherly advice of block’s retiring patrol« man: consequently, finds the going tough as neighborhood kids are Stirred up against him and he’s put on the spot with his superiors {hrough sudden violencé on his ea . age entertainment. Dean Stockwell might help. . Hollywood, Aug. 30. United Artists release of Edward Lewis production, Stars Dean Stockwell, Natalie Trundy; features John Larch, Directed by Arthur Hiller. Screenplay, Edward Lewis; ‘camera, Sam Leayitt; . editor, Leon ‘Barsha; music, Leith‘Stevens; songs, “The ‘Careless Years” and “Butterfingers .. . London, Aug. 28, | Columbia release of Maxwell Setton production. Stars Victor Mature and Diana Dors. Directed by Ken Hughes. Screenplay by Ken Hughes from novel editor, Raymond Poulton; music, Trevor Dunean, At Odeon, Marble Arch, London, iMorrie Ryskind-Eric Hatch script, Aug. 27, ’57. Running time, 100 MINS. Baby,” by Joe Lubin. Previewed Aug. 26, | His position 1s further .com! Powell was a forgotten. man of the Harry Miller’ «..++.s+.-. Victor Mature Jenny Verna nt Te Mean Stockwell ‘plicated when a *pretty alcoholic ‘depression, a more natural charac-}Joe Rasy) 700s Patrick” Allen | Emily, Meredith .......... Natalie Trundy jumps to her “death when he’s in : ter.) Again, the scripters hit upon ; Connie Miller .....:.... Gene Anderson Sam Vernon, weer eee score fohn ngsley | Her apartment, and he’s suspended i too ready a solution of the yson| rank * ceeee So eereeecrens foter Reynolds Charles Meredith nee John Stephenson from the force. Strictly through !Niven romance after Niven has} Butch Miller 1111200201). Michael Wade | Harriet -.....-..++. +».+ Maureen Cassidy | his own. actions and sans any co= PME sees ree eee ee eas en ees Dervis Ward Pop Williams «=: teense Pee ener ae operation from the ‘noliée, who Director Henry Koster deftly | MacNaughton /1//.7177 yameson Clark Bist VETMON ose sereseeres wobby, Hyatt refuse him support, the rookie is ‘handles his characters in their | Superintendent Macrea..... John Harvey Aust FEaNTy e+ wretee +++ Hugh Sanders able finally to break Persoff’s hold comedic paces and succeeds in funy Sergeant vores Rovand Brand | Mrs. BeloSi ...ceecesssseerae iz Slifer |On the community, simultaneously establishing an aura of screwiness | Depot Madager .........2 Raymond Barry | . solving a murder, Montgomery is okay in his role but acting honors go to his costars, leading off with Persoff, who packs his character with authority. Geraldine Brooks as the alcoholic who makes a last-chance try at happiness by proposing marriage to Montgomery before commiting su‘cide registers dramatically and Marilee Earle impresses as a touch neiehborhood girl who falls for: rookie, William Harrigan convinces as the retiring policeman and Stephen Joyce handles himself well aS a punk-who wants to be bigtime. _ John McPartland based — his Screenplay on a story by Philip Yordan, and J. Burgi Contner’s low-key photography. and Everett Sutherland’s tight editing help the mood. Whit. Whether or not to have 2 premarital “affar to remember” is the chief problem posed in this Dean Stockwell-Natalie ‘Trundy costarrer. Film falls into the teenage cycle, but is several. shades better ‘than most:Lack of any marquee names dim the b.o. prospects, but rising popularity of Stockwell will ejp. ~ starring Victor Mature and Diana Dors, proves a domestic. triangle: thriller, interwoven with hijackers and graft that makes good entertainment for the general run of Screenplay by Edward Lewis, who. also produced, is basically simple, Stockwell and Miss Trundy meet, fall in lave, plan to marry. Respective parents reluctantly give their blessings—provided youngsters wait a while. ‘Parents, too, are worried about couple staying within the moral code, which is practically the last thing on Stockwell’s mind, although Miss Trundy has opposite views on the situation. Pair subsequently plan China of the early 1900’s, and details the odyssey of one woman sold into marriage, the -death of tracizing by a bigoted, ignorant society. _ Film is neatly mounted. and builds into a moving saga with’ color lensing, acting and subtle characterizations and techniques combining to make this a unique The Unholy Wife g te ke -..{to elope, but a bitter argument (COLOR) for good speciaied entry erupt. Windup finds the pa bk coca Bie na " "Mosk, {im love, and both agreed that they} Fairly suspenseful drama of an should wait before stepping up t0| amoral: wife, with Dikna Dors’ the altar. . Stockwell herewith essays his] first starring role since his child-~ hood thespic days at Metro. Bear Die _Letaten Werden: Die Eriten Sein tions, to help program’ situa Constantip release -of CCC pro, wet tars Ulla: Jacobsson, 0. E. Hollywood, Aug.'30: > . ° sse and Maximilian Schell. Directed a e| Universal release of : . by Rolf Hansen. Screenplay, Jochen |ing a striking resemblance to the Unt er sal ase of a John’ Farrow his |Huth after story by John Galsworthy; | late James Dean, it’s to Stockwell’s | Postars ‘Tom Tyee Bae eee eer Franz Weihmayr, editor, Anna Hoelering. At: Berlin Film Fest. Running time, 98 MINS. . credit that he doesn’t try to ape: -Dean’s style of .acting, but instead. has developed his own individual: tures Marie Windsor, Arthur Franz. Directed by Farrow, eenvlay, Jonathan Latimer, from story be Willizm Durk ees camera (Technicolor), Lucien Ballard: This CCC production, Germany’s| personality. He’s good. Miss | editor, Eda Warren; music, Daniele eagerly awaited entry at this festi-|Trundy is warm and appealing, Reinga ror, anes Aug. 21, 737. val, disappointed. This hardly has|and John Larch is fine as his fa-} pnyiis Hochen ............. na Dore any hig international . chances.;ther. _ og Paul Hochen ...........22." Rod Steiger ‘|Many will find fault with the di-| Edward Lewis’ production man| San. op cc-c-serecessseeeee Tom Tryon rection which is old-fashioned and|tling has class throughout. Other|Gwen ...:....00777777" “Grarie ah Bondi unimaginative. Despite a suspense-| Plus factors are Arthur Hiller’s di-| Bev, Stephen Hochen....“ Arthur Frans ful plot, film is a slow-paced, dull |rection, the camera work of Sam | Gime Penton ~.......++. us Van Rooten offering. Leavitt,-and McClure Capps’ art| theresa... SIULE Vaneendiecs. BREN | Story centers around two broth-|direction. Alt technical contribu| Carl Kramer ................. Tol Avery ers. One is a prominent lawyer |tidns, for that matter, are good. | Stetife Watting ........ Ste umes, Burke and the other a sensifive young] “ Incidentally; there may be beefs} michael ......0000722777".7 “Gary Hunley. man recently returned from a pris-|from. the American Medical Assn. | Judge ................ Dougias Spencer over the following bit of dialog between two parents: worried over their offspring: ; | Husband: Why don't you take a sleeping pill? . . Wife: I°hate sleeping pills; it’s ‘a bad habit. Husband: One a night is NOT Neat. onship. When the latter kills @ man, who has insulted his girl, the lawyer-brother takes over. Fearing a family scandal would ruin his reputation, he manages to cloak the deed of his brother and an innocent man is punished in-j stead. The conflict of this. film is (Continued on page, 26) |habit-forming. “The Unholy Wife” is a story of poetic justice. As Diana Dors’ first American release, it. comes off as a fairly suspenseful drama ‘which may be exploited for moderate teturns in the regular marKet. Film’s chances of a big payoff, ' (Continued .on page 26) 2