Variety (September 1957)

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14 INTERNATIONAL ‘VARIETY’S’ LONDON OFFICE @ St. .Martin’s Place, Trafalgar Square Madrid, Sept. 8. A new decree increasing com-| pulsory screening of national film product from the present six weeks per year to 12 is all ready for the signature of Munoz Fontan, Director General of Cinema in Spain. Exhibitors, actively campaigning against the measure, have initiated talks with producers, arid both industry winks are mulling a substitute proposal which exhibs. hope will pigeon-hole the 12-week decree indefinitely. Having already experienced a 25¢¢-35°¢ . drop in boxoffice receipts during the past year, exhibs say that extended screentime protection to local producers will cause irreparable harm to the cinema business and the industry as a whole. Major exhibitor argument is that Spanish producers have failed to provide the market with anything resembling quality product and that the forced screening of inferior pix, shunned by the public, is no way to build an indus Sudden summer romance between producers and exhibs is in. jtself a development. worthy of note, but meetings in Barcelona and Madrid have produced a friendly formula which augurs growing industry integratian to eliminate government intervention as much as possible. Both film groups have tentatively agreed -n a two-week increase In required screen time and have | upped the number of local films to receive exhib handling from 40 to 50. Both have agreed, however, to classify jointly and to separate the showcase product from the programmers. Substantial accord has been also reached for provincial capitals and pueblos where limited cinemas create special screentime problems. 6 Companies Planning Revues in Italy This Fall; Injury Bars Tote Rome, Aug. 27. Six major companies so far have announced plans for production of musical revues this fall, making the outlook in that sector favoral-le after a relatively slow 1956-57 season. Macario, tongtime Italo comic, will be with a troupe headed by Sandra Mondaini; Franca Tamantini, Gianni Agus, and Giulio Marchetti. Title is ‘Non Sparate Sulla Cicogna” (Don’t Shoot the Stork). Wanda Osiris returns in a musical featuring Raimondo Via nello, Carlo Bramieri, and Giustino’ Durano. Carlo D_yporto has signed up Delia Scala and Teddy Reno for his presentation, which Donald Saddler will choreograph.. Tentative title is “L’Adorabile Giulia.’” Hermes Pan has just arrived from the Coast to begin prepping dances for comedian Rascel’s new show, which opens in Milan toward the end of August. Untitled, this ‘musical stars pie star Giovanna Ralli, Mario Carotenuto, and Annie Fratellini. ° Ugo Tognazzi, recently | a hit on Italo tv via his “1, 2, 3,” variety «how, will team with Lau: retta Masiero on a musical to be written by Scarnieci and Tarabusi (who also script the TVer). Finally, comedians Billi and Riva are set for a return to the boards this fall, with Marchesi, Metz and Verde writing the book, While comedian Toto, who re-| turned to the stage last. year after a long stretch in pictures, is kept out because of a serious eye injury, other musical productions, currently being prepped, will prob ably be announced soon. ‘It makes. the fall lineup a particularly complete one at this early date.. Spanish-Itala Co-Prod. Madrid, Aug. 27. now shooting at the Cinemartin Studios here, goes to Rome the end of the month fer a week of exter lors. Topping-the cast are Italy’s Al berto Sordi and Spain's Aurora Bautista. Ramsay Ames, widow. whose local ty show resumes in September, has the role of a “vampirish” (tin & Spain Exhibs May Avoid Complying Mex Pix Up in Central Am. Mexico City, Aug. 27. Biz for Mexican pix in Central America is up 20% over last year and is in part offsetting lower trade in South America and Puerto Rico. This was reported by Tomas Paredes, manager of Peliculas Mexicanas de Centro America, distributor of Mexican films in those countries. Political upsets in some of those lands has not been detrimental to trade for Mexican films, Paredes’ asserted. New Aussie Trend: | Plush Beer Joints . Syaney, Aug. 27. The Aussie liquor chiefs are making a high bid to woo heavy coin from Down-Underites via the introduction of plush beer gardens | operated on Continental lines with specialized entertainment running ‘until curfew. The beer moguls have. gotten themselves some smart ;showmen and are pulling in solid | business. Whether this is hurting cinema trade is very dubious. However, one cinema _ loop spokesman said that the beer bid is taking a lot of coin from the boxoffice, and that the average Aussie drinker is now spending more money than he could actually afford in the plush beer joints by entertaining friends, all of which meant less for film houses. This spokesman went on to say that exhibs were also greatly concerned about the large number of women patronizing the beer palaces in the afternoon. This meant a heavy dropoff in cinema matinee trade and had some circuit bosses reach|. -ing for the headache tablets. Cinema operators are now going all out to meet the threat to matinee and night biz via special campaigns geared along lines that there’s more entertainment on tap at a lower cost and with less after éffects in pix theatres. The cinema men are also unleashing a powerful product lineup aimed at winning “back family trade coast-to-coast. RUSSO PIC PREEMS AT EDINBURGH FILM FEST Edinburgh, Sept. 3. ‘The Rank Organization and the ‘Edinburgh Film Festival joined forces to. give a gala sendoff to the second week of the Edinburgh | Film Festival with the world preem of Paul Czinner’s Ballet.” Director Paul Czinner, speaking at the ceremony, said that Madame Galina Ulanova, star of the pic, hoped to be in London for the preem there in October. A.Russian delegation, including film actress Klara Lutcho, received a special ovation at the opening, “Bolshoi Ballet” is set to open in London Oct. 16. On Blurbery World Tour Tokyo, Aug. 27. David M. J ones, chairman of the advisory committee of the Osaka International Festival of Music, Drama and Art scheduled for next April 10-May 10, has left on a round-the-world tour to promote the. event. He’s also a publicity lexec of Pan-American Airways. “The Bolshoi | For 58 Osaka Festival Italy Doing Co-Prod. | Rome, Aug. 27. -ber of twin production ecommitments with Spain, Italy likewise -lis turning its attention to more and more co-productive efforts recently made in that country as twin efforts, two are shooting there ‘to start Soon. Last three, already completed and in‘ release, also included France via a triple partnership. These are: “Goubbiab,”’ “La Ragazza della Salina” and Carmine Gallone’s spectacle, “Michael Strogoff,’ with Curd Jurgens. ’ Now under way in Yugoslavia are: “La Lunga Strada Azzurra,” with Yves Montand and Alida ‘Valli ,and “La Tour, Prends Garde!,”” with Jean Marais, Eleonora Rossi Drago artd Nadia Tiller. Giuseppe DeSantis is meanwhile prepping another Yugo-Italian item called “La Strada Nella Valle,” the cast to include Eleo panini. Antonio Pietrangeli is prepping “Attentato a Serajevo” while Isa Miranda will be seen in an Alfredo Guarini product on, “Namu.” Argentine Producers Buoyed by ‘Hombre’ Berlin Fete Showing ‘Buenos Aires, Aug. 27. Argentina’s film workers are ihappy over the fact that “El Hombre Senalado” (The Marked Man) made by a novice producer-director, Francis Lauric, has actually acHieved honorable mention at the Berlin Festival. And what is even more important will produce foreign curriences through a European distribution contract, In addition, “Cinco Gallinas y el Cielo”* (Five Hens and the Sky) cop ped three international awards: , and honor diploma and mention for director Ruben Cavalotti at the Karlovy Vary Festival and a Bronze Shell at the San Sebastian Fest in Spain. Director Catrano Catrani is back \from Rome, where he discussed a possible Argentine-Italian co-production, from a script by the Rev. | Father Castani and newsgpaperman Hugo Paterno, on the life of Namuncura, an. Indian chieftain of the last century. |British Indies Seeking US. Biz Booster Plans London, Aug. 27. . British independent exhibs are seeking the aid of the Motion Pic ture Assn. in a bid to win back: audiences. The Assi. of Independent Cinemas have decided to ask Roland Thornton of the MPA London office for details of the U. S. film industry’s project to boost attendances. , The threat of tv is at the base.of the trouble. Organization is entering the television business along with A.B.C. and’ Granada, the A.I:C. thought [there was little chance of getting their-help. Their only salvation ap| pears to’ asking for the assistance of the Yank outfits here who had no ty interests .in this j country. . 7 Film Crix Sponsor U.S. Pix Week in Arg. Buenos Aires, Aug. 27. Following eight weeks’ operation as a theatre, presenting the “Plea| sure in Las Vegas,” American rei vue, the major Lococo Opera showcase is returning to film exhibition with a bang, with an American {Film Week sponsored by the Assn.. of Film Critics. Week will open with “Moby Dick” gnd wind up with “Giant.” It includes: ‘Teahouse of | Equipped with photos and pub-; August Moon,” “Lindbergh Story,” licity material, he'll visit Hongi kong, Bangkok, Calcutta, Karachi, “El Marido” (The Husband), aj Istanbul, Beirut, Rome, Paris, LonSpanish-Italian CCC co-production | don, Edinburgh; Glasgow, participate. New York, Washington and San Francisco. He’s due back. here Aug. 31. The Osaka festival, the first of its kind in the Far East, will present the cultures of the Orient and Occident side by -side. Great Britain, the U.S., Austria, Belguim, . France, India and Thailand are among the nations expected to Fr On} “Something of Value” and ‘12 Angry Men.” RKO is releasing “Oklahoma” next week at the Broadway, re puted to be the theatre with the best acoustics in town. This. should cue some renewed kudos for the American film industry. “Brave One,” (RKO) has held three weeks at the Ocean, but the great hit of the last weeks has been “Pan, Amor and Sofia Loren,” now in a third week, day-date at Monumental and Iguazu.. Pix With Yugoslavia In addition to its growing num| with Yugoslavia.. Three pix were. now while four more are expected | nora Rossi Drago and Silvana Pam| Now that the Rank| ‘making “Waters of Time,” a film ‘declared a prize winner at Venice ws J areas in Greece. tyen GC Jus 4 Gand Camplin New KRS Sec London, Sept. 3. R. &. Camplin has been . appointed general secretary of Kine matograph Renters Society to re place Frank Hill, who’s held that post for almost 39 years. Camplin was secretary of the British Film Institute from 1949 until 1956 when he resigned to become director and general manager of ‘the Kinematograph Equipment Co. Lid. He takes up his new job later this year. Mexico Tourist Spending Sears Mexico City, Aug. 27, Tourists here and in border spots spent heavily during June—$11, 705,000 here and $31,294,000 along. the frontier—a total: of $10,000,000 more than visitors paid in the same month of 1956, it was estimated by the Mexican Tourist Assn. (AMT). However, various caterers to tourists continue to. complain that} lately visitors haven’t been particularly good spenders. Unionized hotel, restaurant and allied businesses help will demand abolition of tipping and the substitution of a Service charge or higher pay at their yearly national convention here next month. These workers .say tips have become sod few and far between that they must be compensated by more pay or reimbursed by a service nick. SET CINERAMA PIC ON AUSSIE, NEW ZEALAND Sydney, Aug, 27. . Aussie-born Bruce Newbery and ‘scripter Charlie Kaufman have arrived here to set production plans for a Cinerama pic, “Cinerama South Seas,” urider the banner of the Dudley Corp. Scenes will be ‘also shot in New Zealand. Newbery,-who headed Repubilc here for many years, said the pic would cost around $2,000,000. He’s. seeking .government co-operation covering the production as well as top commercial interests. Kauf {man is here to-collect local color for the script. » There’s a chance that Newbery may look over the scene for the future introduction of Cinerama locally. Some two years ago, there was talk that Greater Union Theatres would make a deal-with the Cinerama toppers for bow-in Down. | Under at the Capitol here, and the State, Melbourne. However, the deal fell through. Then David N. Martin revue operator here, was said. to be m g Cinerama for his Tivoli here. However, this proposition also failed-to mature. Ju Jitsu Classes Plus — R ’n’ Ras Ozoner’s Hypo . Honolulu, Aug. 27. Weekly judo and ju jitsu lessons, a rock and roll dancing party after the show and a teen-age canteen are augmenting film fare at the reopened Naval Housing Area theatre near Pearl Harbor. Now operated by Sam Luke, veteran Isle theatreman, it’s an outdoor theatre with a capacity of 500 seats. Films are booked by Royal Theatres. Showman Luke explains his special promotions are designed to help combat juvenile delinqfiency in his neighborhood. Brit. Color Unit in Athens Athens, Aug. 27. Marsden film production ‘unit arrived here from London ready to start work on Its production, “Eternal Greece.” In addition to ‘| Basil Wright, the unit consists of John Alderson, director; Adrian Jenkins, cameraman; and George Cooper, technical expert. Alderson and Wright were associated in Film Festival. © ; After a week of preparatory work in Athens, unit leaves for Myconos and Delos on the atart of an expedition which will take it to many ‘Charles Regnier [Lotsa H'wood Producers Filming Ih Berlm; Brando ‘Tops’ Khrushy _ Berlin, Aug. 27. This month {is seeing an unusualTy large contingent of Hollywoodites in the divided city of Berlin. A couple of weeks ago, 20th-Fox came “here for three days to shoot out~— door scenes for its pic, “The Young Lions,” starring Marlon Brando under the direction of . Edward Dmytryk. Henry Koster is scheduled to. start lensing here on an other 20th-Fox production, “‘Fraeue ° lein,” which sees Mel Ferrer and Dana Wynter in the leads. First shooting day for Universal’s “‘There’s a Time to Love” was Aug. 26. This one, which stars | John Gavin and Liselotte Pulver, under Douglas Sirk’s direction, will have at least a nine-week shooting period in Berlin. ’ When Russia’s Communist Party. boss Nikita Khrushchev was in East Berlin, his press confab -came along at nearly the same time as when 20th-Fox gave a press huddle ‘for Marlon Brando. The Hollywood star, the following day, got more photos in the local press than the Soviet. U Tees Off Remarque Pic “There’s a Time to Love” is an adaptation by Erich Maria Remarque of his book, “A Time te. Lové and a Time to Die.” It’s the first time that a major American film will be entirely made (printing and title works included) in Germany, Universal reported. Most of shooting will be in Berlin, partly in Artur Brauner’s CCC studios. and most of other works-on location here. ‘ After Oct. 20, the Universal team will move to Grafenwoehr (Bavaria) for additional exteriors. Grafenwoehr, a maneuvring-ground for U. S.. troops in Germany, is to serve as Polish background of the last war.:There are many destroyed villages in that territory. Besides John Gavin, 26-year-old U contract player, and Swiss actress Miss Pulver, big favorite in German-made films, the ‘cast includes Americans Jack ‘Mahony. Keenan Wynn, Don DeFore and: John Saxon plus the Germans Paul Esser, Alexander Engel, Elisa-. beth Flickenschildt, Kurt Meisel, and Herbert Weissbach. Film will be made in English version only. In all, the Universal team has hired 35 Gere mans for the shooting period. Importance o£ the film is stressed by the fact that Edward Muhl, Universal’s production chief, has perSonally come to Berlin. Day-Dating of Films Ist-Run With Ozoners ‘Annoys Aussie Indies . Sydney, Aug. 27. Minority group of Aussie independent exhibitors are pressing for government interference into setup which has U.S. distributors greenlighting day-and-day. playdates in ozoners with key-release situations, The politico move is aimed mainly at Metro because distributor operates its own ‘drivein loop in conjunction with key | r@fease showcases. Group is reported seeking legis« lation here similar to that passed in New Zealand. There distribs are prohibited from spotting fop. product in minor spots day-aride date with key release. This edict applies in suburban zones and in any drive-in territory. ~ Same group js also reported irke with 20th-Fox for day-dating product over the Hoyts’ pie chain in key cities and suburbs. 20th-Fox is the mojor stockholder in the loop, whieh is headed by Ernest Turn Pe MacKenzie’s New Isle Fantasy Set by Rank Glasgow, Arg. 27. A new island fantasy by Sir Compton Mackenzie, “Rockets Galore,’’ is to be lensed by the Rank Organization. Michael Relph; -pro< ducer, and Basil Dearden, director, have. been assigned to it. Story deals with invasion of the ‘peace of Scotland’s: Western Isles by a government rocket range. Mackenzie’s earlier novel, “Whisky Galore,” set on the isle of Barra, proved a successful film. It was released in the, U.S. as “Tight Little Island}. co. ce ae ane raert a0 ww