Variety (September 1957)

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4A MUSIC Jimmy Bowen (Roulette): Jocks, Jukes and Disks | . By MIKE GROSS good hands. The combo works the *CROSS OVER” (Kahl?) is arocka-; Duke Ellington mood piece into a billy standout which Jimmy Bowen ‘ ‘fine entry. turn into a hot shellac property. Bob Stewart (Dot): “FI LOVE “IT’S SHAMEFUL” (Planetary*) is} YOU” (Lowell+) is a fair ballad enanother rockabilly item which will i try that’s built nicely by a rocking attract attention. of Joy ‘Capitol): “MA, HE’S MAK-} ING EYES AT ME” “(Mills*) is a natural for the hit lists. It’s a | piano backing and a likeable vocal. | Marie Adams & The Three Tonk ' “HOMEY ‘(Lowellt) has. a friend ly tone and Bob Stewart gives it an appropriate sound. Bill Heyer (Cabot): wild performance complete with! BER SONG” (DeSylva, Brown & Marie Adams blues shouting and; Henderson*) audience band assists. “IN TH howling. Jolnny Otis’ | “IN THE [iE DARK" | gets an interesting brisk reading. which makes it a setup for jock and = juke play. Best Bets JIMMY BOWEN .... CROSS OVER (Roulette) ......cccccn lee rs Its Shameful MARIE ADAMS ............ MA, HE’S. MAKING EYES AT ME (Capitol) ..... Meek eee eee vee ak eee eee cece In the Dark M. RAINWATER-C. FRANCIS ............ MAJESTY OF LOVE: (MGM)... wee e eee nee cance eceece You. My Darlin’, You -‘ WILL CLAHE ORCH eececces LIECHTENSTIENER POLKA (LOndOR) ccc ccaccecvcvccces »--.-ochweizer Kanton Polka LOLA DEE ............00-:; «-.. WITH A LITTLE MORE LOVE < (Bally) .. cc. cece wee eee Careless ee ee twee ee ‘ (Leeds*) is a solid sampling of the ; “CLOUDS” (Robbins*) has a warm blues shouting technique. Marvin Rainwater-Connie Francis (IGM): “THE MAJESTY OF LOVE” (Hollis?) is worked into a surefire click with the pairing of “Marvin Rainwater and Connie Francis who turn the hillbilly flavor into a pop payoff. “YOU. }sound and Heyer builds it inte an -okay entry for pleasant deejay pro gramming. Three D’s (Paris): “NEVER LET YOU. GO” {Gretay) is a swinging number that follows the familiar rocking path. “BIRTH OF AN NGEL” (Greta?) fits into the A MY DARLIN, YOU" (Geronimoy): rocking ballad ‘groove with religi has a lively hillbilly beat. Will Glahe Orch (London): “LIECHTENSTIENER (Burlington*) is an infectious polka item that will spin to a big pay-| off even with the German lingo; chorus. “SCHWEIZER KANTON : POLKA” (BIEM) is a flavorsome entry for the polka also with Ger|! man lyrics. Lola. Dee (Bally): “WITH A LIT-: TLE MORE LOVE” is a nifty rhythmic piece in a slick | blues groove with a honky-tonkin’ j pieno to assure top spinning time. | “MY ADOHE HACIENDA” (Peer?) gets a new [lift from Lola Dee’s vibrant delivery. Georgia: Gibbs (RCA Vicon “FUN LOVIN’ BABY” (Amber*) : has a pounding beat and a driving form that Georgia Gibbs makes | pay off. “I NEVER HAD THE : BLUES” thrush in a country blues setting ; and she swings it out in top. style. Ruth Brown (Atlantic): “SHOW | ME” tMonument-Progressiver) is! sure to be another big one for/} Ruth Brown. She hits an impressive beat that will click with the | jock and juke trade. “I HOPE WE MEET” (R. T.-Progressive*) is an-} other strong rhythm entry for, good spinning results. i The Raves (Liberty: “IF IKNEW THE WAY” (Keynote*) is‘ a ballad in the rocking groove with a vocal styling that’s bound to! catch on. “DON’T BUG ME, ; BABY” (Keynote*) is in the fami-; liar rock ‘n’ roll groove but The ; Raves give it an added toueh with | a standout vocal. Jerry Wale (Columbia): “PRE-| TEND YOQU DON’T SEE HER”! (Rosemeadow™) is a neat ballad: effort which Jerry Vale works into | & listenable side. “THE SPREAD| ING CHESTNUT” (Mergev? has ‘a: pleasing ballad sound. Lew Conetta (Decca): “YOU! GOT ME CRAZY” (Tiara*) gives . Lew Conetta a chance to belt out a blues beat that will come off es-| pecially well in the jukeboxes. “WHO'S TO BLAME” (Tiara?) is a! big ballad. Mary Small (Coral): BRUSH OFF” (Sequence*) is. x! POLKA” [“SHAKE ME (Jefferson*? j (Acuff-Rwset) pws the || : “THE: cute rhythm item neatly handled j by Mary Small. {(Bourne*) rates a new spin because of! thrush’s top treatment. “ALL OF Roy Hamilton (Epic: “CARELESS” | is another oldie that! A SUDDEN MY HEART SINGS” | (Leeds*) gets a big and dramatic !] reading which should get this oldie « some new friends. “I'M GONNA! LOCK YOU IN MY swinging mood and he goes about it in an efficient manner, Eddy Arnold “LITTLE (Gemini?) jis a lighthearted and ; breezy item that will win lots of; favor especially with the younger ! se Calized with care. The Gaylords (Mercury): “WAN. | DERING HEART” (Massey*) has: a good beat that’s worked into an/effertive slice by The Gaylords. : “SATIN DOLL” (Tempo* is in’ HEART” | (Ebyt) puts Roy Hamiltof# in a! (RCA Victor): |] MISS SUNBEAM’’?!] 1 “WHEN HE WAS YOUNG” i (Trinity?) is a tender ballad yo-! i oso overtones as an added fillip. The Lennon Sisters (Brunswick): I RATTLE” (Colf “SEPTEM | And His CHAMPAGNE. MUSIC LAWRENCE WELK 8rd Consecutive Year Dodge Dancing Party ABC-TY—Sat. 9-10 P.M.,.E.S.T. For Bodge Dealers of America Top Tunes ‘and New Talent ABC-TV Mon. 9:30-10:30 pm, E.S.T. ‘Dodge and Plymouth . . Coral Records Thesaurus Transcriptions seum}) is an appealing ballad with an arresting lilt which the Lennen girls capture effectively. “POCAHONTAS” (Olman*) is an American history lesson with a likeable beat. — Machito Orch (Tico). ‘NO DOWN PAYMENT” | (Coliseum?); title song of an upcoming 20thFox pic, is set in an attractive cha-cha beat. “ISRAELI SHASHA-SHA"” (Patriciay) is an odd blending of a Hebraic theme in a south-of-the-border frame. *ASCAP, + BMI. _| hour one-man show put on by Jes{sel at Carnegie Hall early this a Cohan, Anna Held, Wednesday, Sepiember 18,1957. | “50th Anniversary of George Jessel in Show Business” (Cabot) preserves a highly entertaining and valuable autobiographical document by one of the show biz’s canniest and most colorful performers. Smoothly edited to the running time of a single LP, .this package | is taken from 2 tapes of a ‘three year. Reminiscing about his five decades as an: entertainer, Jessel has Joaded his commentary with personality vignettes, humorous anecdotes, sharp ad libs and ‘a flock .of his) wellknown im pressions of and toasts to Eddie Cantor, Al Jolson, George M. and Gus. Edwards, among others. For the few who have never heard of his innumerable funeral orations, Jessel has. also included his final encomium to Al Jolson, winding up with “My Mammy.’ Jessel’s telephone routine is also reprised. This set is a warm anid accurate _Self-portrait, an excellent kickoff for this. indie label's package program. Men Swinging” (RCA Victor). Dennis Farnon, an arranger-composer. operating on the Coast, has come up with a flashy collection of swinging tunes as a followup to his clever “Magoo In Hi Fi” .pack‘age. This set showcases a solid: big band in a series of fresh arrangements. Besides original title song, cleffed by Farnon, the album includes such standards as “Spring Will Be A Little Late This Year,” “Lover Come Back To Me,” “Why Don't You Do Right,". “Isle of Capri” and others, winding up with another Farnon original, “Resume. Speed.’ ” RETAIL DISK BEST SELLERS Dennis Farnon Orch: “Caiition, | | jays and home Sets. Album Reviews Doris Day: “The Pajama Game” (Columbia). Big b.o. for WB’s “The “The Pajama Game” already hag been indicated on. film’s . initial ‘showings in key areas which ‘will mean clicko counter sales for Col’s soundtrack set. The energetic and tuneful score of Jerry Ross and Richard Adler has been tracked for full values and with the Doris Day leading the way, it can’t miss. Frank Sinatra: “Where Are You” (Capitol). As far as the packaged goods business is concerned, ~Sinatra is synonymous with sales. His latest, in a string of clickos for Capitol, consists of a romantic repertoire of evergreens fashioned with care by arranger Gordon Jenkins, who also conducts the erch here. It’s the first albumpairing of Sinatra and Jenkins and it begs for more. Jeff Chandler: “Sings te You” (Liberty). Jeff. Chandler handles a song with determination. He’s got a likeable voice and a savvy of lyric values and goes about selling ’em in an ‘attractive way. He's at ‘his waxing. best when he tackles such familiars as “With My Eyes Wide Open I’m Dreaming,” “TH String Along With. You” and “Lbet’s Get Lost.’ The cover photo of Chandler can't help but win the femme fans. Ray E Oreh: “Ellis In Won‘derlend” (Columbia), Ray Ellis is an imaginative and inventive arranger. Probably the best sampling of his work has been packaged by himself in this album grouping. He's worked the mood music and the dance tempo rhythms into an attractive sound blending that keeps the sides from falling into an “each number sounds alike” ruf. It’s a solid programming item °C dee TOs. >| : 3 |. g| 8 : .. : oO sS =~ wn -— ta]s tole a) 3 —~1e/8 x os ols 7 VARIETY S\3) lalelalalsl_/8/slel-lel {stal.{sie Survey of retail disk best > |< | 3 3 sia l2i ea /slaei@lalel gs &| a 1PiOlol THI sellers based on reports obs}1@}8in = S| & Hl S]s 2 Elal4rl2 Bl S1;6 [Pp] B] oO. tained. from leading stores in | Silsai/s/2)}Bislgie FIS,RISIM le lelsis 2i|Als| T 20 cities and showing comslate iBlelBSlelele1oia aa 8 21s 0 @ig isi A parative sales rating for this | missy sy;ol + aizls| 2 gly a § Ee yey,s SB i> |S Li and last week. mirlBys l 1 ® & & }'s ] a 5 | | I } T 3 oO P et eleleleleie ls sie ler liS lel arse i797] o National Si[aiii sie) 3 lj; 213 | E aja 1S in j 1 0 1a] wie > |S Pe se ers sg el esel si nt Rating ; wi § a a | a z 5 |< Siepleis gt tem Peep ef This Last . & §)/ 2/24. a 21s ‘elalaslate R=) 3 ai a|3 ale! T wk. wk. Artist, Label, Title ziaimi@la rales SlalAloiAl=elsiMialeialdl s | DEBBIE REYNOLDS (Coral) . ” 1 1 Tammy ~.........0.....-.0e0eeeees 2 1 4 -1 1 2 4 3 41 2 #1 2 4 0 22 2 150 JIMMY RODGERS (Roulette) . ° 4 Honeycomb .............-pee cscs eene 3 . . 38 6 1.3 4 8 1 2 5 3 1 3 112 PAUL ANKA (ABC-Par) . ee 3 2 Diana ...............3--: a tew eee ce s . 2 8. 5 1 2 1 5 1 7 3 1 3 .. 108% ~ CRICKETS Branswick) 7 . 4 3 That'll Be the Day......:...:.......8 10 2 6 %7 4 4 1 6 2 § 8 *«. 1 110 4 14104 JERRY LEE LEWIS (Sun) . . 5 6 ‘Whole Lot of Shaking........:....... .. § 3 10 5 5 6° 3 . . 3 2 5... 62 RUSS HAMILTON (Kapp). . ~ a 6 9 Rainbow .......2.. 0... ccc cece ee eee eee 5 8 2 6 5 6°. ee 7 6 4 10... -10 9 54 JANE MORGAN (Kapp) . . Oe . . —_ i 7 Fascination .........0......cue ee weeee ce 3 1 2 8 +,. 10 10 7 9. “ 2 ee «ee 41. JOHNNY MATHIS (Columbia) = 8 11 Chances Are ,............. 00200 c ces we. 5 3 5 ‘oe oe “os 8 4 coe ee) 6 le we BT JOHNNY MATHIS (Columbia) 9 § It's Not for Me to Say........cc00c00. 45 7 #8 3 7 -6 24 PAT BOONE (Dot) . . To 10 24 ‘Love Letters in the. Sand....... wares Toone as 4... ve we be ae ae 8 ve «2 FT .. E 23 _ VICTOR YOUNG (Decca) ° 1] Around the World. ee er vre seen eu memee ‘os 6 ee 2 . ve aa . ee oe ° op; ee 3 ee oe oe oe . 22. BILLY WILLIAMS (Cora) 12 10 Gonna Sit Right Down.. te a e eo ® ee 9 7 ea e oe 8 ee ee » 5 e 8 8 ae se 21 . _ BILLY WARD (Liberty i oo ie 138A 23 Stardust ee em ee eee ne eon renner veeenteans 8 . a . e ° ee 93 ov oe es "e e 4 ee. ee ° § oe 18° BOBETTES (Atlantic) © ° o 13B 8 Mr. Lee ne ee ve ae e oe ee 9° .. 7 9 ee 4 oe ee ee ee ee oe e 8 184 DELLA REESE (Jubilee) ne 15 19 . And That Reminds Me. Beene eds eene > ee. 4 ~ 1 7 ee se iid ‘eo ee eo ae ee e¢ ee ea e 17. GENE VINCENT (Capitol): . , . .16 16 Latta Loving whee eter cece aan oanwe ee ee q 7 ° ae we es ee ee oo ee ae 3 ee oo es o-» ee ea 16 ° _¢ MANTOVANI (London) 7 oO “ot , . WA 20 Around the World. eee ane re sae Cee wawe of ee ae ° « ee ne 4 . ee 8 10 . ee oe oe 8 . 14 SATINS (Ember) 7 . 1 17B To the Aisle ee s ae “eo ee ee ee 8 oa 5 ee ee on tee ve ee ae’ oe oa we 147 ~ CHORDETTES (Cadence) oe | .19 e Just Between. You & Me. Se a oe vs oe ae ee¢e wot a 6 ‘ve ee eo 9 oe es ae oe oe ae 13. * TONY BENNETT (Columbia) , oe, . 204 22 Middle of the Island... 00... oc. ce eee ‘6 e se ea 8 .. oy. oe ee ve oe 7 oe ee ee ee ‘#o |. we ee te 12% VIC DAMONE (Columbia) © , ° —— — 20B Affair to Remember:..:............65 0.7 Se ce ce ne ee ge ce ne ot te oe oe we ee oe 12 BUDDY KNOX (Roulette) . a — — 22 2. Hula Love Sete eee eee ror ewer annees eee en 9 ae. 9. e ee we ee ae ee ee 8606 we e eo ‘ee. of ae "ee £ 1} NAT KING COLE (Capitol) a : . 33 15 Send for Me wereee ere beeen eave , ea eg asee 4 ° 9 . es oe 10 » ee e ee aa as ae ‘oe we 10 8 PAT BOONE (Dot) _ a i 244A 12 Goldmine in the Sky .. «eet oon ° soem aene ae oe 3 . * ee oo 8 oan os oe -. de ae we ce ee ee oe ae 9. TUNE WEAVERS (Checker). . _. . — ; ot " ~ | 24B .. Happy, Hapry Birthday: ‘Baby... wee eal 20 : ee os PC ye aA gr fa wet ee be ee as >