Variety (January 1958)

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64 MUSIC PttdE&i Wednesday, January 22 \ 1958 On The Upbeat and production assistant at KDKATV . Tony Little Trio renewed for another six months at Carlton House Town &' Country Lounge. Victor’s ‘Track’ Records New York | Roger Coleman set for nine days at the Laurel Hill Supper; Club, Columbian s. C., beginning Jan.2$ . . . Bill Hegner handling press for thrush Dolores Morgan ; ■ , , Dive Berger, ;AHQ-Pararaount promo* tion man,’ recuperating from a heart attack at Beth Israel Hospi¬ tal . . . Judy Seoft guests on Merv Griffin’s ABC Radio show Jan. 2729 . . . Publisher Paul Siegel’s mother died of cancer Jan. 11 . : . Jack Perry joined Sidney Mills' music firms, Bobby Scott began a four-weeker at Cafe Bohemia Monday (20) . . . Ray Meinberg, promotion man at Big Records, hitting the midwest on a push for “Hey Schoolgirl” . . ; Helen Tobin, who handles Cleve¬ land deejay promotion for Epic and MGM, in town last week for homeoffice huddles . . Harold Beebe, writer of Patti Page’s new disk, “Bring Us Together,” is musi¬ cal director of the Horn & Hardart Children’s Show . . Composerarranger Phil Moore handling LaVem Baker’s forthcoming “Bessie Smith” alburn for Atlantic Records , . , Raymond Horricks* "Count Basie and his Orchestra” set for February release by Citadel Press. On the road for Roulette this week are national sales manager Don Carter and national promotion chief Mel Turoff . . . Morris Dia¬ mond will handle promotion for Carlton Records out of New York while Ruth Clenott will take care of the promotion end in the Boston, Rhode Island and Maine The Big Three (Robbins. . Feist & Miller) acquired world, rights to Rudolf Friml’s newest work “In a Classical Mood” ; , . Phil Kahl going 50-50 with Bonell Music on “Swinging Shepherd Blues.”: There are five records out on the tune already. London Close harmony vocal group. The Stargazers* skedded for tv spot in ‘'’the state web’s “6-5 Special” Jan. 30 . . . Clarinetist Pat Rose, long¬ time resident with Laurie Gold & His Pieces of Eight, planning to emigrate to Australia . . . Hedley Ward Trio dickering a two-week stint in Germany at . Weisbaden commencing April 14. . . Trump¬ eter Vic Robert has left the Johnny Parker baiid. Hollywood Johnny Desmond, who j appears In the tv series, has been set to compose and record a new theme song for “Sally” which stars Joan Caulfield . . . Ernest Gold will score Warners?’ “Too Much, Too Soon,” Diana Barrymore biopic . . Howard Keel talking a Decca term deal with label’s Coast topper Sonny Burke . ... . Leonard Roseman has been , set to compose and conduct an original score for the Robert Snyder-Roberi Crandall science pic “Small World” , . . Jo¬ seph Gershenson, head Of Til’s mu¬ sic dep’t., will use nine leading L.A. jazzmen in recording Henry Mancini's score for “Touch of Evil.” Chicago Count Basie, well enough to travel after a recent gall bladder attack, moves into the Blue Note Jan. 22 for a two-weeker. He’ll be followed, also for two frames, by the Teddy Wikon Trio and chirper Joya Sherrill (ex-Duke Ellington), starting Feb. 5 . . . South side’s Crown Propeller Lounge, now firm for modern jazz, gets Australian Jazz . Quintet Jan. 22 for a single stanza . . . Carmen Cavallaro into London. . House Feb. 19. for four frames . . . Harry James brings his new band into the Blue Note April 16 for a week . . Pat Moran Quartet ended its long run at. the: Cloister Inn by disbanding. Eddie Higgins Trio and singer Kim Karter have supplanted . Chuck Cabot orch opens Jan, 27 at Pea¬ body Hotel, Memphis, for two Chico & Harpo Marx, in 'ore of their rare teamings, booked for Roosevelt Hotel. New Orleans, for a fortnight starting Jan. 23 . . . Singer Patricia Wilson, current at the Crescendo in Houston, joins Dick Shawn for two weeks at the Chase, St. Louis, Feb. 20 . . . Jana Mason and the Piero Bros, paired for a pair at the International Club of the Shamrock, Houston, open¬ ing Jan. 23 . . . Sonny Howard set for a fortnight at the Adolphus in Dallas, starting Jan, 30 . ... Davis & Reese open Feb. 20 for two frames at Dallas’ Statler-H’lton . . . Constance Moore began, a twoweeker yesterday (Tues.) • at the Monteleone. Hotel, New Orleans. San Francisco Carl Ravazza booked into Bim¬ bo’s 365 Club starting. Feb. 6 . . . George 'Shearing* into the Blackhawk Feb. 14 .. .. . Fred Peterson’s the hew drummer with Pete Daily’s Chlcagaap*^ at the. New Alpine; , . >Hari6^nntei rettuhed to Fred Kuh’s Old. Spaghetti Fac¬ tory : . . Ronhy Draper and Hermie King celebrated their first anni at Bimbo?s Trophy Room . ... Patsy Kelly into Ann Dee’s 440 Club Feb. .4' .. . Harry Brooks joined Turk Murphy’s Easy Street crew as in¬ termission pianist . . Harold Wiley at the Cellar . ; Carol ; Channipg, after some backing and filling, due Jan. 30 at the Fair! mont’s Venetian Room . . . T-Bone Walker in for a couple of weekends to sink the blues at Oakland’s 53 Club; . ..Dave Brubeck’s European tour, starting Feb. 6, will include a two-week swing through Poland. Pittsburgh [ Walt Harper filled in a Crawford Grill with his combo when. Stan Getz had to cancel out on illness . . New Coral album by Johnny Costa, staff pianist at KDKA-TV, is a Gershwin collection, “Galley of Gershwin,” and features three other, keyboarders, Eddie Costa (no relation), Dick Marx and Hank Jones, with a 32-piece orch . . > Ray Zimmerman now 88’ing in the lounge of Bali-Kea Mon.-Tues.Wed. . , Janet Noel Farrell, pianist in Ankara Lounge, haiiied head of radio-tv of .U, of Pitts¬ burgh’s public relations division. She’s studying for her Ph.D. there and was formerly an accompanist St. Louis Ralph Sutton Trio due in ; J an. 27 for a week at Town & Country, which plans to do its hookings through Chicago’s London House . . . Charlie; SpivaMs orch slated to replace Rriph Flanagan’s crew on the Chase Club bandstand Feb. -6 for six: .weeks . >... Frank Harris, pianist aE'jYrontlgr Room, now in the composing tfeMrtment as writ¬ er of a song, “PoCo a Poco,” re¬ corded on V.I.R., a local label, by St. Louis thrush Mary Norleen Sammy Gardner’s Mound City Six, longtime headlined at the Spa, signed for the comity, fair circuit next summer ; . Joe Bakalor, violinist, and Pete Flanders, pian¬ ist, in their umpteenth month at Petit Pigalle. Kansas City DeCastro Sisters will return to the Coast after they close in the Terrace Grill Jan. 30. They’re set for the Moulin Rouge, Hollywood, Feb: 7 for a 4-week stand . . . Ken Harris orch; will move out of the Muehlebach Feb. 13 and open at the Statler, Buffalo,. Feb. 18, in the Rendezvous. Harris and crew opened the room about two years; ago. . This time they’re in for 12 weeks . . .' Carl Sands orch is due to replace Harris, at the Muehle¬ bach Feb. 14 coming in from the Brown Suburban Hotel, Louisville . .. Roberta Peters, in . a concert for the Ruth Seufert office Friday (17) in the Music Hall, and well at^ tended . . .. Four Coins helped on publicity for the polio campaign, by visiting the teenagers ball in the Municipal Auditorium night before they left town. RCA Victor’s program of film soundtracks will rise to a crescendo in the next few months with the release of a flock, of top pic scores. Coming up very shortly will be the track from “Raintree County,’* packaged In both a two-LP set and an abridged single LP; “Seven Hills of Rome” starring Mario Lanza; and packages framed around the “Peyton Place" and “Bonjour Tristesse” soundtracks. In March, Victor will release the soundtrack of the “South Pacific" pic version In a deluxe album and a regular package. Also due that month is the track from the “Marjorie Morningstar” film. Where Is Stereo Steering? — — Continued from page 57 — — — obtained from a worn prC-hignfidelity record, ’Even with the best of high-fidelity pickups how avail* able, some stereo records played monaurally also exhibit consider¬ able distortion on the first play. Another problem is that music from the two channels of a stereo recording does, not always combine properly to give a satisfactory out¬ put . . , We definitely are' ccnvlnced that stereo disk is not a replace¬ ment for the present day fine groove record as far as high-fidel¬ ity monaural sound is Concerned. However, played on proper stereo equipment which is not yet on the market, the . stereo disk will give full dimensional sound now found only on tape." Cartridges Go to Market Pickup cartridges for stereo disks, are already being readied for the market, by such companies as Electro-Voice, Pickering and Fairchild. The Pickering company, for one, disclosed a few weeks ago that such pickups will not be cheap, ranging around $60. Also necessary are dual-channel amplifiers and speaker systems to get the benefit of the stereo sound. It’s expected that such phono¬ graph manufacturers as RCA Vic¬ tor, Columbia Records and . others will come up within the next few months with mass-produced stereo machines.' These units, however, are not likely; to be cheaper than, current monaural hi-fi equipment. In fact, the stereo machines are virtually bound to be more, ex¬ pensive. But while stereo disks cannot be played with acceptable results on. monaural equipment, it’s been demonstrated that good quality can be obtained from monaural disks played on . stereo equipment. In short, the advent of stereo will jiot automatically make obsolete pres* ent libraries of LP disks. RETAIL ALBUM BEST SELLERS o, o ■ W •S o g « I 1 1 l 1 I f 0? *8 1 I ‘ t 35 t :i: m -■n ,s 1 ■5 ' O' § i 5 o •§ 1 frJVRIMSTY m Survey of retail album best sellers based on reports from lead* ing stores and showing comparative ratings for. this week and last.. 8 * ! Is <u ' •o <0 J -.6 . Q XI I fl . •b 1 K 1 w Disc Shop) s ,!3 a. . o 2 1 I 1 $ CO 1 1 1 s o w t P M . I: i: V Q VJ ■§ ■in 8 1 o< a> P CO g J I ] i « l £ sS •8 1 T O '•T' A L National Rating This Last wk. wk. Artist. Label. Title ] ! 1 f I 1 . g i ?■; 1 Is Philadelphia^ J 1 i 1 f 1 1 :■* 1 K i 1 «b 1 I i 8 I .. o Q a i 1 P O I N T S 1 1 MY FAIR LADY (Columbia) Original Cast (CL 5090)..... ;3 2 ..A.. 3 8 5 1 2 1 8 4 5 3 2 t. 1 10 1 130 2 3 JOHNNY MATHIS (Columbia) Warm (CL 1978) . . ... ... . . a 7 1 1 6 i 3 2 i 10 2 8 2 5 i 4 126 3 3 AROUND THE WORLD (Decca) Soundtrack (DC 9046) . _ _ 2 9 1 4 4. 3/ 8 2 7 2 4 1 1 .. i, 8 2 112 4 4 RICKY NELSON (Imperial) Ricky (Imp 9048). . . l ;4" 3 2 5 3 2 2 3 4 4 4 5 100 5 . 5 PAL JOEY (Capitol) Soundtrack (W 192); . ; . 4 1 6 3 5 2 8 2 4 4 1 8 7 87 « 6 PAT BOONE (Dot) Pat’s Great Hits (DEP 307) . . , 5 io 3 4 2 1 5 1 2 66 7 .. 8 OKLAHOMA (Capitol) Soundtrack (SAG 595) ; ...... 1 9 3 7 9 io o ... 6 34 8 17 APRIL LOVE (Dot) Soundtrack (DEP 9000) : . . . . . 8 7 ... 5 4 8 3 31 9 9 KING & I (Capitol) Soundtrack (T 740) . 9 I ... 3 7 5 ,, 30 10A 12 NAT KING COLE (Capitol) One of Those Things (W 903) . .. 8 9 5 9 4 6 9 27 10B 11 TENNESSEE ERNIE (Capitol) Hymns (T 756) . 8 7 4 8 6 9 8 27 12 FRANK SINATRA (Capitol) Como Fly With Me (W920) . . . 6 io 1 10 .... . 2 • 26 13 14 ROGER WILLIAMS (Kapp) Fabulous Fifties (KXL 5000). 7 3 10 8 3 24 14 15 JIMMIE RODGERS (Roulette) Jimmie Rodgers. (25020) . ...... 5 1 5 ... 22 15 13 NAT KING COLE (Capitol) Love Is the Thing (W 823) :. ; 2 ..7., 8 7 20 16 TENNESSEE ERNIE (Capitol) Spirituals (T 818). : . .. . 7 4 8 6 19 17 7 FRANK SINATRA (Capitol) Where Are You (W 855) . . T" 8 3 5 7" .v 17 18A 21 PERRY COMO (Victor) Dream Along (CAL 403) , . . . 7 8 2 16 18B 10 JANE MORGAN (Kapp) Fascination (KXL 1066) . . . . . . 10 6 9 T 3 16 20 ROGER WILLIAMS (Kapp) Fabulous Forties (W5003) , . . ... 9 7 10 8 • 4 9 14 21 18 FRANK SINATRA (Capitol) Swinging Affair (N 803) . . 8 8 ... ... 3 J3 22 A 20 PAJAMA GAME (Columbia) Soundtrack (DL ; 5210) . '. . . . . 3 * . 7 IT _12 22B 25 WEST SIDE STORY (Columbia) Original Cast (CL 5230) . 6 4 _12 24 RAY CONIFF (Columbia) ’S Marvelous (CL 1074) , . . ; . 10 6 6 11 25 MANTOVANI (London) Film Encores (LL 1700) . . . t 5 8 9