Variety (October 1958)

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Wednesday, October 8, 1958 WBSIETy MGM-TV STAFF OF TV COMMERCIALS SPECIALISTS a f *5* «§» « 1$ m? Sure, we have-the best in production facilities the sets, sound stages and technical equipment. But... that's only the brawn. It's the brains, the creativity, the television know-how that really counts. „ And we have a newly-formed, { completely separate unit of experienced commercial production specialists at your service. These men are attuned to the problems of advertiser and agency alike and devote their time totally to the development and production of commercial and industrial films. ^ They are ready and willing m\ to give individual M- attention to your project, ml to work efficiently, It realistically, and to the V< best advantage within ] your budget. Why I not give them a try? s. ■ » . J MGM-TV Commercial and Industrial Representatives: NEW YORK: JU. 2-2000, Jack Bower, Phil Frank CHICAGO: Pete Del Negro, ST. 2-3686 SAN FRANCISCO: Bob McNear, PR. 5-1613 LOS ANGELES: Bob Fierman, TE. 0-3311 For Information Write: Bill Gibbs, Director of Commercial and Industrial Films, MGM-TV. Culver City, Calif. MGM1TV A Service Of Loev/s Incorporated