Variety (October 1958)

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62 CHATTER Broadway Catholic Actors Guild annual shindig on Friday (31) in the grand ballroom of the Hotel Plaza. Helen Dunn’s “celebrity recipes” book being unveiled at a Grade Mansion reception tomorrow (Thursday) morning. Pat (Mrs. Morris) Ucatel, ex¬ show biz. crushed her hand in a taxicab door and will have it in splints for a couple of months. Show biz femmes of the Century Club hosting a bridge-theatre party at the Hotel Biltmore for benefit of the Actors’ Fund of America. Marion and Robert Merrill “poured” at Sardi's East Monday (27) following the season’s opening performance of the Metropolitan Opera. Greenville (N.Y.) Rotary hon¬ ored Brooks Atkinson with the La¬ fayette Baton Award. The N.Y. Times drama critic has a home at nearby Durham, N. Y. The Arnold (Nick &) Rossfields retiring to their Palm Beach home, Nick Prounis still residing at his Fire Island retreat since both re¬ tired from the Versailles. Concert, impresario Herbert Bar¬ rett having launched his American Opera Society and $1.60-top con¬ certs at Carnegie, into Mt. Sinai fov an ear operation, described as minor. Phil Bernstein, assistant press director for ABC, on mend at Mt. Sinai after heart operation last week, his second surgery in less than a month. He’ll be receiving visitors by the weekend. Harold Robbins, the film au¬ thor-producer (“Never Love a Stranger”), is the “Sunday at Stonehenge” celeb with Victor Gil¬ bert next weekend (2) at the Ridgefield (Conn.) hostelry. Greer Garson and her oilman- husband, Buddy Fogelson. took the new PanAm jet to Rome this week¬ end for a brief holiday. Emile Lit- tler cabled her a London legit star¬ ring role which she will acknowl¬ edge while abroad. A mistake in the Associated Booking Corp. (Joe Glaser) ad last week listed Duke Ellington as a Capitol recording artist; actually he’s exclusively with ' Columbia Records and is currently on a Euro¬ pean tour plugging the Col Label. - Pepe Romero’s exhibit at the Misrachi Galleries, in his native Mexico City, hrought 38,000 pesos ($3,200) for 18 of his painting’s. The below-the-Rio Grande*colum- nist, who has show biz background as a dancer, etc., only recently took to painting. Waldorf-Astoria Empire Room sommolier Jean Groen—the dign- fied, goateed gent who poses in those typical French vintners’ ads— is wearing cufflinks from a New Orleans aficianado in the hope the visitor will identify him (her) self some time, since the gift came anonymously. It’s inscribed, “Some more champagne, Jean.” Marajen and Michael Chinigo due in New York in December; fol¬ lowing their Hollywood sojourn and detour to Champaign. Ill., where her family owns newspaper and radio stations, en route back to Rome, where they make their home. Former Rome bureau chief¬ tain for *Hearst is now a special writer for King Features Syndi¬ cate. Frankfurt By Hazel Guild (24 Rheinstrasse 776751) Berlin. Chamber Orchestra, con¬ ducted by Hans Von Benda, began its third world tour. William Saroyan to Belgrade, If ugoslavia.- where he will script and direct new film for Avala Films. Paula Hinton, first soloist with Citj; Stage of Frankfurt, now' on tour with Edinburgh International Ballet. “River Kw’ai” (Col) now past six months at Delphi Theater in Ber¬ lin. Many East Germans have made trip especially to see film. German actress Mafia * Schell making her first ^ appearance on American tv when she plays in “Word from a Sealed Off Box” on CBS Oct. 30. Marek Hlasko, Polish scripter who did controversial German- Polish film, “Der achte Wochen- tag” (The Eight Day Week), asked for refuge 7 in West Berlin. Caterina Valente and Helmut Zacharias only Germans selected for “Oscars for Light Music” pre¬ sented by International Committee for Art in Florence, Italy. Constantin’s film about homo¬ sexuality. “Anders als du und ich” (Other Than You .and Met seen by 800.000 in Argentina.. in spite of being banned there for youths. Eugen C. Kniel new g.m. of UA$ for Germany, replacing Eric'Ples- kow who moves to UA continental PfiiifETr Wednesday, October 29, 1958 division in Paris. Kniel was for¬ merly UA manager In Switzerland. ' Of '384 films played In Greece last year, 14 were from Germany, 241 from U.S., and 19 from Russia. In Athens alone, eight new thea¬ tres with 7,500 seats were opened last year, according to a ■ recent report. Kurt Schulz’s Berolina Films bought rights to Hugo Wiener operetta, “Keine Zeit fuer Liebe” (No Time for Love), which' pre¬ miered this year at Hamburg's Theater on Besenbinder Hof. Film will be made next year in Berlin; DEFA, East German film-produc¬ tion company; now beginning' five new pictures, “SA^5 181 aritwortet nicht” (SAS 181 Doesn’t Answer); “Senta auf Abwegeh” (Senta Goes Astray); “Claudia”; “Alte Liebe rostet nicht” (Old Love Doesn't Rust); and a short film, which Baerbl Bergmann will direct. Boston By Guy Livingston (344 Little Bldg.; HAncock 6- 8386) Sherry Cayless piping at the Sands. Jerry Vale held over at Frolic, Revere. Marge Cameron heads Steuben bill for two weeks. Joel Gray booked, for a week at Bradford Roof opening Oct. 29. Marty Brill current at Louis Cohen’s Jewel Room in Hotel Bos¬ tonian. Wilmer C. Swartley, WBZ, WBZ- TV, elected prexy Mass. Broadcast¬ ing Assn. „ Bucky Harris, vet film publicist formerly with Universal here, joined Rank in N.E. and upper N.Y. state. Donald Vanwart on the 88 and Joan Baker, chantoosy, opened Dick Richard’s Upstairs Room at Black Angus. Floyd Fitzsimmons, former MG pa. in Hub, now at Warners, work¬ ing on “Old Man and the Sea,” set for the Astor. Arthur H. Lockwood, prexy Lockwood and Gordon chain of 34 New England theatres, awarded “Great Heart Award” of Variety Club of N.E. at special luncheon opening new Jimmy Fund Re¬ search Laboratories. Dallas 1 By Bill Barker (423 Nimitz, FRanklin 4-7971) Guy Lombardo due for one- nighter Nov. 4 at Louann’s. Maria Callas headlined Dallas Civic Opera’s second season. Ringling Bros.-Bamum & Bailey Circus inked for Dallas Memorial Aud Nov. 24-30. Shirley Jones and husband Jack Cassidy breaking in nitery act at Statler-Hilton Hotel. Fred Waring’s troupe’s one- nighter drew 3,500, $3.90 top, at Dallas Memorial Aud. UA’s “80 Days” gets local rerun Nov. 6 at Beverly Hills, Granada and Major suburban theatres. Margo Jones Theatre starts 12th year Nov. 3 with “Penelope’s Web.” Group is under new managing di¬ rector Aaron Frankel. • Chicago (Delaware 7-4984) Women’s Variety Club holding Halloween party this Saturday (1). Inez Gamble closed her talent reppery to join Pames Roberts’ tenpercentery. George Simon, onetime Variety adman in. Chi, hung out his own publicity shingle. Local actor Vernon Schwartz signed with Drury Lane Theatre as stage manager. Albert Pick Jr., head of hotel chain, named Man of the Year by Illinois Variety Club. Benny Goodman doing benefit concert for Mudeleiri College this Friday (31) at Orchestra Hall. A. M. (Tony) Parri- exited Uni¬ versal Recording to establish his own business consultant firm. Bernie Baker joined Art Peter¬ son’s new legit venture at 11th St. Theatre as .business manager. Goodman Theatre kicks off its new season Friday* (31) with “Billy Budd,” Charles McGaw directing. Toby Deane, wife of .Chi GAC topper Bob Weems, switching her tv commercial stint from N.Y. to Chicago. Bettye Burton, former freelance pressagent, and Jackie Hubbard, ex-Mercury Records deejay promo¬ tion manager, partnering in a new p.r. firm. Jack Russell reelected midwest prez of Artists Representatives Assn., with agents Fred Williamson and Charles Hogan also tapped for another term as firsthand second veepees respectively. Jim Roberts was elected third veep. London (COVent Garden 0135-6-7) Actor Dirk Bogarde recuperating after double pneumonia. Jean Seberg in for her starring role in “The Mouse that Roared.” Jill Day opens five-week cabaret season at the Society next Mon¬ day (3). Paramount tossing Dorchester lunch to honor George Weltner Nov. 6. Flora Robson and Beatrix Leh¬ mann to guest with Old Vic during eurrent season. Motion Picture Assn.’s farewell party next Monday (3) for Charles F. (Chuck) Baldwin. Actress Melissa Stribling, wife of Basil Dearden, planed to Holly¬ wood for six-week vacation. Bebe Daniels (Mrs. Ben Lyon) slipped and broke a wrist during rehearsals for their tv show. Britain’s ace rock ’n’ roller Tom¬ my Steele sighed by Anglo-Amal¬ gamated for three more pix. David Pelham planning weekend jaunt to Paris by charter plane with party of show biz friends. David Oxley, now starring in “Hound of the Baskervilles,” going to Rome when he’s finished pic to buy an Italian island. Patricia Vivian taken over lead in West End .production of “Boy Friend,” replacing Patricia Webb, who is expecting a baby. Diana Decker, currently com¬ pleting cabaret stint at the Society, off. to Hollywood next month for her first American film. Aldo Ray signed by Michael Bal- con for lead in Ealing’s “The Siege,” which is to location in Aus¬ tralia for AB-Pathe release. Sylvia Syms named femme lead for Rank’s upcoming “Ferry to Hong Kong, 1 ’ in Which she’ll costar with Curt Jurgens and Orson Welles. Greg Bautzer joined his wife, Dana Wynter, who just completed her role in “Shake Hands with the Devil” at Ardmore Studios near Dublin. Gerald Croasdell, new Actors’ Equity general secretary, succeeds late Gordon Sandison as union’s rep on Cinematograph Films’ Council. The Val Parnell story is being serialized in the London Star. Only a fortnight ago he resigned as managing director of Moss Em¬ pires, although retaining his seat on the board, to concentrate full time on his tv interests. He is, of course, managing director of As¬ sociated Television. Cleveland By Glenn C. Pullen (MAin 1-4500) Dukes of Dixieland playing first local date at Sam Firsten’s Modern Jazz room. Arthur Penn, director of . “Two for the Seesaw’,” here for two-:week run at Hanna. Robert Wagner^ accompanied by actress-wife Natalie Wood, in town to plug "In Love and War” at ex¬ hibitors luncheon. Annual Page One Ball at Tudor Arms Hotel drew 1,200 buyers of $5 ducats for Cleveland Newspaper Guild and Press Club. Woody Woodbury, up from > Cleveland-owned Bahamas Hotel in Fort Lauderdale, for one-week stint at Tudor Empress Room. Alan Alda, son of Robert Alda and new Ford Foundation fellow¬ ship staff member of Cleveland Play House, took first role in stu¬ dio production of “Dreaming Dust.” Beverly Sills, now Cleveland res¬ ident and married to Peter Green- ough, singing lead in “Fleder- maus” for N. Y. City Opera Co. at Cleveland Public Music Hall Nov. 22. Rome By Robert F, Hawkins Stamp a Estera, Tel. 675 906) UI holding annual sales month honoring Amerigo Aboaf. Vivien Leigh and Sir Laurence Olivier vacationing at Rex Harri¬ son’s Portofiho villa. Anna Magnani appears set for two French pix: “Adorable Julie” and “Dialogues des Carmelites.” Vittorio DeSica to Paris to seek coproduction deal for his upcom¬ ing production, “The Last Judg¬ ment.” Russian Embassy, in Rome held private screening to show press “The Idiot,” pic which Venice Fest turned down this year. Fernandel and Gino Cervi will be reunited for first time since their successful “Don Camillo” se¬ ries in “La. Raricon” (Ransom), Scilla Gabel returns to tv in “Mamouret,” one of RAI-TV’s Fri¬ day night drama series, directed by Guglielmo Morandi. Actress was recently in Britain for video stint. Abhe Lane due Jiere .to 4ub .her recent' pic, “Marine!,' ddnne, ’ k guaii” (Sailors; 'Women, ana Trou¬ ble) for Hesperia Films. Pic was shot this summer In Italy and Spain. Jose Greci, girl chosen to por¬ tray the Madonna in Metro's “Ben Hur,” makes her Italian television debut soon in “Canne al Ventro” (Reeds In the Wind), a four-part dramatic serial. Producers of upcoming Domen¬ ico Modugno pic having same trou¬ ble disk companies have recently had: should they call it “Volare” and/or “Nel Blu, Dipinto di Blu”? which Henri Verneuil is directing. “La Mafia” is title of upcom¬ ing Franco-Italian coproduction planned by Giovanni Addessi. In¬ creased Mafia activity in Sicily has been subject of much press cover¬ age in Italy. Uncast pic will be an Era-Cinetel coproduction. Mario Lanza temporarily voice¬ less due to cold and is now shoot¬ ing Capri locations of “For The First Time” against doc’s orders. Pic later moves on to Rome and Berlin for interiors. Metro releases everywhere except German-lan¬ guage areas. Wilfrid Pelletier, opera and symphony conductor, expected here for concert with RAI Sym¬ phony on Oct. 29, after which he .conducts RDF Chamber Orch in Paris Nov. 3. Next stint is in Mont¬ real, for “Jeanne d’Arc au Bou¬ cher” (Joan at the Stake), to he telecast over CBC, By Les Rees (2123 Fremont Ave. So., FR 7-2609) Minneapolis Symphony opened fall-winter season. Ted Heath band into Prom Ball¬ room for one-nighter. Theatre-in-Round opening sea¬ son with “Visit to a Small Planet.” Key Club has songstress Lurlean Hunter with vihraphonist Pete Digges and Fouchee Dancers. Singer - composer Marvin Rain¬ water. playing one-nighters in near¬ by towns. Local Zurah Shrine mounted patrol’s 11th annual “Showdeo” at State Fair Hippodrome. Guy Lombardo orch played one- nighters at nearby Mankato and Glenwood (Minn.) ballrooms. Songstress Betty Johnson of Jack Paar tv show here as guest vocalist at U. of Minnesota home¬ coming dance. Metropolitan Opera singers Brian Sullivan, Dolores Wilson and Mildred Miller appeared In locally produced “Die Fledefmaus.” “An Evening With Victor Her¬ bert,” with Ray Middleton, direct from New York’s Hotel Pierre, into Hotel Radisson Flame Room. “Doc” Evans, whose Dixieland band has won national attention, now giving lectures on jazz along with music at his “Rampart Street” nitery. Regimental Band of Grenadier Guards arid Scots Guards’ and highland dancers at U. of Minne¬ sota Field House for one-nighter next week. No admission will be charged when John Gielgud offers his Shakespeare’s “Ages of Man” as a U. of Minnesota convocation pre¬ sentation next month. Locally organized “Associated Professional Artists” offering se¬ ries of bi-weekly variety shows at Minneapolis Arts Institute to pro¬ vide employment for performers here. Sid Lippman and Sylvia Dee in from New York for U. of Minne¬ sota homecoming presentation of Max Shulman’s musical “Barefoot Boy with Cheek” for which they wrote score and lyrics. Scotland $ By Gordon Irvin g (Glasgow; BEArsden 5566) No Scots chosen for Royal Vari¬ ety Performance in London. Andy Stewart, young Scot co¬ median, hospitalized with ulcer trouble. Duke Ellington Orch did good biz in two-nights’ (four shows) at Odeon, Glasgow. Vaude restarted at Empress, Glasgow, with Musical Elliots arid comedian Alex Munro. Alec Finlay, Scot comedian, missed injury by bomb while" on troop-cheering tour in Cyprus. ‘.‘Five-Past Eight,” Howard & Wyndham revue, nearing end of lengthy run at Alhambra, Glasgow. ] Jack Anthony, Scot comedian, registering good biz on stirit at Her Majesty’s Theatre, Carlisle, England. Frankie Vaughan under Harold Fielding banner pacted for one- nighter at St. Andrew’s Hall, Glas¬ gow, Nov. 10. Jack Radcliffe to be comedian in Tom Arnold’s “Babes in the Wood” at Empire., Edinburgh*.Jackie.pen- nis, Juye '/rock, ,rL’, roll singer,; iri sairitf 'production, with Billy Dick. Hollywood Bernard M. Kamber in from N.Y. Sv Fischer planed in from Gotham. Linda Cristal returned from Mexican Film Festival. American Cinema Editors will present fifth annual critics awards Dec. 2. . Charles P. Skouras* fourth an¬ nual memorial service! held Sun¬ day (26). Johnny Grant makes another Far Eastern military installations tour Dec. 15-31. Maury Foladare and Norman Greer dissolved seven-year public relations partnership. Motion .Picture Sound Editors got 30 new members during mem¬ bership drive July 1-Oct. 1. Herschel Burke Gilbert reap¬ pointed chairman -of Screen Com¬ posers’ Awards Committee. Dorice Potter, Irish actress, teaching James Cagney brogue for “Shake Hands With .the Devil.” . Max Baer skied to London for ceremonies in Harringay Arena presided over by Queen Elizabeth. Jacques Le Clerc joined Frank Cooper office as liaison between domestic office and European out¬ lets. Alan Brown returns to London this week after huddles with War¬ ner Bros, execs on “John Paul Jones.” Michael Todd Jr. and Ned H. Mann to London for pre-produc¬ tion on new feature, “Scent of Danger.” Paris By Gene Moskowitz (28 rue Huchette; Odeon . 4944) Fernandel to Montreal for series of music hall appearances Paulette Goddard in from Swit¬ zerland for shopping and night- lifing. Eva Bartok due for film stint here in “12 Hours by the Clock.” Suzy Prim produces. Hildegarde Neff recording'disks for Fontana. Songs are from her latest pic, “La Fille de Hambourg” (Daughter of Hamburg). ; There are some 200 films set to finish up film firstrun season, of which 60 are French and about same number are Yank entries. New firstrun 400-seat theatre opening off Champs-Elysees with John Ford’s “The Rising of the Moon” (WB). It will specialize Yank offbeaters primarily. Jules Irving, Actor’s Workshop in San Francisco, will host Mar¬ guerite Jamois Co, In Racine’s “Britannicus” later this season. Company is set for Canadian-Yank tour. Film director Claude-Autant Lara suing Dismage producing company for pic assignment, “Adorable Julia,” he was to do for them, and which subsequently fell through. Songstress Dalida bringing suit against , her impresario. Col. Vidal, for taking 20% of her income rather than usual 10%. Colonel claims he created her and invested a lot in 'her career. It is now before the courts here. Paul Meurlsse, who . recently quit Comedie-Francaise, into top role in King Vidor’s “Solomon and Sheba” (UA), now shooting in Spain. He’s also readying tv ver¬ sion of “Jekyl and Hyde” to be directed by Jean Renoir. Don Juan popular again this year, with three plays based on his career due: Henri de Montherlant’s “Don Juan,” with Pierre Brasseur; Roger Vailland’s “Monsieur Jean” with Francois Perier, and a come- die-Francaise version of George Bernard Shaw’s “Don Juan in Hell.” By Austen Nazareth (43-B Hanuman Rd., New Delhi) Raj Kapoor on brief visit to Rangoon for Burmese preem of his pic, “Jagte Raho.” Svetlana Beriosova, prima bal¬ lerina of Britain’s Royal Ballet, and Bryan Ashbridge in two-nighter at Excelsior, Bombay. Margo, star of International Revue which completed run at New Empire, Calcutta, appearing at same city’s Oberoi Grand Hotel. India’s top rock 'n’ roller, Isobel Nott, to be featured in Basu dhitra Mandir’s pic “Tricycle,” starring Kishore Kumar and Waheeda Rah¬ man. Bombay Chief Justice Mahome- dali Currim Chagla, who is this country’s new Ambassador to United States, was chairman of All- India Paul Robeson 60th Birthday Celebration Committee. Liberty Theatre, Nairobi, Kenya, bows with screening of producer- star Ashok Kumar’s. “Raagini,” Indian film for whose Mid-Eastern and „ European^- release arrange¬ ments are now under’ way.