Variety (January 1959)

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74 MUSIC P^SaiEff Wednesday, January 14, 1959 Local $92 Betting 75G on Live Music In 5-Wk. Radio-TV-Newspaper Toot-La Local 802, N. Y. unit of the American Federation of Musicians, is laying $75,000 On the line to bring back “live music” Starting Thurs¬ day (15) and running for five weeks. Local 802 will spread the 75G in a newspaper, radio and tel¬ evision advertising campaign de¬ signed to spur patronage of spots using flesh* and -blood musicians rather than the canned substitute. [provide the union with additional strength the next time It negotiates with managements in every branch of the business, for the' Local will be able to point out that the pro¬ motion of live music promoted their business as welL Manuti also stated that the campaign will also help establish closer bonds’ with other entertainment unions. Manuti stressed that the Local VIPs Front live Music Projects An advisory committee of persons prominent in the music world has been set up by the American' Federation of Musicians to help two current AFM “live music” projects: the .International String Congress and the Best Dancehand of 1950. first will provide annual, scholarships for young instrumentalists and the second is a con¬ test designed to spur the revival of dancing tp live music. Both projects were put into operation by Jfcerman D. Kenin^borfly after, he Was elected as AFM prexy. last: June*. . For the danceband contesCfhe advisory, committee will consist of bandleader* Howard Baripw, Sammy Kaye, Lawrence Welk and Stan Kenton; Richard Frolich, ASCAB public relation* chief; Oliver Daniel, exec; and others repping Various other seg¬ ments of the 'music biz. • " ‘ ... . The string scholarship committee Includes Eugene Ormandy, Leonard Bernstein, Howard Mitchell, Vladimir Golschmann, Yehu¬ di Menuhin, BMI prexy Carl Haverlin, and ASCAP prexy Paul Cunningham. Local 802 prez Al Manuti is spear¬ heading the drive. For the radio and tv campaign,, the Local .has lined: tip Judy HollL day, Jimmy Durante add Jackie Gleason to do the filmed and re^ corded spots. ‘The Durante aud Gleason spots will be used,$3 times on various New York video diMets While Miss Holliday’s,, radio '. spot? will get 134 shots on the sightless kilocycles, Manuti said the tone of, the ads. Is directed towards getting people to go out and live * little with "live mask” at parties;., banquets* benefits, etc. Manuti stated: “We want to remind people of the things they're missing at concerts; ^hotels, restaurants, theatres, night clubs, parties, benefits and dinners if the special ingredient is missing. We want, them to want music played just for them.” Indicating that be didn’t believe the campaign would solve the ills of the musicians “at one stroke,” Manuti said “the important thing is that we are making a start;” The Local 803 prexy, 'Who was defeated in his bid for the top spot' of the AFM last summer, accented that “if we ire to survive, we must drop the spirit of pessimism and even defeatism” id the mmicans’ ranks. Xhe biggest step in the direction' of positive and agressive action to solve the musicians' prob¬ lems in the ‘live musk” campaign. Manuti has pointed out to the Local’s membership that the cam* paign is worthwhile because it will was embarking on a new 'course and would have to feel its way. “As the. initial campaign runs its course/*' he said, “we. will be able & Judge its effectiveness and then plan further' activity to thfe-field”. Firm Orderedto Pay 1% Or Pape Bos HI Disk Dedham; Mass., Jan. 13. In a suit involving 20,000 record-, irtgs of the Papal Blessing and. Prayer, for Peace by-His Late Holi¬ ness Pope. Kus XII, the Chapel Corp. of Randolph, Mass., was ordered, lari week to pay $19^375. to' a Montreal firm of the same name by Norfolk Superior civil jury In Dedham, Mass. The jury found that the Randolph* firm, holder of the exclusive world franchise for the distribution of the recording, failed to fulfill acontract to deliver the recordings to the Chapel Distributing Corp. of Montrealas contracted InDecember, 1954. -It was contended by the Montreal concern that it paid $20,000 fat the 20,000 recordings in French,' hut only. 500 we're delivered. -The Mas¬ sachusetts ’firm, said a Montreal factory had the recordings ready to he picked up at apy tune, Leon Kfrthner, Mills College, Oakland, CaL, musicprofessor,has be$n given a. $1,000 cemmiseion by the Chamber5 Music Society of Bal¬ timore to compose a. special work for the Society's -1959-6Q season. . Scoreboard OF TOP TALENT AND TUNES Compiled from Statistical Reports of Distribution Encompassing the Three Major Outlets Coin Machines Retail Disks Retail Sheet Mssic as Published in the Current Issue NOTEi Tht canent comparative tales strength of the Artists and Tones listed hereunder Is orrfoed at under a statistical system comprising each of the three major sales outlets enu¬ merated above. These findings are correlated with data from wider sources , which are exclusive with Vssasrrr.Tht position * resulting from these findings denote the OVERALL IMPACT de¬ veloped from the ratio of points scored, two ways in the case of talent (coin machines, retail disks) and three ways in the cast of tunes (coin machines, retail disks and retail sheet music). POSITIONS This List Week Week i . 2 : 2 1 3 4 .. 5 4 6 7 8 * 10 9. v-5-' POSITIONS this Last Whek Week ■1 2 2 i . 4 5 6 r iT 9 19 * ASCAP 9 10 9 TALENT ARTIST: AND LABEL, PLATTERS (Mercury) . . CHIPMUNKS ; (liberty) . . ; . , CONNIE FRANCIS (MGM) . . CRESTS (Coed) ... ..V;:.... . . ELVIS PRESLEY (Victor) . LLOYD PRICE (ABC-Par) . . . TEDDYBEARS (Dore) .............. RITCHIE VALENS (Del-F.) ......... BILLY CRAMMER (Monument) ... PLAYMATES (Roulette) ........... . . TUNES TONE . , ♦SMOKE GETS Ujl YOUR EYES . . . . ♦cfi^MDNK song *MY HAPPINESS , ... .... . . . , ...... fTOM DOOLEY . JTO KNOW HIM IS TO LOVEHBf . fl« CANDLES . . f STAGGER LEE fLONESOME TOWN . . . fGOTTA TRAVEL ON . . . fBEEP, BEEP . ,.v. . . . ~ t BMI 1 ' TUNA,,. _ Smoke Gets* In Your Eyes* . . Chipmunk Song* . . . . My H appiness* . . . . 16 Cwftest ’ r: * '*, / • ; 4I Got |«^ ^ v t..\ Stfiggerlie^ , ! / . . . . To Kh6w Him, iiove Himt CDonnaf ’ * v(La Bambaf : . . . . : Gotta Travel Qnf .... Beep Beepf PUBLISHER . . . . I.I., Harms . . Monarch . . , . . v Happiness ......... _ ... .Beechwood . . ...I. Wdhnan . . January . . . Sheldon . . .. . . Eric _ _ _ % . . . . . . . i. ; Sanga H&L (taCrkkeiV Hearth A new label, to be -called alter¬ nately “Off -Broad wajr’.’ . an^ “OnBroadway,” ' depending, on the source of the material, will bow: some time ‘ibis month. First re* lease wm -be a Julius Monk LP, dimply Flays.”; Line, which will be priced at $5.95, will be the fourth label in the Piekwick, Sales Corp. combine. Pickwick now has Design, StereoSpectrum. and Cricket Records* ' Abbott Lutz, product director for’ Pidcwicfc will : double iu^general manager ~ In charge Of . artists fc repertoh^j^l^ butioit mod jyyjpi^^aiB^ According to imt^ thei-hfewSS^v-'' will have only a fewpUgued.^K^, leases a year, due' td ! in securing the .specialized riaL He estimated that tiiere won't be more than 10 packages in toe : first year. * , Appearing THE EDDIE FISHER SHOW NBC-T.V. Jan. 20 1 MAKINO AU THE CHARTS! Teach Me tonight CHA CHA ABC PARAMOUNT RECORD #9988