Variety (January 1959)

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91 Wednesday, January 14, 1959 USSsMtf Thank you , KERMIT BLOOMGARDEN . . . Beaumont, TEXa<3 Hoih.p?auwovt * ‘ XAS •ROADWAY fhmtii •UlANCI, INC. Tlfc Broadway Theatre League of Charlotte. Inc. *!«• BUCKNEU. AVEKL'E • CHARLOTTE 7, N.:C. • THOSE FR £4154 orrirrcn • o ^OJkDVAT BW.DWAV TOE.T« league OREESJBORO. NORtU CAROUNA _ „ of \3tlc»AlnC* . .ayThcattcl^^?l . — T», 195» ■*#** ^^nss***** 0^^ A-RT^MRtr* *«££ STSSS0** Vr *• Dramatization of A^d pinest A.n<? ^ Theater Ever Seen Here EiVmS — tertlb^W^"^ i!T® OJ NOT_ petral most; In guilty c 4ies for family *** who/ to “?? Gift / Siting *.yj 7k bjJZ***’ ■^Pht/se r, J&StS&Zt* * Ai**! Jg&g*=SS- ^ . SatJta<lei *® wou^ Hkf to express car thanks to all of Jon »ho Nad* our Initial BTL presentatlonToTew toe Broadway Theatre^iu^aS; tte c«?of snd.ZJy.iCerRlt Blooagarden its producer* 43 lone of f!*®11* *»* forosUht exist, the living theatre In cooeuinltles. snch as curs is in good hands*1* TH* 330*K74T -TEEATRS tEiOOB QT OTIC^IX^ * tv/fa . . . for giving our audiences a superb “THE DIARY OF ANNE FRANK” TOUR DIRECTION BROADWAY THEATRE ALLIANCE, iNci A Subsidiary «f -Columbia Artiste Management lac. 113 WesliSTrit Streefc New York T9, N. Yi Circle 5-2740