Variety (March 1959)

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76 P'StiliiTf Vednegday, March 11, 1959 OBITUARIES FRED STONE Fred Stone, 85, yesteryear musi¬ cal and film comedy star, died March 6 in North Hollywood, Cal. Full story in legit section. LOU COSTELLO Lou Costello, 53, who launched his Hollywood career as - a studio laborer and skyrocketed to one of the top comics of the screen, died suddenly of a heart attack March 3, after having been hospitalized for five days. Seen on the screen only spas¬ modically after splitting with his oldtime partner. Bud Abbott, in 1957 over financial matters, Cos¬ tello’s last picture, “Lou Costello and His 30-Foot Bride,” which he produced as an indie with his man¬ ager, Edward Sherman, for Colum¬ bia Pictures release, was completed only last Dec. 19, and still is to be released. With Abbott, he made 40 films, mostly at Universal, where their second, “Buck Privates,” launched them to immediate stardom. Their pix are said to have kept studio in the black. Their final film there was “Abbott and Costello Meet the Keystone Kops,” in 1954. Bom in Paterson, N.J., Costello, whose real name was Louis Francis Cristello, went to Hollywood first in the late ’20s, nad worked with the labor gang at both Warner Bros, and Metro. He became a stuntman for a time, a calling he followed until injured while doubling for Dolores del Rio in “Trail of ’98.” Returning east, he went into burlesque and eventually teamed up with Abbott, whom he met while appearing on the same show. With Abbott, he appeared in the Broadway musical, Streets of Paris,” in 1939. and at the Atlantic City Steel Pier, and they also guested on several Kate Smith ra¬ dio programs, as well as with Edgar Bergen, before - going to Hollywood again in 1940. It was on one of the Kate Smith pro¬ grams that the partners staged their “Who’s On First?” routine, which Costello had authored some years before. Partners’ first picture in Holly¬ wood was in Universal’s “One Night in the Tropics,” starring Al¬ lan Jones, followed by their “Buck Privates.” Infrequently they left Universal to make pix at Metro, RKO and the Nassour Bros. After splitting with Abbott, Costello starred in “Dance With Me, Henry,” for United Artists release. Surviving are his widow, Ann, and three daughters, Carole Lou, Patricia and Christine. GIL BOAG Gafllard T. (Gil) Boag, around 78, a giant in the Manhattan nitery scene during the Prohibition era and manager (later husband) of “shimmy queen” Gilda Gray, for whom he got $5,000 and $10,000 a week in an era when that compares to today’s Las Vegas-style salaries, died suddenly of a cerebral hemor¬ rhage March 8 in the Queens Gen¬ eral HospitaL He was nearer 78 than the published 73 age, accord¬ ing to his third wife, the former Crystal Klippert, who survives. There were no children. With the Salvins (Paul and Sam), Gil Boag was prominently identi¬ fied as operator-partner of such Prohibition era spots,, as the Mont¬ martre, Rendezvous, Palais Royal (where he first brought Paul White- man to Broadway from Atlantic City, out of San Francisco), Little Club, Folies Bergeres, Club Royal, Piccadilly and the Pavilion Royal (John & Christo’s) on the Merrick (L.I.) road. In the post-World War IT era. when Volsteadism created the de¬ vice of playing “musical padlocks,” as the sundry class speaks risked getting “knocked off” for scofflaw violations, Boag was Jnlimately associated with a cavalcade of band and other entertainment names who were to the fore in that period. As Miss Gray’s manager (he later married her in 1924 and divorced four years later) he set a show¬ manship mark by getting unpre¬ cedented sharing terms for the shimmy exponent in her personals in picture houses and elsewhere. He was also a legit producer with John Murray Anderson’s original 1929 “Almanac,” “City Haul” and others. Like the late Sam H. Harris and William A. Brady, who graduated to legit impresarios, he also managed boxers in his form¬ ative career. Agent Annie Laurie Williams currently has his memoirs, tentative¬ ly titled “King of the Cabarets,” with McGraw-Hill for publication, and a day before his death Mrs. Boag received a wire from a Coast independent in connection with filming Boag’s biopic. Dorothle Bobbe collaborated on the Boag memoirs. Mrs. Boag’s belated romance dates back 40 years when, as a Charleston winner in a pioneer marathon dancing contest, Boag presented her with a cup at the old Club Sans Souci, New York. They have been married 10 years and she adds, in the last decade “he found the tranquility which was his heritage.” She points to Boag’s pre-Revolutionary heritage when his family, as French Hugu- nots, first settled in Charleston, S.C., in the early 1600s. Her broth¬ er is a Jesuit priest and Boag be¬ came a Catholic convert before his death. MRS. WILLIAM MORRIS Mrs. Emma Morris, 86, widow of the late William Morris, founder of the talent agency of that name, died March 6 at the family home, Camp Intermission, Saranac Lake, N.Y. Mr. Morris, active in the affairs of the Will Rogers Memo¬ rial Hospital in that town, and patroness of the free library at Saranac Lake, also donated theat¬ rical memorabilia - to the N. Y. Public Library. She was active in numerous theatrical charities in¬ cluding the Jewish Theatrical Guild of which her late husband was a founder. Mrs. Morris, known as “Mother” Morris, kept constant ooen house in Lake Saranac. Acts driving up to Canada frequentlv stopped to pay respects to the Morris family. The road to Canada was especially well travelled during the Prohibi¬ tion era. She was a constant com¬ panion to the agency’s founder during the formative days of the office. She provided a personal touch to both clients and employ¬ ees that aided in the growth.of that office. Survived by her son, William Morris Jr., who retired a few years ago as president of the agency; daughter Ruth Morris White, for¬ merly of the legit department and widow of William C. White, author and columnist on the N. Y. Herald- Tribune ,and an adopted grandson, William C. White Jr. All theatrical euilds as well as the Will Rogers Memorial Hospital will be represented at the services. The*eulogy will be delivered by the present head of the agency, Abe Lastfogel, who started as an office boy under “The Boss” (Bill Morris Sr.). The recessional music will in¬ clude “Scottish Song to the Isles” in commemoration of the lifetime friendship between the Morris family and that of the late Sir Harry Lauder, whom the elder Morris represented on the hootmon comic’s many tours in America. Services scheduled for today (Wed.) at 2 p.m. from The Church of the Transfiguration (Little Church Around the Corner), with burial in the family plot at West¬ chester Hills Cemetery, Hastings, N. Y. JOSEPH CONWAY Joseph Conway, about 70, for¬ mer circus owner and veteran thea¬ tre manager, died in a hospital in suburban Philadelphia on Feb. 28 after an illness of several months. He began his career in support¬ ing roles in silent films for studios then in his native Philadelphia. Later he was a motion picture dis¬ tributor. For 25 or more years he managed film houses in the Phila- dephia area, At the time of his death he had an “art house” fea¬ turing foreign films. When he managed the. Egyptian Theatre at Bala Cynwyd, Pa., hr was among the first to use “Bank Night,” sponsor jitterbug contests on stage, etc. He used lots of live talent including circus presenta¬ tions at children’s matinees, in¬ troduced the Trapp Singers to the Philadelphia area. It was the showman who had free Thanksgiving birds one year and advertised on his marquee “Two turkeys at every show.” In the 1930s, he put on the road both the Reo Bros, and the Dix Bros, circuses. Among the attrac¬ tions of Reo Bros, was the Adele Nelson Elephants with Louis Reed. Surviving are his widow and one son, James, three brothers, two sisters, and two nephews. STANLEY WOOLF Stanley Woolf, 59, legit producer and former vaude agent, died of a heart attack Feb. 28 aboard the SS Homeric during a 16 - day Caribbean cruise. Woolf produced low cost com¬ panies of legit , and musical comedy hits which he toured in the Cat- skill Mountain belt and elsewhere. He was known as the “bargain basement impresario” because of his ability to trim casts and costs i down to bare essentials and sell the' end product for little cost. He was able to bring legit shows to places which would ordinarily use other types of shows. One of the consequences of his operation were frequent hassles with Actors Equity. Nonetheless his troupes were a proving ground for'many actors who later made good on Broadway and Hollywood. Among those who served in Woolf troupes were Cliff Robertson, Tony Curtis, Tommy Noonan. Fay Spain and others. He was a vaude agent at one time. As a sideline, Woolf was an amateur film producer. His re¬ cent travelog, “Isle of Ceylon,” won the George Stevens award. Survived by wife and two daugh¬ ters. NELL BALLANTYNE Nell Ballantyne, character ac¬ tress and an early member of the Scottish National Players, died Feb. 19 in Glasgow. Her last stage appearance was on tour with the Edinburgh Gateway Company in “The Penny Wedding.” She also had a part in the film, “The Bridal Path.” Miss Ballantyne was familiar to audiences' in Britain for her stage and film roles, one of her first thesping honors being as Mrs. Gal- latly in John Brandane’s “The Glen Is Mine.” During World War II she worked in London, taking part in the radio series, “The Robinson Family.” At the International Edinburgh Festival in 1957 she played a lead¬ ing part in the Gateway Theatre’s presentation of “The Flouers of Edinburgh.” When she became ill a few weeks ago, she was preparing to appear in the current Edinburgh Gateway production of “Lace on her Petticoat." One of her last films was lensed in 1958, “Rockets Galore.” EMIL A. GUNTHER Emil A. Gunther, 87, former president of the music publishing firm of Schroeder & Gunther, a division of Associated Music Pub¬ lishers, died Feb. 26 in the North¬ ern Dutchess Health Center, N-Y. For the past 12 years, he had been editorial consultant for the music company which specialized in piano-teaching material by U.S. composers. Born in Germany, Gunther came to the U.S. when he was 16. He worked with various music com¬ panies and at one time was sales manager for the Summy Co. in Chicago. He co-founded the firm of Schroeder & Gunther in 1914 and was prexy until his. retirement }n 1955. At that time, the firm became a division of AMP, Broad¬ cast Music Inc.’s longhair subsid. His son survives. ’ jack Mcelroy Jack. McEIroy, 45, yet radio-tv | performer, died of lung cancer March 2 in Santa Monica, Cal. He had been ill for the past six months. Prior to going to Hollywood to take over as regular announcer on Tom Brenneman’s “Breakfast in Hollywood”- radio show, McEIroy worked in radio and the theatre in Kansas and Missouri, follow¬ ing Breeneman’s death two years after he joined him. McEIroy in¬ herited the show and remained its head for three years. From 1946 through 1951 he was announcer-v ocalist on ABC’s “Bride and Groom.” As a reporter he covered two Florence Chadwick Catalina Island swims for NBC. Entering television in 1951, he acted as host for the “Jack Mc¬ EIroy Afternoon Movie,” “Week End” and “Vacation Time,” all tele¬ cast over KRCA, Hollywood. Surviving, are his parents and three children. VAUGHAN GLASER Vaughan Glaser, 86, veteran actor died Nov. 23, 1958 in Van Nuys, Calif, and was not at that time reported to Variety. He began his career as a leading man in the Eugenie Blair stock company. He later joined Mrs. Pat¬ rick Campbell’s company appear¬ ing on the New York stage. In 1904, Glaser organized his own company, appearing at the Colonial Theatre in Cleveland for more than 1,000 stock performances. Long engagements in stock at Loew’s .Theatres in Toronto and Montreal followed. His Broadway appearances in¬ cluded “Many Mansions,” in 1937, and “What a Life” in 1938. Others were “John Doe” and “Saboteur." His films were “What a Life," “Rulers of the Sea” and the “Henry Aldrich” series. His son and daughter survive. JOHN N. SPEARING John N. Spearing, 59, an Inter¬ national representative of the In¬ ternational Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employes, died March 3 in (Continued on page 86) VARIETY BILLS WEEK OF MARCH 11 NEW YORK CITY Music hall u Richard Heyman MeUo-Larks SchaHer Bros. Corps de Ballet IlockeLtes U. Fiiifie Ore. ROXY Keigo Ballet Teal Joy Troupers Ballad eers llobL Boucher Ore AUSTRALIA MELBOURNE Tivoli Braziliana Dancers Johnny Lockwood Martha Sc Adolfo E & B Carley Len Lowe Sue Peters Barton Sc Stuchb'r’y Lloyd Nairn Frank Ward Deidre Green SYDNEY Tivoli Sabrina Andrea Dancers Horrie Dargie S S & M Harrison Billy Baxter Mist in Juniors Nicoli Bros. Jack Monnier Edit Juhasz Jeff Parker BRITAIN BIRMINGHAM Hippodrome Marini 4 Petula Clark McAndrews Sc Mills Joe Black Kemble & Christine Tommy Reilly EDINBURGH Empire Jack Milroy Robert Wilson Grace O’Connor Cornkisters Sydney Devine Crotchet & Jeannie Will Starr GLASGOW Empire Connie Francis Clarkson & Leslie Weir & Ore Mongadors Hal Roach Nordics Norman Vaughan HANLEY Royal Oreste Kirkop Orchid Dancers Saveen Josephine Anne Terry Scott Alexis Troupe Wilson, Keppel & Betty Judy Moxon LEEDS Empire Ruby Murray Flack & Lamar Gary Miller Eva May Wong A Sc L Ward Tommy Fields Jimmy Gay NEWCASTLE Empire Alma Cogan Gilbert & Sylvia Hedley Ward 3 George Meaton • Alan Clive Billy Dainty J & S Lamonte Angelos SUNDERLAND Empire Jackie Dennis Vonnie Sc Valda Desmond Lane Larry Grayson Liddell Triplets King Sc Day Emerson & Jayne Les Galantas LOS ANGELES Ben Blue's Ben Blue' Helen Boice Roherta Lee Sally Blythe Charles Vespia Sammy Wolf Dick Bernie Richard Cannon Ivan Lane Ore Cocoanot Grove Sophie Tucker Freddy Martin Ore Crescendo Count Basie Ore Dave Lambert Sngrs LAS VEGAS Desert i r.n McGuire Sisters Paul Gilbert Earl Grant Gateway Singers Matt Dennis Moulin Rouge Donald O'Connor Sidney Miller •‘Wonderful World’* Slate Bros. Don .Rickies Statler Hotel .Tito Guizar rEd Bergman Ore 1 Ye Little Club Marilynn Lovell Joe Felix \ Roger Nichols Ray Sinatra Ore LDorothy Dorben Dcs ' Sahara NEW YORK CITY Blue Angel Shelley Berman Fay De Witt Ruth Olay Jimmy Lyon 3 Bart Howard Bon Solr Phyllis Diller Mae Barnes Tony Sc Eddie Jimmie Daniels Three Flames Murray Grand -Casanova Jose Duval Alex Rosatl Chateau Madrid Los Chavales de Espana Ralph Font Ore Panchlto Ore Candi Cortez Copa cabana Will Mastin 3 Sammy Davis Jr. Zeme North Ron Stewart Lou Dona Ore Pagan Ore Downstairs Room Demi Dozen Jean Arnold Jane Connell Ceil Cabot Jack Fletcher George Hall Gerry Mathews Stan Keen Ne. I Fifth Ave. Bobo Lewie Joe Layton Robert Downey Harold Fonvilla Joan Bishop Hotel Aster Irving Fields Hotel Roosevelt Guy Lombardo Ore Hotel Plaza Diahann Carroll Ted Streeter Ore Mark Monte Ora Hotel Pierre Wilbur Evans Betty Madigan Stan Grover Joseph Ricardel Ore Alan Logan Ore Hotel Taft Vincent Lopez Ora Hotel St. Regis Bill Hayes Florence Henderson Ray Bari Ore. Milt Shaw Ore In Boboll Herman Chittisi Bob English Latin Quarter Keefe Brasselle Karmen Dancers Happy Jesters Romano Bros. Dick Curry Pony Sherrell Jo Lombardi Ore B Harlowe Ore Le Cupldon Gigi Durston Jean Gibbons Living Room Eddie Heywood Jack Kelly Lyda Fairbanks International Joey Adams A1 Kelly Lou Wills Jr. Jacqueline Fontaine Lane Bros. McKenna Line Mike Durso Ore Palmier! Ore New Romanian * Sadie Banks Vivian Cook Savoy Hilton _ Tommy Purcell Ore Town A Country Jewel Box Revue Ned Harvey Ore Slcari Ore Two Guitars Olga Valdi Ivan Nepa Xenia Brante K. Poliansky Ore Misha Usdanoff Viennese Lantern Vicky Autier Jeanne Michelle Ernest Schoen Village Barn Larry McMahan Jonl Roth Lou Mosconl Belle Carroll Jim Lewis Lou Harold Ore Village Vanguard Dinah Washington Red Garland Waldorf-Astoria Vivienne Della Chiesa Emil Coleman Ore Bela Babal Oro CHICAGO Black Orchid Roberta Sherwood Bill Daily Joe Parnello (3) Blue Angel Phyllis Branch Osborne Smith Calypsonians Elena Espart A Camille Lord Christo Blue Note Gerry Mulligan Art Van Damme (5) Chez Perea Eydie Gorme Allen Sc DeWood Geo. Cook Ore. Chez Adorables (9) Cloister Inn Corbett Monica Lurlean Hunter Ramsey Lewis Trio Conrad Hilton Helga Neff "Frosty Frills” Farra Sc Carter Ben Gee Sc Bernie Harris Jack KodeD Eddie Ash Manuel Del Toro Inez Sc Gordon Ken Harris Oro Drake Roberta McDonald Jimmy Blade Oro Gate of Hern Ran Sc Nama Leon Bibb London House Jonah Jones Mister Kelly's Kaye Ballard David Allen Marty Rubinstein 3 Marx Sc Frigo Palmer House Dorothy Shay Ben Arden Ore HAVANA Hotel Capri Lucy Fabery Rivieras Raquel Bardisa Hotel Naclonal A M Martinez Casado Gina Romand Manolo Torrents Ana Sc Julio Manteca Godino Singers “Dancing Waters” Hotel Riviera Ramon Veloz Rene Cabel D'Alda Q Gina Martin Raul de Mesa F. GueiTerO Ore Liduvlno Ore Art Johnson Donn Arden Dncrs Carlton Hayes Ore Dunes “Nuit De Paris” Frank EL Marlowe Latona, Graham & Chadele Dolinoff & Raya Sis Carrie Finnell Naja Karamura Gwen Harmon Bob Kennedy Allen Conroy Jimmy Cavanaugh Cee. Davidson Ore El Cortez Champ Butler Dubonnet Trio Eddie Bush Versa tiles El Rancho Vegas “La Nouvelle Eve” Dick Rice Ore. Flamingo Gisele MacKenzie Goofers Mort Sahl Don Kirk Flamingoettes Jack Cathcart Ore Fremont Hotel Honeycones Deedy Sc Bill Gayle Walton Make Believes Golden Nugget Harry Ranch Lee & Faye May¬ nard Sons of Gold'n Wst Riviera George Gobel Georgia Gibbs Treniers Kay Starr Step Bros. Leo De Lyon Stanley Boys Saharem Dancers Louis Basil Ore Sands Johnny Mathis Sue Carson Steve Rossi Texas Copa Girls Antonio Morelll Ore Shownoat Sons of Pioneers Hank Morton Johnny Cash Merle Travis Silver supper Hank Henry Miss Yum Yum Dick Weston Peggy Dietrick . Toni Sc Harry Wham Mark Hall Sparky Kaye Red Marshall Danny Jacobs Geo. Redman Oro Stardust Lido De Paris “Ces’t Magnifiqtie* Vagabonds Wingy Manone Tbunderbird China Doll Revue of *59 Charlie Ventura Ore Jackie & Roy A1 Jahns Ore Troplcana Spike Jones Helen Grayco Johnny Puleo Dior Dancers Nat Brandwy’ne Ore Gene Austin MIAMI - MIAMI BEACH Americana Giovannis Marlowe-Kuller Rev Barbara Heller -Blackburn Twins Jerry Collins Jack DeLeon Kaycee Jones Mara Lynn Mark Reddy Tyler Ore Nina Ramon Balmoral Dick Sterling Marta Sc Tobey Rodriguez Revue Bar of Musk Arthur Blake Guy Rennie Harvey Bell Jordan & Coby Carillon Lou Walters Revue Arthur L. Simpkins Tun Tun Daryll Stewart Piroshka Sc Niky Dominique Judy Reece Jacques Donnet Ore Clro's Sallie Blair Damita Jo Mac Davis Ore Chris Columbo 8 Deauville “Newcomers of *28” Paul Whiteman Harry Richman Rudy Vallee Buster Keaton Billy Gilbert Fifi D'Orsay Kitty Muldoon Larry Grayson Roy Bargy Lee Martin Ore Freddy Bell BTboys Dream Lounge Buddy Rich Oro Rosette Shaw Willie Restum Marty Harris 3 Diplomat Julius LaRosa Kirby Stone 4 Brascia Sc Tybee Mai Malkin Ore Eden Roc Sammy Davis Jr. Hal Loman Play- — mates Walter Nye Ore Jackie Heller Buffy Dee 3 Luis Varona Ore Sonny Kendis Ore Fontainebleau Frank Sinatra Betty Kean Sc Lew Parker Sacasas Ore Campo Ore Harbour Lounge Sammy Walsh Gilbert Sc Tracy Tony Matas Latin Quarter Jimmy Durante Sonny King Johnny Mack Sally Davis Tanya Sc Biagl Jack Roth Jules Buffano Tommy Wonder Del Rubio Triplets “Legs** Diamond Donn Arden Revo* Jose Cortez Ore Lucerne Havana Mardl Gras Diosa Costello Bfflcw Velarde Don CaMne Pepe Blanco Fausto Curbelo Ore Montmartrb Eddie Schaffer Napoleon Reed Rev Freddie Calo Ore Murray Franklin's Paul Gray Murray Franklin Dick Havllland Kay Carroll Sue Lawton The Cooks Eddie Bernard Place Pigaile B. S. Pully Dixie Evans Dorian Dennis Tony D’Arcy Rocking Lounge Cozy Cole Ore Dizzy Gillespie « Don Vincent 3 Singapore Lillian Carmen Freddy Stewart Slii T.lng — Snuffy Miller Dansations Mickey Gentile Ore SAN FRANCISCO' Backstage , Dick KeeganOrc Stan Arnold Rene Joubert Blackhawfc Modern Jazz 4 Canterbury Geo. Alexander Benny Strong Oro Easy Street Barbara Dane Wally Rose Ore Fade's Mary Kaye Trio Fairmont Hotel Carol Channing EL Heckscher Oro 440 Club Larry Winters CardT Davis Walter Hart Gay 40's Diamond Lil Joy Healy Dncrs. Bee Sc Ray Gorman Harrah's Club Lancers Johnny Ukulele Ross St Lane Noel Boggs Sons, Golden West Ho Hums Kings Harold's Club King Pins Bob Braman Holiday Nick Lucas Edmonds Sis Harry Ranch Earl Hines Joe Sullivan Muggsy Spanler Hungry l Frank Buxton Bat-ya Frank D'Rone Batya Jazz Workshop Mastersounds Kewple Doll Marty Marsala Ore On the Levee Kid Ory Ore Purple Onion Coachmen 3 Cathi Hayes Ronnie Schell JtS Club Patrice Wymore Trio Cottas Moro Landis Ore Bill Clifford Ore. RENO Mapes Mason Sc Nixon Janie McFadden Low Styles Powell Twins Frank Llbuse Margot Brander Double' Daters Della Quadro- Jo Ann -Jorden Dorise Van Riverside Starlets Ed Fitzpatrick Ore