Variety (March 1959)

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9 Wednesday, March 18, 1959 __ P^RtKff ,_PICTURE GROSSES New Films Help Chi; 'Stranger Boff $24,01, Trap Sockeroo 12G, lame’ Lively 25C, ‘Beauty’ 29G, ‘Gigi’ 14G B way Lags But ‘Law’ Smash $11,400; ‘Jaw’ Glassy 21G, ‘Beauty Boff 34G For 4th, ‘Tables Stout 26^G, 13th Chicago, March 17. Seasonal dropoff continues to plague first-run exhibs, but influx of new product is tempering situa¬ tion some currently. Esquire’s “Re¬ markable Mr. Pennypacker” should hit a solid $12,000. “Stranger in My Arms” figures to grab a lively $24,000 at the Oriental. Pairing of “The Trap” and “Tokyo After Dark” is rated lusty $12,000 in Garrick initialer. Friskiest holdovers are “Horse’s Mouth,” expecting a fancy second term at the World, and “Gigi,” still hep third-framer at the Loop. “Sleeping Beauty” is dandy m State-Lake fifth. “Night to Remem¬ ber” shapes soft in third week at Todd's Cinestage. “Some Came Running” looks brisk in sixth Woods round while ditto session for “Rally Round Flag, Boys” is rated oke at United Artists. Eighth stanza of Chicago’s “Auntie Marne” is solid. On -the hard-ticket scene, the 25th week of “South Seas Adven¬ ture” is hep at the Palace, and 51st round of “South Pacific” looms good at McVickers. Estimates for This Week Chicago (B&K) (3,900; 90-$1.80) —“Auntie Mame” (WB) (8th wk). Fast $25,000. Last week, $27,000. Esquire (H&E Balaban) (1,350; $1.50) — “Remarkable Mr. Penny- packer” (20th). Nice $10,500. Last week, “Black Orchid” (Par) (4th wk), $7,300. Garrick (B&K) (850; 90-$1.25)~ “The Trap” (Par), and “Tokyo After Dark” (Par). Loud at $12,000. Last tuaplr rPlQCHPC Loop (Telem’t) (606; 90-$1.80)— “Gigi” (M-G) (3d wk). Solid $14,- 000. Last week. $20,000. McVickers (JL&S) (1,580; $1.25- $3.30) — “South Pacific” (Magna) (51st wk). Good $14,500. Last week, $15,000. Oriental (Indie) (3,400; 90-$1.50) —“Stranger in My Arms” (U). Nice $24,000. Last week, “The Journey” (M-G) (3d wk), $16,000. Palace (SW - Cinerama) (1,434; $1.25-$3.40) — “South Seas Adven¬ ture” (Cinerama) (25th wk). Sturdy $21,000. Last week, $21,500. . Roosevelt (B&K) (1,400; 90- $1.80)—“Hanging Tree” (WB) (4th wk). Drab $6,500. Third was $ 12 , 000 . State-Lake (B&K) (2,400; 90- $1.80) — “Sleeping Beauty” (BV) (5th wk). Fancy $29,000. Last week, $33,000. - Surf (H&E Balaban) (685; $1.25) —“Dreaming Lips” (DCA). Dim $2,100. Last week, “Mad Little Island” (Rank) (2d wk), $2,300. Todd's Cinestage (Todd) (1,036; 90-$1.80) — “Night To Remember” (Rank) (3d wk). Slow $8,000. Last week, $9,000. United Artists (B&K) 1,700; 90- $1.80)—“Rally Round Flag” (20th) (6th wk). Tall $13,000. Last week, $14,000. Woods - (Essaness) (1,200; 90- $1.50) — "Some Came Running” (M-G) (6th wk). Nice $16,000. Last week, $19,000. World (Teitel) (606: 90-S1.50)— “Horse's Mouth” (UA) (2d wk). Socko $11,200. Last week, $12,000, for new house record. ‘Beauty’ Smash $15,000, Port; Tables’ 6G in 3d Portland, Ore., March 17. Main stem is holding up fairly well if not big at many houses currently. “Sleeping Beauty” shapes smash in second stanza at the Broadway. “Gigi” stays for a record-breaking 30th session at the Guild. “Separate Tables” still is holding well in third stanza at Paramount. “Journey” at Orpheum looms fair and “Never Steal Any¬ thing Small” at Fox is rated okay. Estimates for This Week Broadway (Parker) (1,890; $l-$2) —“Sleeping Beauty” (BV) (2d wk). Smash $15,000. Last week, $17,700. Fox (Evergreen) (1,536; $1-$1.49) —“Never Steal Anything Small” (U) and “No Name On Bullet” (U). Oke $6,000. Last week, “Anna Lucasta” (UA) and “The Fear- makers” (UA), $5;700. Guild (Indie) (400; $1-$1.50)— "Gigi” (M-G) (30th wk). Sturdy $4,000. Last week, $3,800. Orpheum (Evergreen) (1,600; $1- $1.49)—“Journey” (M-G) _and “Gideon Scotland Yard” (Col). Fair $6,000. Last week, "Last Blitz¬ krieg” (Col) and "Ride Lonesome” (Col), $6,400. Paramount (Port-Par) (3,400; $1- $1.50)—"Separate Tables" (UA) and “Cop Hater” (UA) (3d wk). Nice $6,000 or near. Last week, $17,000. Estimates Are Net Film gross estimates as re¬ ported herewith from the vari¬ ous key cities, are net; i,e. f without usual tax. Distrib¬ utors share on net take, when playing percentage, hence the estimated figures are net in¬ come. The parenthetic admission prices, however, as indicated, include the U. S. amusement tax. ‘Gigi Wham 20G, Prov.;W Hep 8G Providence, March 17. Riding high above the others this v/eek is the State’s “Gigi,” with smash take. Majestic is fairly hap¬ py with reissue of “Streetcar Named Desire.” “House On Haunt¬ ed Hill” looks stout at Albee. Strand is very slow with “These 1,000 Hills.” Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (2,200; 65-80)— “House On Haunted Hill” (AA) and “Johnny Rocco” (AA). Sturdy $8,000. Last week, “Up Periscope” (WB) and “Gunsmoke Ih Tucson” (AA), $6,500. Majestic (SW) (2,200; 65-80)— “Streetcar Named Desire” (WB) and “Flaming Frontier” (WB) reis¬ sues). Happy $8,000. Last week, “Rally Round Flag” (20th) (3d wk), $7,000. State (Loew) (3,200; 90-$1.25)— “Gigi” (M-G). Heading for wow $20,000. Last Week, “Separate Tables” (UA) (3d wk), $7,500. Strand (National Realty) (2,200; 65-80)—“These 1000 Hills” (20th) and “R Murder” (20th). Very slow $4,000. Last week, “Stranger In Arms” (U), $6,000. K.C. Biz Off; ‘Stranger’ Bright $7,500, ‘Orchid’ Fair 6G, lame’61G, 11 Kansas City, March 17. Moderate trend on tap this week Is really in keeping with most of product. “Stranger in My Arms,” at the Uptown, is probably the best newcomer, and due to hold. “Black Orchid” at Paramount and “Night of the Quarter Moon” at Midland are both moderate. “Auntie Mame” gains some momentum on windup week at the Roxy, setting a record for length of run at house, except¬ ing the road-show pix. Fox Mid- I west three-house combo has “Blood ; of Vampire” for fair returns. Estimates for This Week Isis, Fairway, Granada (Fox Mid¬ west) (1,360; 700; 1,217; 75-90) “Blood of Vampire” (U) and “Monster on Campus” (U). Fair $7,000. Last week, “These 1,000 Hills” (20th) and “Alaska Passage” (20th), $7,500. Kimo (Dickinson) (504; 90-$1.25) —“God Created Woman” ( Kin gs) (58th wk). Okay $1,000, stays. Last week, same. Midland (Loew) (3,500; 75-$l) — “Night of Quarter Moon” (M-G) and “Kill Her Gently” (Col). Slow $5,500. Last week, “Journey” (M-G) and “Nowhere To Go” (M-G), $8,000. Missouri (Cinerama) (1,194; $1.25- $2) — “South Seas Adventure” (Cinerama)’ (14th wk). Steady $8,000. Last week,*same. Paramount (UP) (1,900; 75-$l)— “Black Orchid” (Par). Fair $6,000. Last week, “The Trap” (Par) and “As Young As We Are” (Par), ditto. RockhiU (Little Art Theatres) (750; 90-$1.15) —“Horse’s Mouth" (Lopert) (2d wk). Sock $4,000, as Guuness breaks all records in over two year’s of operation of art policy here. Holds on. Last week, great $4,500 and new high. Roxy (Durwood) (879; 90-$1.25- $1.50)—“Auntie Mame” (WB) (11th wk). Fancy $6,500, as run closes out with records for length of run and total gross, excepting road shows. Last week. $4,800. Uptown (Fox Midwest) (2,043; 75-$l)—“Stranger In Arms” (U). Bright $7,500; holds. Last week, “Rally Round Flag” (20th) (3d wk), $4,000/ Gleve. Sags; ‘Old Man’ OK 11G, ‘Mating’ Same Cleveland, March 17. Biz at first-runs here currently is only lightweight with few new¬ comers and most of them routine to poor. “Old Man and Sea” is average at the Allen while "I* Mobster” looks poor at the Hipp. “Mating Game,” however, shapes okay at the State, and is holding. Estimates for This Week Allen (SW) (3,800; 85-$1.50)— “Old Man and the Sea” (WB). Average $11,000. Last week “Rally Round Flag Boys” (20th) (2d wk), $10,500. Continental Art (Art Theatre Guild) (850; $1.25)—“Affairs of Julie” (Indie). Weak $900. Last week, “Bolero de Raquel” (Col), Si 900 Heights Art (Art Theatre Guild) (925; $1.25)—“Horse’s Mouth” (Lopert) (5th wk). Good $2,600 after $3,300 last week. Lower Mall (Community) (500; 70-90)—'“Pituri” (Indie) and “Lash of Penitents” (Indie) (reissues). Routine $1,900. Last week, “Three Feet in Bed” (Indie) and “Tides I of Passion” (Indie), $8,200. Hippodrome (Telem’t) (3,700; 85- $1.25)—“Revolt in Big House” and “I, Mobster” (20th). Poor $8,000. Last week, “Hanging Tree” (WB), $ 10 , 000 . ; Ohio (Loew) (1,244; $1.25-$2.50) I —“Separate Tables” (UA) (m.o.). f Bright $5,000 for fifth downtown lap after $7,000. Palace (SW-Cinerama) (1,523; $L25-$2.40)—“South Seas Adven¬ ture” (Cinerama) (15th wk). Okay $12,500. Last week, $14,300. State (Loew) (3,500; 70-90)— “Mating Game” (M-G). Oke $11,- 000; holds. Last week, “Trap” (Par). $8,000. Stillman (Loew) (2,700; 85-$1.25) —“Place in Sun” (Par)* and “Stalag 17” (Par) (reissues). Okay $5,000. Last week, “Lonelyhearts” (UA), $4,500. W Hefty 14G, Pitt; ‘Beauty’ 18G Pittsburgh, March 17. Lent is cutting in sharply but “Sleeping Beauty" continues to hold up smash at Nixon in second week. And “House on Haunted Hill” will do surprisingly well at Stanley and may hold. “Journey” is below expectations at Penn and second sessions for both “Night to Remember” at Fulton and “Up Periscope” at Harris are off. “South Seas Adventure” sliding off at Warner while “He. Who Must Die” is dipping at Guild. Estimates for This Week Fulton "(Shea) (1,700; 80-$1.25)— “Night to Remember” (Rank) (2d wk). • Weak $3,500. Last week, $5,000. Guild (Green) (500; 99-$1.25)— “He Who Must Die” (Kassler) (3d wk. Going downhill but okay at $1,800. Last week, $2,700. Harris (Harris) (2,165; 80-$1.25) —“Up Periscope” (WB) (2d wk). Coming out after six days at less than $4,000, lean. Last week, $7,000. Nixon (Rubin) (1,500; 90-$1.80)— “Sleeping Beauty” (2d wk). May top the opening stanza, which was his by three days of miserable weather and fell away from expec¬ tations. Smash $18,000. Last week, $17,500. Penn (UA) (3,300; 90-$1.50)— "Journey” (M-G). Figured to do much better. Will stay nine days (Continued on page 24) Cincinnati, March 17. General improvement looms for Cincy first-runs this session. Bol¬ stering comes from three new bills, topped by “House on Haunted Hill,” drastic in double dating at down¬ town Keith’s and Shor’s Twin Drive-In.” “Journey” shapes fair at the big Albee and “Trap” is okay at Palace. “Auntie Mame” continues to breeze after setting local record pop price run, in 11th downtown week, now at Grand “Rally Round Flag” remains hefty in fourth frame in inaugurating first-run policy at the suburban Valley. Hard-ticket “South Seas Adventure” is regaining solid status after last week’s crippling blizzard. Estimates for This Week Albee (RKO) (3,100; 90-$1.25) — “Journey” (M-G). Fair $9,500. Last week, “Black Orchid” (Par), $8,000. Capitol (SW-Cinerama) (1,376; $1.20-62.65)—’“South Seas Adven- Despite being helped slightly by St. Patrick’s Day, yesterday (Tues.), the current session on Broadway generally is swinging low, with too many weak holdovers to make much of a showing. Sur¬ prise five-inch snowstorm last Thursday sloughed business that day and on through Friday. Many spots are marking time to bring in their Easter pictures today or within the next seven days. "Sheriff of Fractured Jaw” looks to hit only fair $21,000 in opening round at the Paramount. “Law Is the Lav/” .was smash $11,400 at the arty Baronet for initial session. “The Journey” with stageshow looks to round out its fourth-final week at the Music Hall with .an okay $100,000. The Hall brings in its annual Easter stageshow' and “Green Mansions” tomorrow' (Thurs.). “Sleeping Beauty” held at spck $34,000 or close in fourth frame at the Criterion. -“Stranger in My Arms” looks fine $10,600 in second round (9 days) at the Odeon. Other second- weekers are limping. “Night of Quarter Moon” was slow $15,000 or near at the Capitol. “Up Peri¬ scope” and stageshow was light $29,000 at the Roxy, “Lonely¬ hearts” was lean $10,400 or close at the Victoria. . "Separate Tables” is holding solidly w'ith .$17,000 in current (13th) stanza at the Astor and big $9,500 in same week at the Nor¬ mandie. “Gigi” rounded out its 19th session at the Sutton with -a. great $18,400. and now is well- along in the 20th week. “He Who Must Die” held with a solid $8,300 in its 11th round at the bandbox Beekman. “Shaggy Dog” replaces “Doctor’s Dilemma” tomorrow' at the Trans-Lux 52d Street. “Dog” . opens day-date at the Odeon. “Diary of Anne Frank” preems at the Palace tonight (Wed.) with a charity benefit after 11 weeks plus five days of “Rally Round Flag, Boys.” “Rio Bravo” with new stageshow opens today (Wed.) at the Roxy. “South Seas Adventure” wound its 34th stanza with an okay $21,- 600 at the Warner. Estimates for This Week Astor (City Inv.) (1,094; 75-$2)— “Separate Tables” (UA) (13th wk). This session winding today (Wed.) is heading for fancy $17,000. The 12th week, $20,200. Baronet (Reade) (430; $1.25-$2W “The Law Is the Law” (Cont) (2d wk). Initial round completed Mon¬ day (16) was smash $11,400, second biggest money for a French pic here. In ahead, “My Uncle” (Cont) (18th wk-8 days), $7,000. Beekman (R&B) (590; $1.20-$1.75) — “He Who Must Die” (Kassler) (12th wk). The 11th stanza finished Saturday (14) was solid $8,300. The 10th week, $9,100. Capitol (Loew) (4,820; $l-$2.50> “Night of Quarter Moon” (M-G) (3d wk). Second session ended yesterday (Tues.) was slow $15,000 or close. First was $24,500. ^‘Tem¬ pest” (Par) opens next, likely March 25. Criterion (Moss) (1,671; 90-$2.40) —"Sleeping Beauty” (BV) (5th wk). Fourth frame finished last night. (Tues.) was sock $34,000 or near. Third was $39,000. Fine Arts (Davis) <468; 90-$1.80) ture” (Cinerama) (20th wk). Swell $14,000. Last week, $12,000. Grand (RKO) (1,400; 90-$1.50)— "Auntie Mame” (WB) (m.o.) (4th wk). Potent $6,000, same as last week, in setting new Cincy record of 11th weeks for pop-price pic run. Will probably hold. Keith’s (Shor) (1,500; 90-$l,25)— “House on Haunted Hill” (AA). Fright deviation from house policy shaping for wow $10,000 or better, including hordes of youngsters at 35c reduced tab. Like gross looms for dual showing, without Emergo process, on one side of double screen at Shor’s Twin Drive-In. Palace (RKO) (2,600; 90-$1.10)— “Trap” (Par). Oke $8,000 or close. Last week, “Hanging Tree” (WB), $9,000, at 90-$1.25 scale. Valley (Wiethe) (1,200; $1-$1.50) —“Rally Round Flag” (20th) (4th wk). In stride with list week’s hefty $10,000. Holds for fifth week., —"Two-Headed Spy” (Col) (3d wk). Initial holdover week finished Sun¬ day (15) was smooth $9,000. Opener was $11,500. 55th St. Playhouse (Moss) (300; $1.25-$1.80) — “Miracle of St. Therese” (Ellis) (5th wk). This rotmd is heading for solid $4,200. The fourth was $4,100. Guild (Guild) (450; $1-$1.75) — “Adventures Tom Sawyer” (NTA) (reissue). Opened yesterday (Tues.). In ahead, “Cry From Streets” (3d wk-8 days), mild $6,000 after $7,000 in second regular week. Normandie (Trans - Lux) (592; $1.80-$2.80) — “Separate Tables” * UA) (13th wk). This session wind¬ ing ud today (Wed) is heading for big $9,500. The 12th week was the same. Palace (RKO) (1,642; $1.50-$3)— “Diary of Anne Frank” (20tli). Opens tonight (Wed.) with a charity preem. Last week, “Rally Round Flag” (20th) (12th \vk-5 days), slight $8,200 after $7,400 in 11th full we°k at $2 top on grind. Odeon (Moss) (813; 90-$1.80)— “Stranger in My Arms” (U) (2d wk-9 days). This round finishing up today (Wed.) looks to hit fine $10,600 in extended session. Open¬ ing week was $10,300. “Shaggy Dog” (BV) onens tomorrow (Thurs.) Paramount (AB-PT) (3,665; $l-$2) —“Sheriff of Fractured Jaw” (20th). Initial stanza winding up tomorrow (Thurs.) looks like fair $21,000. Holding. In ahead, “Penny- packer’.’ 1 20th) (3d wk), $20,000. “Jaw” holds only two weeks, with “Sound and Furj” (20th) then due in. Paris (Pathe Cinema) (568; 90- $1.80)—“Horse’s Mouth” (Lopert) (19th wk). The 18th session com¬ pleted Sunday (15) was big $9,800. The 17th week, $10,200. Radio City Music Hall (Rocke¬ fellers) (6,200; 90-$2.75) — “The Journey” (M-G) and stageshow (4th-final wk). This round ending today (Wed.) looks like okay $100.- 000 being hard hit by Thursday’s snowstorm. The third was $110,000. “Green Mansions” (M-G) and Easter stageshow opens tomorrow (Thurs.). Rivoli (UAT) (1,545; $2-$3.50)— “South Pacific” (Magna) (24th wk). (Continued on page 24) Balto Slow But ‘Beauty’ Brisk $11,000 in 4th; ‘Stranger’ 5G, ‘Flag’ 6G Baltimore, March 17. Top new pic here is “Case of Dr. Laurent” w'hich opened great at the Five West. Also on the happy side is “Sleeping Beauty,” fast in fourth at the New and. “Rally Round Flag, Boys” pleasant in third at the Century. “Stranger in My Arms” is disappointing in first stanza at the Town while “Night to Remember” is only fair in opener at the Mayfair. “Hanging Tree” is okay in second round at the Hipp but “The Journey” looms drab in second at the Stanley. Estimates for This Week Century dR-F) (3,100; 50-$1.50) . “Rally Roufifc Flag” (20th) (3d wk>. Warm $6,000 after $7,500 in second. Cinema (Schwaber) (460; 90- $1.50)—“Nine Lives” (Indie) (2d wk). Modest $2,000 after $2,500 in first. Five West (Schwaber) (460; 90- $1.50)—“Case of Dr. Laurent” (T-L). Lusty $3,500. Last week, “Horse’s Mouth” (Lopert) (11th wk), $2,000. Hippodrome (R-F) (2,300; 50- $1.25)—“Hanging Tree” (WB) (2d wkl. Fair $7,000 after $9,000 opener. Little (R-F) (300; 50-$1.25)— “Lovers and Thieves” (Indie). Oke $1,500. Last week. “Tale of Two Cities” (Rank). $1,500. Mayfair (R-F) (900; 50-S1.25)— “Night to Remember” (Rank). Fair $4,000. Last week, “Never Steal Anything Small” (U) (2d wk), $3,000. New (R-F) (1,600; 90-$1.50)— "Sleeping Beauty” (BV) (4th wk). Fancy $11,000 after $13,000 in thwd week. Playhouse (Schwaber) (460; 90- $1.50)—“Doctor’s Dilemma” (M-G) (6th wk). Pushed to $2,700 after $2,200 in fifth. Stanley (R-F) (3,200; 50-$1.50)— "Journey” (M-G) (2d wk). Dull $5,000 after $8,000 opener. Town (R-F) (1,125; 50-$l-25)— “Stranger in. Arms” (U). Slow $5,- 000. Last week, "Separate Tables’* (UA) (4th wk), $4,500. Cincy Improves; W Wow $10,000, ‘Journey Fair Trap’ Oke 8G