Variety (March 1959)

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sa LEGITIMATE Pfi&IETY Wednesday, March 18, 1959 | CASTING NEWS jj Following are available parts in upcoming Broadway, - off-Broad- way touring, films K industrial and television shows. All information has been obtained directly by the Variety Casting Department by tele¬ phone calls, and has been rcche.cked as of noon yesterday ( Tues.). The arai able roles will be repeated weekly until filled, and addi¬ tions to the lift will be made only when information is secured from respons: ble parties.. The intention is to service performers with leads provided by the managements of the shows involved rather than to rim a b-vgthy list of blind items. In adJi'ion to the available parts listed, the tabulation includes pro¬ ductions announced for later this season, but > for which, the manage¬ ments, as ye:, aren't holding open casting calls. Parenthetical designa¬ tions are as joliows: .(C) Conteay, (D) Drama, (MCi Musical Comedy, {MD > Musical Drama, (Rep) Repertory, {DR) Dramatic Reading. Legit BROADWAY “Flight to Matin” iMD). Produc¬ er, Jamieson Productions, 350 V/. 57th St.; Dirtclor, Clay Yurden; musical director, Alfred Ricky. Available parts; femme lead, 26- 28. Spanisn type singer; femme lead, 16. singer, American teen¬ age type; male singer, 38, American, slim, Don Ameehe type; male singer, 45-50, Spanish-dicta- tor type, stocky; male, 17, Ameri¬ can teei.age s.ngcr; femme singer, 28-30. beautiful, sophisticated; male singer, 19. Latin appearance, Ivy League manner; two male charac¬ ter comedian-singers. Mail photo and resume to producers. “Flower Drum Song” (MC>. Pro¬ ducers, Ricn^rd Rodgers, Oscar Hammerstem 2d & Joseph Fields. Male and fe.ii*; e dancers-singers- actors of Oriental appearance for the contemplated touring and Eng¬ lish companies. Mail photo and resume to Eddie Blum, c/o Rodgers & Hammerstein. 483 Madison Ave. “Happy Town” (MC). Producers, B & M Theatre Productions. Equity ensemble calls April 13-14. Open calls for ensemble April 16-17. Theatre and time schedule for auditions to be set. “Sure Sign of Spring” (MC). Producer, NET Production, 234 \V. 44th St., director, John Stix; chor¬ eographer, Matt Mattox. Parts: Femme lead. French, early 20’s, sensitive, loneh*; male, co-lead, middleaged ex-fccctlegcer. ex-car¬ nival man; male, co-lead, Scot, late 20’s, dour, proud, husky fisherman; femme comedy lead, middleaged, realistic French businesswoman; male comedv lead. Scot, boastful affable, nrddlea^ed retired sea captain; male, late 40’s, French vil¬ lage priest, strong, raw-boned; femme singer, early 30’s, hard- talking; male, gentle, close mouth¬ ed. giant; also, rugged fishermen, elderly villagers. innocent young people and children of all ages. Mail photo and resume to pro¬ ducers. OFF-BROADWAY “Father” (D*. Producer, Living Theatre, 530 Sixth Ave.; director Julian Beck. To be presented in repertory with the current “Many Loves.” Parts, experience required: male lead* classical style, for 100- year-old; femme, white or Negro brooding, powerful physically and In speech; male, to appear 15 and able to age as play progresses. Mail photo and resume to director. “Once Upon a Mattress” (MC). Producers, T. Edward Hambleton, Norris Houghton, Phoenix Theatre, N.Y, Casting through agents only. “Season of .Choice” (D). Pro¬ ducers, Bowden, Barr & Bullock, 137 W. 48th St. Available parts: southerd girl, 18, personality; mill- worker, 20, forthright; character juvenile, southern, weak but like¬ able; femme character, neurotic, most be able to portray ages of 25 to 45; male character, southern weak, to play business man 30 to 50; femme character 35, south¬ ern aristocrat, warm but weak, drinks; male Negro servant, to play 40 to 60. Accepting photo and resume by mail. Untitled Musical, Producers, Joseph Beruh & Peter Katz; direc¬ tor, Lawrence Carra. Parts avail¬ able. Male comedian, 20’s; come¬ dienne, 20’s; r (nale,‘ 20’s healthy extravert; few small parts; chorus of singers and dancers (Equity and non-Equity) and few character roles. Phone producers at CH 2-9609 for appointment. OUT OF TOWN “Lil Abner” (MC). Producers, Guher, Ford & Gross; general manager, Marvin Krauss, 136 W. 55th St., N.Y.C. Will accept photo and resume of candidates for a new company and replacements for the current touring troupe. “The Law and Mr. Simon” (C). Producers, Guber, Ford & Gross. Available parts: (character parts art Jewish); 50-60, character moth- : er; good hearted but nagging, dom¬ inating; 22-25, femme attorney, briht, attractive; 30-40. unimagina¬ tive divorcee with daughter seeking husband; boy, 7, Quiz Kid type, unspoiled; male, 50-60. character, successHul manufacturer; male, lead, early 30‘s romantic interest, lawyer; male, 35-io, character, romantic, de¬ partment store buyer, male, mid 2G’s, camp counsellor type. Rehears¬ als start early May. Summer tryout tour for Broadway entry in fall. Mail photo and resume to Marvin A. Kraurs, 136 \7. 55th St., N.Y'.C. STOCK Guber, Ford & Gross; general manager. Marvin Krauss, 136 W. 55th St., N.Y.C. Candidates sub¬ mitting resumes and photo should indicate for which of the follow¬ ing projects they’re applying: as replacements in current “Li’l Abner” touring company, regular parts in the forthcoming stock- touring packages of “Li’l Abner.” “Belis are Ringing,” “Say, Dar¬ ling,” etc., or the tryout produc¬ tion of “The Law and Mr. Simon.” Mail to general manager above address. TOURING PACKAGES “Bells are Ringing” (MC>. Pro¬ ducer, Stanley Prager, 47 W. 44th St., N.Y.C. accepting photo and resume by mail; casting all parts. “Li’l Abner” (MC). Same casting setup as for “Bells Are Ringing” (see above). Stage & Arena Guild of America, (SAGA, Inc.), 140 W. 55th St., N.Y. Accepting photo and resumes for packages and sum ».er theatres af¬ filiated with SAGA. Seeking Equity jobbers, resident compa¬ nies, technicians and apprentices. The Affiliates are: Show Shop, Canton, Conn.; Durham (N.C.) Star Playhouse; Legion* Star Play¬ house. Ephrata, Pa.; Scottish Rite Theatre. Harrisburg, Pa.; Starlight Theatre, Pawling, NY.; Gateway Playhouse, Somers Point, N.J. (see individual cities below). Casting through Warren Hein, c/o SAGA. ALLENTOWN, PA. Guthsvfllc Plavfcouse, P. O. Box 1125; Producer-director, John Cameron. Equity, non-Equity players and apprentices sought for 18-week season; mail photo and res- jme to producer, c/o theatre. Casting April 24-25 in New York. ATLANTA, GA. Theatre-Under-ihe-Stars (Muni¬ cipal Theatre. Inc.); producer- director. Eric Mattson, 35-15 75th St.* Jackson Heights, N.Y\ Accept¬ ing photo and resume of Broad¬ way and steel: credits.. Mail to pro¬ ducer. Equ.ty call for singers, 1-3 p.m.: femr'° dancers 3-4 d m.-ma’s dancers, 4-fi p.m. March 25 at Showcase Studios. 950 Eight Ave., NYC. BELLPORT, N. Y. Gateway Playhouse* Producer, H. C. Pomeran; director, David Sheldon. (Equity and non-Equity) Equity actors to be experienced teachers -o: acting, speech,, dance, or music. Non-Equity musical tal¬ ent will b? auditioned in April. Mail photo and resume to the play- ! house for possible interviews. Ap¬ prentice applicants should state age. BEVF.RI EY, MASS. North Shore Music Theatre. Pro¬ ducer, Stephan Slane. Call for Equity sln'-vs March 31; femme. 1 p.m.; ma'e 3 p.m. Open calls, April 1: same schedule ?.s Equity at the Showcase, £50 Eighth Ave., N. Y. BI AUVELT, N.Y. Rockland County Playhouse; pruducer, AlwIn Leber. Mail photo and resume lo the theatre, 474 Greenbush Road,. Blauvelt, N.Y. Casting to start in May. CALUMET, MICH. Keweenaw Playhouse. Producer- director, Paul Barry, 407 W. 54th St., N. Y. 19.; Associate producer, Robert Keegan; general manager, Deirdre Keegan. Casting begins week of April 6. Interested in resi¬ dent compary only; also need de¬ signer and pressagent. Mail photo and resume to producer-director. Interested in nor-union actor-tech¬ nicians for junior staff. CANAL F'TLTON, O. Canal Fulton Summer Theatre* Producers, David Fulford & Wil¬ liam Dempsey, 60 W. 45th St., N.Y. Mail photo and resume to producers. CANTON, CONN. Show Shop. Producer, Robert U. Andrews. Same casting setup as for. Stage & Arena Guild of America (see above). CAPE MAY, N.J* Cape May Playhouse. Produc¬ ers, Thomas White & Reid Perry, 159 W. 49th St;, N.Y'.C. Accepting photo and resume of stock credits, by mail:only. CEDAR GROVE, N. J. Dailey’s Meadowbrook (Music Theatre-in-tlie-Round Restaurant). Producers, Clifford Dailey. Gary McHugh, Carl Sawyer; director, Donald Burr. Casting through agents only. Chorus calls to be announced. Opens April 21 with “Guys and Dolls.” CHICAGO Drury Lane Theatre. N.Y. Rep¬ resentative, Floyd F. Ackerman, 573 Fifth Ave., N.Y. 33; PL 8-2000. Usually books stars only from N.Y’. office; agents or packagers with available boxoffice names contact Ackerman at the above, address and phone. . COIIASSET. MASS. South Shore Music Circus. Pro¬ ducer. Ray C. Johnson. Prefer casting principal roles through agents, but candidates may obtain parts or phone Jack Yorke, Cl 5-4042, after March 19. Equity cell for singers April 2: male at 10-12 noon; femme at 1:30-4 p.m. Open calls for singers April 3, same time schedule as Equity. Auditions at Showcase Studios, 950 Eighth Ave., N.Y.C. COLUMBUS, O. Playhouse-on-the-Green (Colum¬ bus Theatre Co.). General man¬ ager, Joseph K. Weaver; director, Phillip : Pruneau. Seeking Equity company, apprentices and designer. Mail photo and resume to general manager. Box 306, Worthington, O. Casting in April. _. CONCOEDVILLE, PA. Brandywine Music Circus. Pro¬ ducer, St. John Terrell. Same cast¬ ing setup as for Music Circus, Rose- croft, Md. (see above). DAYTON, O. Dayton Theatre Festival. Pro¬ ducer. Douglas Crawford, 40 W. 55th St., N.Y. Mail photo and re¬ sume of Broadway and stock cred¬ its to producer. (Equity and non- Equity): Will alternate six straight plays and six musicals. DEVON, PA. Valley Forge Music Fair. Pro¬ ducers, Guber, Ford & Gross; gen¬ eral manager, Marvin A. Krauss, 136 W. 55th St., N.Y.C. (Same management also operates Had- donfield, N.J.; Springfield, Mass., and Westbury, L.I.—see below). Scheduled productions include “Bells Are Ringing,” “Li’l Abner,” “Say, Darling.” Mail. photo and resume to Krauss, at above ad¬ dress. Equity and open calls for singers March . 24. Equity male, 10 a:m.-12 noon; femme, 12 noon-2 p.m.; open calls male, 2-4 p.m.; femme, 4-6 p.m. Equity and open calls for dancers, March 25, same time schedule as singers. Finals for singers April 6 and dancers April 7. All auditions, Nola Stein¬ way Studios, 113 W. 57th St., N.Y.C. in the Concert Hall. Pro¬ duction. personnel needed (stage managers and assistants, house managers, treasurers, technical di¬ rectors, directors, choreographers, musical directors). Address in¬ quires to Krauss. Companies will tour including ensemble, principals, stage managers and assistants, musical directors). DURHAM, N.C. Durham Star Playhouse. No producer set. Casting setup same as for Stage & Arena Guild of America (see above). EPHRATA, PA. Legion Star Playhouse. No pro¬ ducer set. Same casting setup as for Stage & Arena Guild of Amer¬ ica (see above). FORT WORTH Casa Manana Musicals, Associate producer-director, Michael Pollock. Casting through agents only at present; open casting later. Sched¬ ule opening June 8 with "Wonder¬ ful Town.” No New York office set as yet. « HADDONFIELD, N.J. Camden County Music Fair. Pro¬ ducers, Guber, Ford & Gross; gen¬ eral manager, Marvin Krauss. Same management and casting pro¬ cedure as for the Valley Forge Music Fair, Devon, Pa. (see above). HARRISBURG, PA. Scottish Rite Theatre. Producer, Robert T. Seymour. Casting through Warren Hein, c/o Stage & Arena Guild of America (see above). HIGHLAND PARK, ELL. Musie Theatre. Producer, Herb Rogers. Esemble call for Equity and open call, April 3-5; 3-10 P.m., at Patricia Stevens Agency, 22 W. Madison, 6th floor, Chicago. Equity call for dancers April 7: male at 1-2 pm., femme at 2-3 p.m.; open calls, male at 3-4 pm., femme at 4 p.m. Equity calls for singers April 8: male at 10-11:30 a.m., femme at 11:30 a.m.-l p.m.; open calls: male at 2-4 p.m., femme at 4-6 p.m. Auditions at the Vari¬ ety Arts Studios. 225 W. 4Gth St.. N.Y.C. Mail Broadway and stock credits to Producer, 57 W. 45th St., St., N.Y.C. Tenthouce Theatre. Producer. Herb Rogers. Mail photo ' and resume of Broadway end st.iok credits to Producer, 57 W. 43th St., N. Y’. KYANNIS, MASS. Cape Cod Melody Tent. Pro¬ ducer* Ray C. Johnson. Prefer casting principals through agents performers who wish principle i roles phone Arnold Goodman, Cl 5-4042 after March 19. Ensemble call for Equity singers April 2: male at 10 a.m.-12 noon, femme at 1:30-4 p.m. Open calls April 3. same scheduled as Equity. Audi¬ tions at the Showcase Studios, 950 Eighth Ave., N.Y.C. JONES BEACH, N. Y. “Song of Norway” (MD), to be repeated from mid-June through Sept. 7 at Jones Beach, N.Y - . Pro¬ ducers, Leonard Ruskin & Guy Lombardo. 730 Fifth Ave. N.Y.C. Parts available for leading and ensemble singers, ensemble dancers. Mail photo and resume to above address. LAMBERTVILLE, N.J., Music Circus. Producer, St. John Terrell. Same casting setup as for Music Circus, Rosecroft, Md. (see above). NEPTUNE, N.J. Neptune Music Circus. Producer, St. John Terrell. Same casting set¬ up as for Music Circus, Rosecroft, Md. (see above). NEW HOPE, PA. Bucks County Playhouse; pro¬ ducer, Michael Ellis. Mail photo and resume of Broadway and stock credits to Jack Lenny, c/o Lenny- Debin, 140 W. 58th St. N.Y. PAWLING* N.Y. Starlight Theatre. Producer, Iscbel Rose Jones. Casting through Warren Hein, c/o Staeg & Arena Guild of America (above). ROSECROFT, MD. Music Circus. Producer, St. John Terrell. (Same management also operates Lambertville, N.J.; Nep¬ tune, N.J.; Rye, N.Y., and Concord- ville. Pa.—see below). Equity calls for singers, March 18: male, 10:2“ a.m.; femme, 2:30 p.m.; open calls 4 p.m. Equity call for dancers March 19, same schedule as singers. -Auditions at the Variety Arts Stu¬ dios, 225 W. 46th St. SHARON CONN. Sharon Playhouse. Managing director, William Swire, 1545 .Broadway, N.Y. Tryouts for resi- i dent company and. jobbers in N.Y. 'early April. Auditions and inter¬ views by appointments only. Mail photo and resume to managing di¬ rector. Apprentices also con¬ sidered. SKANEATELES, N. Y. Lyric Circus Light Opera Assn, (formerly Finger Lake Lyric Cir¬ cus). Producer, Walter Davis; co¬ producer, Robert K. Adams; Direc¬ tor, David Davis; Business man¬ ager, Virginia Davis. Principles and features casted through agents only. Opening June 23, with “Say Darling.” SOMERS POINT, N.J. Gateway Playhouse. Producer. Jonathan Dwight. Same casting setup as for Stage & Arena Guild of America (see above). SPRINGFIELD, MASS. Storrowton Music Fair. Pro¬ ducers, Guber, Ford & Gross; gen¬ eral manager, Marvin Krauss. Same as Valley Forge Music Fair, Devon, Pa. (see above). ST. LOUIS Municipal Opera Assn. Equity call for male dancers Ivlarch 23 at 11 a.m., at Variety Art Studios, 225 W. 46th St., N. Y. STOCKBRIDGE, MASS. Berkshire Playhouse, executive director, Nikos Psacharopoulos. Tryouts for two resident companies and jobbers to be held in New York late in March. Auditions and inter¬ views by appointment only. Mail photo and resume to Psacharop¬ oulos, c/o Yale School of Drama, New Haven. WALLINGFORD, CONN. Oakdale Music Theatre. Produc¬ ers, Ben Segal & Robert Hall. Same casting time place and schedule as Warwick (R.IJ Musical Theatre (see below). WARWICK, R.I. Warwick Musical Theatre; pro¬ ducer, Burton L. 'Bonoff & Ben Segal: Equity calls for dancers March 24: male, 10 a.m.; femme, 12 noon. Equity calls for singers [.same day: femme, 2 p.m.; male, 4 p.m. Open calls March 25, same schedule as Equity. Auditions held at Showcase Studios, 950 Eighth Ave., N.Y.C. Finals, March 26. WESTBORO, MASS. Red Bant Theatre. Producer, Bill Harp, 124 Remsea St., Brook¬ lyn 1, N.Y.; manager, Wilfon E. Lafferty. Planning 26 week sea¬ son. Mail photo and resume of Broadway and stock credits to pro¬ ducer. Casting direct and through agents. WESTBURY, L.I., N.Y. Westbury Music Fair. Producers, Guber, Ford & Gross; general man¬ ager, Marvin Krauss. Same as Val¬ ley Forge Music Fair, Devon, Pa. (see above). • V.TLLIAK5TOWN, MASS. Williamstcwn Theatre Founda¬ tion, executive director, Nikos Psacharopoulos. Same casting pro¬ cedure as for Berkshire Playhouse, Stockbridge, Mass, (see above). BALLET Ballet Florence & Frederic De Paris, c'o Music Corp. of America, 598 Madison Ave., N.Y. 22. Avail¬ able parts for femme dancers, 5' 5!2 m - 5’ 6!a” (without shoes); mod¬ ern ballet essential. Male dancers, 5 ft. 9 in., well built, modern. For tour of U.S. and Europe. Mail photo and' resume do not apply in person. “Ballets: U.S.A.” Producer, Le¬ land Hayward in association with International Cultural Program. Director - choreographer, Jerome Robbins. Parts for dancers expert in classic, jazz and comedy tech¬ niques. Mail letter detailing quali¬ fications, background and experi¬ ence, address, Jerome Robbins, c/o Leland Hayward, 655 Madison Ave., New York 21. FUTURE SHOWS “And So Farewell” (D). Pro¬ ducer, Norman Twain (no produc¬ tion office set). “Before the Fall” (D). Pro¬ ducers, Betty Lee Hunt & Ira Cirker (ho production office set). “Lend An Ear” (MR). Producers, Stephan Slane & Jenny Lou Law, (no production office set). “Let’s Go Steady” (MC)—pro¬ ducer Edward Padula (1501 Broad¬ way, LA 4-4860). “Purging of Simon Madden” (C). Producer, Norman Twain (sea above). “Satin Legs Smith” (MC). Pro¬ ducer, Warren Coleman, 729 Sev¬ enth Ave. “Skin Deep” (MC). Producers, P. R. B. Productions. “Tobacco Road” (CD). Producer, David Moss Productions, 580 Fifth Ave. SHOWS IN REHEARSAL BROADWAY “Gypsy” (M). Producers, David Merrick & Leland Hayward, 246 W. 44th St., LO 3-0830. “Kataki” (D). Producer, Jay Garon, 224 E. 33d St. OFF-BROADWAY “Come Play With Me” (MC). Producers. Helen Bonfils & Haila Stoddard, 16 W. 55th St. Innocents” (D). Producer Henry Cort c/o Richard Homer, 165 W. 46th St. “Our Town” (CD): Producers, Leigh Connell, Theodore Mann & Jose Quintero, c/o Circle in the Square, N.Y. “Ping Pong*’ (C). Producers, Edward Hochman, 2 Grove St., WA 9-9122. “Smokeweaver’s Daughter” (D). Producer, Charles Olsen c/o East 4th St., Theatre. SIGNED BROADWAY Gypsy: Jody Lane, Dennis Joel, Billy Harris, Bobby Brown, Peg Murray, Michael Mignuele, Ricky Cowl, Don Emmons. OFF-BROADWAY Our Town: Robert Charles, Michael J. Pollard, Mary’ Louise Wilson, Julie Follansbee, John Dob¬ son, Marcia Stillman, George Segal. Helen Harrelson (succeed¬ ing Jean Muir). Season of Choice: Betsy von Furstenberg, Douglas Watson. Well of the Saints: Stuart Ger¬ main, Mary Fogarty, Jared Reed, Martha Orrick. OUT OF TOWN Stratford (Conn.) Shakespeare Festival: Aline MacMahon. Stratford (Ontario) Shakespear¬ ean Festival: Ted Follows, Max Pelpmann, Mervyn Blake, John Horton. John Vernon, Kate Reid, William Hutt, William Needles, Down Greenhalgh, Garrick Hagen, Powys Thomas, Ann Morrish, Roberta Maxwell,. John Gardiner, Bill Glover, Jeremy Wilkins, Anna Reiser, Bernard Behrens, Alexis Kanner, Walter Massey. Television CBS-TY. Casting Marc Merson, 524 w; 57th St. N.Y. Available part for attractive femme, 17-19. Send photo and resume to Merson, above address, by* mail only. “Camera Three,” educational, drama, CBS; producer, John Mc- (Continued on page 94)