Variety (March 1959)

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CHATTER 93 Wednesday, March 18, 1959 Broadway '«! London jnusic publisher Reg Connelly due in next month from a Nassau vacation, on business, en ' - route back to England. John Springer, 20th-Fox mag- ■J azine contact, joining the Arthur P. Jacobs outfit. He’ll handle film and tv personalities. Ethel Colby, only femme N.Y. drama scribe, to Miami Beach to cover Florida’s amusement spots for Journal of Commerce. Museum of Modem Art, N. Y. will present “An Evening with Marlene Dietrich” on April 7 as a benefit for the Museum’s art film library. Victor (Bethscheider), vet maitre d’ at the Hotel Roosevelt Grill, ailing at his Brentwood (N.J.) home. Gene is subbing while Victor recoups. Beat generation novelist Jack Kerouac prefers to get along with¬ out a phone at his Northport, L.I., ! residence. To make contact you’ve got to.send him a telegram. Louis Sobol, N.Y. Journal Amer¬ ican syndicated columnist, has been named chairman of the nit- ery division of the N.Y.C. Cancer Committee’s April Crusade. . Hotels Astor and Manhattan among the first of the Times Sq. spots to open earlier for Wednes- > day luncheons (11:30 am.), in line j with the earlier 2 p.m. legit ma- tinees. Emmett Rogers. Robert Weiner ' 1 with Howard Lindsay and Russel | Crouse, producers and authors of ! “Tall Story,” marking playwright- r j actor Marc Connelly’s upping to i star billing-the occasion of a post- I theatre party | MCA board chairman Jules C. : Stein probably out of Harkness Pavilion the end of this week or early next, following minor surgery and will recoup at his Sutton Place apartment for several weeks be¬ fore returning to the Coast. Maggi McNellis (Mrs. . Clyde Newhouse) hostessing the Western - Gala for city slickers at the Wal- ;j dorf-Astoria following the preem of David Merrick’s western legit musical, "Destry Rides Again,” opening April 25 at the Imperial for benefit of Guideposts For (re¬ tarded) Children Inc. Elinor. Green, managing editor of The Playbill, official program for Broadway legit theatres, resigned effective last week to become ad- j vertising and promotion director for the related publishing firms: Putnam, Cowar d-McCann and John Daly. Her successor hasn’t been selected, but in the meantime Playbill publisher Gilman Kraft will double as m.e. San Francisco By William Steif (EVergreen 6-9201) Frisco Opera signed Italy’s Ar¬ turo Basile to conduct for 1959 sea¬ son. - World preem of “This Earth Is Mine” set for Frisco in latter part of June. Danny Kaye caught sneak of his new-Red Nichols film before going on at the Curran. The weekly Argqnaut, once the West’s literary giant with such writers as Ambrose Bierce' and Will Irwin, appears to have folded —no'issue since November. Lambert, Hendicks & Ross signed to kick off Monterey Jazz Festival Oct. 2. Fest General Man¬ ager Jimmy Lyons asked Jon Hen¬ dricks to turn out special lyrics to introduce acts. David Rose closed deal with. Rob¬ ert Rothafel for presentation of Stephen and Libby McNeil’s “San Francisco, My Enchanted City” on Roxy stage this summer, with pos¬ sible tv spectacular as a followup. Thespian Theatrical Club held its 27th anni dinner, with vaude acts including Marie Delmore Burke, Allen Sisters, June and Benton Wigney, Dale and Cone, Mardelle May. Leota Hopson, Ruth Fulle, Mary Grace Contini, Ilamay Handel and La Carinencita. Tokyo By Dave Jampel (Press Club , 27-0161) Danny Kaye starrer for Panama- Frank and Columbia release, “The Bamboo Kid,” now pushed back to April for Hong Kong and Japan locationing. Takarazuka Girls’ Troupe \ looks certain for U.S. tour this summer under pact with New York attorney Albert B. Gins and William Morris office. Other Japanese troupes reluctant to follow fearing conflict and saturation of interest. Pianist Joel Rosen due for two- week concert tour that wili include Tokyo, Yokohama, Osaka, Kyoto, Kobe and Nagoya. Tour is backed by Music Assistance Program jointly supported by Martha Baird and Rockefeller Foundation. As proof positive of baseball’s popularity in Nippon, Toho is mak¬ ing biofilm ot 20-year-old Kazuhisa Inao, Nishetetsu Lions pitcher who hurled team to the pennant last season and then won last four games after his team was three games behind in Japanese “World Series.” Filnf is expected to be released before baseball season opens April 11. Vienna State Opera due in early April for 10 performances includ¬ ing expected appearances at Osaka fest. Vienna Barylli Quartet also expected between April and May for 12 performances with Vienna Boys Choir returning between March and May for another 20 concerts. Vienna Philharmonic, under Herbert von Karajan, ex¬ pected this fall in course of global tour. Australia By Eric Gorrick * (.Film House, Sydney) Lee Gordon booked Tommy Steele for a runaround on his Sta¬ dium loop, starting March 15. “Cat on Hot Tin Roof” (M-G) is a smash at St. Jame’s. Sydney. Bob Dexter resigned from Hoyts’ Loop publicity after five years. “Night to Remember” (Rank) looks like another British down- beater here. Paramount will splash release “10 Commandments” throughout New Zealand next month. Tony Morris, formerly attached to the British distribution field, is look-seeing here on tele selling mission. . Australian Performing Rights Assn, will sue all those exhibitors who refuse to become APRA sub¬ scribers. Tele debuts in Perth next August and exhibitors are setting their house in order to meet this new (for here) b.o. threat. “My Fair Lady” terrific click for J. C. Williamson Ltd. at Her Majesty’s, Melbourne, with Bunty Turner and Robin Bailey starred. Ernest Borgnine doing a p.a. at Hoyts’ Regent, Sydney, for “The Vikings” (UA). Star is here for top role in “Summer of 17th Doll.” R. M. Odgers, general manager Rank Overseas Distributors Pty. Ltd., planes here for loolc-see. Rank product is handled here by British .Empire Films. By Robert F. Hawkins . (Stampa Estera; 675906) Ten Italian pic companies failed during January. Walter Chiari, back from Aus¬ tralia, may alternate film with tele work. Piero Francisci sailed to U.S. to witness openings of “Hercules,” pic he directed here. Vittorio DeSica set for role in “The Moralist,” opposite Alberto Sordl and Sylvia Lopez. Alida Valli off for Paris and role in “The Eyes Without a Face,” Lux-Champs Elysees production. Isabelle Corey to Mar del Plata for film fest there, where two of her recent pix are being screened. Grock, world famed clown, in¬ terrupts retirement this month for brief appearance on an.Italian tele show. In-and-out-of-Rome: Kay Har¬ rison, Dana Wynter, Earl Black- well, Rene Clair, Guy Elmes, Lacy Kastner, Curd Jurgens and wife. Goffredo Lombardo to Paris; ditto Franco. Cristaldi, Pietro Germi, to set stars^for Titanus’ “I Magliari” and “II Pasticeiaccio Brutto.” Giulietta Masina to Berlin for first of several non-Italian roles in “My Love for You,” based on the Hermann Sudermann Lithuan¬ ian legend. By Lary Solloway (1755 Calais Dr.rUNion 5-5389) Joe E. Lewis and Eartha Kitt re¬ turn to Eden Roc’s Pompeii on March 27. Donald O’Connor opened at the Font’s LaRonde last night (17) for a two-weeker, with Johnny Mathis skedded to follow’. George DeWitt, first stateside performer to topline a Havana cafe-casino since Castro takeover, at the Capri for a fourday deal. Americana closing out long run revue, “A Rag, A Bone and A Pony Tail,” on March 27 with Jack Car¬ ter first to resume featured acts- policy in Bal Masque. * Nat Hiken and attorney Art Hershkowitz at Thunderbird while here on huddles with Joe E. Lewis and Frank Sinatra anent appear¬ ances on next fall’s (“Man Of Hour”), Friars Club tv series. Eden Roc prexy Harry Mufson tossed big post-closing show party for Sammy Davis, with Joe E. Lewis and Milton Berle plus Dag- mar and Jerry Lester up onstage to praise-speech and clown with the departing topliner. Paris By Gene Moskowitz (28 Rue Huchette; Odeon 4944) Yves Montand and Dalida win¬ ning The Bravo Awards as the pop singers of the year. More than 330,000 copies of Boris Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago” have been sold. Mylene Demongeot goes to Lon¬ don to star in. a L Arthur Rank pic, “Upstairs and Downstairs.” Marcel Achard adapted the Yank musical “Wonderful Towm” for staging next season with Colette Renard. Ingrid Bergman will star in the legit version of “Separate Tables” next season with husband Lars Schmidt producing. Robert Aidrich may"produce and direct his next pic, “The Catalyst,” in October here, with William Holden, Martine Carol and Ava Gardner starring., Edmond Greville remakes “The Hands of Orlac,” an old German silent horror pic which was also done in Hollywood as a talky with Peter Lorre. Latter was called “Mad Love.” Show biz folks getting special Paris medals for outstanding con¬ tributions this year are dancer Ludmilla. Tcherina, comedian Jean Rigaux, actors Annie Girardot. Madeleine Robinson, singers Andre Dassary and Charles Trenet. Athens By Irene Velissariou (44 Tinou Str. Tel 814348) Doh Marino Barreto creh at the Mocambo. Huanito Reyes Revue and San Diego ballet at the Copaeabana. “10 Commandments” (Par) play¬ ing here at three first-runs day- date. Nina Franca and Spanish Eallet of the Sevillianes at the Mon¬ seigneur. Eddy Constantin due here for three appearances at an Athens nightclub. Cerney Dancers at the Argentina as topper of' bill of Other foreign talent floor Show. The Comedie Francaise Group did. solid biz at Kotopouli Theatre presenting Gallic Classics. Xavier Cugat and his prch ex¬ pected here this month ta appear at the Karystinos nightclub. German pianist Klaus Schilde performed as soloist wltn the Athens State Orch at the Orpheaus. American pianist Frank Glander due here soon to participate as soloist with the Athens Sta^e Orch a* the Orpheus. She wi’l also give recitals in Salonica and Volos. By Jerry Gaghan | (319 N. 18 th St., Locust 4-4848) Sam Silber of the Embassy, is augmenting his live entertainment with a hi-fi system. Dot Langdon will be at the Connie Mack Stadium console for the seventh straight season. Former bandleader Harry Dobbs has opened new booking and coach¬ ing offices in the-Fuller Bldg. Ludy Van Love, cleffer and orchestra leader, directing the entertainment .at Zaberer's, Wild¬ wood. Phil Guber, co-owner of Big Bill’s makes his debut as a song¬ writer with the Dialtones’ “Ring- a-Ding.” Welcome House, a national adoptive agency, sponsoring a pre¬ view benefit (April 11) pf “Gypsy,” Ethel Merman tuner, at the Shu- bert. Theatre. The Philadelphia Orchestra will present the world preem of the “Symphonic Poem after Decartes,” by Jon Vincent, professor of music at the University of Cali¬ fornia. Donald L. Engle resigns as man* ager of the Philadelphia Orches¬ tra (June 30) to work as musical advisor for the Mrs. Martha Bay¬ ard Rockefeller Foundation, in New York. By Hal V. Cohen (Atlantic 1-6100) Ben Steerman, of SW Theatres, and his wife home from Florida vacation. Copa bandleader Allan Shine and his wife celebrated 10th wed¬ ding anni. Danny and Bruno Sartorio took over Foxhead tavern and re-named it Dante’s. Angeleo Gatto directing Glen- shaw Players in “Gentlemen Pre¬ fer Blondes.” Bill Cleaver quitting the Web¬ ster Hall Hotel staff to manage the Press Club. Rufus Blair was in town over weekend drum-beating Bob Hope’s “Alias. Jesse James.” Almost 50 reservations from Tent No, 1 for. Variety Club con¬ vention in Las Vegas. Local dancer Mel Davidson signed for new David Merrick mu¬ sical, “Destry Rides Again.” Dave Crantz picked by Clay Flagg and Carl Low to p.a. their White Barn Theatre this summer. Eileen O’Dare had to miss sev¬ eral Olsen-Johnson shows at New Arena when she banged up a limb. Lou Starr putting together a line of girls here for Jimmy Durante’s Twin Coaches booking next month. Mexico City By Emil Zubryn (Taxco 2-40) Katyna Ranieri, who made a hit here as a singer, soon to be launched in a film career by the Calderon Brothers. Maria Felix, Mexico’s top female star, said to be considering a Hol¬ lywood offer, and now receiving private English lessons. Show biz circles pondering the renaming of “Room Service,” slated to appear here as “El Ca- ballo Blanco” <Tne White Horse). Virginia Manzano has completed dubbing Voice of Silvana Pam- panini in film “Thirst for Love” -which Italian actress made in Mexico. Italian . actress Lucia Bose and bullfighter nusband Luis Miguel Dominguin expected here in May to produce a picture in Mexico’s studios. Dominguin has appeared in Several Spanish films. Silvana Pampanini forsaking Mexico to complete a Havana tele date as well as a film in Italy later this year. She is expected back here in September to do a second film for producer Jesus Sotomayer. Istanbul By Goksel Kortay French cellist,’ Bernard Michelin, due in shortly. Japanese chirp, Peggy Hayama, in for series of jazz concerts. San Francisco Ballet smash hit at the Atlas, will stay for an encore week. Next legit production at Dram will be “20 Angry Men,” staged by Mufit Kiper. Longhair fiddler Ayla Erduran and pianist Yuksel Koptagel did capacity at the San. Commanders Orch played Izmir, Adana, Karamursel and Ankara, now in Istanbul for concerts. State Theatre’s production of “King Lear” in from Ankara with Cuneyt Gokcer and Gulgun Kutlu in leads. Two French award-winning pix, “Les Nuits Blanches” and “Nous Sommes Tous des Assassins” doing good biz. Jean Marchat, Renee Fatire and Jean Weber of Comedie-Francaise off to Ankara after 16 SRO per¬ formances here. . Scotland By Gordon Irving (Glasgow: BEArsden 5566) “FoI-de-RoIs” unit playing to solid biz at King’s Theatre, Glas¬ gow. Stewart Cruikshank. How r ard & Wyndham topper, vacationing at St. Moritz, Switzerland. Paul Rogers "set to play Lyceum Theatre, Edinburgh, in new Fred¬ erick Knott play, “Mr. Fox of Venice.” Knott is author of “Dial M for Murder.” Kathleen Harrison and A. E. Matthews' teamed in new comedy, “How Say You,” by Harold Brooke and Kay Bannerman, given world preem at Lyceum, Edinburgh. By Hank Werba (Grat Sanjurjo 24; Tel 344865) Finlay Currie in ro play King David in. Edward Small’s “Solomon and Sheba.” Theatre of Humor scheduling “Charley’s Aunt” after a popular revival of. “Don Mendo’s Ven¬ geance.” . Flamenco artist Rafael Farina heads vaudery show at Fuencar- ral backed by the Bernal Broth¬ ers and Los Chimberos. . Variety vet in Portugal, Luigi Garyo, signed for feature spot in Leon Klimovski’s “Assault to Glory,” now filming at CEA Stu¬ dios. NBC sportscaster Mel Allen will 16m the 1958 World Series and the 1959 Rose Bowl Game at U.S. Air Force installations here under De¬ fense Department auspices. Other productions at CEA in¬ clude Rafael Gil’s “House of Troy,” Jesus Franco’s “We’re Eighteen,” Clemente Pamplona’s “Don Josfe, Pepe and Pepito” and Rafael Salvia’s “Born for Musie. ’ Hollywood Ruth Levy new public relations director at KFWB. Dan Melnick in from Gotham for ABC-TV huddles, j Ron Buck joined Julian Lesser Productions as associate. Marshall Skoll joined Bob Rai¬ son Agency as associate. Irwin R. Franklyn ankled Judd Bernard flackery to set up own office. J. P. Miller to London to discuss preem of his play, “Madonna and Child.” Arthur Freed heads for month’s holiday with his family in Europe late in April. Joan Woodbury will conduct Salt Lake City Philharmonic Friday <20) in special Eastern Star bene¬ fit i Robert Carr, previously with Wait Disney, joined Hanna and Barbera Productions’ animation dept. Frances Langford plaqued by L. A. City Council for her enter¬ tainment activities during the last : world war. | Spencer Tracy and Fred Kohl- mar skied for Martinique to scout [locations for Columbia’s “Devil at 14 O’clock.” [ Andy Potter named coast me.n- ■ ber of National Stereophonic Ra- dio Committee of Electronics In¬ dustries Assn. [ James Stewart flew to Westover I Field, Mass., with production crew to film special tv documentary on Strategic Air Command. ; Emmett P. “Bud” Ward resigned ! as plant manager 2fler 25 years j with Universal Studios to handle ! his own personnel management- i labor relations firm. ] Jack L. Warner joins Samuel ! Goldwyn as honorary co-chairman j of the United Jewish Welfare Fund l Campaign's amusement d ; vision. I Both have served in posts for past ! several years. Chicago (Delaware 7-4984) j “Some Like It Hot” world ; preems at the United Artists to- j morrow (Thurs.). ) Maurice Turet in ahead of “Dark | At Top of the Stairs,” opening at Erlanger April 6. Meg Mundy starring in “The Rainmaker” at Fred Miller Thea¬ tre, Milwaukee, next Monday (23) to April 4. Bernie Baker, active in indus¬ trials and legit here, moved to De¬ troit as an associate producer for Jam Handy. Chi Cinerama Corp. has incepted “Golden Age Club’’ here, giving ticket benefits to patrons over 65 who are members. Dave Hal per, Chez Paree boni- face, in Miami Beach on dicker with comic Jerry Lewis over sale of a piece of the club. “Fun Time,” Jules Pfeiffer’s vaude layout with Jack E. Leonard and Basil Rathbone, opens two- week run at Studebaker March 30.’ Pain Springs By A. P. Scully (FA 4-1828) “Gigi” held over at Plaza. Lolly Parsons was queen of the Golden Nugget ball. The Chicanos booked in Desi Arnaz’ Western Hills. Larry K. Nixon fijled in last days cf ailing Dennis Day’s book¬ ing at Chi Chi. City kayoed Gene Fullmer-Franz Szuzina fight for Circus week when backers wouldn’t cut town fathers in for 10%. Stephen Longstreet plugging his Picasso biog “The Burning Man” and singing the blues because- peo¬ ple aren’t reading as they, used to. More than 2.000 “scribes” showed up at press preview of Bermuda Dunes, which is nearer Bermuda than it is Palm Springs. Desi Arnaz and Fernando Lamas were among the word-wranglers. So were Pamela Britton, Bill Gar- gan, Virginia Field, Willard Parker and Lillian Roth. Minneapolis By Bob Rees (4009 Xerxes Are.; So. 6-6955) Freddie’s has Teddy Wilson and his trio. Sarah Vaughan back at Key Club on return date. Songstress Virginia Sellers into Hotel Radisson Flame Room. Rochester, Minn., Civic Theatre presented “Tea and Sympathy.” “Fresh Fields’’~in second week at Edyth Bush Little Theatre. Suburban Roseville Little Thea¬ tre Players set “Tender Trap,” for April 10-12. National Ballet of Canada played to capacity first of two nights at 4,600-seat Northrop Auditorium.